Affichage de 10 résultats

Description archivistique
BArch, N 1138/59 · Dossier · 1911-1928
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Attempts to Cultivate Cigarette Tobacco in the German Protectorates", 1922; "The Colonial Problem"; "The German Schools in Southwest Africa", Kastl paper, 1921; newspaper article on colonial policy (1914) and Hindenburg's death (1934); Report of the Deutsche Afrika-Bank Aktiengesellschaft, 1908; Report of the Deutsche Kolonial-Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebs-Gesellschfat, 1908; Outline of the Terms and Conditions for the Mortgage Loans of the Southwest African Soil Credit Society

Kastl, Ludwig
RMG 2.649 a · Dossier · 1932-1954,1960-1966
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Half-yearly and annual reports, 1932-1951; Schülerlisten, 1936-1954; Bericht e. lnspektionsreise d. Rheinischen Missionsschulen in Südwestafrika, by Ernst Eßlinger, 1947; Schulrundschreiben, 1947-1951; Correspondence Gustav Menzel - Ernst Eßlinger, 1947; Memorandum on questions of the Rheinische Missionsschulen, established at "Onderwys Kommissie" by Praeses Hans Karl Diehl, 1950; Verzeichnis d. School and church building of the RMG with values, 1951; negotiations about the future of the Augustineum, 1951-1952; newspaper report "Der Schülerstriik im Augustineum", IN: "Allgemeine Zeitung", Windhoek, 1960; 2 sermons, held in the Augustineum, by Werner Andreas Wienecke u. N. N., 196-1966; travel report by E. H. Beukes about a visit to the Christlicher Studenten-Vereinigung d. Augustineums in Ovamboland (Afrikaans), 1966;

Société des missions du Rhin
BArch, N 1138/52 · Dossier · 1920-1921
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Letter from H. Richter to Kastl concerning the uprising of the natives and the construction of a school in Windhoek, 3.5.1921; list of the German private schools in South West Africa, March 1921; minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of the Landesverband der deutschen Schulvereine für Südwestafrika, 1920; overview of the financial situation of the Landesverband der Deutschen Schulvereine, 8.11.1920

Kastl, Ludwig
Oegst geest
RMG 831 · Dossier · 1895-1917
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence; De Sumatra-Post, No. 126 No. 130, 1911; Correspondence with mission commissioner in Rotterdam, de Bilt-Station, Amsterdam, Leiden; newspaper articles (copies) on the question of financial support for schools in the Netherlands.India by the Government, 1895-1911; Report Miss. van Asselt on Relations of the RMG to Dutch Friends of Missions, 10 p., ms., ca. 1900; Keynote Speech on Cooperation of Dutch Aid Society for Barmen m. d. holl. Missionsgellschaften, 15 p., ms., 1912; Manifesto of the Dutch Anti-War Council, Dr., 1914; Guarantee of the RMG to Dutch citizens who, in favour of the RMG at Nederl. Handels Maatschappij Guarantee sums have subscribed, 1917

Société des missions du Rhin
personnel matters
StAWü, Forstamt Amorbach 27 · Dossier · 1939 - 1945
Fait partie de State Archives Würzburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains also: Remuneration, treatment of officials repatriated from the franking areas in the west and east, official housing allowances, salaries, staffing, costs of war damage, list of fallen civil servants, compensation, official housing, training, building protection, war damage, holidays, awards, Military service, promotion of the operating community, official medical reports, working hours, use of civil servants in Eastern deployment, personnel changes, air raid protection, special rent for motor vehicles, political cooperation, war deployment, school, non-cash payment transactions, assessments, colonial forestry administration, accident care, uniforms: newspaper cuttings

Stoltenhoff's retirement
Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland, 6HA 001 (Stoltenhoff, Ernst Dr. Generalsuperintendent), 912 · Dossier · 1934
Fait partie de Archive of the Protestant Church in the Rhineland (Archivtektonik)

Contains: a) Stoltenhoff's notifications of his retirement copies of Stoltenhoff's letters: Pastor Euler, Consistorial Councillor, of the Verein Rheinischer Kiderlager e.V., with resignation of the chair by Stoltenhoff; director Müller, Hilda-Schule in Koblenz, with resignation of the membership in the board of trustees of this institution; the paediatric hospitals Viktoria-Stift/Bad Kreuznach, resignation of his board membership; the Diakonie-Anstalt Duisburg, resignation of his board membership; retired Consistorial President D. Dr. Groos, Chairman of the Board of the Protestant Diakonieanstalten Kreuznach, with resignation of his board membership; Professor Pfennigsdorf of the Protestant Theological Faculty of the Friedrich Wilhelm University Bonn; Bishop Vogt/Aachen; the Rheinische Provinzialausschuß für Innere Mission/Langenberg, resignation of his membership; the rectors of the University of Bonn, the Agricultural University of Bonn and the University of Cologne; the President of the Government of Trier; the Abbot of Maria Laach, Ildefons Herwegen; the Lord President of Koblenz; the Lord Mayor of Koblenz; testimony for the caretaker of his apartment; testimony for his secretary, Miss Julie Könitzb) Letters to Stoltenhoff about his retirement: of the Ebernburg Foundation (invitation to a meeting with the Führer, with Stoltenhoff's reply that after his retirement he was no longer a member of the board); Gertrud Stoll/St. Blasien; Pastor Nack/Cologne; Mr. Schneider/Rheinböllen; Pastor Weinmann/Pfaffendorf; Family von Waldthausen/currently Oberstdorf; Director of Studies Müller, Hilda-Schule in Koblenz; Pastor Gaus/Aßlar, Braunfels Synod; Pastor E. Juhl/Wuppertal-Barmen, Bundeswart; Chief President Freiherr von Lüninck/Koblenz; Superintendent Albert Becker/Rheydt, currently Emmerich; Pastor Seynsche/St. Wendel; Superintendent Hinrich Johannsen/Essen; Pastor Focke/Hamborn; Pastor Hanns Meyer/Dinslaken; Pastor A. Hensmann/Wuppertal-Barmen; Wilhelm vom Rath/Duisburg, for the members of the board of the Fliedner'schen Familienstiftung; Julie Könitz, secretary of Stoltenhoffs; Julia and Edwin Landau/z.Z. Taormina; Pastor Haun/Bonn; Pastor Eduard Stoltenhoff/Odenkirchen; Ellie Wolff/Aachen; Retired Pastor W. Rehmann/Bonn; Pastor Wilke/Kettwig; Dr. Landau/Koblenz; Pastor Reichhard/Saarbrücken, at present St. Johann; Telegram of the Board of the West German Young Men's Association/Wuppertal-Barmen; Superintendent Gillmann/Simmern; Pastor Ibeling/Düsseldorf; Parish Conference of the Meisenheim Synod - Pastor Teschemacher, Pastor Himmelthal, Pastor Röhrig, Pastor de Loo, Pastor Weber, Pastor Reindell, Pastor i.R. Fertung, Pastor Fröhlich, Pastor Bindseil, Pastor Götzel -; Pastor A. Brüggemann/Kettwig; Rector Geldmacher from the University of Cologne; retired priest Spies Friedrichsfeld; Superintendent Dr. Greeven/Langenlonsheim, Kreuznach Synod; Superintendent Nold/ Malstatt, currently Wasserburg; District President Dr. Saassen/Trier; Rector of the Rhine-Westphalian Federal State of Economics and Technology; Rector of the University of Cologne.Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität Bonn; retired pastor Heim/Bad Godesberg; retired pastor Bonnet/Neuwied; from the Lower Rhine Deaconissenhaus/Duisburg; pastor Graeber/Wuppertal-Barmen; pastor Herbert Lempfert/Solingen-Ketzberg, currently Faltlau/Titisee; Lower Rhine Deaconissenhaus/Duisburg; retired Superintendent Albers/Emmerich; Pastor Möller/Elberfeld; Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft/Wuppertal-Barmen; Ernst Bunke from the magazine "Die Reformation"/Berlin; Pastor Adolf van de Loo/Medard, Meisenheim Synod; Mr Mettring/Wuppertal-Elberfeld; Mr and Mrs Zimmermann/Bad Godesberg; Retired Superintendent Von Schewen/Burscheid; M. And H. Hasenkamp/Koblenz; Dr. Vogt, Bishop of Aachen; Franz Rudolf, Bishop of Trier; retired pastor D.H. Kremers; director of the Diakonie-Anstalt Duisburg; retired Superintendent Wieber/Gießen; Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft/Wuppertal-Barmen; Pastor Hesse, Reformed Federation for West Germany/Wuppertal-Elberfeld; Pastor Schauß/Winningen; Abbot Ildefons Herwegen from Maria Laach Abbey; Cardinal Schulte, Archbishop of Cologne; Pastor Teschemacher and the Presbytery of Böllbach/Sobernheim; Pastor Kinzel/Velbert; Theodor Fliedner/Madrid; Dean Pfennigsdorf of the Theological Faculty of the University of Bonn; Pastor Bender/Krefeld; Pastor Alsdorf, Schmidt/Saar; Rheinisch-Westfälischer Diakonieverein für evangelisch-kirchliche und soziale Wohlfahrtspflege/Köln-Lindenthal; Rheinsicher Provinzialausschuß für Innere Mission/Langenberg, Rheinland; Pastor Wilhelm Fliedner/Wittlich; Paul and Gertrud an Huef/ Neukirchen-Moers; Superintendent Klein/Düsseldorf; Pastor Hermann Haarbeck/Düsseldorf; D.H. Sasse/Erlangen; Rheinisch-Evangelische-Arbeiterkolonie-Lühlerheim/Düsseldorf; Superintendent Imig/Sulzbach, Saar; Pfarrer Krüssenberg/Ottweiler; Guste Stoltenhoff/Hephata; the board of directors of the Protestant social welfare institutions Kreuznach; the Diakonissenmutterhaus in Kreuznach; the management of the Diakonieanstalten Kreuznach; Else Gaul/Essen-Altenessen; pastor Rentrop/Königswinter; Superintendent Theodor Bungenberg/Inden; Superintendent i.R. O. Leibnick/Bad Godesberg; Pastor Focke/Hamborn; Dipl.-Ing. Hans Schäfer, Attorney at Law/Düsseldorf; Son Adalbert Stoltenhoff/Bonn; T.U. Frankfurt/Main; Dora Peters and P. Brinkmann, neighbour of Stoltenhoff in Koblenz; Heyd/Velbert; Pastor Disselhoff/Kaiserswerth; Retired Superintendent D. Meinberg/Bonn.Darin:Newspaper clippings about Stoltenhoff's retirement from various daily and church newspapers