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Archival description
BArch, RM 5/5603 · File · Aug. 1900
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • Aug. 1900, Bundesarchiv, BArch, RM 5 Admiralstab der Marine / Seekriegsleitung der Kaiserlichen Marine description: Contains and others: - "Occupation of the Army High Command in East Asia." Print, 12.8.1900 - "The Chinese Army and Navy". Print - "Description of the Shantung Province". Print - "Description of the theatre of war in northern China". Print Contains among others:<br />"Staffing of the Army High Command in East Asia". Print, 12.8.1900<br />"The Chinese Army and Navy". Pressure<br />"Description of the Schantung Province". Druck<br />"Description of the theatre of war in northern China". pressure
BArch, RM 5/5699 · File · 1903-1912
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Parliament papers: Colonial Reports on Somaliland for 1904/05 and 1905/06, 1905-1906 British Foreign Office: Reports on Trade from Zanzibar and the Bahrain Islands for 1905. Prints 1906

BArch, R 901/81205 · File · Sept. 1900 - Juli 1901
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Regulation of the German postal service in Kiautschou, abolition of a Chinese post office, Chinese sea customs office in Tsingtau, 1900 - 1901 "Denkschrift über die Entwicklung des Kiautschou-Gebietes in der Zeit von Okt. 1899 bis Okt. 1900" (printed, with maps and illustrations, report to the submission in the Reichstag), 1901

BArch, R 901/81216 · File · Jan. 1911 - Feb. 1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Chinese plans to increase customs duties in the province of Schantung and the attitude of the Reichsmarineamt (with numerous memorandums, etc.), 1911 "Xenophobic attitude of the Young Chinese Association for the Study of Railway and Mining Issues in Schantung" in Tsinanfu, 1912 "Report of the Chamber of Commerce of Tsingtau for the Year 1911" (print), 1912

BArch, R 901/81218 · File · Feb. 1914 - 1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Project for the establishment of a company for the smelting of zinc, lead, antimony and sulphur in Tsingtau by the "East Asian Study Syndicate" (foundation of the companies Beer, Sondheimer und Co., Frankfurt/M.; Carlowitz und Co., Hamburg; Reimers und Co., Bremen), 1914 contract for the transfer of Tsingtau to the Japanese army (transcript), 1915 "The Chino-Japanese Negotiations. Chinese official Statement with documents and Treaties with Annexures, Beijing 1915 (print) Der Handel Tsingtaus vor und nach dem Kriege (publication of the Japanese military administration, copy), 1916 "Ist die Rückgabe Tsingtaus vom wirtschaftlichen Standpunkt notwendig oder zweckmäßig" (English version of a German memorandum), 1919 "Forderungen Deutschlands wegen Kiautschaos auf der Friedenskonferenz" (elaboration of the Reichsmarineamt, print), 1919

Federal Foreign Office
BArch, RM 5/5806 · File · 1902-1917
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Central Information Centre for Emigrants: "Mexico". Prints, July 1902, 1906 Military report of the military attaché in Washington, 10.4.1907

BArch, RM 5/6308 · File · (1916) Jan.-März 1917
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Kriegswissenschaftlicher Bericht aus dem Seminar für Nationalökonomie und Kolonialpolitik, Hamburg". Print, 1916-1917 Deputy General Command VII Army Corps: "Excerpt from the reports of the Postüberwachungs-Auslandsstelle Emmerich", 15.-22.2.1917. Reprint, 1.3.1917 "Anglo-Swedish Trade Journal" Bd 8 No. 10. Print, 25.10.1916

Great Britain": Vol. 1
BArch, RM 5/3091 · File · 1917-1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Parliament paper: final report of the forestry subcommittee of the reconstruction committee, 1918 report of the Ministry of Trade on coal supply. Druck, 1918 Wirtschaftsdienst, edited by the Central Office of the Hamburg Colonial Institute, No. 23. Druck, 7.6.1918

In enemy countries: vol. 2
BArch, RM 5/2618 · File · (1917) 1918-1921
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Reichskolonialamt: "The Colonial Germans from D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a in Belgian Captivity". Print, 1918 "Kriegs-Zeitschrift der Hamburg-Amerika-Linie Nr. 31". Pressure, 10.8.1918 American law against espionage and other political crimes. Print, 15.6.1917 British parliamentary printed matter concerning trade with the enemy, 16.4.1918 "Report of the chief machinist Lehmann about his experiences in Russian-Siberian and English war captivity", without date.

BArch, RM 5/2511 · File · (Okt.-Nov. 1914) Dez. 1914-März 1915
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: G. Vöhringer: "My experiences during the war in Cameroon and in English captivity". Druck, 1915 Schweizerische Oberzolldirektion: "List of those categories of goods whose export is prohibited". Print, 6.3.1915

BArch, RM 5/2522 · File · (Apr.-Juli) Aug. 1915
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: From "Deutsches Kolonialblatt" No. 12/13: "Capture of a Pallotine Father in Cameroon". Print, 1.7.1915 "Der Krieg in den deutschen Schutzgebieten, 5. Mitteilung". Print, no date.

BArch, RM 5/2532 · File · (Aug.-Sept.) Nov. 1915-1921
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: War Press Office: "Auszug aus der deutschen Tagespresse" No. 580, 581, 583. Prints, Dec. 1915 War Press Office: "Eindrücke aus der Auslandspresse" Nov.-Dec. 1915. Reprints, Dec. 1915-Jan. 1916 Maintenance costs of the crew of the Small Cruiser "Dresden" interned in Chile for the discussion of violence against German civilians in enemy territory: "Zur Überführung der in Kamerun arrested Germans to England". Reprint, 1915 captivity of Germans on Dutch steamer "Commewijne" in Sept. 1914, 1915-1921 Austrian-Hungarian trade association: "Export and transit bans in Austria-Hungary". Druck, (Nov. 1915) Swiss "List of those categories of goods whose export is prohibited". Print, no date. Internment of the plane 205 in the Netherlands on 22.11.1915 captain to the sea of cool weather: "The undefended London! Reprint, without date.

BArch, RM 5/2541 · File · (Okt.) Dez. 1915-März 1916
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: War Press Office: "Auszug aus der deutschen Tagespresse" No. 671, 672, 674-680. Prints, March 1916 War Press Office: "Eindrücke aus der Auslandspresse". Reprints, March 1916 "Der Krieg in den deutschen Schutzgebieten - 7. Mitteilung". Print, (around March 1916) Announcement of the Oberzensurstelle concerning the conduct of the U-boat Trade War, 13.3.1916

BArch, RM 5/2512 · File · (Sept. 1914-Jan. 1915) März-Apr. 1915
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Pohl: "Materials and Expert Opinions on the Question of the Validity of the Prussian-American Treaties of 1785, 1799 and 1828 in the Present World War", 26.2.1915 Reichskolonialamt: "Denkschrift über die Verhandlungen betr. die Neutralisierung des konventionellen Kongobecken". Print, 9.3.1915

Maritime Affairs": vol. 55
BArch, RM 5/2840 · File · Okt. 1916-Jan. 1917
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Admiral v. Grapow concerning freedom of the seas and colonial policy, 10.1.1917 "Memorandum of the German Government on the misuse of enemy hospital ships". Print, Jan. 1917

BArch, RM 3/80 · File · um 1895-1923
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Organizational regulations for the occupation of the armoured ships, armoured vehicles of the Siegfried class and the protected cruiser corvettes with crews (without indication of author; duplication), o. Dat. The attitude of the supreme Prussian authorities towards the efforts of the RMA (Memorandum of the Nautical Department of the RMA), o. Dat. Conclusions from the Japanese-Chinese naval battles for warship construction and armoring (without author; duplication), o. Dat. Organization of the Protection Forces in Africa (without author; duplication), [1895] Bond for the Supplement of Ship Material for the Foreign Service (Memorandum of the RMA), 17. Jan. 1896 The Development of the Kiautschou Area in the Period from Oct. 1908 - Oct. 1909 (Memorandum of the RMA; print), 1910 Administrative Reform in Schleswig-Holstein (Memorandum of the Chief President of the Province of Schleswig-Holstein; print), 10 June 1913

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, R 901/81226 · File · (1899) Mai 1903 - Juli 1904
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Founding of the Deutsch-Chinesische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft mbH, Berlin (Chairman: v. Hansemann), with articles of association (print), 1903 Opening of the Yuen Han railway near Kanton, financed by the USA, France and Belgium (Report of the German Consul in Kanton), Nov. 1903 Economic efficiency of the railway construction project Kowloon - Kanton (report of the German consul in Hong Kong), 1903 criticism of the behaviour of employees of the SEG towards Chinese (introduction of investigations), 1904 "Baugeschichte der Schantung-Eisenbahn", ed. by the SEG on the occasion of the completion of the railway line leading from Tsingtou to Tsinanfu (print, with map and plans of the buildings), 1904 criticism of the personnel of the SEG in China (talks of the governor in Kiautschou, troops, with the Chinese governor of Schantung, Choufu, in Weihsien (transcript), Apr. 1904 "Building and Operating Concession for the SEG" and "Statute of the SEG" (prints), [1899], [1899], (in German)

BArch, R 901/81229 · File · 1907 - Juni 1909
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Annual reports of the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank for 1904 and 1905 (prints), 1904 - 1905 Travel report of Dr. Fischer from the management of the SEG and successor by former ministerial director Dr. Josef Hoeter, 1909 Projected renunciation of the concession for railway construction on the line Kiautschou to Ichoufu, 1908 - 1909 Rumour about forthcoming plans for nationalization of the SEG by China, 1909

"Samoa": Vol. 2
BArch, RM 5/5438 · File · 1894-1900
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Globe. Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde" vol. 75 no. 12. print, 25.3.1899

BArch, RM 5/619 · File · 1897-1902
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: First Lieutenant at Sea Kettner and Second Lieutenant Captain Fischer: The Organization of French Colonial Property in Africa, o. Dat. u. 1902 Second Lieutenant Captain Reinhold Fischer: Our Local War Theaters, 1901 First Lieutenant at Sea Reiß: The Russian Black Sea Fleet - What Purpose Has Them and What Can Russia Expect From It? o. Dat. First lieutenant at sea Ferdinand Schultze: Military description of the German coast from the Dutch border up to and including Borkum and the Ems, o. Dat. First lieutenant at sea K. Schulz: Russia's action against Persia, pressure, o. Dat. Dat. lieutenant at sea Viktor Harder concerning experiences with the spark telegraphy, 1901 lieutenant at sea Hass and naval chief engineer Thiele concerning military and economic importance of Siberia for Russia, development of the railway network, o. Dat. lieutenant to sea Richter: The changes of the fairway of the lower Elbe, the river conditions and their influence by winds, 1897 captain lieutenant Kopp: Experiences with turbines in war and merchant ships, 1902 lieutenant to sea Nobis: Military description and considerations about the Schleswig-Holstein west coast, 1902 lieutenant to sea Seebohm: What influence will the introduction of the large Torbedoboote have on the tactics and the general use of this boat type? o. Dat. Lieutenant at Sea Toussaint & Lieutenant at Sea Habenicht: The Organization of the Australian Commonwealth and its Influence on the Economic and Political Conditions in the South Seas, 1902 Lieutenant Captain v. Koß: The Economic and Military Value of the Colonies of Portugal, 1902

BArch, RM 5/317 · File · 1900-1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Captain of the Sea Th. Harms "The Seamen's House in Tsingtao". Druck, 1900 Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board Committee for the Promotion of the Construction of Seamen's Houses in Tsingtao and Wilhelmshaven for 1900. Druck, 1901

BArch, RM 5/3110 · File · 1917-1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette" Vol. 2 No. 22, printed on June 1, 1918 "Wirtschaftsdienst Deutscher Volkswirt, edited by the Central Office of the Hamburg Colonial Institute", printed on July 5, 1918; including: Dr. Aug. Kaegbein: "Die amerikanischen Truppentransporte" (The American Troop Transports)