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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 420 T 1 · Fonds · 1841-1921
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of tradition History of the authorities Born from the idea of enlightenment and the doctrine of humanity, the social situation of the peasantry, to which the majority of the population belonged, was also to be raised in Hohenzollern. Thaer's teaching on more rational cultivation and the chemical research results of Justus von Liebig in agriculture and animal nutrition made it possible to put this endeavour to intensify agriculture into practice. In Hohenzollern, the "backward peasants" were officially taken care of, and they joined together in agricultural associations. The spread of the liberalist idea - to generate profit and spend more money on the mechanization of agriculture - made it necessary to unite the peasants. The farmer should not cultivate the field by hand alone, he should manage his farm as a business economist with consideration and calculation and thus he was made in those days from farmer to farmer. In 1841, the farmers' associations that had opened up in the Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen merged to form the "Verein zur Beförderung der Landwirtschaft und Gewerbe in Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen". By sovereign decree of 02 April 1841 (Collection of Laws Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen Vol. VI, p. 14) the statutes of the association became legally binding. The purpose of the association was: "For the purpose of the revival and spreading of the agricultural and commercial industry and for the promotion of economic prosperity in general". His main tasks were: Arable farming, meadow farming, fruit growing, horticulture, forestry and livestock breeding. Furthermore, the association tried to find the trades that had the closest connection to the agricultural enterprises, such as breweries and distilleries. On the other hand, it promoted non-profit economic institutions and enterprises, such as community baking ovens, etc. A central office of the Association for Agriculture and Trade was established as a link between the government and the farming community. Three district offices stood under this central office as the actual executive and effective organs. The district of the first district office comprised the offices of Sigmaringen, Ostrach, Wald and Achberg. The second district included the offices of Gammertingen, Strassberg and Trochtelfingen, while the third district was established for the offices of Haigerloch and Glatt. The said statute of 02.04.1841 determines in § 4 ff. the composition and the tasks of the central office. The central office, as the leading authority of the whole, has its seat in Sigmaringen and consists of at least 9 members to be appointed by the Reigning Prince for a period of 3 years each, from which the Board and its deputies are appointed by equal appointment. The central office was the organ through which, on the one hand, the government negotiated with the district associations. On the other hand, requests, requests from clubs to the government. In addition to managing the general affairs of the association, the sphere of activity of the central office included: 1. the editing of the Association Gazette 2. correspondence with foreign associations and institutions, insofar as this was the association as a whole. 3 With the approval of the supreme state authority, the Central Office was able to distribute contributions from the State Treasury for the purposes of the Association. 4. to supervise all the institutions of the Association; 5. to draw up and publish their own annual accounts; 6. to arrange agricultural feasts with the cooperation of the District Office concerned after obtaining the highest prior approval; 7. to distribute prizes and premiums for those items which could not be taken into account by the District Associations, or to receive such prizes for direct distribution from the funds of the Central Office; 7. to take over such prizes from the funds of the Central Office; 4. to supervise all the institutions of the Association; 4. to supervise all the institutions of the Association; 7. to prepare and publish their own annual accounts; 7. to distribute prizes and premiums for those items which could not be taken into account by the District Associations, or to take over such prizes for direct distribution from the funds of the Central Office; 4. to supervise all the institutions of the Association; 4. to supervise the institutions of the Association; 4. to supervise the institutions of the Association; 4. to supervise the Association; 4. to supervise the Association; 6. to publish their own annual accounts; 7. After the Hohenz. Land in the Kingdom of Prussia had merged, the association revived in 1852. By order of the royal Prussian government to Sigmaringen of 18.08.1853 the association was extended on whole Hohenzollern. In the Principality of Hohenzollern-Hechingen only private agricultural associations existed until 1848, which were financially supported by the sovereign. When the new association was founded, the management of the entire association remained in the hands of the central office. It consisted of elected and appointed members. After the new company was founded, the central office was divided into a department for agriculture and forestry and a department for trade and industry. With the expansion of the association to the whole of Hohenzollern, a new division of territory had become necessary and a new district association was founded for the district of Hechingen. The Strassberg Upper Administrative District was separated from the second Gammertingen-Trochtelfingen District Association and assigned to the Sigmaringen-Wald-Ostrach Upper Administrative District Association. Further district associations were formed in 1872, 1873 and 1875 for the district of the former Glatt upper office, for the Achberg municipal district and for the Ostrach upper office district with the municipalities Kalkreute, Habsthal and Rosna. The association as a whole used the "Mitteilungen zur Beförderung der Landwirtschaft und der Gewerbe" (Mitteilungen zur Beförderung der Landwirtschaft und der Gewerbe, published since 1841) as a publication medium. In addition, annual "annual reports" of the association followed. The central office of the Association for Agriculture and Trade was replaced by the Chamber of Agriculture. In order to safeguard the overall interests of agriculture and forestry, a chamber was also established in Hohenzollern on the basis of the Prussian Law on the Chambers of Agriculture of 30.06.1894, by ordinance of 06.03.1922 (G.S. p. 55). These agricultural chambers were replaced in 1933 by the "Reichsnährstand" and were only rebuilt after the collapse in 1946. The files of the "Zentralstelle des Vereins für Landwirtschaft und Gewerbe in Hohenzollern" (Central Office of the Association for Agriculture and Trade in Hohenzollern) remained as old registry with the following authorities. It was not until 1950 that the files, insofar as they still existed, were taken over by the Sigmaringen State Archives (Acc. Jour. 1950 No. 10) and set up as holdings Ho 420 "Zentralstelle des Vereins für Landwirtschaf und Gewerbe in Hohenzollern". This list was drawn up according to the old registry signatures. Due to a lack of numbers in the individual subject areas, the files concerned are often housed in the following subject area. The "Zentralstelle" also had an extensive specialist library. We have an exact list of the books from 1876 in the catalogue published by H. Grube in 1877. The library was fragmented after the political collapse in 1945. In 1951, the holdings were sorted, repertorised and packaged and magazined by K. Herzog, an employee of the State Archives. In the course of the standardization of the repertory writings of the State Archives, the repertory, which was still written by hand in 1951, was revised by Government Inspector Kungl and the fair copy was brought into its current form by the employee Mrs. Kalkuhl. Sigmaringen, November 1967