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M 118 · Akt(e) · 1889-1890
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Information about German hospital in Zanzibar and on the mainland; correspondence with Wichern and Baron von Nettelbladt; reports from Nettelbladts to EMDOA about hospitals in Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Bagamojo; correspondence with the Foreign Office and field ministers for caretakers

Documents by P. Augusst Halbing
N.22-3 · Akt(e)
Teil von Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Letters of Father Halbing from Cameroon to his family of origin, copies of letters in family ownership, copied by the sister of Father Halbing, two diaries 1894-1913Liturgical notes from Pentecost and the Sundays after Pentecost, 1895-1911Removed: - Bishop Vieter with black boy, 1904, taken from U.1k-1 - Portrait photo of Father Ernst Ruf, 1908, taken from U.1-2448; - P. Hermann Nekes with the native Vincent Isala in Jaunde, before 1915, taken from U.1-2449- P. Hermann Nekes, Repros of two half-portraits, made as postcasrte, 1914 - 1936, taken from U.1-2450- Former Cameroon missionaries: P. Hermann Skolastser, Br. H Raible, Br. G. Gleissner, (ex-)brother E Britz, after 1916, taken from U.1-2451- house and chapel of the Pallottines interned in Spain, 2 photos, 1916, taken from U.1-2452- missionary []O. Raible] with his teachers, ca. 1910, taken from U.3-181- Mission Station Marienberg am Sanaga in Cameroon, postcard o.J., taken from U.3-182 - Mission Stations Douala and Edea in Cameroon, postcard o.J. ca. 1910, taken from U.3-183

Hoffmann, Karl
Insurance and pension matters: generalia
RMG 3.270 · Akt(e) · 1938-1970
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Guidelines, statutes, legal texts of; Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft; various pension funds; pension funds, widows' and orphans' funds; supplementary insurance funds; Allianz-Lebensversicherung; BfA Berlin; Nordrheinische Ärzteversorgung; correspondence with AOK Düsseldorf regarding Haus Heimatfreude, 1959; Correspondenz m. Rhein. Versorgungskasse due to classification of missionaries, 1957; salary regulations of the Württembergische Landeskriche, 1961

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
North German Mission Society (founded 1836)
RMG 770 · Akt(e) · 1822-1937
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on cooperation in the mission fields and in the field Home; message from the foundation of the e. Missions-Verein in Hamburg, 1822; request of the RMG for materials for the clothing of the inhabitants of Wupperthal, South Africa, at the same time report about the beginnings of the activity of the first missionaries, 1830; letters accompanying gifts, request for information about aspirants sent to Barmen, request for writings, 1832-1935; Fr. Mallet u. G. G. Treviranus invite to the annual celebration, 1834; Mrs. Mallet sends monetary donation, 1835; Announcement to work as an independent missionary society in the future, 1835; Printed protocol of the foundation of the Nordt. Miss.., 1836; Correspondence with the seminarian Kempe from Hamburg, 1838; Anzeige von der Aussendung eigener Missionare, 1842; Perthes (Hamburg) offers to mediate the purchase of the Luth. church newspaper in Pittsburg/USA in exchange for the Barmer Missionsblatt, 1843; P. Ludwig Müller, Bremen, recommends Gemeiner (as archivist) u. advised against Menken, 1845; Vistiationsbericht, Protokoll e. Lehrer- u. einer Ältesten-Konferenz bei Amedzowe/Togo, by Insp. Schreiber, 1902; Hausordnung f. d. Missionsheim "Tanne" in Hamburg, Rauhes Haus, 1911; Monatsblatt d. Norddt. Mission with reports about Amedzofe/Togo, 1934 1935; picture postcard with 4 portraits to the centenary, 1936

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
nurses' house, kindergarten
Stadtarchiv Worms, 227 / 061 · Akt(e) · 1927 - 1930
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others correspondence of the Catholic Church Foundation Council with the Monastery of the Sisters of Divine Providence in Mainz concerning the dissolution of the Sisters' Station (1954); Pastor A. Braun with the Motherhouse, to the Bishop, Dr. Albert Stohr, in the Bishop's Office in Mainz. Matters; property tax; 50th anniversary of the sisters (19.7.1952), various letters of congratulation (e.g. Domkapitular Moser, Pfarrer Oestreicher); list of the former head sisters; subsidies from the parish for the catholic sisters' station; bequests to the sisters' station in Westhofen; inauguration of the extended sisters' house (11.12.).1927); list of the sisters (1902/27); borrower's note (loan at the non-profit building association for the rural communities of the district Worms, 1928); money collection for the benefit of the sisters' house; increase of the sisters' house (former Scherr'mannsches house); receipts concerning furnishings (e.g. Rudolf Landes, Mannheim housing furnishings, wg. sewing table; Christian Mendel Manufacturwaren Großhandlung Mainz for e.g. curtain fabric; Singer Co. Nähmaschinen Act. Ges.; Jean Ernst, Worms, master tinsmith and plumber for sinks; F. W. Heinrich, colonial, material, paint and drugs, Westhofen); Peter Wagner, Westhofen, for painting work; correspondence between Pfarrer Weißbäcker and the Caritasverband der Diözese Mainz regarding the following matters Grants for the infant school; extension of the infant and industrial school, application for support from youth welfare funds; estimate for the extension of the nurses' house (non-profit building association for the rural communities of the district of Worms) Darin: Aufmaßskizzen, Portal (view, side view, floor plan)

RMG 1.252 · Akt(e) · 1910, 1946-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Building was used by the Diakonissenanstalt as a mental hospital, formerly Töchterheim, s.a. RMG 1.259-1.262; correspondence on the reacquisition of the building, management, administration and occupancy; list of residents, 1951; profitability calculations; correspondence with residents; Renewed statutes of the RMG, 21 p., Dr., 1910; building plans for extension building, 1:100, 1956

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Stadtarchiv Worms, 180/01 / 004 · Akt(e) · Feb. 1912 - Sep. 1920
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others: Letter mainly to Pfauenmoos, acquisition of land Neuhausen, factory railway there (with plans), salary questions of employees (Apr. 1920), collection for colonial donation (Aug. 1918); numerous reports on the operation of the Neuhausen plant; necessity of building cheap apartments (opinion of Mayor Köhler, July 1918); structural condition of Dörsam house, Hochheimer Str. 10; Korresp. concerning complaint of a factory worker, Apr. 1918; hs. Greeting address of the board of directors of the Werkverein to CWvHeyl; Chevraux sales prices (May 1916); general questions of raw material procurement; war-damaged welfare (report on meeting of the state committee Ghzt. Hessen, March 1916); production of helmets, Aug. 1915; finances and sales, Neuhausen siding (Apr. 1915); Status of production in goatskin processing (July 1914) [report gap Aug. 1914 to Jan. 1915], lists, production issues at the Neuhausen plant, acid experiences, English letter Ohlenschlager Brothers, London; Chevreaux production Darin: hs. and masch. Reports mixed (carbon copies)