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Archival description
RMG 861 · File · 1908-1914
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; publications of the various committees; key to the delegation of delegates, 1909; questionnaire on the home base of the Mission and Answer, 1909; detailed description of Miss. E. Hartwig (Cape) about school and church conditions there (answer to questionnaire), 1910; invitation, program and list of participants of the conference, 1910; subscription offer of the International Review of Missions, 1912; J. Warneck: The animistic religions in the Indian archipelago, paper, ca. 1913; Report on invitation to the next World Mission Conference in Germany, 1913; Mission Statistics Procedure, Proposals, 1913; Club Berlin, Protocol of Negotiations, 1914; Prayer for Christian Missions in View of the War in Europe, 1914

Rhenish Missionary Society
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 3/32 Bü 34 · File · 1867-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Technical literature, association publications and special editions, lectures and congress contributions by Paul Klunzinger, among others. Writings of the Donau-Verein (German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation); Communications on Inland Navigation Congresses; Association of Technicians in Upper Austria; Special editions of the Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects; Lectures on the project on the curvature of the Vienna River; Writings of the Zentralverein für Fluss und Kanalschifffahrt in Österreich (formerly Donau-Verein); Documents on Waterway Days in Vienna (for the time being: German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation); Documents on the Waterway Days in Vienna (for the time being: German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation). T. with annexes: The warehouse of the City of Vienna); tasks of hydraulic engineering and its economic connection by Rudolf Halter (with personal dedication of the author); Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London Contains also: Map of Upper Italy (left); map of the city of Vienna (right). o. Meran, left and Verona, right o. Millstätter See, right and Trieste); map of Bukowina; map of Belarus (Brest-Litowsk) Issue of the Weekly for German World and Colonial Politics 6 (1917)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Bad. Schwesternschaft Nr. 952 · File · 1. Jan. - 15. Dez. 1906
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Volume contains alphabetical table of contents Contains also: Report about the troop welfare in German Southwest Africa (No. 8 (1st special sheet of the Mitteilungen des Gesamtvorstands des Badischen Landesvereins vom Roten Kreuz); Address to the working teachers (Supplement to No. 1 of the XXX. volume of the German Southwest Africa Newsletter). Report on the Tuberculosis Assembly in Bruchsal (Supplements to No. 12 and 15 of the XXX. Report on the Tuberculosis Assembly in Mosbach (Supplement to No. 16 of the XXX. Report on the Tuberculosis Meeting in Villingen (Supplements to No. 19 and 20 of the XXX. the year of the leaves of the Badischer Frauenverein)

1-15-00041866-1922/7859 · File · 1906 - 1922
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Altenburg State Archives

Contains among other things: Collection of the collections - Use of the funds for German Protestant congregations abroad and the German colonies - "Ten years of Protestant congregational life in Karbitz" (printed), 1909 - Annual report of the association Evangelisch-lutherischer Gotteskasten in Thüringen (printed), 1909 - "Fiftieth anniversary of the German Protestant-Lutheran St. Martini congregation in Cape Town" (printed), 1911 - Other printed materials of Protestant congregations abroad.

30 · File · Nov. 1916-Dez. 1917
Part of Thuringian Main State Archives Weimar (Archivtektonik)

Contains also:- Messages of the German Fleet Association 1-3, 5-21/1917- Writings of the Colonial Economic Committee: Paul Leusch, The Worker and the German Colonies; F.Wohltmann, The Farmer and the German Colonies; The Trade of the German Colonies; The German Housewife and the Colonies.

BArch, R 1001/5599 · File · (1914) Sept. 1915 - Mai 1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Publications on the construction of the railway line Neu Moschi - Aruscha including the conversions into additional buildings on the main line of the Usambara line in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and on the construction of the railway from Tabora to Kagera (Rwanda line), 1914

BArch, R 2/11627 · File · 1936-1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Aid guidelines for teachers of the foreign school service and (in exceptional cases) their surviving dependants of 15 May 1937 Deutsche Akademie in Munich - Publications and brochures about tasks, plans and development, etc.: "10 Years of the German Academy" and "Sense and Tasks of the German Academy", 1938

ATK 123 · File · 1926-01-01 - 1936-12-31
Part of Johann-Friedrich-Danneil-Museum

Various publications, bundle of photos from unspecified context (possibly from the former Wang Collection?) with motifs from the colonial period: bundle of photos of natives in the German colonies around 1900 from the German colonies (approx. 50 pieces), some photos marked on the reverse with pencil, e.g. "Samoans (exiled) in the Bismarck Archipelago"/ "natives of New Ireland/New Mecklenburg with dance masks".

RMG 779 · File · 1905-1908
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on the foundation of the Institute and the tropical convalescent home; publications on this; Oberlehrer Kammerer, Stuttgart: Referat über missionsärztl. institutes u. Samariterschulen, 12 p., Dr., 1905; Annual Report of the Association for Medical Mission, 1905; Protocol of the Constituent Meeting of the Association for Medical Mission, 1906; Protocol of the Annual Meeting with Statutes, 1907; D. Dietrich: Ärztliche Mission IN: "Der Tag" No. 116, Berlin, 1908; Building plans of the Association for the Medical Mission, 1907; Building plans of the German Institute for Medical Mission, 1906; Report of the Annual Meeting with Statutes, 1907. Architects Klatte and Weigle, Stuttgart, 1908

Rhenish Missionary Society
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Bad. Schwesternschaft Nr. 951 · File · 1. Jan. - 15. Dez. 1905
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Volume contains alphabetical table of contents Also contains: Report on the work of the Badischer Frauenverein in Deutsch-Südwestafrika (special print from No. 9 of the XXVIII. and No. 4 of the XIX. year of the Badischer Frauenverein; special pages No. 3 and 5 of the Mitteilungen des Gesamtvorstands des Badischen Landesvereins vom Roten Kreuz); report from the meeting of the tuberculosis committees in Karlsruhe (Supplements to No. 14 and 15 of the XIX volume of the Badischer Frauenvereins); report from the meeting of the tuberculosis committees of the sea region in Konstanz (Supplements to No. 21 and 22 of the XIX volume of the Badischer Frauenvereins); report from the VI Congress of the Badischer Frauenvereins). Landes-Tuberkuloseversammlung des Badischen Frauenvereins (Supplements to No. 23 and 24 of the XIXth year of the Badischer Frauenverein)

BArch, RM 16/43 · File · 1908-1909
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Paul Rohrbach: German-Chinese Studies Tsingtau, in : Special print from the Prussian Yearbooks, edited by Hans Delbrück, volume 134, 2nd/3rd issue, Berlin 1908 H. Graf Schlieffen: Politisches Wetterleuchten in Ostasien, in: March, Halbmonatsschrift für deutsche Kultur, edited by Ludwig Thoma et al., 3rd volume, 1st February issue, Munich 1909, pp. 168 - 173 Die Zukunft, edited by Maximilian Harden, XVII volume, issue no. 10, 05 Dec. 1908, Otto Corbach: Fort aus Kiautschau, in: Das Blaubuch. Weekly, h.g. by H. Ilgenstein, Volume IV, Issue No. 6, 1909, p. 135 - 145 Johannes Leonhart: Kiautschou, in: Fortschritt. Halbmonatsschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Marinefragen, edited by Johannes Leonhart, Volume 2, Issue 24, Kiel, 15 Dec 1908, pp. 699 - 702

Miscellaneous matters
BArch, N 30/44 · File · 1915-1918 und o.Dat.
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Summary of the publication "Unsere Südsee", o.Dat.; "Die Auslandspresse über den Nationitätenkongreß in Lausanne (vom 27. - 30. Juni)", o.Dat.; Piotr Pawel Kasprzycki: "Die Nationitätenfrage und der Völkerkrieg", Aug. 1915; Dr. von Glasenapp: "Deutschlands wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Kraft", 1915; Count J. v. Korwin-Milewski: "Zurück zum Dreikaiserbund", o.Dat. (ca. 1916); Promemoria concerns two articles published in the Züricher Neuesten Nachrichten of Feb. 9/10, March 1916, about a possible peace mediation of the neutral states and territorial restoration of the status quo ante bellum; Prof. Eduard Meyer: "Denkschrift betr. die deutsche Kriegssituation nach dem Eintritt Amerikas in den Krieg" (print), 25 Apr. 1916; General Landschaftsdirektor Kapp "Die nationalen Kreise und der Reichskanzler", May 20, 1916; General Landschaftsdirektor Kapp "Die nationale Kreise und der Reichskanzler", May 20, 1916; Promemoria concerns two articles about a possible peace mediation of the neutral states and territorial restoration of the status quo ante bellum. Estorff: "Das deutsche Offizier-Korps in der Zukunft", 1 Aug. 1916; Mitteilungen des "Unabhängigen Ausschusses für einen Deutschen Frieden" (Appeal), 23 Aug. 1916; Captain Ulrich: "Deutschlands wirtschaftliche Widerstandskraft und Deutschlands Finanzkraft" (Printing), 10 March 1917; Richard Pretzell and Dr. Otto Hellmut Hopfen: Memorandum concerning the founding of the Neudeutsche Verlags- und Treuhandgesellschaft, Berlin, zur Gesundung des deutschen Pressewesens.- (The German Officers' Corps in the Future). Description of the current grievances in Germany, Apr. 27, 1917; "Das Wirtschaftsleben während der Kriegszeit", edited by Bankhaus Gebr. Arnhold (Druck), Apr. 28, 1917; Memorandum of the Verein Deutscher Eisen- und Stahl-Industrieller and the Verein deutscher Eisenhüttenleute "Zur Einleibung der französisch-lothringischen Eisenerzbecken in das Deutsche Reichsgebiet" (Druck), Dec. 19, 1917; "The economic life during the wartime", edited by Bankhaus Gebr. Arnhold (Druck), Apr. 28, 1917. 1917; "Die staatatsrechtliche Stellung des Thronsugers", edited by the headquarters of the Heeresgruppe Deutscher Kronprinz, Charleville (print), 1. Jan. 1918; Recording of protection treaties under international law (sent by H. Hatzfeldt with letter of 23. March 1918) Wilhelm Hall-Halfen: "Eine für Alle! Overthrowing Financial Project for the Repayment of War Debts" (print), March 1918

Miscellaneous matters
1-15-00041866-1922/11019 · File · 1913 - 1919
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Altenburg State Archives

Contains among other things: Sending and handing out printed materials - invitations to events - appeals for donations - support for field chaplains - appeal for donations for Protestant missions in the German colonies on the occasion of the Emperor's jubilee, 1913 - "Der evangelische Kirchenvorstand. Vierteljahresschrift für die Mitglieder der Gemeindekirchenräte, Presbyterien und Kirchenvorstände im evangelischen Deutschland" (printed matter), 1913 - 1914 - "Notsignal für das deutsche Volk" by Elias Schrenk (printed matter), 1913.- Der Krieg und sein Ausgang, schon 1911 offenbarbart" by Ernst Albert Rocktäschel (print), 1914 - "Schulkriegsgebete" by former school director Schindler in Dresden (print), 1914 - "Der deutsche Ölhandel und der Krieg", print, 1914 - "How do I treat the alcohol question in religious and confirmation classes? (Printed), 1916 - Further printed works on the occasion of the war and on Christian morality.

Miscellaneous, Volume 3
Best. 550, A 1288 · File · 1894-1899
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:Advertising material of various publishers and companies for books and school utensils, book recommendations of the superior authorities, complaints and petitions of various kinds; distribution of plants to schoolchildren by the Kölner Gartenbaugesellschaft (Cologne Horticultural Society) with the significant participation of the merchant Max Garthe, premiums for the particularly well-tended plants; Kölner und Berliner Tierschutzverein due to distribution of animal welfare calendars, establishment of school celebrations for pupils and parents, preparation of the anniversaries of the head teacher at the seminar in Brühl Konrad Schumacher and the district school inspector Peter Hopstein, collection of material for the Cologne traffic encyclopedia of Damian Gronen, tax assessment of teachers; invitations, calls and brochures of various associations and institutions: Wilhelm Augusta Teachers' Association in Witten for founding recreation homes for old teachers, German Patriots' Association for the erection of a monument to the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig, Central Office for Workers' Welfare Institutions in Berlin, German Colonial Society in Cologne, Chamber of Commerce. Printed publications: Preliminary result of the census on 2 December 1895 in Cologne (1895); compilation of the operating results of the local health insurance funds, company (factory) health insurance funds and guild health insurance funds for the year 1895 (1896) existing in Cologne and in the incorporated suburbs under the supervision of the Lord Mayor; The census on 2 December 1895 (1896); Lease agreement between the City of Cologne and the Waren-Kredit-Anstalt for the construction of a warehouse at the Rheinwerft shipyard (4 December 1895); Lease agreement between the City of Cologne and the Waren-Kredit-Anstalt for the construction of a warehouse at the Rheinwerft shipyard (4 December 1896). September 1897); tables on the employment agency of the Allgemeine Arbeitsnachweis-Anstalt in Cologne from 1 April to 30 June 1898 (1898); statutes of the Preußische Ruhegehaltszuschuss- und Unterstützungskasse für mit Ruhegehaltsberechtigung angestellte Lehrerinnen (1898); evidence of the planned income from municipal income tax and municipal surcharges (June 1895); evidence of the planned income from state and municipal taxes (July 1896); file number: XII-5-1.Old signatures: Order 403, C-185.

BArch, N 2225/123 · File · Juni 1900 - März 1908
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Newspapers, newspaper clippings and press correspondence, etc. about: Rivalry between Germany, France and Spain in the struggle for political and economic power in Morocco

Pfeil, Joachim von
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/18 Bü 71 · File · 1915-1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: 1) Württemberg reaction to the speech of the President of the War Food Office v. Batocki in the Reichstag Committee. Newspaper report of 27 May 1916 2) Report on the lecture of the State Secretary of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t Dr. Solf in Stuttgart on "The Teaching of the World War for Germany's Colonial Policy". Newspaper report of 29 May 1916 3) Resolution of the Reichstag deputy David, Ebert, Erzberger and others on the readiness for a peace of understanding (Reichstag printed matter no. 889, 1917)

125/8 · File · 1951-1967
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Minutes of the board meeting of 14.11.1951; order of individual publications of the Mission Society, 1961, 10 pieces; correspondence of board member Albrecht Nelle, ca. 40 pages, 1963-1967.

Prussian Navy
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, C 20 I, Ib Nr. 3235 Bd. 2 (Benutzungsort: Magdeburg) · File · 1901 - 1917
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Publications on the development and enlargement of the Kriegsmarine, on German colonial acquisition and on the development of the Kiautschou area (illustrated).

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 150 Bü 720 · File · 1899-1914
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Darin: Geological sketch of the province Shantung, with explanations, 75 x 85 cm; memorials about the development of the Kiautschou area (with maps and photographs) from October 1898 to October 1899, from October 1905 to October 1906 as well as from October 1906 to October 1907

Contains above all: Inquiries and mailings from associations and institutions Darin: sent publications (15 Months Austro-Hungarian War Aid in Württemberg, 1916; Modern Therapy and War Wounded, 1916; Zur Tuberkulose-Bekämpf 1914, 1914; W. Liese, Die katholischen Orden Deutschlands und der Völkerkrieg 1914/15, 1915; Report of the German Association for Medical Dogs, 1915; Adolf Bachrach, Aus dem Rechtsleben im Kriege, 1914; Kriegskonterbande und Überseeische Rohstoffe, 1914; Edward L., 1914. Blackshear, An American Proposal for an Inter-state Federation of the States of Europe into the United States of Europe (...), 1914; Annual Report of the Blind Asylum of Schwäbisch Gmünd, 1914); sent manuscript on the establishment of a trading company in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a..

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 228, Nr. 1578 · File · Jun. 1934 - Mai 1936
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Rotary International, European Office in Zurich, Newsletter No. 1 to 8, 10 and 11 (1935/36), July 1935 to May 1936 - "The News Letter" No. 1, 5 to 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, and 17 (1935/36), July to December 1935 - Third Regional Conference for Europe, Africa, and Asia Minor, 16 to 18 September 1935 in Venice (Report) - Rotary International, European Office in Zurich, Newsletter No. 10 and 11 (1935/36), July 1935 to May 1936 - "The News Letter" No. 1, 5 to 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, and 17 (1935/36), July to December 1935 - Third Regional Conference for Europe, Africa, and Asia Minor, 16 to 18 September 1935 in Venice (Report) - Rotary International, European Office in Zurich, Newsletter No. 1 to 5 and 7 to 12 (1934/35), July 1934 to May 1935 - The European Office in Zurich provides the Rotary Club of Plauen with publications and materials on Rotary - The News Letter No. 17 to 20 (1934/35), January to February 1935 - Survey "Frequency, work plan, direction, entertainment, and other events of a Rotary convention," September 1934 Also includes: - Second Governor's Monthly Letter (1934/35), August 1935.