Showing 2 results

Archival description
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0713 · File · 1894-01-01 - 1902-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 584/1894; EndVNr: E 1318/1894; and others: Cooperation with dMV Botanical Museum, pp. 35, 141 f., 196, dMV NaturkundMVuseum, pp. 19, 35, 144, 186, 188, 215, and the Postmuseum, Berlin, (1894), pp. 150 - Exchange of duplicates with the Ethnological Museum, St. Gallen, pp. 216, the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1894), pp. 1, the Städtisches Museum, Bremen, pp. 34, 225, and the Ethnographisches Museum, Bergen, (1894, 1902), pp. 134, 225 - Cooperation with the German Cameroon Committee, pp. 49, 73 et seq, the German Togo Committee, p. 82, the Ethnological Aid Committee, p. 231 et seq, the editorial office of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, Berlin, p. 12, and the German Antisklavereikomitee, Koblenz, (1894), p. 4 - S.D.S. 64., 66. - 72., 75.- Weule: Request for plaster casts for the exhibition, (1894), p. 50 - Wangemann: Pipes in Nord-Transvaal, (1894), p. 55 - Bastian: Purchase of collections of state-supported expeditions, (1894), p. 87 et seq. Stuhlmann: Report from the mission Tununguo, (1894), pp. 152, business trip of Luschans to the world exhibition in Antwerp, (1894), pp. 178 ff. - by Dohna: "Lebens-Notizen des Siegmar Staesser", (1894), pp. 199, by Luschan: Hoffnung auf Enricherung der Slg. nach dem Erfolg über die Wahehe, (1894), pp. 212 f.- Däubler: Request for endorsement of the title Sanitätsrat, (1894), pp. 236 ff. - Actien-Bauverein "Passage": Transmission of hair of Africans, (1894), pp. 251 f. - Büchle: Donation of skulls, (1894), pp. 256 f. - Klingholz: Transmission of plaster casts of grave ornaments from the vicinity of Daresalaam, (1894), pp. 259.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0732 · File · 1904-01-01 - 1907-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1937/1904; EndVNr: E 855/1905; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1905), p. 58 - Cooperation with the Museums of Ethnology, Hamburg, p. 280, Dresden, p. 281, Cologne, (1907), p. 279, Stuttgart, (1904), p. 29, 176 f., the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, p. 146, the Institute of Anthropology, London, p. 174, and the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, (1905), p. 183 ff - Transfer of duplicates to the antiquity society Prussia, Königsberg, (1905), p. 153 - Transfer of duplicates to private individuals, (1905), p. 196, p. 309 - Cooperation with the governors of DSW, p. 175, Togo, (1905), p. 334, and Cameroon, (1904), p. 64 - Cooperation with Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, pp. 41, the German Mediterranean Society, Berlin, pp. 167, the Société d' Études coloniales, Brussels, pp. 223, the American Geographical Society, New York, and the University Library, Vienna, (1905), pp. 159 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904, 1905), pp. 77 f., 151, 222, of the Congregation of Missionaries Oblates of the Immaculate Virgin Mary (1904), pp. 5 ff., of the Mission of hh. Heart of Jesus, (1905), pp. 179 f., and the Basel Mission, (1905, 1906), pp. 288 ff.- Merker: Location of drilled stones, (1905), Abschr., pp. 42 f.- Hofmarschallamt: Loan of a chair by Njoya von Bamum, (1905), p. 67 - Armbandsammlung Döring, (1905), p. 75 f. - Judgment on the outstanding sum insured for ECR Rigler, (1905), p. 81 ff - Rehse: Supplements to his manuscript "Kiziba", p. 93 ff., "Foreword to Chapter 11", p. 96, Request for Command to Bukoba and Biographical Notes, (1905), p. 122 - Laufer: Report on the Sanatorium Alhayat in Egypt, (1905), p. 137 ff. - "The Work of the Diafe by Leo Frobenius.", (1905), Abschr., p. 148 f. - Schweinfurth: Bericht über Bogen aus Ägypten, (1905), p. 154 - by Stefenelli: Bericht über den Gebrauch von Masken beim Fetischdienst, (1905), p. 202 ff - Schloifer: "Einladung zur Beteiligung an der Central-Afrikanischen Bergwerks-Gesellschaft m.b.H.", p. 213, "Entwurf. Gesellschaftsvertrag ...", pp. 215 et seq., "Report to the Central African Lake Society m.b.H.", pp. 218 et seq., "Special report on the goldfields belonging to the Central African Lake Society m.b.H.", Printed by Druckschr., (1905), pp. 219 et seq. - "List of African ethnographic objects brought by Mr Paul Bieger from Lagos", (1905), pp. 239 et seq. "Name and meaning of the stamps (s. 3447) of missionaries Merkel and Sitzler, (1905), pp. 306 ff. - "Verzeichnis der Sammlung Rosen", (1905), pp. 316 ff. - Rosen: Publikationspläne und Abrechnung über seine Gesandtschaftsreise nach Abessinien, (1906), pp. 327 f.