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Presidential Chancellery (inventory)
BArch, R 601 · Bestand · (1917) 1918 - 1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: Establishment of an office on 12 February 1919 for the processing of the duties assigned to the Reich President by the Constitution as head of state, at the same time official liaison office between the Reich President and the Reich and state authorities; transfer of the powers of the Reich President to the "Reich Chancellor and Führer" Adolf Hitler by the law on the head of state of 1 August 1934; retention of the office of the Reich President and renaming of the office to Präsidialkanzlei by ordinance of 4 September 1934. Inventory description: Inventory history In the 1930s, the office of the Reich President regularly handed over so-called "Weglegesachen" to the Reich Archives, for example in April 1932 and March/April 1935. However, the registry, which was still ready for handing over in 1944, with processes up to 1934, no longer reached the Reich Archives. In 1944, the archives already kept in the Reichsarchiv Potsdam were transferred to the galleries of Staßfurt and Schönebeck a.d.Elbe. The office of the presidential chancellery and the current registry were maintained at the end of the war in Kleßheim Castle near Salzburg. In 1942/1943 Schloss Kleßheim had been lavishly refurbished as the guest house of the presidential chancellery and the Führer for special purposes. After the capitulation of the German Reich and the occupation by the Allies, the archive holdings fell into their hands. For the files of the presidential chancellery, this meant, in accordance with the territorial division of the occupation zones, that the documents from the tunnels in Staßfurt and Schönebeck a.d.Elbe were largely transported to the USSR, and that the service records at Schloss Kleßheim were under American administration. During the Berlin blockade of 1948/49, the ministerial holdings subsequently brought together in the western sectors of Berlin were transferred to Whaddon Hall in Buckinghamshire and jointly administered by the Foreign Office of the United Kingdom and the American State Department. File returns from the Soviet Union to the GDR began in the mid-1950s. As part of the most extensive restitution campaign, the files of the Presidential Chancellery were transferred to the German Central Archive Potsdam (DZA) in 1959 and stored here under the signature 06.01. The holdings were supplemented in 1963 by further additions that had previously been assigned to the Reich Chancellery. At the same time, the files from American and English administration were transferred from the archive in Whaddon Hall to the Federal Archives in Koblenz. The inventory signature was R 54. After the unification of the two German states and the takeover of the Central State Archives of the GDR (ZStA) by the Federal Archives, the partial inventories were merged and are now stored in Berlin with the inventory signature R 601. 2,536 transactions from the NS archive of the MfS were incorporated during the current processing, the third comprehensive addition. After the repatriation of the files from the Soviet Union in the second half of the 1950s, the MfS also took over documents in order to expand and build up a personal collection for "operative" purposes. As a consequence, the concentration on individual persons, i.e. the person-related filing, meant the destruction of the historical context in which the tradition originated, as files and processes were torn apart or reformed. In autumn 1989 the archive came under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR (MdI) and thus of the Central State Archive of the GDR. After its transfer to the Federal Archives and its provisional use in the 1990s, comprehensive IT-supported indexing began in 2001. At the Centre for the Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections, formerly the Central State Archives Special Archive Moscow, there are still 53 file units from the period 1921-1944 as Fund 1413 in the Centre for the Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections. These are "...above all files on the awarding of the Ostmark Medal (12 volumes, 1938 - 1943), Police Service Award (3 volumes, 1938 - 1943), and the.., 1942) and other awards (4 vols.), among others to railway workers in the Eastern territories, furthermore individual political reports (2 vols., 1935 - 1937) and documents on the representation at the London Disarmament Conference (1933), the discontinuation of proceedings for maltreatment of prisoners (1935 - 1936), racial and population policy (1935 - 1936) as well as a list of employees (1942 - 1943)". In the course of processing, the inventory was supplemented by files that had been proposed for cassation at an earlier date, but were returned to the inventory due to requests for use. These are files from Department B (Domestic Policy), Title XV, support given by the Reich President of Hindenburg to corporations and individuals, but above all for the purpose of assuming honorary sponsorships - inventory adjustments between the holdings R 43 Reich Chancellery, R 1501 Reich Ministry of the Interior and with the Central Party Archives of the SED The volumes with the previous signatures 1499 to 1502 were the provenance adjutant of the Wehrmacht to the Führer and Reich Chancellor. It was handed over to the Department of Military Archives in Freiburg/ Breisgau and assigned to the holdings RW 8. R 2 Reich Ministry of Finance R 43 Reich Chancellery R 2301 Court of Audit of the German Reich N 429 Paul von Hindenburg Estate NS 3 Economic and Administrative Main Office NS 6 Party Chancellery of the NSDAP Foundation Reichpräsident-Friedrich-Ebert Memorial, Heidelberg Archive of Social Democracy of the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, Bonn Zentrum für die Aufbewahrung historisch-dokumentarischer Sammlungen (formerly Zentrales Staatsarchiv Sonderarchiv Moskau) Fonds 1413 Archivische Bewertung und Bearbeitung A first finding aid book on the files of the presidential chancellery was produced in the German Central Archive Potsdam in 1960. The 1,213 volumes of files were broken down by administrative structure and provisionally recorded. In 1967 the provisional indexing took place in the Federal Archives in Koblenz and in 1981 the submission of a finding aid book to the 241 volumes under the stock signature R 54. After the consolidation of the partial stocks from Potsdam and Koblenz a complete finding aid book was submitted in 1998. At the end of 2008, the database-supported revision of the finding aid book and the incorporation of 2538 files with the provenance Presidential Chancellery from the NS archive of the MfS began. The present archival records are composed of files in their original order of origin, partly with the original file covers and in the predominant number of individual folders comprising only a few sheets. The stock grew from 1,581 files by 933 signatures to a total of 2,547 files. The majority of these are personal transactions such as appointments and dismissals of civil servants and awards of orders. However, it was possible to supplement the volume series with two fact files from the years 1926 and 1927 both chronologically and verifiably on the basis of the diary numbers with volumes 8 and 9. The five-volume series in connection with Paul von Hindenburg's honorary membership is a complete complement. The current processing, including classification, was based on the registry order already used in the previous finding aid: Department A (Internal Affairs) Department B (Internal Policy) Department C (Foreign Policy) Department D (Military Policy) Department E (Not documented) Department O (Chancellery of the Order) Citation BArch R 601/1... Content characterization: Internal affairs of the presidential chancellery 1919-1945 (56): Correspondence with other authorities, rules of procedure of the Reich government, of Ministe‧rien and of the Reich Representation of the NSDAP 1924-1943 (8); organization, personnel, cash and budget matters of the presidential chancellery, private correspondence of Staatsmini‧ster Dr. Otto Meissner 1919-1945 (48); domestic policy 1919-1945 (939): Constitution 1919-1936 (19), Reich President 1919-1939 (190), Reich Government 1919-1936 (23), Legislation 1919-1936 (24), Civil Service 1919-1943 (109), Departments of the Reich Ministry of Labor 1919-1943 (46), Peripheral Areas of the Reich (Saar, Eastern Provinces), including Eastern Aid, Revolutionary Movements, Press, Police and Technical Emergency Aid, Disputes between Princes, Holidays and constitutional celebrations 1919-1945 (42), ministries of the Reich Ministry of Finance 1919-1944 (40), ministries of the Reich Ministry of Justice 1919-1942 (35), church, cultural and health services 1919-1944 (20), Economic and financial policy 1919-1944 (21), economic policy 1919-1944 (40), transport 1919-1943 (26), Disposi‧tionsfonds and donations 1919-1940 (292), Prussia 1919-1937 (5), Bavaria 1919-1936 (15); Foreign Policy 1919-1945 (143): Treaty of Versailles and its implementation 1919-1940 (39), international organizations and treaties 1919-1944 (26), Foreign Office 1921-1945 (2), intergovernmental agreements 1919-1944 (64), cultural relations with foreign countries 1920-1944 (4), foreign policy situation, weekly reports of the Foreign Office 1920-1933 (8); military policy 1919-1939 (48): Military Legislation and Policy 1919-1934 (39), Submitted Writings and Books 1928-1932 (1), Adjutant of the Wehrmacht to the Führer and Reich Chancellor 1934-1939 (4), Prisen‧ordnung 1939-1941 (1), Civil Air Defence 1927-1938 (2), Reich Labour Service 1935-1941 (1); Order Chancellery 1935-1945 (237): Management of orders and decorations 1935-1944 (3), service awards 1937-1945 (102), decorations 1939-1945 (43), decorations on certain occasions 1937-1944 (43), acceptance of foreign titles, orders and decorations by Germans 1941-1944 (6), war awards 1939-1944 (34), trade with orders and decorations 1941-1944 (6); Miscellaneous (congratulations) 1935-1944 (65); Letter diaries 1942 (1) State of development: Findbuch 2011 Citation method: BArch, R 601/...

BArch, R 1501/115966 · Akt(e) · März 1912 - Jan. 1914
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Participation of Dr. Wegener in a Danish Greenland expedition, 1912 publication of an international bibliography for philosophy by Dr. Ruge, 1912 elaboration of a German-American bibliography by H.R. Jockisch, 1912 work of the German Society for the Dissemination of Good Jugendschriften and Books, 1912 participation of Dr. Wegener in a Danish Greenland expedition, 1912 publication of an international bibliography for philosophy by Dr. Ruge, 1912 work of the German Society for the Dissemination of Good Jugendschriften and Books, 1912 participation of Dr. Ruge in a German-American bibliography by H.R. Jockisch, 1912 work of the German Society for the Dissemination of Good Jugendschriften and Books, 1912 participation of Dr. Wegener in a Danish Greenland expedition. Hoffmann-Kutschke on a Bavarian research expedition to Persia, 1912 purchase of the private collection of fossil siliceous sponges from Dr. Schrammen, 1912 support of the Schützenverein Diederhofen (Lorraine), 1912 compilation of an international bibliography of the entire sciences by P. Schrammen. Niemann, 1913 publication of a work on the oldest agriculture of the Southern Germans by Prof. Braungart, 1913 German-English airship expedition to explore New Guinea, 1913 continuation of excavations on the Ionian Islands by Prof. Dörpfeld, 1913 work of the International Institute for Research in Missionary Science, 1913 research trip to China and Tibet under the direction of W. Stökner, 1913 work of the German Association for School Health Care, 1913 work of the Richard Wagner Scholarship Foundation, 1913

Reichsschriftumskammer (inventory)
BArch, R 56-V · Bestand · 1933-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The Reichsschrifttumskammer was established with the First Ordinance on the Implementation of the Reichskulturkammergesetz of 01 November 1933 [1]. It was intended to bring together 'all those persons who, from the initial production of the poetry to commercial distribution, worked on German literature' [2]. However, this did not include newspapers and magazines which were regarded as press products and were therefore under the supervision of the Reich Press Chamber. The demarcation between the two chambers was regulated in the "Joint Announcement on the Integration Obligation of Business and Publishing Enterprises at the Reichsschrifttums- or Reichspressekammer of 4 April 1934" [3]. At the beginning, the registration of professionals working in the field of literature was limited to the Reichsverband deutscher Schriftsteller. However, this already changed on 22 December 1933 with the "Bekanntmachung über die Gliederung der Reichsschrifttumskammer" [4]. Thus existing professional associations such as the "Verband der Deutschen Volksbibliothekare E.V.", the "Verein Deutscher Bibliothekare E.V.", the "Reichsfachschaft Buchhandel im Deutschen Handlungsgehilfen-Verband" were integrated into the Reichsschrifttumskammer. Its members became members of the Chamber and were thus subject to the disciplinary power of the Chamber. In addition, new working groups were formed and various professional groups joined together in associations. These included, among others, the "German Book Communities" and the "Society of Bibliophiles". The German public libraries were to be combined by the German Community Day "in order to integrate them into the Reichsschrifttumskammer"[5]. As in all other areas of culture, membership of the Reichsschrifttumskammer was absolutely necessary in order not to be subject to a de facto ban on employment. Thus the "Order of 30 July 1934 on Proof of Membership in the Reichsschrifttumskammer"[6] ensured that the publishing and book trade enterprises were only allowed to enter into business relations with members of the RSK. In order to facilitate the implementation of that order, all members had to indicate 'in their business correspondence the membership number of their competent professional association'[7]. Violations should be punished with disciplinary action. Information on authors and translators was provided by the publishers at the request of the "Kontrollstelle des Reichsverbandes Deutscher Schriftsteller". In any case, the authors had to provide considerable personal information and expert opinions (e.g. expert opinions of the NSDAP, the Gestapo and the responsible state leadership of the RSK[8]) in order to become members. "Unreliable" authors were thus prohibited from exercising their profession by refusing membership. The rejected applicants and exclusions from the RSK were published in the Börsenblatt des Deutschen Buchhandels, in the Großdeutscher Leihbüchereiblatt and in the magazines "Der Schriftsteller" and "Der Autor". In addition to professional representation and support, the RSK had the task of maintaining a "list of harmful and undesirable literature", which appeared in print for the first time in 1936. However, the decision on book prohibitions was taken by the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda. "The political influence of the German literature [...] is a matter of the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda (Department VIII), which uses the Reichsschrifttumsstelle established at the Ministry to solve this task"[9] The organisational structure [10] consisted of the President, two Vice-Presidents, the former President and the Presidential Council at the management level. The first President Hans Friedrich Blunck was replaced by Hanns Johst in October 1935. Blunck received the title of "former president" and was entrusted with overseeing the Chamber's foreign relations. The office was divided into five departments: I. Central Division II. Writers' Group III. Book Trade Group IV. Book Advertising V. Librarianship VI. Address and Advertising Book Trade VII. Economic Office of the German Book Trade The regional substructure consisted of the regional managements of the chamber in the respective district. They were to be addressed with applications for admission, general requests for literature and professional matters. Notes [1]Reichsgesetzblatt 1933 I, p. 797 [2]Handbuch der Reichskulturkammer, p. 136 [3]Das Recht der Reichsschrifttumskammer, p. 21-22 [4]ibid., p. 12-17 [5]ibid., p. 14 [6]ibid., p. 37-38 [7]ibid., p. 38 [8]R 56 V/170 [9]Handbuch der Reichskulturkammer, p. 136 [10]Beschreibung nach Handbuch der Reichskulturkammer, p. 135-200 Overview of the Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Managing Directors Presidents Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Hans Friedrich Blunck (from Oct. 1935 "Old President"), 1933 - Oct. 1935 Hans Johst, Oct. 1935 - 1945 Vice Presidents Dr. Heinz Wismann, 1933 - 1937 Wilhelm Baur, 1938 - 1945 Karl Heinz Hederich, 1937 - 1938 Managing Director Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Hederich, 1937 - 1938 Richard Suchenwirth (1st Managing Director), 1935 Günter Haupt (2nd Managing Director), 1935 Karl Heinl, 1936 - May 1937 Wilhelm Ihde, May 1937 - Dec. 1943 Günther Gentz, Jan. 1944 - 1945 Inventory description: Inventory history In contrast to the other Chambers of Culture, the file tradition in the old Koblenz inventory R 56 V (see Publication Findbuch No. 31) was quite extensive (archive numbers R 56 V/1-196). These were included in the present distortion. The material files in the "Reichsschrifttumskammer" collections of the former Berlin Document Center were sorted out, newly recorded and assigned to the holdings. The content is essentially as follows: 1.) Review and permission to publish books, booklets and publications 2.) Inclusion in the "List of harmful and undesirable literature" 3.) Differences of opinion (disputes) between writers and publishers 4.) Correspondence between the RSK Headquarters and its national management in the individual districts. Archive processing The file titles available in the Koblenz partial stock are recorded in the online find book edited by Mr. Tim Storch. The signatures assigned at that time were retained. Information on the BDC stocks is already contained in the Findbuch R 56 [11]. However, the titles listed there do not reflect the full range of files listed here. On the one hand, this was the "Review and Approval of the Publication of Books, Booklets and Publications" (R 56 V/215-827), in which the publishers only informed the RSK about new editions and publications. Secondly, the RSK included various books (mostly foreign) in the "List of harmful and undesirable literature", mostly at the suggestion of the RMVP, which was tantamount to a ban. These documents were classified in the series "Inclusion in the "List of harmful and undesirable literature" - individual cases. The specimen copies found in the files were left there and included in the note containing them. Wolfram Werner's classification, 'which was not strictly based on the administrative structure'[12], had to be extended to include 'management', since it became apparent during the recording that the disputes in the file did not fit into that scheme. According to the "Handbuch der Reichskulturkammer" (Handbook of the Reich Chamber of Culture), an arbitration board was responsible for "differences of opinion between writers on the one hand, publishers and other exploiters of literary works on the other"[13], which was attached to the Rechtsreferenten. This legal officer in turn was directly subordinated to the management of the RSK [14]. Therefore the management was subdivided into the 3 areas "Legal Officer", "Supervisor" and "Intelligence and Statistics Unit". The classification point "Rechtsreferent" was divided into the areas "Allgemeine Rechtsfragen der Kammer" (R 56V/1050) and the so-called "Schlichtungsstelle" (litigation). In order to maintain uniformity, the old classification point "Surveillance and prohibition of literature" has been moved to the point "Supervisor". For disputes between individual writers, it was again not the conciliation body in the management that was responsible, but Division II (Writers' Group), which was subdivided into "Technical, Legal and Social Support for Writers". The old classification did not correspond so stringently to these individual areas. However, the newly recorded files made this necessary. The old classification point "Individual writers, in particular membership matters" was renamed "Technical support, also membership matters". The second classification point is "Legal support". The remaining classification points of the "Writers' Group" have been retained. Notes [11]Find books on holdings of the Federal Archives, volume 31, Reichskulturkammer und ihre Einzelkammern, p. 119 [12]ibid., p. 93 [13]Handbuch der Reichskulturkammer, p. 140 [14]ibid. Citation method BArch R 56-V/... State of development: Publication index of the Reich Chamber of Culture (1987), online index (2006). Citation style: BArch, R 56-V/...

Reichsstelle für Raumordnung (stock)
BArch, R 113 · Bestand · 1935-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The Act of 29 March 1935 on the Regulation of Public Land Requirements (Gesetz über die Regeung des Landbedarfs der öffentlichen Hand) (1) issued by the Reich Ministry of Food and Drink (Reichsernährungsministerium) established an Imperial Authority which, with the Führer Decree of 26 June 1935, was to assume the role of "Reich Office for Spatial Planning (RfR)" (Reichsstelle für Raumordnung) "for the entire territory of the Reich"(2). The expansion of planning to the Reich and state level led to the separation of spatial planning from local political sovereignty. "In agreement with the Reich and Prussian Ministers of Labor, the head of the Reich Office for Spatial Planning shall in particular regulate the organization of the planning associations and supervise them. (3) The RfR with its seat in Berlin, as the supreme Reich authority, was directly subordinate to the Führer and Reich Chancellor and, in fulfilling its tasks, made use of the Society for the Preparation of Reich Planning and Regional Planning (Gezuvor) (4), later known as the Reichsplanungsgemeinschaft e.V. (Reich Planning Association). (RPG). Head of the RfR and President of the RPG was the Reich Minister and Prussian State Minister Hanns Kerrl, who also headed the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs (RKM) in personal union. After his death in 1941, Hermann Muhs, until then State Secretary in the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs, took over the management of the official business. Due to close personal and organizational ties, the Reichsplanungsgemeinschaft appeared in the business distribution plan of the RfR from June 1937. Both as members of an organization in which the Reich Office for Spatial Planning was assigned the task of "administration", the Reich Planning Community the task of "design". The business distribution plan named two registries which served both offices according to the subject area. (5) The joint budget for the financial year 1937 stated: "Since the fields of activity of the RfR and the RPG overlap in many respects, there has been no complete administrative and budgetary separation between the RfR and the RPG, either in terms of the specific nature of the tasks to be performed or in terms of the appropriate use of all manpower. (6) Kerrls Erste Verordnung zur Durchführung der Reichs- und Landesplanung vom 15. Februar 1936(7) contains the regulations on the organization of subordinate agencies. The organic structure of the regional planning administration should correspond to the dual task of Nazi regional planning - political leadership on the one hand and coordination of all spatially relevant issues on the other. The Reich Office for Spatial Planning was established as an "organ of state and party, and it must be emphasized in particular that its competence is not limited to regulatory work in relation to agriculture, housing and industry, but that it is also co-determinative in the requirements of terrain for the public sector". (8) In organisational terms, a distinction was made between planning authorities and state planning associations. The former were the governors of the Reich and the presidents of Prussia. They supervised the state planning communities and had the task of enforcing the guidelines issued by the central office. They were able to arrange for an annual audit of the accounts and approve the relevant budget. The actual planning work was carried out by the regional planning associations, of which 22 were established throughout the country and whose number increased to 33 by 1941 as a result of the annexations that began in 1938. (9) Its members consisted of rural and urban districts, Reich and Land authorities, self-governing bodies, the administrations of professional organisations and the scientific institutions appointed to promote Reich and Land planning. The managing directors were the state planners. The statutes of the Landesplanungsgemeinschaften were based on the model statutes issued by the head of the Reich Office. Hanns Kerrl had set this up in order to maintain uniformity within the organisation. The statutes provided for the head of the planning authority as chairman and also ensured a close link between the planning communities and planning authorities in the further administrative substructure. According to the model scale of contributions, costs were borne in the following proportions: 51% was borne by the Reich, the remainder was borne equally by the member groups "self-government" (e.g. provincial associations, urban and rural districts) and "economy" (e.g. German Labour Front, Reichsnährstand, Chambers of Industry and Commerce). (10) The Landesplanungsgemeinschaften were treated as public corporations. (11) The services of the State, local authorities and professional organisations were required to provide administrative and administrative assistance to planning authorities and associations. Created as a management and coordination body for territorial planning in the entire territory of the Reich, the RfR was first to "ensure that the German area was shaped in a manner appropriate to the needs of the people and the state". (12) In addition to civilian settlement planning and management, the armament programme also dealt with the location distribution of military installations and traffic routes. Nevertheless, the decisive plans were ultimately drawn up by the Wehrmacht, the Reich Ministry of Economics and the four-year plan officers. (13) The Reich Office had practically no decision-making powers and could only veto them in individual cases. Its activities were thus limited to administrative supervision of regional planning authorities, state planning associations and the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung, which directed and coordinated research results on questions of territorial planning. In cooperation with the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education, "the faculties of all German universities were called upon in the largest form to cooperate". (14) With the help of the scientific universities, expert opinions were developed on issues of emergency and conurbation rehabilitation in the pre-war period, with the focus after the outbreak of war also on the integrated eastern regions. As the central control authority, however, the Reich Office for Spatial Planning gradually lost its authority, at the latest at the time of the intensive work of the office of the Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of the German People, created under Heinrich Himmler, in shaping the "living space in the East". (15) The ban of all post-war planning imposed by Hitler during the war led to the cessation of the actual professional activity. The personnel of the RfR (16) was increasingly reduced. The exemptions from military service required by the planning institutions were no longer granted after the defeat of Stalingrad. On 6 February 1943, the head of the Reich Chancellery, Dr. Lammers, informed the Supreme Reich Authorities that the Reich Office would now only administer its documents and provide information on request. (17) For reasons of air-raid protection, the documents were transferred to Wittenberg in 1943/44 together with those of the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung and parts of the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs. Notes (1) RGBl. 1935, I, p. 468 (2) RGBl. 1935, I, p. 793 (3) RGBl. 1935, I, p. 1515 (4) Previously Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung der Reichsautobahnen e.V. (until 1935) (5) BArch, R 113/2030 (6) BArch, library 96.11.22, p.3 (7) RGBl. 1936, I, p.104 (8) BArch, R 113/2439 (9) Michael Venhoff, "Die Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung (RAG) und die reichs- deutsche Raumplanung seit ihrer Entstehung bis die Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges 1945", Hanover 2000, p.15 (10)Pfundtner/Neubert, Das neue Deutsche Reichsrecht I b 25 p.12 (11)See, inter alia, Werner Weber, "Die Körperschaften, Anstalten und Stiftungen des öffentlichen Rechts", Munich and Berlin, 1943, p.52 (12)See §3 of the Gesetz über die Regelung des Landbedarfs der öffentlichen Hand vom 29.3.1935 (13) "Special planning in the individual fields of activity continues to be the responsibility of the responsible departments. They have the obligation to announce their planning plans to the Reich Office for Spatial Planning." (2nd decree on the Reich Office for Regional Planning of 18 Dec. 1935), R 113/128 (14)BArch, R 113/2439 (15)Cf. Michael Venhoff, see above, p.73 (16)Exact number of employees not available (17)BArch, R 43 II/708, p.51 Inventory description: In March 1946, Martin Mäckler, then Director of Construction in the sector of the British military government, was commissioned by the Berlin magistrate to initiate the return of files from the Reich Office for Regional Planning in Wittenberg. After they had been reviewed, part of these documents were sent in 1947 to the Department of Housing, Urban Planning and Regional Planning of the Central Office of the Labour Department of the British Occupation Zone in Lemgo. After the dissolution of the head office, the maps, files and books were first forwarded to the local tax office and finally requested by the Federal Ministry of Housing. Another much larger part went to the Berlin Main Office for Overall Planning of the West Berlin Magistrate, including personnel files, and was finally handed over to the Berlin branch of the Institute for Spatial Research (Bad Godesberg). The transfer to the Berlin main archive, which had been responsible for official files since 1946 (since 1963 again Secret State Archive), took place in 1959, where the indexing began under the signature Rep.325. In 1962 2295 maps and plans as well as 1717 files in the form of a card index were listed. A mixed collection returned from the USA in April 1962 contained 15 volumes of RfR files, which were combined with the archival records in the main archive. In the course of the exchange of archival records in 1969, the Secret State Archives transferred to the Federal Archives not only the files but also the entire map section of the RfR, which was stored in Koblenz in 1971. On the basis of the first file indexing carried out in the Secret State Archives, the new indexing of the files began in 1987 in the Federal Archives under the inventory signature R 113. A first finding aid book for the approx. 2400 files has been available since 1990. The merger of Koblenz and Potsdam files in the Federal Archives in Berlin-Lichterfelde was completed in 1993. The latter, mainly newspaper clippings, printed publications, and annual and working reports, had been handed over to the German Central Archive in Potsdam by the Magdeburg State Archives in 1957 and by the Wittenberg District Council in 1963. During the database-supported recording of the stock a revision of file titles and classification took place, whereby based on the finding aid book from the year 1990 however it was renounced to sift each of the altogether more than 3000 file volumes again. The majority of series and tape sequences were archived. The map holdings held in Koblenz were not taken into account here. For data protection reasons, the personnel files available in portfolio R113 are not shown in the online find book. Requests in this respect should be addressed directly to the relevant Unit R 3. Characterisation of content: The general organisation and working methods of the Reich Office for Spatial Planning and its branches are documented in the files of the office administration and planning authorities. The traditions of the individual regional planning communities provide an insight into concrete tasks, procedures and areas of activity. The focus here is on documents relating to various economic sectors. The intention to incorporate scientific aspects of spatial research into regional economic and social structures is illustrated, among other things, by the files of the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung and the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau. Ultimately, the collection contains material collections from the archive and the press office, most of which consist of newspaper clippings and printed matter. Supplementary records are the R 164 Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumordnung and the RfR map collection (R 113 Kart) in the Federal Archives in Koblenz. State of development: Findbuch (2013) Citation method: BArch, R 113/...

Rosenberg Law Firm (Existing)
BArch, NS 8 · Bestand · 1918-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Alfred Rosenberg, who had been one of Adolf Hitler's close collaborators since the beginnings of the National Socialist movement, united - especially since 1929/30 - a wealth of political offices and functions in his hand. In order to be able to carry out all the tasks assigned to him, Rosenberg, since his appointment as head of the Foreign Policy Office of the NSDAP (APA) in April 1933, made use of a private secretariat headed by Thilo von Trotha (b. 12.04.1909, d. 24.02.1938), who was also responsible for the North Division of the APA. In April 1934, by order of the Reich Treasurer, von Trothas, initially only volunteered for Rosenberg, was converted into a full-time regular employment relationship with Rosenberg as Reichsleiter of the NSDAP. As private secretary, he was responsible for processing all correspondence that Rosenberg had to conduct personally as head of the APA, but also as Reichsführer of the Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur (KfdK) and as main editor of the "Völkischer Beobachters" (VB). In January 1934, Rosenberg was appointed the Führer's representative for monitoring the entire spiritual and ideological training and education of the NSDAP. Probably because of this new expansion of his duties, on 26 April 1934 Rosenberg ordered the conversion of his private secretariat into a "Rosenberg Chancellery". It continued to be under the direction of Thilo von Trothas, but was now assigned a clearly defined scope of duties: From now on, the Rosenberg Chancellery was responsible for all correspondence conducted by Rosenberg himself within the scope of duties of the APA, the KfdK and other ideological offices as well as for the "NS-Monatshefte", the appointment calendar and the visit regulations of the Reichsleiter. The firm had its own "archive" whose task it was to collect information material and newspaper clippings about Rosenberg. The DBFU was one of the administrators. On 15 August 1937, Rosenberg appointed SA-Sturmbannführer Dr. Werner Koeppen (born 26.09.1910) as his aide. After the death of Trothas in February 1938, Koeppen took over the management of the office and retained it - with temporary interruptions due to military service - until 1945. In August 1941 he was appointed by Rosenberg as his personal adviser and worked for a time as a liaison officer in the Führer's headquarters. During his absence Amandus Langer, whom Rosenberg had appointed as his adjutant in 1941, represented him in the management of the office. Life data of Alfred Rosenberg born 12.01.1893 in Reval Study of architecture in Reval, then in Moscow since 1918 in Germany, 1923 as German naturalized 1919 NSDAP member 1921 with Dietrich Eckart Editor of the "Völkischer Beobachters" February 1923 Main editor of the "Völkischer Beobachters", since 1938 also editor 09.11.1923 Participation in the march to the Feldherrnhalle; during Hitler's captivity with the leadership of the "movement" commissioned 1929 Founder of the Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur 1930 Member of the Reichstag and representative of the NSDAP at the Auswärtigen Ausschuss des Reichstages since 1930 Publisher of the "NS-Monatshefte" Head of the NSDAP Foreign Policy Office, appointed Reichsleiter of the NSDAP 24.01.1934 Representative of the leader for the supervision of the entire intellectual and ideological training and education of the NSDAP 29.01.1940 commissioned with the preparation of the "High School" of the NSDAP 05.07./17.09.1940 Head of the task force Reichsleiter Rosenberg for the occupied Eastern territories 20.04.1941 Commissioner for the Central Processing of Issues in Eastern Europe 17.07.1941 Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories 16.10.1946 executed in Nuremberg (IMT ruling) Abbreviations APA Foreign Office of the NSDAP DAF German Labour Front DBFU The Führer's representative for the supervision of the entire intellectual and ideological training and education of the NSDAP ERR Operations Staff Reichsleiter Rosenberg HJ Hitlerjugend IMT International Military Tribunal KfdK Combat Alliance for German Culture NS National Socialist NSDAP National Socialist German Workers Party NSKG NS-Kulturgemeinde OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht PPK Party Official Examination Commission for the Protection of NS Writing RMbO Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories SA Storm Departments SD Security Service SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany VB Völkischer Beobachter Inventory Description: During the war, Rosenberg and almost all his offices remained in Berlin. Despite some losses during the heavy bombing raids in November 1943, most of the files of the Rosenberg office seem to have been preserved. The traditional Rosenberg documents (from the state and party areas) were brought to Nuremberg after the end of the war in order to be evaluated for the Allied trials against the war criminals. In the beginning, the documents that could be used as supporting documents were taken from the files, later they were left in them and were content with photocopies. The originals used are likely to be in Washington today, along with other trial documents. The documents collected in Nuremberg were evaluated by various foreign institutions for the creation of their own collections after the processes had been completed. The Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC) in Paris is particularly worthy of mention here. Today, the "Collection Rosenberg" contains a collection of approximately 1,100 documents (mostly from the provenance office of Rosenberg, but also from other Rosenberg offices). Receipts for the individual documents taken from the CDJC are still in the files that have been transferred to the Federal Archives. Further records of Rosenberg's departments can be found at the Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdokumentatie (NIOD), Amsterdam, and at the Yivo-Institute for Jewish Research in New York. Books and journals from Rosenberg's departments are listed in the Hoover Institute and Library and in the Library of Congress. Documents from Rosenberg offices also reached archives of the former Soviet Union. An extensive collection (above all of the provenance ERR) is today kept in the Tsentral`nyi derzhavnyi arhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukraïny (TsDAVO Ukraïny) in Kiev, further files (above all of the provenance foreign policy office) in the Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi voennyi arkhiv (RGVA) in Moscow. Most of the Rosenberg files collected in Nuremberg were brought to Alexandria/Va. and partly filmed there. In March 1963, this file complex, known as Record Group 1008/Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete, was transferred from the USA to the Federal Archives in the course of the file repatriation, where it was divided into provenances in autumn 1963. The files from this return of files to the provenance of "Kanzlei Rosenberg" form the main part of the present collection. Some volumes were added which had been transferred to the Nuremberg State Archives and to the Federal Archives in 1955, as well as several volumes from various American file returns. Further additions were made by one volume each from the Central State Archive of the GDR (62 Ka 2/1) and from the so-called "NS Archive of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR" (ZA VI 6322). Archival processing The majority of the documents had been deposited in the Federal Archives in their original registry context. Individual documents, processes detached from their context as well as volumes in disorder had to be rearranged. The order and distortion corresponded to the original registry context. A complete reorganisation of the stock from a factual point of view would have facilitated its use, but did not appear to be justified from the point of view of labour economics. Only double copies were collected in the manuscript series. The preliminary finding aid for the stock was produced by Mrs. Köhne in 1966. Quotation NS 8/.............................................................. Characterisation of the contents: The collection of manuscripts and newspaper clippings provides a fairly comprehensive picture of Rosenberg's personality from about 1930 to 1945. Due to the fact that the Chancellery was responsible for almost all of Rosenberg's departments, the collection also contains essential supplementary material on the activities of the departments subordinated to Rosenberg; only the department of the Reich Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories, whose affairs Rosenberg had dealt with primarily by its ministerial office, is to be excluded. The filing of the documents took place largely in chronological series, at most separately into the areas VB, KfdK and APA, later also according to correspondence partners. A clear separation of the series from each other in terms of content and time is not discernible. State of development: Findbuch (1966/2005), Online-Findbuch (2004). Citation style: BArch, NS 8/...