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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 3/32 Bü 34 · Akt(e) · 1867-1919
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Technical literature, association publications and special editions, lectures and congress contributions by Paul Klunzinger, among others. Writings of the Donau-Verein (German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation); Communications on Inland Navigation Congresses; Association of Technicians in Upper Austria; Special editions of the Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects; Lectures on the project on the curvature of the Vienna River; Writings of the Zentralverein für Fluss und Kanalschifffahrt in Österreich (formerly Donau-Verein); Documents on Waterway Days in Vienna (for the time being: German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation); Documents on the Waterway Days in Vienna (for the time being: German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation). T. with annexes: The warehouse of the City of Vienna); tasks of hydraulic engineering and its economic connection by Rudolf Halter (with personal dedication of the author); Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London Contains also: Map of Upper Italy (left); map of the city of Vienna (right). o. Meran, left and Verona, right o. Millstätter See, right and Trieste); map of Bukowina; map of Belarus (Brest-Litowsk) Issue of the Weekly for German World and Colonial Politics 6 (1917)

Court of Audit of the German Reich (inventory)
BArch, R 2301 · Bestand · 1822-1946
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Under the name Rechnungshof des Norddeutschen Bund (Court of Audit of the North German Confederation), the Prussian Chamber of Upper Legislation took control of the budget of the German Reich for the financial years 1867-1869 for the first time, renaming the authority the Rechnungshof des Deutschen Reiches (Court of Audit of the German Reich). In addition to controlling the Reich's budget, the Oberrechnungskammer, in its function as Court of Audit, was responsible for auditing the budget of Alsace-Lorraine (1874-1919) and for controlling the budget of the protectorate (since 1892/95 Africa, since 1898 all protectorates). The Court of Audit (Rechungshof, RH) was chaired by the Chief President of the Chamber of Appeal; its members were appointed by the Emperor at the suggestion of the Federal Council. The task of auditing the accounts of the Reich's budget had to be transferred to the Upper Chamber of Accounts by repeated individual legislation, usually on an annual basis. Article 86 p. 2 of the Weimar Constitution ("The audit of accounts is regulated by the Reich Law") established the audit of accounts for the Reich Administration under constitutional law. The Reich Budget Code of 31.12.1922 accordingly provided for the fundamental audit of the Reich budget by the Court of Audit of the German Reich (legalization of the audit of the "economic efficiency of the administration"). Thus, for the first time, auditing was fixed as a right of the state; at the same time, the establishment of the Court of Audit as an independent Reich authority independent of the Reich government was regulated. The Imperial Budget Code determined - as an important objective of the Court of Audit after examination of the submitted annual accounts - to prepare memoranda on the most important audit results and to submit proposals to the Imperial Government for the amendment and interpretation of laws in order to remedy identified deficiencies in the administration. The Court of Audit of the Weimar Republic represented a college of President, Directors and Councillors, which decided all fundamental matters by majority vote in the Plenary Assembly. In order to decide on matters that were limited in scope and only concerned individual administrative areas, the Reich Budget Code granted the formation of senates consisting of at least 3 members. In addition, the expert activity could be carried out at the request of the Reich Ministers, the Reich Parliament and the Reich Council; in addition, companies with their own legal personality could also be audited by the Court of Audit. The President and the other members of the Court of Audit were now appointed by the President of the Reich, countersigned by the Reich Minister of Finance. The President of the Court of Audit was also responsible for the management of the Prussian Chamber of Accounts. From October 1, 1922, however, he no longer headed the Prussian but the Reichsbehörde full-time. Presidents of the Court of Audit were: 1869-1890: Karl Ewald von Stünzner 1890-1898: Arthur Paul Ferdinand von Wolff 1898-1914: Eduard Ludwig Karl von Magdeburg 1914-1922: Ernst Holz 1922-1938 Friedrich Ernst Moritz Saemisch 1938-1945 Heinrich Müller 1922 was also appointed Reichssparkommissara with the task, together with the Reich Minister of Finance, of examining the entire budget and drawing up expert opinions on it. He was supported by the savings committee of the Reichstag. In December 1933 this office was closed again and the tasks were transferred to the new presidential department of the Court of Audit. As the supreme audit and control authority, the Court of Audit was responsible for supervising the entire Reich budget by examining the budget accounts, including the unscheduled income and expenditure of all Reich administrations, the accounts for the entire non-monetary property of the Reich as well as the books and accounting documents of the enterprises of the Reich. Since the end of the First World War, the Court of Audit has also had to increasingly control the use of Reich funds, which flowed into the private economy in the form of loans, credits, guarantees, subsidies and participations, by including both important business enterprises and a rich country of smaller enterprises in its audit area. The internal structure of the RH remained essentially unchanged throughout its existence. It was divided into the presidential department and a changing number of audit departments, to which the authorities and companies to be audited were allocated according to objective criteria. For the collection and cartographic indexing of laws, ordinances, administrative provisions, official regulations and other documents required for auditing the accounts, a news agency was attached to the Presidential Department, which from 1937 was known as the "Archive". In 1933 the Court of Audit was confirmed as an independent supreme Reich authority vis-à-vis the Reich government, but the previous procedure of majority decisions was abolished and the President was largely granted authority to issue directives to all organs of the Court of Audit. With the exception of the Wehrmacht control and the use audit of state subsidies to the NSDAP, the Court was initially able to perform its duties within the framework of financial control to the full extent even after 1933. In 1934, the office of the Reich Savings Commissioner, who was responsible for advising the Reich government on all matters relating to budget management and the appropriate design, simplification and cost reduction of the administration, was dissolved and its most important functions transferred to an office of the Presidential Department of the Court of Audit. Also from 1934, the Act on the Maintenance and Increase of Purchasing Power (Gesetz zur Erhaltung und Hebung der Kaufkraft) made it possible to extend the jurisdiction of the Court of Audit to include the auditing of corporations, institutions and other legal entities under public law (finally laid down by law in the Reich Auditing Ordinance of 30 March 1938). In the course of the imperial reform efforts of the Third Reich, the "Law on the Budgetary Management, Accounting and Auditing of the Länder and on the Fourth Amendment to the Reich Budget Code" of 17 June 1936 brought important changes: with the beginning of the 1936 accounting year, the auditing of the budget and economic management of the Länder was transferred to the Technical University. For this purpose, based on the already existing State Audit Offices, the Regional Court set up in 1937 foreign departments responsible for one or more Länder, initially in Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Leipzig (from 1940 Dresden) and Munich. Later Vienna (1939), Poznan (1942) and Metz (1942) were added. These external departments of the Court of Audit were assigned "accounting offices" by the Länder as preliminary audit offices in accordance with the "Vorprüfordnung für die Länder" of 9 April 1937. After 1938, especially during the war, the focus of the audit activities of the Court of Audit shifted: on the one hand, the audit of the administrations in the so-called "Old Empire" was reduced, on the other hand, however, the jurisdiction of the Court of Audit was extended to all German administrations in the occupied territories and also exercised there to a large extent. Only the Generalgouvernement and the autonomous protectorate government had their own examination offices. . Inventory description: Inventory history The majority of the RH's registry, which is already in the Reichsarchiv, was transferred to the former Central State Archives of the GDR after the war. At the end of the war, a further part of the existing records was still kept in the RH buildings in Potsdam and Berlin and was archived after 1946. The losses caused by the Allied air raid on Potsdam in April 1945 amount to approx. 9 running metres. Since the Prussian Oberrechungskammer took over the examination of Reichaufgabe für Kunst, Wissenschaft, kirchliche Angelegenheiten und Forstwirtschaft in 1934 (the Prussian Oberrechungskammer already had corresponding departments for these areas), these records - as well as the previous files of the Court of Audit in the holdings of Rep. 138 of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Stiftung prußischer Kulturbesitz. Archival evaluation and processing The registries of the Court of Audit distinguished three groups of files according to the tasks of the authority, which are also reflected in the classification: - General files - Technical files with special audit documents and instructions - Audit files for the actual audit negotiations. In this finding aid book, both the relevant files of the tradition kept until 1990 in the Central State Archives as fonds R 2301 and the files kept in the Federal Archives as fonds R 47 are recorded. Although the necessary standardisation of individual development information was achieved by merging the two parts of the transmission, a complete re-drawing did not take place. The general files were kept according to a uniform file plan and are summarised at the beginning of the inventory. The specialist and examination files are arranged according to the most recently valid business distribution plan. In addition, the files of the "archive" are listed separately as a relatively independent structural part with various special registries. The creation of archival file titles, volume sequences and series was usually required when the files were recorded; the creation of identical titles was unavoidable due to the specific nature of the structure. Characterisation of content: The Court of Audit's transmission more or less comprehensively covers the authority's entire spectrum of tasks with the following focal points: - Organisational, legal, administrative and operational matters - Court of Audit and Reich Savings Commissioner - Civil servant duties and rights - Affairs of employees and workers - Budget, cash, accounting and auditing - Specialist and audit files on individual authorities and companies such as the Reich Ministry of Finance, the Reich Ministry of Labor, the Reich Ministry of the Interior, the Reich Office for Regional Planning, the Reich Nourishment State, Reich offices and main associations, Vereinigte Industrieunternehmungen AG und Untergesellschaften (VIAG), Kleinbahnunternehmen und Wohnungsbauunternehmen, Hauptversorgungs- und Versorgungsämter sowie Wehrmachttversorgungsämter - Collection of administrative reports, statutes and other printed matter from local and district administrations (locations A-Z) - Budgets and budget accounts of the Länder and municipal institutions - Gesetzsammelmappen In addition, 3089 personnel files are part of the inventory. , citation style: BArch, R 2301/...

District Office Biberach
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 65/5 T 3 · Bestand · 1806-1958
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition Preliminary Remark By the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of 25. February 1803 came the imperial city Biberach and the area of the hospital Biberach with the places Ahlen, Attenweiler, Bergerhausen, Birkendorf, Höfen, Ingerkingen, Laupertshausen, Muttensweiler, Volkersheim then partly Röhrwangen, Warthausen, Winterreute, Ummendorf, Baltringen, 1/3 of Baustetten, Burgrieden and Oberholzheim an Baden, which built out of it a Biberach upper bailiwick assigned to the "upper principality", which divided into the Ratsvogtei (town bailiwick) and the Vogteiamt (official bailiwick). The immediate imperial counties of Metternich-Ochsenhausen, Törring-Gutenzell, Waldbott-Bassenheim-Heggbach and partly Wartemberg-Rot and Sternberg-Schussenried were formed from the area of the Köster, as far as they belonged to the district, and the possessions of the Salem monastery were assigned to the Prince of Thurn und Taxis. The Rhenish Federal Act of 12 July 1806 brought the city of Biberach and the area of the hospital to Württemberg and the immediate imperial counties under Württemberg sovereignty, but the dominions of Erolzheim and Kellmünz on the Iller under Bavarian sovereignty. Through the state treaty with Bavaria, the left bank of the Iller became Württemberg again. According to the State Manual of 1807 and 1808, the following villages and hamlets belonged to the Oberamt Biberach: Biberach, Ahlen, Attenweiler, Aufhofen, Baltringen, Baustetten, Bühl, Bihlafingen, Bergerhausen, Birkendorf, Bronnen, Burgrieden, Donaustetten, Dorndorf, Hagenbuch, Häusern, Höfen, Holzheim, Hüttisheim, Ingerkingen, Laupertshausen, Muttensweiler, Obersulmetingen, Rißegg, Röhrwangen, Steinberg, Stetten a. d. Rottum, Unterweiler, Volkersheim, Westerflach, Wiblingen, Winterreute. In addition, the following were subordinate to the Oberamt: the patrimonial offices Achstetten, Bußmannshausen, Ellmannshausen, Hürbel, Groß- und Kleinlaupheim and Mittelbiberach and the patrimonial superior servant offices Heggbach, Schemmerberg, Sulmingen and Mistingen and Warthausen. After the abolition of the patrimonial offices (1809) the upper office Ochsenhausen was formed with the places Ochsenhausen, Bellamont, Berkheim, Erlenmoos, Gutenzell, Haslach, Horn-Fischbach, Hummertsried, Hürbel, Kirchberg, Kirchdorf, Maselheim, Edenbachen, Reinstetten, Ringschnait, Rot, Schönebürg, Spindelwag, Steinbach, Tannheim and Ummendorf. The newly created lower office Wiblingen with the villages Wiblingen, Aufhofen, Bihlafingen, Bronnen, Bühl, Donaustetten, Dorndorf, Hüttisheim, Steinberg, Stetten an der Rottum, Unterweiler and the Burgvogtei Illerrieden was subordinated to the upper office Biberach. Already after one year the upper office Ochsenhausen was abolished by the organization manifesto of 27 October 1810 again and subordinated as lower office to the upper office Biberach. At the same time the lower office Wiblingen was raised to a higher office. After these extensive changes, which placed the upper office administratively under the control of the 11th Landvogtei, the "an der Donau", with seat in Ulm, the following municipalities belonged to the upper office Biberach: Biberach, Äpfingen, Ahlen, Altheim, Aßmannshardt, Attenweiler, Aufhofen, Bellament, Bergerhausen, Birkendorf, Birkenhard, Erlenmoos, Erolzheim, Füramoos, Gutenzell, Grodt, Höfen, Hürbel, Ingerkingen, Kirchberg an der Iller, Langenschemmern, Laupertshausen, Maselheim, Mettenberg, Mittelbiberach, Mittelbuch, Muttensweiler, Obersulmetingen, Ochsenhausen, Reinstetten, Reute, Ringschnait, Rißegg, Rottum, Schemmerberg, Steinhausen an der Rottum, Ummendorf, Unterdettingen, Untersulmetingen, Volkersheim, Warthausen, as well as the Thurn und Taxissche Amtsgericht and Amt Obersulmetingen. The Unteramt Ochsenhausen was abolished, like all Unterämter in Württemberg, by the II. organization edict over the Oberamtsverfassung of 31 December 1818. By the law about the change of the upper office districts from 6 July 1842 Alberweiler came from the upper office Ehingen and Stafflangen from the upper office Waldsee to the upper office Biberach. The following reunions were carried out: 1836 a clean-up in the area of the communities Dietmanns and Unterschwarzach, 1844 Winterreute from Ummendorf to Ringschnait, 1846 conversion from Hauerz to Ellwangen, 1854 the Glaserhof from Gutenzell to Oberbalzheim, 1861 the wood mill from Burgrieden to Oberholzheim, 1864 Westerflach from Ingerkingen to Untersulmetingen, 1933 the Halbertshof from Wain to Unterbalzheim, 1933 Ziegolz from Dietmanns to Unterschwarzach, 1933 the book from Steinach (today Kr. Ravensburg) to Mühlhausen, 1951 Rindenmoos from Reute to Rißegg. The following incorporation took place: 1864 Birkendorf into the town of Biberach 1934 Bergerhausen into the town of Biberach 1934 Gemeinde Oberdorf into Mittelbiberach, which had replaced it in 1899, 1935 Gemeinde Hummertsried into Mühlhausen. Steinhausen was connected to Schussenried until 1892. Laupheim became a town in 1869, Schussenried in 1947 and Ochsenhausen in 1950. According to the law of 25 April on the division of the territory, the district of Biberach comprises all the municipalities of the former Oberamtsbezirk with the exception of Volkersheim, which was transferred to the Ehingen district administration; it received the municipalities from the Laupheim district: Achstetten, Altheim, Baltringen, Baustetten, Bihlafingen, Bronnen, Bühl, Burgrieden, Bußmannshausen, Großschafhausen, Laupheim, Mietingen, Oberbalzheim, Oberholzheim, Orsenhausen, Rot v. Laupheim, Schönenbürg, Schwendi, Sießen, Sinningen, Stetten, Sulmingen, Unterbalzheim, Wain and Walpertshofen; from the district of Leutkirch the municipalities: Berkheim, Ellwangen, Haslach, Kirchdorf, Rot an der Rot, Spindelwag and Tannheim; from the district Waldsee the municipalities: Dietmanns, Eberhardzell, Oberessendorf, Otterswang, Schussenried, Schweinhausen, Steinhausen, Unteressendorf, Unterschwarzach, Winterstettendorf and Winterstettenstadt. The files listed below were handed over to the Sigmaringen State Archives by the Biberach/Riß District Office on 9 November 1948, 4 February 1949, 3 October 1958 and 24 August 1959. The 1948 and 1949 deliveries were already set up in May 1949 in the State Archives according to the principle of provenance. The 1959 Accession was exclusively for steam boiler files, which were further expanded by a delivery from the Sigmaringen Trade Supervisory Office in 1960 (Acc. 24/1960). The present collection comprises 847 numbers in 23, 85 linear metres and the period from 1806-1950. Files of the same provenance from earlier deliveries for the period from 1806 to about 1925 are kept in the Ludwigsburg State Archives in fonds F 155. The order and indexing was carried out by government inspector Kungl, Reinschrift und Register, who was responsible for the order and indexing. Sigmaringen, January 1966 Kungl Government Inspector Supplement to the Foreword The official assembly records with the earlier signatures Wü 65/5 T 3 No. 54-64 and the building records with the earlier signatures Wü 65/5 T 3 No. 387-477 were handed over to the Kreisarchiv Biberach. In the years 2009/2010, the typewritten finding aid was digitized as part of the German Research Foundation (DFG) funded project for the retroconversion of archived finding aids. In cooperation with the Retroconversion Coordination Office at the Marburg School of Archives and the Baden-Württemberg State Archives, the finding aid book was prepared for publication on the Internet. Corinna Knobloch and Silke Schöttle carried out the necessary reworking. The development data has been available on the Internet since June 2010. The citation of the inventory is: Wü 65/5 T 3 Nr. [Order number] Contents and rating Contains: German Reich: elections, referendums; König-Karl-Jubiläumsstiftung; statistics; Oberamt und Amtskörperschaft: personnel and remuneration, accommodation, diaries, Oberamtspflege, Pensionskasse für Körperschaftsbeamte, Oberamtssparkasse; municipality: Local heads, community officials, community colleges, community property, citizen benefits and burdens, community visitation, expenditure and income management, budget plans, debt level; nobility; citizenship and emigration; awards and honors; Germans abroad; surveyors and marker border adjustments; trade tax; military affairs: Recording, military monitoring, neighbourhood services, damage to land, medical care, care of war-affected and surviving dependants, war graves, consequences of war, requisitions; churches: Diaconate, divine service, church and parsonage construction, furnishings, church assets, pastor, sacristan, church and state, congregations, church care, foundations, levies; free religious community; elementary school: Teachers and salaries, school building construction; work schools; secondary schools; welfare for the poor, youth and migrants; welfare for refugees and displaced persons; support, foundations, hospitals; charities; unemployment and voluntary work; civil servants in construction; fire brigade; agriculture and forestry: Field cleaning, irrigation and drainage, field paths, crossing and stairway rights, irrigation, fruit growing, agricultural associations, local livestock insurance associations, goods traders and debt relief, forest management plans, agricultural workers; river and water police: rivers, ditches, bridges, wells, jackdaws; roads: Construction and maintenance, personnel, forced expropriations, snowmobiles; municipal and security police, police hour; political parties; confiscation of printed matter; gypsies; health police: doctors, mentally ill persons, gravediggers, morgue, ambulance crews; veterinarians; commercial, trade and traffic police: Concessions, mill supplies, steam boilers; old-age and disability insurance; health insurance; accident insurance; executions; Jews; provenance royal taxissches Gemeinschaftsliches Amt Obersulmetingen betr. Schemmerberg.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/3 · Bestand · 1868-1925
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: In 1965, the estate of Berthold von Fetzer was handed over to the Main State Archives by Mrs. Friedel Schloßberger-Hoffmann, the granddaughter of Berthold von Fetzer, retired superior. The printed matter and books (including printed matter by Carl August and Berthold von Fetzer) submitted by Mrs. Schloßberger-Hoffmann at that time were classified in the service library of the Main State Archives. The collection contains 40 volumes of diaries from 1868 to 1925 (with gaps), five volumes of notebooks from 1918 to 1923 as well as three photos of Berthold von Fetzer, and the entries of Fetzer on his activities as court physician of King Karl in 1883, 1885 to 1891 (volumes 5-15). Unfortunately the corresponding volume covering the period from April 1883 to February 1885 is missing. According to the correspondence with Mrs. Schloßberger-Hoffmann, it was not handed over to the Main State Archives. The diaries, which were kept in detail in the years 1883 and 1885 to 1891, especially during the King's winter stays in southern France and Italy, contain numerous information about the person of King Charles, his illnesses, his daily routine and his attitude towards the people around him - especially towards Queen Olga, Charles Woodcock (Baron de Savage), Wilhelm Freiherr von Spitzemberg and Julius Albert Freiherr von Griesinger. Fetzer was consulted almost daily by the king, especially during his winter stays in the south, while he did not maintain such close contact with the king during the remaining months when the king was in Stuttgart, Friedrichshafen or Bebenhausen. In addition, the diaries Volumes 5-15 also give interesting insights into farm life. These diaries, which are the most important source about the last years of King Karl, were written by Professor Dr. Paul Sauer for his book "Regent with mild sceptre. For Fetzer's activity as court physician under King Wilhelm II, however, there are no comparable entries except for a diary (volume 17), which contains some information about diseases of Queen Charlotte. This is probably due to the fact that Fetzer was consulted less frequently by the last royal couple of Württemberg and at that time was primarily active as head of the medical department of the newly created Karl Olga Hospital in Stuttgart. In addition to the diaries on court life, the two volumes with entries on Fetzer's work as senior physician at the Fourth Württemberg Field Hospital in the War of 1870/71 (Volumes 1 and 2), in which he reports on his activities in the field hospitals and in the Solitude reserve hospital - including the operations he performed - also deserve attention. In addition to the above-mentioned entries by Fetzer, all of which are in some way connected with his work as a doctor, the diaries naturally also contain numerous references to his family life and provide insights into Fetzer's personality, his diverse interests and political attitudes. In addition to the sometimes very detailed descriptions of his numerous travels in Germany and other European countries, here are notes and comments on his reading in the fields of medicine and natural sciences. literature, art or art history, philosophy and history. There are also frequent reports in the diaries about visits to theatre, opera and concerts, as well as visits to art exhibitions and museums. They convey an impressive picture of a typical educated citizen of the imperial period and are therefore of importance for cultural, mental and social history. The descriptions of his travels and even more the notes and commentaries on his reading - like a red thread, so to speak - run through almost all of his diaries, whereby in the diaries of the years 1913 to 1925 (volumes 27-40) - possibly due to a lack of reportable external experiences of Fetzer - they occupy a large space. In addition to the diaries, Fetzer also kept pure notebooks with notes for his reading between 1918 and 1923 (vol. 41-45). The estate of Fetzer was recorded in the summer of 1997 by the candidate archive inspectors Nicole Schütz and Andre Kayser. The title recordings were edited by Archive Inspector Eberhard Merk in autumn 1999. The stock comprises 46 title records in 0.3 metres. Stuttgart, November 1999 Eberhard Merk

Fetzer, Berthold von
Kiautschou Organization: Vol. 6
BArch, RM 3/6704 · Akt(e) · 1902-1904
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Organizational Provisions for the Crew of the Protectorate and their Regular Companies General Map of Tsingtau and Surroundings Report on Corps of Non-Commissioned Officers and Sailor Artillery Department in Kiautschou Publications from the Central Information Office for Emigrants: Guide for Providing Information to Emigrants, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraguay

Literature and newspaper articles
BArch, RM 16/43 · Akt(e) · 1908-1909
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Paul Rohrbach: German-Chinese Studies Tsingtau, in : Special print from the Prussian Yearbooks, edited by Hans Delbrück, volume 134, 2nd/3rd issue, Berlin 1908 H. Graf Schlieffen: Politisches Wetterleuchten in Ostasien, in: March, Halbmonatsschrift für deutsche Kultur, edited by Ludwig Thoma et al., 3rd volume, 1st February issue, Munich 1909, pp. 168 - 173 Die Zukunft, edited by Maximilian Harden, XVII volume, issue no. 10, 05 Dec. 1908, Otto Corbach: Fort aus Kiautschau, in: Das Blaubuch. Weekly, h.g. by H. Ilgenstein, Volume IV, Issue No. 6, 1909, p. 135 - 145 Johannes Leonhart: Kiautschou, in: Fortschritt. Halbmonatsschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Marinefragen, edited by Johannes Leonhart, Volume 2, Issue 24, Kiel, 15 Dec 1908, pp. 699 - 702

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/037 · Bestand · 1914-1979
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Karl Ludwig Eugen Schall (born on 25 November 1885), died on 30 January 1980) joined the Grenadier Regiment of Queen Olga (1st Württembergische) No. 119 in 1904 as a junior flag officer, reached the rank of lieutenant general there until World War I, after the outbreak of the war took part as company officer in the battles of the regiment on the West and East Front and was wounded twice. From 1915 Schall worked as a captain and general staff officer, often occupying changing general staff positions at General Command XIII Army Corps, at the 26th Infantry Division, the 14th Infantry Division, General Command V, and at the General Command of the German Armed Forces. Army Corps, 18th Reserve Division, General Command IV Reserve Corps and 10th Reserve Corps. He participated in the fights in Flanders, in the Somme, in the Champagne, in the Ardennes and Argonne, in the Meuse and near Verdun until his demobilisation in 1918. He was mainly concerned with strength and loss reports, interrogation of prisoners, evaluation of aerial photographs, mapping, position building and pioneer questions. From 1933 he again held several changing positions in the General Staff of the V. Army Corps as a Major, in 1939 was Commander of the Stuttgart II Military District as Lieutenant Colonel, from 1940 as Lieutenant Colonel, later as Colonel General Staff Officer in the 554th Army Corps. Infantry Division, with the Army Group A, with the Commander-in-Chief in Serbia, then Chief of the Field Commandantur 747 in Nîmes and was last transferred in 1944 against his own wishes as a war history teacher to the Kriegsakademie. As a pensioner Schall still studied archaeology in Tübingen until his doctorate. Further information on Karl Schall's life can be found in a handwritten curriculum vitae in Bü. 182, in the diaries in Bü. 181 and in the personal file in stock M 430/2, Bü. 1804 with information on his military career until 1919.Parts of the estate of Karl Schall, above all written material from his military service and extensive collections, were offered to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart by his son Brigadegeneral a.D. Wolfgang Schall in March 1980 and, after an initial inspection at the estate's premises in April 1980, were handed over to the library of the Hauptstaatsarchiv and the archival records in Department IV (Military Archives) have since formed the M 660 estate of Karl Schall. Since the estate of Karl Schall got into complete disarray and no pre-archival classification scheme was recognizable, it was necessary to develop a classification scheme after the indexing, which should do justice to the multi-layered structures and most different documentation forms, particularly since in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart no uniform classification scheme for estates finds application. The documents from the officers' activities, correspondence and personal papers, which besides their general historical significance have a close personal connection to the deceased, were clearly separated from the multi-layered collections. The structure of the documents from the officer's activity reflects the military career of Schall. These are mostly personal copies of official documents in the form of hectographies, prints and other copies, as well as drafts and private documents. A document, which had been taken from the business transactions of the office, was reintegrated into the relevant holdings of the military unit in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. There is a reference in this repertory. The private correspondence was sorted according to correspondent groups and correspondents. Posters and wall attacks, military maps and non-military maps were incorporated into the corresponding collections of the Main State Archives J 151, M 640 and M 650 mainly for conservation reasons. Nevertheless, these pieces have also been incorporated into the present repertory in the form of references, whereby the ordering scheme of the map holdings M 640 for military maps and M 65 0 for non-military maps has been adopted. Maps which have a recognisable connection to documents in Part A have been left there or reunited and have also been incorporated into the collections of the estate as references. For the collection of newspaper clippings, individual newspapers, printed publications and manuscripts from the fields of history, contemporary history, politics, religion, language, literature, science and technology, it seemed necessary to develop as finely structured a classification scheme as possible, since this collection, with approx. 500 numbers, represents the largest part of the collection and was previously only divided into the categories1. Military, 2nd Politics and Contemporary History, 3rd Science and within these categories only chronologically ordered, which made the chronological classification of the frequently undated newspaper clippings possible. It seemed appropriate to make the very multi-layered estate accessible by means of as comprehensive a list of subjects, places and persons as possible. Only a few small map sections from maps that are already available, sketches and notes that seemed to be no longer comprehensible individually and were not in any recognizable connection to other documents, file folders and packaging material were collected. The estate of Karl Schall contains above all informative material about the type of warfare in the First World War. Of particular importance is also the material on non-Württemberg units, most of whose records were destroyed in a bombing raid on Potsdam in April 1945. The drawings on the maps from World War I provide extensive information on the course of the front, combat directions, troop movements, position building and destruction in the front areas and thus complement the M 640 map holdings well. Also noteworthy is the extensive written material on the trials before the military tribunal in Nuremberg against the generals Curt Ritter von Geitner, Hubert Lanz, Karl von Roques and Eugen Wössner, which contains excerpts from the indictments and defence material. In the collections the history of the 20th century up to the 70s is reflected in an astonishingly comprehensive and descriptive way. The collection is not subject to any restrictions of use. In January and February 1984, the M 660 estate of Karl Schall was listed and arranged by Markus Baudisch, a candidate archive inspector, as a rehearsal work in the context of the state examination for the upper archive service and comprises 697 books in 1.55 metres.

BArch, N 2225/123 · Akt(e) · Juni 1900 - März 1908
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Newspapers, newspaper clippings and press correspondence, etc. about: Rivalry between Germany, France and Spain in the struggle for political and economic power in Morocco

Pfeil, Joachim Graf von
Newspaper clipping collection Knoch
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 736 · Sammlung · 1936-1943
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Very probably at the suggestion of Heeresarchivrat Knoch, who worked from June 1936 to autumn 1943 at the Reichsarchiv branch or at the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart collected excerpts from newspapers and military journals during these years. The collection, which also contains pieces from earlier years and which has also occasionally included other printed matter and copies of official letters from the Army Archives, primarily comprises documents on general military matters, on war history and on individual military personnel, especially those of the 19th and 20th centuries. As the archival term "Auskunftei" (information agency) (cf. e.g. no. 196) suggests, the Wahl collection was created with the intention of creating a quick and easy means of information for the employees of the army archives. It does not contain any significant individual pieces, nor does it carry much weight overall. If it was nevertheless rearranged and listed, it is because it can still serve its original purpose today and because it is also revealing to the spirit which prevailed at least among some of the staff of the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart during the National Socialist era. These were marked with the respective keyword and partly with detailed information about the excerpts contained in them. The envelopes were arranged in the alphabetical order of the keywords, but the entire collection was unlisted. In the present order and indexing, the previous order was essentially retained; however, where necessary, the keywords were specified or - in individual cases - changed. The purpose of these notes and cross-references is to facilitate the use of the holdings; life data are only given for persons if they could be determined with a justifiable amount of work. The holdings (389 numbers; 0.70 m) were indexed in March and April 1975 by the archivist. Herrmann under supervision of Oberstaatsarchivrat Dr. Fischer, who also completed the present repertory.Stuttgart, June 1975(Fischer)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/18 Bü 71 · Akt(e) · 1915-1918
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: 1) Württemberg reaction to the speech of the President of the War Food Office v. Batocki in the Reichstag Committee. Newspaper report of 27 May 1916 2) Report on the lecture of the State Secretary of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t Dr. Solf in Stuttgart on "The Teaching of the World War for Germany's Colonial Policy". Newspaper report of 29 May 1916 3) Resolution of the Reichstag deputy David, Ebert, Erzberger and others on the readiness for a peace of understanding (Reichstag printed matter no. 889, 1917)