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Description archivistique
Stadtarchiv Worms, 170/02 · Fonds
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 170/2 estate Georg and Barbara Freed Scope: 819 units of description (= 23 linear metres of archive cartons and 9 linear metres of rolled plans) = add. 32 m Running time: 1792 - 1941 Family and foundation In the course of establishing a foundation to the City of Worms, which was decreed in the will, the Worms architect Georg Ludwig Freed (1858-1936) and his sister Barbara (Babette 1855-1941) bequeathed documents to the then museum and the municipal cultural institutes, which were taken over by Dr. Illert in 1942 (cf. Der Wormsgau 2, p. 99). Members of the Freed family had been resident in Worms since the beginning of the 19th century as master painters and whitewashers. They already held important positions in bourgeois associations in the pre-March period, including the Schützengesellschaft, the gymnastics community of 1846 Worms and the fire brigade. Both siblings remained unmarried throughout their lives, their sister Anna Maria (1854) was the wife of the museum director and since 1898 city archivist August Weckerling. The material of the 'Stiftung Freed' includes personal letters, postcards and papers, diaries, documents as well as artisan, artistic and family history documents in a large variety (especially about 1850 to 1935), without any documents obviously being collected after the death of the siblings. A large part of the estate is occupied by the actual architect Freed (numerous sketches, drawings, maps, plans, newspapers, etc.), whose temporal focus lies in his Mannheim years between 1889/93 and 1914. In addition, there are association documents from the entire Protestant-national-liberal milieu, including militaria and national teams or academic associations of the TH Darmstadt. In addition to the documents of his father Georg Fr. Freed from the time since approx. 1840, the closed file tradition of the house Wollstr. 28, which has been inhabited since 1800 and bequeathed to the city of Worms in 1941/42 and later sold privately by the latter (house preserved, part of a monument zone) is also relevant. Family grandfather of G. Freed: Johann Ph. Freed 1794-1845 married with Johanna Friederika Uswald 1798-1823 (daughter of:) Carl Ernst Ußwald from Oelsnitz/Vogtland 1754, from 1796 in Worms, 1818 (= great-grandfather of G. Freed), married Anna Katharina Köhler née. Völcker (1776-1846), was a painter and master draughtsman (family book: no. 87, description Reuter 1968, p. 204 no. 3), three other family books described on p. 212. Elisabeth Margareta Freed, Stiefenkelin of C.E. U.., born 1826 sister: Katharina Anna, 1825-1912 disproportionate stepbrother: Georg Friedrich F., born 1823 Worms (= grandson of C. E. Uswald) learned the painting and whitewashing trade, journeyman years Wiesbaden 1843/44, Dresden 1844, Vienna 1845; in Worms marriage 1851 with Elisabeth Müller (1825-1899), ev, City councillor 1874-1892; 1837-1851 pedigree book (description Reuter 1968 p. 212); died 1896 = father of Georg, Babette and Anna Maria Freed (Anna M. Freed (*1854) married with August Weckerling, who was thus the brother-in-law of the two Freeds, this certainly justified the willingness to donate the collection to the museum run by Weckerling, whose successor Illert acted as executor of the will after Barbara's death in 1941), Son of the pensioner, master whitewasher and town councillor Georg Friedrich Freed (1823-1896, married to Elisabeth Freed née. Müller), 1865-1869 attends preschool, 1869-1875 secondary school in Worms; takes private lessons in higher mathematics and languages in 1875, passed entrance examination, eight semesters as a regular student of the building school enrolled at the TH Darmstadt; also occupies the subjects prescribed for civil service, final examination in autumn 1879 together with the civil service aspirants, participation in study trips and excursions, etc.a. 1878 World Exhibition Paris, 1.4.1880 One-year volunteer reg. 118 Worms, from summer 1881 to summer 1885 for further mainly artistic education in Munich in the studio of Prof. Hauberrisser, there collaboration on large building projects, 1885-1887 active in Berlin in studios of architect Kayser u. v. Großheim, Erdmann

/Mildbr./ · Gliederung
Fait partie de Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin

The Inner Africa Expedition of Duke Adolf-Friedrich to MecklenburgCarbon copies of reports, typewritten, authors: J. Mildbraed and A. Schultze; [incl. handwritten notes concerning the assignment to publication in the "Hamburger Nachrichten", presumably by G. M. Schulze]1.Report of the partial expedition of Dr. Arnold Schultze; Author: Schultze, 07.10.1910 [IV, from the "Hamburger Nachrichten" No. 48, 02.12.1910]2nd report of the partial expedition Dr. Mildbraed and Dr. Schultze; Author: Mildbraed 20.12.1910 [VI, from the "Hamburger Nachrichten", cf. No. 602 from 27.12.1910]3rd special report of the branch expedition Dr. Schultze, 07.10.1910 [IV, from the "Hamburger Nachrichten" No. 48, 02.12.1910]2nd report of the partial expedition Dr. Mildbraed and Dr. Schultze; Author: Mildbraed 20.12.1910 [VI, from the "Hamburger Nachrichten", cf. No. 602 from 27.12.1910]3rd special report of the branch expedition Dr. Schultze; Author: Schultze 03.1911 [XIV, from the "Hamburger Nachrichten" No. 246 of 27.05.1911, cf. No. 236, evening edition of 20.05.]4th report of the partial expedition of Dr. Arnold Schultze; Author: [not noted, presumably Schultze] 05.05.1911 [XIX, from the "Hamburger Nachrichten" No. 316 of 08.07.1911, cf. No. 292, evening edition of 24.06.]5th report of the partial expedition to South Cameroon and Fernando Poo; author: Schultze 10.1911 [XXXI, from the "Hamburger Nachrichten" no. 592 of 18.12.1911, cf. no. 497, morning edition of 22.10.]6th Fernando Poo and the ascent of the Pics author: Mildbraed, o.D. [from the "Hamburger Nachrichten" 121 Jahrg.., Nr. 60 vom 06.02.1912]Numbers of the photo plates of the expedition of Duke Adolf-Friedrich 1910/11 of which copies are requested.- Handwritten and typewritten list (incl. copy) with handwritten notes, written by Mildbraed. [Note, probably by G. M. Schulze: The plates are in the Hamburgisches Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg 13, Binderstr. 14].

Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von (inventory)
BArch, N 103 · Fonds · 1881-1954
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck Life data 20.03.1870 born in Saarlouis 09.03.1964 died in Hamburg Career 1881 Cadet 1884 Main Cadet Institute Groß-Lichterfelde 07.02.1888 Portepee-Fähnrich at the 4.Garderegiment on foot 1889 Sekondeleutnant 1895 Premierleutnant 1900/01 Participation in the Boxer Movement China; Promotion to Captain 1904-1906 Deutsch-Südwestafrika; First Adjutant in the staff of the commander of the Schutztruppe "Lothar von Trotha" and as Company Chief at the suppression of the uprising of the Herero 1906 Kommandierung to the Großer Generalstab 1907 Promotion to Major; Adjutant of the Generalkommando des 11. Army Corps 1909 Commander II Sea Battalions in Wilhelmshaven 1913 Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel 18.10.1903 Commander of the Imperial Protection Corps for Cameroon 13.04.1914 Commander Protection Corps D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a 1918 Promotion to Major General Apr. 1919 Command of the Guard Cavalry Shooting Corps under the Marine Division Oct. 1919 Leadership of the Reichswehr Brigade 9 of the "Transitional Army" in Schwerin 1920 Characterisation as Lieutenant General and dismissal from the Reichswehr 1923 Wholesale merchant 1928-1930 Member of Parliament of the conservative German National People's Party in the Reichstag 1930 Change to the People's Conservative Union 1933 State Council in Bremen 27.08.1939 (so called Tannenbergtag) Character of a general of the infantry 1956 Honorary citizen of his birth town Saarlouis Awards 04.11.1916 Pour le Merite 10.10.1917 Eichenlaub zum Pour le Merite 30.01.1920 Ritterkreutz der sächsischen Militär-St.-The estate contains personal papers, documents on military and public honours, private and private correspondence, diary notes and memoirs as well as elaborations on various topics and photographs from the life of General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck (20.3.1870-9.3.1964). The collection documents the personal and military career of Lettow-Vorbecks, including his participation in the Boxer War in China (1901-1904) as an adjutant of the 1st East Asian Infantry Brigade, his deployment in the command of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika (1905-1906) and as commander of the Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika (1914-1918). In addition, Lettow-Vorbeck's activities as a war veteran and member of the Reichstag of the DNVP in the Weimar Republic and the reactions to his death in 1964 will be highlighted, as will his work on colonial history and documentations on political topics from the time of the Weimar Republic, in particular the Reichswehr and the Kapp-Lüttwitz Putsch. References to other holdings, in particular RM 5 - Navy Admiral Staff; RW 51 - Imperial Protection Forces and other Overseas Forces; R 1001 - Reichskolonialamt; R 1002 - Authorities of the former protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika; digital photos of Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck from the Federal Archives' image holdings can be found in the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia Content Characterization: Because of its great importance and the intensive demand for it from researchers, the estate was processed and recorded in the archives soon after it was handed over to the Federal Archives at the end of the 1960s. In 2008, the indexing of the holdings was fundamentally revised while retaining the older archival order. Pre-archival order: The estate of Paul von Lettow-Vorbecks was transferred to the Federal Archives in August 1964 by the daughter of Countess Heloise von Rantzau-Pronstorf, who died in the same year. It had initially been deposited there as a deposit, on 31 December 1999 the documents became the property of the Federal Archives. The holdings contain self-testimonies and autobiographical records at various stages of their development; the classification features of the archival indexing could not always be clearly assigned due to the specific character of the documents. Citation style: BArch, N 103/...

Vorbeck, Paul von Lettow
Photographic Collection

With a stock of almost 450,000 pictures, the Museum am Rothenbaum has a unique photographic collection. The oldest photograph known to us was taken in 1858, only seven years after the first glass plate negative was made. Some of the photographs are particularly noteworthy, such as Eduard Arning's paper negatives from Hawaii in 1885. Other outstanding objects are the coloured autochromes in the grain raster process from the early 20th century with motifs from Bolivia by Franz Bandholz. Equally important are the more than 300 platinum types of Mayan ruins that Teobert Maler created from 1875 onwards or the presumably first colour photographs from Yemen that Carl Rathjens captured on the then innovative Agfacolor New Slide Film in 1937, which, in addition to numerous private photo albums and pictorial materials from the history of research and teaching, contain important stocks of expedition photographs. They originate, for example, from the so-called Inner Africa expedition of Duke Adolf Friedrich to Mecklenburg in 1910/11 or the Hamburg South Sea expedition between 1908 and 1910, but also the convolute of Hans Heinrich Brüning from South America, the photographs of Johan Adrian Jacobsen from the American Northwest Coast as well as the former Museum Godeffroy collection with its focus on Oceania are in the international focus of critical cultural-historical image research.