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Diels estate (title)

Direktionskorrespondenz und weitere Unterlagen 1937-1941: 1 portfolio, loose-leaf collection; copies or handwritten, authors: Diels, Dr. Friedrich Bolle, R. Pilger; Prof. Dr. Hoppe (all Botanischer Garten Berlin), Milos Deyl (botanist, Prague); Wilhelm Engelmann (publishing bookshop Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), Wimmer (priest, editor of the Lobeliaceae for the plant kingdom). contents: air-raid protection measures in the Botanical Museum (removal of alcohol collection etc.)); financial means of the Englerstiftung; whereabouts of lost herbarium loans (Spanish Civil War); reminder to return herbarium loans; printing of various volumes of the Pflanzenreich (Richtlinien zur Korrektur, Korrespondenz mit der Verlagsbuchhandlung Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), editing of the Lobeliaceae für Pflanzenreich scientific manuscripts on the flora of SW Africa, individual letters [see FA1/1] diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript; diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript

RMG 2.159 · Akt(e) · 1897-1953
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1 Curriculum vitae (3 versions) and certificates, 1898-1901; letters to Inspector Spiecker concerning application and admission to the mission seminar, 1897-1901; health certificate, also for Bride Emma Klingelhöller, 1907 and 1913; letters and reports from New Guinea, 1907-1926; conference sermon on John 8:12, 1911; model of a school contract for registered missionaries, 1897-1901; letter of recommendation to Inspector Spiecker. Pupil, Dr., 1914; "Kali ra!" (For All!), No. 1, 1 sheet, Dr., 1914; Referat "Neuregelung in Bezug auf Wiederbesetzung der Astrolabe-Bai", 1922; Correspondence with Georg Eiffert in der Heimat, 1926-1929; Letters and Reports, as well as Circulars from New Guinea, 1929-1934; Correspondence with Emma Eiffert, 1930-1931; "Faita-Chronik", 1930-1934; Vol. 2; Correspondence with Georg Eiffert in Heimatarbeit, 1935-1953; Versorgungsangelegenheiten, 1935-1953; Obituary for daughter Maria Eiffert, 1946; Obituary and death certificate for Georg Eiffert, 1953

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
RMG 1.102 · Akt(e) · 1890-1929
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Protocols and correspondence on issues such as:; customs privileges; education; arbitrariness of colonial officials; whereabouts of mission property after World War I; internment and exchange of prisoners of war; overview of activities, assets and members of the mission in Southwest Africa and New Guinea, 1904; official stenographer. Report on speeches on the dissolution of the Reichstag and colonial politics, 47 p., Dr., 1907; Die deutsche Flagge im Stille Ozean, 25 p. m. Map, Dr., 1915

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
RMG 2.141 · Akt(e) · 1888-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Letters and Reports from New Guinea, 1888-1894; Correspondence between the New Guinea Company and Governor Schmiele and the RMG with detailed description of the beginnings of the New Guinea mission, 1894; Private letters to inspectors of the RMG, 1888-1899; Statements concerning the acquisition of a mission ship, 1895; Vol. 2; "A Greeting from New Guinea", No. 1, 7 and 8, Dr., 1891-1894; Letters and reports from New Guinea, 1898-1899; Conference sermon "Der Menschenfischer u. sein Beruf", 1898; Bericht einer Reise zur Ramu-Mündung, 1898; Statement on the question "Kostschule oder Ortsschule", 1899; Correspondence on the employment of Kunze in church service, 1900-1910; Correspondence with Georg Kunze in the homeland, 1905-1910; Correspondence with Mrs. Johanne Kunze, née. Schmitz, for moving from Pomerania to Honnef, 1945-1947; obituary, obituary and letter of condolence for Johanne Kunze, 1956

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft