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Description archivistique
Stadtarchiv Worms, 212 · Collection
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 212 Carl J. H. Villinger Collection Scope: 285 archive boxes and 0.5 m oversized formats (= 723 units of description = 32.5 m) Duration: approx. 1833/1900 - 1977 About the author, journalist and local historian Carl J. H. Villinger (09.07.1905 - 27.05.1977) has since 1927 published a large number of journal articles and essays primarily on historical, art and cultural history issues, mainly with reference to Worms and with a focus on Catholicism (church and diocese history, chamberlain of Dalberg). For fourteen years Villinger, who had been a freelancer for the Allgemeine Zeitung (Worms edition) since 1948, belonged to the city council for the CDU. In addition to the above-mentioned topics, he was particularly interested in the work for the Aufbauverein (cf. Dept. 76, some files were incorporated into the Villinger Collection according to their origin), the Altertumsverein (cf. Dept. 75 No. 13), the 1st Wormser Schwimmclub 'Poseidon' (chairman of the association from 1948 to 1968), cf. Dept. 77/8 and the KKV Probitas (Dept. 212 No. 430), where he worked as press officer (Dept. 212 No. 0371). As early as 1968, Villinger had contractually transferred his extensive collections (including the library comprising approx. 10,000 volumes and a collection of graphics) of the city as a 'Villinger donation', of which a considerable part was transferred to the city archives (notarial donation contract Abt. 6-U Nr. 317). The content of the collection The collection, whose temporal focus lies after 1945, is structured as follows: own articles and publications by Villinger (thematically ordered), Das christliche Worms (especially Catholika), Wormser Stadtgeschichte (Wormser Dom, Nibelungen, etc.), Wormser Künstler, Dalberg-Archiv, Heylshof as well as material collection: Biographische Sammlung, Materialammlung Wormatiensia, Grafische Sammlung (16 to 20 Century).), on sports and art, political archives, printed, commemorative and small writings (surrounding areas and Worms, associations and societies), reproductions of Worms concerning manuscripts, files from Abt. 76 (Aufbauverein) included in the estate (mainly city council and committee meetings, construction/reconstruction, newspaper cuttings). Villinger was a passionate collector. Remarkable is his Graphic Collection (see from no. 544) in which numerous copper engravings of various types are to be found. painters and engravers. Lace and textile pictures as well as a collection of ex-libris (bookmarks), which he had bought or donated, enrich the remarkable collection (for ex-libris see essays in no. 579). Worth mentioning is Villinger's activity as the representative of the Kunsthaus Heylshof Foundation. His field of activity was not only the publication of numerous manuscripts/publications (e.g. Führer and Heylshof catalogue, no. 182) on the art treasures of the Heylshof as well as the design of exhibitions (no. 210) and projects (no. 181). According to correspondence between Villinger and Cornelius Heyl, Villinger was granted free access to the holdings of the Heylshof, in addition to the recording of the holdings, restoration of the paintings (no. 0211), public relations work, financing, printing and other tasks at the Heylshof (including a list of the paintings that Baron von Heyl had left to the Heylshof, see no. 178). Through many years of research and the purchase of literature (including 'Der Staatsrath Georg Steitz u.. or Fürstprimas Karl von Dalberg'). A sheet from Frankfurt's history at the beginning of the XIX century with documentary supplements by Georg Eduard Steitz, Frankfurt 1869 (book), s. no. 0404) Villinger was not only able to compile a collection, but also to publish numerous contributions about members of the family Kämmerer von Worms gen. von Dalberg (among others Carl Theodor von Dalberg (no. 397, no. 412), Friedrich Hugo von Dalberg (no. 394-395). Carl Villinger recorded the holdings of the Herrnsheim Dalberg Archive and was active in the city council for the acquisition of the Dalberg Archive and the Herrnsheim Palace Library from the city of Worms (No. 387-388). In his work Villinger liked to work together with the artists of Worms, so he created a biographical collection about the artists of Worms (No. 321-322) as well as a collection about Worms art (e.g. research about the whereabouts of Worms works of art, e.g. Régence-Kanzel des Wormser Karmeliterklosters, see No. 323). Villinger not only published serial articles in the Wormser Zeitung (e.g. 'Wormser Studenten an Universitäten', see no. 283), but also collected newspaper clippings which are indispensable for the history of the city of Worms (see Wormatiensia/Zeitungsausschnitte, no. 275ff.). Brochures (e.g. the Jewish Worms (No. 530), Worms Cathedral (No. 407), newspapers (Wormser Zeitung, No. 232, No. 234), magazines ("Rostra", see No. 165) and publications with and without reference to Worms (the Luther Monument, see No. 528; Alzey, Kriegstagebuch, 1914-1918, see No. 477) can be used for research. Postcards (no. 452), photos (no. 449) and a collection of coins and medals that can be used for exhibition purposes. Worth mentioning is the membership file of the Worms Rowing Club (No. 665). The membership cards contain extensive information on persons and their activities in the rowing club. Villinger himself was not a member of the rowing club. It can be assumed that Villinger came into possession of the membership register in 1947, when the Rudergesellschaft e.V. and the Wormser Ruderverein e.V.1911 merged and the cooperation failed. In the appendix of the finding aid book there is a separate list of sheet music: Dalberg Sheet Music (No. 401), by Rudi Stephan (No. 599), by Friedrich Gernsheim (No. 600), some of them are original sheet music; list of devotional pictures (No. 400 and No. 554) as well as bibliography Carl J. H. Villinger, masch. Findbuch with relatively detailed indexing and a detailed bibliography of Villinger's articles and essays (Aktenordner), compiled by Joachim Schalk, see Schrank Nr. 22. Indexing: Augias file (new indexing 5/2010 to 5/2011, including post-cassation and development of a new classification). After the completion of this work, the stock comprises 723 units, which are stored in 285 archive boxes. The files are in good condition, there are no restrictions on use. Supplementary archive departments in the city archive: -Abt. 6 Municipality of Worms since 1945 -Abt. 76 Aufbauverein Worms e.V. -Abt. 204 Worms Documentation/Collection -Abt. 170/16 Estate of Dr. Friedrich Illert -Abt. 159 Herrnsheimer Dalberg-Archive -Abt. 217 Graphic Collection -Abt. 214 Collection Fritz Reuter -Abt. 77/8 1st Worms Swimming Club 'Poseidon' -Abt. 185 Family and Company Archives Ludwig C. von Heyl BÖNNEN, Gerold 'History of the City of Worms', Stuttgart 2005 REUTER, Fritz 'Collector and Collection Carl J. H. Villinger', in: Der Wormsgau 13, 1979-81, p. 134-136 REUTER, Fritz 'Worms historian, art historian and local historian from the 19th/20th century and their graves', in: Der Wormsgau 19, 2000, p. 97-99 ILLERT, Georg 'Die "Villinger-Schenkung"', in: 'Der Wormsgau 9, 1970-1971 SCHALK, Joachim 'In Memoriam Carl Johann Heinrich Villinger (1905-1977)', reprint from: 'Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte' 29, 1977 June 2011 Magdalena Kiefel

BArch, R 901/81216 · Dossier · Jan. 1911 - Feb. 1913
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Chinese plans to increase customs duties in the province of Schantung and the attitude of the Reichsmarineamt (with numerous memorandums, etc.), 1911 "Xenophobic attitude of the Young Chinese Association for the Study of Railway and Mining Issues in Schantung" in Tsinanfu, 1912 "Report of the Chamber of Commerce of Tsingtau for the Year 1911" (print), 1912

News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1898_26 · Dossier · 1898
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the monthly chronicle of Miss. Althaus and Bleicken. Scope: p. 359-365. Contains, among other things: - (SW: traditional law; construction activity; feared spread of Catholics) - "New candidates for baptism. The chieftains' quarrel." (SW: Presentation of the candidates; dispute between Koimbere and Mareale) - "Personal." (SW: Bleickens disease; construction by von Lany) - "Mission work on catechumens etc." (SW: School and teaching; prints in Kimamba; Mareale marries three women - polygamy; singing lessons) - "The 5th Conference of Jaggam Missionaries." (SW: Mr. Bale - "laterna magica" - showing pictures)

Sans titre
News from Moschi
ALMW_II._MB_1899_9 · Dossier · 1899
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the station chronicle of Miss. Cooper. Scope: pp. 137-141. Contains, among other things: - "One. Exterior conditions and work." (SW: food shortage; mud house for boarding students; pressure tests; miss. (Bleicken from Mamba to Moshi for his rest) - "2nd missionary work in church and school." (SW: Chief Meli - meetings; attendance at church service; school attendance; departure of Miss. Walthers; presentation of pictures by Miss. Mc Gregor; arrival of European things; sermon place Mdawi - wedding of the chief; conversation with a Swahili; right) - "3. instruction and baptism of three young men". (SW: Baptism candidates; new baptism registrations) - "4. A new teaching place." (SW: Building of a schoolhouse with Chief Mlatie in Pokomo)

Sans titre
News from Moschi
ALMW_II._MB_1900_12 · Dossier · 1900
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Quarterly report by Miss. Cooper. Scope: pp. 196-199. Includes, inter alia: - "First, a new comrade at work." (SW: arrival of siblings room; lessons; boarding school) - "2. All sorts of nasty things." (SW: Fire in the work shed; start of construction of a new building; lightning conductor system; printed booklet in progress; fever attacks; riots caused by Waaruscha; Christmas)

Sans titre
BArch, R 901/81226 · Dossier · (1899) Mai 1903 - Juli 1904
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Founding of the Deutsch-Chinesische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft mbH, Berlin (Chairman: v. Hansemann), with articles of association (print), 1903 Opening of the Yuen Han railway near Kanton, financed by the USA, France and Belgium (Report of the German Consul in Kanton), Nov. 1903 Economic efficiency of the railway construction project Kowloon - Kanton (report of the German consul in Hong Kong), 1903 criticism of the behaviour of employees of the SEG towards Chinese (introduction of investigations), 1904 "Baugeschichte der Schantung-Eisenbahn", ed. by the SEG on the occasion of the completion of the railway line leading from Tsingtou to Tsinanfu (print, with map and plans of the buildings), 1904 criticism of the personnel of the SEG in China (talks of the governor in Kiautschou, troops, with the Chinese governor of Schantung, Choufu, in Weihsien (transcript), Apr. 1904 "Building and Operating Concession for the SEG" and "Statute of the SEG" (prints), [1899], [1899], (in German)

BArch, R 901/81229 · Dossier · 1907 - Juni 1909
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Annual reports of the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank for 1904 and 1905 (prints), 1904 - 1905 Travel report of Dr. Fischer from the management of the SEG and successor by former ministerial director Dr. Josef Hoeter, 1909 Projected renunciation of the concession for railway construction on the line Kiautschou to Ichoufu, 1908 - 1909 Rumour about forthcoming plans for nationalization of the SEG by China, 1909