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Archival description
BArch, N 1138/50 · File · Aug.1920 - März 1921
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Information on the Administration of South West Africa (Letter to General J.C. Smuts), [1920]; The Basic Provisions of the Italian War Damage Act of November 1918, March 1921; Preliminary Draft Law on Compensation for War Damage in the Former German Protectorates; Transitional Provisions in the Case of Repeal of German Consular Jurisdiction

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, R 901/80752 · File · Okt. 1913 - Juni 1914 (1914)
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Trials of the Telefunkengesellschaft against the company Huth because of patent infringements, 1913 range attempts of the Telefunken-Gesellschaft from Nauen to Togo and Sayville (near New York), Nov. 1913 equipment of ships with radio stations, Dec. 1913 radio station of the Deutsche-Südseegesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie in Jap (Karolinen) and Nauru (Marshall Islands) in operation, Dec. 1913 radiotelegraphic length determinations between the stations Eiffelturm and Arlington, Dec. 1913. 1913 Wireless telegraphy in and with the German colonies (newspaper clipping of the "Hamburger Nachrichten"), 1914 patent situation in the field of wireless telegraphy, Jan. 1914 Safety of passenger transport by sea (memorandum of the German government), 1912 - 1914 Opening of the Danish radio station Blaavandshuk, 1914 International treaty for the protection of human life at sea, 1914 Range tests of Nauen with the "Cap Trafalgar" in the Atlantic Ocean, with maps, March - Apr. 1914 Minutes of the meeting of the committee for joint work in the field of radiotelegraphy, 14th Feb. 1914

BArch, R 1001/6287 · File · Jan. 1927 - Sept. 1941
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Ordinance on the Recruitment of Natives in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (from "Amtlicher Anzeiger für Deutsch-Ostafrika", 1913) Native Labour in Angola. Report on the Organisation of Native Labour in East Africa and its Possibilities for Organising Work on a National Socialist Basis, Berlin 1938 Guidelines for the Processing of the Colonial Ethnological Handbook of Africa Proposals for the Organisation of Working Conditions for Europeans and the Introduction of Reich Insurance in the Colonies