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Archival description
RMG 1.093 · File · 1939-1941
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Günther Hecht: Colonial question and racial thought. Series of the racial policy. Amtes, H. 16, 36 p., Dr., 1939; Nine Theses of the Office of Racial Policy on Colonial Politics, copy from Prussia. Newspaper, No. 6, January 1939; Letter of the Colonial Political Office concerning the road conditions in Southwest and South Africa and reply with statement of the Addresses of local missionaries, 1941

Rhenish Missionary Society
Stadtarchiv Worms, 241 / 0543 · File · 1914 - 1931, 1950
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among other things collection of newspaper reports about monument consecration war memorial a. "Black Lord" and on cemetery Wachenheim 15.7.1928; mixed letters and prints; circular letter concerning elections z. Landwirtschaftskammer, 1906 (to mayor's office!); printed instruction for the leadership of the local chronicles (by the clergymen), 1857; print: Facts. The letter sent by the French Protestants to the Protestants of the neutral states, answered by Dr. Adolf Bolliger, Pfarrer v. Zürich-Neumünster, Konstanz [1915]; vertraul. Print: Liebesgaben dt. Geistlicher und seelsorgerliche Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche (Verf. F. M. Knote, ca. 1915/16); Aufruf/Sammelliste der Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte, June 1918 (with collection result of 612 Marks; note: put into circulation by the board of the Frauenverein Mölsheim, second ex.); various collections and collection lists Rev. Müller 1915-1919 (e.g. for prisoners of war, ambulance train; sacrificial day for the colonial war donation Aug. 1918; call for the donation of Christmas gifts, with collection list; donation for infant and toddler protection); 25th anniversary of Kaiser. National donation for the mission (1913); Sacrifice Day for the German Fleet, 1.10.1916 (donor lists); Kaiser and Volksdank for army and fleet. Christmas Gift of the German People: Collection List; Call: Heimatdank an heimkehrte deutsche Kriegsgefangene, April 1918 (Worms district; Grand Duke, Red Cross), including: lists of results of the collection; government circular concerning education of the rural population about the situation (including food security), Oct. 1916; Volks-Emden-10-Pfennig-Spende, Nov. 1914; implementation of a war economic course in Frankfurt May 1917; Der ev. Heidenbote. Organ of the Evangelical Mission Society in Basel 88th year no. 6, June 1915 (obituary to fallen Georg Jung, born 11.9.1892 Mölsheim, died Westfront 25.03.1915); Kirchlich-statistische Tabelle ev. Pfarrei Mölsheim-Wachenheim für 1949; Reisebescheinigung Pfr. Reinhard Müller, April 1915 (Worms-Wachenheim); questionnaire (executed) of the Oberkonsistorium to the parish offices concerning war work of the evangelical church, April 1919 (among other things collection results); further letters; leaflet for field postings, Dec. 1914; call of the Hess. Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz 2.8.1914 zum Kriegsbeginn: Aufforderung zu Gelabenaben); Collection list for the Red Cross, 1914 (Wachenheim); List of nurses from Mölsheim and Wachenheim; various other collection lists, e.g. Nationalstiftung für die Hinterbliebenen der im Krieg Gefallenen, 1915; Call for the Ludendorff donation (in favour of war-damaged persons), May 1918 (Chairman of the Vereinigung für Kriegsbeschädigtenfürsorge im Kreis Worms: C. W. Frhr. v. Heyl, MdR, Wirkl. Rat); Call for the delivery of eggs, Confirmations of egg deliveries (here: as poultry farmer Pfarrer Müller, Wachenheim) Darin: hs. Welcoming speech on the occasion of the arrival of the 1st expellee transport in Wachenheim 16.6.1950 (56 persons, ev. priest); egg duty 1919; Red Cross bandage priest Müller; Wormser Zeitung v. 02.02.1915; cover with various food stamps (e.g. bread card, bread stamps, bread coupons; Reichsfleischkarten, Zuckerkarte; also soap card of the municipal association of Worms, charcoal card, twist card); card: Sammel-Hilfsdienst der Schuljugend des Kreises Worms

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 272 · File · 1909, 1911, 1915 - 1922, o. D.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Information from Ulrich Rauscher on the conditions for the takeover of "März", 7.11.1916; letter from a civilian prisoner from the Indian concentration camp Ahmednagar, 15.10.1917; plan for the foundation of an "International Newspaper" 1921/22; submission by the Association of German Newspaper Publishers on the situation of the German press, 26.1.1921; petitions against the classification of the city of Pfullingen in place class C, Febr. 1922 and against the decree of the Reich Chancellor concerning the liquidation of French private property in Germany, July 1917; communication of Conrad Haußmann to Max Warburg for the election of the German envoy in China, n.d. (Early 1920?) Report to the Prime Minister of Württemberg, von Weizsäcker, on a meeting on 2 October 1914 with the Reich Chancellor, 12 October 1914; R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t responded to the complaint of an intern, previously a civil servant resident in Duala, Cameroon, about his salary, 8 October 1914.6.1917; Contestation of the Schultheiss election in Wildbad because of the ballot papers used, 1922; Memorandum on the necessity of the freight reduction for food, no. D. (Early 1920?)

Haußmann, Conrad