Affichage de 34 résultats

Description archivistique
A.11-295 · Dossier · 1915
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Includes - 25th Anniversary of the Pallottines in Cameroon, 1915- Lectures and Memories- Press Reports Including: - The Pallottines Mission in Cameroon, Lecture by Fr. J. Massmann in Limburg, 1915- Lecture on Cameroon, without author, 1915- "Experiences in Cameroon, 1912-1916", by Karl Schneider, 1948[sic]- "A Journey to Cameroon", without author

A.11-426 · Dossier · 1911 - 1915
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains: - 25th Annual Report of the Association for Protestant Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo for 1911 (Pages for the Friends of Protestant Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo)- Fr. Karl Hoffmann, The German Language in the Cameroon Missionary Schools, in: Katholische Missionskorrespondenz, Berlin 1. Sept. 1913- A missionary anniversary in difficult times, in: Germania, Zeitung für das deutsche Volks, 26 Oct. 1915 - Article about the German elementary school and the African teachers in Cameroon, especially about Heinrich Tsala, unlabelled proof

A.11-392, 393, 394 · Dossier · 1890 – 1912
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

(original manuscript by Vieter) No. 392: vol. 1, chapters 1-15, title page unpaginated, pages with pagination stamp paginated, pp. 1-192, hardback, inside cover French-language table of contents No. 393: vol. 2, chapters 16-28, title page unpaginated, pages with pagination stamp paginated, p. 1-192, last page with statistics unbinding, bound (binding damaged), in the inside cover French-language table of contents with error in the count of the last two chapters No. 394: Earlier version of vol. 2, chapters 16 - 26, not all executed, dated, Dec. 31, 1908, 42 described pages, 40 of which with ms. Pagination, loose leaves with leaf cover; Contains Incipit: "The whole area on the west coast of Africa ...".

A.11-342 · Dossier · 1916 - 1921
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:1. information to the Reich Colonial Office, 19162. debt register claims, 19183. deliveries by the mission house Limburg, 19204. witnesses for damages, 1920, 19215. bells, 19206. damages in the French colony, 19183. Vire" prison camp, 19217 Miscellaneous, 1920-19218 SAC members as witnesses of damage to others, 1921

General information about Cameroon
A.11-293 · Dossier · 1890 - 1915, 1940 - 1967
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:1. publications by the Pallottines on Cameroon and publications by the Pallottines in indigenous languages (bibliographies)2. Agriculture (tropical vegetable growing, from a Cameroonian grower)3. Schulwesen (umfangreich)Dabei: - Schulgeschichte von Jaunde (22 Seiten), 1915; - Protokolle von Schulkonferenz und Schulausschuss Duala, 1913-1914; - Korrespondenz, 1912-19144. Linguistics6. Ethnography (pagan religion, magic)Thereby: - P. Nekes. "Über Sprache und Religion der Yaunde", popular scientific lecture 1909; - Magic figures at the Yaundes-Cameroon, photographs on cardboard, taken from U.1a-13; - notes by Fr. Franz Hennemann, Yaoundé 1911; - notes on "Ngi" by Fr. Joh. Baumann, Yaoundé 19117. mission method and pastoral care Included: - "Vademecum for Priests" by Fr. Simon Rosenhuber, translated by Fr. Nekes into the Yaoundé language, no year; - confession mirrors and confessions in Yaoundé language by Fr.

Jaunde Station
A.11-336 · Dossier · 1904 - 1921
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:- Compensation application, 1914-1921- Statistical reports, 1915-1919; Includes: Wage book of teachers, 1915- Annual reports, 1914-1915- Annual reports, 1901-1909; Includes: Deposit book of the Josefsverein, 1909- Correspondence, 1904-1908- Border regulation of the property of the Catholic Mission Jaunde, o.D.

Letters from Bf. Vieter to other persons
A.11-287 · Dossier · 1892 - 1914
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Includes letters to:- Adams, Gustav (reference only)- relatives and friends: brothers Theodor and Wilhelm, 1904-1905; Bueer family, 1905; niece Henriette, 1912- Bauhus, Theodor, art and church painter in Süchteln, 1905-1913- Jöhren, Rev. Father, 1905-1906- Confreres: P. Bancken, 1904-1905; Br. Eugen Christlieb, 1905, 1901; P. Halbing (near Bancken); P. Alojzy Majewski, 1906; P. Massmann, 1914; P. Nekes, 1906-1914; P. Päppl, 1896; P. Rieder, 1902-1914; P. Rosenhuber, 1908; P. Georg Walter, 1893; Letters from and to several confreres:- Weiskamp, Hermann, 1896-1913- Benefactors, Mission Societies, 1906-1911; In it picture postcards:to Bauhus:- View of Bonaberl from Balldorf, 1911- View of Hickory from Akwa, 1911- Duala, Port Authority, 1911- Duala, Government Hospitalan family and friends:- Interior of the St. Peter and Paulskirche in Duala (Cameroon), 1905 to confreres, Massmann:- Buildings of the Catholic mission of the Pallottines in Yaoundé (Cameroon), 1914 to confreres, Nekes:- Abbaasspiel, verbotenes Glücksspiel der Neger, for photographic purposes, depicted by Catholic Christians of the Pallottine mission in Yaunde (Cameroon), 1914- Orphans of the Catholic Church. Mission of the Pallottines to Yaoundé (Cameroon), 1914 to confreres, several:- Bellstadt (Cameroon), 1904- Koblenz, Herz-Jesu-Kirche, St. Castor-Kirche- Ravensburg, St. Jodocuskirche

A.11-286 · Dossier · 1892 - 1914
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

In it picture postcards:- Kahnpartie auf dem Kribifluss, 1907- Jasuku, secondary school of Marienberg, buildings and pupils, inhabitants and Pallottine Father, 1907- vegetable garden in Duala, 1909 June 30 - Catholic choral society in Duala (Cameroon), 1909 Aug. 10 missionaries with their pupils in Engelberg (Cameroon), 1909 Oct. 22- Cameroon chief with his ministers, 1909 Oct. 27- Der hochw. Herr Apostol. Vicar D. Heinrich Vieter with his missionaries in Jaunde (Cameroon), 1913

A.11-315 · Dossier · 1924 - 1980
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:- "Meeting between Catholicism and the African nature religion in the Yaunde region", by Abbé Frédéric Essomba-Leschner, Liturgisches Institut, Trier, 1972- Regional overview of Cameroon- Cameroon: Yaunde - Eton. On the beginnings of Christianity in Yaoundé - Cameroon, on the 10th anniversary of the mission, by Fr. Johannes Baumann, 1971- Speech by Auxiliary Bishop Jean-Baptiste Ama on the evening of December 7, 1980 at the cemetery, where Bishop Vieter is buried; invitation of Archbishop Jean Zoa of Yaunde, 3. Dec. 1980 - Letter from a former Cameroonian from Togo to Father Eugen Weber, May 23, 1966- Letter from Father Schnitzler from London about the possibilities of our former Cameroon missionaries returning to their former mission area from Nov. 24, 1924 to Father Provincial.

A.11-427 · Dossier · 1912 - 1915
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains: - Die raassenmischehen in den deutschen Kolonien, Referat von Dr. Karl Bachem, Koreferat von P. Kassiepe (1912) - Page of the Mission Committee of the Central Committee of the Catholic Assemblies of Germany; Fourth Ordinary General Assembly of the "International Institute for Missionary Research" (1915)

A.11-355 · Dossier · 1991
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Subject:- Andreasberg, Mission 1913- Dibombari, Church 1913- Douala, Cathedral- Edea, Church and boarding school- Einsiedeln, Church- Engelberg, Mission 1894- Ikassa, Mission 1906- Kribi, Church and Mission House- Myolye, Mission 1901; Including: Picture of Seminary Myolye, 1947- Ngowayang, Church and Mission House- Ossing, Mission 1900- Victoria (parish Bota à Limbé), Mission 1908

A.11-296 · Dossier · 1918
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:- For a pleasing attention to the addressees- Part 1: The missionary- - 1. the missionary- - proposal for a curriculum for the assistant teacher seminar- - proposal for a curriculum of the seminary- Part 2: the mission area and its inhabitants- - 1. the demands of the climate- - 2. the language question- - 3. the folklore- - 4. the religion of the negros- - 5. the political conditions Including also earlier version of the chapter "The religion of the negroes"- double plays

A.11-372 · Dossier · 1891 - 1913
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Includes 1st Africa Association of German Catholics, Cologne1.1. correspondence with the treasurer of the association, 1891-18931.2. correspondence especially. with Canon Karl Hespers, Cologne, 1890 - 1911; Thereby:- Statement of the Federal Foreign Office, Colonial Department on the reimbursement of import duties to the mission societies, 1904- Memorandum of the Committee of German Protestant Missions concerning the school system in the German colonies, 1904;2nd Ludwig Missions-Verein, Munich, 1893 - 19133. petitions for donations, ca. 1893

A.11-262, 263, 264, 265 · Dossier · 1904
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:No. 262: "The Cameroon Mission", two lectures by Bishop Heinrich Vieter, 2 issues, by hand Ms. von Vieter, 1904; also: "Cameroon and his mission", elaborated by Mrs. Strottkötter, PSM No. 263: "Cameroon", geography, 4 issues, by hand Ms. by Vieter, no. 264: "Lay Brothers in Cameroon" / "Wünsche, Ausbildung der Laienbrüder der Mission Kamerun", 1 booklet, by hand Ms. von Vieter, 1904; no. 265: "Kamerun-Neger", 1 booklet, Ms. von anderer Hand, no. D.

Station Einsiedeln
A.11-326 · Dossier · 1895 - 1915
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Includes compensation application, 1914-1915 Correspondence, 1895-1909; In it:- Picture of the completed construction of the Sisters' House on the Engelberg, in: "Overview of the contributions for the Pallotti Missionary Society", 1901- Suspension Bridge of Lianen over the Mungo (Cameroon), color postcard, 1904- Study Home Vallendar with double-tower facade of the parish church Vallendar, color postcard, 1912; taken:- Building plan of the Sisters' House on the Engelberg, 1895, taken from S.11-18

Writings by and about Bf. Hennemann
A.11-366 · Dossier · 1914 - 1920
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains: - Report on episcopal ordination in Duala, in: Cameroon Post 29 April 1914- "Seven years of missionary work in Cameroon. Experiences of Pallottine Bishop Franziskus Hennemann PSM, Apostolic Vicar of Cameroon", in: Zeitfragen aus der Weltmission, 1918- "Bei den'Jaunde' in Südkamerun", by Bishop Franziskus Hennemann PSM, Ap. Vicar von Kamerun, in: Illustrierte Missionsblätter, 1919, pp. 21-24- "Die Reösen Vorstellungen der heidnischen Süd-Kameruns", by Fr. Hennemann, special print from the work: Ehrengabe deutscher Wissenschaft, presented by Catholic scholars, ed. by Franz Feßler, Freiburg 1920, 12 pages, rec. in: Zeitschrift für Eingeborenensprachen, 1919/20, p. 316;Thereby: Corrected printed manuscript by Hennemann, as well as a handwritten note on the religious ideas of the Bantu tribes of South Cameroon (Ms)
