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Stadtarchiv Worms, 077/14 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Abt. 77/14 Turngemeinde 1846 Worms (Dep.) Scope: 107 archive cartons (= 747 units = 12 linear metres) Duration: 1861 - 2007 I. Acquisition and condition Documents on the history of the Turngemeinde (1 archive carton) had been handed over to the municipal archives at an unknown point in time (between 1975 and 1988) without depositary reservation. The actual archives of the gymnastics community were collected on 7 and 16 May 2008 at the gymnastics community Worms 1846 after preliminary talks with the honorary chairman Herbert W. Hofmann and conclusion of a contract with the club, where they had been kept in the basement and in the top floor of the tower of the Jahnturnhalle, at the latter location also in the context of a permanent exhibition in showcases. These two storage locations were, as far as can be reconstructed with certainty after the transport to the city archives, noted in the field "Remark" with "Cellar" or "Tower". A pre-archival order above the file units could only be found on the envelopes for some files of the 1920s (numbering 1 - 44); a registration plan was not available. A brief reference to the reorganization of the archive by Peter Hofmann is contained in the file Dept. 77/14 No. 480. However, the first known overview of the archive is that of Prof. Dr. Harald Braun in his Festschrift der Turngemeinde of 1995 (see below). The preparatory work for this work also includes the copies of Worms and foreign archives, transcriptions and notes summarised in No. 626. The condition of the material is perfect. II Provenances In addition to the actual record keeping of the gymnastics community, other places have contributed to a small extent to the written material and photographic material as it was taken over by the city archives. They were left in the inventory with reference to the respective provenance. Apart from the above-mentioned author of the 1995 commemorative publication, Prof. Harald Braun, recognizable are - above all Nikolaus Doerr, 1st Chairman, of whom there are also files concerning his activities as a member of the City Council and Chairman of the City Sports Association; - Peter Hofmann, 2nd and 3rd Chairman, Altersturnwart as well as expert advisor for physical education at the City Education Authority; - Willi Hein, Oberturnwart, Gaujugendturnwart. With the photo albums and collections private origin is mostly probable. Hermann Fendel, Josef Fischer, Willi Hein, Anton Hilken and Wilma Wolfrath can be identified as previous owners. The archives of the gymnastics department of the F.C. Blau-Weiß Worms of 1933 for the years 1948-49 (Dept. 77/14 No. 588, due to the change of departments of the temporarily forbidden gymnastics community) and of the gymnastics club 1883 Alsheim (Dept. 77/14 No. 217, probably in connection with Peter Hofmann's activity for the club, of which he was an honorary member since 1936, can be found of foreign clubs. III. archival indexing The indexing took place in 2008/09. Due to the quite clear delimitability of the older part of the tradition from the beginnings up to prohibition and reestablishment of the gymnastics community after World War II on the one hand and the following time up to today on the other hand, the stock was divided into an older (up to 1945) and a newer part (from 1945) during the preparation of a file plan. For a certain part of the material a new formation was necessary, which is then marked with "NF" after the serial number. IV. Cassations of documents in the amount of 7 archive boxes was collected after review by Mr. Herbert W. Hofmann, honorary chairman of the gymnastics community. V. Literature: - Philipp Baas, Geschichte der Turngemeinde Worms von Weihnachten 1846 bis Ostern 1908, Worms 1909 - Festschrift zum 110jährigen Jubiläum der Turngemeinde 1846 Worms, Worms 1956 - Schmahl, Hans J., 125 years of the gymnastics community in 1846 Worms, Worms 1971 - Harald Braun, Geschichte der Turngemeinde Worms e.V. von 1845/46 bis 1995/96, Alzey 1995 (in it a first short, incomplete overview of the archive of the gymnastics community) as well as numerous publications to the individual departments and printed statutes etc., which are proven in this stock in the printed publications or in the file context and in the online catalogue of the city library. There are no restrictions on use. Martin Geyer, Worms City Archive, May 2009

BArch, RH 12-7 · Bestand · 1923-1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: The inspector was the highest representative of his branch in peace and supervised its training. With the entry into force in 1939 of the War Peak Division, the inspectors were placed under the command of the Chief of Army Armaments and Commander of the Reserve Army, and their duties were limited to reassembling and training their weapons in the Reserve Army. By the end of the war the subordination of the weapons inspectors had changed twice (chief of training in the reserve army from October 1942, weapons generals in the OKH from November 1944), but this did not entail any significant change for their areas of responsibility. According to the Army Decree Gazette of 1920 (No. 1086), the inspector of the intelligence troops was responsible for matters: - for the theoretical and practical training of all weapons and in particular of the intelligence corps in the technique and use of intelligence media, - for intelligence in national defence. After the division of the war peak on March 1, 1939, In 7 had the following tasks: 1. organization of the intelligence troops of the replacement army, new formations for the field army, war strength records, personal data, household, army dog and carrier pigeon affairs (became the responsibility of the Reichsführer of the SS in Nov. 1944), construction affairs, 2. Training of the intelligence unit of the reserve army, training regulations, 3. equipment with intelligence equipment, war equipment certificates for field and reserve armies, development of the intelligence equipment, procurement plans, 4. telephone and telegraph networks in the area B d E, operation of these networks, regulation of operation with OKW, cooperation with the Reichspost, 5. radio regulation for the area B d d E.., Operating regulations for fixed radio station Berlin, production and distribution of secret means for OKW, army and authorities At that time, the BdE's communications operations team and the BdE's communications department were subordinate to the head of In 7's department. Content characterization: The tradition of the In 7 must be regarded as lost. Of the few available files, a list of English abbreviations in news traffic (4 vols.), various elaborations on the history and operational experience of the news troop (including hand files of Lieutenant General Thiele, Chief of Staff of In 7), the deployment instruction "Fall Weiß" (with additions and orientation reports, September/October 1939), as well as some documents on news assistants are to be emphasized. Detailed information on radio operation, radio and communications technology (e.g. instructions for use of the Enigma cipher machine) as well as on the training of the intelligence corps is available in the official printed matter collection. State of development: Online-Findbuch Scope, Explanation: 32 AE Citation method: BArch, RH 12-7/...