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Archival description
302 NL Bach, C.
Universitätsarchiv Chemnitz, 302 · Fonds · 1838-2007
Part of Chemnitz University of Technology

1st administrative history/biography: Carl Bach was born on 08.03.1847 in Stollberg in the Erzgebirge mountains as the son of the saddler master and carriage builder Heinrich Julius Bach. After attending primary school and private school in Stollberg, he completed an apprenticeship as a locksmith. In the years 1863 and 1864 he worked in the steam engine construction of the company R. Hartmann in Chemnitz. During this time he learned English in addition to his work. Then he was first a pupil of the Gewerbschule, later of the Werkmeisterschule, where he graduated at Easter 1866 with the overall grade 1 and the silver medal, which was only awarded in one copy. This year he took part in planning work for the Chemnitz water pipeline under the direction of Prof. Kankelwitz. After the following studies at the Polytechnikum Dresden he followed Prof. Kankelwitz as assistant for the years 1868 to 1872 to Stuttgart. After this time Bach studied again, this time with Grashof at the TH Karlsruhe, where he earned his diploma in 1873. In the following five years he worked as an engineer in Wollwich, London and Vienna, finally becoming director of Lausitzer Maschinenfabrik AG in Bautzen. He was elected to the Zittau Chamber of Commerce in 1877 and married in the same year. On 01 October 1878, Bach was appointed full professor of mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart, where he established the Materials Testing Institute in 1884 and the Engineering Laboratory eleven years later. From 1885 to 1888 he was rector of the TH Stuttgart. One year later, on 20 June 1889, Bach was awarded the silver commemorative medal by the King of Württemberg on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the government. In February 1892 he received the Knight's Cross and on 25 November 1895 the Honorary Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown, connected with the nobility of persons. He was also awarded the title of "Construction Director". Already in 1883 Carl Bach was appointed to the Federal Polytechnic in Zurich, in 1895 to the Technical University in Berlin and in 1902 unofficially to the Technical University in Vienna. However, he did not follow any of these calls. On 22 March 1911 he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the 2nd Class of the Albrecht Order by King Friedrich August of Saxony, in 1914 the title "Staatsrat", in February 1916 he was awarded the Wilhelmskreuz by the King of Württemberg, in February 1918 the Commander's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown. Also this year Bach was the first technician in Württemberg to receive the title "Excellence". From 1912 to 1918 Carl von Bach was a member of the 1st Chamber of the Württemberg State Parliament for the TH Stuttgart. On his 70th birthday, 1917, he became an honorary citizen of his hometown Stollberg and on his 80th birthday an honorary citizen of Stuttgart. In 1920 the senate of the TH Stuttgart had him paint for the senate hall. Two years later Bach was emeritus. In 1926 Bach was painted again, this time for the conference hall of the VDI in Berlin. Carl von Bach died in Stuttgart on 10 October 1931. He holds honorary doctorates from the TH Berlin (1903), the University of Tübingen (1927), the TH Vienna (1927), and the TH Stuttgart (1927). In close cooperation and lively exchange of ideas with renowned entrepreneurs and inventors such as Robert Bosch, Paul Daimler, Rudolf Diesel, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin and many others, Bach succeeded in bridging the gap in mechanical engineering between practitioners such as Redtenbacher (Karlsruhe) and theorists such as Reuleaux (Berlin) by purposefully combining theory and practice through experimental research in mechanical engineering and civil engineering. In order to secure the scientific basis, Bach successfully established two research institutes, the Materials Testing Institute 1884, of which he was director until 1922, and the Engineering Laboratory 1895. On his initiative, the first chair for aeronautics and automotive engineering was established in Germany in 1925, together with the associated laboratory. Based on his work, Bach is regarded as the founder of static elasticity and strength theory. Both from his own experience and from his work in business circles and technical associations, Bach was aware that the rapid development of German industry required a fundamental reform of engineering education. He demanded a "workshop practice" of at least one year. Bach considered solid practical experience supplemented by thorough, comprehensive training in natural science and technical subjects, but also the teaching of humanities disciplines, the "humanisation of technical universities", to be absolutely essential for the engineer of the future. His educational policy intentions, which he realized in his more than 40 years of work at the Technical University of Stuttgart, he achieved above all through the Association of German Engineers. The appreciation of Bach as a teacher and scholar is expressed not only by his appointments to other universities, but also by the orders and honours of crowned heads and associations of a technical, scientific and socio-political nature, as well as the magnificent letter of thanks from the students of the TH Stuttgart. 2nd inventory description: Carl von Bach (1847-1931) was one of the most important German technical scientists of his time. In the field of mechanical engineering and material testing he did pioneering work, which is the basis for today's problems and solutions. The estate of Carl von Bach comprises a total of about 40 running metres. Archive material. However, this material does not only contain the scientific legacy of Bach, but much more: in addition to the scientific works - almost all manuscripts of his major works are available in various editions - an extensive part of his private legacy is also preserved. In addition, the University Archives also contain the estate of his son Julius Bach. He was bequeathed in his will the entire legacy of his father's writings, which he finally bequeathed to the then Technical University of Karl-Marx-Stadt alongside his own. Particularly valuable in the estate of Carl von Bach, if one can even pick out a subgroup, is the traditional business correspondence. On approx. 50,000 sheets, both the correspondence received and the correspondence sent out over the period from 1876 to 1931 are almost completely handed down. Because of Bach's focus on work and research, the theory of strength and elasticity, of which he was a co-founder, he came into contact with various representatives from science and industry. Moreover, Bach was a very socially committed person, which is also reflected in this correspondence. However, the preservation of the tradition is endangered. In particular, the copial books with the outgoing correspondence will only be released for use in exceptional cases. The degree of preservation of the writing material is particularly problematic here. As a rule, the deceased did not use commercially available ink, but mixed it himself in varying compositions, some of which faded very strongly. In addition, the transparent paper of the books is only of little stability. For this reason, the business correspondence in the Bach estate was completely filmed and digitized. Selected documents are recorded on colour film and are available as negatives and positives. The Subdivision of the Estate Carl von Bach's estate is divided into six sections in its provisionally final stage of indexing: I. Biographical material This group includes personal documents, testimonies of his educational and professional career, documents about his military service, honours, vocations, anniversaries and autobiographical records. II. private correspondence This is arranged chronologically according to the members of the family and within them. Of these, the correspondence with his son Julius is the most extensive and certainly also the most interesting, since it contains the discussions of various technical problems that were conducted between the two scientists. III. business correspondence This cannot claim to be complete, but the extent of the overdelivery is impressive. Particularly remarkable is the tradition of the outgoing mail, which is recorded in a total of 35 copial books on approx. 35000 sheets. They cover the period from 1876 to 1903 and from 1909 to his death in 1931. Within these copies the letters are arranged chronologically and for almost each of these books there is a register of names of the addressees, which has been made by the deceased. However, the Kopialbücher also contain copies of incoming letters and various concepts, orders, etc., which Bach probably regarded as particularly important. Also the mail archived in this group is quite remarkable with 18 000 sheets. In total, there are about 2500 correspondents in the group of business correspondence. With regard to the two sections on private and business correspondence, it should be noted that correspondence can also be found outside these sections, in the fact files. IV. Business papers Here you will find the manuscripts of his countless publications, statements and expert opinions on the fields of science covered by Bach, as well as extensive material collections on these questions. His work on material testing, the durability of steam boilers and riveted joints, etc. can be particularly well understood here. Bach himself created firm portfolios in which he collected all possible processes into one subject and then labeled them accordingly. This state of order and distortion was largely adopted during the earlier processing of the estate, without verifying the content in detail. This situation was resolved in 2007. The order by subject has been maintained, but the folders have been repackaged and the file titles have been supplemented with extensive "Contains" notes to facilitate access to this material. In addition, papers from the estate of Julius Bach were added to this section, but these clearly have their origin in Carl Bach. V. Material Collections Various types of material have been summarized here. This concerns e.g. his membership cards, orders, promotional gifts, material samples or also different photos. Sections 4 and 5 have not been rearranged, but have been taken over from the original legator. VI. Non-provenance material Here is the material about the legator that was later added to the estate, such as obituaries or copies of and about Bach from other archives. In the revision of the estate, further material on Carl Bach was added. Of particular note here are the numerous photos of the Carl Bach family, which were made available in digital form for the collection. The inventory signature is the number 302, followed by an indication in Roman numerals and the individually numbered file units (in Arabic numerals). The Roman numerals indicate the six different groups. Example: 302 / III / 0123 Carl von Bach estate estate / business correspondence / foreign correspondence America: Argentina, Chile, Canada, USA Inventory processing The Carl von Bach estate has not yet been finally catalogued. At the beginning of the processing in the 80s a file was created, which was the basis for the input into the database at the end of the 90s. The data was transferred unchanged. A new classification was developed for the estate, according to which the entered units of registration are arranged. New file titles have been created in the Biographical Material, Private and Business Correspondence sections. In 2007, sections IV to VI were finally developed in greater depth. Although most of the titles of the files in the business papers and material collections were originally taken over by the testator, they were supplemented with extensive remarks. The present finding aid book thus represents the most recent state of processing for the time being. Digitisation The correspondence in the estate has been completely filmed and digitised from the film. Due to the state of preservation, the originals are no longer released for use. A high quality silver halide film has been used to secure the existence of the company. As a rule, this part of the estate is used via the electronic data on the PC. The designation of the CD-ROM corresponds to that of the file unit. During scanning, the individual sheets were numbered consecutively. The first part of the file name, however, reflects the file unit. However, the file numbers do not match the page number. 3. state of indexing/scope: indexed; find book, database, digitised material; scope: 40.75 running metres.

Groener, Wilhelm (inventory)
BArch, N 46 · Fonds · 1867-1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Lieutenant General, Reichsminister Karl Eduard Wilhelm Groener Life data 22.11.1867 born in Ludwigsburg (Württemberg) 03.05.1939 died in Bornstedt near Potsdam Development 22.11.1884 as a flag squire in the 3rd Württemberg Infantry Regiment No. 121 joined Ludwigsburg 01.04.1890 Battalion adjutant 01.10.1993-July 1896 Commanded to Kriegsakademie 01.04.1897-01.04.1899 Commanded to Großen Generalstab 25.03.1899 Transferred to Großen Generalstab 12.09.1902 Company commander in infantry regiment no. 98 transferred 01.10.1904 to the Great General Staff transferred 01.07.-11.09.1907 to the General Command VII Army Corps commanded 18.04.1908 to the spring voyage of the deep-sea fleet commanded 10.09.1908 with effect from 01.10.1908 to the General Staff of the XIII Army Corps transferred 18.10.1910 as battalion commander in the 7th Württemberg Infantry Regiment No. 125 transferred 13.09.1911 with effect from 01.10.1911 to the Great General Staff commanded 01.10.1912 appointed head of department in the Great General Staff 03.08.1914 chief of the field railway 26.05.1916, leaving his position as chief of the field railways for use at the War Food Office, 01.11.1916 appointed chief of the War Office at the War Ministry and appointed representative of the Prussian War Minister 09.11.1916 appointed Deputy Plenipotentiary of Prussia in the Federal Council 16.08.1917 appointed Commander of the 33rd Infantry Division 20.12.1917 appointed Leader of the XXV Reserve Corps 25.02.1918 appointed Leader of the 1st Army Corps 28.03.1918 appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Army Group Eichhorn - from 08. 08. 1917 appointed Commander of the 33rd Infantry Division 20.12.1917 appointed Leader of the XXV Reserve Corps 25.02.1918 appointed Leader of the 1st Army Corps 28.03.1918 appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Army Group Eichhorn - from 08. 08. 1918 appointed Commander of the 33rd Infantry Division08.1918 Army Group Kiev appointed 15.07.1919 appointed Commander of the Kolberg Command Post 30.09.1919 Approval of his farewell request 25.07.1920-12.08.1923 Reich Minister of Transport 19.01.1928 Reich Minister of Defence 08.10.1931 Reich Minister of the Interior 30.05.1932 Resignation from both offices Promotions 08.08.1885 Ensign 09.09.1886 Lieutenant 18.09.1893 Lieutenant Colonel 25.03.1899 Captain 27.01.1906 Major 01.10.1912 Lieutenant Colonel 05.09.1914 Colonel 26.06.1915 Major General 01.11.1916 Lieutenant General 29.10.1918 I. General Quartermaster Orders and Decorations 01.09.1900 Royal Prussia. Red Eagle Order 4th Class 11.05.1905 Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Royal Württembg. Friedrichs-Order 11.09.1907 Prussia. Crown Order 3rd Class 28.02.1908 Royal Bayer. Order of Military Merit 4th class with crown 09.03.1908 Officer's Cross of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. French Joseoh Order 17.09.1909 Crown to the Royal Prussia. Red Eagle Order 4th Class and Knight's Cross of the Order of the Württembg Crown 13.09.1912 Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Royal Saxon. Albrechts Order with Crown 19.07.1913 Royal Prussia. Red Eagle Order 3rd Class 29.04.1914 Cross of Honor of the Order of the Württembg Crown 17.10.1914 K.u.K. Austrian-Hungarian. Iron Crown 2nd Class 16.11.1914 Iron Cross 2nd Class 05.12.1914 Officer's Cross of the Royal Bavarian. Military Order of Merit with Swords 07.12.1914 Officer Cross of the Royal Württembg. Military Order of Merit with Swords 17.12.1914 Iron Cross 1. Class 29.12.1914 k.u.K. Austrian-Hungarian. Military Cross of Merit 3rd Class with war decoration 14.05.1915 Knight's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with Swords 29.06.1915 Knight's Cross of the Royal and Royal Austro-Hungarian Empire. Leopold Order with War Decoration 11.09.1915 Order pour le mérite 15.12.1915 Commander's Cross 2nd Class of the Royal Saxon. Albrechts-Ordens mit Schwertern 21.01.1916 Großoffizierkreuz des Kgl. Bulgar. militär-Verdienstorden mit Schwertern 10.04.1916 Komturkreuz 1. Klasse des Großhzgl. Bad. Order of the Zähringer Lion with Swords 23.08.1916 Commander Cross of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Franz Joseph-Ordens 27.10.1916 Bremer Hanseatenkreuz 08.11.1916 Hamburg Hanseatenkreuz 05.01.1917 Commturkreuz des Kgl. Bayer. Militär-Max Joseph-Ordens 22.03.1917 Cross of Merit for War Aid 07.06.1917 K.u.K. Österr.-Ungar. Iron Crown 1st Class with War Decoration 02.08.1917 Commander Cross of the Royal Württembg. Friedrichs-Order with Swords 16.08.1917 Royal Prussia. Red Eagle Order 2nd Class with Crown and Swords 31.08.1917 Cross of Honour 1st Class of the Princel. Hohenzollern House Order with Swords 15.06.1918 Star to the Royal Prussia. Red Eagle Order 2nd Class with Crown and Swords 27.06.1918 Grand Cross of the Royal Württembg. Friedrichs-Orden with Crown and Swords Description of the Collection: The collection includes, among others..: Memoirs 1867-1919; personal war diary, e.g. as chief of the field railways (1914-1916), chief of the war office (1916-1917); as First Quartermaster General (1918-1919); correspondence with Ebert and Hindenburg, among others; manuscripts mainly on the First World War, e.g. on the Schlieffen Plan and on field railways; material collections mainly of a war-historical and war-economical nature; political documents as Reich Minister of Transport (1920-1923), Reich Minister of the Armed Forces (1928-1932) and acting Reich Minister of the Interior (1931-1932). Further parts of the estate can be found in the Main State Archives in Stuttgart and in private hands. References to other stocks PH 3 Großer Generalstab RH 26-33 33. infantry division R 4101 Reichseisenbahnamt R 1501 Reich Ministry of the Interior R 5 Reich Ministry of Transport [online finding aids] Citation method: BArch, N 46/...

Groener, Wilhelm
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 · Fonds · (1861-1864), 1867-1925, (1926) und o. J.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. biography: Karl Joseph Wilhelm Florestan Gero Crescentius Prince of Urach Count of Württemberg was born on 15 February 1865 in Ulm as the younger son of Wilhelm (I.) Duke of Urach and Florestine Duchess of Urach née Princess of Monaco (1); the prince attended the primary school and the Jesuit grammar school in Monaco (2) together with his older brother Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach. In 1877 he moved to the Jesuit educational institution of Our Lady Stella matutina in Feldkirch. After a further change of school in 1881, he graduated from the Karlsgymnasium in Stuttgart in 1883 and studied for two semesters at the University of Munich (3) from 1883 to 1884. There he attended lectures in metaphysics and history of Greek philosophy with the professor of philosophy and later Bavarian Prime Minister and German Chancellor Georg Graf von Hertling (1843-1919) as well as lectures in political science with the journalist and writer Professor Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl (1823-1897). 1883 he was appointed second lieutenant à la suite of the Ulan regiment King Karl (1st Württ.) No. 19 (4). In April 1886 Prince Karl entered the active service of this regiment, but had to leave the active service due to illness. In March 1887, the prince retired as an officer à la suite from the active service of the regiment. In the following years the prince was granted the usual promotions for a member of the House of Württemberg under the position à la suite of the regiment: in 1887 he was appointed prime lieutenant, in 1891 cavalry master, in 1899 cavalry major and in 1906 lieutenant colonel. From 1884, Karl Fürst von Urach travelled extensively (5): from 1884 to 1886 he travelled South America, visiting the Cordilleras and studying the Indian tribes on the upper reaches of the Amazon (6). He later handed over the ethnological collection he acquired during his journey to the Linden Museum in Stuttgart. Also in the time after 1887 he often stayed in Italy, Greece, in the Balkans, in Egypt, where he owned real estate in Heliopolis near Cairo (7), and in the Ottoman Empire. In 1891 he took part in an expedition to Spitsbergen (8), in 1893 the prince travelled to the USA(9). The few documents on the trip to the USA (especially letters of recommendation) (10) that are preserved in the present inventory suggest that this trip was also used for ethnological studies of Indian tribes. So he learned Turkish, Arabic and Persian. Last but not least, between 1893 and 1925 the prince had Arab rooms (11) built into his palace on Neckarstraße in Stuttgart, which he decorated with furniture, carvings, tiles, works made of plaster stucco, carpets and other antiques from the Orient. During the First World War, Prince Karl was finally able to use his language skills and the knowledge he had acquired about this region during his many journeys to the Orient for his work as a German liaison officer in the Ottoman Empire (12). He performed this function between 1916 and 1917, when Prince Karl took over several honorary offices. He was president of the Württemberg group of the German Colonial Society (13) and member of the Württemberg regional association of the German Fleet Association (14). He supported the Society for the Promotion of German Settlements in Palestine (15). He also supported the work of the airship designer Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin by subscribing to shares in the company for the promotion of airship travel (16).Karl Fürst von Urach was awarded numerous orders in the course of his life (17): in 1883 the Prince received the Monegasque Order of Saint Charles, in 1889 the Grand Cross of the Persian Order of the Sun and Lions (18), in 1897 the Ottoman Order of First Class, in 1899 the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Medal. In 1910 he was awarded the Prussian Red Eagle Order. In 1916 he received the Wilhelmskreuz with swords and crown, one year later the royal Hungarian Order of Saint Stephen and the Iron Cross 2nd class. Karl Fürst von Urach died on 5 December 1925 in Stuttgart. He was buried in the Catholic section of the crypt of the castle church Ludwigsburg. 2. to the order and distortion of the stock:: Together with the Archive of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Grafen von Württemberg, the GU 120 collection was deposited in the Main State Archives in 1987. There, the archives of the House of Urach form the GU series of inventories within the inventory classification (tectonics). During the reorganization of the archive by Wolfgang Schmierer, Director of the Archive, the documents on Karl Fürst von Urach were given the signature GU 120, and since the materials were in a poor state of order, the units of registration had to be formed for the most part first. Where it made sense, the existing units were retained. During the indexing work, extensive documents were removed from the GU 120 holdings and assigned in particular to the GU 96 (Miscellaneous and Unclear), GU 100 (Foreign Archives and Other Collections), GU 107 (Florestine Duchess of Urach), GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach) and GU 202 (Bertha Freiin von Biegeleben) holdings. Moreover, it cannot be ruled out that further material of the provenance of Karl Fürst von Urach may be found in the as yet unlisted holdings of the House of Urach. by far the largest part of the holdings consists of the extensive correspondence of the Prince (category 2), above all with his mother (category 2.1.1) with his brother Wilhelm and his family (category 2.1.2) as well as with Bertha von Biegeleben (category 2.1.5). The latter was the court lady of his mother Florestine and a close confidante of the prince. In addition, correspondence with representatives of the German and European ruling and former ruling princely houses can be found in the holdings (Section 2.5). Karl Fürst von Urach also corresponded with numerous public figures (section 2.7), including scholars. Almost all correspondence is so-called unilateral correspondence, that is, only the letters of the correspondence partner are found in the existing stock. If there are isolated letters or drafts of letters from the Reigning Prince to the respective addressee, this is expressly mentioned in the title recording. Usually these are letters of the prince returned to the prince or his family afterwards. It should also be noted that Prince Karl did not make any copies of his correspondence. The correspondences can be regarded as an interesting source for the history of everyday life and mentality of the nobility. They show the manifold contacts which the prince maintained with members of other noble families. They also certainly offer details of the Prince's numerous journeys. However, it was not possible to index the contents of the correspondence due to the time and effort involved. Unfortunately, the correspondences and correspondence series contained in this collection sometimes have smaller gaps. It is not possible at the present time to answer the question of whether the previously unlisted holdings of the archives of the House of Urach still contain correspondence of the prince. Besides the correspondence, the extensive collections of photos and photographs (category 10) form the second largest part of the holdings in terms of the number of title recordings. Of particular interest are the photos and photo albums with photos from the Prince's numerous travels to South America, Egypt, the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans (Section 10.2.2). There are also photos taken during the aforementioned activity of the prince as a liaison officer in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War (section 10.2.4). Prince Karl's interest in Islamic (Arabic) art is also reflected in the numerous photographs of buildings and artworks of Islamic art, which are combined in section 10.3. Of the other materials preserved in the present collection, the Prince's manuscripts with literary and art-historical texts and a memorandum on the political reorganization of Europe by Germany in the First World War should also be mentioned, as well as interesting documents on the associations and societies in which the Prince was active and in which he was active. In an appendix (column 16) photos, an album and seal from the possession of the Wera Duchess of Württemberg née Grand Duchess of Russia are united, which after the death of the Duchess were handed over by her daughter Olga Prinzessin zu Schaumburg-Lippe to Karl Fürst von Urach.In addition, correspondences of the brother of Karl Fürst von Urach, Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach, to Charlemagne's estate, to the Arab rooms and to a newspaper article about the princes were added to the collection (19). Since these materials refer to Karl Fürst von Urach, the classification into the present holdings seemed to be reasonable. As expected, documents on Karl Fürst von Urach are also available in other holdings of the archives of the House of Urach. In particular the holdings GU 99 (photo albums and collections), GU 107 (Florestine Herzogin von Urach née Prinzessin von Monaco), GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Herzog von Urach) and GU 202 (Bertha von Biegeleben) are to be mentioned here. the archives of the holdings may only be inspected with the prior permission of the chief of the House of Urach. the holdings GU 120 were catalogued by the undersigned from autumn 2004 to April 2005. It comprises 4.6 running meters with 318 numbers.Stuttgart, in April 2005Eberhard Merk footnotes: (1) For Karl Fürst von Urach see above: Article by Wolfgang Schmierer in: The House of Württemberg. A biographical encyclopedia. Edited by Sönke Lorenz, Dieter Mertens, Volker Press. Stuttgart 1997. p. 390. Heinrich Fischer: Prince Karl von Urach as a research traveller. In: Swabian Mercury of 11 December 1926 pp. 17f. (Sunday supplement to the Swabian Mercury No. 580). Newspaper articles and obituaries in M 743/2 Bü 542.(2) See also Bü 1 (serial number 1) in this inventory. Schmierer does not mention attending school in Monaco. The data on the school attendance of Karl Fürst von Urach were taken from the short curriculum vitae written by Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach in Bü 21 (Ordnungsnummer 11).(3) See Bü 11 (Ordnungsnummer 2).(4) On military careers see the personal file of Fürst Karls in: M 430/1 Bü 2797, also Bü 7 (serial number 3), 121 (serial number 98).(5) A list of the Prince's travels, prepared by Karl's brother Duke Wilhelm (II.), is kept in Bü 21 (serial number 11). This list also served Heinrich Fischer as the basis for his article (loc. cit.)(6) See the manuscript of the prince in Bü 269 (Ordnungsnummer 145). A detailed description of the itinerary of the South American trip can be found in the article by Heinrich Fischer (loc. cit.)(7) Bü 297, 298 (serial number 208, 211)(8) Cf. the correspondence of Max Graf von Zeppelin in Bü 161 (serial number 118) and the manuscript of the prince in Bü 273 (serial number 146). Photos of Spitzbergen and Norway can be found in Bü 59 (serial number 247).(9) There are no photos of this trip in this collection.(10) Bü 177 (serial number 138)(11) See Bü 20 (serial number 217), Bü 80 (serial number 288), Bü 83 (serial number 202), Bü 316 (serial number 198). An impressive description of the Arabic spaces provides: Claus Mohr: Arab Art in Stuttgart. In: Deutsches Volksblatt 1926 No. 170 of 28 July 1926(12) See also Bü 108, 293 (serial numbers 5 and 6). Photos from this period have been preserved in Bü 42 (serial number 264).(13) There are no materials on the prince's work in the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h e l l l s c h a f t in this collection.(14) Bü 285 (serial number 193)(15) Bü 294 (serial number 191)(16) Bü 296 (serial number 189)(17) See also Bü 6, 101 (serial numbers 7 and 8)(18) The award was made on the occasion of the state visit of Schah Nasir-el-din in 1889 in Stuttgart(19) Bü 10 (serial number 9), Bü 21 (serial number 11), Bü 23 (serial number 216)
Urach, Karl
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/300 · Fonds · 1883-1951
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Karl Sauter: Karl Sauter was born on 16 May 1870 in Stuttgart as the son of the later director of construction Karl von Sauter. His mother Maria Sauter, née Breimeier, died eight days after his birth. Karl Sauter subsequently grew up with his maternal grandparents in Dettingen/Urach before moving to Stuttgart at the age of six to live with his father, who had remarried in the meantime. After attending a boarding school, Sauter embarked on a military career. In 1885 he joined the cadet corps in Oranienstein and in 1886 the main cadet school in Groß-Lichterfelde. In the years from 1889 to 1900 Sauter served as a lieutenant secretary and prime lieutenant in the Infantry Regiment No. 120. In October 1900 he was commanded to the Great General Staff, where he received a captain's post in 1903. Sauter returned to Württemberg in March 1904. He took over a company of the Grenadier Regiment No. 123. In 1909 Sauter became general staff officer of the 27th Infantry Division. After his promotion to Major (1910) and a one-year activity at the Large General Staff (1911/12), he was transferred to the Fusililier Regiment No. 122 (1912). During the First World War, Sauter worked from October 1914 to June 1915 as First General Staff Officer in the XXVI Reserve Corps. From July 1915 he commanded the newly established Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 122, and from June 1916 he served as Chief of the General Staff of the 26th Reserve Corps. During the first three years of the war, Sauter was deployed mainly in Flanders (including Poelkapelle and Langemarck), Lorraine (including St. Julien and Longwy), the Champagne (including Reims) and the Somme. In February 1915 he was appointed lieutenant colonel. From September 1917 until the end of the war, Sauter served as Chief of the General Staff of the Government of Antwerp. After the end of the war Karl Sauter was stationed 1919 as liaison officer of the Württemberg War Ministry at the OHL in Kolberg. In 1920 he retired from military service; at the same time he was given the character of a major general. Subsequently, Sauter reoriented himself professionally and began a career as a businessman. Sauter wrote numerous (lecture) manuscripts on topics of time and defence policy during his military service, but above all after his departure from the army. The texts express his closeness to National Socialist ideology. Sauter was, among other things, a member of the NS Volkswohlfahrt. After the end of the Second World War, Sauter had to answer for himself in a denazification case in Stuttgart, where he travelled extensively to numerous European and non-European countries for several decades. Sauter died on 11 March 1959. 2. On the military estate of Karl Sauter: The holdings were transferred to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart in August 1959. The records were undeveloped so far. They were arranged and listed by archive trainee Dr. Christine Axer under the guidance of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle in December 2010. The military estate of Karl Sauter comprises 1 linear meter. Sauter's memoirs "From my time and for the understanding of the history of my time", which are handed down in the estate and partly kept in the form of a diary, cover a period of more than sixty years. They provide information about the military career of their author as well as about the numerous journeys he made to almost all continents. The memoirs are supplemented by a comprehensive collection of material and a series of unpublished manuscripts by Sauter, in which - politically colored - he deals on the one hand with (military) political and historical questions, and on the other hand also reflects on human existence. The collection also contains numerous postcards, maps and photographs. The latter in particular reveal an unvarnished view of the First World War and its horrors. 3. references: - HStAS, M 430/2 Bü 1786, Sauter, Karl (military personnel file);- HStAS, M 707 No. 1286, Sauter, Karl (14 photographs);- StAL, EL 902/20 Bü 61623 Heimatspruchkammern Spruchkammer 37 - Stuttgart: Procedural files: Sauter, Karl.Stuttgart, December 2010Dr. Wolfgang MährleDr. Christine Axer

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/034 · Fonds · 1879-1982
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Walther Reinhardt: Walther Reinhardt was born in Stuttgart on 24 March 1872 as the son of the then captain August Reinhardt. He attended the Gymnasium in Ulm, the Lyceum in Ludwigsburg and the Gymnasium in Heilbronn. Afterwards he changed to the Kadettenanstalt in Oranienstein and to the Hauptkadettenanstalt Groß-Lichterfelde. On 9 February 1891 Reinhardt joined the Grenadier regiment of Queen Olga No. 119 as Portepeefähnrich. In 1892 he was promoted to lieutenant, in 1897 he was appointed to war academy and subsequently commanded as lieutenant in service at the Great General Staff. Three years later, on March 10, 1904, Reinhardt was promoted to Captain, leaving the Grand General Staff in office. On April 22, 1905, he joined the General Staff of the XV Army Corps in Strasbourg before serving as Company Commander in the Infantry Regiment Alt-Württemberg No. 121 in Ludwigsburg from February 25, 1907 to April 19, 1909. On 20 April 1909 Reinhardt was transferred to the General Staff of the 26th (1st Kgl.-Württ.) Division. He returned to the Grand General Staff as Major on September 10, 1910. On 3 November 1912 he was assigned to the General Command of the XIIIth (Kgl.-Württ.) Army Corps. Reinhardt was a staff officer of the XIII Army Corps and on August 2, 1914 he entered the First World War. He was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Württemberg Army Corps on 23 January 1915. On 18 May 1915 he was appointed lieutenant colonel. From June 1916 to February 1917 Reinhardt held various command posts, each of which he held for only a few months or even a few weeks. From 26 June to 16 July 1916 he was commander of infantry regiment 118, before becoming chief of staff of the XVII Army Corps from 17 July to 20 November 1916. On 21 November 1916 he took over the post of Chief of Staff of the 11th Army in Macedonia. The appointment as Chief of Staff of the High Command of the 7th Army on 10 February 1917 led him back to the Western Front. On 23 May 1917 Reinhardt was awarded the Order of Pour le Mérite with oak leaves for his achievements in the conquest of the Chemin des Dames. He also received the Commander's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with swords for his military achievements. On April 18, 1918, Reinhardt was promoted to colonel, and by cabinet order of November 4, 1918, Reinhardt was transferred to the Prussian War Ministry to organize the demobilization of the army. Two months later, on January 2, 1919, Reinhardt took over the office of Prussian War Minister. After the dissolution of the Imperial Army, Reinhardt became the first Chief of Staff of the new Imperial Army on 13 September 1919. During this time he was also appointed Major General. Only a few months after taking over his new duties, Reinhardt resigned as Chief of Staff at the end of March 1920, following the Kapp Putsch, and took over the Döberitz apprentice brigade for a short time before becoming Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrkreiskommando V in Stuttgart as Lieutenant General on 15 May 1920. In personal union he exercised the functions of a commander of the 5th division as well as the state commander of Württemberg. He retained his position as commander of the military district command V for almost five years. On 1 January 1925 Reinhardt was appointed commander-in-chief of Group Command 2 in Kassel. Two years later, in December 1927, he retired from the army and took charge of a course for older officers. These "Reinhardt courses" lasted beyond the death of their creator until 1932/1933. Furthermore, he devoted himself to the preparation of publications mainly on military and historical topics. Walther Reinhardt died in Berlin on August 8, 1930. 2 On the estate of Walther Reinhardt: The estate of Walther Reinhardt comprises documents from his military service as well as private correspondence. In addition, manuscripts for lectures and publications, which Reinhardt wrote above all after his retirement from military service, form a not inconsiderable part. The documents are supplemented by Reinhardt's collections of newspaper clippings, particularly from the years 1918/1919, most of which were in the possession of Reinhardt's daughter Lotte Reinhardt, Director of Studies, after his death on August 8, 1930. On September 7, 1939, the latter handed over 13 tufts of files and three war diaries to the former Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, and on September 11, 1940, further archival documents, namely photographs (some of them in albums), newspaper clippings, and official personnel reminders. The documents from Reinhardt's estate were arranged chronologically in the army archives, stapled into folders and recorded. The repertory with a foreword by Major General Sieglin was available on 15 October 1940, and a small part of Reinhardt's estate was handed over to the Potsdam Army Archives shortly after his death. In a letter dated 11 September 1940, the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart attempted to obtain the transfer of this part of the estate in order to merge it with the Stuttgart holdings in process at that time. On 23 October 1940, however, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam announced that Reinhardt had "no private records" in his custody. The Heeresarchiv Stuttgart does not seem to have made any further attempts to gain possession of the Potsdam partial estate. Since the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was destroyed immediately before the end of the Second World War and most of its holdings were destroyed, the documents handed over there from Reinhardt's property are presumably lost today.17 February 1961 Lotte Reinhardt handed over to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, which had meanwhile taken over most of the holdings of the former Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, further documents of her father in her possession (letters, records, drafts, printed matter, newspaper clippings). In the summer of 1964, Oberstaatsarchivrat Dr. Uhland ordered and listed these archival records, which were then combined with the older holdings. The collection folders bound by the Army Archives were dissolved several times in order to be able to chronologically classify pieces belonging to them. These studies also showed that the recording in the Army Archives was incomplete, and in some cases incorrect. The new holdings comprised 56 folders, which were structured according to the chronological order method of the Army Archives. In some of the tufts formed, subfascicles were formed. Before the transfer to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Lotte Reinhardt had made available the estate of her father, Professor Fritz Ernst (Heidelberg), in her possession, who used it for a publication (Ernst, Fritz: Aus dem Nachlass des General Walther Reinhardt, Stuttgart 1958). It seems that individual pieces remained with Professor Ernst and that even after his death (22 December 1963) they no longer came to the owner. Between 1964 and 1987, his daughter Lotte Reinhardt repeatedly submitted documents from the estate of Walther Reinhardt. On December 29, 1964, Lotte Reinhardt handed over newspaper clippings and writings. There were also copies made by Professor Ernst. The archival documents were sorted, recorded and placed to the corresponding bundle numbers. In addition, two new tufts were formed. This increased the size of the estate to 58 folders. Lotte Reinhardt also handed over further archival records on 27 August 1969, 7 March 1970, 12 March 1973, 6 February 1978, April 1978, 16 August 1978 and 26 January 1987, mainly to Walther Reinhardt for private correspondence (letters to parents, wife, children) and newspaper clippings. The M 660/034 holdings were reopened in September 2010 by the candidate Sylvia Günteroth under the guidance of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle. In the course of this work, a classification of the documents was carried out which replaced the previous chronological order. The allocation of the documents that had been archived until 1964 to individual clusters and the division of these archive units into subfascicles have been retained. The existing title recordings were carefully revised. The previously unrecorded archival records that had been archived between 1969 and 1987 were sorted and recorded. The estate of Walther Reinhardt now comprises 89 tufts with a total volume of 1.6 linear metres. 3. References to sources and literature: Sources:- Walther Reinhardt's personal file: M 430/2 Bü 1684;- Biographical documents: E 130b Bü 235, Q 3/60 Bü 29, Q 3/60 Bü 32, Q 3/60 Bü 47; M 743/1 Bü 11- Photographs: Q 3/60 Bü 32; M 703 R 170N19; M 703 R190N10; M 703 R191N17; M 707 Nr. 1213; M 743/1 Bü 11Publications Walther Reinhardt's (selection):- Reinhardt, Walther: Six Months West Front: Campaign Experiences of an Artillery Officer in Belgium, Flanders and the Champagne, 3rd edition, Berlin 1915 - Reinhardt, Walther: In der Picardie: Pictures from the position war in the west, 3rd edition, Berlin 1917 - Reinhardt, Walther/Zenker, Hans: Wehrwille und Wehrgedanke in Deutschlands Jugend: 2 lectures at the Freusburger Schulungswoche 1929, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1930 - Reinhardt, Walther: George Washington. Die Geschichte einer Staatsgründung, Frankfurt 1931 - Reinhardt, Walther: Wehrkraft und Wehrwille: aus seinem Nachlass mit einer Lebensbeschreibung Walther Reinhardt, Berlin 1932 Literature: - Ernst, Fritz: Aus dem Nachlass des General Walther Reinhardt, Stuttgart 1958.- Kohlhaas, Wilhelm: Walther Reinhardt: General der Infanterie, 1872-1930, in: Lebensbilder aus Schwaben und Franken, 17th volume, Stuttgart 1991, pp. 306-316 - Mulligan, William: The creation of the modern German Army: General Walther Reinhardt and the Weimar Republic, 1914-1930, New York 2005.Stuttgart, May 2011Dr. Wolfgang MährleSylvia Günteroth

BArch, RM 112 · Fonds · 1914-1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: On 29.8.1914, the Commander of the Naval Aviation Departments was appointed, who in 1916 became Commander of the Naval Aviation Departments, later Chief of Naval Aviation and to whom the commanders of the aircraft were subordinated. The naval flight chief was responsible for the provision of all flight personnel and for fulfilling the military requirements for seaplanes and ground organisation. The Naval Air Force consisted of seaplane and naval land flight departments, seaplane and naval land flight stations, training and special units as well as front units of the naval pilots. The seaplane stations also included floating seaplane stations, i.e. aircraft mother ships, and the land-based flight stations also included the fortress (land) flight stations and the Wainoden indoor protection station. (Cf. Hildebrand, Hans H.: Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine sowie Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945. Volume 2, Osnabrück 2000, p. 8; Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt (Ed.): Deutsche Militärgeschichte in sechs Voländen, Volume 5, Munich 1983, p. 300f.) During the First World War, seaplane stations were built on the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Some of the stations were located in occupied Belgian territory (e.g. sea flight stations Flanders I and II) and Russian territory (e.g. sea flight station Kerch) or on the territory of allies, e.g. the Ottoman Empire (e.g. sea flight station Chanak). Among the North Sea's seaplane stations were: Borkum Flandern I (=Seeflugstation Zeebrügge) Flandern II (=Seeflugstation Ostend) Helgoland List/Sylt Norderney (See Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, Manuskript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, S. 5. according to this, the command of the II Seaflieger-Abteilung included the front flight stations Borkum, Norderney, Helgoland and List as well as the air base Tönning. For the history of these sea flight stations see ibid. pp. 20-23 (Borkum), 24-26 (Norderney), 27-29 (Helgoland), 30f (List). For the history of the two naval flying stations in Flanders see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, pp. 5-7 (Flanders I), 8-10 (Flanders II). There is no record of the naval flying station Flanders III (naval airfield Nieuwmunster/Neumünster), see ibid., pp. 11-13. On the organisation of the air forces of the naval corps in Flanders see also Hildebrand, Hans H.: Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine sowie Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945, Volume 3, Osnabrück 2000, pp. 60-62.) The sea flight stations at the Baltic Sea included: Angernsee (near Engure, west of Riga, Latvia) Apenrade Arensburg (Kuressaare, Ösel/Saaremaa Island, Estonia) Bug on Rügen Flensburg (see RM 113) Hadersleben (moved to Apenrade in March/April 1915), see RM 112/13) (Kiel-)Holtenau Köslin-Nest (Koszalin, Poland) Liebau (Liepâja, Latvia) Papenholm/Papensholm (west of Kihelkonna, island Ösel/Saaremaa, Estonia) Putzig (Puck, Poland (since 1919)) Reval (Tallinn, Estonia) Stralsund and Wiek on Rügen Warnemünde Wiek on Rügen (see Stralsund) Windau (Ventspils, Latvia) (On the history of these naval flying stations see Köhler, Karl: Gliederungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, Manuskript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 46 (Hadersleben), 47 (Apenrade), 48-50 (Flensburg), 51-53 (Holtenau), 56 (Warnemünde), 57f (Bug on Rügen, Stralsund and Wiek on Rügen), 59f (Köslin-Nest), 61f (Putzig), - subsequent stations were built on occupied territory - 75f (Libau), 79-81 (Windau), 82f (Angernsee), 84 (Arensburg), 85 (Papensholm), 87 (Reval).) (Due to unfavourable geographical and meteorological conditions, the main operation of the station was relocated from Stralsund to Wiek on Rügen in 1916. In Stralsund, a partial operation was maintained. See also RM 112/170, Incidents 6 Nov. 1915 and Köhler, Karl: Gliederungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 57.) Among the sea flight stations on the Mediterranean were: Agha Liman and Mersina (southern coast of Anatolia, north of the eastern tip of Cyprus) Chanak (on the southern shore of the Dardanelles near Canakkale) Xanthi (northern shore of the Aegean Sea, Greece (since 1920), see RM 110/22) (On the geographical location and history of the naval flight stations, see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, p. 64f, 70f (Chanak), 76f (Mersina). Only the stock RM 110 (RM 110/22) contains a record of the Xanthi sea flight station, for the Xanthi sea flight station see also ibid. p. 79f. For the organization of the seaplanes within the framework of the Sonderkommando Turkey see Hildebrand, Hans H.: Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine sowie Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945, Volume 3, Osnabrück 2000, p. 63f.) The seapilot stations on the Black Sea were among the most important: Babadag (Romania) Duingi (near Constanta, Romania) Kawak/Kavak (eastern bank of the Bosporus) Kertsch (Crimea, Ukraine) Konstanza/Constanza (Constanta, Romania) Odessa (Ukraine) Sebastopol/Sewastopol (Crimea, Ukraine) Varna (Varna, Bulgaria) (For the geographical location and history of the sea flight stations see Köhler, Karl: Structure and Organisation History of the Naval Air Force, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, S. 64 and 78 (general), 73 (Kawak), 81f (Varna), 83 (Constanza), 84 (Sebastopol), 85 (Duingi), 86 (Babadag).) The floating seaplane stations included: S.M.H. Answald S.M.H. Glyndwr (see RM 99) S.M.H. Oswald (see also RM 99) S.M.H. Santa Elena S.M.S. Stuttgart (see RM 110/62) (On the history of the floating naval flight stations see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftstreitkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 99f (general), 102f (S.M.H. Santa Elena), 104f (S.M.H. Answald), 106 (S.M.H. Oswald), 107 (S.M.H. Glyndwr). The S.M.S. Stuttgart was a Small Cruiser converted into an aircraft mother ship (also known as an aircraft cruiser), see ibid., p. 101.) The naval land flight stations included: Barge Großenhain Hage Kiel Nordholz-Cuxhaven Schlüterhof-Tuckum Speckenbüttel-Geestemünde Tondern Wainoden (see also RM 116/193) Wilhelmshaven-Wangerooge (On the history of the land flight stations see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 54f. (Fortress Land Flight Station Kiel); Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, p. 98-101 (general), 102f (Nordholz), 104f (Barge), 106f (Hage), 108f (Tondern), 110 (Speckenbüttel), 138-140 (Wilhelmshaven). Processing note: The classification of the stock took place in a first step by differentiating between seaplane flight stations, aircraft mother ships (= floating seaplane flight stations) and naval land flight stations in order to show in particular the group of aircraft mother ships separately. The second - and central - classification level is represented by the individual stations or aircraft mother ships. In this way, the overdelivery for a station can be determined. In the case of the maritime stations Flanders I and Flanders II, a more detailed classification at third level was also necessary. In these cases, war diaries, reports and orders/instructions, technical documentation and, in the case of Flanders II, personnel matters, as well as various documents form subordinate classification points. The classification level 'Miscellaneous documents' had to be created because of the heterogeneity of some files. For war diaries in several volumes, corresponding volume sequences were created. The formation of series was dispensed with. In principle, the archival processing was based on the processing of the related stock RM 110 (Command Posts of the Naval Air Force). A provisional finding aid book was available for the inventory, but it did not contain any notes. In addition, titles had to be converted several times (see explanations below). The classification of the preliminary finding aid into seaplane stations and naval land stations was supplemented by the classification point of the floating seaplane stations (aircraft motherships) and deepened in the case of the stations Flanders I and Flanders II (see above). Due to the otherwise retained classification and sorting of the provisional finding aid book, the classification largely coincides with the (ascending) numbering of the files, since the files were sorted and signed on the basis of the stations in the course of the provisional recording. File titles such as "Ganz Geheim" were dissolved and archived titles were created instead. If due to the heterogeneous content only the possibility existed to form a title such as "Various affairs", more extensive content notes were written. In the title field of war diaries, additions such as "Ausfertigung für den Admiralstab der Marine" and "Entwurf" were added in brackets to make it possible to distinguish between the war diaries of the Admiral Staff and those of the respective stations. The latter were only partially identified as drafts by the file-maintaining bodies; an addition to the title of the record was only made in these cases. A further addition to the titles of the war diaries - which necessarily had to be included - was the excerpts. All war diaries were indexed uniformly, taking into account these additions in the title recording. The additions to the title also made it justifiable not to record the organizational unit in charge of the records, since the title specification makes it possible to distinguish between the war diaries of the Admiral Staff and those of the war stations. The (volume sequence) titles each contain the name of the corresponding station; the redundancy with the classification points was accepted in BASYS S for the purpose of searchability. The tape sequence numbers were created for archiving purposes, which can mean that they may differ from those on the file covers. If, for example, only volumes 3, 4 and 5 of a war diary have been preserved, these were recorded as volumes 1, 2 and 3. In the field "File number" in BASYS S only the "Lu", "Ef" and "MK I" file numbers and old signatures (see below) were noted. Other file numbers (e.g.: Ca VIII), some of which also existed, were not included, since they were only present in parts and the field file number in these cases was already assigned the MK I signature. However, the corresponding information can be reconstructed using the file covers. In the case of files in the former folder form, the lid was severed and placed on top in the folder. It is unclear to what extent the MK I numbers are actually file numbers and not rather old signatures. The following indications speak for the latter: - The MK I numbers have been applied in a different colour than the A or C file numbers, which were partly applied in the same colour - and presumably at the same time - with the title - Provided that MK I numbers were present, there was usually also a sticker "Archiv der Marine. War records." the MK I numbers could have been signatures of the Marine Archives. - MK I numbers are comparatively consistently available, as if it were a complete transmission, while large gaps can be observed in the area of A and C file numbers. The latter appears more plausible in view of the cassation decisions made during the (first) archiving in the Navy archives and due to war losses. - A deeper classification or structuring of the MK I signatures does not exist, rather more than 300 consecutive numbers are available, whereas A and C file numbers are partly more deeply structured (e.g. "Ca"). The latter seems more probable for the registry of the Commander of the Naval Corps Fliers (Kofl. M.K.) than a purely sequential numbering. The attempt to reconstruct the file plan on the basis of the preserved file covers appears very difficult, if not impossible, due to large gaps. The F numbers (for files or subject) and any existing PG numbers were entered in separate old signature fields in the Old signature field. It should be noted that an F number usually includes several files; F numbers can therefore occur several times. The old signatures of RM 112/49-56 from the RM 110 inventory were also included (formerly RM 110/612-619). An index of objects, places and persons was not compiled. Description of the holdings: After the end of the First World War, the documents of the disbanded naval stations, including the various commanders of the naval pilots, were collected in the War History Department of the Admiral Staff of the Navy, which had already been established on 15 February 1916, for the purpose of establishing a new naval archive. From 1919 the name of the naval archive was changed to "Head of the Institute for Naval History and Chairman of the Naval Archive". A second renaming took place on 22 January 1936 in "Kriegswissenschaftliche Abteilung der Marine". However, this did not belong to the Reichsarchiv, but was subject until 31 March 1934 to the Inspectorate of Naval Education, then to the Chief of Naval Management, and later as a subordinate authority to the Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine. During the Second World War, naval records were moved to Tambach Castle near Coburg on 22 November 1943. After the end of the war, the archives were confiscated by US troops and taken to London. There the files were filmed on a large scale, combined into bundles, provided with consecutive F-numbers ("Faszikel", "File" or "Fach") and partly with a seven-digit number with the prefixed letters PG ("Pinched from the Germans"). The archives were then handed over to the British Admiralty. In the 1960s, the marine files were returned to the Federal Republic of Germany as part of the file return process and were transferred to the Document Centre of the Military History Research Office (MGFA) in Freiburg. On the basis of an interministerial agreement between the Federal Minister of Defence and the Federal Minister of the Interior from 1968, the files were transferred from the Document Centre to the Federal Archives. They were finally transferred to the Federal Archives Military Archives, which had been moved from Koblenz to Freiburg. (See the inventory description for RM 110; Author: Michael Weins) The inventory comprises 234 storage units from various sea and land flight stations of the Imperial Navy. With two exceptions (RM 112/44, 137), the duration of the files does not extend beyond the period between 1914 and 1918, i.e. the First World War and the immediate post-war period. Most of the war diaries of the individual stations - both the (draft) copies kept at the stations and the copies for the admiral's staff - have survived; only war diaries of several stations are available. An exception to this is the tradition of the maritime flight stations Flanders I and Flanders II, which also contain reports and documents on personnel and technology. The tradition of the Flanders II seafaring station thus forms the largest portion in RM 112 (53 files). Of the sea flight stations (Kerch, Odessa and Sevastopol) which were not put into operation until 1918 as a result of the occupations in the Ukraine, as well as the stations in Turkey (Agha Liman/Mersina, Chanak and Kawak), Bulgaria (Varna) and Romania (Babadag, Duingi and Constanza), only one or two war diaries are available. Content characterization: War diaries, orders of the day, weekly reports and daily reports are available from various sea flight stations. In addition, collections of orders and activity reports, as well as files on weapons technology and questions of deployment and personnel matters have been handed down from the Flemish Flanders II seaport station. The naval land flight stations are represented with war diary documents. A large part of the documents may have been transferred to the Luftarchiv at that time and destroyed in 1945. The war diaries, reports and commands available from several sea flight stations in the eastern Baltic Sea region (Angernsee, Arensburg, Liebau, Papenholm, Windau and floating sea flight stations S.M.H. Answald and S.M.H. Santa Elena) offer partly illustrated information on the preparation and execution of the "Enterprise Albion". In 1916 and 1917 reconnaissance flights and partly also bombing raids took place especially from the Angernsee seaport station on Riga Bay, which were partly documented photographically. The Russian warships off Arensburg were photographed several times (RM 112/2-5), as well as the destruction of the Russian radio station on Runö (RM 112/4). Since the "Company Albion" is to be regarded as the first joint operation of the German armed forces, i.e. a combined army, navy and partly also air force operation, the relevant documents in inventory RM 112 form an important supplement for research, as they document the role of the air forces (operating under supreme command of the Navy). The files on personnel and technical matters received from the Flanders II naval flying station describe - despite the existing gaps in transmission - several aspects of the everyday operation and profile of a naval flying station and can be used as examples for other naval flying stations. However, it must be pointed out that the equipment and operational profile of the maritime flight stations in Flanders differed from those behind the front due to their proximity to the western front. State of development: Online-Findbuch Scope, Explanation: Stock without increase 5.4 lfm 234 AE Citation method: BArch, RM 112/...