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Annual Report (1905/06); Volume 1: Draft
FA 1 / 66 · Akt(e) · 1905 - 1906
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Victoria 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 1 - 9] Distribution of European Civil Servants. - Victoria, 23 January 1906 [fol. 10] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Victoria, 23 March 1906 [fol. 11] Status of the white population. - Victoria, January 1905 [fol. 12 - 23] Causes of death of the white population. - Victoria, 1905 [fol. 14] Marital status of the white population. - Victoria, January 1905 [fol. 17 - 18] Plantation statistics. - Victoria, District, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 28 - 43] Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Duala, District Office, Annual Reports 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 47 - 53] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Duala, 22 July 1906 [fol. 56 - 57] Status of the white population. - Duala, January 1906 [fol. 59 - 67] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon protectorate. - Directories. - Kribi, 31 December 1905 [fol. 84 - 87] Marital status of the white population. - Duala, January 1906 [fol. 60] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kribi 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 78] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Edea 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 101 - 112] Distribution of European civil servants. - Lists. - Edea, 1 April 1906 [fol. 113] Movement of the white population. - Edea, January 1906 [fol. 114 - 115] Companies.- Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Edea, 1 April 1906 [fol. 116] Firms Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Edea, 1 Jan. 1906 [fol. 119] Reports of the general administration departments. - Yaoundé 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 126 - 130] Movement of the white population. - Victoria, 1905 [fol. 131] Movement of the white population. - Yaoundé, 1 April 1906 [fol. 131] Movement of the white population. - Yaoundé - Planning, 1 April 1906 [fol. 131] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 134 - 136] Status of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Barombi-See), January 1906, March 1906, 15 April 1906 [fol. 137 - 170] Marital status of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), January 1906 [fol. 138] Movement of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 144] Status of the indigenous population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1 January 1906 [fol. 145 - 147] Status of the non-native, non-white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1 January 1906 [fol. 148] Causes of death of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 149] Firms.- Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), January 1906 [fol. 150] Plantation statistics. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 151 - 155] Distribution of European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe, 1 January 1906 [fol. 156] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 5 Dec. 1905 [fol. 158] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang (Tinto, Fontemdorf), 31 Dec. 1905 [fol. 173] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Ossidinge, 31 Dec. 1905 [fol. 173] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bare 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 169 - 174] Distribution of the African members of the protection force for Cameroon. - Strength report. - Bascho (Basso), March 1906 [fol. 172] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang (Tinto, Fontemdorf) 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 173 - 186] Movement of the white population. - Joko, 1905 - March 1906 [fol. 187] Movement of the white population. - Fontemdorf-Tinto, 14 July 1906 [fol. 187 - 189] Fontemdorf (Tinto). - Budget - Economic control lists, 31 March 1906 [fol. 190 - 191] Reports of the general administration departments. - Rio del Rey 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 193 - 195] Causes of death of the white population. - Joko, 1905 - March 1906 [fol. 194] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Rio del Rey, 1 April 1906 [fol. 198] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Jabassi 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 200 - 205] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lolodorf 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 211 - 217] Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Lolodorf, 1 January 1906 [fol. 219] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Lolodorf, 1 January 1906 [fol. 221 - 223] Status of the white population. - Lolodorf, January 1906 [fol. 218 - 226] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kampo 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 227 - 230] Status of the non-native-born non-white population. - Kampo, January 1906 [fol. 231] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 234 - 236] Plantation statistics. - Buea, District, 1906 [fol. 237 - 240] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ebolowa 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 244 - 247] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Ebolowa, 1 January 1906 [fol. 248 - 249] Reports of the general administration departments. - Bamenda 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 251 - 260] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Joko 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 262 - 281] Status of the white population. - Joko, 31 March 1906 [fol. 283] Status of the white population. - Kampo (South Cameroon Society only), 1906 [fol. 283] Status of the white population. - Joko, January 1906 [fol. 283] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Bamenda, 17 June 1907 [fol. 284] Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Joko, 1 Jan. 1906 [fol. 285] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 288 - 294] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Joko, 31 March 1906 [fol. 284] Causes of death of the white population. - Banjo, 1905 [fol. 296] Marital status of the white population. - Banjo, January 1906 [fol. 298] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Lomie, 31 March 1905 [fol. 303 - 304] Marital status of the white population. - Lomie (administration at Ngoko), January 1906 [fol. 309] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Secondary factories of the main factory in Garua. - List, July 1906 [fol. 301] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Lomie, 1 January 1906 [fol. 303 - 304] Marital status of the white population. - Kribi, 31 March 1906 [fol. 309] Movement of the white population. - Lomie (administration at Ngoko), 1905 [fol. 310] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala. Main Customs Office. Annual reports 1905, 1905 [fol. 316 - 317] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala, Bezirksksamtskasse, annual reports 1905, 1905 [fol. 318] Public Health: Annual reports. - Annual reports 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 321 - 328] Native cocoa crops in Victoria district, - Directory, 1906 [fol. 332 - 334] Flotilla budgeting : revenue of government steamers. - HERZOGIN ELISABETH and NACHTIGAL, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 341] Companies. - A. Herschell & Co, Liverpool, Duala branch. - Takeover of the business of the company, which ceased trading on 20 May 1904, by John Holt & Co, Ltd, 1906 [fol. 342] Companies. - John Holt & Co, Ltd - Takeover of the business of the company A. Herschell & Co, Liverpool, Duala branch, which ceased to exist on 20 May 1904, 1906 [fol. 342] Activities of the chambers of commerce in Duala and Kribi. - Decree of the Foreign Office on the failure of the governorate to report and its justification with the non-appearance of the Chamber of Commerce in Duala and the alleged non-existence of the Chamber of Commerce for the southern district in Kribi, 1906 [fol. 346 - 352] Labour relations in the districts. - Report by Labour Commissioner von Lüdinghausen. - Victoria, 1906 [fol. 358 - 360] Regulations of the Gouvernement. - Directories, April 1905 June 1906 [fol. 364] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea. - Annual report 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 366] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea. - Buea Governorate Workshop 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 366] Plantation Statistics. - Entire protectorate, 1905 [fol. 367 - 372] Status of the white population. - Entire protectorate, March 1906 [fol. 375 - 388] Sea and river traffic in the Kamerun protectorate (records). - Coastal sites, January-December 1905 [fol. 373] Annual reports of the governorate. - Annual Report (1905/06) Volume 1: Draft [fol. 394 - 438] Customs. - Accounting year 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 439] Revenue of the protectorate. - Overviews. - Accounting year 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 441] Revenue from head and metallurgical taxes as well as tribute payments in the accounting years 1903/04 and 1904/05 - Overview, 1905 [fol. 442] Decrees and decrees, announcements and ordinances of the governorate. - General 1896, 1898 Sketch of the landscapes north of the Sanaga River in the Edea district, ca. l:300 000, Krücke, Bezirksamtmann, (1906) Ordinances and decrees. - Kribi , (signature uncertain), 1906

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, E 191 · Bestand · 1816-1971
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)
  1. on the history of the central management: The founding meeting of the central management of the charitable association took place on 29 December 1816 in the old castle in Stuttgart. Queen Katharina called together a circle of distinguished men and women to communicate her plan for a "charity society", drawn up with the permission of her husband, King Wilhelm I. After further meetings, the central management of the charity was constituted on 6 Jan 1817, approved by royal decree the following day, and the first public call for the formation of local and regional authorities was made. The new institution grew out of an older root. Already in 1805 a "private society of voluntary friends of the poor" had come together in Stuttgart, which wanted to alleviate the plight of the poor in the city by providing public food and employment. But in the inflation of 1816/17 their strength was by far not sufficient. On the one hand, the population in the flat countryside suffered, on the other hand, the society itself in the city of Stuttgart could only inadequately fulfil its self-imposed task. The members of the central administration were appointed and appointed by the queen, after her death by the king; they were active in an honorary capacity and were supposed to represent all strata of the population. The direct leadership had been reserved for the Queen; her deputy in the chair and her successor as president of the central leadership was Privy Councillor August von Hartmann (1819-1847). The office rooms were provided by the state and the reporters and civil servants were paid from the state treasury. The accounts were therefore subject to State control. Central management was not a government agency. As a special institution under the king's control, it was nevertheless able - in accordance with the queen's wishes - to make far-reaching decisions quickly and found the necessary support from the state administrative authorities during its implementation. It was active in the country through the "District Charity Associations", which were formed in the upper districts from the heads of the church and secular administration and in some cases also through "Local Charity Associations" in individual towns. In the city of Stuttgart, the "Lokalwohltätigkeitverein" (local charity association), which emerged from the "Privatgesellschaft" (private company), took over the tasks of a district charity association (see F 240/1), while a separate district charity association was set up at the Stuttgart office - as was the case with other higher offices. In addition to providing the population with food and clothing in years of need, the fight against beggars on the one hand and job creation on the other formed the focal points of their activities. To stimulate savings activity, the "Württembergische Sparkasse in Stuttgart" was founded with an announcement dated 12 May 1818, the supreme supervision of which was transferred to the central management (see portfolio E 193). On 16.5.1818 the "Royal Army Commission" (see fonds E 192) was established as a collegial state authority to carry out state tasks in the promotion of the poor and the economy. Practically only members of the central management belonged to it, so that a very close personal dovetailing with this was given. The central management not only wanted to eliminate current emergencies, but also to get to the root of the problem. For example, industrial and work schools have already been set up for children in order to promote diligence and manual skills through straw and wood work, to prevent neglect and to help them earn some money. In 1849, these existed in 99 towns of Württemberg and employed 6400 children. Vocational training for the next age group was promoted with apprenticeship contributions. Emergency shelters were built for girls at risk, sick and hard-to-reach people were supported in institutions and homes, trade and commerce were supported with loans. In cooperation with the Central Office for Trade and Commerce, the central management (see inventory E 170) introduced new branches of work into the Württemberg economy and promoted the sale of its products. Since 1823, the impoverished communities have been given targeted help in the form of a special state aid and improvement plan; the implementation of these measures was the responsibility of the Armenkommission. Since the middle of the 19th century, the fight against the consequences of natural disasters and war emergencies, as well as disease control, has slowly come to the fore of the central management's activities. The necessary funds were raised from collections and annual state contributions and have been held in an emergency fund since about 1895. In the time of crisis during and after the First World War, the central management used all means at its disposal to help steer the need. At the same time it was the office of the National Committee for War Invalidity Welfare, the National Foundation for the Survivors and the National Office for Homeworking Unemployed Women, organised large collections of money for the benefit of children's, middle-class, old-age and homeland emergency aid and managed the distribution of donations from foreign relief organisations in cooperation with the district charity associations. In addition, she conducted the business for social charitable associations and for national collections, in particular for the Landesverband für Säuglingsschutz und Jugendfürsorge, the Verein für entlase Strafgefangene, the Heimatnothilfe, the Künstlerhilfe and took over the tasks of numerous welfare associations and foundations that had entered into the inflation period (see For more than a century, the central management of the charitable association was and remained the switchboard for welfare work in Württemberg. The central management has always been in close contact with the institutions and associations and has turned its special attention to them by giving suggestions or making significant contributions to numerous foundations. She promoted them by regular contributions and helped by advice, especially in financial terms. The "Blätter für Wohltätigkeit in Württemberg", today "Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege", published since 1848, spread far beyond the immediate sphere of activity of the central management, but with the expansion of the state tasks the central management gradually lost its independent position. In 1921 it became an institution under public law under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior and was now called "Central Management for Charity". During the National Socialist era it was renamed "Zentralleitung für das Stiftungs- und Anstaltswesen" (Central Management for Foundations and Institutions), with corresponding restrictions on its scope of duties, since the "National Socialist People's Welfare Office" reserved for itself the more popular areas, in particular emergency aid ("Winterhilfswerk"). After the end of the 2nd World War, the scope of the central management was expanded again and its sphere of activity extended to the former Prussian administrative district of Hohenzollern. But it could no longer attain its former significance. In 1957 it became the "Landeswohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg" in the form of a foundation under civil law with its registered office in Stuttgart, Falkertstr. 29. 2. On the history of the registry: the first office of the central management of the charitable association was established in the summer of 1817 in the old castle in Stuttgart, in the same place where the constituent meeting of the central management had taken place on 6 January of the same year. The Chancellery, which was also responsible for the business of the agricultural central office, was run from 1817 to 1857 by Regierungsrat Schmidlin as secretary. In 1820 the Chancellery rooms were moved from the Old Palace to the Ministerial Building of Foreign Affairs. In the end, this had an unfavorable effect on the management of the registry and constantly forced compromises to be made. In 1825, 1837 and 1846 Schmidlin had lists drawn up of the files kept in the registry of the Central Management and the Army Commission. The files of both bodies were kept together. The special files (Aalen to Welzheim) were filed in subjects 1 - 66, the general files in subjects 67 - 84. The list of 1837 contains in contrast to the list of 1825, which only describes the general files, also a list of the existing special files and in the appendix a list of the 15 file fascicles handed over in December 1838 by Geh. Rat von Hartmann from the estate of Queen Katharina to the registry of the central administration. Unfortunately, the 1846 directory is no longer available. The connection between the offices of the central management of the charity association and the central office of the agricultural association (with separate registries), which had existed since 1817, was dissolved in 1850 with the transfer of the latter to the Legion barracks, when a second registry was formed for the latter on the occasion of the internal separation of the central management and the Army Commission in 1855; copyist Rieger had great difficulty in dividing up the files and ordering both registries. Due to the close interdependence of the Central Management and the Armed Commission - the members of the Armed Commission were all members of the Central Management - however, a strict separation was not always necessary at that time (and also with the new indexing 1977 to 1979, see E 191 and E 192).1856 In 1857 Chancellor Keller, successor of Secretary Schmidlin in the chancellery, expanded Schmidlin's file plan to accommodate the rapidly growing registry, whereby in particular the various matters previously united under general headings were separated. In the special files, subjects 1 - 66 increased by six to 72, so that the general files were now distributed among 73 - 114 instead of subjects 67 - 84. The files, which were stored in confined spaces in various rooms, could be found quickly on the basis of a central management file directory produced by Keller around 1860 and supplemented up to the beginning of the 20th century, which lists the file subjects in alphabetical order with fan descriptions. Secretary Kuhn undertook a comprehensive reorganization of the registry in 1874. On the one hand, he eliminated 403 file fascicles, mainly local files, for the old registry, which had been completed in 1877, and on the other hand he systematically structured the remaining registry files, leaving out the old subject classification. Obviously this new plan did not come to fruition due to a chronic lack of space, which the Secretariat complained about in a note dated 10 Dec. 1896 to the Ministry of Finance and asked for new premises to be provided. As a result of the sale of the entire property, these offices had to be vacated in 1906; since no suitable state building was available, the private house Furtbachstraße No. 16 was rented. Probably with regard to the move into the house Furtbachstraße, secretary Kuhn designed around 1903 in a modified form a new registry order, which was also then applied in practice. On 26 June 1914 the central administration finally moved into the house at Falkertstraße 29, which it had acquired from the estate of the Kommerzienrat von Pflaum and set up for its purposes. The new accommodation had a favourable effect on the registry conditions insofar as more extensive file accesses could be accommodated in the subsequent period. These were above all the files of numerous associations dissolved as a result of inflation, as well as files from the management of the Central Management for Social Charitable Associations, committees and large relief actions in the emergency years between the two world wars. The storage of these files took place in loose connection with the remaining files. Around 1936, a provisional list of files ("registry plan") was created for the files of the NS-Volkswohlfahrt (National Socialist People's Welfare) with the inclusion of newer files of the central administration. Archival documents on the history of the registry see E 191 Rubr. III 1c Büschel 4532 (offices) and Büschel 4533 (tools). 3. to the order and distortion of the stock: The old files of the central management were handed over to the Ludwigsburg State Archives by the Landeswohlfahrtswerk in 1968 and 1976. In 1976, individual books and periodicals were placed in the service library of the archive from the outset. State Archives Director Dr. Robert Uhland began in 1968 to organize and record the files and volumes, but was already stuck in the early days with this work because of other obligations. As part of a research contract with the support of the Volkswagenwerk Foundation, the holdings were then transferred from 1977 to 1979 under the direction of Senior State Archives Councillor Dr. Wolfgang Schmierer by the scientific director of the Volkswagenwerk Foundation. Employees Dr. Hans Ewald Kessler in cooperation with the archive employees Erwin Biemann and Helga Hecht. The final works, which included the inventory classification and revision of the title records, were carried out from 1981 to 1982 for the inventory group A (files and volumes), Amtsrat Karl Hofer, and for the inventory group B (printed matter), Archivoberinspektorin Regina Glatzle. Since at the beginning of the indexing there were no finding aids available, apart from a very inaccurate index of the older archives, especially for the older ones, it was also not possible to use the older registry data, some of which still existed. The old registers (E 191, Rubr. III 1b Bü 5992 - 5998) were only found during the indexing process. The extensive files and volumes were divided in the course of the indexing work and divorced into the holdings E 191 (central management of the charitable association), E 192 (Armenkommission) and E 193 (central management of the Sparkasse für Württemberg). The external files burst in the registry were excavated and integrated as independent holdings in accordance with their provenance into the corresponding holdings series of the State Archives F 240/1 (Lokalwohltätigkeitsverein Stuttgart), F 240/2 (Bezirkswohltätigkeitsverein Cannstatt), PL 408 (Wichernhaus Stuttgart), PL 409 (Verein zur Unterstützung älterer Honoratiorentöchter), PL 410 (association for artificial limbs), PL 411 (association for worker colonies), PL 412 (association for folk sanatoriums), PL 413 (national association for infant protection and youth welfare), PL 416 (Paulinenverein), PL 417 (Comité zur Beschaffung von Arbeit), PL 418 (association for shameful house arms), PL 419 (harvest association) and PL 705 (estate Heller). All these holdings contain files of originally independent organisations which have been taken over by the central management over time. The inventory E 193 was arranged and registered as a separate file group, which originated at the central management, but concerned its own closed field of work, as a separate file group.15 file fascicles originate from the estate of Queen Katharina and were handed over to the registry of the central management in the year 1838 by Privy Councillor v. Hartmann: they are incorporated in the majority in section I 3 of the inventory E 191. A list of these files is attached to the registry of 1837. E 191 was indexed in individual connected groups according to numerus currens, whereby the title records could only be arranged objectively after completion of the indexing.After several registration plans had been valid for the files of the central management, also different stock groups were not registered by these, the stock E 191 was arranged according to a new stock systematics under consideration of the business circles of the central management and preservation of old registration structures. the stock contains a large number of brochures, above all annual reports and statutes of socially active institutions and associations from the whole German-speaking area. As far as these were collected independently, they were registered under the inventory department B, further are in the associated files. Duplicates as well as the periodical "Blätter für das Armenwesen" and "Blätter der Zentralleitung für Wohltätigkeit in Württemberg", volumes 1890 - 1891, 1896 - 1922 and 1925 - 1939, were taken over to a large extent into the collections (JL 415) or into the service library of the State Archives Ludwigsburg. 7107 numbers in the volume of 97 m were included in the holdings E 191. However, 264 numbers are not documented by subsequent summarization of tufts.Ludwigsburg, March 1982Gez. Dr. Schmierer Supplement 2006: The documents received in 2001, 2004 and 2005 from the Baden-Württemberg Welfare Office were incorporated into the inventory in 2005 (= E 191 Bü 7445-7499).Ludwigsburg, July 2006W. Schneider Supplement 2013: In the course of packaging the inventory in 2010, title recordings and archive units were systematically compared and some errors and inconsistencies were corrected. Stephen Molitor
Commercial register (inventory)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 231-3 · Bestand · 1836-1908
Teil von State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: In order to prevent the misuse of company names and to be able to determine who is entitled to act on behalf of a company, the obligation for merchants to register the legal relationships of their companies with the commercial court in a register accessible to everyone was introduced on 1 January 1836. However, until 1 August 1866, when the relevant provisions of the Introductory Act to the General German Commercial Code entered into force, the obligation existed only for newly established companies and for them only if the company name and the name of the owner were not identical. The possibility of voluntary registration was given. The company protocol initially established for all entries except procurations was later replaced by registers for each legal form. Special registers were added as cooperative registers (from 1869), sign registers (from 1875), design protection registers (from 1876) and stock exchange registers for goods and securities (from 1896). For each register number, a file was kept which contained documents filed in addition to a copy of the register entry. From 1 October 1879 the registers were kept at the regional court, from 1 January 1900 at the district court in Hamburg. The district courts of Bergedorf and Ritzebüttel kept their own registers for their sprinkles. The registers of companies, societies and cooperatives were closed on 31 December 1904, their still valid contents transferred to the commercial registers and a new cooperative register. Preliminary Remark Legal Foundations The "Ordinance of 28.12.1835 (Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.14, p.307-316) on the Notification to the Commercial Courts of the Establishment, Change and Repeal of Commercial Societies, Commercial Firms, Anonymous Companies and Procurants to be Made in Commercial Courts, which became Popular by the Council and Citizen's Conclusion of 15.October 1835" of 28.12.1835 (Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.14, p.307-316) introduced in Hamburg for the first time an obligation for merchants to have the legal relationships of their companies entered in a register at the Commercial Court which is accessible to everyone. It entered into force on 1 January 1836. This regulation had come into being on the initiative of Commerzdeputation, which from 1823 constantly tried to persuade the Council to adopt a regulation which prevented the misuse of company names and created an opportunity to establish who was the actual owner of a company and who was entitled to act on its behalf. Initially, however, not all commercial enterprises were required to be entered in the register. Excluded were all already existing companies, however to the common sense of the owners it was appealed to to be registered voluntarily for the promotion of the thing (Publicandum of 28.12.1835, Hamburgische Verordnung Bd.14, S.317). In addition, registration was waived where the name of the trading company was identical to the name of the sole proprietor. Accordingly, the obligation existed only for 1. acting-Societäten (§ 1 of the regulation) 2. the action of the sole owner of a acting firm, which either did not contain its own full name or was not limited to its own name (§ 3 Abs.2) 3. granting of procurations (§ 4-8) 4. anonymous companies (§ 9-10) 5. agents and representatives of foreign insurance and similar companies (§ 11) 6. Hamb. insurance companies and other public limited companies (§ 12). The aforementioned had to report every establishment, change and cancellation of a company and submit all circulars to the Commercial Court - Company and Procurator's Office, partly also called Company Office. With the "Bekanntmachung betr. die Anmeldung im Firmen-Bureau vom 1.2.1844 (Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.18, S.7)" (Announcement concerning the registration in the firm's office of 1.2.1844, Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.18, p.7), the obligation arising from the 1835 ordinance was once again made public and in some cases specified in more detail. In 1865, the deposition of trademarks, labels and packaging provided for in Art. 24 of the Hanseatic-French Commercial and Shipping Treaty of 4 March 1865 (published on 30 June 1865, Hamburg Ordinances Vol. 33, pp. 233-234) was transferred to the Office for Business and Procuration. The introduction of the General German Commercial Code by law of 22.12.1865 (Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.33, p.533-561) brought a substantial extension of the obligation to register in the registers. The Commercial Code and the Introductory Act came into force in Hamburg on 1 May 1966. According to Article 19 of the Commercial Code, every businessman was now obliged to have his company entered in the Commercial Register. Paragraph 6 of the Hamburg Introductory Act also introduced the obligation to register the circle of traders to whom, under Article 10 of the Commercial Code, the rules for merchants were not to apply, such as traders from small businesses, hoekers, carters, ordinary skippers, etc., if they appointed an authorised signatory or if they wished to enter into an open partnership to operate their trade. In contrast to the Regulation of 1835, the transitional provisions (§§ 1-5) of the Introductory Act stipulated that the new provisions were also binding on all existing undertakings. It was imposed on these companies to register within 3 months, so that from 1.8.1866 all commercial enterprises in the Hamburg area, with the exception of Ritzebüttel, would have to be entered in the registers of the Commercial Court. In addition, Article 13 of the Commercial Code provides for the publication of all entries in the registers. So far, since October 1847 only the applications provided for in §§ 1 and 3 (2) of the Regulation of 1835 had apparently been published on the basis of an order of the Commercial Court. - In detail and on the other extensions and changes in the tasks of the company office under the Commercial Code see: The Commission reports and further negotiations on the introduction of the General German Commercial Code in Hamburg, p.3-5 (Library A 913/9). The special protocol for cooperatives to be established in accordance with the Genossenschaftsgesetz (Cooperatives Act) was also kept at the Commercial Court in accordance with § 1 of the "Ausführungsverordnung zum Norddeutschen Bundesgesetze betreffend die privatrechtliche Stellung der Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften vom 4.Juli 1868" (Implementation Ordinance on the North German Federal Laws concerning the Private Law Status of Acquisition and Economic Cooperatives of 4 July 1868) of 30 November 1868 (Hamburgische Gesetzsammlung Bd.III, p.86-88) from 1 January 1869. In Bergedorf, a separate commercial register was created at the local court from 1.1.1873 (announcement of 29.12.1872, Hamburgische Gesetzsammlung Bd.VIII, p.249-251). With the entry into force of the Reich Law on Trademark Protection of 4.12.1874 on 1.5.1875, the "entry of the trademark of goods" in a register of signs was transferred to the Commercial Court (Announcement of 26.4.1875, Hamburgische Gesetzsammlung Bd.XI, p.52-54). In the following year, due to § 9 of the Reichsgesetz regarding the copyright on designs and models of 11.1.1876 (Reichsgesetzblatt, p.12), the keeping of the design register was added. The Court Constitution Act of 27.1.1877 (Reichsgesetzblatt, p.41) ended the old Hamburg Court Constitution on 1.10.1879. For the tasks of the "Handelsgerichts-Bureau für das Firmen- und Procurenwesen" (Commercial Court Bureau for Companies and Procurators), i.e. keeping the commercial, cooperative, design and trademark registers, the district court was responsible for the Hamburg territory with the exception of the Ritzebüttel and Bergedorf district authorities; for the aforementioned district authorities, the district court concerned was responsible (§ 5 of the Act concerning the non-contentious jurisdiction of 25 July 1879, HamburgischeGesetzsammlung Bd.XV, pp. 253-255). On 1.10.1894 the jurisdiction for the protection of trademarks ended. It was transferred to the Reich Patent Office (Law for the Protection of Waaren Designations of 12.5.1894, Reichegesetzblatt, p.441-448). The Stock Exchange Act of 22.6.1896 (Reichsgesetzblatt, p.157-176) added the maintenance of two stock exchange registers, one for goods and one for securities. For the district courts of Bergedorf and Ritzebüttel, no stock exchange registers were established, but jurisdiction was transferred to the regional court. The registers were kept until the amendment of the Stock Exchange Act in 1908. On 1.1.1900 the "Bureau für die Handels-, Genossenschafts-, Markenschutz- und Mustererschutz-Register" (Bureau for the Commercial, Cooperative, Trademark and Design Protection Registers) transferred its duties to the District Court at the Regional Court (§ 125 of the Reichsgesetz über die freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit vom 17.5.1898, Reichsgesetzblatt, p.189). Register maintenance Two registers were created on 2.1.1836, the Company Protocol (A 6) and the Procuration Protocol (A 7), on the grounds of the company office. In the company protocol, all registrations provided for by the law, with the exception of procurations, were recorded. This remained essentially the case until the entry into force of the General German Commercial Code. From 1843 to 1856, a special "protocol of foreign companies" (A 8) was kept, in which foreign companies whose owners were temporarily in Hamburg were registered. Parallel to this, from 1843 to 1847 there was a "protocol for procurations by foreign companies" (A 9). The Protocol on Powers of Attorney (A 10), which ran from 1957 until the entry into force of the General German Commercial Code (Allgemeines Deutscher Handelsgesetzbuch), was considerably more comprehensive than the two aforementioned protocols. In contrast to authorised signatories, the persons entered in these minutes were only entitled to represent a company in accordance with the deposited power of attorney. After the entry into force of the General German Commercial Code (Allgemeines Deutscher Handelsgesetzbuch), the company and proxy protocols were declared commercial registers within the meaning of the Code (§ 1 of the transitional provisions to the Introductory Act, Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.33, p.559). They continued to be guided. A protocol for public limited companies (A 11) has been newly established. In this register, in addition to the joint-stock companies registered so far in the company minutes, the proxies of foreign companies registered so far in the power of attorney minutes were also recorded. Furthermore, until the creation of a special protocol for cooperatives (A 18) on 1 January 1869, "associations" of craftsmen were entered in this protocol. As there had been repeated difficulties with the neighbouring states because of the recognition of extracts from the "Protocols", "Registers" were established on 1.1.1876. The older entries were not transferred. The company register (A 12) for sole traders and the company register (A 13) for open commercial companies and limited partnerships were created as a continuation of the company protocol, as well as the shareholder register II (A 14) for joint stock companies and limited partnerships on shares and the company register III (A 15) for authorised representatives and agents of foreign anonymous companies as a continuation of the company protocol. The protocol of the cooperatives became the register of cooperatives (A 19). Only the Prokura protocol continued to exist under the old name. Until 31.12.1875 15129 numbers had been assigned in the company minutes, 407 numbers in the minutes of the joint-stock companies. For the Company Register and the Company Register I a common numbering was made starting with no. 15130 up to 31.12.1889. From 1.1.1890 onwards, each register beginning with No. 27401 has sequential numbers. The registers of companies resulting from the minutes of joint-stock companies also have a common numbering - beginning with No. 408 - which was maintained until 1904. From 1.6.1885, the Company Register IV (A 16) was created for the branches of foreign companies that had previously been entered in the Company Register II. Finally, in 1895, the Company Register V (A 17) was established for limited liability companies. Until then, they had also been entered in the Company Register II. With the 31.12.1899 the Prokurprotokolle end. The authorized signatories were now entered in the corresponding company register or company register I, as was already the case with anonymous companies. Following the entry into force of the new Commercial Code, the entries previously made in Company Register III (A 15) for authorised representatives of foreign companies were no longer permissible. From now on, the legal entities whose obligation to register is determined in § 33 et seq. of the new Commercial Code of 10 May 1897 (Reichsgesetzblatt, p. 219) were included in this register. (in: Senate Commission for the Administration of Justice, II C d 3 a 1 Vol. 1) the closure of the registers of companies, partnerships and cooperatives was determined. The commercial registers A, B and C and a new cooperative register took their place from 1.1.1905. The contents of the old registers, which were still valid, were gradually transferred to the new registers. The stock exchange and model registers remained unaffected. Delivery, loss of records and order Since 1902, the files due for destruction at the end of the retention periods have been delivered annually to the various registers by the Local Court. The files for all registers were filed by the court after deletion of the entries according to a common Repositioning number sequence - The first delivery of registers (protocols) and lists of names apparently took place in 1910. Further registers and protocols of general content were delivered on 4.1.1933 (G.A. H 2 a 54). The large series reached the State Archives on 11.2.1950. In the years 1951, 1953, 1961 and 1967 smaller subsequent deliveries took place. Losses of records have occurred both at the Local Court and in the State Archives. No registers have yet been delivered to the State Archives: Company Protocol No. 15084 to 15129, Procuration Protocol No. 11767-12016, and Protocol for Joint Stock Companies (No. 1-407). In the State Archives, Volume 2 of the Protocol on Interrogation and Volume 3 of the Protocol on Powers of Attorney were probably destroyed by water damage during the Second World War. The files relating to the registers are also incomplete. Losses occurred due to cassations at the district court and water damage at the state archives. The administrative work now being carried out concerns only the protocols and registers for which delivery directories were previously only partially available. A review of the files and possible cassation of those containing only extracts from the registers was initially postponed. Notes on use 1. running time information The running time information for the registers only takes into account the date on which the respective register sheet was set up. They have therefore been placed in parentheses. However, almost every sheet also contains later entries. 2) Mutual references In the case of entries for a company in different register series, as well as in the case of the creation of new pages (if the old ones were fully written), mutual references have always been made, as far as established. 3. company register II to V The individual volumes frequently also contain entries for shareholders with lower register numbers than can be assumed from the title. Reference is made to such entries in the previous section. 4. directories of names A complete directory of names for all entries is not available, but almost all series are indexed by alphabetical or rough alphabetical directories. An attempt has been made to determine the existing name directories as precisely as possible. Finding the register numbers for corporations is particularly difficult. These companies have been listed very differently in the individual name directories, partly under the company name, partly according to sectors or - without taking the company name into account - under A (joint-stock company). V List of Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in the protocols and registers: A - Commercial register A (after 1904) AG - Protocol for public limited companies B - Commercial register B (after 1904) C - Commercial register C (after 1904) Cons.Prot. - Consensual Protocol (Protocol on Consent to Continuation of the Company in the Event of Change of Owners) P - Company Protocol or Company Register PF - Protocol of External Companies PF - Company Protocol FR - Company Register G - Company Register or Cooperative Register or Protocol of Cooperatives GR - Company Register HR A - Commercial register A (after 1904) HR B - Commercial register B (after 1904) HR 0 - Commercial register C (after 1904) KP - Collective power of attorney MR - Model register P - Procuration protocol PF - Procuration protocol UB - Judgment book UP - Judgment protocol - Judgment book V - Power of attorney protocol VP - Interrogation protocol Z - (goods) sign register July 1967, Stukenbrock Archival History: The Best. contains the registers kept before 1905 and the files of companies that ceased to exist before 1905, if the content goes substantially beyond the entry in the register. The documents were delivered to the State Archives by the Local Court in 1902, 1933, 1950-1953, 1961 and 1967. The indexing took place successively after the non-archival register files had been sorted out. The retroconversion of the data took place in 2011. The inventory is to be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg 231-3 Commercial Register, No. ... Inventory description: In order to prevent the misuse of company names and to be able to determine who is entitled to act on behalf of a company, the obligation for merchants to register the legal relationships of their companies with the commercial court in a register accessible to everyone was introduced on 1 January 1836. However, until 1 August 1866, when the relevant provisions of the Introductory Act to the General German Commercial Code entered into force, the obligation existed only for newly established companies and for them only if the company name and the name of the owner were not identical. The possibility of voluntary registration was given. The company protocol initially established for all entries except procurations was later replaced by registers for each legal form. Special registers were added as cooperative registers (from 1869), sign registers (from 1875), design protection registers (from 1876) and stock exchange registers for goods and securities (from 1896). For each register number, a file was kept which contained documents filed in addition to a copy of the register entry. From 1 October 1879 the registers were kept at the regional court, from 1 January 1900 at the district court in Hamburg. The district courts of Bergedorf and Ritzebüttel kept their own registers for their sprinkles. The registers of companies, societies and cooperatives were closed on 31 December 1904, their still valid contents transferred to the commercial registers and a new cooperative register. The Best. contains the registers kept before 1905 and the files before 1905 of extinct enterprises, if the contents go substantially beyond the register entry.

BArch, R 1505/3 · Akt(e) · 1903-1914
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Directories of German Companies in Kiautschou, Samoa and the German South Sea Colonial Areas Printed publication "Das deutsche Schutzgebiet Samoa", published on behalf of the Imperial Government of Apia, Apia 1903 Wilhelm Spemann, "Die landwirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse auf Samoa", special edition from the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft", Berlin 1911

Lordship Hueth (existing)
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Rheinland, 110.12.00 · Bestand · 1140-1925
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Rhineland Department (Archivtektonik)

The BORCKEschen possessions in the right Rhine part of the duchy of KLEVE consisted of the 4 knight's seats HUETH, ROSAU, OFFENBERG and WENGE together with the subductors BIENEN and PRAEST-DORNICK. The Chamber President and Privy Council, the later Minister of the Budget, Friedrich Wilhelm v. BORCKE, had acquired the houses HUETH and ROSAU from the WYLICH-LOTTUM bankruptcy in 1736 and the RECKEschen Herrschaften OFFENBERG-PRAEST-DORNICK in 1744/45. Since the archives of the previous owners were taken over in whole or in part, the collection consists of 3 main groups: The RECKEsche Archives (I and II), a part of the WYLICH-LOTTUMsche Archives (III and IV) and the BORCKEsche Archives (IV and V) I and II. The Rhenish possessions of the family v.d. RECKE came mainly from the family v. WYLICH zu WENGE, which had died out in 1636 in the male tribe. The heirs were the sister of the last v. W. GERBERGA ( 1637) and her sons 2. Ehe KONRAD und DIETRICH v.d. RECKE. The property included the houses WENGE (at DORNICK) and NEUENHOFEN (in KREFELD-BOCKUM) as well as estates and pastures in the county of 's HEERENBERG. KONRAD v.d. RECKE, later president of the chamber in KLEVE, received these maternal estates during the division. In the year 1670 he acquired the noble house OFFENBERG in exchange for the WYLICHsche house to EMMERICH and pushed through 1677 that this was detached from the rule BIENEN and raised with a part of the peasantry BERGE to the sub rule. In 1678 he also received jurisdiction over PRAEST and DORNICK. The archive accordingly consists of the archive of the family v. WYLICH (I) and the extensive estate of the KONRAD v.d. RECKE ( 1713) (II). The WYLICH Archive also contains the archives of the families NEUENHOFEN-OSSENBROICH (referred to as NEUENHOFEN in the documents section), WISSEL, LOWENBERG and GOHR. III The WYLICH-LOTTUM archive was probably divided after the death of Field Marshal KARL PHILIPP v. W. in 1719, since almost all files are missing here about the house GRONDSTEIN, which was passed on to the 2nd son, and there are also gaps in the holdings of documents. But the valuable official acts of GODART, CHRISTOFFEL, OTTO and CHRISTOFFEL, of which the 3 first officials were in GENNEP (1455-1546), the last two held the office of HETTER (1542-1590), remained on HUETH (now KLEVE-MARK XI d GENNEP and HETTER); furthermore also the estates of Baron JOHANN SIGISMUND ( 1677) with the files of the office HEMERS (now KLEVE-MARK XI d) and of the Field Marshal General KARL PHILIPP. 38 documents which had been alienated from the holdings either in 1719 or during the sale of the estate in 1736 were transferred from the Geh. Staatsarchiv in 1862. They have now been reunited with the stock, having previously formed their own stock of GRONDSTEIN dominion. The properties of the family in the HETTER may come in part from the families HEKEREN and LOEL. In 1645 the house HUETH with BIENEN, BERGE and ANROP was elevated to sub rule. The dominion of GRIBBENVORST-LOTTUM, which originated from the estate of ALEID v. BARSD0NK ( after 1420), had to be asserted in a year-long process with v. MARWICK. GRONDSTEIN came into the possession of OTTO v.WYLICH (married to ELISABETH v. GRONDSTEIN) by inheritance in 1535. (Cf. the old find book: Herrschaft GRONDSTEIN; now file no. 1401) The dominion WEHL was purchased in 1671 and the house ROSAU in 1690 (see also Dep Wylich-Lottum). The files of the HUETH Lehnhof were combined into a special group, since a divorce of the WYLICHschen and BORCKEschen parts was not possible here. V. The BORCKE family owned the house HUETH until their extinction in 1872. From the extensive estates of the budget minister FRIEDRICH WILHELM v. B., the Klevische estates and the v. STEDER fiefs had passed to his son, the general commissioner and later Prussian envoy ADRIAN HEINRICH during the division of the estate in 1769. Under his son FRIEDRICH HEINRICH ( 1825), the decay of the family fortune began. The inherited debts, the loss of sovereign rights including the income flowing from them, the poor economic situation of the real estate after the wars of liberation, but especially the unfortunate outcome of an inheritance process with the stepbrother v. VATTEL. Neufchatel 1819 brought the family into a difficult economic situation. After the death of the count it was probably only the steward SONORÈ as well as the guardians who had to be thanked that the possessions did not come under the hammer. When the estate was divided in 1843, the oldest son Count HEINRICH BORCKE acquired the house HUETH, the remaining farms were passed on to the mother and siblings. From his successor, Freiherr v. WITTENHORST- SONSFELD, the Prussian Archive Administration acquired in 1872 the so-called Old Archive (I - IV) and the estates of the Minister FRIEDRICH WILHELM and the envoy ADRIAN HEINRICH v. BORCKE (files E 1 III 48 et seq.). By order of the Archivdirektion of 5 June 1873, the extensive and valuable estates of both BORCKE as well as parts of the estates of KONRAD v.d.RECKE and Generalfeldmarschall v. WYLICH-LOTTUM had to be transferred to the Geheime Staatsarchiv in Berlin. Following the implementation of the principle of origin (provenance principle), the official files of the budget minister were distributed to the state archives of Düsseldorf, Münster and Marburg in 1889, and the RECKEschen and WYLICH files were also returned to the state archives of Düsseldorf (service files A 7 g 1 88 A.V. 1884/33). The BORCKE estates remained in Berlin (cf. the indexes at the end of the Findbuch, for the Klevische Kammerakten at present the holdings BORCKE-HUETH). When the remainder of the HUETH archive was acquired in 1935, the division of 1889 had to be made the basis. Accordingly, the pieces belonging to the estates of the BORCKE family and the files on the Eastern Elbe possessions to Berlin, individual official files were handed over to the state archives of Münster and Marburg (see the indexes at the end of the find book). The administrative records of the 18th and 19th centuries remained in Düsseldorf, as far as they referred to HUETH and the HALBERSTÄDT fiefdoms, as well as the extensive estate of Count FRIEDRICH HEINRICH BORCKE, who had mainly been active in Grand-Ducal mining services. The youth letters FRIEDRICHS des GROSSEN to the budget minister v. B., which were excluded from sale in 1873, have since been lost (1 letter b. Stromberg, Haus Elverlingsen b. Altena/W., other letters b. Gravert, Gestüt Midlinghoven near Düsseldorf-Hubbelrath; 1921 still available, see Krudewig, Niederrhein. Homeland. 1, 1921, No. 14). The order of the files acquired in 1935 was taken as an occasion to redraw the previously acquired holdings. For practical reasons, the chronological order of the documents was maintained, especially as it was not always possible to assign individual pieces to a particular group. A small collection of documents and files, which had been alienated from the archive by the rector Bröring zu Rees, reached the state archives in 1936 together with his collection and was reunited with the main collection. Düsseldorf, 24 October 1936 signed. Oediger documents Explanation of the designations of origin Bilandt: Documents of the family v. BYLANDT which came to the family WYLICH-LOTTUM (III) by the marriage of JUTTA v.B. with GADERT v. WYLICH; Botzelaer: Membership of the documents preserved only in copies uncertain. Gohr: Estate of ADOLF v. GOHR and his son ADELHARD, passed to the family v. WYLICH (I) in 1605. Hecera: Archive of the family of H. (cf. about them ILGEN, Duchy Kleve I); Probably part of the WYLICH-LOTTUM archives (III). Horns = hair: House HORNE in the office HAMM, originally owned by the family HARMAN (HARME or HARMELEN), later by the marriage of GERBERGA v. HARMAN, née v. WYLICH, with KONRAD v.d. Recke to the family v.d. Recke (see files 1303). Loel: Probably part of the WYLICH-LOTTUM archives (III). Löwenberg: Documents of the family LEWENBERG, after 1485 passed to the family v. WYLICH (I) (through the marriage of HILLE L. with JOHANN v. WYLICH in 1466). Neuenhofen: Archive of the house NEUENHOFEN zu Krefeld-Bockum (owner of NEUENHOFEN and OSSENBROICH) by GERBERIG v. OSSENBROICH 1550 to the family WYLICH (I); history of the family Wylich-Lottum s. Liese, The classic Aachen II 88ff (VI B 354 20) Recke: see II. Wylich: see I. Wylich-Lottum: see III. Wissel: Part of the archive, the v. W. family, probably belonging to the WYLICH archive (GERTRUD v. WISSEL married GODART v. WYLICH in his first marriage). The actual family archive Ossenbruch is located at Brünninghausen i. W. (Freiherr von Romberg) (cf. Rep. 4 III) (now Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen ?; cf. handwritten margin note StA Münster in the analogous Altfindbuch 110.12.1, Bl. IX) Depositum Hueth II (from Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld) From the archival holdings at Hueth Castle (documents and records of the castle owners of Wylich-Lottum, von Wylich-Wenge, von der Recke, von Borcke and, lastly, von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld) was discovered in 1872 by the Prussians. Archive administration acquired the so-called old archive with the estates of the minister Friedrich Wilhelm and the envoy Adrian Heinrich von Borcke. The latter as well as parts of the old archive were transferred to the Geh. Staatsarchiv in Berlin in 1873 by order of the Archivdirektion. The official files were distributed in 1889 to the state archives of Düsseldorf, Münster and Marburg according to the principle of provenance. In 1935 the remainder of the archive of the Hueth dominion was acquired and divided on the basis of 1889. The files acquired in 1872 and 1935 and transferred to the Düsseldorf State Archives were recorded together in the 1936 Findbuch der Herrschaft Hueth (C 135) by the later director of the Düsseldorf State Archives, Dr. Oediger. What remained in the possession of the barons of Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld on Hueth were parts of the family archive of the counts of Borcke and the family archive of the barons of Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld. The Wittenhorst Archive was listed in 1933 by the Landesarchivrat Dr. Kisky in the Findbuch Wittenhorst und Borcke (Hueth) (H 4 XIV); the remaining holdings were inspected and arranged by the Landesarchiv, but could no longer be carried out before the war. This last part of the archive was brought from the damaged archive rooms to the cellars of the Catholic elementary school in Rees by the archive advisory office. When the cellars had to be cleared in 1958, the archive was deposited with the Düsseldorf State Archives (Depositalvertrag vom 27.11.1958; Acc. No. 88/1958; Tageb. No. 3801-H XVII). The deposit consisted of 3 boxes with files, mainly of the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as a box with partly decayed books, a herbarium and various maps. It was placed in Room V. On 16.12. 59 Klaus Frh. von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld received power of attorney from his brother to remove parts of these records. Dr. Lahrkamp began to record the rest of the completely rearranged and confused files. This work was completed July-September 1962 by the undersigned. The review revealed that more than half of the holdings are still parts of the von Borcke archive, with a focus on 1800 (Count Adrian Heinrich von Borcke, died 1791, Count Friedrich Heinrich, died 1825). The collection also contains individual pieces from the archives of von Borckeschen and Wittenhorst's relatives (Sommer, Bünte, von Goltstein zu Beeck). In order not to pre-empt the owner of the inventory, no money was collected, although a large part of the files are of little value, but only the unworthy pieces were sorted out and placed in a separate envelope. Düsseldorf, September 10, 1962 Dr. Niemeyer Disposals from Hueth, files II 1) Dr. Frhr. v. Wittenhorst, the following archival documents have been handed over: 23.1.60: 13 file titles - 6.2.60: 1 file concerning the church of Haldern; 1 file concerning income, property and debts of Sonsfeld (5 sheets); 5 files back - 13.2.60: appointment of Fr. W. v. Wittenhorst to the dike count 1678 June 28 (document); file concerning capital of the heirs of Sonsfeld 1805 ff. -18311 letter from 1837 family v. Wittenhorst concerning - 26.3.60: Various land register and cadastral register excerpts (8)1 file about Wittenhorst's inheritance dispute from the year 1833 and earlier - 2.4.60: 3 pieces from Salm-Salm - from Wittenhorst 1717; 1 file Eickelbaumschlag zu Haffen 1664-1721; patent from 1845 - 9.4.60: File no. 15 of 27.1.1572 (2 parchments); file concerning a prebend of Soest, no. 962 of 1835; 2 letters of the mayor Vrasselt of 1894 and 1896 2) On 19.6.1963 the following files were handed over to the Geheime Staatsarchiv, Berlin-Dahlem: Nachlaß Friedrich Wilh. v. Borcke Nr. 40) Praebende of the Minister of State Friedrich Wilhelm v. Borcke at the cathedral chapter of Havelberg (with lists of the minores and electi), 1703-1783 - No. 63) Receipts for Chamber President v. Borcke u. Kriegsminister v. Borcke (stamp duty for the purchase of Gut Falkenberg/Mittelmark by Gut Falkenberg/Mittelmark, contributions to the Feld war chest for Lieutenant v. Borcke before 17.1.1760), 1732, 1751-1763 - No. 77) Catalogues and correspondence about the purchase of Gut Falkenberg/Mittelmark by v. Borcke Kupferstichen, 1750-1756 - No. 137) lists of copper engravings and engravers together with correspondence, 1751-1756 - No. 76) letters and invoices of the dealer Trible about jewels, paintings, copper engravings, nippes for v. Borcke, 1756-1762 - No. 119) Correspondence of the Minister v. Borcke, 1763-1769 - No. 233) Letters of the Marshal v. Poland to Dresden, 1769 - No. 36) Measures of the Klevische government concerning the investigation of the state of mind of the Minister Friedrich Wilhelm v. Borcke and administration of the Borcke estates; proceedings against Amalia Rieck, economist on Hueth, for embezzlement, 1768-1769 - No. 53) Files concerning the sale of Borcke's household effects to Mademoiselle Rieken, 1764-1768 - No. 106) Files to the lawsuit against Amalia Rieck (in), 1765-1771 - No. 225) Accounting of Kampen about financial transactions of the Budget Minister v. Borcke, receipt of 1673, 1673-1757 - No. 222) Accounts & receipts for Budget Minister v. Borcke, (1739), 1747-1760 - No. 116) Craftsmen & Supplier receipts for v. Borcke, 1761-1767 - No. 102) Correspondence, accounts and receipts concerning Kuxen, 1764-1768 - No. 153) Auction account v. Borcke'scher Mobilien, 1764 - No. 173) Settlement of process costs v. Borcke approx. von Sonsfeld, 1766 Estate of Adrian Heinrich v. Borcke No. 235) Letters of Nettelbusch from Minden concerning the appeal of the cathedral capital of Kessel against the cathedral capital of Nottel, 1771 - No. 156) Judicatural calculation in the case of the separated Geh. Borck oa. the Geh. Legationsrat v. Borck, 1774 - No. 174) Inheritance collection by A.H. v. Borcke for Christian Klein (1773) and Markus Israel (1772), 1772-1773 - No. 4) Bills for the Geheimrat Baron v. Borcke zu Berlin, as well as auction catalogue of 1764, 1764-1781 - No. 94) Evidence of the debts paid by Adrian Heinrich v. Borcke for his brother Carl August v. B., 1767-1769 - No. 223) Invoices, receipts and purchase offers for Geh. Rat von Borcke, 1770-1789 - No. 149) Clausthaler Gruben-Extrakt, Abrechnung, Kux-Preise, 1773-1782 - No. 172) Dekret des kursächs. General War Court in cases A.H. v. Borcke ca. Rudolph von Bünau together with correspondence relating to the trial Marie v. Borcke oa. Johann Friedrich Gürtler, 1775 - No. 207) Trial v. Borckesche Bediente Anna Dorothea Louise Richter, 1776 - No. 168) Trial von Borcke ca. Erben von Jever, Catjenove u. Schuylenburg, 1783-1790 Amtsakteakte Nr. 254) Requests by textile manufacturers for approval by v. Borcke, 1777 - no. 142) General Designation of the goods and their value purchased by merchants in the Principality of Halberstadt from the velvet and silk factories in Berlin, Potsdam, Frankfurt and Köpenick (1775-1776); passport for factory director Schlegel (1777); claims of widow Schiemenz against the fleeing silk manufacturer Gebhardt (1777); files concerning the following cases Silk stocking factory of the protective Jew Levin Moses Levi 1778, 1775-1778 - No. 205) Proposals to make salmiac a local product in the royal Prussian states and to improve the saltpetre system by Wilhelm Gottfried Pleueqnet and Jacob Andreas Weber with letters of recommendation (J.G. Hehl and v. Reck), 1777 - No. 128) General extract of the Kurmärkischen wool and yarn magazines, 1777-1778 - No. 23) Report of the Prussian War and Domain Chamber of Kleve concerning the Krefeld silk goods at the Frankfurt fair (with supplement: Magistrat zu Krefeld wegen Importschwierigkeiten, Moers 21. Januar 1778), 1778 - No. 150) Input of the Vitriol-Fabrik Schwartz