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Description archivistique
FA 1 / 1 · Dossier · 1885 - 1887
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Errichtung der Schutzherrschaft.- Bericht von Reichskommissar Falkenthal (Abschriften), 1885 [fol. 1 - 19] Politische Lage in Togo und den benachbarten Gebieten.- Bericht von Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 1 - 19] Nichtanerkennung der deutschen Schutzherrschaft über Togo durch Frankreich und sonstige gegen das Deutsche Reich gerichtete französische Maßnahmen. - Protests by Reichskommissar Falkenthal to the French consular agent Piathet, Groß-Popo, 1885 [fol. 1 - 60] Report by Rear Admiral Knorr, 1885 [fol. 61 - 69] Expulsion of the Cameroonians Manga Akwa, Anja Preso (Priso) and Misunga to Togo for participating in the uprising in Duala. - Handed over to the Reichskommissar by Rear Admiral Knorr, flight to Accra and extradition negotiations, 1885 [fol. 71] Accusations against Portuguese authorities for slave trade. - Misinterpretation of a labour recruitment in Dahomey by the German planter Spengler (Chamisso plantation) on St. Thomé, 1885 [fol. 76 - 84] Establishment of the Portuguese protectorate over Dahomey and its takeover by France, 1885 - 1886 [fol. 85 - 192] Approval and request for armament and equipment, 1885 [fol. 102 - 105] Establishment of the protectorate over the west coast between Liberia and Grand Bassam. - Memorandum by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 106 - 108] Shipping of slaves on the coast of Dahomey and Whydah (Quittab) in the presence of British gunboats. - Denial by Acting Colonial Secretary Percival Hughes, Accra, 1885 [fol. 109] Breakthrough of the coast at Cotonou on 23 September 1885 by the French to establish a connection between the lagoon of Porto Novo and the sea. - Report by Consul Randad jun., 1885 [fol. 118] Action against the French during the occupation of the Gridji and Abanaque territories. - Justification by Reichskommissar Falkenthal in response to a reprimand by von Bismarck, 1885 [fol. 133 - 135] Relations between France, Great Britain and Portugal on the slave coast between Whydah (Quittah) and Lagos as well as Dahomey. - Report by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 138 - 139] Establishment of German protectorate over Porto Seguro at the request of the local King Mensa. - Report by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 148] Clarification of German intentions in Togo. - Enquiry from Governor von Soden to von Bismarck, 1885 [fol. 156 - 157] Bielke, sergeant of the police force - Death and burial, 1885 [fol. 183] Official residence of the Reichskommissar in Klein-Popo. - Construction of a prefabricated building by the company F. H. Schmidt, Hamburg, 1886 [fol. 196 - 204] Pietrowski, sergeant, drill sergeant of the police force. - Assignment as successor to the deceased Sergeant Bielke and leave of absence for health reasons, 1886 - 1888 [fol. 212] Situation in Klein-Popo after the arrival of Reichskommissar Falkenthal at his official residence, 1886 [fol. 214] Recruitment of Hausa, 1886 - 1888 [fol. 214] Criticism of the inauguration of Reichskommissar Falkenthal (31 October 1887) and interim appointment of the previous chancellor in Cameroon, von Puttkamer, 1886 - 1887 [fol. 217 - 221] Treaty between France and the chiefs of the country of Quatschi (Kete Krachi) north of the Popos in Togo. - Copy, 21 June 1885 [fols. 238 - 239] Protocol on the German and French possessions on the west coast of Africa and in the South Seas. - Copy (German and French text), 24 Dec. 1885 [fol. 240 - 247] Exchange of notes between Germany and France on King Mensa of Porto Seguro [fol. 248 - 251] Work of the Franco-German Boundary Commission on the demarcation of the territories on both sides of the Slave Coast in accordance with Article 2 of the Protocol of 24 Dec. 1885 - Protocol, 2 Apr. 1887 [fol. 252 - 254] Regulation of flag mail traffic. - Circular no. 3, 29 May 1914

Sans titre
BArch, R 1001/763 · Dossier · Nov. 1890 - Mai 1892
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Takeover of the sovereign rights of the German East African coastal strip. - Agreement between the Reich Government and the Deutsche Ostafrika-Gesellschaft of 20 Nov. 1890 Statutes of the Deutsche Ostafrika-Gesellschaft in the version of 20 Nov. 1890 Legal relations between the German Reich and the Deutsche Ostafrika-Gesellschaft Issue of a bond of approx. 10.5 million Marks by issue of a 5th bond of the Deutsche Ostafrika-Gesellschaft

BArch, R 1001/9649 · Dossier · 1907-1913
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Construction of the railway from Bonaberi (Duala) to the Manenguba Mountains in Cameroon. - Contract between the Kamerun-Eisenbahngesellschaft, Berlin and the Deutsche Kolonial-Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebs-Gesellschaft zu Berlin dated 6 March 1907 (copy) Otavi-Eisenbahn. - Purchase and lease contract between the treasury of the German South West African protectorate and the Otavi Minen- und Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft, Berlin of 23 November 1909 and 30 March 1910 respectively (copy) Südbahn between Lüderitzbucht and Keetmanshoop and Seeheim and Kalkfontein. - Lease agreement between the treasury of the protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika and the Deutsche Kolonial Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebsgesellschaft, Berlin from 9.12.1909 respectively 15.1.1910 operation of the Cameroon railway Bonaberi (Duala) - Manengubagebirge, Cameroon. - Contract between the Kamerun-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft, Berlin and the Deutsche Kolonial-Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebs-Gesellschaft, Berlin of 1 and 8 Oct. 1913 (copy) Construction of railways in South Angola. - Draft contract (without date) Future of the state railways in German South West Africa. - Note from Sept. 3, 1909

BArch, R 1001/1393 · Dossier · Sept. 1908 - Mai 1911
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Statute of society. Berlin 1909 Treaty of 7 May 1910 between the Reichskolonialamt and the Deutsche Diamanten-Gesellschaft mbH

Office impérial aux Colonies
FA 1 / 83 · Dossier · 1898 - 1900
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Dienststellen der Lokalverwaltung. - Dikoa. - Cancellation of the newly established military post. - Objection by Lieutenant-Colonel Pavel with reference to military requirements, (signature uncertain), July 1902 [fol. 21 - 23] Offices of the local administration. - Dikoa. - Objection by Captain Langheld regarding the possible resurgence of the Emir Subeiru (Zuber) of Jola and his influence on the sultanates in Bornu , (signature uncertain), September 1902 [fol. 26 - 27] Labour and porters. - Measures taken by the protection force for Cameroon to recruit workers from the Jaunde-Wute region and the neighbouring landscapes for the new large planting ventures in the Cameroon protectorate. - Governor von Puttkamer to Captain von Kamptz, 30 March 1899 [fol. 53 - 58] Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Purchase of 3024 kg of ivory from the Wute-Adamaua expedition worth 54432 marks by the factories in Yaoundé, 20 November 1899 [fol. 66] The Niger Company, Ltd. - violation of the joint treaty by sending an expedition to Tibati. - Complaint by Emir Subeiru (Zuber) of Jola (translation), 22 Mar. 1899 [fol. 87] Local government offices. - Establishment of the Joko military station by Captain von Kamptz and instructions for the head of the station, Lieutenant Nolte, 20 September 1899 [fol. 95 - 96] Local government offices. - Dikoa. - Administration of the military post, 1903 - 1906 [fol. 125 - 126]

Sans titre
FA 1 / 698 · Dossier · 1889 - 1900
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Fernmeldeverbindungen in die benachbarten Gebiete und nach Übersee. - Telegraph connections Duala (Bell Town) Bonny Nigeria. - Contract between the Imperial Government and the African Direct Telegraph Company, Ltd. (copy), 26.11.1892 [fol. 77 - 85] Recruitment and provision of workers for the construction, operation and maintenance of telegraph and telephone connections in the protectorate of Cameroon, 1889 - 1908 Labour and carrier system. - Duala Buea, 1898 - 1903

Sans titre
German East African Bank: Vol. 2
BArch, R 1001/6412 · Dossier · Sept. 1904 - Apr. 1905
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Agreement between the Imperial Government and the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Bank The Ruoi Currency and the Establishment of a Colonial Bank for D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a

FA 1 / 96 · Dossier · 1886 - 1895
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Combating Riots and Insurrections. - Budiman landscape (occupation), 12 May 1886 [fol. 9 - 10] Settlement of disputes and opening of the Dibombe, Ndokoboi and Ndokobedi rivers for trade between the two tribes. - Treaty between the chiefs Etoka of Wuri and Ngale of Budiman, 12 May 1886 [fol. 11 - 12] Succession of the deceased King Kwa - appointment of Chief Mbe of Mutimba-Lembe as rightful successor, 23 April 1892 [fol. 199 - 200] Abo expedition, 18-21 October 1891

Sans titre
BArch, R 1001/1326 · Dossier · Apr. 1910 - Juni 1910
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Arndt, Die Bergrechtsame der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika, 1910 Hermann Veit Simon, Expert opinion on the fee claims of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika for the area from 26° southern latitude to the Kuisib, Berlin 1910 Kurt Pevels, Das Bergrechtabkommen vom 17. Febr./2. Apr. 1908 and the mining position of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika, Berlin 1910 Treaty of May 7, 1910 between the Reichskolonialamt and the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika Conditions in the Diamond Area. Lüderitz Bay. Memorandum of Aug. 5, 1910 Hermann Veit Simon, expert opinion on the right of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika (D e u t s c h s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h a f r i k a f r i k a) to convert its prospecting fields located in the restricted area into mining fields, Berlin 1910 Contract of May 7, 1910 between the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t and the Deutsche Diamanten-Gesellschaft mbH. Ltd.