27 Treffer anzeigen

Offizier Englisch

German troop parade in front of Admiral von Diederichs, 1898

On 27 January 1898, the first troop parade of the German army took place in the new colony at the beach camp in Tsingtau. Before the squadron commander Admiral von Diederichs and his officers the newly landed troops defile / Photographer: Scherl

In: Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo >> Fotosammlung

Protection Force for German East Africa

Members of the German Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika in their uniforms, f.l.t.r.: a purser in a Diesntanzug, an officer in a parade suit or in a service suit, a doctor in a coat, a hospital assistant and a sergeant in an orderly suit / Photogr...

In: Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo >> Fotosammlung

Reiss, Emil Ferdinand; First Lieutenant, born 09.09.1872 in Karlsruhe, died 13.04.1904 in Okatumba (German Southwest Africa)

In: Fotosammlung der Offiziere des XIV. Armeekorps >> R; Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 G 2 Fotosammlung der Offiziere des XIV. Armeekorps