Showing 27 results

Archival description
A.11-392, 393, 394 · File · 1890 – 1912
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

(original manuscript by Vieter) No. 392: vol. 1, chapters 1-15, title page unpaginated, pages with pagination stamp paginated, pp. 1-192, hardback, inside cover French-language table of contents No. 393: vol. 2, chapters 16-28, title page unpaginated, pages with pagination stamp paginated, p. 1-192, last page with statistics unbinding, bound (binding damaged), in the inside cover French-language table of contents with error in the count of the last two chapters No. 394: Earlier version of vol. 2, chapters 16 - 26, not all executed, dated, Dec. 31, 1908, 42 described pages, 40 of which with ms. Pagination, loose leaves with leaf cover; Contains Incipit: "The whole area on the west coast of Africa ...".

A.11-359 · File · 1916 - 1917
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Enthält:(a) "Verhalten der englischen und der unter englischem Oberbefehl stehenden französischen Truppen gegen die weiße Bevölkerung der deutschen Schutzgebiete Kamerun und Togo", hg. v. Reichskolonialamt, Berlin 1916(b) "Die Kolonialdeutschen aus Kamerun und Togo in französischer Gefangenschaft", hg. v. Reichskolonialamt, Berlin 1917(c) "Der Krieg in den deutschen Schutzgebieten", Mitteilung 6, 8, 10 Teil A, Sonderdrucke aus dem "Deutschen Kolonialblatt", 1916-1917; Darin auch: - Karten zu den Kriegshandlungen in Kamerun, eingebunden und separat

A.11-405 · File · 1886 - 1933
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains: - General, 1886-1914; Extracts from reports of the imperial governor, 1890-1911; Customs Regulations, 1913; Abduction of natives for plantation work, 1913; Notifications of the death of Bf. Vieter, 1914- Antisklaverei- und Ehegesetzgebung, with statements by P. Rieder, 1898-1904 - Buli Uprising and Compensation of the Order for the Destruction of the Kribi Station, 1899-1902- Police Affairs in Edea, Correspondence of P. Rieder mit dem Bezirksamt Edea, 1901-1906 - Schulsachen, 1910-1911- Compensation of the Order for land expropriation in Duala for the purpose of building the Mittelbahn, 1911-1914 - Mischlingsfrage, 1912-1914- Continuation of the compensation case Duala, 1932-1933; Withdrawn: Buli Uprising Press Kit, taken from A.11-406

D.1-8 · File · 1916 - 1919
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Includes:1. personnel notifications and travel home affairs, 1916-19192. cash payments of the Csl. Gouvernements, 1917-19193; brothers with the protection troops, 1916-1919; concerning: Gleissner, Jünger, Hermann (?), Rothkegel, Siegberg, Wöhrmann4, monetary claims of the Ksl. Gouvernements, 1917.19195. inquiries and other communications of the Gouvernement, 1916-1918.

Station Duala
A.11-322 · File · 1913 - 1914
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains -:Inventory of the Station Duala, No. 1-92, 3 booklets, income and expenditure book of the tailoring, 1 booklet, 1913-1914- income and expenditure book of the shoemaking, 1 booklet, 1913-1914
