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Description archivistique
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 135 · Dossier · 1888-1912
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Programme speech before the voters' meeting Ebingen, printed, 4.2.1887 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Anniversary tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of the election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, printed., 5.4.1889 - Jungfernrede Haussmanns in der Abgeordnetenkammer, ed., 10.4.1889 - Speech in the election challenge debate, ed., 18.6.1889 - Speech on the reintroduction of the election envelope, ed., 19.6.1889 - Newspaper report on a speech by voters in Ebingen, ed., 10.11.1889 - Reichstag speech on the colonial bill, ed, 12.6.1890 (three reports) - lecture about the political situation, printed, 14.9.1891 - speech in the voters' meeting in Tuttlingen, printed, 2.10,1892 - "Der Wegweiser", poem Haussmanns, printed, o.D. - speech in Ebingen, printed, 30.6.1894 - report about party congress of the South German People's Party in Aschaffenburg and the speech Haussmanns in the Aschaffenburger Zeitung, printed, 24.9.1894 - Haussmann's toast to the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, handschr., January 1895 - "Die württembergische Landtagswahl", printed, 19.2.1895 - "Die politische Indolenz", printed, October 1895 - Reichstag speech on the BGB, printed, 12.12.1895 - "So kann es nicht weitergehen - Gedanken eines Steuerzahlers", printed ca. 1895 - Report of the People's Party to its voters on the Reichstag session 1895/1896, printed, o.D. - Toast to Haussmann on the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, printed, January 1896 - "Ein Minister über Bord" zur Entlassung Bronsarts, printed, 17.8.1895 - General Assembly of the Bezirksvolksverein in Balingen, printed, 17.1.1897 - "On the Threshold of Reform - Constitutional Revision, Proportional Election and the Attitude of the Parties", ed., 17.1.1897 - Haussmann's Article on "Electoral Victory of Democracy in Norway" in "Dagbladet Kristiania", 9.11.1897 - "From Tedious Governance", mach., September 1897 - "The People's Party in Parliament 1895-1900", ed, o.D. - Election program of the Volkspartei by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann, printed, 1900 - Speeches by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann in Heilbronn at the Volksparteitag, printed, 16.11.1902 - Speech on two years of service in the Reichtag, handschr., 1903 - Speech of the Landtag on the Betriebsmittelgemeinschaft, printed, 9.12.1904 - Speech as reporter in the Landtag on the administrative reform, mechanical and manual reform, German, English 1904 - Poem "Berlin Politics", handschr., New Year 1905 - Schiller speech, printed, 7.5.1905 - Draft of a constitutional law, printed by the Landtag, 17.6.1905 - Closing speech to the constitutional revision, handschr., 1905 - "Volksrecht oder Herrenrechte? Speech by Wilhelm Keil, printed, 27.6.1905 - "Zur Verfassungsrevision in Württemberg", printed, 9.7.1905 - "Ein Mahnwort aus der Deutschen Volkspartei", printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Verfassungsrevision in der Kommission", printed, 18.7.1905 - Notes on an Election Speech, hand printed, 1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die, 12.11.1906 - "An die Reichstagswähler", printed, New Year 1907 - "An die deutschen Wähler, handschr., o.D. - Rede zum Vereinsgesetz, printed, 1907 - Speech in Spaichingen, printed, 13.1.1907 - "Die Bedeutung der Neuwahlen", speech in Ebingen, printed, 19.1.1907 - "Die Reichstagsstichwahl" in Balingen, printed, 3.2.1907 - "Bülow", without author, printed.., o.D. - "Ultra-Montagnini", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11., February 1907 - "Parliamentarism", printed, o.D. - "Old Chinese Poetry", printed, December 1907 - "The New Problem", printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907, 21.1.1908 - "Anti-Prussian sausage-likeness", printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed.., 28.5.1908 - "Party Merger", printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 -, 2.10.1908 - " Congress?", printed, 16.10.1908 - "Alsatian", printed, November 1908 - Speech to the Daily Telgraph interview, printed, 12.11.1908 - "Before the end of the crisis", printed, 14.11.1908 - Speech in Tübingen "Zur innerpolitischen Lage", printed, 24.11.1908 - "Und nun?", printed, December 1908 - "Anno 1908", printed, 2.1.1909 - "König Eduard in Berlin", printed, 2.2.1909 - "The Renewal of Turkey and the Clumsiness of Europe", printed, 1909 - "The Conservative Leadership" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 2.3.1909 - "After the Morocco Agreement", mechanical.., Spring 1909 - Easter article for the Neue Freie Presse Vienna, mechanical, 1909 - "Der Kriegslärm", printed, 1.4.1909 - "Die Finanzmisere", printed, 16.4.1909 - "Bülow am Scheideweg", printed, 1909 - "Geheime Universitätsreserve und Universitätsagenten" by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 1.10.1909 - "In the Air", printed, 4.10.1909 - "Der Parteiitag der Deutschen Volkspartei", by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 15.10.1909 - "Reichstagsbrief", printed, 15.12.1909 - "Die Aufgaben des fünfundes Kanzlers", printed, 19.12.1909 - Open Letter to August Bebel, handschr.

Haußmann, Conrad
RMG 1.099 · Dossier · 1895-1927
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes and correspondence concerning; claims on land; mistreatment of prisoners; Herero war; exile of Witbooi; site plan and profile railway Swakopmund-Windhuk, 1:1.200.000, 1901; correspondence with the president of the German colonial society concerning the lecture by Insp. Hannig in Bielefeld, 1927 (see also RMG 1.092)

Société des missions du Rhin
General colonial affairs: vol. 2
BArch, R 904/132 · Dossier · Nov. 1918- Apr. 1919
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Bremer Vereinigung für Deutsche Kolonialinteressen communicates its wishes for peace, 22. Nov. 1918 Desgl. Gesellschaft für kolonialen Fortschritt, 21. Nov. 1918 Bremer koloniale Vereinigungen und Verbände, 24. Jan. 1919 "Should we reclaim our colonies? Open Letter to the Board of the Reichsverband der Kolonialdeutschen, Ausschuss für koloniale Werbung vom Kaiserlichen Geheimen Regierungsrat Georg Fritz" (Flyer, 2nd Febr. 1919) "Open Letter of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft to President Wilson" (Flyer, 11th Apr. 1919)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, EL 232 Bü 415 · Dossier · 1911-1913, 1925
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Correspondence, posters, account sheets, list of holdings, museum map Berlin-Tempelhof, board report 1912 Darin: Request from the Federal Foreign Office of 27 January 1925 to the Württembergischer Verein für Handelsgeographie to pay tribute to the 60th birthday of honorary member Sven Hedin

German Colonial Society (inventory)
BArch, R 8023 · Fonds · 1887-1936
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1887 through merger of the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Kolonisation (founded 1884) with the Deutscher Kolonialverein (founded 1887). Founded 1882) in Berlin; Objective: Dissemination of national understanding and interest in the colonial question, practical solution of colonial problems through support of German-national colonization enterprises, fostering the togetherness of the Germans abroad, scientific research of the colonies, expansion of German colonial property and support of the German fleet program to secure the colonies; organs of the Society were Presidium, Committee, and Board; subdivisions into Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Economic Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896); German Colonial Committee (founded 1896).), Hauptverband deutscher Flottenvereine im Ausland (founded 1898), Frauenbund der deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft (founded 1907); 1936 within the framework of the National Socialist Gleichschaltung integration into Reichskolonialbund; 1943 dissolution for reasons of war economy. Editing note: Findbuch (1953) Inventory description: Archivische Bewertung und Bearbeitung It is a confirmed fact that an archive was established in the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h e l l s c h a f t . The Colonial Economic Archive, which was established at the Berlin Central Office in 1909, already had records of more than 600 colonial enterprises in its founding year. Due to a lack of documents, it is not possible to determine when the documents were transferred from these archives or the registries to the Reichsarchiv. For the period of the Second World War it can be assumed that the holdings, together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv, were outsourced and taken over by the German Central Archive Potsdam (later the Central State Archive Potsdam) after 1945. Due to the lack of old finding aids, no information can be given on war-related outsourcing losses. The first processing of the holdings was already carried out at the Central State Archives in Potsdam. In the holdings of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l l s c h a f t , the majority of the traditional file titles were newly created and partly supplemented by notes on contents. In addition to the already existing series and volume sequences, additional archival ones were added where appropriate. Since the already existing thread-stitching had predetermined the creation and delimitation of files, especially of the volumes of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft holdings, temporal overlaps in the series and volume sequences could not be avoided. The transfer of the data records of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t to the database took place in 2003. Content characterization: Antislavery; exhibitions, congresses, conferences and rallies; emigration; authorities and offices; Deutscher Frauenbund and its institutions; Deutscher Kolonialverein and Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft; expeditions and research trips; naval affairs; research and science; societies and associations; trade and economy; Herero uprising; church and missions; Colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft; Colonial policy Colonial propaganda and honours; Colonial economic committee; Agriculture and settlement; Military affairs; Museums and archives; Personnel and correspondence; Press cuttings; Legal and administrative affairs; Shipping and waterways; School and education; Donations and lottery; Tropical hygiene; Support and loan applications; Experimental and investigation stations; Veterinary medicine. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8023/...

Société coloniale allemande
RMG 779 · Dossier · 1905-1908
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on the foundation of the Institute and the tropical convalescent home; publications on this; Oberlehrer Kammerer, Stuttgart: Referat über missionsärztl. institutes u. Samariterschulen, 12 p., Dr., 1905; Annual Report of the Association for Medical Mission, 1905; Protocol of the Constituent Meeting of the Association for Medical Mission, 1906; Protocol of the Annual Meeting with Statutes, 1907; D. Dietrich: Ärztliche Mission IN: "Der Tag" No. 116, Berlin, 1908; Building plans of the Association for the Medical Mission, 1907; Building plans of the German Institute for Medical Mission, 1906; Report of the Annual Meeting with Statutes, 1907. Architects Klatte and Weigle, Stuttgart, 1908

Société des missions du Rhin
German South Polar Expedition
Institut für Stadtgeschichte Frankfurt am Main, Magistratsakten (1868-1930), S 2741 · Dossier · 1898 - 1899<br />1910 - 1915
Fait partie de Institute for City History Frankfurt am Main (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Brochure "Die Aufgaben der Forschung am Nordpol und Südpol", 1898; Correspondence with the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Department Frankfurt; Brochure "Die geplante deutsche Südpolar-Expedition", 1899; Memorandum on the German Antarctic Expedition, Berlin 1911; Brochure "Deutsche Hilfe für die Schröder-Stranz-Expedition", Frankfurt 1913

The chamber was erected on 13.4.1863 for the area of the former district of Dortmund. The original district did not change its external borders until 1913. The district of Dortmund was divided into the city district of Dortmund (enlarged by incorporation) and the districts of Hörde and Dortmund. In 1913 the chamber district was extended to the district of Hamm (from 1930 the district of Unna). In 1917 the independent town of Hamm was added. With the territorial reform of the years 1926-1929 the offices Sodingen (today town Herne) and Annen (town Witten) left the chamber district. From 1.1.1930, the chamber district comprised the city districts of Dortmund, Castrop-Rauxel, Lünen and Hamm, the district of Unna as well as the city of Schwerte and the Westhofen office from the district of Iserlohn. This district was valid until 31.12.1974 with one exception: in 1944/45 Schwerte was briefly assigned to the district of the Iserlohn office at the Chamber of Hagen. Since the municipal reorganization in 1975, the chamber district comprises the city districts of Dortmund and Hamm as well as the district of Unna. Castrop-Rauxel retired, the municipalities Werne, Selm and the new districts of the cities Hamm and Schwerte were added. In 1935 the IHK Dortmund became the seat of the Chamber of Commerce for Westphalia and Lippe in the course of the development of the commercial economy. Although the Chamber of Commerce was theoretically assigned numerous tasks as a subdivision of the Reich Chamber of Commerce, the independence of the individual Chambers of Industry and Commerce and the Chambers of Crafts was de facto preserved. In 1937 the Chamber of Commerce for Westphalia and Lippe was subdivided into the departments IHKn, Chambers of Crafts, Industrial Department, Trade Department, District Compensation Office for Public Contracts, Honorary Courts of Commerce and Industry. Each of the departments had its own advisory boards. In the course of the war preparations and during the war, the Economic Chamber (and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry) were given tasks within the framework of management. In 1942, chambers of commerce were created analogous to the party organization of the NSDAP. The IHKs finally lost their self-administration tasks. Dortmund became the seat of the Gauwirtschaftskammer Westfalen-Süd [Westphalia South Chamber of Commerce] [for the government district of Arnsberg]. In addition to the chambers of industry and commerce, the regional trade associations were also included. Due to the effects of the war, the organisational structure of the Gauwirtschaftskammer remained a torso. 190 m The collection is divided into several layers, which were created by changes in the registry. There are losses in the older strata. Before 1914 there were already large gaps, and contemporary cassations could be found in the so-called war economy registry. The tradition of the file layer 1918-1930 is largely complete. From the file layer from 1931 to 1945 whole groups of files were destroyed in bomb attacks, furthermore unknown quantities of special registries of the Gauwirtschaftskammerregistratur(en) were lost. The documents from the first period after the end of the war were not included in a systematic file plan until later; individual clerk registries for the period up to 1950 (beginning of a new file layer) are missing, e.g. files on the currency reform of 1948. 1. 1863-1914/1918 President Eduard Kleine 1900-1914 (1); elections 1863-1918 with voter lists (8); annual reports 1889-1913 (1); 50th anniversary 1913 (1); Syndici 1872-1914 (3); budget 1877-1900 (4); chamber building 1898-1913 (1); Chamber organisation 1894-1918 (2); Vereinigung der Sekretäre der Handels- und Gewerbekammern Deutschlands 1875-1899 (1); Vereinigung der Handelskammern des rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiets 1903-1918 (2). Local court Aplerbeck 1908 (1); commercial judge elections 1879-1918 (2); articles of association 1884-1918 (4); auditors 1899-1919 (3); commercial chemist 1899-1918 (3); commercial customs 1903-1919 (4). Correspondence with the Chief President of Münster and the government of Arnsberg 1893-1918 (2) and with the Minister of Commerce of Berlin 1882-1914 (6); universal suffrage 1906-1917 (1); coal mining 1886-1918 (2); iron industry 1894-1918 (1); grain and animal feed industry 1917-1918 (1); money transfer 1916-1918 (1). District Railway Council Cologne 1883-1918 (6); railway project Dortmund-Schwerte-Letmathe-Frankfurt 1890-1914 (3); waterway advisory boards for the Dortmund-Ems Canal, including canals 1907-1914 (1); port Dortmund 1886-1918 (1); Dortmund-Ems Canal (4). Customs tariffs 1905-1918 (1); German colonies 1909-1917 (3). Maschinenbauschule Dortmund 1893-1918 (2); Technische Hochschule Dortmund (planned) 1905-1909; Städtische Schifferschule Dortmund 1912-1915 (1); Städtische Fortbildungsschule Dortmund 1881-1918 (5), desgl. Unna 1911-1917 (1); stenographic examination office 1912-1916 (1). Chambers of Commerce 1884 (1); Chambers of Labour 1908-1918 (1); Chambers of Experts 1910-1915 (1); RWWA Cologne 1904-1918 (1); Bismarck Monument 1911-(1927) (1); German Economic Association 1904-1918 (1). 2. War and post-war files 1914-(1930) Certificates for army deliveries 1914-1918 (6); imports, export and transit bans in the First World War 1914-1918 (7); state forced organization (general) 1914-1919 (5); Kriegsausschuß der deutschen Wirtschaft 1914-1918 (1); Economic General Staff 1916 (1); War Bonds 1915-1921 (1); War Gains Tax 1915-1920 (1); War Aid Cashiers 1914-1920 (1); Advice Centres for Trade and Crafts 1914-1916 (1); Emergency Money 1914-1919 (1); Closures 1917 (1); Enemy Assets 1915-1918 (1). Foreign receivables 1914-1921 (5); occupied territories 1915-1918 (3); war and peace goals 1915-1918 (1); demobilisation 1918-1922 (3); civilian food supply 1915-1921 (2); purchasing companies 1915-1921 (5); prices, price testing agencies 1914-1919 (3); Generalkommando Münster 1914-1919 (2); war offices Düsseldorf u. Kriegsamt Düsseldorf (3); war and peace goals 1915-1918 (1); war and peace objectives 1915-1922 (3); shopping companies 1915-1921 (5); prices, price testing agencies 1914-1919 (3); Generalkommando Münster 1914-1919 (2); war offices Düsseldorf u. Münster 1917-1919 (2); demand for demobilisation 1918-1919 (2); cultivation of raw materials 1915-1919 (12). War welfare, war damaged, war survivors 1914-1918 (3); prisoners of war 1915-1917 (1); military service 1914-1918 (8); relief service 1916-1918 (2); armistice, peace treaty 1918-1930 (5); vote in Upper Silesia 1919-1929 (1); Saar region 1919-1931 (1); confiscation of German foreign assets 1919-1931 (3); German foreign receivables 1919-1930 (2); reparations 1924-1930 (8); reconstruction in Belgium and northern France 1919-1921 (1). Ruhr occupation 1923-1930 (3); Ruhrabwehrkampf 1925-1930 (1); economic administration in the occupied territory 1923-1926 (1); railway control 1923-1927 (1); food supply of the Ruhr area 1923-1924 (2); Rhein-Ruhr-Hilfe 1923 (1); customs regulations of the occupation authorities 1923-1925 (2); occupation damages 1923-1928 (20). 3. 1918-1930 Elections to the General Assembly 1919-1930 (6); General Assemblies 1918-1930 (9); Committees (general) 1919-1930 (2); Retail Committee 1919-1932 (2); Transport Committee 1921-1924 (1); Committee on Mining and Iron Industry 1921 (1); Tax Committee 1919-1922 (1); Committee on Motor Vehicles 1925-1929 (1); Deaths, Anniversaries 1921-1930 (5); Press Releases 1922-1930 (3); Lectures in the Chamber 1925-1929 (3); Administration 1920-1932 (2); Budget 1919-1934 (2); Chamber Building 1927-1942 (24); Obituaries Victor Weidtman and Richard Stegemann 1924-1927 (1). Chamber of Commerce Acts 1919-1929 (3); Association of the Managing Directors of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce 1919-1930 (3); Association of middle officials of the German official industry and trade representations 1919-1930 (1); Pensions Compensation Fund 1924-1932 (1); individual Chambers 1919-1930 (30); DIHT 1918-1930 (3); Committees of the DIHT 1918-1930 (16); State Committee of the Prussian Chambers of Commerce 1919-1931 (4); Foreign Chambers 1918-1930 (4). Association of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of the Lower Rhine-Westphalian Industrial Area 1918-1930 (7); Association of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Krefeld and Münster 1920-1929 with annual reports (13); Association of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of the South Westphalian Industrial District 1919-1921 (1); Merger of Chambers 1923-1930 (4); Joint Statistical Office of the Ruhr Chambers with quarterly reports 1921-1929 (3). Law (general) 1919-1931 (5); Imperial Administrative Court 1926-1931 (1); Commercial Courts 1919-1929 (3); Bankruptcy Act, Law 1924-1930 (28); Industrial Code 1921-1930 (1); Intellectual Property 1919-1930 (6); Auctions 1920-1930 (2); Commercial law 1919-1930 (4); unfair competition 1910-1930 (4); sales 1919-1930 (24); gifts, discount savings associations 1924-1930 (2); experts 1919-1930 (17); auditors 1919-1936 (2); information, expert opinions 1918-1933 (32). Correspondence with the Ministry of Commerce 1919-1930 (1) and the government of Arnsberg 1919-1929 (1); Reichszentrale für den Heimatdienst 1919-1930 (3); Reichsverfassung 1918-1930 (3); Bürgerräte 1919-1921 (1); Sozialisierung 1918-1926 (4); tax burden on the economy 1919-1925 (3); Enquête Committee 1926-1928 (2); Economic Democracy 1929-1930 (1); City Regulations 1922-1930 (1); RM Revaluation 1924-1930 (2); plant closures 1919-1930 (4), including Südrandzechen; exhibitions and Trade fairs 1919-1931 (21); dimensions and weights 1924-1930 (1); Siedlungsverband Ruhrkohlenbezirk 1920-1930 (2); Westf. Heimstätte GmbH, Münster 1925-1930 (1); settlement and housing 1919-1931 (4); incorporation 1922-1930 (5); economic situation reports 1920-1930 (12); price statistics 1919-1930 (3); labour market reports of the Landesarbeitsamts Westfalen-Lippe 1919-1931 (10). Hard coal mining 1920-1930 (6); iron and steel industry 1919-1928 (1); metal and others Industries 1919-1931 (2); Mechanical engineering 1919-1926 (1); Gas and gas supply 1926-1930 (6); Electricity supply 1919-1930 (3); Water management 1919-1930 (2); Food and beverage industry 1918-1930 (2); Breweries and distilleries 1918-1930 (1); Clay, stone and earth 1919-1930 (2); Construction 1919-1930 (2); Printing 1919-1929 (1); Restaurants and hotels 1917-1930 (3); Laundries 1920-1928 (1); Currency and emergency money 1918-1930 (4); Money and credit crunch 1922-1930 (4); Cheques and other cheques Bills of exchange 1919-1931 (3); balance of gold and payments 1922-1931 (1); securities 1919-1930 (2); banks and stock exchanges (general) 1919-1930 (3); savings banks and municipal banks 1921-1930 (1); stock exchanges in Dortmund 1921-1930 (2). Trade (general) 1911-1931 (2); wholesale prices 1928-1931 (1); advertising 1921-1930 (1); monopolies 1917-1930 (5); pharmacies 1919-1930 (1); wood, coal, oil, etc. Branches of trade 1917-1930 (19); metal thefts 1920-1930 (1); meat and livestock trade 1917-1930 (4); grain trade 1910-1930 (6); potato trade 1919-1930 (3); food trade 1919-1930 (6); tobacco and wine trade 1917-1930 (3). Retail trade (general) 1918-1931 (4); retail prices 1921-1930 (6); retail outlets 1919-1930 (2); consumer financing 1926-1927 (1); Edeka Association 1922-1930 (1); employee trade 1919-1931 (1); commercial agents 1919-1930 (4); crafts 1920-1930 (3); agriculture 1920-1930 (3); 33rd travelling exhibition of the German Agricultural Society in Dortmund 1927 (6). Transport 1917-1930 (2); railway (general) 1919-1931 (8); railway councils 1919-1930 (4); railway construction projects 1903-1930 (10), etc. Rheinisch-Westfälische Schnellbahn 1922-1927, Dortmund-Münster 1903-1927 (2); railway passenger and baggage traffic 1921-1931 (6); timetables 1925-1931 (3); freight traffic 1918-1931 (6); Private siding connections 1919-1932 (5); railway tariffs 1918-1931 (15); preferential tariffs in the Ruhr area 1927-1930 (4); trams 1921-1930 (1); Ruhr-Lippe-Kleinbahn 1928-1932 (1). Inland navigation (general) 1918-1930 (4); towing monopoly 1919-1930 (1); waterway advisory boards 1919-1930 (4); Hansa canal 1922-1930 (1); Dortmund-Ems canal 1919-1930 (5); Mittellandkanal 1919-1930 (1); canals and canal projects 1919-1930 (5); Lippe side canal 1918-1926 (1); port of Dortmund 1919-1930 (1). Road construction 1920-1930 (6); motor traffic 1920-1931 (5); bus routes 1924-1930 (1); transport companies 1924-1928 (3); air traffic 1919-1930 (2); Dortmund Airport 1921-1931 (5); Luftverkehrs-AG Westfalen (WELU) 1925-1930 (1). Post (general) 1919-1931 (9); telephony and telegraphy 1918-1930 (8); postage 1920-1931 (4); postal cheque office, traffic 1909-1930 (2); radio 1924-1930 (2); tourism 1919-1930 (2). Foreign trade (general) 1919-1930 (7); foreign law 1925-1930 (1); export reports 1925-1930 (1); trade espionage 1919-1930 (6); foreign trade fairs 1927-1930 (2); immigration and emigration, foreign Germans 1919-1930 (2); League of Nations 1926-1928 (2); trade treaties 1920-1930 (2); trade with individual countries 1912-1930 (37), above all with the USSR 1920-1930 (1920-1930); export reports 1925-1930 (1); trade espionage 1919-1930 (6); foreign trade fairs 1927-1930 (2); trade with individual countries 1912-1930 (37), above all with the USSR 1920-1930 (1920-1930); Foreign intelligence services 1919-1930 (11); import and export regulations 1914-1930 (17); foreign exchange trading 1921-1927 (1); consulates 1919-1930 (4); foreign travel 1924-1930 (2); customs (general) 1919-1930 (5); processing traffic 1921-1931 (7); German and foreign customs 1920-1930 (4). Taxes (general) 1919-1930 (3); Reich taxes 1919-1930 (3); financial and tax law 1924-1930 (5); financial equalization 1923-1930 (5); real taxes 1927-1929 (3); financial committees and offices 1921-1930 (8); property taxes 1919-1930 (5); Property tax 1919-1930 (5); turnover and luxury tax 1919-1930 (4); excise taxes 1924-1930 (4); municipal taxes 1921-1930 (7); business taxes 1921-1930 (11); business tax reform 1925-1927 (3); business taxes in individual municipalities: Annen 1920-1929 (3), Aplerbeck 1920-1929 (3), Barop 1922-1929 (3), Brackel 1921-1927 (2), Brambauer 1921-1927 (2), Castrop 1910-1930 (5), Derne 1922-1927 (2), Dortmund 1920-1932 (2), Fröndenberg 1924-1930 (1), Hamm 1906-1930 (4), Hörde 1924-1927 (2), Kamen 1919-1930 (3), Kirchhörde 1920-1929 (3), Lünen 1921-1930 (3), Lütgendortmund 1921-1927 (2), Marten 1921-1927 (2), Mengede 1921-1927 (2), Pelkum 1921-1930 (4), Rauxel 1904-1925 (2), Rhynern 1922-1930 (1), Schwerte 1921-1930 (4), Sodingen 1920-1923 (1), Unna 1924-1930 (1), Wellinghofen 1921-1930 (1), Westhofen 1921-1930 (1). Employees and workers (general) 1918-1930 (3); Labour courts 1921-1930 (1); Works Constitution, Councils 1918-1928 (2); Tariffs and wages 1919-1930 (7); Working time, protection 1919-1930 (5); Strikes 1919-1930 (2); Unemployment of employees 1925-1931 (2), Reich Insurance Ordinance 1919-1930 (3); Accident Insurance 1923-1930 (2); Disability Insurance 1921-1930 (1); Miners' Social Insurance 1925-1929 (1); Unemployment Insurance 1920-1930 (2); Unemployment Welfare 1918-1930 (5); Housing Construction 1926-1930 (1). Education (general) 1923-1930 (4); Vocational training 1919-1930 (9); Shorthand 1920-1930 (4); Mechanical engineering schools 1920-1930 (1); Vocational schools 1918-1930 (6); Vocational school fees in the municipalities of the chamber district 1921-1930 (18); Commercial schools in Dortmund and Unna 1905-1930 (5); Apprenticeship 1924-1929 (3). Chamber of Crafts Dortmund 1900-1930 (1); Chamber of Agriculture 1926-1930 (1); Chamber of Experts 1922-1931 (1); Chamber of Architects 1926-1928 (1); Chamber of Consumers 1920-1922 (1). Associations and federations (general) 1911-1930 (5); industrial associations 1919-1930 (1); CDI 1918-1919 (1), RDI 1919-1930 (3); Langnamverein 1920-1930 (2); Bergbau-Verein 1927-1930 (1); Association of German Iron and Steel Workers 1919-1930 (1); VDMA 1919-1926 (1); Hansabund 1919-1930 (1); Westfälischer Industrieklub 1921-1928 (1); Bund für Nationalwirtschaft und Werksgemeinschaft 1924-1930 (1); Transport associations, mainly VV Industriebezirk 1920-1930 (4); Verkehrsverein Dortmund 1919-1930 (3); Binnenschiffahrtsverbände 1917-1930 (7); Außenhandelsverbände 1920-1925 (1); Russlandausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft und ähnlichen Ausschüsse 1919-1930 (56); kaufmännische Verbände und Vereine 1922-1930 (1); Central-Gewerbe-Vereine 1919-1927 (1); Westfälische Kaufmannsgilde, Dortmund 1924-1930 (1); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kaufmanns-Erholungsheime 1918-1930 (1); Hauptgemeinschaft des Deutschen Einzelhandels 1929-1930 (1); employers' associations 1919-1930 (1); Institut für Konjunkturforschung 1924-1930 (1); RWWA Köln 1919-1929 (1); Volkswirtschaftliche Vereinigung des rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiets 1920-1930 (1); Reichsverband der deutschen Volkswirte 1919-1929 (1); Westfälische Verwaltungsakademie, Bochum 1925-1931 (1); Associations for Commercial Education 1912-1930 (2); RKW 1925-1930 (1); Verband der Vereine Creditreform 1919-1929 (1); Deutscher See-Verein 1918-1930 (1); Kolonialvereine 1919-1930 (1); Tannenberg- u.a. Monuments 1927-1930 (2). 4. 1931-1945 Statutes 1932-1939 (1); Executive Board/Committee 1931-1942 (6); Members of the General Assembly 1932-1941 (3); General Assemblies 1930-1934 (1); Committees 1931-1941 (2); Retail Representation of the Chamber 1934-1941 (4); Anniversaries 1931-1941 (22); Lectures 1932-1940 (1); Journal "Westfälische Wirtschaft" 1932-1937 (3). Chamber organization (general) 1931-1941 (8); staff of the chambers 1932-1942 (6); IHK special-purpose associations 1929-1937, especially for the chambers Bochum, Dortmund, Essen, Münster (5); Vereinigung der IHKn des niederrheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiets 1931-1935 (1); Arbeitsgemeinschaft der westf. Chambers of Industry, Commerce and Crafts 1933-1935 (1); Chambers of Foreign Trade 1931-1944 (5); International Chamber of Commerce, Paris 1931-1944 with German Group (2); DIHT with committees 1930-1934 (4). Imperial, state and municipal law 1927-1942 (4); citizenship 1931-1939 (2); arbitration courts and courts of honour 1931-1943 (8); settlements and bankruptcies 1929-1940 (27); debt settlement 1939-1943 (5); industrial property law 1927-1943 (39); unfair competition 1930-1942 (4); Unification Offices for Competition Disputes 1932-1940 (6); Out and Final Sales 1927-1939 (2); Prohibitions on Allowances 1931-1943 (3); Cartels and Syndicates 1931-1938 (1); Auctioneers 1931-1942 (2); Commercial Law 1932-1943 (1); Joint Stock Companies 1931-1939 (2); Stock Corporation Law 1931-1939 (2); GmbH Law 1937-1940 (1); Terms of Delivery and Payment 1931-1938 (3); Experts, Experts, Auditors 1931-1944 (36); Information 1931-1937 (8); Baumeister Titles 1931-1936 (4); Economy 1931-1939 (3); Eastern Aid 1930-1933 (1); Consequences of the Versailles Treaty 1931-1940 (2); NSDAP 1933-1944 (1); DAF 1933-1944 (2); organization of the economy / development of the commercial economy 1932-1944 (5); Reichsnährstand 1933-1938 (1); Reichskulturkammer 1933-1939 (1); technical division of the commercial economy 1934-1940 (5) and of industry 1934-1939 (2); delimitation of trade, crafts and industry 1934-1943 (5); urban development 1931-1937 (3). Reichswirtschaftskammer 1934-1939 (2); Gauwirtschaftskammern (general) 1938-1940 (1); Reichswirtschaftsgruppen 1934-1940 (3); Jewish businesses 1938-1939 (3); Ernährungsamt beim Oberpräsidenten Münster 1939-1944 (16); economic situation reports (general) 1931-1939 (2); Situation reports of the IHKs Dortmund 1931-1939 (11), Essen 1931-1937 (3), Düsseldorf 1931-1939 (2), Bielefeld 1936-1939 (2), Hagen 1936-1939 (2), Duisburg 1936-1939 (2), the joint statistical office of the IHKs Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Krefeld, Münster 1931-1937 (2); economic situation reports for mining 1936-1939 (2); RKW 1931-1938 (4). Imperial agencies (monitoring agencies) for wool 1934-1941 (2), silk 1936-1941 (1), cotton 1934-1942 (2), bast fibres 1934-1942 (1), rubber and asbestos 1934-1940 (1); leather management 1934-1942 (6), textile management 1934-1941 (3); iron and steel industry 1934-1941 (2), silk 1936-1941 (1), cotton 1934-1942 (2), bast fibres 1934-1942 (1), rubber and asbestos 1934-1940 (1); leather management 1934-1942 (6), textile management 1934-1941 (3); iron and steel industry 1934-1941 (3) Steel management 1934-1941 (6); Metal management 1934-1941 (7); Coal management 1939-1941 (4); Price formation and monitoring 1931-1942 (13); Monthly price reports 1937-1940 (4); Trade fairs at home and abroad 1930-1939 (7); Settlement association Ruhr coal district 1931-1939 (2). Insurance 1931-1941 (1); Money, coins and currency 1931-1936 (1); Banking 1931-1939 (1); Gas, electricity, water 1931-1937 (2). Retail trade (general) 1931-1938 (2); trade in milk products 1927-1939 (2), margarine 1933-1939 (3), potatoes 1931-1937 (1), furniture 1937-1938 (1); pharmacies, drugstores 1930-1932 (8); sales representatives 1931-1939 (2). Wholesale (general) 1933-1941 (2); grain trade 1931-1939 (3), trade in base metals 1931-1936 (1); Committee on Agricultural Market and Sales Issues in the Rhine-Westphalian Industrial Area 1930-1932 (1); agricultural debt settlement 1932-1937 (1); press, printing industry 1931-1939 (6). Oberhausen freight base 1930-1936 (2); traffic (general) 1930-1939 (1); overall traffic plan Ruhr area 1937 (1); postal services (general) 1931-1941 (6); telegraph and telephone services 1931-1941 (2); railway traffic (general) 1927-1939 (3); Railway and motor vehicles 1931-1939 (3); rail freight transport 1930-1939 (4); private sidings 1931-1939 (2); rail passenger transport, tariffs 1931-1941 (12); timetables 1931-1943 (3); sea and inland waterway transport (general) 1930-1944 (1); Canals (general) 1931-1944 (2); Dortmund-Ems Canal 1931-1942 (3); Inland navigation statistics 1931-1939 (1); Port of Dortmund 1930-1944 (1); Air traffic 1931-1940 (1); Air protection 1931-1942 (1); WELU 1930-1938 (1); Dortmund airport 1930-1942 (1); Local public transport in Dortmund 1931-1943 (1); small trams and streetcars 1931-1944 (1); motor vehicles (general) 1931-1940 (5); petrol stations 1934-1942 (1); long-distance goods transport 1931-1939 (5); motorways 1933-1937 (2). Foreign Germans, emigration 1931-1940 (1); "Propaganda" abroad 1931-1940 (2); Foreign trade (general) 1931-1939 (5); Trade with foreign states 1930-1944 (6); Russian Committee of the German Economy 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1940 (2); Foreign Trade (general) 1931-1939 (5); Foreign Trade with Foreign States 1930-1944 (6); Russia Committee of the German Economy 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1940 (6); Foreign Trade (general) 1931-1939 (5); Foreign Trade with Foreign States 1930-1944 (6); Russia Committee of the German Economy 1931-1941 (4) the Ruhr district, Hagen 1931-1943 (13), their special reports 1939-1942 (3); import restrictions 1931-1935 (3); foreign exchange control 1931-1941 (44); export promotion 1931-1939 (3); clearing with foreign states 1932-1936 (6); compensation 1934-1936 (1); German customs duties 1931-1941 (2); processing traffic 1931-1934 (2). Public finance 1930-1942 (7); tax offices 1931-1934 (2); taxes (general) 1931-1941 (3); tax consultants 1931-1939 (1); Reich taxes 1931-1937 (2); Motor vehicle taxes 1930-1942 (1); income tax 1931-1941 (3); turnover tax 1931-1939 (4); municipal taxes 1931-1939 (1); business taxes 1931-1937 (1), in Dortmund 1931-1936 (1) and 1931-1936 (1). in the district of Unna 1931-1938 (1). Work assignment 1931-1940 (8); wages and tariffs in individual Westphalian branches 1931-1938 (3); payments under the collective bargaining agreement 1933-1938 (3); labour market situation, unemployment in Westphalia-Lippe 1931-1939 (7); granting of leave 1931-1939 (2); remuneration in the public service 1931-1940 (2); performance competition of German companies 1937-1940 (3); unemployment 1930-1939 (3); Emergency situation of older employees 1932-1938 (3); job creation 1932-1936 (1); social security (general) 1931-1939 (1); welfare 1931-1939 (2); collection and support 1931-1939 (1); Adolf Hitler Donation of the German Economy 1933-1939 (3); Winter Relief 1931-1937 (3); Settlement and Housing 1931-1940 (3); Barracks for Foreign Workers 1942-1945 (1949) (1). Bochum Administrative Academy 1931-1943 (1); Haus der Technik, Essen 1931-1941 (2); scientific institutes 1930-1943 (3); vocational training 1931-1943 (9); shorthand 1931-1942 (3); Vocational and technical schools in the chamber district 1931-1943 (4); vocational school contributions 1929-1942 (3); apprenticeship 1931-1939 (8); young skilled workers 1936-1937 (1); apprenticeship 1935-1941 (3); examinations 1936-1943(58). Chambers of Trade and Agriculture 1931-1944 (1); associations and federations (general) 1931-1943 (7); Hansabund 1931-1933 (1); intergovernmental trade associations 1931-1940 (2); RDI 1931-1933 (1); Langnamverein 1931-1935 (4); Haus- und Grundbesitzervereine 1931-1937 (1); political associations 1931-1938 (1); Raiffeisen-Genossenschaften 1930-1933 (1); congresses, conferences, events (especially in Dortmund) 1932-1944 (4). 5. 1945 to June 1950 Presidium 1945-1950 (1); General Assembly, Elections 1947-1950 (8); Joint Economic Policy Committee 1946-1949 (1); Retail Representation 1948-1950 (1); Committees 1946-1949 (5); Administration 1945-1950 (2); Budget (1942) 1945-1950 (2); Reconstruction of the Chamber building 1946-1951 (2); Personnel 1929-1951 (3); Anniversaries 1945-1950 (4); Lectures in the Chamber 1946-1950 (1); Newsletter of the Chamber 1946-1950 (1); Activity reports 1946-1950 (5);0 former Gauwirtschaftskammer 1945-1954 (1). Chamber organisation, law 1945-1950 (9); staff of the chambers (1937)-1950 (1); individual chambers 1945-1950 (5); regional and supraregional chamber organisation (1943) 1945-1949 (7); DIHT 1949-1950 (3); chamber association NRW 1946-1950 (6); joint statistical office of the NRW chambers 1946-1955 (1). Constitution and Administration (general) 1946-1950 (3); War Damage Law 1943-1949 (5); Burden Compensation 1948-1950 (2); Industrial Law (general) 1946-1950 (1); Auctions 1948-1950 (1); Competition Law 1946-1950 (6); Industrial Property Law 1946-1950 (6); Honorary Commercial Courts 1944-1950 (1); Bankruptcy law 1948-1950 (1); settlement of debts 1945-1950 (1); commercial law 1945-1950 (1), register 1945-1950 (3); stock corporation law 1943-1949 (1); cartels 1946-1950 (1); deliveries and payments 1945-1950 (2); expert opinions, information 1945-1950 (3); experts (1937) 1944-1950 (3); trade customs 1948-1950 (1). Economic Council of the United Economic Area, Frankfurt 1947-1948 (2); District Economic Office Dortmund 1946-1949 (2); Arnsberg Government 1945-1949 (1); Military Government 1945-1950 (3); War Economy (1933) 1945-1947 (1); Reparations, Dismantling 1947-1950 (6); Claims on the State, Wehrmacht, NSDAP 1945-1949 (6); requisitions by the occupying forces 1945-1948 (5); war equipment 1945-1948 (5); denazification 1945-1950 (5); appointment of trustees 1945-1950 (2); restitution 1947-1950 (2). Economic policy (general) 1945-1950 (4); Ruhr problems 1945-1950 (2); food industry 1945-1950 (1); permits 1945-1947 (12); reconstruction (general) 1945-1950 (1); situation reports (general) 1945-1950 (1), of companies 1945-1950 (5); Economic statistics (general) 1943-1950 (6); statistics of retail trade 1945-1946 (1), iron and steel industry 1930-1954 (3), textile industry 1948-1950 (2), rolling mills 1945-1946 (1), coal mining 1936-1949 (1); Rheinisch-Westfälisches Firmenjahrbuch 1947-1951 (3). Management of goods (general) 1945-1950 (5), iron and steel 1945-1950 (1), non-ferrous metals 1945-1950 (1), paper 1945-1949 (1); petroleum 1945-1948 (1), explosives 1945-1948 (1), textiles 1946-1949 (1), coal 1945-1946 (1); Prices, price monitoring 1945-1950 (7); trade fairs and exhibitions 1945-1950 (8); new settlement of industrial enterprises 1945-1950 (1); machine tool inventory in the chamber district 1945-1949 (3). Iron and steel industry 1945-1950 (1); breweries 1945-1950 (1); electricity and gas 1945-1950 (6); mining 1945-1950 (1); light industry 1945-1950 (9); construction 1945-1950 (5); Service industries 1945-1950 (1); hotels and restaurants 1945-1950 (1); crafts 1945-1950 (1); architects 1945-1949 (1); commerce (general) 1945-1950 (3); retail trade (general) 1945-1950 (5); wholesale trade (general) 1945-1950 (2); Factory trading 1946-1950 (1); interzone trading 1945-1948 (5); shop closing 1945-1950 (1); individual branches 1945-1950 (4); mail order 1945-1950 (2); spirits trading 1948-1950 (2); cooperatives 1944-1950 (1); Insurance industry 1945-1950 (2); monetary affairs, banks, savings banks 1944-1950 (4); agency services, exchange offices 1945-1950 (2); press 1945-1950 (2); newspapers, magazines 1945-1950 (4). Transport (general) 1945-1950 (1); Transport statistics (1936)-1948 (1); Transport losses 1945-1952 (1); Transport industry 1945-1949 (2); Rail transport (general) 1945-1950 (5); Timetables 1945-1950 (3), Rail tariffs 1945-1950 (1); Aviation 1948-1950 (1); Dortmund-Ems canal, Dortmund port 1945-1950 (2); sea and inland waterway transport and statistics 1945-1950 (4); motor vehicles (general) 1945-1950 (2); trams and light rail vehicles 1945-1950 (1); buses 1945-1950 (2); fuels, petrol stations 1945-1950 (1); tourism, travel agencies 1945-1950 (1). Foreign trade (general) 1945-1950 (9); Foreign trade information service 1947-1950 (3); Foreign trade meetings of the chambers 1946-1950 (5); Foreign trade statistics 1946-1949 (1); Foreign trade with individual countries 1947-1950 (4); Imports (general) 1946-1950 (2); Export markets 1945-1950 (2); Customs 1946-1950 (1); German foreign assets 1948-1950 (1). Public finances and taxes 1945-1950 (1); income tax 1944-1950 (2). Labour market statistics 1939-1950 (5); housing statistics 1933-1949 (1); social policy, labour law 1945-1950 (2); employment offices 1945-1950 (1); working time, wages, salaries 1945-1950 (6); company social policy 1945-1950 (1); trade unions 1945-1950 (1); Co-determination 1945-1950 (1); labour force deployment 1945-1950 (3); refugees 1945-1950 (2); rationalisation 1945-1950 (3); war-damaged, survivors 1946-1950 (1); accident insurance 1945-1950 (1); housing 1944-1950 (1). Vocational guidance 1946-1950 (1); Vocational training 1946-1950 (2); Vocational training officers of the chambers 1945-1950 (1); Centre for industrial vocational education of the [German] Chamber of Industry and Commerce, SitzDortmund 1946-1950 (1); Vocational and technical schools 1945-1950 (3); Apprenticeship 1945-1950 (2); Apprenticeships 1941-1950 (4); Books, libraries 1945-1950 (4). Associations and associations (general) 1945-1950 (3); employers' associations 1945-1950 (1); industry associations 1945-1950 (2); working group of small and medium-sized enterprises 1948-1950 (1); trade associations 1945-1950 (3); transport associations 1946-1950 (1); educational associations 1945-1950 (1); events in Dortmund 1946-1948 (3); art exhibitions, including correspondence with sculptor Benno Elkan 1950-1970 (1). 6. from 1950 debtor lists 1948-1965 (3); company identification and signets 1954 (3); reparations and dismantling 1950-1960 (1); weekly markets 1948-1951 (1); water management 1950-1952 (1); electricity management 1950-1960 (2); energy management general 1950-1961 (1); industry and situation reports of individual companies 1950-1967 (44); map collection approx. 1930-1970 (1); Statistical Service of the Chambers 1951-1953 (7); Workplace census in the chamber district 1950 (1); Air pollution control and noise abatement 1950-1965 (2); Insurance industry 1950-1955 (1); Registration of craftsmen in the commercial register 1950-1960 (1); Alweg-Hochbahn 1950-1957 (1); trams 1945-1956 (1); Dortmund-Ems-Kanal 1948-1953 (1); ports in Dortmund, Hamm and Lünen 1948-1973 (3); Dortmund airport 1948-1969 (1); Export financing 1950-1957 (1); foreign representation of chamber firms 1950-1952 (1); housing construction 1950-1952 (2); housing construction for refugees in Dortmund 1950-1954 (3); subsistence aid, emergency aid and refugee loans 1950-1952 (1); Vocational training departments of the chambers 1953 (1); statistics of vocational schools and students in the chamber district 1951-1959 (9); file regulations of the chambers 1951-1954 (1); working group of German commercial airports 1950-1951 (1); art exhibitions of the chambers 1953 (1); statistics of the vocational schools and students in the chamber district 1951-1959 (9); file regulations of the chambers 1951-1954 (1); working group of German commercial airports 1950-1951 (1); art exhibitions of the chambers 1953 (1); statistics of the vocational schools and students in the chamber district 1951-1959 (9); file regulations of the chambers 1951-1954 (1); working group of German commercial airports 1950-1951 (1); art exhibitions of the chambers (1)

Knorr, Eduard von
BArch, N 578 · Fonds · 1855 - 1919, 1944
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: born 8.3.1840 in Saarlouis; died 17.2.1920 in Berlin; last position: Kdr. Admiral and Chief of the Imperial OKM Processing note: Search index Inventory description: Personalia: Curriculum vitae; Patents and transport documents, 1859 - 1893; Commandments and appointments, 1871 - 1903; Acknowledgements, rebukes, instructions, complaints, 1870 - 1896; Farewell petition by Knorr and replies from Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1898 - 1899; Award and ownership documents, 1864 - 1913; 5 volumes of memoirs, 1840 - 1889; Correspondence and appointments, 1871 - 1903; Acknowledgements, rebukes, instructions, complaints, 1870 - 1899; Award and ownership documents, 1864 - 1913; 5 volumes of memoirs, 1840 - 1889; Correspondence and appointments, 1871 - 1903a. with associations and as secular third class canon of the cathedral Brandenburg/Havel; Appendix: Awards for the wife Luise Viktoria von Knorr, 1870 - 1898; Press article on naval matters, 1855 - 1915; Plans for a sanatorium ship, 1904; Letter with list about estate of the admiral E.v.Knorr, 1944 citation: BArch, N 578/...

Knorr, Eduard von
Lenz, Max (Dep.) (population)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Lenz, M. · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Max Lenz was born in Greifswald on 13 June 1850 as the son of Dr. Gustav Lenz, a judicial councillor. After his school education in Greifswald, he began studying classical philology and history (with Heinrich von Sybel and others) in Bonn. Interrupted by his participation in the Franco-German war, Lenz continued his studies at the universities of Greifswald and Berlin and in 1874 presented a dissertation on the topic "The Alliance of Canterbury and its significance for the Franco-English War and the Concil of Constance". In the same year he passed the senior teacher examination. In 1875 he began as a "unskilled worker" in the Marburg State Archives, where he worked on Landgrave Philip the Magnanimous of Hesse's political correspondence with the Strasbourg reformer Martin Bucer (3 volumes, Leipzig 1880-1891). In 1876 Lenz habilitated in Marburg on the subject of "Three Tractates from the Scripture Cycle of the Constance Concil" and was appointed extraordinary professor of medieval and modern history at the Philipps University in Marburg in 1881 and full professor in 1885. Further stations in his academic career were the universities of Breslau (from 1888), Berlin (from 1890) and Hamburg (from 1914), whose transformation from a colonial institute to a university he played a major role in shaping. After his retirement he returned to Berlin. Max Lenz died on April 6, 1932 and his scientific subjects were the Reformation, the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte and Otto von Bismarck. He presented very extensive works on all these topics. Max Lenz saw himself as an objectivist historian and always emphasized the importance of source-critical research. He is considered one of the main representatives of the so-called Ranke Renaissance in Germany. He was a member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and the Historical Society of Berlin, founded in 1872, to whose chairman he was elected in 1912 and again in 1925. Max Lenz was married to the pianist Emma Rohde from Greifswald; of his children one daughter and two sons reached adulthood: Hildegard, Georg and Friedrich (1885-1968, national economist) The estate here consists almost exclusively of letters, partly of an extensive correspondence within the (grand) family Lenz / Rohde, partly of Lenz' letters to friends, colleagues and students. The collection is supplemented by manuscript parts of a lecture on the French Revolution, a transcript of a lecture on the Reformation and newspaper clippings. The family correspondence was mainly written by Bertha Rohde (the mother of Emma Lenz), her children Emma (Emmchen), Elisa (Lieschen), Bertha, Marie Jena, née Rohde, Minna, William and Max, their son-in-law Max Lenz and their grandchildren Hildegard, Georg and Friedrich (Fritz). After the death of grandmother Bertha Rohde in 1917, the correspondence becomes thinner, but does not break off. The most frequent addressee is Elisa Rohde, who lived unmarried in Greifswald's parents' house. She may be the author of the letter collection. Most of Max Lenz's professional correspondence consists of letters to his pupil Hermann Oncken (1869-1945) and to colleagues not mentioned by name, but possibly also Oncken. The title "Dear Friend / Colleague" can also be found in several of Lenz's letters in other bequests handed down in the GStA PK, for example to Albert Brackmann, Adolf Grimme, Paul Fridolin Kehr, Friedrich Meinecke, Theodor Schiemann. After Max Lenz's death, his son Friedrich tried to collect letters from his parents. Several letters from relatives of friendly families from the period November 1942 to January 1943 with "negative notices" are handed down in this estate (No. 35). From Karl Seeliger's answer available in this context it emerges that Friedrich Lenz planned to deposit his father's estate in the Prussian Secret State Archives, which also happened on 11 March 1943 (exc. 16 / 43; I. HA Rep. 92 Nl Max Lenz). On the other hand, Max Lenz himself does not seem to have cancelled any letters received; only a very small number of letters to Max Lenz have been passed down here (No. 34). Together with other holdings, bequests and collections that had been relocated from 1943 due to the war, the Max Lenz estate was transferred to the Central State Archives in Merseburg and returned to Berlin in 1993. With the exception of the separation of the letters from the other estate material, no order of the estate was discernible. In addition, the estate had been used several times in Merseburg and thus also got into disorder. In addition, the estate was enriched at a later point in time that can no longer be determined: At least one letter from 1963 (No. 62) has been added. The letters were divided into two correspondence series (private and professional correspondence) and arranged chronologically. Last no. given: The estate is to be quoted: GStA PK, VI. HA Family archives and estates, Nl Max Lenz (Dep.), No. The estate is to be ordered: VI HA, Nl Lenz, M., Nr. The following holdings, estates and collections should also be consulted when working with the Max Lenz estate: - I. HA Rep. 178 Generaldirektion der Staatsarchive Abt. XIII L Nr. 5: Personalangelegenheit Dr. Lenz (1875-76) - I. HA Rep. 235 Historische Gesellschaft zu Berlin - VI. HA Familienarchive und Nachlässe, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff - VI. HA Familienarchive und Nachlässe, Nl Carl Heinrich Becker - VI. HA Familienarchive und Nachlässe, Nl Albert Brackmann - VI. HA Familienarchive und Nachlässe, Nl Adolf Grimme - VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Paul Fridolin Kehr - VI HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Friedrich Meinecke - VI HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Constantin Rößler - VI HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Theodor Schiemann Literature by Max Lenz (selection): - Martin Luther: Festschrift der Stadt Berlin zum 10. November 1883. Pub. 1897 (Service library GStA PK: Weltgesch. VIc 47) - Napoleon. Bielefeld, second edition 1908 (Dienstbibliothek GStA PK:32 N 4'2) - Rankes biographische Kunst und die Aufgabe des Biographen: Commemoration speech of the founder of the Berlin University King Friedrich Wilhelm III Berlin 1912 (Dienstbibliothek GStA PK:5 R 237) - History of Bismarck. Munich, 2nd ed. 1902 (Dienstbibliothek GStA PK: 5 B 86) - History of the Königliche Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin. 4 Vol., Halle 1910-1918 (Dienstbibliothek GStA PK: 19a 332:1-4) Literature about Max Lenz (selection): - Hermann Oncken, Gedächtnisrede auf Max Lenz, in: Sitzungsberichte der Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Berlin 1933 pp. 107-125 - Rüdiger vom Bruch, Max Lenz, in: NDB Vol. 14 - Hans-Heinz Krill, The Rankerenaissance: Max Lenz and Erich Marcks; a contribution to historical-political thinking in Germany 1880-1935. Publications of the Berlin Historical Commission at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of Freie Universität Berlin Vol. 3 Berlin 1962 Berlin, May 2008 Dr. Schnelling-Reinicke (Director of the Archive) Description of holdings: Biographical data: 1850 - 1932 Reference: Database; Reference book, 1 vol.

Lenz, Max
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1052 · Dossier · 1880 - 1908, ohne Datum
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Gauß, Really Secret Chief Finance Councillor, Berlin: Establishment of a cadastral office in Berlin 20.12.1894 - Goßler, v., Minister, Gdansk: Bleichröder-Stiftung für Tuberkulose 28.10.1894 - Glasenapp, v., (Reichsschatzamt), Berlin: Consultations about the Oriental Seminar 30.9.1891 - Goeppert, Geheimrat, Kultusministerium, Berlin: Habilitation 20.6.1880 - Goßler, v., Exzellenz, Berlin: Sending of a poem by Felix Dahn for further distribution o. D., Wishes for Recreation 1.8.1886, question about a suitable writer for writing the history of the Hansa 16.4.1896 - Greiff, Exzellenz, Berlin: invitation to the meeting 19.3.1889, Answer to an original request of Althoff because of the impossibility of postponing the meeting, connected with the request of the representation of his person in Breslau at the funeral 29.3.1890 - Groos, Dr. Ernst Gisbert, Regierungsrat, Kultusministerium, Berlin: Information on the death of his uncle, the Senate President Groos 21.7.1908 - Gruner, F., Geheimer Regierungsrat, Berlin: Transmission of his handbook of accident insurance 18.7.1892 - Heeringen, v., Fregattenkapitän, (Reichsmarineamt), Berlin: Acknowledgements 27.12.1900, matter Arons 6.2. o. J. - Halley, Wirklicher Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Invitation to dinner 11.3.1902, sending a cheque 31.8.1904 - Harder, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Request for notes on Mrs v. Leyden for Excellency Mirbach 29.12.1900 - Hasse, Prof. Dr. K. E.., Privy Privy Councillor, Hanover: Acknowledgement for congratulating the 60th doctoral anniversary 28.3.1893 (missing) - Heerwart, v., (Reichsamt des Innern), Berlin: Conference 11.11.1897 - Heim, v., Herzoglicher Staatsminister, Meiningen: Question concerning the admission of women to lectures at the universities of Prussia 9.2.1895 - Heller, (Ministry of Finance), Berlin: Notification of the proposal made by his brother-in-law Horstmann to the position of Extraordinarius 24.6.1898 - Hellwig, (Ministry of Finance), Berlin: Notification of the address of the Minister v. Goßler and on the appointment of Abbs to the Hofrat 3.9.1888 - Herrmann, Ministerialdirektor, Berlin: Information about his son because of the assistant position at Lesser 15.6.1901 - Herzog, Exzellenz, Berlin: Invitation to the Skat 17.12.1886, Invitation to the beginning of spring 13.3.1894 - Heyden-Rynsch, v. d., Really Geheimer Oberbergrat, Nervi/Genua (Italy): Communication about the letter to Minister Bosse about the Geheimer Bergrat Arndt 30.11.1897 - Hobrecht, Arthur, Excellency, Berlin: Acknowledgement for the literary employment of a woman Schmidt 3.9.1886 - Holter, Geheimer Regierungsrat, (Ministry of Public Works), Berlin: Recommendation of a young capable man 30.11.1887 - Hofmann, Karl v., State Secretary, Ministry of Alsace-Lorraine, Strasbourg: New Year's greetings 3.1.1884, medical candidates for South West Africa 15.5.1888 - Holle, Ludwig v., Kultusminister, Berlin: Return of Harnack's rectorate speech together with his thanks 19.8.1907 - Hollmann, Friedrich v., Excellency, Berlin: Böttinger Foundation for the Madrid Chapel and for the Officers' Rescue Home 26.3.1907, apology for the confusion of Böttinger and Ebbinghaus 4.4.1907, sending of a copy of a letter to His Majesty concerning the promotion of the Rescue Home 7.9.1906, wish for recovery 9.11.1906 - Holleben, v., Excellency, Stuttgart: Message because of his appointment as Vice President of the German Colonial Society 27.12.1903 - Hopf, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Festschrift für den medizinischen Kongress 25.3.1890 - Horn, v., Excellency, Berlin: Message about the death of his mother-in-law 25.5.1885 - Hoseus, Dr. H.., Real Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Strasbourg: Universitätsgesetz 8.1.1887 - Huber, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, (Reichsamt des Innern), Berlin: Pension for the widow of Prof. Roser from Marburg 2.11.1889 (missing) - Hübler, Geheimer Oberregierungsrat, Berlin: Criticism of a work by Wach 28.12. o. J., Invitation to an evening snack 24.7. o. J. - Kern, v., Ministerialdirektor, Stuttgart: Congratulations on his appointment as "Excellency" 11.10.1904 - Köhler, Dr., Regierungsrat, Ministerium des Innern, Stuttgart: Acknowledgement for the preservation of the Red Eagle IV. Class 8.6.1901 - Köpke, Reinhold, Geheimer Rat, Kultusministerium, Berlin: Report on an examination trip 19.7.1899, Congratulations on the Diamonds to the Crown Order (Latin) 1.3.1906 - Kügler, Dr..., Ministerialdirektor, Berlin: Tuberculosisemittel von Koch 13.12.1890, letter of February 1895 - Keetmann, Ministerialrat, Strasbourg: Request for transfer of his brother from Uetersen to Neuwied 22.1.1888.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T., Nr. 23 · Dossier · 1906 - 1920, ohne Datum
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Société d' Histoire Diplomatique / Paris, 1914 - Deutsches Hochstift / Berlin, 1919 - Volksbund zur Schutze der deutschen Kriegs- und Zivilgefangenen Berlin, 1919 - Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Berlin, 1920 - Protokoll einer nicht nähereichneten Organisation Berlin, o. D. - Organization of European Colonial Interests Paris, 1906.

BArch, R 55 · Fonds · 1920-1945
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Joseph Goebbels, who had already been head of the NSDAP's Reich Propaganda Department since 1929, had certainly developed plans for a Ministry of Propaganda even before the seizure of power.(1) The Reichskabinett (Reich Cabinet) dealt with the issue of the Propaganda Department on 11 September. The arguments for the foundation, which the Reich Chancellor (Hitler) himself presented, sounded extremely harmless ex post and far from future realities: "One of the predominant tasks of this ministry would be the preparation of important acts of government. On the oil and fat issue, for example, which now occupies the cabinet, the people should be enlightened in the direction that the farmer would perish if something were not done to improve the sale of his products. The importance of this matter also for the war measures would have to be pointed out ..." Government action would only begin if the awareness-raising work had taken place and worked for some time. ..."(2) On 16 March 1933, however, Goebbels described the future tasks of his ministry programmatically three days after his appointment in a remarkably open manner in front of press representatives: "If this government is now determined never to give way again, never and under no circumstances, then it need not make use of the dead power of the bayonet, then in the long run it will not be able to be satisfied with knowing 52 percent behind it ..., but it will have to see its next task in winning the remaining 48 percent for itself. This is not only possible through objective work". And about the nature of his propaganda he proclaimed: "Not any aesthete can judge the methods of propaganda. A binding judgment can only be given on the basis of success. For propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.(3) A timid attempt by Hugenberg to at least delay the decision to establish the Ministry of Propaganda in the cabinet meeting of March 11, 1933 failed miserably. Already on 13 March 1933 the law on the establishment of the RMVP was signed by the Reich President and the "writer" Dr. Goebbels was appointed minister.(4) Almost three weeks later, on 5 April 1933, Goebbels noted in his diary: "The organisation of the ministry is finished".(5) In difficult negotiations(6) with the ministries, which had to cede parts of their competences to the new ministry, the responsibilities were determined in detail. The RMVP was responsible for all tasks relating to intellectual influence on the nation, advertising for the state, culture and economy, informing the domestic and foreign public about them, and the administration of all institutions serving these purposes. As a result, the business area of the RMVP will be: 1. from the business area of the Federal Foreign Office: News and education abroad, art, art exhibitions, film and sports abroad. 2. From the RMI division: General Domestic Enlightenment, Hochschule für Politik, introduction and celebration of national holidays and celebration of national holidays with the participation of the RMI, press (with Institute for Newspaper Science), radio, national anthem, German Library in Leipzig, art (but without art-historical institute in Florence, copyright protection for works of literature and art, directory of nationally valuable works of art, German-Austrian Convention on the Export of Art, Protection of Works of Art and Monuments, Protection and Maintenance of Landscape and Natural Monuments, Nature Parks, Preservation of Buildings of Special Historical Importance, Preservation of National Monuments, Verband Deutscher Vereine für Volkskunde, Reich Memorial), Music Conservation, including the Philharmonic Orchestra, Theatre Matters, Cinema, Combating Trash and Dirt 3. From the business areas of the Reich Ministry of Economics and the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture: Economic Advertising, Exhibitions, Trade Fairs and Advertising 4. From the business areas of the Reich Ministry of Posts and the Reich Ministry of Transportation: Traffic Advertising Furthermore, all radio matters dealt with by the Reich Ministry of Posts and the Reich Ministry of Transportation are transferred from the business area of the Reich Ministry of Posts, unless they concern the technical administration outside the premises of the Reich Broadcasting Company and the radio companies. In matters of technical administration, the RMVP shall be involved to the extent necessary to carry out its own tasks, in particular in determining the conditions for the awarding of broadcasting rights and the regulation of fees. In particular, the representation of the Reich in the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft and the broadcasting companies is fully transferred to the RMVP. The RMVP is in charge of all tasks, including legislation, in the designated areas. The general principles shall apply to the participation of the other Reich Ministers." (RGBl. 1933 I, p. 449) These competences were exercised by seven departments, so that the business distribution plan of 1 Oct. 1933 (7) shows the following picture: Ministerial office (with five employees), directly subordinated to the Minister. State Secretary, at the same time Head of Press of the Reich Government I. Administration and Law with one main office Administration, three departments as well as the registry II. Propaganda with 10 departments 1. Positive world view propaganda, shaping in state life, press photography 2. Jewish question, foundation for victims of work, Versailles treaty, national literature, publishing etc. 3. Demonstrations and regional organisation 4. Opposing world views 5. German University of Politics 6. Youth and sports issues 7. Economic and social policy 8. Agricultural and eastern issues 9. Transport 10. Public health III. Broadcasting with three sections 1. Broadcasting 2. Political and cultural affairs of broadcasting 3. Organisation and administrative issues of German broadcasting IV. Press, simultaneously press department of the Reich government with eleven papers V. Film with three papers VI. Theatre, music and art with three papers VII. Defence (defence against lies at home and abroad) with eight papers Goebbels was obviously not satisfied with the official title of his ministry. The extensive tasks in the fields of culture and the arts did not come into their own and the word propaganda, of which he was aware, had a "bitter aftertaste" (8). His proposal to rename his department "Reichsministerium für Kultur und Volksaufklärung", however, met with Hitler's rejection. (9) In July 1933, a circular issued by the Reich Chancellor drew the attention of the Reich governors to the exclusive competence of the Reich or of the new Ministry for the above-mentioned competences and called on them to cede to the RMVP any existing budget funds and offices of the Länder. (10) At the same time, 13 regional offices were established as the substructure of the Ministry, the sprinkles of which corresponded approximately to those of the regional employment offices, and 18 imperial propaganda offices, which subdivided the territory of the regional offices once again. After the Reichspropagandastellen were already converted after short time (approx. 1934) to Landesstellen, in each Gau of the NSDAP a Landesstelle of the RMVP was located. Their leaders were in personal union at the same time leaders of the Gaupropagandaleitungen of the NSDAP, which in its leadership, the Reichspropagandalleitung, was also perceived by Goebbels in personal union. (11) As a result, conflicts of loyalty between the Gaupropaganda leaders/leaders of the RMVP regional offices were unavoidable in disputes between Goebbels and individual Gauleiters. According to theory, the regional offices were supposed to monitor and implement the political decisions made in the ministry in the individual districts, but in practice their heads were often more dependent on their respective Gauleiter than on the ministry due to the above-mentioned personal union. By the Führer decree of 9 September 1937 (RGBl. 1937 I, p. 1009), the Landesstellen were renamed Reichspropagandaämter and elevated to Reich authorities. After the integration of Austria there were no less than 42 Reichspropagandaämter with 1400 full-time employees. (12) In addition to the state offices and Reich Propaganda Offices, a whole range of offices, organizations, associations, societies and societies soon developed, which are to be counted to the subordinate area of the Ministry. (13) Despite the apparently clear regulation on the responsibilities of the RMVP, the 13 years of its existence were marked by disputes over responsibilities with other ministries, in particular with the ministers Rust, Rosenberg and Ribbentrop, of whom Goebbels, as is known, held very little personally. Successes and failures in the competence disputes cannot be followed in detail here; they depended to a large extent on Hitler's relationship with Goebbels. For example, Goebbels did not succeed in extending his competence in theatre to the Prussian State Theatres in Berlin. By contrast, in 1943 the RMVP assumed responsibility for carrying out the Eastern propaganda, while Rosenberg, as Reich Minister for the occupied Eastern territories, was left with only the authority to issue guidelines. (14) In the conflict with the Federal Foreign Office over the delimitation of responsibilities for foreign propaganda, an arrangement was reached in a working agreement in October 1941. (15) Wehrmacht propaganda also remained long and controversial. Despite many efforts (16), Goebbels did not succeed in making a decisive break in the competencies of the OKW/Wpr department until the end of the war in March 1945. Propaganda into the Wehrmacht and about the Wehrmacht at home and abroad was then to be taken in charge by the RMVP. It is not possible to determine whether the planned organizational consequences have yet been implemented. (17) Another major success for Goebbels was the establishment of the Reichsinspektion für zivile Luftschutzmaßnahmen (Reich Inspection for Civilian Air Defence Measures), which was headed by the RMVP (18), and his appointment as Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War Operations by Führer Decree of 25 July 1944 (19). For the last months of the Third Reich, Goebbels had reached the zenith of power with this function, apart from his appointment as Reich Chancellor in Hitler's last will and testament of April 29, 1945, which had become effective only theoretically. As Reich Plenipotentiary for the total deployment in war, he had extremely far-reaching powers over the entire state apparatus with the exception of the Wehrmacht. (20) Until that date, the competences of the RMVP had changed only slightly in the main features of all disputes over jurisdiction. That it nevertheless grew enormously and steadily until 1943 (21) was mainly due to diversification and intensification in the performance of its tasks. After 1938, the expansive foreign policy of the Third Reich necessitated further propaganda agencies to direct and influence public opinion in the incorporated and occupied territories. In the occupied territories with civil administrations, "departments" (main departments) for "popular enlightenment and propaganda" were usually set up in the territories with military administration, "propaganda departments", which exercised roughly the functions of the Reich Propaganda Offices. Their position between their superior military services and the RMVP, which sought to influence the content of the propaganda and from where part of the personnel came, was a constant source of conflict. As an indication for the weighting of the individual areas of responsibility of the Ministry in relation to each other, the expenditures for the individual areas in the 10 years from March 1933 to March 1943 are mentioned. With a total volume of 881,541,376.78 RM (22), the expenses for the Active propaganda: 21.8 Communications: 17.8 Music, visual arts, literature: 6.2 Film: 11.5 Theatres: 26.4 Civil servants and equipment: 4.3 Salaries, business needs, including film testing agencies and RPÄ: 12.0 By 1942, the RMVP and its division had been continuously expanded, before facilities in the subordinate area were shut down and departments in the ministry were merged as part of the total war from 1943 onwards. The business distribution plan of Nov. 1942 was as follows: (23) Ministerial Office, reporting directly to the Minister with adjutants, personal advisers and press officers of the Minister, a total of 10 employees State Secretaries Leopold Gutterer, Reich Press Head Dr. Otto Dietrich, Hermann Esser Budget Department (H) with 11 departments; reporting to the Head of the Department, the Main Office and the House Administration Personnel Department (Pers) with seven departments Legal and Organisation Department (R) with three departments Propaganda Department (Pro) with the following ten departments: 1. Political Propaganda 2. Cultural Propaganda 3. Propaganda Exploration 4. Public Health, Social Policy 5. Economy 6. Imperial Propaganda Offices 7. Major Events 8. Youth and Sports 9. Representation 10. Budget of the Department, Preparation of the Peace Treaties, Stagma and other Press Department of the Imperial Government I. Department German Press (DP) with 13 Speeches II. Foreign Press Department (AP) with 19 papers III. Journal Press Department /ZP) with five papers Foreign Press Department (A) with the following five groups: 1. Organization 2. Europe and Middle East 3. Non-European 4. Propaganda Media 5. Deployment abroad and in the Reich Tourism Department (FV) with four units Broadcasting Department (Rfk) with the following eight units 1. Coordination, Interradio and others 2. Broadcasting Command Office 3. Mob Department 4. Broadcasting Programme Support 5. Foreign Broadcasting 6. Broadcasting Industry 7. Broadcasting Organisation 8. Rundfunk-Erkundungsdienst Filmabteilung (F) with five departments Schrifttumsabteilung (S ) with eight departments Theaterabteilung (T) with seven departments Bildende Kunst (BK) with four departments Musik-Abteilung (M) with ten departments Reichsverteidigung (RV) with six departments Abteilung für die besetztischen Ostgebiete (Ost) with twelve departments Generalreferate with State Secretary Gutterer directly subordinated: 1. Exhibitions and Fairs 2nd General Cultural Department (General Cultural Department for the Reich Capital) 3rd General Department for Reich Chamber of Culture Matters 4th Technology (propaganda, radio, film, sound, stage, press, service installations of the RMVP) Press Recording Office for the PK reports of the Press Department of the Reich Government (directly subordinated to the Reich Press Head) A major change in this distribution of responsibilities took place in September 1944 (24). The art departments of theatre, music and visual arts were dissolved and merged into a single department of culture (cult). The East Department was integrated into the Propaganda Department as a main department, the Tourism Department was shut down and the General Departments of the Reich Cultural Chamber, Armaments and Construction and Propaganda Troops were dissolved. Notes (1) J. Goebbels: Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei, p. 28. (2) R 43 II/1149, p. 5, excerpt from the minutes of the ministerial meeting of 11 March 1933. (3) R 43 II/1149, pp. 25 - 29, wording of Goebbels' speech of 16 March 1933 according to W. T. B. (4) R 43 II/1149, RGBl. 1933 I, p. 104 (5) J. Goebbels: Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei, p. 293 (6) In an elaboration presumably by Goebbels on a "Reichskommissariat für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda" to be created (R 43 II/1149, pp. 49 - 53) further competences had been demanded. In particular, additional responsibilities were demanded of the German section of the RMI and section VI of the AA, as well as in foreign propaganda. (7) R 43 II/1449, pp. 126 - 133. Heiber gives a diagram of the organisational development of the RMVP at department level with the names of the department heads on the inside of the cover of his Goebbels biography. (8) See speech to representatives of the press on the tasks of the RMVP of 16 March 1933 in R 43 II/1149. It was not without reason that there was a language regulation for the press according to which the term propaganda was to be used only in a positive sense (R 55/1410, Decree of the RMVP to the RPA Nuremberg, 8 Nov. 1940). (9) R 43 II/1149, p. 169, Note by Lammers of 9 May 1934 on a lecture to the Reich Chancellor. (10) R 43 II/1149. (11) After the establishment of the Reichskulturkammer organization, they were also state cultural administrators in the substructure of the RKK. (12) Boelcke, Kriegspropaganda, p. 185. (13) Ebendort, p. 136 ff. there are hints for some institutions. (14) The Führer's order concerning the delimitation of responsibilities dated 15 Aug. 1943, cf. R 55/1435, 1390. (15) Boelcke, Kriegspropaganda, p. 126/127. (16) Lochner, Joseph Goebbels, p. 334, p. 442. (17) R 55/618, p. 123; cf. also the depiction of Hasso v. Wedel, the propaganda troops of the German Wehrmacht. Neckargemünd 1962, Die Wehrmacht im Kampf, vol. 34 (18) Führer decree of Dec. 21, 1943, R 55/441 (19) RGBl. 1944, p. 161, R 43 II/664 a. (20) This competence is virtually not reflected in the RMVP files available in the BA. However, it is well documented in R 43 II. See R 43 II/664 a. (21) See the annual budget negotiations on increasing the number of posts in R 2/4752 - 4762. (22) R 55/862, Statistical overview of monetary transactions. Accordingly, 88,5 % of the expenditure was covered by the licence fee. It remains unclear whether the old budgetary expenditure has been taken into account. (23) R 55/1314 According to this schedule of responsibilities, the files held in the Federal Archives were essentially classified. (24) Newsletter of 13 Sept. 1944 in R 55/441. Inventory description: Inventory history The RMVP records have suffered substantial losses, although the main building of the Ministry, the Ordenspalais am Wilhelmplatz, was destroyed relatively late and almost accidentally in March 1945. Large parts of the old registries, including the previous files from the Federal Foreign Office and the Reich Ministry of the Interior (1), had already been destroyed by air raids in 1944. Moreover, in the last days of the war before and during the conquest of Berlin by the Soviet Russian army, files were also systematically destroyed. (2) In view of the total collapse and devastation of Berlin by the air war, it is not surprising that hardly any manual or private files of RMVP employees have been handed down. Notable exceptions are, in particular, documents from Ministerialrat Bade (press department) (3) and hand files of the head of the broadcasting department, Ministerialdirigent Fritzsche. In this context, the diaries of Goebbels should also be mentioned, which, with the exception of those edited by Lochner in 1948, had been lost for almost 30 years. (4) The bulk of the volumes available in the Bundesarchiv Koblenz until 1996 was transferred from Alexandria (cf. Guide No. 22) and from the Berlin Document Center to the Bundesarchiv in the years 1959 - 1963. The personnel files still held back were added to the portfolio in 2007. The RMVP files kept by the Ministry of State Security of the GDR (mainly personnel files, personnel processes of the theatre, music and defence departments), which were stored in the so-called NS archive until 2006, are also assigned to the holdings. Not in Allied hands was only a small collection from the Music Department and some documents from the German Press Department, which were transferred to the Federal Archives in 1969 as part of the land consolidation with the Secret State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Some original RMVP files can still be found at the Hoover Institution Standford, the Yivo Institute New York and the Wiener Library London. Fortunately, all three institutions were willing to produce microfilms for the Federal Archives (5). In 1974, the Rijksinstitut voor Oologsdocumentatie Amsterdam (Rijksinstitut for Oologsdocumentatie Amsterdam) kindly handed over some original fragments of files to the Federal Archives. In 1946, officers of the French and Soviet secret services found films of about 35,000 documents that had been filmed in the RMVP and buried near Potsdam at the end of the war with the help of an American mine detector (6). The films were taken to Paris to make re-enlargements of them, and it is possible that they will still be kept in the French secret service. The Americans apparently did not receive copies because they had withheld from the French documents of other provenance found in the CSSR. Only incomplete information is available about the content of the films; it can be assumed, however, that not exactly unimportant files have been filmed. Notes (1) Only a few handfiles and a few volumes on the promotion of music have survived. (2) Files of the Reichsfilmarchiv that had been moved to Grasleben/Helmstedt were even to be destroyed by agents of the RSHA when they threatened to fall into the hands of the English (cf. R 55/618). (3) Cf. Kl. Erw. 615, which is a selection of the bath papers from the time around 1933 in the Hoover library. (4) Frankfurter Allgemeine, 21 Nov. 1974, reader's letter. Insignificant fragments from Goebbels' estate from his student days can be found in the Federal Archives under the signature Kl. Erw. 254. (5) A collection of newspaper clippings concerning Goebbels in the amount of 82 Bde for the years 1931 - 1943 was not filmed at the Yivo-Institut. (6) See the documents in: National Archives Washington, RG 260 OMGUS 35/35 folder 19. Archival processing The order and indexing work on the holdings was relatively time-consuming and difficult, as the order of the files was extremely poor. On the one hand there were no detailed file plans or other registry aids for the mass of files from the budget and personnel departments, on the other hand the file management in the ministry, which at least in its development phase was always deliberately unbureaucratic, left a lot to be desired. Especially during the war, when inexperienced auxiliaries had to be used more and more during the war, the Ministry's staff often complained about the inadequacy of the registries. The organisation of the RMVP's records management showed typical features of office reform (1): Registries were kept on a departmental basis, with each registry having a "self-contained partial list of files". The documents were stored in standing folders (System Herdegen). Instead of a diary, an alphabetical mailing card was kept, separated according to authorities and private persons. The reference numbers consisted of the department letter, file number, date as well as an indication, on which card of an order file the procedure was seized. All in all, the files of the Budget and Human Resources Department were in a certain, albeit unsatisfactory, state of order when they entered the Federal Archives. Numerous volumes from the other departments, on the other hand, were formed in a chaotic manner, possibly as a result of a provisional recording of loose written material when it was confiscated. These were often amorphous and fragmentary materials that lacked the characteristics of organically grown writing. So it was practically impossible to form meaningful band units in all subjects. In the case of some "mixed volumes" with written material on numerous file numbers, only the most frequent ones were noted in the finding aid book. Due to the high loss of files, no strict evaluation standard was applied to the files. The main items collected were volumes from the budget department on preliminary checks in the subordinate area and individual procedures for the procurement and management of managed goods for the purposes of the Ministry. Formal records of non-compliant positions in the business division and a number of unarchivalable documents from the Human Resources Department will still be kept for the foreseeable future for the purpose of issuing service time statements. It is not listed in this guide. Preparatory work for the indexing of the Koblenz part of the stock was carried out by Mr. Oberarchivrat Regel (1967) with regard to the files of the budget department on the Reich's own film assets, Mr. Ltd. Archivdirektor Dr. Boberach (1966) with regard to correspondence and the reference files of the head of the broadcasting department, Hans Fritzsche and Ms. Archivoberinspektorin Schneider, née Fisch (1966) for files of the propaganda department. In 2005, the inventories of the finding aids of both sections of the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda were imported into the database of the Federal Archives via a retroconversion procedure. The data records were then combined in a classification. Despite the inhomogeneity of the traditions of most specialist departments, it was advisable to maintain the division by departments. (2) Within the departments, the structure was essentially based on file numbers and factual contexts. The file numbers used in the RMVP were - as far as possible - used as aids for further subdivision. The final step was the integration of the personnel files and personal documents from the NS archive (approx. 5000 individual transactions) and the former Berlin Document Center (approx. 700 transactions). The documents taken over are mainly documents from the personnel department (in addition to personnel files also questionnaires and index cards), theatre (applications, appointments, confirmation procedures) and imperial defence (applications in propaganda companies). The personal records also contain isolated documents on denazification from the period 1946-1950. Since a relatively large number of individual transactions from the NS archives were often only a few sheets, transactions that objectively related to one transaction (e.g. applications for interpreting) were merged into one file. The names of the individual persons as well as the old signatures from the NS archive can still be traced via the BASYS-P database. Both the files from the NS archive and those from the former BDC are not always filed according to the provenance principle. However, the files were not separated again. Most of the files taken over from the former BDC are personal files and questionnaires as well as personnel index cards of individual employees of broadcasting stations. A search is still possible via the BASYS-P database. The procedures for the donation "Artist's thanks" still present in the personal records of the former BDC concerning the Theatre Department were not adopted in this context (approx. 15,000 procedures). The names are entered in the BASYS-P database and can be searched there. Notes (1) Rules of Procedure and Registration of 8 May 1942 in R 55/ 618. (2) The structure of the business distribution plan of Nov. 1942 was used as a basis. Abbreviations AA = Federal Foreign Office Department A = Department Abroad AP = Foreign Press BDC = Berlin Document Center BdS = Commander of the Security Police ChdZ = Chief of the Civil Administration DAF = German Labour Front DASD = German Amateur Broadcasting Service e.V. DNB = Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro DRK = Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Dt. = Deutsch DVO = Durchführungsverordnung french = French Gestapo = Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt KdF = Kraft durch Freude KdG = Kommandeur der Gendarmerie KdS = Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei Kl. Erw. Small acquisition KLV = Kinderlandverschickung LG = District Court MA = Military Archives, Department of the Federal Archives MdR = Member of the Reichstag MinRat = Ministerialrat MdL = Member of the Landtag NDR = Norddeutscher Rundfunk NSV = National Socialist Volkswohlfahrt o. Az. = without file number or date = without date OKW = Oberkommando der Wehrmacht OLG = Oberstes Landesgericht OLT = Oberleutnant ORR = Oberregierungsrat OT = Organisation Todt PG = Parteigenosse PK = Propagandakompanie RAVAG = Österreichische Radio-Verkehrs-AG Reg. Pres. RMI = Reich Ministry of the Interior RMJ = Reich Ministry of the Interior RMK = Reich Ministry of Justice RMK = Reich Chamber of Music RMVP = Reich Ministry of Education and Propaganda ROI = Reichsoberinspektor RPA = Reichspropagandaamt RPÄ = Reichspropagandaämter RPL = Reichspropagandalleitung RR = Regierungsrat RRG = Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft RS = Reichssender RSHA = Reichssicherheitshauptamt RSK = Reichsschrifttumskammer SBZ = Soviet Occupation Zone SD = Security Service SD-LA = SD-Leitabschnitt SDR = Süddeutscher Rundfunk Sipo = Security Police STS = Secretary of State and a. = among others v. a. = above all VGH = Volksgerichtshof VO = Regulation WDR = Westdeutscher Rundfunk ZSTA = Zentrales Staatsarchiv (Potsdam) citation method: BArch R 55/ 23456 Content characterization: Rounded delivery complexes are available only from the budget department and from the personnel department. From the point of view of financing and personnel management, they illuminate almost all areas of the Ministry's activities. From the specialist departments, the volumes from the Propaganda Department should be emphasized, which document above all the design of propaganda and the propagandistic support of foreign workers and resettled persons in the last years of the war. Also worth mentioning are mood and activity reports of individual RPÄ and suggestions from the population for propaganda and for leading the total war. In the Radio Department there is some material about the design of the radio program and the propaganda reconnaissance with reports about the opposing propaganda, which were compiled from the bugging reports of the special service Seehaus. A separate complex of this department are 14 volumes of pre-files from the RMI with handfiles of the Oberregierungsrat Scholz as representative of the Reich in supervisory committees of broadcasting companies in Berlin from 1926 - 1932. Of the film department there are only a few, but interesting volumes about the film production of the last war years with numerous ministerial documents. The majority of the theatre department's traditions are based on documents on professional issues and the Reich's dramaturgy. From the music department the promotion of musical organizations from the years 1933 - 1935 with pre-files from the RMI, the support and job placement of artists as well as material about the musical foreign relations is handed down. The files of the Department for the Occupied Eastern Territories offer rich sources for questions of Eastern propaganda. The losses are greatest in the departments Law and Organization, Magazine Press, Foreign Press, Foreign Countries, Tourism, Literature and Fine Arts. State of development: Publication Findbuch (1976, reprint 1996), Online Findbuch (2007). Citation style: BArch, R 55/...

M 33 · Dossier · 1896-1899
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Evangelischer Afrikaverein, a.o. leaflets; German Colonial Society; "Philafrican Liberators League in New York: Statutes and Call of Chatelain; German Oriental Mission; Theological Society in Greifswald; Mission Conference of the Province of Brandenburg; YMCA Berlin; Student Union for the Mission; "Eine deutsche Kolonialschule, Denkschrift des Evangelischen Afrikaverein; Evangelischer Verein für Kirchliche Zwecke in Berlin; Deutscher Frauenverein für Krankenpflege in den Kolonien

Bethel Mission
M 31 · Dossier · 1891-1893
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Committee of German Missions, invitation to the Continental Mission Conference of 1893; Reformed Confederation; Mission Conference Brandenburg; German Protestant Mission in Japan; Protestant Association of Africa - founding call and statutes; Academic Association for External and Internal Mission - Semester Report and Statutes; Work Report of the Mission Society Berlin

Bethel Mission
Various missionary associations
M 120 · Dossier · 1894-1895
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, annual reports, newsletters, etc.; Protestant Africa Association, also statutes; Silesian Mission Conference; Academic Association for External and Internal Mission in Berlin; Student Mission Association Halle; Missions-Hilfsverein Neusalz-Freystadt; Diaspora Conference, Ballenstedt; Muhammadanermission, Pastor W. Faber, Tschirma bei Greiz; Königsberger Missionsverein; Akademische Missionsvereine Berlin, Erlangen, Gnadenfeld, Greifswald, Tübingen, Halle, Kiel; Evangelischer Bund in Berlin; Nazareth-Missionsverein für Berlin III; Petition of the ev. Afrikaverein um Einstellung des Sklavenhandel in Afrika u. draft of a law to punish the slave trade

Bethel Mission