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7NL 154 Professor Georg Eichholz (existing)

BiographyGeorg Eichholz was born on April 6, 1909 in Essen-Kupferdreh. His father Hermann Georg Eichholz was pastor in Essen-Kupferdreh from 1891 until his retirement in 1933 and from 1921 to 1933 Superintendent in the church district An der Ruhr, his mother Klara, née Schulze, pharmacist's daughter. In 1928 Eichholz graduated from the State Grammar School in Essen and, following the example of his father and older brother, began studying theology in Tübingen and Bonn, where Karl Barth was one of his most important teachers and motivated him to further theological studies.At the beginning of 1934 he began his vicariate in Honnef, continued it from 1935 in Barmen-Gemarke with Karl Immer, after he had joined the Confessing Church, and finished his education with the second examination before the examination board of the Confessing Church on 21.9.1935 in Koblenz. He was ordained by Johannes Schlingensiepen in Unterbarmen on 8.12.1935. Already during the time of the vicariate Eichholz fell ill with diabetes, with which he had to arrange himself throughout his life. Already before the ordination, more precisely: from 1.11.1935, Eichholz had been called as a teacher to the seminar of the Rhenish Mission Society in Barmen, where he taught not only theological subjects during the war but also subjects of general education. During the war years he continued teaching with a few remaining students. His health was so bad at times that he reckoned with his untimely death. In addition to his teaching activities, he published interpretations of texts with a New Testament orientation in the journals Evangelical Theology and Theological Existence Today published by Karl Barth, which are attributed to the Confessing Church. Between 1939 and 1964, Eichholz was commissioned by the Brother Council of the Confessing Church to organize the publication of a series of sermon aids, which appeared in five volumes entitled Herr, tue meine Lippen. The staff of this series also included pastors who taught at the ecclesiastical university in Wuppertal (hereinafter KiHo) banned by the Gestapo, e.g. Peter Brunner (Harmannus Obendieck and Heinrich Schlier) When the KiHo resumed its official teaching activities on October 31, 1945, Eichholz received teaching assignments for systematic theology and the New Testament. In 1946 he was appointed mission inspector and took over the management of the mission seminar, but he also continued his part-time teaching activities at the KiHo, marrying Ehrentraut Berner, whose father was also a mission inspector in Wuppertal. Shortly thereafter he additionally took over the editorship of the New Set of Theological Existence Today alongside his former fellow student Karl Gerhard Steck and also the continuation of the reading sermon series Predige das Wort. In addition, he was a member of the Committee for the Development of an Evangelical Catechism established in 1955 and participated in a three-month study tour of the Palestine Institute through the Middle East in 1955. 1951 Eichholz became a professor on the occasion of a restructuring of the KiHo, but it was not until 1961 that he transferred the title to the KiHo on a full-time basis and handed over the management of the mission seminar to Arnold Falkenroth. His state of health no longer allowed for the permanent double burden. The concentration on the scientific work made several New Testament publications possible, especially in the field of Gospel and Paulus research. But he also continued his work on sermon aids: together with Arnold Falkenroth he founded the new meditation series Listening and Questions, which he continued together with his wife even after Eichholz's death. Eichholz did not follow a call to the University of Bern in 1965, but was also interested in art in private. As early as the 1940s he had published two small works with theological reviews of Rembrandt's works. One of his particular passions was photography. In 1963 he published an illustrated book with photos from his study trip under the title Landscapes of the Bible. On May 1, 1970 Eichholz retired prematurely due to the consequences of his many years of diabetes. Eichholz died in Wuppertal on December 22, 1973.1978 His wife Ehrentraut marries former colleague Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bohren.1984 another illustrated book was published in memory of Georg Eichholz with the title Das Gesicht des Theologen mit den von Eichholz fotografierten Portraits. On the occasion of the 50th birthday of Eichholz, two of his lectures from 1945 and 1968 entitled Das Rätsel des historischen Jesus und die Gegenwart Jesu Christi, edited by Gerhard Sauter.Ehrentraut Bohr died in Interlaken on June 21, 1997.It contained 2.5 running metres of material, partly in standing files, tied bundles, staplers, cartons or also as loose collections of sheets, and was arranged and recorded in autumn 2011. In contrast to pastor's estates, there are only a relatively small number of sermons in the collection, mainly from the time of the Vicariate, with a focus on the scientific and teaching activities of Eichholz, which are reflected in lecture, essay and book manuscripts, reviews, reports on research trips and collected writings, etc. There was great disorder in this area. In addition, Eichholz held lectures and events several times or on similar topics, so that it was not possible to assign individual manuscript parts to a special event and thus a year on the basis of the topic. Only very occasionally do the manuscripts contain a note on the date. Where it was possible, however, attempts were made to combine individual parts of the manuscript into a coherent whole, primarily with the help of paginations, and to assign this to an approximate period of time, above all with the help of the university course catalogues (2LR 045, 4447). Since the dating was rather difficult overall, however, the manuscripts were arranged along the corresponding passages from the Bible. They were sorted alphabetically. A significant part of the collection also consists of correspondence, and through his editorship and collaboration in theological publication series, as well as in scientific discourse and collaborations, Eichholz came into contact with numerous important personalities of recent church history and theological research. This is reflected in the correspondence series. A large number of great names can be found here, including Karl Barth, Joachim Beckmann, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Helmut Gollwitzer, Hans Joachim Iwand and Alfred de Quervain. In addition, Eichholz was in contact with numerous high-ranking colleagues at home and abroad Furthermore, there are numerous interesting correspondences with missionaries all over the world, some of them with quite detailed descriptions of everyday missionary life.after the death of Georg Eichholz, his wife continued some of the correspondences, especially with regard to the sermon series Listening and Questions. A special attraction of the collection is probably also the extensive material on Karl Barth, with whom Eichholz obviously had a long-standing friendship and who appreciated his scientific abilities. In addition to the correspondence, there are photos, sermons, interviews and newspaper articles.additional holdingsThe personnel file of the candidate of the Protestant Church in Rhineland Georg Eichholz is available under the signature 1OB 016, E 84.2LR 045, 318 is the signature of the personnel file which was kept at the KiHo about Eichholz. Further correspondence between Georg Eichholz and Hermann Schlingensiepen can be found in 7NL 016, 25. various publications by and about Eichholz are available in the library of the archive LiteratureLiterature by Georg Eichholz (in selection)Drilling, Rudolf/ Eichholz, Ehrentraut (Hrsg.), Das Gesicht des Theologen. In portraits photographed by Georg Eichholz, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1984Georg Eichholz, Das Rätsel des historischen Jesus und die Gegenwart Jesu Christi. Published on his 75th birthday on 6 April 1984 by Gerhard Sauter, Munich, 1984ders. Biblical Reflections, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1973ders., Tradition and Interpretation. Studies on the New Testament and Hermeneutics, Munich, 1965 ders., Landscapes of the Bible, Leinen, 1963ders. Introduction to the Parables, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1963ders. (Ed.), Preach the Word, interpretation of the Holy Scriptures in Sermons: 5th volume, 2nd volume) Lucas Gospel, Siegen, 1954ders., Georg (ed.), Predige das Wort, interpretation of the Holy Scriptures in Sermons: 4th volume, 1st volume: Lucas Gospel, Siegen, 1947ders. An introduction to Rembrandt's etching of 1642 for the resurrection of Lazarus, Siegen, 1942ders. An introduction to Rembrandt's etching of 1636 to the parable of the prodigal son, Siegen, 1940ders, Die Geschichte als theologisches Problem bei Lessing, in: Theologische Studien und Kritiken, vol. 1936, 107 Neue Folge II, 6th issue, pp. 377-421Literatur zu Georg EichholzKlappert, Berthold, Hören und Fragen. Georg Eichholz as theological teacher, in: Evangelical Theology, vol. 36 (1976), p.101-121Evangelical Catechism. New edition, edited by the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland, 1962 Seim, Jürgen, Georg Eichholz. Teachers of the Protestant Rhineland, in: Monatshefte für Evangelische Kirchengeschichte des Rheinlandes, vol. 59 (2010), p.179-194Seim, Jürgen, Iwand-Studien. Essays and correspondence by Hans Joachim Iwand with Georg Eichholz and Heinrich Held, Cologne, 1999

Baden sisterhood (existing)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Bad. Schwesternschaft · Bestand
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of the club: The Badische Schwesternschaft vom Roten Kreuz is the oldest Red Cross sisterhood in Germany. Its beginnings lie in the Baden Women's Association founded in 1859 at the suggestion of Grand Duchess Luise von Baden. Its foundation was caused by the so-called "Italian War", the statutes also formulate the purpose of the association as "support of those in consequence of the threat of war or a war in emergency Gerathenen, as well as care for wounded and sick military personnel". Under the protectorate of Grand Duchess Luise, however, the association continued to exist and quickly spread throughout the Grand Duchy. Gradually, new tasks were added, such as the promotion of women's earning capacity, their domestic education, care for the poor, girls, prisoners, workers, children and health, especially tuberculosis control and infant care. The focus remained on nursing care and staff training. During the following wars, the care of wounded soldiers seemed to be in need of improvement. Systematic training in Karlsruhe, later also in Pforzheim, Mannheim and Heidelberg hospitals and the employment of nurses in peacetime ensured that sufficient trained nurses were also available in the field in the event of war, e.g. in 1870/71 and in the First World War. In 1866, at the instigation of Grand Duchess Luise, the Baden Women's Association was subordinated to the principles of the Red Cross as a department of the Geneva National Aid Association. In the same year he received his first own club clinic, since 1890 the Ludwig-Wilhelm-Krankenheim on Kaiserallee. This also served as the mother house of the sisters. The political, economic and social upheavals at the end of the First World War could not leave their mark on the Badischer Frauenverein and its nursing department, as the strong connection to the Grand-Ducal-Badischer Haus was fundamental for the association. The political turnaround made a reorientation necessary. In 1923, for example, the founding of the Pensionsversicherungsverein (Pension Insurance Association) made independent asset management possible. At the same time, Department III of the Badischer Frauenverein, which is responsible for nursing care, was given its own organisational structure as the "Motherhouse of the Sisters of the Badischer Frauenverein vom Roten Kreuz". A certain connection to the Badischer Frauenverein remained, however, as a representative of the women's association always sat on the board of the mother house. The reorganization also provided for greater participation rights for the sisters. Economic difficulties led to the lease of the maternity home to the state of Baden as a state midwife institution. The new building now required for the Sisterhood and the extension of the Luisenheim to accommodate and train the Sisters were inaugurated in 1930, the anniversary year. During the centralization of the German Red Cross in 1934, the sisters of the Baden Women's Association were also integrated into the new organization, and after the dissolution of all Red Cross associations in 1937, the Karlsruhe Sisterhood was placed under the presidency of the German Red Cross. During the Second World War it was used in various military hospitals on the western and eastern fronts. The Luisenheim, but above all the Ludwig-Wilhelm-Krankenheim and with it the mother house were badly damaged during the war and could only partly be rebuilt. After the war the future of the sisterhood was uncertain at first. Despite the dissolution of the German Red Cross by the Allies, she tried to continue the association's work as well as possible. Many areas of work in the hospitals had remained with the association and were again occupied by sisters. The nursing schools were recognised again in 1946. In 1949 the association finally received its own statutes again and was recognised as a public corporation under the name "Badische Schwesternschaft vom Roten Kreuz (Luisenschwestern) e.V.". The first priority was the reconstruction of the destroyed Luisenheim or the construction of a new mother house for the sisterhood. The Luisenheim could be occupied again until 1951. The building of the mother house, inaugurated in 1957, served as an administrative building, but also for accommodation and lessons for schoolgirls. The fields of work of the former Baden Women's Association in hospitals are still occupied today by sisters of the Baden Sisterhood. She also runs the Luisenheim as an old people's home for the sisters. To this day, the training of the new generation, the support of the active sisters in their often difficult service as well as the provision of the retired sisters belong to the main tasks of the sisterhood. History and tradition of the archive: The archive of the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross has a tradition that is almost as old as the Red Cross itself, since written and pictorial documents on the activities of the Baden Women's Association and its successor organisations have been kept since the association was founded. In the 70s of the 20th century, the then superior Elisabeth Leist began to sift through the traditions of her sisterhood, to separate them and to sort them out. Two collections were created, which were housed as an "archive" and a "museum" in separate rooms of the mother house. The "Archive" mainly comprised administration files compiled by Oberin Leist, as well as personal documents of individual sisters, such as testimonies or diaries, but also photographs, individual building plans and some association documents. The "Museum" of the Sisterhood essentially contained a collection of objects, mainly brooches, orders, decorations, medals, but also surgical instruments, especially wardrobe cases of individual sisters from war missions, sisterly costumes and other association documents and photographs, which were marked by the personal interests of the superior Leist and supplement files and account books of the Badischer Frauenverein as well as specifically archived files of the old registry of the Sisterhood, including personal files of the sisters. A folder with construction plans of the mother house and the Luisenheim was added to the inventory. These very different genres of archival and museum material convey a comprehensive picture of the diverse tasks of the Baden Sisterhood and its history. Order and indexing: In the summer of 2004, the archive of the Baden Sisterhood was deposited in the General State Archive in Karlsruhe, with the exception of the wardrobe trunks and sister costumes as well as some pictures that remained in the mother house of the sisterhood. With the help of a project sponsored by the Stiftung Kulturgut Baden-Württemberg, the undersigned ordered, catalogued and inventoried the entire archive over the next two years in order to make it accessible for use by third parties. A thematic order was therefore established, which is essentially oriented towards the history and organisation of the sisterhood and its predecessor organisations. Due to the large size of the archive, this could not be carried out physically, but had to be limited to the finding aid. Any still recognisable connections between traditions have been preserved as far as possible. Required separations are proven with the respective title recordings. Numerous loose leaf collections, the compilation and creation of which in many cases was no longer comprehensible, or even completely unrelated individual leaves were arranged as far as possible according to subject and combined into archive units, or already existing, suitable contexts were assigned. In the files occasionally handed down notes with handwritten comments usually originate from the superior Elisabeth Leist. If they contribute to the understanding of the documents, they were left in the files. The extensive photo collections of the holdings can be divided into four main types: pictures taken from the rooms of the mother house or framed for exhibitions, photos compiled by Oberin Leist in guide files (69 Bad. Sisterhood No. 570-614), photo albums presumably left behind by sisters (69 Bad. Sisterhood No. 615-643) and loose, predominantly disordered photographs. While the framed pictures were listed individually, the folder or album was considered the unit of distortion for the photo collections. The disordered individual photos, as far as they could not be assigned to the possession of individual sisters, were arranged thematically and indexed in groups (69 Bad. Schwesternschaft Nos. 650-655, 657-682, 684-688). Many of these photographs document the sisters' personal experiences, including those during the Second World War. The publications of the Badischer Frauenverein, the sisterhood or other Red Cross institutions contained in the archive are registered as "Verbandsschriften" according to the rules of German libraries. This chapter also contains the statutes of the Baden Sisterhood and other Red Cross institutions (such as the Association of German Motherhouses or the Sister Insurance Association). Of the large number of brooches, badges of service, orders and decorations of the sisters that still exist, only a few copies of each type could be preserved for reasons of space. Numerous commemorative medals and coins, mostly on anniversaries of the Red Cross, came as gifts, in exchange or in rare cases by purchase to the sisterhood. Their title records also contain short descriptions of the objects based on current order literature. The Depositum can be used in accordance with the rules of use of the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg. However, legal protection periods still have to be observed for some documents, especially for the younger personnel files of the sisterhood, which are indexed in a separate volume. Parallel transmission inside and outside the General State Archives: The archive of the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross complements the transmission of the Red Cross and Karlsruhe Hospitals already existing in the General State Archives. The Badische Frauenverein, which continued to exist after 1923 without a nursing department, had already handed over a large part of its files to the General State Archive in the 1930s (fonds 443: Red Cross, Badischer Frauenverein). Further information can be found in the archive of the Secret Cabinet of Grand Duchess Luise (69 Baden, Luise Cabinet), such as sources on the Federation of Red Cross Helpers. While this is represented in the tradition of the Baden Sisterhood only with a file volume, the files of the Secret Cabinet and the Baden Red Cross provide very good information about the work of the Federation until its dissolution in 1935.Further photos about the activities of the Badischer Frauenverein, many hospitals, as well as the activities of the Grand Duchess Luise, especially her visits to military hospitals during the First World War, can be found in the inventory 69 Baden, Collection 1995 F I. Also among the addresses of homage (69 Baden, Collection 1995 D) are some, partly very elaborately designed copies, which the Badischer Frauenverein with its branch associations dedicated to the Grand Ducal Baden House on various occasions. The collection 69 Baden, Collection 1995 A contains, among others, a large organigram of the Women's Association. For the development of the State Women's Hospital, which has been housed since 1923 in the building of the Wöchnerinnenheim of the Vereinsklinik Ludwig-Wilhelm-Krankenheim, see the accesses to stock 523 (State Women's Hospital Karlsruhe). Further plans of the buildings of the sisterhood can be found in the collection of the State Building Administration (424 K), which also contains archives of the Grand Ducal Court Building Office, including eleven floor plans and views of the Luisenheim built in 1902 (424 K Karlsruhe 240/1.001-1.011). These are also in 69 bath. Sisterhood no. 721 are included, but are marked here later. In 424 K there are also 218 plans of the Ludwig-Wilhelm-Krankenheim, its outbuildings and the buildings of the Städtisches Krankenhaus (Municipal Hospital) from the years 1887-1980 (under the building number 424 K Karlsruhe 078), which were built on the same area later, which show the further development. The holdings 69 Baden, Collection 1995 B, No. 55-66, finally offer eleven building plans and drafts for the Friedrichsbau building at the Ludwig-Wilhelm-Krankenheim, while the archive of the Baden Sisterhood offers only a few, above all no building plans. Stock 233 (Staatsministerium) also contains files on the Women's Association and its officials, 48 No. 6470 the Baden copy of the Geneva Convention, 48 The archives of the German Red Cross in Bonn also contain archives of the Association of Red Cross Sisterhoods, including records of the Oberinnenvereinigung, including minutes of board meetings, Oberinnentagungen, correspondence with other Oberinnen. For its part, the Archive of the Sisterhood should supplement the tradition of the DRK Archive, especially for the years in which Oberin Anna Odenwald was Chairman of the Board of the Oberinnenvereinigung. A copy of the finding aid book for the "Verband der Schwesternschaften vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz" was gratefully made available by the DRK archive for the indexing work and for further use. Timetable (possibly for technical reasons in the appendix of the index): [...] Literature (possibly for technical reasons in the appendix of the index): [...]

Stadtarchiv Mainz, Best. 209 · Bestand · 1806 - 1997 (2005)
Teil von City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

The archive of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium was stored in the archive room of the Gymnasium, which was located in the basement of the building at 117er Ehrenhof, until it was taken over by the city archive on 3 September 2008. The files, photos and documents were stored on wooden and steel shelves and in locked steel cabinets (personalia), roughly sorted according to material groups, file groups or filing layers. Earlier registry orders were no longer recognizable. The printed programmes (predecessors of the annual reports) and prize distributions up to 1900, the testimonies from 1901 to 1944, censorship lists from 1894/95, 1900/01 and 1910/11 to 1944/45 (incomplete) as well as files up to 1992/2000 and photos up to 2005 were taken over by the City Archives, as well as a selection of course books from 1974/75, 1979/80, 1984/85, 1994/95 and 1995/96. The part of the school archive now stored in the town archives comprises the printed prize distributions of the Lycées of the Napoleonic period, the invitations and programmes of the Grand Ducal Gymnasium as well as the preserved documents of the Grand Ducal, Old (or Autumn) and New (or Easter) Gymnasiums. In addition, the records from the Hessian, National Socialist and post-war periods. The files of the representative for the secondary schools in Mainz 1945 (personal union with the then director Dr. August Mayer), the files of the circle of friends and sponsors of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium (formerly: Bund der Freunde und ehemaligen Schüler des Humanistischen Gymnasiums) and 2 files of the Philologenverband Rheinland-Pfalz (board in personal union with the director Dr. Peter Fehl) belong to the archive. The documents of the representative for the secondary schools in Mainz are especially interesting for the school system of the immediate post-war period in Mainz and because of the documented denazification measures of Mainz teachers. The circle of friends and supporters of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium takes care of contacts with former pupils, organises events and plays a decisive role in events such as school anniversaries. The registry work began in January 2011 and was completed in October 2013, the trainee Mrs. Saskia David recorded in August 2011 the archival records no. 209 / 400 - 708. Although two registry layers were still visible during the registry work, it must be stated that the majority of the originally existing registry orders have been dissolved over the decades. The school archive was thoroughly thinned again and again, especially for school anniversaries and commemorative publications or other publications. Documents were torn out of their original file context and brought into new "artificial" contexts. In this way, folders were created with topics such as "Interesting Facts on School History" or material collections for essays, commemorative publications, exhibitions and anniversaries. The two registration layers mentioned above included the administrative files from about 1930 to 1945, arranged according to the registration plan for secondary schools [signature 209 / 1042, with date of receipt stamp of 4 July 1931], which provides for file groups from I.1 to XXV.10, and the second administrative files from 1946 to 1959, which were created according to the same plan. The files were stapled in cardboard folders of different colours, handwritten with the registration signature and the title according to the registration plan. Since the folders contained a metal stapling, they were in most cases replaced by archive folders. The original registry signature, if available, is indicated in the Faust database and in the Findbuch in the category "Old registry signature". Archivale 209/978 contains an extended version of the above-mentioned registration plan (10 pages, typewritten, 1959). Until the end of the First World War, the tradition essentially consisted of testimonies, censorship lists and personal files, which began in 1870. With a few exceptions, the transmission of material files only begins at the end of the First World War. In Archivale 209 / 897, there is a reference to the fact that "the files of the Gymnasialarchiv are very incomplete, since a large part of them was lost during many years of storage in the wet cellar of the destroyed school building [at the 117er Ehrenhof]". School principal Dr. Fehl writes on 15.4.1959 (209/978): "Due to the effects of the war further documents, especially of the "Old Gymnasium" are no longer available." In addition, it is pointed out that "the files of the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt and the school department of the then government in Darmstadt concerning the grammar school were completely destroyed by fire in 1944". (209/897) The holdings included two files of the Gutenberg School, Oberschule für Jungen (now Staatliches Gymnasium am Kurfürstlichen Schloss), which were added to the holdings of the City Archives: 202/246: Luftwaffenhelferangelegenheiten (1942-1945) and 202/247: Schülerunfallversicherung (1936-1944). The receipts of the 1960s, hourly tables of other federal states (1965), files on the class parents' advisory board, on long-distance calls, stocks of cleaning utensils and on the Mainz study level 1979/80 (13 D1-3, pupil's bows), a total of about 1 linear metre were collected. The holdings now include the indexes 1-1069, the following signatures were not assigned: 209 / 412, 413, 606, 671, 790, 975, 976. Because of the described state of the Gymnasialarchiv, a new overall content structure was created, which is based on the classification for the Gymnasium am Kurfürstlichen Schloss (holdings 202) archive already listed in the Stadtarchiv. The photo collection of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium, as far as it was taken over into the city archives, is extensive and includes photos from the 1890s to 2005. Unfortunately, it is largely disordered and still requires a proper sorting, sorting and indexing (cf. 209 / 1044-1069). 26.10.2013, Ramona Weisenberger School History The history of the Mainz Humanistic Gymnasium, today's Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium, has been excellently researched and published, only the commemorative publications "400 Jahre Gymnasium Moguntinum : Festschrift des Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasiums Mainz. - Mainz, 1962", "Gymnasium Moguntinum : the history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. - Mainz, 1980" and "Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz : the history of the school / edited by Ferdinand Scherf, Meike Hensel-Grobe, Franz Dumont. - Ruhpolding [et al.], 2007" For an understanding of the files and the history of provenance, the important organisational changes in school history will be presented here. The file tradition does not begin until the 19th century, for the sake of completeness the prehistory is briefly mentioned below. The school was founded on 9.12.1561 as "Gymnasium Moguntinum" in the Burse Zum Algesheimer by the Jesuits and was also run by the Jesuits until 1773. From 1618 to 1782 it was in the Domus Universitatis and from 1782 to 1792 in the Kronberger Hof, where the seminary had previously been located from 1662 to 1773. In 1792 the school moved to the Augustinian monastery, where it remained until 1798, when the city was taken over by the French. Under French rule the grammar school was continued from 1798 to 1802 as a central school and from 1802 to 1814 as a French imperial lyceum in the former Jesuit novitiate. After the withdrawal of the French in 1814, the school now had its seat again in the Kronberger Hof as "Großherzoglich Hessisches Gymnasium bzw. Großherzogliches Gymnasium". In 1829 the "Bischöfliche Gymnasium", founded in 1805, was integrated into the Großherzogliche Gymnasium. In 1889 the grammar school was divided into two buildings due to the increasing number of pupils: In the new building on Kaiserstraße, where the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium is still located today, the middle and upper grades of the grammar school were first accommodated, the lower grades and three preschool classes were taught in the old grammar school at Kronberger Hof. In 1900 the Gymnasium was divided into two separate institutions with their own directors: the Großherzogliches Ostergymnasium in the Kaiserstraße with the start of school at Easter and the Großherzogliches Herbstgymnasium in the Kronberger Hof with the start of school in autumn. From 1912/13 the school year begins in all schools at Easter, so the Herbstgymnasium is renamed Altes Gymnasium and the Ostergymnasium is renamed Neues Gymnasium. Since the beginning of the war in 1914, the Neue Gymnasium on Kaiserstraße has served as a military hospital (after the end of the First World War, the French Girls' Lycée was set up there) and is therefore housed together with the Realgymnasium under catastrophic spatial conditions in today's Schlossgymnasium. In 1923 the Realgymnasium was confiscated by the French occupying authorities, now the Realgymnasium and Neues Gymnasium are accommodated in the Höhere Mädchenschule, the school attendance takes place in shifts. Under these poor conditions, the number of pupils in both the new and old grammar schools is declining. In response, the "Bund der Freunde des Menschenrechtsistischen Gymnasiums" was founded in 1922 to halt the decline of the Gymnasium. In 1924 Neues Gymnasium and Altes Gymnasium were merged in the Kronberger Hof to form the "Altes Gymnasium" or "Hessisches Altes Gymnasium". From 1925 the institution was called "Hessisches Gymnasium", as you can read on the certificates, or just "Gymnasium Mainz" (see 209/963). Starting from these years the number of pupils slowly rises again. Under National Socialist rule, the Gymnasium was renamed "Adam-Karrillon-Gymnasium" on 12 May 1933. Adam Karrillon was a former high school student, doctor and local poet. In January 1943 the lessons were transferred to the former Hermann-Göring-Schule, today the Staatliche Gymnasium am Kurfürstlichen Schloss. The school building of the Adam-Karrillon-Gymnasium is destroyed during the bomb attack on Mainz on 27.02.1945. After the end of the Second World War, teaching was resumed on 2 October 1945 at the Marienschule am Willigisplatz (today's Bischöfliches Willigis-Gymnasium) under the new director Dr August Mayer, who was also the representative for the secondary schools in Mainz. The name "Adam-Karrillon-Gymnasium" is no longer used, instead the school is again simply called "Gymnasium Mainz". In June 1953, the school was renamed "Staatliches Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium" (State Rabanus-Maurus Grammar School), which can now move back into the rebuilt school building on Kaiserstraße / 117er Ehrenhof. In 1958 the classical philologist Dr. Peter Fehl took over the management of the grammar school, which he held until 1977. In 1962 the school celebrates its 400th anniversary. The Mainz study level is introduced from the 1974/75 school year at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium. 400 years Moguntinum High School. Festschrift of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1962. Encounters. The conversation with Judaism at a Mainz school, edited by Helmut Link and Ferdinand Scherf. Mainz 1988: Encounters with Judaism at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Follow-up volume, edited by Helmut Link and Ferdinand Scherf. Mainz 1993. Bickel, Wolfgang: The Castle of Education. Notes about the building of the new grammar school in Mainz, which was erected 100 years ago. In: Mainz Journal 83(1988), S. [165]-174. Brumby, Michael: 50 Years Ago. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 58(1995), after p. 216 [back cover and inside] Three times school. An interim balance, edited by the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1992. Eigenbordt, Karl Wilhelm: Four school centuries. To the anniversary of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium. In: Das neue Mainz 1962, Nr. 5, S. 9-10. Elz, Wolfgang / Erbar, Ralph: "You are the Germany of the future". School in the early National Socialism (1934-1936) at the example of the Mainzer Gymnasium. Edition of a class book and suggestions for practical implementation. Bad Kreuznach [et al.] 2008. (PZ-Information ; 7/2008) Sources and literature reference pp. 138-141 Erbar, Ralph: Witnesses of Time? Contemporary witness talks in science and education. In: History for today 5 (2012), No. 3, p. 5-20. Fascination History. Young people have been researching Mainz history for 23 years at the "German History Pupils' Competition" for the Federal President's Prize, edited by Werner Ostendorf and Ferdinand Scherf. Mainz 1997. Fascination history. 27 years of student competition German history at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz, edited by Werner Ostendorf and Ferdinand Scherf. 2nd, erw. Aufl. Mainz 2001. Fascination history. Young people explore Mainz history. Participants in the history competition 2004/05, Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. [Texts: Werner Ostendorf, Ferdinand Scherf]. Mainz 2005. Fehl, Peter: The grammar school from 1919 to 1961. In: 400 years grammar school Moguntinum. Festschrift of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz, 1962, pp. 111-152: The Gymnasium from 1919 to 1961. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum. The history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1980, pp. 111-152: The Gymnasium from 1962 to 1979. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum. The history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1980, pp. 153-216 Franz, Jakob: On the naming of our school. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 39(1979), S. 4-6 Fritsch, Koloman: The Gymnasium during the Electoral period. In: Moguntinum Grammar School. The history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1980, pp. 9-71. Fritsch, Koloman: The Gymnasium in the Electoral Period. In: 400 years Gymnasium Moguntinum. Festschrift of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1962, pp. 9-71. Moguntinum High School. The history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. - Mainz: von Zabern, 1980. - XX, 228 p. Ill. Heiser, Hermann: School theatre also has its history. A contribution to 425 years of tradition at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 50(1987), pp. 96-123. Krach, Tillmann: From the school desk to the front. The fate of the school leavers born in 1942. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 67 (2004), S. [126]-130. Krach, Tillmann: Carl Zuckmayer as a pupil of the Humanistic Gymasium. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 76(2013), p. 145-146: Teachers and pupils of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium in Mainz and their writings. A bibliographical selection, edited by the Stadtbibliothek Mainz. Mainz 1962. Ostendorf, Werner: "Familiar Strangers. Neighbours in history". History Competition of the Federal President 2012 In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 76(2013), p. 66-71. Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. The history of the school, edited by Ferdinand Scherf, Meike Hensel-Grobe, Franz Dumont. Ruhpolding [a.o.] 2007. Supplement: High school graduates of the Mainzer aldsprachlichen Gymnasium (Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium) from 1901-2007, edited by Karl-Heinz Knittel. Scherf, Ferdinand / Schütz, Friedrich: History lessons and archive. Experiences of a three-year cooperation between Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz and Stadtarchiv Mainz. In: Extracurricular learning in history lessons of the upper secondary school. Speyer 1979, p. 52-61 Scherf, Ferdinand: School in Transition - The Grammar School since 1945 In: Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. The history of the school. Ruhpolding [et al.] 2007, pp. 261-315 Scherf, Ferdinand: Carl Zuckmayer as a pupil. To a previously unknown photo. In: Blätter der Carl-Zuckmayer-Gesellschaft 10(1984), Nr. 3, S. 110-114 Scherf, Ferdinand: 425 Jahre Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Pictures from the school history, [Texts: Ferdinand Scherf]. Mainz 1986 [folder] Scherf, Ferdinand: 425 years Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 49(1986), pp. 83-97 Scherf, Ferdinand: 425 years Gymnasium Moguntinum. History, old languages, artistic activities and shaping the future at the "RaMa". In: Mainz. Vierteljahreshefte für Kultur, Politik, Wirtschaft, Geschichte 7(1987), H. 1, S. 101-104 Scherf, Ferdinand: Das Stadtarchiv Mainz - for 25 years a place of learning for young people. In: Mainzer Zeitschrift 96/97(2001/2002), p. 26-32 Scherf, Ferdinand: Four times 50 years. Anniversaries at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium In: Mainz. Quarterly issues for culture, politics, economy, history 23(2003), H. 2, p. 6. Students explore the history of Mainz. Contributions to the "Schülerwettbewerb Deutsche Geschichte um den Preis des Bundespräsidenten" (German History Pupils' Competition for the Federal President's Prize) and specialist works on Mainz history. Written by pupils of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz, edited by Ferdinand Scherf and Friedrich Schütz. Mainz 1980: List of all competition entries by pupils of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz (1974 - 1980). In: Students explore the history of Mainz. Mainz 1980, p. 93. Vogt, Walter: A school celebrates its patron saint. In: Living Rhineland-Palatinate 17(1980), H. 2, S. 42-46. Vogt, Walter: The extension of the grammar school. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 41(1981), S. 47-49. Vogt, Walter: The official handover of our extension building. For the completion of the extension of our school. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 43(1983), pp. 49-52. From the fortress to the extension. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 43(1983), pp. 53-62 Zuckmayer, Carl: The goal of the class. Humanist grammar school in anecdote and reflection. Speech on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the Humanistische Gymnasium in Mainz, held on 27 May 1962. In: Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Ruhpolding [et al.] 2007, pp. 325-340 Zuckmayer, Carl: The goal of the class. Special print for the 175th anniversary of the Philipp von Zabern publishing house. Speech on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the Humanistische Gymnasium in Mainz, held on 27 May 1962. 2nd edition. Mainz 1977 Zuckmayer, Carl: Spirit and Practice of Humanism. Speech on the occasion of the four hundredth anniversary of the Humanistische Gymnasium in Mainz, held on 27 May 1962. In: Blätter der Carl-Zuckmayer-Gesellschaft 7(1981), H. 4, p. 193-206 Gymnasium Moguntinum : Blätter des Freundes- und Fördererkreis des Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasiums Mainz, FFK. Mainz: Circle of friends and sponsors of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium, 1953 ff. Annual report / Adam-Karrillon-Gymnasium, Mainz: about the school year ... Mainz, 1936-1941 Annual report of the Gymnasium zu Mainz for the school year ... Mainz: [s.n.], 1925-1930 Annual report of the Grand Ducal Old High School in Mainz for the school year ... Mainz : [s.n.], 1913-1917 Annual report of the Grand Ducal New High School (with preschool) in Mainz ... Easter ... Mainz : [s.n.], 1913-1917 Annual report of the Grossherzoglichen Ostergymnasium zu Mainz for the school year ... Mainz : Prickarts, 1902-1908 Annual report of the Grossherzogl. Herbst-Gymnasium in Mainz for the school semester ... Mainz : [s.n.], 1901-1912 Annual report of the Grossherzogl. Herbst-Gymnasium in Mainz for the school semester ...Mainz. 1900/01(1901) - 1911/12(1912). Report of the Grossherzogl. Oster-Gymnasium zu Mainz for the half-year autumn ... until Easter ... as a supplement to the programme of the Gesamgymnasium published in autumn 1900. Mainz : [s.n.], 1901-1901 Program of the opening of the new grammar school building Monday, November 4, 1889 ... school celebration / Grand Ducal Grammar School in Mainz. Prickarts, 1889. extent: [2] sheet closing ceremony of the school year ... / Grand Ducal Grammar School of Mainz. Mainz, 1861-1885 Programme of the Grand Ducal Grammar School in Mainz : School year ... Mainz: Prickarts. - Mainz : Seifert [at the beginning], 1854-1900 Program of the Großherzoglich Hessischen Gymnasium zu Mainz as an invitation to the public examinations and the awarding of prizes associated with a speech at the end of the course ... Mainz: Seifert, 1852-1853 Programme of the Grand Ducal Grammar School in Mainz : School year ... Mainz: Prickarts. Mainz: Seifert [at the beginning], 1854-1900 Invitation to the public examinations and the prize distribution at the Grand Ducal Grammar School in Mainz : at the end of the school year ... Mainz, 1819-1851 Listing of the pupils of the Großherzoglichen Gymnasium zu Mainz, who at the end of the school year ... of a prize or of the next passages. Mainz, 1817-1859

HZAN La 142 · Bestand · (1845-) 1868-1951 (1959)
Teil von State Archive Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe Central Archive Neuenstein (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Prince Ernst II of Hohenlohe-Langenburg: Hereditary Prince Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Karl Maximilian of Hohenlohe-Langenburg - hereinafter called "Ernst II" in distinction to his grandfather Ernst - was born on 13 September 1863 in Langenburg as the son of Princess Leopoldine, born Princess of Baden, and Prince Hermann of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. He spent his school time in Karlsruhe, his mother's home town, at the Grand Ducal Gymnasium, which he left after graduating from high school in 1881. He then studied law as part of a contemporary university tour which took him to Paris, Bonn, Tübingen and Leipzig between 1881 and 1884. In 1885 Ernst II took his first legal exam at the Higher Regional Court in Naumburg a. d. Saale and during his military officer training at the 2nd Garde-Dragonerregiment in Berlin-Lichterfelde in the years 1886-1889 he also used the available time for extensive social activities at the courts of Emperor Wilhelm I and his son Friedrich. After completing his training, Ernst II advanced in the military hierarchy to lieutenant-colonel á la suite of the army (1914). The hereditary prince then aspired to a career in the Foreign Office, for which he first used one of his frequent stays in London in 1889 as a kind of private 'apprenticeship' at the German embassy. Queen Victoria was a great-aunt of Ernst II, so that he could always move at the highest social level. In 1890-1891 he passed his diplomatic exam and then took up a position as 3rd secretary in the embassy in St. Petersburg. Already in 1892 Ernst II achieved his transfer to London with the help of his father, who had enough influence as governor of Alsace-Lorraine, where he served as 3rd embassy secretary until 1894. In this year the hereditary prince Prince Hermann followed to Strasbourg to work as legation secretary of the ministry for the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine. In 1896 Ernst II married his cousin of the 3rd degree Alexandra (1878-1942), a princess from the British royal family, whose father Duke Alfred of Edinburgh had taken over the Thuringian Duchy of Saxony-Coburg and Gotha three years earlier. Together with his wife and the offspring who soon followed - Gottfried, Marie Melita, Alexandra, Irma and Alfred, who died shortly after his birth - Gottfried, Marie Melita, Alexandra and Irma moved his centre of life to Langenburg and finally left the diplomatic corps in 1897. He had begun to establish himself in his role as heir when, after the unexpected death of Alexandra's brother Alfred (1899), the open question of succession in Saxony-Coburg and Gotha required a settlement. Ernst II was assigned as regent and guardian for the new, still youthful Duke Carl Eduard, a task he took over in 1900 after the death of his father-in-law, so that he now stood for 5 years at the head of a German principality. After the end of the regency, during which he had acquired the goodwill of his Thuringian subjects through a liberal attitude, Emperor Wilhelm II, his 3rd cousin, gave him the prospect of a position as State Secretary and appointed him in 1905 provisional head of the Colonial Department in the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t , which was to be upgraded to his own R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . But because of internal quarrels and the resistance in the Reichstag against the financing of the new authority, the hereditary prince had to take his hat off again in 1906. The following year Ernst II returned to the political stage as a member of the Reichstag for the constituency of Gotha, in which he had run as a representative of the bourgeois parties against the SPD. As a guest student of the parliamentary group of the German Reich Party, he sometimes appeared with speeches in the plenum, but everyday parliamentary work remained largely alien to him. As a result of a special political constellation in the Reichstag, Ernst II nevertheless managed to be elected vice-president of parliament in 1909 as a compromise candidate for the right-wing conservative camp. But he was not able to carry out this task for long either, because he did not want to come to terms with the conventions of parliamentary debates. As early as 1910 he used the anti-Protestant "Borromeo encyclical" of Pope Pius X to resign from his office in protest, albeit at the price of no longer being able to play a political role at the national level in the future. In 1913 Prince Hermann zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg died and his son took over the noble inheritance, which also included the county of Gleichen in Thuringia. Ernst II successfully compensated for the loss of leading political offices through his increased commitment to social forces, which rather worked in the background: first and foremost the Protestant Church, the Order of St John and the Red Cross. Within these institutions he held important and influential positions at local and state level, through which - in conjunction with his memberships in numerous associations and federations - he was able to cultivate a broad network of correspondents from noble, political, scientific, ecclesiastical and cultural circles.As commentator of the Württembergisch-Badenschen Genossenschaft des Johanniterordens and honorary president of the Württembergischer Landesverbandes vom Roten Kreuz it was obvious for Ernst II not to strive for a position with the fighting troops, but in the organization of voluntary nursing at the outbreak of the First World War. After a short period as a delegate for each stage in Berlin and on the western front, he was appointed at the end of 1914 as the general delegate for voluntary nursing care for the eastern theater of war, so that he spent the longest period of the war in the eastern headquarters - among others in the vicinity of Field Marshal von Hindenburg. In 1918 he was finally promoted to the highest representative of his organization, the Imperial Commissioner and Military Inspector, and in this function he led, among other things, the German delegation to prisoner of war exchange negotiations with the USA in Bern. Here he benefited from his diplomatic experience, which the emperor had already drawn on in 1915, when he sent the prince to Constantinople and the Balkans as a special ambassador. After the end of the war, Ernst II resigned his high office in nursing and devoted himself again to his church and association activities. He paid special attention to the Protestant Commission for Württemberg, for which he acted as chairman of the Gerabronn district and the Langenburg local group as well as delegate in the regional committee. While the unification of the Protestant regional churches in the German Reich had already been of great concern to him as a Thuringian regent, in the 1920s and 30s he continued to campaign for the Protestant cause at church congresses and church assemblies in Württemberg and at Reich level. In 1926 the Langenburg prince was also appointed senior citizen of the Hohenlohe House, and in the same year he was elected governor of the Balley Brandenburg, i.e. the second man of the Order of St John in the Empire. During National Socialism, Ernst II, as in republican times, stayed away from political offices, especially as he was of an advanced age. From 1936 he invested a large part of his energy in the endeavour to have the Langenburg ancestral estate recognised as an inheritance court and also took care of the publication of his correspondence with the widow composer Cosima Wagner. 11 December 1950 Prince Ernst II died very old in Langenburg, where he was also buried. 2. inventory history, inventory structure and distortion: Before distortion, the estate was in a relatively heterogeneous state, which was due to an inconsistent way of transmission and multiple processing approaches. During the fire at Langenburg Castle in 1963 and the associated temporary relocation of documents within the building complex, the original order probably suffered its first damage, which was intensified in the subsequent period in the course of the transfer of Langenburg archives to Neuenstein. Probably the estate was torn apart and transferred to the central archive in several parts that could no longer be reconstructed in detail. At the latest during the administrative work carried out there in the 1960s under Karl Schumm, the written remains of Ernst II were mixed with other files from Langenburg. Further parts of the estate may also have arrived in Neuenstein in the following decade. Building on the gradually implemented provenance delimitation of the Langenburg archival records, a rough pre-drawing of the estate could be tackled in the early 1980s, but this was not completed. A last addition from the family archives was made to the now formed holdings in 1992 by the delivery of Ernst-related files, most of which had originated in the Langenburg authorities, in particular the domain chancellery.Ernst II regulated his correspondence with the help of registrar-like notes, which he usually affixed directly to the incoming documents. It contained information on the date, recipients and content of the replies and other written reactions. He also noted instructions to his administration and often complete drafts of letters on the incoming mail. In addition, the testator himself already arranged and sorted his documents further by forming units oriented to factual topics and correspondence partners and providing them with notes in the sense of a file title along with its running time. In general, he attached the notes to envelopes of different sizes, most of them used, which served as packaging or were enclosed with the files. Over the decades, Ernst seems to have repeatedly tackled such disciplinary measures, which had a long tradition in the family, without, however, being able to recognize a stringently maintained pattern. Only the rough distinction between factual and correspondence files formed a perceptible red thread, which was also observed in the current distortion. However, it must be taken into account that even in the fascicles formed according to subject criteria, parts of correspondence are often found, only compiled on a specific topic. Although this leads to overlaps with the correspondence series, the fact files were largely left as such and only slightly thinned out with regard to the correspondence partners, since they are mostly units that are comprehensible in terms of content and partly rich in content. While the 'file titles' created by Ernst II normally largely corresponded with the content of the fascicles, it must be noted for the following indexing approaches, also and especially for the preliminary indexing in the 1980s, that the names, dates and subjects noted on archive covers often deviated from the actual content and could hardly be used for the current indexing. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the mixing with files of foreign provenance - including the estates of Ernst's father Hermann and his wife Alexandra as well as the domain chancellery and court administration - could never be completely eliminated and therefore numerous individual files had to be sorted out in the course of the current processing. However, this separation of provenances was not implemented consistently in every respect, but in particular files from the Langenburg and Coburg-Gotha administration, which refer directly to Ernst II, were left in existence; the official records usually differ from the actual estate in the outward appearance in the form of differently coloured folders with file titles, running times and file numbers. Furthermore 2 fascicles on the death of Ernst II and at the end of his reign in Saxony-Coburg and Gotha come from the estates of Ernst's children Gottfried and Alexandra. A special case is Ernst's correspondence with Cosima Wagner, which is kept entirely in Neuenstein, so that not only the letters received from the deceased, but also the letters to the composer's wife (Ernst, his mother Leopoldine and his cousin Max von Baden), stored in bound folders, were recorded as part of the princely estate (see 4.).Thus, the newly registered estate represents an inventory enriched with personal material. In addition, it is to be expected that there will still be isolated files from the estates of relatives whose origin could no longer be clearly clarified (e.g. loose individual pages or fascicles which refer to festive events without naming an addressee or previous owner), apart from the principle of retaining the original separation of factual and correspondence files, massive interventions had to be made in the formation and titling of the fascicles. In many cases, due to later order work, mixing within the fascicles and unclear new file formations had occurred, otherwise about a quarter of the holdings proved to be largely unordered. Even the rather ad hoc sorting carried out by Ernst II himself did not follow any kind of 'file plan', so that content overlaps and repetitions were the order of the day. Therefore, in the course of the current distortion, fascicles were repeatedly reshaped or newly formed under consideration of either thematic or corresponding criteria. The extraction of individual documents for assignment to other fascicles was generally documented by enclosed notes. Individual photographs and photo series with illustrations of Ernst II. were separated and formed into a separate 'photo collection' (see 5.), and in order to provide a better orientation for the user, the find book of most of Ernst II.'s relatives shows the degree of kinship to the deceased in square brackets in the appropriate places.The collection La 142, Nachlass Fürst Ernst II., was arranged and recorded from June to December 2004 by archivist Thomas Kreutzer within the framework of a project sponsored by the Kulturstiftung Baden-Württemberg. It covers 19.4 running meters. Files and volumes in 927 units with a running time of (1845-) 1868-1951 (1959).Neuenstein, in April 2005Thomas Kreutzer 3. Note for use:: During the distortion, cross-references were made in the files that refer to the former bundle number - not to today's order number. To find the corresponding fascicles, the concordance has to be used.Concordance earlier - today's tuft number: 4. Literature:: Heinz Gollwitzer, The Lords of Stand. Die politische und gesellschaftliche Stellung der Mediatisierten 1815-1918. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Sozialgeschichte, Göttingen 1964, bes. S. 244-253.Maria Keipert/Peter Grupp (Ed.), Biographisches Handbuch des deutschen Auswärtigen Dienstes 1871-1945, Vol. 2, Paderborn et al. 2005, S. 344f.Thomas Kreutzer, Protestantische Adligkeit nach dem Kollbruch - Die kirchliche, karitative und politische Verbandstätigkeit von Ernst II. Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg between 1918 and 1945, in: Nobility and National Socialism in the German Southwest. Edited by Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg in conjunction with the State Capital Stuttgart (Stuttgart Symposium, Series 11), Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2007, pp. 42-82 Thomas Nicklas, Ernst II. Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. Standesherr, Regent, Diplomat im Kaiserreich (1863-1950), in: Gerhard Taddey (ed.), Lebensbilder aus Baden-Württemberg, Vol. 21, Stuttgart 2005, pp. 362-383.Frank Raberg (ed.), Biographisches Handbuch der württembergischen Landtagsabgeordneten 1815-1933 (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg), Stuttgart 2001, pp. 381f.Karina Urbach, Diplomat, Höfling, Verbandsfunktionär. Süddeutsche Standesherren 1880-1945, in: Günther Schulz/ Markus A. Denzel (ed.), German nobility in the 19th and 20th centuries, St. Katharinen 2004, pp. 354-375 Karina Urbach, Zwischen Aktion und Reaktion. The Southern German Class Lords and the First World War, in: Eckart Conze/ Monika Wienfort (ed.), Adel und Moderne. Germany in European Comparison in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Cologne 2004, pp. 323-351.Freie Deutsche Presse Coburg, 30.12.1950 (obituary).Hohenloher Zeitung, [after 11.12.]1950 (obituary).further materials:La 95 Domänenkanzlei LangenburgLa 102 Fürstliche HofverwaltungLa 143 Nachlass Fürstin Alexandra zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg