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27023 Estate of Friedrich Engesser (holdings)
KIT-Archiv, 27023 · Bestand · 1858-1935
Teil von KIT Archive (Archive Tectonics)

Content: The collection contains personal documents, teaching material and other writings of Engesser in handwritten form, as typoscripts and in print, furthermore files of the chair administration, correspondence with colleagues (e.g. with Emil Probst and Wilhelm Schachenmeier), plans of the lighthouses Tinsdahl and Grünendeich as well as photographs of construction sites and plans of construction projects. History: Prof. Friedrich Engesser (*12.02.1848 in Weinheim/Bergstraße, 29.08.1931 in Achern) studied engineering sciences at the Polytechnic School Karlsruhe from 1865 to 1869 and then worked as an engineer in the Baden state service, last as a railway construction inspector from 1884. In 1885 he was appointed to the Technical University of Karlsruhe as full professor for structural analysis, bridge construction and railway construction. In 1915 Engesser retired at his own request. From the winter semester 1919/20 up to and including the winter semester 1921/22 he held a teaching position at the Technical University of Karlsruhe. Indexing information: Foreword by Hoepke in the provisional find book: "The identification of purpose and date was impossible in various archival documents; in these cases only presumed information could be given. Klaus Nippert edited and extended the finding aid in September 2014. Classification overview: 1 Personal documents 2 Studies, teaching and publications 3 General correspondence and academic self-administration 4 Building projects Literature: Gaber, Ernst: Friedrich Engesser, in: Die Technische Hochschule Fridericiana Karlsruhe. Festschrift zum 125-Jahrfeier, edited under the rectorate of Ernst Terres, 1950, pp. 35-39. Gaber, Ernst: Friedrich Engeßer, in: Die Bautechnik. Journal for Civil Engineering 9 (1931), p. 664.

27025 Theodor Rehbock estate (existing)
KIT-Archiv, 27025 · Bestand · 1889-1950
Teil von KIT Archive (Archive Tectonics)

Contents: An overview of the contents can be found in the classification. History of origins: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Christoph Heinrich Rehbock (*12.04.1864 in Amsterdam, 17.08.1950 in Baden-Baden) studied civil engineering in Munich and Berlin from 1884 to 1890. After the diploma examination and the government building leader examination he worked from 1890 to 1892 in Berlin at the Reichstag building administration, then from 1893 to 1894 in the Bremen building administration. After passing the government building master examination in 1894, he worked in Berlin as a consulting engineer for hydraulic engineering and undertook journeys through Europe, to Canada and the USA as well as to South America and 1896/97 to southern Africa. In 1899 he was appointed full professor at the Technical University of Karlsruhe, where he established the river engineering laboratory and served as rector in the academic years 1907/08, 1917/18 and 1925/26. In 1934 Rehbock was emeritus. Pre-archival inventory history: Foreword by Klaus-Peters Hoepke in the provisional find book: "The inventory changed location several times between its creation and its transfer to the university archive. In 1943 Rehbock obtained permission from the rector to bring his papers from the river engineering laboratory to his house in Baden-Baden to arrange them. When Baden-Baden became a military restricted area in the autumn of 1944, Rehbock moved it to his alternative quarters in Ried b. Benediktbeuren/Obb. At the end of the war he took her back to Baden-Baden. Since his house was confiscated by the French military administration, he had to move again - taking his papers with him. During Rehbock's lifetime, but at the latest after his death, individual pieces of furniture, parts of his library, these papers - probably supplemented by parts of the written private estate - reached the Technical University of Karlsruhe. In September 1992 Prof. Dr. techn. Peter Larsen and PD Dr.-Ing. Hans Helmut Bernhart of the Theodor Rebock Institute arranged for the fundus to be transferred to the university archive. Furthermore Dr.-Ing. Andreas Richter from the Institute of Hydromechanics handed over a bundle of Rehbock manuscripts of the lecture on weirs to the archive in January 1995; it was added to the collection under the serial number 63a. The inventory listed below is made up of parts of the service room estate and private papers. In view of the distances travelled, experience has shown that it is hardly probable that the fundus that existed around 1943 is still completely preserved. After the war, for example, there must have been two folders with the correspondence that Rehbock had kept with the nestor of German hydraulic engineering, Hubert Engels from Dresden, a colleague he held in high esteem. In any case, the effects of war had destroyed not only countless measurement records, plans, etc. but also the historically valuable and extensive collection of site plans of the Rhine models: According to Rehbock, the already print-ready collection documented "the best I could achieve in the experimental world". (So to Anton Grzywienski, 15.12.1946, no. 162) [...] In Baden-Baden Rehbock actually dealt with arranging his papers. He probably used the registration plan as a basis, according to which he had correspondence, sketches, plans, etc. filed during his active time in the river engineering laboratory. (This registry plan no longer exists, so that the presumed losses can no longer be determined). Above all, Rehbock added explanatory remarks for posterity to individual folders or documents. Many documents then contain underscores, paint strokes or margin notes made with coloured pencils (red, purple or green). Unfortunately, it is not always clear whether these are traces of processing from the course of business or later highlights, which it seemed advisable to place roebuck in view of posterity." Archive history: Most of the documents were transferred from the Theodor Rehbock Institute to the university archive in September 1992. A small levy was made in January 1995 from the Institute of Hydromechanics (No 63a). The Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Cultural Engineering, which emerged from the Theodor Rehbock Institute, submitted further documents in 1996, which Hoepke classified partly in "Signatures" he had created and partly under No. 351-381. Numbers 370-381 included 1,345 photographic glass plates. These were included in a provisional list in late 2003 and filmed and digitised at the turn of the year 2003/04. On 02.06.2008 the addition 29/? was added to the inventory as signature number 406. Explanation of the order: The order of the inventory was established in its basic features according to the order carried out by Theodor Rehbock. Changes took place in the initial stock formation in the university archive (see Archivische Bestandgeschichte) and in the digitisation of the finding aid in 2005. Indexing information: In the second quarter of 2005, the finding aid available in electronic form was easily edited and imported into the finding aid database. The existing classification was adopted largely unchanged. During the digitization of the finding aid, signatures with alphanumeric additions were changed to purely numeric signatures. Classification overview: 1. personalia 2. colonial matters 3. university matters 4. memberships 5. manuscripts 6. divining rod 7. structural engineering 8. technical contacts in the USA 9. tooth sleeper patent and its exploitation 9.0 general 9.1 German projects 9.2 Company Dyckerhoff 9.3 Company Philips

7NL 154 Professor Georg Eichholz (existing)

BiographyGeorg Eichholz was born on April 6, 1909 in Essen-Kupferdreh. His father Hermann Georg Eichholz was pastor in Essen-Kupferdreh from 1891 until his retirement in 1933 and from 1921 to 1933 Superintendent in the church district An der Ruhr, his mother Klara, née Schulze, pharmacist's daughter. In 1928 Eichholz graduated from the State Grammar School in Essen and, following the example of his father and older brother, began studying theology in Tübingen and Bonn, where Karl Barth was one of his most important teachers and motivated him to further theological studies.At the beginning of 1934 he began his vicariate in Honnef, continued it from 1935 in Barmen-Gemarke with Karl Immer, after he had joined the Confessing Church, and finished his education with the second examination before the examination board of the Confessing Church on 21.9.1935 in Koblenz. He was ordained by Johannes Schlingensiepen in Unterbarmen on 8.12.1935. Already during the time of the vicariate Eichholz fell ill with diabetes, with which he had to arrange himself throughout his life. Already before the ordination, more precisely: from 1.11.1935, Eichholz had been called as a teacher to the seminar of the Rhenish Mission Society in Barmen, where he taught not only theological subjects during the war but also subjects of general education. During the war years he continued teaching with a few remaining students. His health was so bad at times that he reckoned with his untimely death. In addition to his teaching activities, he published interpretations of texts with a New Testament orientation in the journals Evangelical Theology and Theological Existence Today published by Karl Barth, which are attributed to the Confessing Church. Between 1939 and 1964, Eichholz was commissioned by the Brother Council of the Confessing Church to organize the publication of a series of sermon aids, which appeared in five volumes entitled Herr, tue meine Lippen. The staff of this series also included pastors who taught at the ecclesiastical university in Wuppertal (hereinafter KiHo) banned by the Gestapo, e.g. Peter Brunner (Harmannus Obendieck and Heinrich Schlier) When the KiHo resumed its official teaching activities on October 31, 1945, Eichholz received teaching assignments for systematic theology and the New Testament. In 1946 he was appointed mission inspector and took over the management of the mission seminar, but he also continued his part-time teaching activities at the KiHo, marrying Ehrentraut Berner, whose father was also a mission inspector in Wuppertal. Shortly thereafter he additionally took over the editorship of the New Set of Theological Existence Today alongside his former fellow student Karl Gerhard Steck and also the continuation of the reading sermon series Predige das Wort. In addition, he was a member of the Committee for the Development of an Evangelical Catechism established in 1955 and participated in a three-month study tour of the Palestine Institute through the Middle East in 1955. 1951 Eichholz became a professor on the occasion of a restructuring of the KiHo, but it was not until 1961 that he transferred the title to the KiHo on a full-time basis and handed over the management of the mission seminar to Arnold Falkenroth. His state of health no longer allowed for the permanent double burden. The concentration on the scientific work made several New Testament publications possible, especially in the field of Gospel and Paulus research. But he also continued his work on sermon aids: together with Arnold Falkenroth he founded the new meditation series Listening and Questions, which he continued together with his wife even after Eichholz's death. Eichholz did not follow a call to the University of Bern in 1965, but was also interested in art in private. As early as the 1940s he had published two small works with theological reviews of Rembrandt's works. One of his particular passions was photography. In 1963 he published an illustrated book with photos from his study trip under the title Landscapes of the Bible. On May 1, 1970 Eichholz retired prematurely due to the consequences of his many years of diabetes. Eichholz died in Wuppertal on December 22, 1973.1978 His wife Ehrentraut marries former colleague Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bohren.1984 another illustrated book was published in memory of Georg Eichholz with the title Das Gesicht des Theologen mit den von Eichholz fotografierten Portraits. On the occasion of the 50th birthday of Eichholz, two of his lectures from 1945 and 1968 entitled Das Rätsel des historischen Jesus und die Gegenwart Jesu Christi, edited by Gerhard Sauter.Ehrentraut Bohr died in Interlaken on June 21, 1997.It contained 2.5 running metres of material, partly in standing files, tied bundles, staplers, cartons or also as loose collections of sheets, and was arranged and recorded in autumn 2011. In contrast to pastor's estates, there are only a relatively small number of sermons in the collection, mainly from the time of the Vicariate, with a focus on the scientific and teaching activities of Eichholz, which are reflected in lecture, essay and book manuscripts, reviews, reports on research trips and collected writings, etc. There was great disorder in this area. In addition, Eichholz held lectures and events several times or on similar topics, so that it was not possible to assign individual manuscript parts to a special event and thus a year on the basis of the topic. Only very occasionally do the manuscripts contain a note on the date. Where it was possible, however, attempts were made to combine individual parts of the manuscript into a coherent whole, primarily with the help of paginations, and to assign this to an approximate period of time, above all with the help of the university course catalogues (2LR 045, 4447). Since the dating was rather difficult overall, however, the manuscripts were arranged along the corresponding passages from the Bible. They were sorted alphabetically. A significant part of the collection also consists of correspondence, and through his editorship and collaboration in theological publication series, as well as in scientific discourse and collaborations, Eichholz came into contact with numerous important personalities of recent church history and theological research. This is reflected in the correspondence series. A large number of great names can be found here, including Karl Barth, Joachim Beckmann, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Helmut Gollwitzer, Hans Joachim Iwand and Alfred de Quervain. In addition, Eichholz was in contact with numerous high-ranking colleagues at home and abroad Furthermore, there are numerous interesting correspondences with missionaries all over the world, some of them with quite detailed descriptions of everyday missionary life.after the death of Georg Eichholz, his wife continued some of the correspondences, especially with regard to the sermon series Listening and Questions. A special attraction of the collection is probably also the extensive material on Karl Barth, with whom Eichholz obviously had a long-standing friendship and who appreciated his scientific abilities. In addition to the correspondence, there are photos, sermons, interviews and newspaper articles.additional holdingsThe personnel file of the candidate of the Protestant Church in Rhineland Georg Eichholz is available under the signature 1OB 016, E 84.2LR 045, 318 is the signature of the personnel file which was kept at the KiHo about Eichholz. Further correspondence between Georg Eichholz and Hermann Schlingensiepen can be found in 7NL 016, 25. various publications by and about Eichholz are available in the library of the archive LiteratureLiterature by Georg Eichholz (in selection)Drilling, Rudolf/ Eichholz, Ehrentraut (Hrsg.), Das Gesicht des Theologen. In portraits photographed by Georg Eichholz, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1984Georg Eichholz, Das Rätsel des historischen Jesus und die Gegenwart Jesu Christi. Published on his 75th birthday on 6 April 1984 by Gerhard Sauter, Munich, 1984ders. Biblical Reflections, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1973ders., Tradition and Interpretation. Studies on the New Testament and Hermeneutics, Munich, 1965 ders., Landscapes of the Bible, Leinen, 1963ders. Introduction to the Parables, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1963ders. (Ed.), Preach the Word, interpretation of the Holy Scriptures in Sermons: 5th volume, 2nd volume) Lucas Gospel, Siegen, 1954ders., Georg (ed.), Predige das Wort, interpretation of the Holy Scriptures in Sermons: 4th volume, 1st volume: Lucas Gospel, Siegen, 1947ders. An introduction to Rembrandt's etching of 1642 for the resurrection of Lazarus, Siegen, 1942ders. An introduction to Rembrandt's etching of 1636 to the parable of the prodigal son, Siegen, 1940ders, Die Geschichte als theologisches Problem bei Lessing, in: Theologische Studien und Kritiken, vol. 1936, 107 Neue Folge II, 6th issue, pp. 377-421Literatur zu Georg EichholzKlappert, Berthold, Hören und Fragen. Georg Eichholz as theological teacher, in: Evangelical Theology, vol. 36 (1976), p.101-121Evangelical Catechism. New edition, edited by the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland, 1962 Seim, Jürgen, Georg Eichholz. Teachers of the Protestant Rhineland, in: Monatshefte für Evangelische Kirchengeschichte des Rheinlandes, vol. 59 (2010), p.179-194Seim, Jürgen, Iwand-Studien. Essays and correspondence by Hans Joachim Iwand with Georg Eichholz and Heinrich Held, Cologne, 1999

283750 · Akt(e) · 1873
Teil von Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

Adolf-Friedrich, Duke, Germany, 1911 Governor of Togo, wife of Princess Viktoria Feodora Reuss (1917) / Photographer: Scherl

African Federation of the Sarepta Sisters
M 128 · Akt(e) · 1922-1944
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence between inspectors Ronicke u. Kittelvitz u. Sister Magdalena Hagena, mostly thank-you letters for donations, often expressed in the form of poems, 1922-1944; membership card of the Sarepta-Afrikabund, 1933; obituary for sister Magdalene Hagena, 1944; estate of sister Magdalena Hagena circulars to the members of the Afrikabund, partly printed with photos of the first baptized Tutsi, 1925-1941; letters of African Christians, u.a. by Hermann Kanafunzi, Jakobo Ngombe, Samuel Stepke, Sospater Boko, Johana Kikkule, Heilgehilfe Paulo, Elisabeth Nyaboro and many more with a photo by Sospater Boko, 1929-1938; letters from missionary sisters and missionaries from Africa, 1925-1937; letters from the Missionaries Gleiß, von der Heyden, Hosbach and Johanssen, 1924-1930
