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Description archivistique
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 895 · Dossier · 1904 - 1913
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Memorandum on the use of the fund of two million marks made available for the South West African protectorate, 1904, printed matter 3 p. qu. 19; coloured map of farm damage in the Herero area 1904 qu. 32a; Wehrgesetz für die Schutzgebiete 1913 qu. 60

Administration du District
FA 1 / 110 · Dossier
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali and Bamum (Fumban) area. - Report by Lieutenant Menzel, 7.5.1909 [fol. 16 - 19] Cameroon hinterland research expedition (Dr Eugen Zintgraff). - Confiscation of the weapons and ammunition handed over to Bali by Dr Eugen Zintgraff. - Report by Lieutenant Menzel, Bamenda, 1908 - 1910 [fol. 28 - 255] Offices of the local administration. - Bamenda. - Handover of the station, 6.4.1909, 10.2.1910, 2.6.1911 [fol. 42 - 117] Offices of the local administration. - Bali(burg). - Subordination of the localities of the Bali area to the station and settlement of border disputes, 1909 - 1910 [fol. 45 - 57] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Bandeng and Bali, 1909 [fol. 51 - 52] Combating unrest in Bamenda District, May-August 1910 [fol. 71 - 81] Njoya, Chief of Bamum (Fumban). - Gifts to the Imperial Colonial Office. - Forwarded by Governor Dr Seitz, 17.1.1910 [fol. 82 - 86] Evangelical Missionary Society in Basel. - Removal of the Bagam from the Bali area. - Report of the Evangelical Missionary Society, 1910 - 1911 [fol. 99 - 109] Criminal case against the sub-chief Fomessang of Bali for murder. - Minutes of the Bamenda military station, 20 January 1911 [fol. 110 - 115] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Dschang and Bamenda, 1908 [fol. 118 - 119] Offices of the local administration. - Kentu. - Handover to Sergeant Krüger by Sergeant Kramer, 2 July 1911 [fol. 120 - 121] Local government offices. - Bamenda. - Administrative changes (planning), April 1912 [fol. 129 - 130] Affairs of the chiefs. - Reinstatement of the exiled Chief Batebe. - Report by Lieutenant Adametz, Bamenda, 1912 [fol. 132 - 133] Special Administration Offices. - Kuti (agricultural research centre). - Transfer of administrative powers to Dr Krüger and his successor Dr Simoneit, March, June 1912 [fol. 134 - 137] General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali region, in particular support for the pro-government Chief Bali, 1911 - 1912 [fol. 149 - 194] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Baminge expedition from 17 July - 23 August 1912 (Captain Adametz, Bamenda), 1912 [fol. 195 - 250] Protection force for Cameroon. - 7th Company. - Stationing of a division of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun in the Residenturbezirk. - Memorandum by Captain Thierry, Garua, June, September 1904 [fol. 218 - 224] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Bamenda and Ossidinge, 1912 [fol. 251 - 254] Map with reconnaissance of the Mbam from Wonang to Mbamti (April 1911) by Lieutenant Winkler and of the Nun from Wonang to Baka (March and April 1911) by Lieutenant von der Leyen, 1:500 000, print, monochrome, publisher: Hofbuchhandlung von E.S.Mittler & Sohn, Berlin, 1911

Sans titre
Administration du District 1902 - 1904
FA 1 / 112 · Dossier
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Dienststellen der Lokalverwaltung. - Banjo. - Appointment of Lieutenant Sandrock as deputy station master, 13 Feb. 1902 [fol. 2] Trade of the locals in country produce. - Report by Lieutenant Sandrock, Banjo, April 1902 [fol. 8 - 10] General political, military and economic conditions. - Adamaoua. - In Tibati. - Report by Lieutenant Sandrock, 4 April 1902 [fol. 11 - 12] Expedition of the station chiefs from Banjo (Lieutenant Sandrock, Lieutenant Houben). - Galim expedition (14-26 March 1902), 1902 [fol. 21 - 28] General political, military and economic conditions. - Adamaua. - Banjo area - report by Lieutenant Sandrock, 15 May 1902 [fol. 31 - 32] Local government offices. - Banjo. - Takeover of the station by First Lieutenant Houben, 18 June 1902 [fol. 33] Expedition of the station commanders of Banjo (Lieutenant Sandrock, First Lieutenant Houben). - Battle at Kumbo on 4 June 1902 and attack by the Bansso (Bascho) on 7 June 1902, 1902 [fol. 34 - 35] Expedition of the Banjo station commanders (Lieutenant Sandrock, First Lieutenant Houben). - Bafut Expedition (June-July 1902), 1902 [fol. 36 - 46] Njoya, Chief of Bamum (Fumban). - Presentation of a flag and a revolver by the Banjo station, September 1902 [fol. 48 - 51] Lake Chad expedition (Lieutenant-Colonel Pavel). - Expedition Bali Banjo (8 Jan. - 7 Feb. 1902) herein also: Murder of First Lieutenant Nolte on 1 Feb. 1902 in Banjo, 1902 [fol. 53 - 57] Individual cases. - Nolte, First Lieutenant. - Murder in the castle of Lamidos Omaru in Banjo on 1 February 1902, 1902 [fol. 58] Merima Issa (brother of Lamidos Omaru von Banjo, shot on 1 February 1902 on the occasion of the murder of Lieutenant Nolte). - Transport to the coast and shooting on the run together with Sariki-n-zaggi and the Kaigama Adamau by the escort detachment under Lieutenant Sandrock on 25 February 1902, 1902 [fol. 68] General political, military and economic circumstances. - Adamaua. - Banjo area. - Report of Lieutenant von Madai, August-October 1902 [fol. 69 - 112] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo June - September 1902, 1902 [fol. 121 - 140] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 24 January - 12 June 1902, 1902 [fol. 130 - 141] Reports of the general administration departments. - Banjo December 1903, 1903 [fol. 155 - 156] General political, military and economic conditions. - Banjo, Bamun (Fumban) Tikar area. - Report by Lieutenant Müller, (1 Feb. 1904) [fol. 160 - 165] Lake Chad journey of 6 Aug. 1904 (Governor von Puttkamer). - Galim expedition from 15 October to 15 November 1904 (Lieutenant Achenbach), 1904 [fol. 178 - 201] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo July 1904, 1904 [fol. 184 - 187] Reports of the general administration departments. - Banjo August - September 1904, 1904 [fols. 198 - 199] Location sketch of Banjo station (with ground plan sketch) without scale. Pen and ink drawing with coloured inscriptions, Sandrock, Leutnant, 31.3.1902 New establishment of the station by Leutnant Sandrock after the murder of Oberleutnant Nolte on 1.2.1902, 20.4.1902

Sans titre
Administration of Adamaua; Volume 4
FA 1 / 121 · Dossier · 1905 - 1906
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Islam. - Appearance of a Mahdi in Northern Nigeria. - Report of the British Resident in Jola, March-April 1906 [fol. 4 - 6] Affairs of the Chiefs. - Sanda, Shefu of Dikwa. - Reinstatement. - Application, May 1906 [fol. 7 - 15] Local Government Services. - Banjo. - Subordination of the Lamidat Tibati, 18 June 1906 [fol. 27 - 28] Companies. - The Niger Company, Ltd. - Opening of a factory in Garua, August 1906 [fol. 38 - 39] Punitive expedition against the Midjiwin and Bobojo on the Binder (Kaele) Mendif Marua road. - Preparations, July 1906 [fol. 44 - 45] Dikoa. - Cancellation of the military post by Lieutenant von Bülow. - Objection by Governor von Puttkamer, 1903 [fol. 52 - 53] Combating unrest and uprisings. - March Garua (Bebene) Rey Buba - (Ssagdje) - Ngaundere - Garua of 7 May-June 1906 (Lieutenant Strümpell), 1906 [fol. 54 - 65] Murder of porters of the Lagone-Pama frontier expedition resident in the area of the Garua Residency by Lakka people, 1913 [fol. 58 - 60] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Residentur Garua May-December 1906 [fol. 68 - 197] General political, military and economic conditions. - Ssari and Massios region. - Report by Lieutenant Nitschmann, 30 June 1906 [fol. 75 - 90] Affairs of the chiefs. - Gerka, Ardo of Mitschiga. - Trial for outrage and murder, August 1905 [fol. 91 - 105] Provisional Franco-German agreement on the border in the Chari-Lagone-Tuburi area: objection by the resident in Garua, December 1905 [fol. 106] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Liberation of the border areas between Lere (Lame) Benue from 16 October to 4 November 1905 (Captain Zimmermann), 1905 [fol. 107 - 114] Public safety. - Carrying out military operations against highwaymen. - Report by Lieutenant Schipper, Binder, October 1905 [fol. 115 - 123] Regional border matters. - Binder [fol. 124 - 127] March Binder Kalfu Jagua Bongor Tchatibali Binder, 5-16 Sept. 1905 (Lieutenant Schipper), 1905 [fol. 129 - 134] Dikoa. - Temporary occupation by the 3rd Company stationed in Kusseri, 1906 [fol. 158 - 162] Attack on the Binder post by the Tupuri resident in French territory, June 1906 [fol. 166 - 170] Defiance of Lamidos Sedu of Mendif. - Report by Sergeant Mellenthin Binder, 23 May 1906 [fol. 171 - 173] Hamadjam, Lamido of Tibati. - Petition for clemency. - Rejection by Colonel Müller, 12 October 1906 [fol. 178] Borders with the British possessions. - Protests and investigations into German border incursions against Bornu, 1906 [fol. 180 - 183] Reports of the general administration departments. - Binder June 1906, 1906 [fol. 187 - 197] Sketch of the district visit of the resident in Garua, Captain of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun, Karl Zimmermann, in the period 16.10. - 4.11.1905, 1:200 000, multicoloured drawing, Zimmermann, Captain, 1905 Punitive expedition against the Midjiwin and Bobojo on the Binder (Kaele) Mendif Marua road. - Punishment of the Bobojo and Midjiwin. - Report by the Deputy Resident in Garua, Lieutenant of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun, Kurt von Strümpell, December 1906 Map of the march Binder - Kalfu - Jagua - Bongor - Suai - Tsatibali - Mburai- Binder by Lieutenant Schipper in the period from 5.9.-16.9.1905, 1:250 000, pen and ink drawing with coloured entries, Schipper, Lieutenant

Sans titre

Africanische Gesellschaft (Verfasser, Herausgeber). Robert Vaugondy, Renell und Sotzmann (Verfasser der Vorläuferkarte), Robert Sayer, Lemprier, Sparrmann, Bruce, Niebuhr, Robert Dapres (Mitglieder der Africanischen Gesellschaft, Verfasser?), Ad[am] Gottl[ieb] Schneider und Weigel (Kunst- und Buchhandlung, Verlag). Druck, koloriert (Teilgebiete Afrikas transparent mehrfarbig). Ca. 1 : 16.000.000 (Azoren 1 : 7.000.000). Nürnberg. Vertikal gefaltet, 62 x 55 cm; thematisch-topographische Karten, nicht maßstabsgetreu (Topographie Afrikas z. T. unbekannt oder mit falscher Lage); Teilinselkarte mit durchbrochenem Rahmen; auf Karton aufgezogen. Bem.: ohne Maßstab; Meridiangitternetz (Pariser Meridian, Globalprojetion, mit Äquator und Wendekreisen); Legende (unterer Rand) mit farbiger Belegung (Balken, verwaschen) des europäischen Kolonialbesitzes; Einzeichnung länderkundlicher Besonderheiten. Schaden: Abspliffungen u. kleine Einrisse i. d. Karte; Schimmelflecken. Vorsignaturen: 200; A 18.

Bernsmann, Peter Friedrich (1845-1920)
RMG 1.613 a-d · Dossier · 1871-1920
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1874-1919 in Otjimbingue, Otjikango, Omburo, Omaruru; Letters, travel and war reports, 1871-1920; Fieldpost letters from the time of the French campaign, 1871; Reports from the sea voyage to Capstadt and Walfishbay, 1873; A visit in d. Grootkloof, contribution for "Kleinen Missionsfreund", 1874; copy of e. Briefwechselels with Captain Abraham Zwartbooi, 1880; J. P. Reinhard (former blacksmith in Otjimbingue) to Peter Friedrich Bernsmann because of foster daughter Johanne Bernsmann (born 1880), 1888; Map d. "Hererolandes", M. 1: 1.250000 with marked routes and driving times for oxen, c. 1888; station reports of Otjimbingue, 1886-1888; station reports of Otjikango, 1888-1890; station reports of Omburo, 1890-1895; report of e. Journey to Ondjiva in Oukuanjama (Amboland), 1891; station report on Omburo by Traugott Kauapirura, 1891-1892; report by Asher Mutjinde on behalf of the chief Manasse Tjiseseta about his conversion, 1893; Manasse Tjiseseta to Dr. August Schreiber, contains proclamation about corn trade, 1895; Two bundles of letters from missionary Eduard Dannert and family from Omaruru, Otjimbingue and Stellenbosch, 1895-1899; private letters by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann to inspectors d. RMG, 1890-1900; Teacher Gustav Kamatoto to RMG, 1899; Speech by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann: "How can it be explained that our evangelists and school teachers have so far met little of the cherished expectations", 4 p. ms. hectographed, 1902; private action by the merchant E. Langenberg, Ombuiro against Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for insulting him, 1904; report about the black miner in the gold mines of Pretoria u. near Johannesburg, 1905; description of Herero dances with music examples, 1907; contribution by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for e. Schullesebuch: Die natives Deutsch-Südwestafrikas u. d. Beginnings ihrer Geschichte, with the chapters:; Die Bastards; Die Herero; Die Naman; Die Bergdamara; Die Ambo, 23 S. ms.., 1914; in 1,613 c also: Eduard Heinrich Gustav Dannert, (1849-1924), see RMG 1,615;

Société des missions du Rhin
M 627 · Dossier · 1928-1970
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Statistics listing the tribes under treatment, 1928-1931 and 1939; General Correspondence, 1961-1969; Monthly and Annual Reports, some minutes of Executive Committee meetings, 1961-1970; "Bringing Better Health to Bumbuli by Robin Peters - newspaper clipping from "The Standard, March 1965; Various Building and Construction Reports". Extension projects; Hospital-Kapelle, 1964-1965; Medical-Technical Equipment, 1961-1965; Repair of old buildings, Digo project with building plans on a scale of 1 : 100, 1964-1970; Extension of the hospital, 1965-1968; New construction of Dispensary Mtimbwani with building plan, 1964-1968; NED project: Diesel engine and water supply, 1969-1970

Bethel Mission
BArch, N 2345/80 · Dossier · (1884) Aug. 1894 - Mai 1903
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Negotiations on the course of the border with France and Great Britain Annual reports of trading companies in Cameroon Geographical map

BArch, R 1001/2818 · Dossier · Mai - Juni 1879
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map of the islands of the western Great Ocean. M.: 1:15 000 000 Map of Tonga or Friendship Islands. O. M. 1879 Map of the Ellice or Lagoon Islands. M.; 1:1 500 000. Map of the Gilbert or Kingsmill Islands. O. M. 1879 Map of the Marshall Islands. O. M. 1879 Map of the North Coast of New Britain and the Duke of York Islands. O. M. 1879

BArch, N 2345/70 · Dossier · (1884) Sept. 1895 - Okt. 1913
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Letter from Krause, Gottlob Adolf (Afrikaforscher) "Deutsche Kolonialzeitung", No. 50, Dec. 14, 1895 "La Dépêche Coloniale", No. 5, March 3, 1898 and No. 10, Nov. 4, 1912 "Deutsches Colonialblatt", No. 5, March 1, 1900 "Globus. Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde", Volume LXXIX, No. 15, 18 Apr. 1901 Map of French Equatorial Africa 1911 Petition concerning the introduction of optional punishment Transcript "How best to educate the Negro for plantation work?

Court organisation in German East Africa
BArch, R 1001/5482 · Dossier · Mai 1891 - Dez. 1919
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Copies of acquisitions of the Society for German Colonisation in East Africa Map of the division of court districts in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a. M: 1:5 000 000, Dar es Salaam, 1912

Dresdner Bank
BArch, R 1001/6409 · Dossier · (1938) Sept. 1940 - Jan. 1941
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The Colonial Empires of the World as of 1940 (map) with supplement: Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaften Statistics on export surplus or production of some important products in Africa, 1938

Estate Lange, Erich (Title)
NL 070 · Fonds
Fait partie de Library Georgius Agricola Freiberg

Lange, Erich (1889 - 1965) Prof. Dr.phil.; Professor of Fuel Geology 1946 President of the German Geological Survey; Director of the Geological Service of the GDR The estate contains: Excerpts from the file 1957 "Preparation of the commemorative event 10 years StGK (Staatliche Geologische Kommission) (contains among other things: material, elaborations and handwritten notes) Correspondences Personal letter of Gottlieb A. Seberna Handwritten notes among other things from and to geological books, to Cameroon, manuscripts to geological observation in French, German and English. Colonies (e.g. East-Adamaua), excerpts from the journal of the German Geological Society vol. 84(1932), photographs of tree trunks in a basalt stream near Meiganga

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, N 1/85 T 1 · Fonds · 1904-2009
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition Biographical information Heinz Braun was born in 1927 as the son of Heinrich Braun and Barbara Braun, née Müller. At the age of ten the secondary school student Heinz Braun went to the Hitler Youth, at 15 he became a member of the fire brigade, at 16 he became an air force helper. He was drafted at the age of 17. After Heinz Braun had been deployed around Breslau in 1945, he spent a few weeks of rest with his comrades in a village near Prague. Finally, Heinz Braun was deployed on his way to Lake Balaton in mid-April 1945 in Vienna. While defending a crossroads, he and his comrades were taken prisoner of war in Russia. After a three-month stay in Vienna, they were taken to Stalingrad. He returned home from captivity in January 1950. With the help of the care of the returnees, he began training as an electrician, to which he joined the technician. In 1956 Heinz Braun married a young woman from Rottweil, with whom he has two sons. He took early retirement in 1985. After Mr. Braun had learned of the estate of Kugler, which had been published by the State Archive Sigmaringen, he donated a photo album with a collection of field postcards and some photographs to the archive in 2006 (access 2006/45). The vast majority of the field postcards his mother Barbara Braun, née Müller, had received from her brothers Jakob and Philipp during the First World War. Furthermore, in 2007 (access 2007/02), Mr Braun donated letters, personal documents and photographs from the first half of the 20th century to the Sigmaringen State Archives. In addition, Mr. Braun supplemented his past, in particular his stay in a prisoner of war camp in Stalingrad, as well as the past of his mother and his uncle Jakob Müller with personal notes and partially literarily worked up. The collection's focus is on 167 field postcards from the time of the First World War. They visualize the everyday life of soldiers as well as the effects of war. Used as a means of propaganda against their own population, they also illustrate the expansion of psychological warfare in the First World War. Within the newly created classification levels, the units of description were arranged chronologically. Postcards and photographs not to be dated are placed at the end of a classification group. Records, letters and personal documents of the estate giver were summarized in thematic units. Titles of postcards and photographs were made on the basis of text imprints. If no text imprints were available, the handwritten titles of the postcard owners were taken over in quotation marks. Own title formations or additions were made without quotation marks. In the case of postcards sent, the sender and recipient are also noted. The title shows place names in the spelling used on the postcards and photographs. Where today's official place names differ, they have been added in square brackets. The place names of that time, but also German names for foreign places can be understood in this way. The postcards are dated after the date of dispatch of the card. If the author of a postcard has dated his message to a date before the date of dispatch, both dates have been included. Information on publishers, photo studios, series and film numbering appear in the "Presignature 1" data field. In ScopeArchive the inventory was recorded and packaged under the guidance of Dr. Volker Trugen berger and Sibylle Brühl by intern Sarah Bongermino in July and August 2008. The inventory comprises 167 postcards, 15 photographs and 10 file units with a total volume of 0.4 linear metres of shelving. The citation of the inventory is as follows: N 1/85 T 1 No. [order number] Sigmaringen, August 2008 Sarah Bongermino The personal documents, photographs and maps (N1/85 T 1 No. 200-234) donated in the years 2008 (access 2008/56) and 2009 (access 2009/28 and 2009/37) were catalogued by Sibylle Brühl and the two interns Bernhard Homa and Anika Mester in September 2009 and included in the inventory. The collection comprises 167 postcards, 31 photographs, 19 file units and 5 cards with a total volume of 0.5 running metres of shelving. Sigmaringen, September 2009 Sibylle Brühl Content and evaluation Field postcards and photographs from the First World War; letters, personal documents, maps and photographs from the first half of the 20th century as well as records of the life stories of the estate giver and family members.

RMG 1.102 · Dossier · 1890-1929
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Protocols and correspondence on issues such as:; customs privileges; education; arbitrariness of colonial officials; whereabouts of mission property after World War I; internment and exchange of prisoners of war; overview of activities, assets and members of the mission in Southwest Africa and New Guinea, 1904; official stenographer. Report on speeches on the dissolution of the Reichstag and colonial politics, 47 p., Dr., 1907; Die deutsche Flagge im Stille Ozean, 25 p. m. Map, Dr., 1915

Société des missions du Rhin
Stadtarchiv Worms, 241 / 0543 · Dossier · 1914 - 1931, 1950
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among other things collection of newspaper reports about monument consecration war memorial a. "Black Lord" and on cemetery Wachenheim 15.7.1928; mixed letters and prints; circular letter concerning elections z. Landwirtschaftskammer, 1906 (to mayor's office!); printed instruction for the leadership of the local chronicles (by the clergymen), 1857; print: Facts. The letter sent by the French Protestants to the Protestants of the neutral states, answered by Dr. Adolf Bolliger, Pfarrer v. Zürich-Neumünster, Konstanz [1915]; vertraul. Print: Liebesgaben dt. Geistlicher und seelsorgerliche Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche (Verf. F. M. Knote, ca. 1915/16); Aufruf/Sammelliste der Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte, June 1918 (with collection result of 612 Marks; note: put into circulation by the board of the Frauenverein Mölsheim, second ex.); various collections and collection lists Rev. Müller 1915-1919 (e.g. for prisoners of war, ambulance train; sacrificial day for the colonial war donation Aug. 1918; call for the donation of Christmas gifts, with collection list; donation for infant and toddler protection); 25th anniversary of Kaiser. National donation for the mission (1913); Sacrifice Day for the German Fleet, 1.10.1916 (donor lists); Kaiser and Volksdank for army and fleet. Christmas Gift of the German People: Collection List; Call: Heimatdank an heimkehrte deutsche Kriegsgefangene, April 1918 (Worms district; Grand Duke, Red Cross), including: lists of results of the collection; government circular concerning education of the rural population about the situation (including food security), Oct. 1916; Volks-Emden-10-Pfennig-Spende, Nov. 1914; implementation of a war economic course in Frankfurt May 1917; Der ev. Heidenbote. Organ of the Evangelical Mission Society in Basel 88th year no. 6, June 1915 (obituary to fallen Georg Jung, born 11.9.1892 Mölsheim, died Westfront 25.03.1915); Kirchlich-statistische Tabelle ev. Pfarrei Mölsheim-Wachenheim für 1949; Reisebescheinigung Pfr. Reinhard Müller, April 1915 (Worms-Wachenheim); questionnaire (executed) of the Oberkonsistorium to the parish offices concerning war work of the evangelical church, April 1919 (among other things collection results); further letters; leaflet for field postings, Dec. 1914; call of the Hess. Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz 2.8.1914 zum Kriegsbeginn: Aufforderung zu Gelabenaben); Collection list for the Red Cross, 1914 (Wachenheim); List of nurses from Mölsheim and Wachenheim; various other collection lists, e.g. Nationalstiftung für die Hinterbliebenen der im Krieg Gefallenen, 1915; Call for the Ludendorff donation (in favour of war-damaged persons), May 1918 (Chairman of the Vereinigung für Kriegsbeschädigtenfürsorge im Kreis Worms: C. W. Frhr. v. Heyl, MdR, Wirkl. Rat); Call for the delivery of eggs, Confirmations of egg deliveries (here: as poultry farmer Pfarrer Müller, Wachenheim) Darin: hs. Welcoming speech on the occasion of the arrival of the 1st expellee transport in Wachenheim 16.6.1950 (56 persons, ev. priest); egg duty 1919; Red Cross bandage priest Müller; Wormser Zeitung v. 02.02.1915; cover with various food stamps (e.g. bread card, bread stamps, bread coupons; Reichsfleischkarten, Zuckerkarte; also soap card of the municipal association of Worms, charcoal card, twist card); card: Sammel-Hilfsdienst der Schuljugend des Kreises Worms

Nachl. 322, Nr. 03 · Dossier · 1908/1913
Fait partie de Berlin State Library. manuscript department

colored card: Matoimochi, with Rumphs signature stamp postcard: Harlekinade Berlin 1912- postcard; A citizens' ball 1803. 35. anniversary of the association of pupils at the K.K.G.M. on 6. February 1913 in the zoo printed card: Dôjôji, with signature stamp Rumpfs postcard on Gerhard Rumpf, dated Tsingtau 1.9.1908, with drawing of Port Said postcard on Heinrich Rumpf, dated. 25.4. 08, with drawing Chinese navy uniformsColored drawing of a sitting Chinese girl, not signed- printed map: fisherwomen in Inage, bay of Tokyo, with hull signature stamp-Colored drawing: boats in China. Port [Tsingtau?] with rowing women, not signed postcard on Andreas hull, with drawing of Gibraltar, dat. 16.11.1907- color drawing: Prague, small-sided individual sheets with vocabulary lists, English, French, Portuguese, partly menus concerning- leaflet with various aioli-recipes, fair copy with title-initial-postcard of Marianne on/for Alice torso- plate 9 (Japanese), tracing - 3 sheets. with color drawings, Chinese. Military 1 sheet with pencil drawings, a.o. ???- pencil drawing: Frauenkopf: Taverne, 12./13,II,31

BArch, R 1001/2166 · Dossier · Juni 1894 - Juli 1895
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map of D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a with drawings of the most important tribal areas, military and mission stations. M.: 1:3 000 000. 1892

BArch, R 1001/3083 · Dossier · (1885) Jan. 1886 - Jan. 1887
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map with property and land registrations of the Deutsche Handels- und Plantagen-Gesellschaft on the Solomon Islands. (o.M.) 1886 Cover letter for the New Guinea Company because of the islands of the Solomon Group under German protection of 13 Dec. 1886

BArch, R 1001/3002 · Dossier · März 1902 - Mai 1905
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Disarmament of the local population Establishment of a station in Ruk-Attoll Born, Some remarks about music, poetry and dance of the Yaplente, 1903 Born, Some observations of ethnological nature about the Oleai Islands (o.D.) Map of Palau, m.: 1:300 000 with registered shipping lines, trade and mission stations (o.D.)

BArch, R 1001/2981 · Dossier · Apr. 1892 - Nov. 1892
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Memorandum of the New Guinea Company about the German protectorate in the South Seas. Berlin, Nov. 1892 Map of German possessions in the Pacific Ocean, M.: 1:3 000 000 and M.: 1:12 000 000

HZAN La 140a Bü 107 · Dossier · 1875-1876, 1878-1881
Fait partie de State Archive Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe Central Archive Neuenstein (Archivtektonik)

Contains: 1st Association for the German North Polar Tour in Bremen. 36th meeting of the Association on 13.03.1875. 2nd meeting of the Association for the German North Polar Flight in Bremen. Research trip to Western Siberia 1876 (III, V-IX). 1876. 3. statutes of the African Society in Germany, n.d. 4th Statutes of the Geographical Society in Bremen, Bremen (1876). 5. list of the members of the Geographical Society in Bremen on 15.02.1878. 6. annual report of the board of the Geographical Society in Bremen, Bremen (1878). 7. C. Lehmann, Verkehrskarte der Provinz Schlesien, Berlin 1878. 8th overview map of the Überseeischen Postdampfschiffslinien im Weltpostverkehr, Berlin 1881. 9th E. v. Weber, Der Unabhängigkeitskampf der Niederdeutschen Bauern in Süd-Afrika, Berlin 1881. 10th fifth annual report of the board of the Georgraphische Gesellschaft in Bremen, Bremen 1882. 11. A. Conze, Pergamon, Berlin 1880. 12. J. Chavanne, Explanations to the Wall Map of Africa, Vienna 1878. 13. A. Mueller, Map of the Countries on the Lower Danube, Weimar 1876. 14. Special Map of the Zulu Country, n. d. 15. Circumference of the Universal Postal Union, Berlin 1879.

"German Future" Correspondence 1933 G

Contains: 1st incoming letter, by Margarete Gärtner, Berlin, 30.11.1933(1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 1r 2nd outgoing letter (copy), to MargareteGärtner, Berlin, 06.12.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 2r 3rd outgoing letter(copy), to Julius Emil Gaul, Berlin, 20.11.1933 (1 sheet,mschr.); sheet 3r 4th incoming letter, by Hans Geller, Dresden, 23.11.1933 (1 sheet.); sheet 2r 3rd outgoing letter(copy), to Julius Emil Gaul, Berlin, 20.11.1933 (1 sheet,mschr.); sheet 3r 4th incoming letter, by Hans Geller, Dresden, 23.11.1933 (1 sheet.) sheet 4r 5. outgoing letter (copy), anHans Geller, Berlin, 29.11.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 5r 6. birth announcement (receipt), by Günther Gericke, Berlin, 20.11.1933 (1 sheet, printed); sheet 6r 7. card (receipt), by Gerlach to the DeutscherVerlag für Christliche Wissenschaft, Berlin, 15.12.1933 (1 sheet, printed),hsl.); sheet 7r-7v 8. card (entrance), by Heinrich Gerstenberg, Weimar, 12.11.1933 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 8r-8v 9. letter, by Heinrich Gerstenberg, Weimar, 17.11.1933 (1 sheet, hsl.), hsl.; with:review (special print) by Arnold Oskar Meyer to Heinrich Gerstenberg, "Deutschland über alles!", 2 sheets, printed); sheet 9r-11r 10.Ausgangsbrief (carbon copy), to Heinrich Gerstenberg, Berlin, 20.11.1933 (1 sheet, sheet 12r 11. card (entrance), by Heinrich Gerstenberg, Weimar, 26.11.1933 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 13r-13v 12. exit letter (copy), to Heinrich Gerstenberg, Berlin, 11.12.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 14r 13. entrance letter, by the Society for German Literature, Berlin, [16.10.1933] (1 sheet, hsl.),sheet 15r 14. letter of receipt, from the Gesellschaft für Deutsches Schrifttum, Berlin, 27.10.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 16r 15. letter of receipt (copy), to the Gesellschaft für Deutsches Schrifttum, Berlin, 25.10.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 17r 16. letter of receipt, from the Gesellschaft für Deutsches Schrifttum, Berlin, 31.10.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 17r 16. letter of receipt, from the Gesellschaft für Deutsches Schrifttum, Berlin, 31.10.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 18r 17. letter of issue (carbon copy), to Otto Geßler, Berlin, 13.11.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 19r 18. map (receipt), by Heinrich Gidion, Hannover, 13.12.1933 (1 sheet.); sheet 18r 17. letter of issue (carbon copy), to Otto Geßler, Berlin, 13.11.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.), pp. 20r-20v 19th incoming letter, by Edmund Glaeser, Breslau, 25.10.1933(1 pp., mschr.); pp. 21r-21v 20th outgoing letter (carbon copy), anEdmund Glaeser, Berlin, 08.11.1933 (1 pp., Breslau, 25.10.1933), mschr.); sheet 22r 21. letter of receipt, by Edmund Glaeser, Breslau, 18.12.1933 (1 sheet,mschr.); sheet 23r 22. letter of receipt (carbon copy), to Edmund Glaeser, Berlin, 20.12.1933 (1 sheet.) sheet 24r 23. letter of receipt, by Heinrich von Gleichen, Berlin, 13.11.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.; with:article (special print) by Heinrich Rogge, "Hitlers Friedensreden alsvölkerrechtliches Ereignis", 1 sheet, sheet 25r-26v 24. letter of dispatch (copy), to Heinrich von Gleichen, Berlin, 15.11.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 27r 25. letter of dispatch, to Heinrich von Gleichen, Berlin, 11.12.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 28r 26. incoming letter, from Komm.-Verlag A. Gloede, Berlin, 28.10.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 29r 27. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Komm.-VerlagA. Gloede, Berlin, 01.11.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 30r 28. letter of receipt, by Fritz Görke, Berlin, 14.10.1933 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 31r 29. letter of receipt, by Carl Görler, Dresden, 09.11.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.),sheet 32r 30. letter of dispatch (copy), to Carl Görler, Berlin, 15.11.1933 (1 sheet, copy); sheet 33r 31. letter of dispatch (copy), to Wolfgang Goetz, Berlin, 29.12.1933 (1 sheet, copy); sheet 34r 32. letter of dispatch, from Heinz Goldammer, Heilbronn, 17.11.1933(1 sheet, copy), mschr.); sheet 35r-35v 33. initial letter (carbon copy), anHeinz Goldammer, Berlin, 21.11.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 36r 34. card (entrance), by Kurt Grahl, Hannover, 05.12.1933 (1 sheet.) pp. 37r-37v 35th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Kurt Grahl, Berlin, 06.12.1933 (1 pp., mschr.); pp. 38r 36th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Ludwig Grauert, Berlin, 18.10.1933 (1 pp., mschr.); pp. 39r 37th out of office note Erich Gritzbach, o. O., o. D. (1 sheet, hsl.); Bl.40r 38. letter of exit (carbon copy), to Hans Grimm, Berlin, 28.10.1933(1 sheet, mschr.); Bl. 41r-41v 39. letter of entry, from Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg, 30.10.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); Bl. 42r 40. letter of exit (carbon copy), to Hans Grimm, Berlin, 30.10.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); page 43r 41. letter of receipt, from Oskar Groß, Leipzig, 19.10.1933 (1 page, hsl.); page 44r-44v 42. card (receipt), from the Großhandels- undLagerei-Berufsgenossenschaft, Berlin, 20.12.1933 (1 page, printed),hsl.); p. 45r-45v 43rd outgoing letter (copy), to the Großhandels- und Lagerei-Berufsgenossenschaft, Berlin, 23.12.1933 (1 p., mschr.); p. 46r 44rd incoming letter, from Paul Großmann, Dresden, 10.11.1933 (1 p., hsl.); p. 47r 45th outgoing letter (copy), to Paul Großmann, Berlin, 27.11.1933 (1 p., mschr.), sheet 48r 46. letter of receipt, by Rudolf Großmann, Berlin, 02.12.1933 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 49r 47. card (receipt), by Rudolf Großmann, Cortina d´Ampezzo, 21.12.1933 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 50r-50v 48. card (receipt), by Rudolf Großmann, Cortina d´Ampezzo, 31.12.1933 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 51r-51v49, by Rudolf Großmann, Cortina d´Ampezzo, 31.12.1933 (1 sheet, hsl.). Incoming letter, from Verlag Walter de Gruyter

Contains: 1st incoming letter, by Charles Coleman, Lübeck, 14.03.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 1r 2nd incoming letter, by Charles Coleman, Lübeck, 19.04.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.; with: publisher's advertisement of "Colemans kleineBiographien", 4th row, 2 sheets, mschr.), Bl. 2r-4v 3rd outgoing letter(copy), to Charles Coleman, Berlin, 21.04.1934 (1 Bl.,mschr.); Bl. 5r 4th incoming letter, from Nicolae Petrescu-Comnen, Berlin, 02.01.1934 (1 Bl.., Berlin, 02.01.1934); Bl. 2r-4v 3rd outgoing letter(copy), to Charles Coleman, Berlin, 21.04.1934 (1 Bl., mschr.), mschr.); sheet 6r 5. invitation card, by Nicolae Petrescu-Comnen, Berlin, April/May 1934 (1 sheet, printed, mschr.); sheet 7r 6. letter of exit (copy), to Nicolae Petrescu-Comnen, Berlin, 02.05.1934 (1 sheet, printed, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 8r 7th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Nicolae Petrescu-Comnen, Berlin, 19.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 9r 8th business card of Arthur Connor, Berlin, no D. (1 sheet, printed); sheet 10r 9. card (entrance), of HerbertConnor, Berlin, 20.03.1934 (1 sheet, printed); sheet 11r-11v 10. card (entrance), of Herbert Connor, Berlin, 21.05.1934 (1 sheet, printed); sheet 12r-12v 11. letter (copy), to Herbert Connor, Berlin, o.D. (1 sheet, printed), sheet 13r 12. incoming letter, by Herbert Connor, Berlin, 31.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 14r 13. outgoing letter (copy), to Herbert Connor, Berlin, 06.08.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 15r 14. card (incoming), by Herbert Connor, Berlin, 07.09.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheets 16r-16v 15. card (entrance), by Herbert Connor, Berlin, 13.11.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheets 17r-17v 16. letter (copy), to Herbert Connor, Berlin, 14.12.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheets 18r 17. letter (entrance), by Herbert Connor, Berlin, 28.12.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 19r 18. card (entrance), by Carl Contiuho, Hamburg, 20.10.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 20r-20v 19. letter (copy), to Carl Contiuho, Berlin, 27.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 21r 20. business card by Livius Cornea, Berlin, o. D. (1 sheet, printed, hsl.); sheet 22r 21. letter of receipt, from Ernst Hugo Correll, Neubabelsberg, 12.09.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 23r 22. letter of receipt (copy), to Ernst Hugo Correll, Berlin, 18.09.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.),mschr.); sheet 24r 23. card (entrance), by Walter Correll, Nuremberg, 08.06.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 25r-25v 24. letter (copy), to Walter Correll, Berlin, 28.06.1934 (1 sheet.) sheet 26r 25. incoming letter, from the Correspondenz für Kunst undWissenschaft, Berlin, 09.01.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 27r 26. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to the J. G. Cotta´sche Buchhandlung, Berlin, 16.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 28r 27. incoming letter, from the J. G. Cotta´schen Buchhandlung, Stuttgart, 12.06.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.),sheet 29r 28. card (entrance), from the J. G. Cotta´schenBuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 12.06.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 30r-30v 29. letter, from the J. G. Cotta´schen Buchhandlung, Stuttgart, 13.06.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.; with: copy of a letter to the J. G. Cotta´sche Buchhandlung, Berlin, o. D., 1 sheet, mschr.), pp. 31r-32v30: Outgoing letter (copy) to J. G. Cotta´sche bookshop, Berlin, 14.06.1934 (1 pp., mschr.); pp. 33r: 31st incoming letter, by Else Cramer, Berlin, 15.10.1934 (1 pp, mschr.); page 34r 32. letter of receipt, by Hugo Cramer, New York, 29.03.1934 (1 page, mschr.); page 35r 33. letter of receipt (carbon copy), to Hugo Cramer, Berlin, 13.04.1934 (1 page, 32. letter of receipt, by Hugo Cramer, New York, 29.03.1934), mschr.); sheet 36r 34. incoming letter, from HugoCramer, Amsterdam, 03.09.1934 (2 sheets, mschr.); sheet 37r-38r 35. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Hugo Cramer, Berlin, 08.09.1934 (1 sheet.); sheet 36r 34. incoming letter, from HugoCramer, Amsterdam, 03.09.1934 (2 sheets, mschr.), mschr.); page 39r 36. letter of receipt, by Friedrich Wilhelm Cramm, Timmerlah, 13.02.1934 (1 page, hsl.); page 40r-40v 37. card (receipt), by Friedrich Wilhelm Cramm, Timmerlah, 21.02.1934 (1 page, hsl.); page 41r-41v 38th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Friedrich Wilhelm Cramm, Berlin, 28.02.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 42r 39th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to August von Cramon, Berlin, 17.03.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.),mschr.); p. 43r 40. card (entrance), of August of Cramon, Berlin, 19.03.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 44r-44v 41. letter (copy), of August of Cramon, Berlin, 23.03.1934 (1 p.),sheet 45r 42. letter of receipt, from August von Cramon, Berlin, 12.04.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 46r 43. letter of receipt (carbon copy), to August von Cramon, Berlin, 16.04.1934 (1 sheet, from August von Cramon, Berlin, 12.04.1934), mschr.); sheet 47r 44. letter of receipt, from August von Cramon, Berlin, 04.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 48r 45. letter of receipt (copy), to August vonCramon, Berlin, 11.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 49r 46. letter of receipt, from Helmut Cron, Berlin, [02.10.1934] (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 50r 47. letter of receipt (copy), to Helmut Cron, Berlin, 12.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 51r 48. letter of receipt, from GeorgCrusen, Danzig, 23.10.1934 (2 sheets, hsl.); sheet 52r-53r 49. letter of receipt (circular), from Richard Csaki, Stuttgart, February1934 (1 sheet.) printed M. hsl. greeting from Csaki on/for Klein); sheet 54r-54v 50.letter of receipt, by Carl H. Csallner, Bistritz, 21.02.1934 (1 sheet,mschr.); p. 55r-55v 51. letter of origin (carbon copy), to Carl H.Csallner, Berlin, 26.02.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 56r-56v 52. letter of origin (carbon copy), to Carl H. Csallner, Berlin, 20.03.1934(1 p..) mschr.); p. 57r 53. incoming letter, by Carl H. Csallner, Bistritz, 27.03.1934 (1 p., mschr.; with it: letter (copy) by Carl H. Csallner to Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg, Bistritz, 24.03.1934, 1 p., by Carl H. Csallner, Bistritz, 27.03.1934 (1 p., mschr.) mschr., hsl.; "Tatsachenbericht zurHindenburg-Ehrengabe eines Bauern", Bistritz, 24.03.1934, 2 sheets, mschr.); sheet 58r-61r 54. letter of receipt, by Carl H. Csallner, Bistritz, September 1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 62r 55. map(entrance), by Karl Heinz Csallner, Dresden, 30.11.1934 (1 sheet,hsl.); sheet 63r-63v 56. map(entrance), by Karl Heinz Csallner,Bistritz, 08.12.1934 (1 sheet.); sheet 62r 55. map(entrance), by Karl Heinz Csallner, Dresden, 30.11.1934 (1 sheet,hsl.); sheet 63r-63v 56. map(entrance), by Karl Heinz Csallner,Bistritz, 08.12.1934 (1 sheet.) hsl. m. hsl. greeting by Carl H. Csallner); p. 64r-64v 57. card (receipt), by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 05.01.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 65r-65v 58. letter of receipt, by Hans-Culemann, Düsseldorf, 22.01.1934 (1 p., mschr.), mschr.); p. 66r 59.Ausgangsbrief (Durchschlag), to Hans Culemann, Berlin, 07.02.1934 (p. 1, mschr.; with: Answortkonzept zum Schreiben, 1 p., mschr.); p. 67r-68r 60. letter of receipt, by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 09.02.1934(1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 69r-69v 61. letter of receipt (copy), to HansCulemann, Berlin, 28.02.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); p. 70r 62nd card(entrance), by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 26.03.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 71r-71v 63rd card(entrance), by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 10.04.1934 (1 p., mschr.), mschr.); sheet 72r-72v 64. letter of receipt, by HansCulemann, Düsseldorf, 11.04.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 73r 65. card(receipt), by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 08.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 74r-74v 66. letter of receipt, by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 23.05.1934 (2 sheets, mschr.); sheet 75r-76v 67. card (receipt), by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 15.06.1934 (1 sheet.) sheet 77r-77v 68. letter of receipt, by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 22.06.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 78r 69. letter of receipt, by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 27.06.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); p. 79r 70. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Hans Culemann, Berlin, 30.06.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 80r 71. incoming letter, by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 02.07.1934 (1 p., mschr.),sheet 81r 72. letter of receipt, by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 25.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 82r 73. letter of receipt (carbon copy), to Hans Culemann, Berlin, 01.08.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 81r 72. letter of receipt, by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 25.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 82r 73. letter of receipt (carbon copy), to Hans Culemann, Berlin, 01.08.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 83r 74. incoming letter, by Hans Culemann, Düsseldorf, 01.08.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 84r 75. outgoing letter (copy), to Hans Culemann, Berlin, 09.08.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 85r 76. incoming letter, by Herbert Cysarz, Mönichkirchen, 05.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 86r77. Outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Herbert Cysarz, Berlin, 09.10.1934(1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 87r 78. Outgoing letter (carbon copy), to WilliCzell, Berlin, 03.01.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 88r 79. Incoming letter, from Willi Czell, Kronstadt, 01.03.1934 (2 sheets, hsl.); sheet 89r-90r.

"German Future" Correspondence 1934 Ku

Contains: 1st incoming letter, from Ernst Kube, Breslau, 17.06.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheets 1r-1v 2nd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Ernst Kube, Berlin, 06.06.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheets 2r 3rd incoming letter, from Fritz Kühn, Leipzig, 20.04.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.), mschr., hsl.); sheet 3r 4th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Fritz Kühn, Berlin, 20.04.1934 (?) (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 4r 5th incoming letter, from Wolfgang Kühn, Wuppertal, 05.02.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); page 5r-5v 6th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Wolfgang Kühn, Berlin, 28.02.1934 (1 page, mschr.); page 6r 7th incoming letter, by W. Kühn, Berlin, 22.02.1934 (1 page, mschr.); page 7r 8th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to W. Kühn, Berlin, 03.03.1934 (1 page, mschr.); page 7r 8th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to W. Kühn, Berlin, 03.03.1934 (1 page, mschr.), sheet 8r 9. letter of receipt, from Karl Kuehne, Berlin, 05.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 9r 10. letter of receipt (copy), to Karl Kuehne, Berlin, 09.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 10r 11. letter of receipt, from Karl Kuehne, Berlin, 22.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 8r 9. letter of receipt, from Karl Kuehne, Berlin, 05.22.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 9r 10. letter of receipt (copy), to Karl Kuehne, Berlin, 09.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 10r 11. letter of receipt, from Karl Kuehne, Berlin, 22.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet sheet 11r 12. outgoing letter (copy), to Karl Kuehne, Berlin, 25.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 12r 13. card (receipt), from WalterKühne, Sydowsaue, 30.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 13r-13v 14. incoming letter, from the publisher Philipp Kühner, Eisenach, 04.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.),sheet 14r 15. letter of exit (carbon copy), to the VerlagPhilipp Kühner, Berlin, 12.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 15r 16. letter of entry, from Wilhelm Külz, Dresden, 19.02.1934 (1 sheet, 16.5.1934), sheet 16r 17. letter of exit (carbon copy), to Wilhelm Külz, Berlin, 20.02.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 17r 18. letter of entry, from WilhelmKülz, Dresden, 20.09.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr. m. hsl. notes by Paul Fechter); sheet 18r 19th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Wilhelm Külz, Berlin, 22.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 19r 20th incoming letter, by Wilhelm Külz, Dresden, 03.11.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 20r 21st incoming letter, by Wilhelm Külz, Dresden, 03.12.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), pp. 21r-21v 22. letter of receipt, by Rudolf Külzow, Berlin, 06.05.1934(1 pp., mschr.); pp. 22r 23. letter of receipt, by Rudolf Külzow, Berlin, 06.05.1934 (1 pp., mschr.); pp. 23r 24. letter of receipt(carbon copy), to Rudolf Külzow, Berlin, 11.05.1934 (1 pp., mschr.), sheet 24r-24v 25. letter of receipt, by Walter Küntzel, Mannheim, 03.09.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 25r 26. letter of receipt (copy), to Walter Küntzel, Berlin, 12.09.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 26r 27. letter of receipt, by Hilde Küpper, Berlin, 23.05.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 26r 27. letter of receipt, by Hilde Küpper, Berlin, 23.05.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.), sheet 27r 28. incoming letter, by Hilde Küpper, Berlin, 24.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr., hsl.); sheet 28r-28v 29. outgoing letter (carbon copy), toHilde Küpper, Berlin, 29.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 29r 30. incoming letter, by Hilde Küpper, Berlin, 09.09.1934 (1 sheet, mschr., hsl.); sheet 29r 30. incoming letter, by Hilde Küpper, Berlin, 09.09.1934 (1 sheet, mschr., mschr.), sheet 30r 31. incoming letter, by Gustav Adolf Küppers-Sonnenberg,Werder, 05.01.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 31r 32. outgoing letter(copy), to Gustav Adolf Küppers-Sonnenberg, Berlin, 13.08.1934(1 sheet.) mschr.); sheet 32r 33. letter of receipt, from Kugel, Kassel, 04.05.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 33r 34. card (receipt), from JohannKuhn, Csepel, 05.02.1934 (1 sheet, printed, mschr.); sheet 34r-34v 35. letter of receipt, from Hans Kuhnert, Berlin, 05.12.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.), sheet 35r 36th outgoing letter (copy), to Hans Kuhnert, Berlin, 08.12.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 36r 37th map (receipt), from Kulturpolitische Verlag, Leipzig, 27.08.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 37r-37v 38. letter of issue (copy), to the KulturpolitischeVerlag, Berlin, 03.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 38r 39. letter of receipt, from Kunauer (?), Berlin, 28.12.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 39r 40. card (receipt), from E. Kunau, Groß-Schwechten, 21.03.1934(1 sheet, mschr.), hsl.); p. 40r-40v 41st outgoing letter (carbon copy), to E.Kunau, Berlin, 27.03.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 41r 42nd incoming letter, of "Art of the Nation", Berlin, 13.06.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 42r43. Outgoing letter (copy), to "Art of the Nation", Berlin, 18.06.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 43r 44. incoming letter, by IlseKunz-Lack, Augsburg, 15.06.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 44r 45. incoming letter, by Ilse Kunz-Lack, Augsburg, 02.09.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.),sheet 45r 46. card (entrance), by Ilse Kunz-Lack, Augsburg, 01.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 46r-46v 47. letter (entrance), by IlseKunz-Lack, Augsburg, 06.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 47r 48.outgoing letter (carbon copy), on/for Ilse Kunz-Lack, Berlin, 09.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 48r 49. incoming letter, by Ilse Kunz-Lack, Augsburg, 13.10.1934 (2 sheets.) mschr.); sheet 49r-50v 50. letter of issue, to Ilse Kunz-Lack, Berlin, 15.10.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 51r-51v 51. letter of receipt, from Ilse Kunz-Lack, Augsburg, 01.11.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 52r 52. letter of receipt, from Ilse Kunz-Lack, Augsburg, 16.12.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 53r 53. letter of receipt, from Kunze, Gottleuba, 10.07.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 54r 54. letter of receipt, from Friedrich Kunze, Bodenbach, 26.07.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 55r 55. letter of receipt (carbon copy), to FriedrichKunze, Berlin, 28.07.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.), mschr.); sheet 56r 56. letter of receipt, by Wilhelm R. Kurze, Berlin, 05.12.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 57r 57. letter of receipt (copy), to Wilhelm R. Kurze, Berlin, 10.12.1934(1 sheet.) mschr.); sheet 58r 58. letter of receipt, by Harry E. Kutschbach, Bad Elster, 26.01.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 59r 59. letter of receipt, to Harry E. Kutschbach, Berlin, 02.02.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 60r 60. card (receipt), by Magdalene Kuttner, Breslau, 16.02.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), hsl.); Bl. 61r-61v 61. letter of exit (copy), to Magdalene Kuttner, Berlin, 19.02.1934 (1 Bl.,mschr.); Bl. 62r 62. map (entrance), by Magdalene Kuttner, Breslau, 08.03.1934 (1 Bl., hsl.); Bl. 63r-63v

Contains: 1st incoming letter, from Schede, Wyk, 27.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 1r 2nd incoming letter, from Kurt Scheele, Berlin, 27.06.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 2r 3rd outgoing letter (carbon copy), from Kurt Scheele, Berlin, 05.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 2r 3rd outgoing letter (carbon copy), from Kurt Scheele, Berlin, 05.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 3r 4th incoming letter, from Alfred Scheer, Bleicherode, [28.08.1934] (1 sheet,mschr.); sheet 4r 5th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Alfred Scheer, Berlin, 11.09.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 5r 6th incoming letter, from Adolf Scheffbuch, Stuttgart, 24.01.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 6r 7. letter of issue (copy), to Adolf Scheffbuch, Berlin, 27.01.1934(1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 7r 8. letter of issue, from Helmut Scheffel, Volo, 11.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 8r 9. letter of issue (copy), to Helmut Scheffel, Berlin, 20.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 9r 10. letter of receipt, by Herbert Scheffler, Wandsbek, 10.01.1934 (1 sheet,mschr. m. hsl. note by Paul Fechter); sheet 10r 11. letter of receipt(copy), to Herbert Scheffler, Berlin, 16.01.1934 (1 sheet,mschr.); sheet 11r 12. incoming letter, by Herbert Scheffler, Wandsbek, 17.01.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 12r 13. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Herbert Scheffler, Berlin, 23.01.1934 (1 sheet.); sheet 11r 13. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Herbert Scheffler, Berlin, 23.01.1934 (1 sheet.) mschr.); sheet 13r 14. letter of receipt, by Herbert Scheffler, Wandsbek, 18.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 14r 15. card (receipt), by Herbert Scheffler, Wandsbek, 13.08.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 15r-15v 16. card (receipt), by Herbert Scheffler, Wandsbek, 14.09.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), pp. 16r-16v 17th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Herbert Scheffler, Berlin, 21.09.1934 (1 pp., mschr.); pp. 17r 18th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Herbert Scheffler, Berlin, 16.10.1934 (1 pp., mschr.),mschr.); sheet 18r 19th incoming letter, by Albert Scheibe, Berlin, 12.03.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.; with: Albert Scheibe, "Dem Andenken einesgrossen Deutschen [über Alfred von Tirpitz]" (copy), 2 sheets, mschr. m. hsl. Correction); sheet 19r-21r 20. letter of issue, on/for Scheiner, Berlin, 10.04.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 22r 21. letter of issue, from Eitelfritz Scheiner, Kronstadt, 16.01.1934(1 sheet.) sheet 23r 22. letter (carbon copy), from EitelfritzScheiner to Verlag Franz Eher Nachfolger GmbH, Berlin 14.04.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 24r 23. incoming letter, from Hansjulius Schepers, Göttingen, 08.11.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 25r 24. incoming letter, from Peter Scher, Munich, n. d. (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 26r 25. letter of exit, to Peter Scher, Berlin, 20.08.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 27r-27v 26. letter of entry, from Lene Scher, Wasserburg, 21.09.1934(1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 28r 27. letter of entry, from Peter Scher, Wasserburg, 27.10.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.), mschr. m. hsl. note of the fee department); sheet 29r 28. letter of exit (copy), to PeterScher, Berlin, 07.11.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 30r-30v 29. letter of entry, from Kurt von Scherff, Garmisch, 18.08.1934 (1 sheet,mschr.); p. 31r 30. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Kurt vonScherff, Berlin, 20.08.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 32r 31. incoming letter, from the publisher August Scherl - Juristische Abteilung, Berlin, 16.01.1934 (1 p..); p. 31r 30. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Kurt vonScherff, Berlin, 20.08.1934 (1 p., mschr.), p. 33r; p. 33r; 32nd outgoing letter (copy), to the publisher August Scherl - Juristische Abteilung, Berlin, 17.01.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 34r; 33rd invoice of the publisher August Scherl ("Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger"), Berlin, 31.05.1934 (1 p.),printed, mschr., hsl. m. with glued notice to the advertisers, 1 sheet, printed); sheet 35r-36r 34. initial letter (copy), to the publishing house August Scherl, Berlin, 08.06.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); page 37r 35. letter of receipt, from the publisher August Scherl, Berlin, 07.07.1934 (1 page, mschr.); page 38r 36. letter of receipt (copy), to the publisher August Scherl, Berlin, 09.07.1934 (1 page, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 39r 37. letter of receipt, by Wilhelm Scheuermann, Freienbrink, 24.02.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 40r 38. letter of receipt (carbon copy), to Wilhelm Scheuermann, Berlin, 08.05.1934 (1 sheet.); sheet 39r 37. letter of receipt, by Wilhelm Scheuermann, Freienbrink, 24.02.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 41r 39. letter of receipt, from Martin Schian, Sibyllenort, 24.06.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 42r-42v 40. letter of receipt (carbon copy), to Martin Schian, Berlin, 20.07.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 43r 41. letter of receipt, from Adolf Schick, Berlin, 08.03.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.), sheet 44r 42. letter of exit (copy), to Adolf Schick, Berlin, 12.03.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 45r 43. letter of entrance, from Klaus Schickert, Budapest, 28.02.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 46r 44. letter of entrance, from Klaus Schickert, Budapest, 22.03.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 47r 45. letter of receipt, by Klaus Schickert, Budapest, 06.11.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 48r 46. letter of receipt, by the German East African Society (for Claus Schilling), o. O., 03.11.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.),mschr.); p. 49r 47. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Claus Schilling, Berlin, 07.11.1934 (1 p., mschr.); p. 50r 48. incoming letter, vonWerner Schilling, Rostock, 26.01.1934 (1 p., hsl.); p. 51r-51v 49. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Werner Schilling, Berlin, 31.01.1934(1 p., mschr.), mschr.); sheet 52r 50. letter of receipt, from Karl-Ludwig-Schimmelbusch, Emmerich, 30.12.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 53r 51. letter of receipt (carbon copy), to Karl-Ludwig Schimmelbusch, Berlin, 03.01.1934 (1 sheet.); sheet 52r 50. letter of receipt, from Karl-Ludwig-Schimmelbusch, Emmerich, 30.12.1933 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 54r 52. incoming letter, by Karl-Ludwig Schimmelbusch, Emmerich, 06.03.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 55r 53. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Karl-Ludwig Schimmelbusch, Berlin, 14.03.1934 (1 sheet.) mschr.); sheet 56r 54. letter of dispatch, on/for von Schimpff, Berlin, 18.12.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 57r 55. letter of dispatch, by Karl Schindler, Breslau, 03.10.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 58r 56. letter of dispatch, on/for Karl Schindler, Berlin, 18.10.1934 (1 sheet, hsl.), mschr.); page 59r 57. incoming letter, by Hans-Joachim Schlamp, Berlin, 28.09.1934 (1 page, mschr.); page 60r 58. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Hans-JoachimSchlamp, Berlin, 08.10.1934 (1 page, mschr.), mschr.); p. 61r 59. map(entrance), by Clotilde Schlayer, Berlin, 01.02.1934 (1 p., hsl.); p. 62r-62v 60. letter(entrance), by Oskar Schlemmer, Sihlbrugg, 02.03.1934 (1 p., mschr. m. hsl. note by Paul Fechter); p. 63r61. Outgoing letter (copy), to Oskar Schlemmer, Berlin, 12.03.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 64r 62nd New Year's card (receipt), from the Schlesische Portland-Zement-Industrie AG, Oppeln, [05.01.1934] (2 sheets, German), (printed); p. 65r-66r 63rd outgoing letter (copy), to theSchlesische Portland-Zement-Industrie AG, Berlin, 16.01.1934 (1 p,sheet 67r 64. incoming letter, from the "Schlesische Zeitung", Breslau, 11.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.; with: order card, 1 sheet, printed); sheet 68r-69v 65. outgoing letter (copy), to the "Schlesische Zeitung", Berlin, 22.05.1934 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 70r66. Incoming letter, from the "Schlesische Zeitung", Breslau, 30.05.1934(1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 71r