3 Treffer anzeigen

Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig Englisch

Collection of newspapers/magazines/newsletters. (Standard title of processor)

essays and Tjaden: The ability of the German colonies to settle. In: Die Güldenkammer, 2(1911), Nr. 2, S. 103-109.Gehrke, F.: The Industrialization of Lake Town Trade and its Migration to the Inland. In: Die Güldenkammer, 2(1911), Nr. 2, S. 116-118.

In: Estate Karl Wilhelm Books (Title) >> Estate Karl Books 183A (Title) >> Estate Karl Books 183A, Collections [NL 183A/3] (Title) >> Estate Karl Books 183A, Collections, Newspapers/Magazines/Mitteilungsblätter [NL 183A/3/7] (Title)

Estate Rudolf Hildebrand, printed matter Franz Michael Felder (title)

Foundation of the Franz-Michael-Felder-Verein Bregenz, accompanied by a small font about fields. Statutes of the Franz-Michael-Felder-Verein. Call for a monument to Franz Michael Felder. wei Felderbilder (photo prints) and a commemorative sheet on...

In: Estate Rudolf Hildebrand, partial estate Franz Michael Felder (title)