Showing 3116 results

Archival description
Baumann, Hugo (1872-1956)
RMG 1.652 · File · 1892-1894, 1901-1960
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1901-1911 in Okombahe, from 1912 pastor in USA, among others in Scotland S. D.; Letters and Reports, 1900-1912; Curriculum Vitae (3 versions), 1892-1894; Testimony for Hugo Baumann, 1912; Correspondence with Hugo Baumann, 1923-1954; Correspondence with Anna Baumann, née Hartwig, 1956-1960;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.724 a · File · 1932-1966
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1953-1967 in Okahandja, Karibib, then parish office; Correspondence, (1940-1945 from the field), 1932-1966; Curriculum vitae, application, references, 1932; My hometown, (Isingdorf bei Werther), essay, 1933; correspondence with LKA for Julius Baumann's admission to the 1. theological exam, 1949; circulars from Milly Reiser (Baumann's mother-in-law), from Julius and Hanna Baumann, 1956-1965

Rhenish Missionary Society
Becker, Gustav (1877-1948)
RMG 1.672 a-b · File · 1902-1968
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1907-1923 in Warmbad, Keetmanshoop, Windhoek, Heimatdienst 1923-1927, parish office from 1927; letters and reports, 1907-1946; curriculum vitae, application, recommendation, 1902; examination certificate (copy), 1907; Henriette Fenchel, later Mrs. Becker, to Warneck and Johannes Spiecker, 1909 1910; report on Tobias Fenchel's illness and illness. Death, 1910; Engagement announcement Gustav Becker - Henriette (Henny) Fenchel, 1911; Agreement between the RMG in Barmen and the Evangelische Verein für Innere Mission in Nassau, 1924; Report by Ms Henriette (Henny) Becker "In Memory of my dear husband Gustav Becker", 3 p.., ms, 1948; Obituary for Gustav Becker, 1948; Correspondence with Mrs Henriette (Henny) Becker, 1948-1967; death certificate for Mrs Henriette (Henny) Becker, 1968;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Berger, Carl (1871-1962)
RMG 1.341 b · File · 1897-1963
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Portfolio 8: Miscellaneous; "Der kleine Missionsfreund", No. 1, No. 4-11, 1899, Letter from Carl Berger in No. 9; Letter from the Natural History Museum Wiesbaden (copy) with thanks for collected natural objects, in part after Berger (bergeri), 1922; postcard by Missionar Mindermann, Saarbrücken, 1948; correspondence with Mrs. Smeer, Karibib 1950; various newspaper articles by Carl Berger, 1933-1963; collection of postcards, stored separately;[delivered 1971 by the daughter, Mrs. Margarete Berger, Neuwied];

Rhenish Missionary Society
Berger, Carl (1871-1962)
RMG 1.642 a-b · File · 1892, 1898-1906, 1912-1961:; 1964-1976
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1898-1906 in Berseba, Rietmond, Ghochas, Gibeon, Haruchas bei Ghochas, from 1905 Farmer, cf. RMG 1.341 for estate; curriculum vitae and application documents, 1892; letters and reports, 1898-1905; copy of e. letter from Hendrik Witbooi to the captains of Berseba and Bethanien, 1904; Report on the rescue of his wife and children, who had been abducted to Gramus, 8 p..., hs., Oct. 1904; Report by Mrs. Ida Berger, née Bergmann, related Albath about her experiences during the outbreak of the Hottentot uprising in Gochas and on the trip to Gramus, 32 p., hs., 1904; Proclamation of the Lieutenants General von Trotha an d. Hottentotten, in German, Dutch and Nama, Apr. 1905; Memorandum: "Entwicklung d. Unruhen im Gochaser Gebiet", 1904; Detailed report on Carl Berger's experiences during the 1904 uprising in the Gochaser Gebiet, 15 p., hs, June 1905; Nachtragsbericht über d. Folgen d. Aufstandes, Aug. 1905; Ehrenerklärung d. Oberleutnants Stuhlmann für Carl Berger, Nov. 1905; declaration of resignation and justification for this by Carl Berger, June 1906; correspondence with Carl Berger, 1912-1961; correspondence with Mrs. Margarete Berger, née Ruymann, widow Carl Bergers

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.090 · File · 1833, 1908-1968
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence concerning financing, printing and distribution of Bibles for African and Indonesian churches; covering letter to e. Delivery of German Bibles with instructions on the conditions under which they are to be delivered, 1833; Program of the Centenary, 1914; Program of the 125th Anniversary, 1939; Statutes, 1954

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.140 · File · 1880-1952
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Letters and Reports from Siar, 1900-1904; General Report of the New Guinea Mission for 1900 (1901); Conference Report on the Establishment of a Health Station, c. 1901; Conference Paper "The Importance of Literature among a Literature-less People! 1901; condolence of the imperial governor to Bergmann's death, 1904; correspondence with the German Foreign Office in Berlin for seduction of a Papuan girl by a German official, 1902-1904; correspondence with and for wife Karoline Bergmann, née. Ott, 1931-1950; Ein Brief des Siar-Christen Bel an Frau Bergmann, 1950; Obituary for Karoline Bergmann, with letter of condolence, 1952; Vol. 2; Letters and Reports from Siar (circulars, travel letters etc.), 1888-1896; Vol. 3; Letters and. Reports from Siar, 1896-1898; private letters to inspectors of the RMG, 1887-1900; letter from Missionary Bamler from Tami to Gustav Bergmann, 20.09.1896; vol. 4 Nachlass; Bergmann to his parents and siblings, 1880-1897; program of the memorial service for housemother Busch, 1886; comparison of words of the Siar- and. Bogadjim language, not published; Karoline Bergmann to the Bergmann family, 1887-1893; various correspondence to the Bergmann and Ott families, 1887-1946; Ida Helmich to Karoline Bergmann and son Theo, 1906; report on the first christening ceremony at Siar Ragetta, 1906; letters from Papua school children to son Theo, 1906

Rhenish Missionary Society
Berlin Mission:

Correspondence, circulars, etc.; "Die Berliner Mission in Ostafrika 9 S., ms., N. N., ca. 1943; "The German and non-German Evangelical Missions in German East Africa, Rwanda, Burundi, Cameroon, Togo, German Southwest Africa, ca. 1943; "Brief overview of the Bethel Mission, 5 S. by Curt Ronicke, ca. 1944

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 724 · File · 1822-1845
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

4 letters from Johann Jänicke and M. Rückert, 1822-1824; correspondence with v. Gerlach and Laroche, 1828-1837; Circular über Aussendung d. ersten Missionare, 1833; extract from account book on the costs of sending their first missionaries, 1835; letter Missionar Döhne an Miss. Lückhoff in Stellenbosch, 1837; Instruction for the missionaries of the Berliner Mission, 40 p., Dr., 1837; Offenes Schreiben zur Neuordnung der Jänickeschen Missions-Ges. in Berlin, 8 p., Dr., 1840; pamphlet against the attacks of the preacher Rückert, 1844; letter of comfort to the "Brothers beloved in Christo on Tahiti", 1844; correspondence with Insp. O. Sheet metal, 1845

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 727 · File · 1931-1937
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on cooperation in Germany and abroad; correspondence on position on the Imperial and Confessing Church; leaflet on the "Hundred Penny Rifle" of the Aid Committee for the Berlin Mission, signed by O. Dibelius, Dr., 1933; Appeal by the Extraordinary Council of Trust of the Berlin Mission, Dr., 1934; East Prussia Agreement on Cooperation of the Berliners, Goßnerschen, Herrnhuter and RMG, 1934; Colourful handicraft sheet and postcard for the construction of a Christmas church in Johannesburg/South Africa by the Reichsverband f. Kindergottesdienst, 1936; Correspondenz hierzu, 1936; Todesanzeige Insp. L. Weichert, 1936; Settlement of donations by East Prussian working group, 1938; Heavy experiences of missionaries in Canton in the Chinese-Japanese War, 12 p., ms, 1938

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 729 · File · 1945-1959
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on reorientation and assignment of the hinterland in Ravensberg and Ballenstedt; correspondence on the fates of mission members; report on boarding school conferences. Mission Council and World Council of Churches in Geneva, 1946; F. Schmitt from internment camp at Hohenasperg/Ludwigsburg, 1946; program for the 125th anniversary celebration, 1949; To the Friends of the Berlin Mission in West Germany, Dir. Brennecke, Dr., March 1950; 2 pamphlets: To all friends and co-workers of the Berlin Mission (concerning the sending out of the first missionaries after World War II), report about your trip to Cape Town. Brennecke, March April, 1950; obituary for you. Siegfried Knak, 1955; death announcement for Rev. Joachim Wilde, 1956; Invitation and minutes of the meeting of the Council of Trust, 1957

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 726 · File · 1921-1930
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence about cooperation on mission fields and in the field. Heimat; Zur Gründung d. chinesisch-lutherischen Kirche, 1921; Handover f. Mission Lectures for the centenary celebration of the Berlin Mission, Dr., 1924; Negotiations for the joint operation of a secondary school in Canton, 1926; Negotiations for the assumption of homeland work in the church district of Ballenstedt, 1930; Contact to the Berlin Women's Mission Federation, 1930

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.613 a-d · File · 1871-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1874-1919 in Otjimbingue, Otjikango, Omburo, Omaruru; Letters, travel and war reports, 1871-1920; Fieldpost letters from the time of the French campaign, 1871; Reports from the sea voyage to Capstadt and Walfishbay, 1873; A visit in d. Grootkloof, contribution for "Kleinen Missionsfreund", 1874; copy of e. Briefwechselels with Captain Abraham Zwartbooi, 1880; J. P. Reinhard (former blacksmith in Otjimbingue) to Peter Friedrich Bernsmann because of foster daughter Johanne Bernsmann (born 1880), 1888; Map d. "Hererolandes", M. 1: 1.250000 with marked routes and driving times for oxen, c. 1888; station reports of Otjimbingue, 1886-1888; station reports of Otjikango, 1888-1890; station reports of Omburo, 1890-1895; report of e. Journey to Ondjiva in Oukuanjama (Amboland), 1891; station report on Omburo by Traugott Kauapirura, 1891-1892; report by Asher Mutjinde on behalf of the chief Manasse Tjiseseta about his conversion, 1893; Manasse Tjiseseta to Dr. August Schreiber, contains proclamation about corn trade, 1895; Two bundles of letters from missionary Eduard Dannert and family from Omaruru, Otjimbingue and Stellenbosch, 1895-1899; private letters by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann to inspectors d. RMG, 1890-1900; Teacher Gustav Kamatoto to RMG, 1899; Speech by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann: "How can it be explained that our evangelists and school teachers have so far met little of the cherished expectations", 4 p. ms. hectographed, 1902; private action by the merchant E. Langenberg, Ombuiro against Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for insulting him, 1904; report about the black miner in the gold mines of Pretoria u. near Johannesburg, 1905; description of Herero dances with music examples, 1907; contribution by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for e. Schullesebuch: Die natives Deutsch-Südwestafrikas u. d. Beginnings ihrer Geschichte, with the chapters:; Die Bastards; Die Herero; Die Naman; Die Bergdamara; Die Ambo, 23 S. ms.., 1914; in 1,613 c also: Eduard Heinrich Gustav Dannert, (1849-1924), see RMG 1,615;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Bertha Johanssen (1897-1985)

Korrespondenz, 1930-1969; Vow of Deputation, 1933; Arbeitsberichte, 1930-1932; Zwei Briefe von einheimischen Christen (Bitte um Trombone), 1931; Tagebuchblätter aus dem Gemeindeleben in Kigarama, 1932; "Komm u. see How I Die, 1933; "Magambo - small pictures from a large community, 1934; "About the Origin of Wamara - narrated by an old Kisibamann, 1934; "We Go There and Walk, 1935; "From Community Life in Kigarama, 1936; "A Royal Mother in Hayaland, 1937

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Stadtarchiv Mainz, Best. 60 · Fonds · (1761-1797) 1798-1814 (1815-1836)
Part of City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

The holdings 60 (Municipal Administration/Mairie of the City of Mainz, 1798-1814) have a complicated and eventful history of order and description. In the following, an attempt will be made to list the individual stages of this inventory in chronological order. Order of the registry in the French period (1798-1814) The archives 60/113 provide information about the administration of records of the Mainz city administration 1798-1814. The first part is a list of all files and official books created or kept since the establishment of the municipal administration, which was compiled on the 25th Prairial VIII. It also contains the civil status registers, which will not be taken into account in the following, as they are listed and described in section 50. The second part was built successively in the following years until 1814. In each year a file list of the yearly created and closed files was made. The division into two is undoubtedly a consequence of the Napoleonic administrative reform of 1800 (transition from municipal administration to Mairie). Year after year, the secretariat and the offices of the municipal administration/Mairie created a file volume on certain subjects, so that a kind of subject series register was created. At the end of the year the volumes were handed over to the "Archives" (= registry). Therefore, when the list was drawn up, only the current files of Year VIII were located in the individual offices. In addition to files, a large number of official registers were kept. They played a far greater role in the French administration than in the German administration, since they served on the one hand as the administration's most important auxiliary and finding aids, but on the other hand also reproduced contents, so that the actual subject files, in which the incoming and (initially also) outgoing letters were stored, probably only rarely had to be accessed. All incoming and outgoing letters have been registered in the official records referred to here. Among them the general register "Régistre Général" is to be mentioned first as letter (entrance) diary. A number was assigned to each incoming letter in the Secretariat. The number was noted on the received letter with the addition "R.G.". In addition, a brief summary, the sender, the date of the letter and the office to which it was assigned were recorded in the General Register. Where a reply to a letter received has been drawn up or a decision taken, its number has also been recorded in the General Register. The numbers of the "normal" letters ("lettres") were replaced by "corr." (=correspondance), those of the resolutions ("arrêtés") are marked "arr. The concepts of "lettres" and "arrêtés" are attached to the respective subject file volumes only until Vendémiaire VII/September 1798 (applies to Lettres) or until the end of Year VII beginning of Year VIII/October 1799 (applies to Arrêtés). In addition, they were recorded in fair copy in two other series of official registers also kept by the Secretariat, the Correspondence and Advisory Register. On this basis, the numbering of "lettres" and "arrêtés" already mentioned was also carried out. The letter received to which an outgoing letter referred can be seen on the one hand in the Registre Général and on the other hand in the letter received itself, on which, in addition to the 'R.G.' number, the 'Arr.-' number also appears. or "Corr." No. was noted. The Mairie continued to keep the General Register and the "répertoire", a kind of subject register, but decided not to keep the resolution and correspondence registers. This made the concepts of "lettres" and "arrêtés" the only evidence of the letters and regulations issued. In order to keep track of them, their drafts could no longer be filed in the subject file volumes together with the letters received in response to which they were initiated, but had to be organised separately. The concepts of the outgoing letters were thus numbered consecutively from September 1798 and October 1799 (see above) and formed two series in which the drafts of the "lettres" and "arrêtés" were filed chronologically and (mostly) summarised monthly. If one follows 60/113, a further change occurred with the establishment of the Mairie: The secretariat/police office and Bien Public office files are kept by the secretariat, while the financial office still seems to have its own registry. The files created and kept at the secretariat are usually stored in beige paper sheets - often printed forms that have been turned over. Until the year XI, the respective subject series file was held together with a glued-on paper strip, which was provided with the file title. They've been numbered since year X. There are about 60 subjects for the secretariat, whereby the number fluctuates, since new subjects were added from case to case or older subjects were omitted, thus there were series splits or series associations, over which 60/113 offers a good overview. The subject files of a year were most likely bundled and stored in these bundles (inscription: year) in the old registry/archive. Probably for this reason, part of the "French Archive" was only grouped together in file aprons before the new indexing. The Commissioner of the Executive Board of the Municipal Administration apparently also had his own registry. Subject files were also created for him. The files shall be numbered after the title of each file, preceded by the abbreviation "No." . Their duration often exceeds one year, often covers years VI to VIII and thus the entire term of office of the Commissioner. Also on the documents of these files one finds numbers of a general register, so that it can be assumed that the commissioner of the executive directorate had its own general register and thus its own document administration (a kind of own secretariat). The holdings also include files from the provenance of the Administrative Commission of the School Fund, which were left in the holdings because of their proximity to the city administration. In the case of these files, there was no longer a recognizable order of files or registries. The files of the negotiations of the municipal council are wrapped in blue cardboard and were apparently kept separately from the other files of the administration. Some files of the collection, especially those concerning accounting, are wrapped in light blue cardboard and have German lettering. Also the formulation of the titles of the acts indicates that they were written in Hessian time (after 1815). There is much to suggest that these were files that were needed by the city administration during the Hessian period. This, of course, required a review of the French files. At the beginning of the 20th century (around 1920?), the librarian Heinrich Heidenheimer presumably attempted to dissolve the old subject files, which had been laid out on a year-by-year basis, and to merge them according to new subject matters. From the documents which were not (or could not be?) assigned to a "large" subject, he tried to create individual files. Not affected by this reorganization were the official books, the Arrêtés and Lettres series, and (probably) 23 bundles, which only remained ordered by year. The result of this attempt at classification is documented in the old register "Französisches Archiv - Bestand 60". The bundles in which the new subjects were grouped were numbered from 1-148 (one number per subject, so several bundles could have the same number if the subject was supposed to be the same). In part, however, a number did not conceal a reference file, but rather a very thin - already mentioned - single case file containing only a few sheets or even only one printed matter. The number of this file was mostly completed with a Roman "II". At the time of the redrawing, the individual case files were often located within the beige file apron in orange, strongly acidic folders (60s?) with filler lettering. Inside the other file aprons, envelopes made of crumbled packing paper with a high acid content, which could date from around 1920, were used to structure the documents. These envelopes were often labelled with only one year and were irrelevant for the context of the file. Only summarily (without signature or numbering) are listed in the directory - as mentioned - Lettres and Arrêtés, official books, military matters, matters concerning the inhabitants, accounting (also printed matter), taxes (also printed matter), the port and schools/lessons. Eight bundles were only labeled with letters and sorted alphabetically. According to the register, these were "requests to the administration, sorted by personal names (e.g. passports)". This series, too, was first created at the beginning of the 20th century by the order works. An example of how it was done: In a bundle with the old signature 138 (138-subjects: medical police/138,1; midwives/138,2; vaccination/138,3; medicine/138,4 and 138,5) there were ONLY old file covers with the following titles and registry signatures: IX/...X/14, XI/14 : Police medicinale XI/12: Police medicinale, vaccine, Maison d'accouchement, pharmacie XII/14: Police médicinale, vaccine, accouchement XIII/14, XIV/15: Police médicinale, pharmacie, vaccine, accouchement, épidémie, épizootie, glacière 1807-1812/13, 1814/13: Police médicinale, pharmacie, vaccine, accouchement, épidémie, épizootie, enfants trouvés, glacière, quinquina The original subject files were thus dissolved according to the new subjects 138,1-138,5, the original file covers were separated. (In other cases, the file covers also remained in part of the closed file.) Where the documents on livestock epidemics, foundlings and glaciers remained is not apparent at first. Unfortunately, it must be noted that the content of the parts of the file which were among the various subjects did not always correspond to those subjects! It is probable that the "annual bundles" still found at the time of the new listing should also be dissolved. The order within these bundles was chaotic. This disorder has either already existed in the French old registry (the disordered documents would then never have been assigned to a subject file...) or has arisen from the attempts of archivists to organize them. Or both "procedures" come together. The main subjects in the unresolved annual bundles were: "Police civile en générale", "Affaires mixtes", "Certificat, renseignements sur des individus, "Pièces à communiquer", "Publication ...". These are therefore precisely those subjects which can hardly be assigned to other "large" subjects and which were probably not of great importance for the administration at the time either, so that no great attention and working time will have been devoted to the sorting of these documents. It is likely that archivists wanted to use these documents to create the alphabetical series "Requests to the administration, sorted by personal names (e.g. passports)". Ordnungs- und Verzeichnungsarbeiten Heiner Stauder (1991-1995) Heiner Stauder began in 1991 with the order and indexing of the official book series. After the completion of this work, the drawing of the militaria was started. Various attempts at order and sorting (registration of all numbers of the Registre Général; dissolution of the Lettres and Arrêtés series and assignment to the corresponding letters received; dissolution of individual subject series, including "service militaire", "police militaire", "affaires militaires"; formation of individual case files for submission) proved to be impracticable. The listing of the "Militaria" was interrupted in order to prefer the listing to the "Medicinalia" due to user requests. The following signatures were assigned: 001-136: Amtsbücher 150-186: Militaria 201-215: Bürgerannahmen (They were arranged alphabetically by Mr. Tautorat around 1991/92 and then entered in a card index of names, which is located in the finding aid cabinet of the user room). 300-349: Documents and series, mainly health and poor affairs concerning 350-508: "arrêtés"; 509-703: "lettres"; the no. 350-703 were recorded by Mr. Jung in autumn 1995. The development of a printed matter collection for the French period according to the model of the Landesherrlichen Verordnungssammlung (LVO) was started by leaving only one copy of printed ordinances or news, as far as they were present several times in the file volume, in the file. The rest have been separated. The documents of the Mainzer Veteranenverein found in the "French Archive" were spun off and assigned to the corresponding estate. Mr. Stauder also began with the separation of individual documents, which were only to be assigned to a file bundle after completion of the recording, and with the dissolution of the old FA60 bundles according to subject matter. The author has also continued his recording of subtitles and alto and registry signatures (see below). After the described experiences and on the basis of the peculiarities of the found stock, the author renounced to form (new) series - however it may have been - or to restore the old registry order - also only in rudimentary form. Instead, a numerus currens distortion was performed on the basis of the found condition. The merging of units that belonged together in terms of content thus took place only after the title listings had been completed - on the basis of the classification and the three - very detailed - indices. The subject file bundles listed in the old directory FA 60 were dissolved, since the file aprons contained a wide variety of subjects, which were often only roughly summarized under one catchword. The bundles were reviewed, units with related contents within the bundles - some of them still in the original file covers of the registry - were left together and newly recorded (the old archive signature is of course always indicated). The still unrecorded militaria had already been pre-ordered by Mr. Stauder and reassembled according to the facts. The signatures 269-273 and 284-285 were made by him, left so by me and listed. Individual documents within the various bundles, which differed completely in content from the otherwise found subjects, were first separated and, after completion of the indexing process, added to the archives to which they fitted in terms of content. The old small files, the individual files mentioned above, were left as they were and re-inserted. The bundles, which were only marked with a year (probably part of the original old registration), were also dissolved according to subject matter. Recognisable units (e.g. through labelled file envelopes) were of course retained. If possible, documents that had not been (pre-)sorted were either newly created according to subject (e.g. Militaria, Year VI) or first separated and, after completion of the indexing, added to suitable archival records. In total, the stock now comprises 60 1308 units of description or serial numbers. The last current number is 1319. The numbers 140-148, 882 and 944 were not assigned. Subtitles and registry signatures Subtitles are located in brackets below the titles of the files I have assigned. They are usually the original French title(s) of the subject file(s) found on an old envelope within the newly recorded archives. It is only indicated if there is such an original envelope in the file and if the title also matches the content of the documents it contains. Due to the old order work before 1991, the original connections were torn apart - as described above - so that the original file covers only remained in part of the original files, were separated or reappeared in completely different contexts. If it was clearly visible that only part of the original subject file was present in or near the original file cover, only the applicable part of the original file title is also indicated as a subtitle. On the original file covers, in most cases the year and the number from the list of subject series registries were indicated in addition to the file title (for example as year "an 14", as number "21", as title "Corps de metier"). As far as such a file cover was available and fitted to the content or partial content of the newly recorded archive, this registry signature was indicated as follows: XIV/21 (XIV for the year 14 of the French Republic, 21 for the number from 60/113). For years VI to IX, the year and the "heading" under which the subject in 60/113 is to be found have been indicated, where recognisable. The files more frequently contained a large number of documents from the Electoral period. If it was evident that these were pre-files to the events of the French period, they were left in the archives. If no connection was discernible, the events were passed on to Dr. Dobras for classification in electoral holdings. Nachprovenienzen The Lettres series does not end with the end of French rule in Mainz and the handover of the town to German troops on 4 May 1814, but continues until the end of 1814. For this reason, all files of the year 1814 under Lord Mayor Freiherr von Jungenfeld were left in this inventory, since the registry was at least partly continued for so long according to the French model. The following volumes with clear provenance or post-provenance Großherzogliche Bürgermeisterei were found in the holdings and were assigned to the holdings 70 (Hessisches Archiv): (order: Altsign. title runtime new signature) - ? Budgets Form, Instructions