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Archival description
Stadtarchiv Mainz, Best. 60 · Fonds · (1761-1797) 1798-1814 (1815-1836)
Part of City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

The holdings 60 (Municipal Administration/Mairie of the City of Mainz, 1798-1814) have a complicated and eventful history of order and description. In the following, an attempt will be made to list the individual stages of this inventory in chronological order. Order of the registry in the French period (1798-1814) The archives 60/113 provide information about the administration of records of the Mainz city administration 1798-1814. The first part is a list of all files and official books created or kept since the establishment of the municipal administration, which was compiled on the 25th Prairial VIII. It also contains the civil status registers, which will not be taken into account in the following, as they are listed and described in section 50. The second part was built successively in the following years until 1814. In each year a file list of the yearly created and closed files was made. The division into two is undoubtedly a consequence of the Napoleonic administrative reform of 1800 (transition from municipal administration to Mairie). Year after year, the secretariat and the offices of the municipal administration/Mairie created a file volume on certain subjects, so that a kind of subject series register was created. At the end of the year the volumes were handed over to the "Archives" (= registry). Therefore, when the list was drawn up, only the current files of Year VIII were located in the individual offices. In addition to files, a large number of official registers were kept. They played a far greater role in the French administration than in the German administration, since they served on the one hand as the administration's most important auxiliary and finding aids, but on the other hand also reproduced contents, so that the actual subject files, in which the incoming and (initially also) outgoing letters were stored, probably only rarely had to be accessed. All incoming and outgoing letters have been registered in the official records referred to here. Among them the general register "Régistre Général" is to be mentioned first as letter (entrance) diary. A number was assigned to each incoming letter in the Secretariat. The number was noted on the received letter with the addition "R.G.". In addition, a brief summary, the sender, the date of the letter and the office to which it was assigned were recorded in the General Register. Where a reply to a letter received has been drawn up or a decision taken, its number has also been recorded in the General Register. The numbers of the "normal" letters ("lettres") were replaced by "corr." (=correspondance), those of the resolutions ("arrêtés") are marked "arr. The concepts of "lettres" and "arrêtés" are attached to the respective subject file volumes only until Vendémiaire VII/September 1798 (applies to Lettres) or until the end of Year VII beginning of Year VIII/October 1799 (applies to Arrêtés). In addition, they were recorded in fair copy in two other series of official registers also kept by the Secretariat, the Correspondence and Advisory Register. On this basis, the numbering of "lettres" and "arrêtés" already mentioned was also carried out. The letter received to which an outgoing letter referred can be seen on the one hand in the Registre Général and on the other hand in the letter received itself, on which, in addition to the 'R.G.' number, the 'Arr.-' number also appears. or "Corr." No. was noted. The Mairie continued to keep the General Register and the "répertoire", a kind of subject register, but decided not to keep the resolution and correspondence registers. This made the concepts of "lettres" and "arrêtés" the only evidence of the letters and regulations issued. In order to keep track of them, their drafts could no longer be filed in the subject file volumes together with the letters received in response to which they were initiated, but had to be organised separately. The concepts of the outgoing letters were thus numbered consecutively from September 1798 and October 1799 (see above) and formed two series in which the drafts of the "lettres" and "arrêtés" were filed chronologically and (mostly) summarised monthly. If one follows 60/113, a further change occurred with the establishment of the Mairie: The secretariat/police office and Bien Public office files are kept by the secretariat, while the financial office still seems to have its own registry. The files created and kept at the secretariat are usually stored in beige paper sheets - often printed forms that have been turned over. Until the year XI, the respective subject series file was held together with a glued-on paper strip, which was provided with the file title. They've been numbered since year X. There are about 60 subjects for the secretariat, whereby the number fluctuates, since new subjects were added from case to case or older subjects were omitted, thus there were series splits or series associations, over which 60/113 offers a good overview. The subject files of a year were most likely bundled and stored in these bundles (inscription: year) in the old registry/archive. Probably for this reason, part of the "French Archive" was only grouped together in file aprons before the new indexing. The Commissioner of the Executive Board of the Municipal Administration apparently also had his own registry. Subject files were also created for him. The files shall be numbered after the title of each file, preceded by the abbreviation "No." . Their duration often exceeds one year, often covers years VI to VIII and thus the entire term of office of the Commissioner. Also on the documents of these files one finds numbers of a general register, so that it can be assumed that the commissioner of the executive directorate had its own general register and thus its own document administration (a kind of own secretariat). The holdings also include files from the provenance of the Administrative Commission of the School Fund, which were left in the holdings because of their proximity to the city administration. In the case of these files, there was no longer a recognizable order of files or registries. The files of the negotiations of the municipal council are wrapped in blue cardboard and were apparently kept separately from the other files of the administration. Some files of the collection, especially those concerning accounting, are wrapped in light blue cardboard and have German lettering. Also the formulation of the titles of the acts indicates that they were written in Hessian time (after 1815). There is much to suggest that these were files that were needed by the city administration during the Hessian period. This, of course, required a review of the French files. At the beginning of the 20th century (around 1920?), the librarian Heinrich Heidenheimer presumably attempted to dissolve the old subject files, which had been laid out on a year-by-year basis, and to merge them according to new subject matters. From the documents which were not (or could not be?) assigned to a "large" subject, he tried to create individual files. Not affected by this reorganization were the official books, the Arrêtés and Lettres series, and (probably) 23 bundles, which only remained ordered by year. The result of this attempt at classification is documented in the old register "Französisches Archiv - Bestand 60". The bundles in which the new subjects were grouped were numbered from 1-148 (one number per subject, so several bundles could have the same number if the subject was supposed to be the same). In part, however, a number did not conceal a reference file, but rather a very thin - already mentioned - single case file containing only a few sheets or even only one printed matter. The number of this file was mostly completed with a Roman "II". At the time of the redrawing, the individual case files were often located within the beige file apron in orange, strongly acidic folders (60s?) with filler lettering. Inside the other file aprons, envelopes made of crumbled packing paper with a high acid content, which could date from around 1920, were used to structure the documents. These envelopes were often labelled with only one year and were irrelevant for the context of the file. Only summarily (without signature or numbering) are listed in the directory - as mentioned - Lettres and Arrêtés, official books, military matters, matters concerning the inhabitants, accounting (also printed matter), taxes (also printed matter), the port and schools/lessons. Eight bundles were only labeled with letters and sorted alphabetically. According to the register, these were "requests to the administration, sorted by personal names (e.g. passports)". This series, too, was first created at the beginning of the 20th century by the order works. An example of how it was done: In a bundle with the old signature 138 (138-subjects: medical police/138,1; midwives/138,2; vaccination/138,3; medicine/138,4 and 138,5) there were ONLY old file covers with the following titles and registry signatures: IX/...X/14, XI/14 : Police medicinale XI/12: Police medicinale, vaccine, Maison d'accouchement, pharmacie XII/14: Police médicinale, vaccine, accouchement XIII/14, XIV/15: Police médicinale, pharmacie, vaccine, accouchement, épidémie, épizootie, glacière 1807-1812/13, 1814/13: Police médicinale, pharmacie, vaccine, accouchement, épidémie, épizootie, enfants trouvés, glacière, quinquina The original subject files were thus dissolved according to the new subjects 138,1-138,5, the original file covers were separated. (In other cases, the file covers also remained in part of the closed file.) Where the documents on livestock epidemics, foundlings and glaciers remained is not apparent at first. Unfortunately, it must be noted that the content of the parts of the file which were among the various subjects did not always correspond to those subjects! It is probable that the "annual bundles" still found at the time of the new listing should also be dissolved. The order within these bundles was chaotic. This disorder has either already existed in the French old registry (the disordered documents would then never have been assigned to a subject file...) or has arisen from the attempts of archivists to organize them. Or both "procedures" come together. The main subjects in the unresolved annual bundles were: "Police civile en générale", "Affaires mixtes", "Certificat, renseignements sur des individus, "Pièces à communiquer", "Publication ...". These are therefore precisely those subjects which can hardly be assigned to other "large" subjects and which were probably not of great importance for the administration at the time either, so that no great attention and working time will have been devoted to the sorting of these documents. It is likely that archivists wanted to use these documents to create the alphabetical series "Requests to the administration, sorted by personal names (e.g. passports)". Ordnungs- und Verzeichnungsarbeiten Heiner Stauder (1991-1995) Heiner Stauder began in 1991 with the order and indexing of the official book series. After the completion of this work, the drawing of the militaria was started. Various attempts at order and sorting (registration of all numbers of the Registre Général; dissolution of the Lettres and Arrêtés series and assignment to the corresponding letters received; dissolution of individual subject series, including "service militaire", "police militaire", "affaires militaires"; formation of individual case files for submission) proved to be impracticable. The listing of the "Militaria" was interrupted in order to prefer the listing to the "Medicinalia" due to user requests. The following signatures were assigned: 001-136: Amtsbücher 150-186: Militaria 201-215: Bürgerannahmen (They were arranged alphabetically by Mr. Tautorat around 1991/92 and then entered in a card index of names, which is located in the finding aid cabinet of the user room). 300-349: Documents and series, mainly health and poor affairs concerning 350-508: "arrêtés"; 509-703: "lettres"; the no. 350-703 were recorded by Mr. Jung in autumn 1995. The development of a printed matter collection for the French period according to the model of the Landesherrlichen Verordnungssammlung (LVO) was started by leaving only one copy of printed ordinances or news, as far as they were present several times in the file volume, in the file. The rest have been separated. The documents of the Mainzer Veteranenverein found in the "French Archive" were spun off and assigned to the corresponding estate. Mr. Stauder also began with the separation of individual documents, which were only to be assigned to a file bundle after completion of the recording, and with the dissolution of the old FA60 bundles according to subject matter. The author has also continued his recording of subtitles and alto and registry signatures (see below). After the described experiences and on the basis of the peculiarities of the found stock, the author renounced to form (new) series - however it may have been - or to restore the old registry order - also only in rudimentary form. Instead, a numerus currens distortion was performed on the basis of the found condition. The merging of units that belonged together in terms of content thus took place only after the title listings had been completed - on the basis of the classification and the three - very detailed - indices. The subject file bundles listed in the old directory FA 60 were dissolved, since the file aprons contained a wide variety of subjects, which were often only roughly summarized under one catchword. The bundles were reviewed, units with related contents within the bundles - some of them still in the original file covers of the registry - were left together and newly recorded (the old archive signature is of course always indicated). The still unrecorded militaria had already been pre-ordered by Mr. Stauder and reassembled according to the facts. The signatures 269-273 and 284-285 were made by him, left so by me and listed. Individual documents within the various bundles, which differed completely in content from the otherwise found subjects, were first separated and, after completion of the indexing process, added to the archives to which they fitted in terms of content. The old small files, the individual files mentioned above, were left as they were and re-inserted. The bundles, which were only marked with a year (probably part of the original old registration), were also dissolved according to subject matter. Recognisable units (e.g. through labelled file envelopes) were of course retained. If possible, documents that had not been (pre-)sorted were either newly created according to subject (e.g. Militaria, Year VI) or first separated and, after completion of the indexing, added to suitable archival records. In total, the stock now comprises 60 1308 units of description or serial numbers. The last current number is 1319. The numbers 140-148, 882 and 944 were not assigned. Subtitles and registry signatures Subtitles are located in brackets below the titles of the files I have assigned. They are usually the original French title(s) of the subject file(s) found on an old envelope within the newly recorded archives. It is only indicated if there is such an original envelope in the file and if the title also matches the content of the documents it contains. Due to the old order work before 1991, the original connections were torn apart - as described above - so that the original file covers only remained in part of the original files, were separated or reappeared in completely different contexts. If it was clearly visible that only part of the original subject file was present in or near the original file cover, only the applicable part of the original file title is also indicated as a subtitle. On the original file covers, in most cases the year and the number from the list of subject series registries were indicated in addition to the file title (for example as year "an 14", as number "21", as title "Corps de metier"). As far as such a file cover was available and fitted to the content or partial content of the newly recorded archive, this registry signature was indicated as follows: XIV/21 (XIV for the year 14 of the French Republic, 21 for the number from 60/113). For years VI to IX, the year and the "heading" under which the subject in 60/113 is to be found have been indicated, where recognisable. The files more frequently contained a large number of documents from the Electoral period. If it was evident that these were pre-files to the events of the French period, they were left in the archives. If no connection was discernible, the events were passed on to Dr. Dobras for classification in electoral holdings. Nachprovenienzen The Lettres series does not end with the end of French rule in Mainz and the handover of the town to German troops on 4 May 1814, but continues until the end of 1814. For this reason, all files of the year 1814 under Lord Mayor Freiherr von Jungenfeld were left in this inventory, since the registry was at least partly continued for so long according to the French model. The following volumes with clear provenance or post-provenance Großherzogliche Bürgermeisterei were found in the holdings and were assigned to the holdings 70 (Hessisches Archiv): (order: Altsign. title runtime new signature) - ? Budgets Form, Instructions

Inventory historyThe 2668 units of description recorded in this repertory are only a fragment of the original records of the Konsistorium - albeit a quite respectable one - as they were before the authority moved to Düsseldorf in 1934. With the help of the received handwritten or typewritten file directories, the losses or inventory shifts that have occurred can be reconstructed exactly. The chronology spans over forty years:I) As early as 1931, extensive files were collected within the Consistory. The basis for this decision, which was made in the Koblenz office building due to acute lack of space, was a list drawn up in 1929 by Konsistorialoberinspektor Mähler ("sale of files for stamping"). Summary information on the groups of files concerned can be found in Faszikel A II 1 a 9 (serial no. 28):- Travel expenses (A II 1 b 2 and 5) up to 1920- Office requirements (A II 1 b 3) up to 1920- Forms (A II 2 31) up to 1920- Publication of the Official Gazette (A II 2 35) up to 1920- Accounting of the Official Gazette (A II 2 37) up to 1915- Invoices incl. Documents about the church sub-funds up to 1910- Collections up to 1910- Collections yield records up to 1920- Collections concerning the church sub-funds up to 1910- Collections up to 1910- Collections up to 1920- Collections concerning the church sub-funds up to 1910- Collections up to 1910- Collections up to 1920- Collections concerning the church sub-funds up to 1910- Collections up to 1910- Collections up to 1920- Collections up to 1920- Collections up to 1920 Applications for pastors up to 1925- Business diaries up to 1900- Budget files up to 1905- Property files up to 1905- Beiakte up to 1905- Order awards for clergy (B V a 14) up to 1910- Support for clergy and parish widows (B V b 29 u. 86) until 1910- Leave granted to clergy (B V b 64) until 1910- Contributions to the parish widows' and pension fund (B V b 89f.) until 1910- Pension fund accounts (B V b 93f.) until 1910- Remarks on pensions and widows' and orphans' pensions for clergy (B V b 91 u.) 95) until 1910- Aid from the Grant Fund (B V b 104) until 1910- Instructions of the Age Allowances for Ministers (B V b 105) until 1910- Insurance Contributions to the Age Allowance Fund (B V b 106) until 1910- Employment of Vicars from the Vicarage Fund (B VII b 19) until 1905- The teaching vicariate of the candidates (B VII b 17) to 1910 - cash affairs of the vicariate fund (B VII b 20) to 1910II) In September 1934 -directly before the move to Düsseldorf- the following files were destroyed for reasons of space after a note by Mähler:- old diaries until 1914- old budget files until 1915- old files on pensions, widows' pensions etc. until 1920- old files about support for clergy and parish widows- old files about lending of marriage memorial coins- old files about the house collection delivery fund until 1910- old files about "miscellaneous"- old files about the publication of the church official gazette until 1920- old files about instruction of the teaching vicars until 1925- old collections on collection yields up to 1920- old files on church taxes up to 1905- old annual reports of the Superintendents up to 1932The files of the Konsistorium Köln, dissolved in 1825, were also handed over to the Staatsarchiv Düsseldorf in 1934 and survived the war. In today's Main State Archives, this collection with a total of 512 volumes (running time 1786-1838, predominantly 1815-1826) is assigned to Department 2 (Rheinisches Behördenarchiv). (4) A parallel transfer of 525 files of the period 1816-1827 took place to the State Archives Koblenz, where they formed the collection 551. Unfortunately it was completely burned during the air raids on Koblenz in 1944. The same fate suffered stock 443 (princely Wiedische government in Neuwied), in which some Konsistorialakte under the Nr. 143-161 were integrated. Only the finding aids of these two holdings are still available in the Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz. Further consistorial acts were assigned to the following holdings:Best. 309, 1 (French Consistorium General Mainz) No. 1-17Best. 381 (Landeskommission St. Wendel) No. 17-33Best. 382 (Government St. Wendel) No. 420-502Best. 387 (Landgräflich Hessische Regierung Homburg) No. 187-295The holdings 309, 1 and 387 are still in the LHA Koblenz, the remaining two are today on permanent loan in the Landesarchiv Saarbrücken.III) 1936-1937, after lengthy negotiations with the Staatsarchiv Koblenz, the consistorial files in the narrower sense that began in 1826ff. were returned to the Provinzialkirchenarchiv (Provincial Church Archive). It had been in Bonn since 1928, and since 1936 it had its own premises in Hofgarten 13. A 46-page compilation of these extensive holdings by Lic. Rodewald from 1938 is available. (5) These are predominantly the older files of the 19th century, but also, for example, the documents from the war period 1914-1918; in any case, these were files which were "only" of purely historical value and which were considered dispensable for the business.IV) On 14 November 1939, the Konsistorium issued a circular letter to the Superintendents on the possibility of handing over the examination papers of deceased priests to family members. The background was a request by the now Provincial Church archivist Lic. Rosenkranz, who thus sought to alleviate the acute lack of space in the Hofgarten. Initially, 31 pastors whose documents had already been selected by Rosenkranz are listed here. (6) The unsolicited examination papers were then to be destroyed in February 1940. The campaign was continued eight more times until February 1943, when it fell victim to the wartime restrictions on the Consistory's operations. (7) The only condition for the file request was the submission of 50 Pfennig return postage. A total of 908 pastors were listed. It is not possible to determine which documents were actually still requested back by the families and thus saved from later destruction.V) On 12.11.1943, the director of the Koblenz State Archives, Dr. Hirschfeld, in his capacity as air-raid commissary, called on the Konsistorium to outsource the files kept in Düsseldorf (8). This was rejected on the grounds that the (current) personnel files were already in an air-raid shelter recognised as bomb-proof; for the remaining files, structural security measures would now be taken immediately. These can be found documented in a cost estimate of 10.12.1943 by architect Otto Schönhagen, the head of the provincial church building authority: The registry office facing Freiligrathstraße is to be provided with protective walls for -some modest- 720 Reichsmark. It can be assumed that these conversions were carried out at the beginning of 1944. In any case, the files remaining at the Konsistorium itself came through the war without any noticeable losses.VI) On the other hand, the Hofgarten 13 building was completely destroyed during the air raid on Bonn on 18 October 1944. The fire had reached the cellar so quickly that both the older personnel files of the pastors and the Konsistorial inventory returned from Koblenz in 1937 were totally lost. In contrast to the old pertinence holdings, these holdings were not outsourced to the Provinzialkirchenarchiv and the Kirchenbücher. This is by far the greatest loss suffered by the original Consistorial tradition, especially in the 19th century. It is to be quantified on approx. 400-600 volumes of fact files (Generalia and Spezialia) as well as on an even higher number of personnel files. In this repertory, the burnt predecessor volumes are listed under the heading "Remarks"; the frequently occurring spring numbers in the holdings signatures indicate the complete loss of a file. For a very detailed reconstruction of the holdings destroyed in Bonn, which would be possible, the Rodewald List would have to be compared with the existing handwritten file directories. Fortunately, to a certain extent there exists a replacement tradition in the form of files of the Upper Presidium of the Rhine Province in the LHA Koblenz. (9) Important material that has not otherwise been handed down in Düsseldorf is also contained in the Rhine Province Department of the holdings 7 (Evangelical High Council of Churches) in EZA Berlin. (10)VI) On 24 February 1972, the Regional Church Office decided to hand over the long overdue files of the former Consistory to the Regional Church Archive. (11) Previously, despite their duration, some of which dates back to 1826, they were considered to be registry properties and were also administered by the registry. Since also in 1971 in connection with the move into the new office building of the LKA in the Hans-Böckler-Straße a general registration cut took place, the specialties of the church districts and the church communities were pulled out of the Konsistorialakten and summarized to separate stocks (31 church districts as well as 41 local records). Unfortunately, the separation was not complete, so that still considerable file parts remained in the Konsistorial inventory. In the present repertory, it is always noted if the following volumes are in stocks 31 or 41. Conversely, in the typewritten finding aids for these two holdings, it is noted which pre-volumes can be found in the Konsistorial files. note on useThe following file plan of the Konsistorialkanzlei dates from the 19th century and was updated into the 1940s. The term "n.a." (no files available) for individual subgroups can indicate complete loss due to the effects of war. As a rule, however, the relevant files have been removed as outlined above and added to newly created series of holdings. This also applies to all personnel files. The 90 business diaries preserved for the period 1928-1948 are added to the list of units of description listed here. There have been no archival indexing aids for the stock so far. A typewritten alphabetical index of the existing files, created in 1931 by the registry of the time, was available, though without any information on the running time. Two further large-volume handwritten file indexes were first written in one hand around 1850 and then updated over a period of almost 100 years. (12) Many of the files listed there have now been lost. Nevertheless, the two files still retain an important significance, since they indicate the file transfers and re-signings within the Konsistorial registry and the reconstruction of the lost holdings is at all only possible with them.The first partial file recording by auxiliary staff began around 1990. The undersigned has compared the contents of these photographs. It was not possible to completely standardize their extremely different distortion intensities. The present repertory is therefore not "of one mould". The index in this printed version covers only the names of places and persons as well as a few selected terms. A complete keyword search is possible via the database of the Archive of the EKiR. The files of the Konsistorium cover almost all facets of church life in the Rhine Province. The tradition for the time of the Weimar Republic and the Nazi regime up to 1945 is almost completely preserved. On the other hand, the files from the First World War are largely lost, not to mention the often only rudimentary tradition for the 19th century. With the previous scientific use one cannot avoid the impression that the latent mistrust of wide church circles in the Rhineland towards this authority has been reflected since its foundation up to the research. In addition, there may be an understandable aversion towards individual members of the Consistory who are burdened in the church struggle. It is to be hoped that a relaxed - of course never uncritical - way of dealing with this so expressive material will enrich our knowledge of the Protestant church history of the Rhineland.Düsseldorf, 31 October 2001(Dr. Stefan Flesch)1. Cf. the following Max Bär: Die Behördenverfassung der Rheinprovinz seit 1815 (Publikationen der Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde 35), Bonn 1919 (ND Meisenheim 1965), S. 153-164; Werner Heun: Art. Konsistorium, in: TRE Vol. XIX, S. 483-488; on the general embedding of church law and church politics see Die Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche der Union, edited by J.F.Gerhard Goeters and Joachim Rogge, Leipzig 1992-1999, passim2. For this bear, a.a.O., p. 162: "The governments were left only with the supervision of the church books, the care for the establishment and maintenance of the church courts, the ordering and execution of the police regulations necessary for the maintenance of the external ecclesiastical order, the supervision of the administration of property and the appointment or confirmation of the secular church servants to be appointed for the ecclesiastical administration of property and the supervision of them and, together with the consistory, the alteration of existing and the introduction of new succession fees and the alteration of existing and the formation of new parish districts."3. today's address: Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 12. cf. History of the City of Koblenz vol. 2, Stuttgart 1993, p. 426f.4The holdings of the North Rhine-Westphalian State Archives. Brief overview, Düsseldorf 1994, p. 98. A 30-page compilation of the files submitted can be found in A II 1 a 9 Bd. I.5. B I a 29 Bd. IV6. Circular No. 11073 in B I a 29 Bd. IV, in alphabetical order: Heinrich Wilhelm Achelis; Hugo Achenbach ( 1908); Julius Achenbach ( 1893); August Bergfried ( 1922); Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolf Böhm ( 1867); Emil Döring ( 1925); Georg Doermer ( 1888); Heinrich Doermer ( 1839); August Ludwig Euler ( 1911); Karl Furck ( 1911); Gustav Adolf Haasen ( 1841); Julius Haastert; Philipp Jakob Heep ( 1899); Gustav Höfer; Paul Kind; Karl Margraf ( 1919); Daniel Gottlieb Müller ( 1892); Andreas Natrop ( 1923); Christian Friedrich Nelson ( 1891); August Penserot ( 1866); Reinhard Potz ( 1920); Eduard Schneegans (born 1810); Philipp Jakob Stierle ( 1887); Eduard Vieten ( 1869); Josef August Voigt ( 1869); Johann Gustav Volkmann ( 1842); Reinhard Vowinkel ( 1898); Friedrich Weinmann ( 1860); Friedrich Wenzel ( 1909); Gustav Wienands ( 1929)7th ibid.March 1940 (48 names), November 1940 (33 names), September 1941 (47 names), February 1942 (123 names), July 1942 (118 names), October 1942 (128 names), November 1942 (176 names), February 1943 (204 names)8. A II 1 a 9 Vol. I (current No. 28). Cf. Petra Weiß's contribution to the overall problem: Die Bergung von Kulturgütern auf der Festung Ehrenbreitstein, in: Jahrbuch für Westdeutsche Landesgeschichte 26 (2000), pp. 421-4529. Cf. Inventory of the Upper Presidium of the Rhine Province, Part 1 (Publications of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Archives Administration, vol. 71), Koblenz 1996, pp. 42-45 and 396-40910. Christa Stache: Das Evangelische Zentralarchiv in Berlin und seine Bestände, Berlin 1992, pp. 61-64 as well as handwritten repertory especially of the department Rheinland (copy available in the AEKR Düsseldorf). The inventory comprises approx. 25 linear metres.11. LKA files 23-2-3 vol. 3 (resolution); cf. also the letter of Archivrat Schmidt of 9.9.1971 in 22-28 vol. 212. All mentioned finding aids are kept in the repertory collection of the Landeskirchlichen Archivs.

Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland, 1OB 002 · Fonds · 1817-1971
Part of Archive of the Protestant Church in the Rhineland (Archivtektonik)

BestandsgeschichteThe 2668 indexing units recorded in this repertory form only a fragment of the original registry of the Consistory, albeit a very considerable one, as it was before the authority moved to Düsseldorf in 1934. With the help of the surviving handwritten and typewritten file indexes, the losses and relocations that occurred can be reconstructed exactly. The chronology spans more than forty years:I) As early as 1931, extensive file holdings were catalysed within the consistory. The basis for this decision, which was made due to an acute shortage of space in the Koblenz office building, was a list drawn up in 1929 by Consistorial Chief Inspector Mähler ('Sale of files for destruction'). Fascicle A II 1 a 9 (no. 28) provides summarised information on the file groups concerned:- Travel expenses (A II 1 b 2 and 5) until 1920- Office requirements (A II 1 b 3) until 1920- Forms (A II 2 31) until 1920- Publication of the official gazette (A II 2 35) until 1920- Accounting for the official gazette (A II 2 37) until 1915- Invoices incl. receipts for the church gazette (A II 1 b 2 and 5) until 1920- Invoices for the church gazette (A II 2 37) until 1915. Invoices incl. receipts for the church's ancillary funds until 1910- Collections until 1910- Collection receipts until 1920- Collections relating to applications for parish positions until 1925 Applications for parish positions up to 1925- Business diaries up to 1900- Budget files up to 1905- Property files up to 1905- Supplementary files up to 1905- Religious orders for clergy (B V a 14) up to 1910- Support for clergy and parish widows (B V b 29 u. 86) until 1910- Grants of leave for clergymen (B V b 64) until 1910- Contributions to the parish widows' and pension fund (B V b 89f.) until 1910- Pension fund accounts (B V b 93f.) until 1910- Remarks on pensions and widows' and orphans' allowances for clergymen (B V b 91 and 95) until 1910- Allowances from the subsidy fund (B V b 104) until 1910- Instructions on retirement allowances for clergymen (B V b 105) until 1910- Insurance contributions to the retirement allowance fund (B V b 106) until 1910- Employment of vicars from the vicariate fund (B VII b 19) until 1905- Teaching vicariate of the candidates (B VII b 17) until 1910- Cash matters of the vicariate fund (B VII b 20) until 1910II) In September 1934 - immediately before the move to Düsseldorf - the following files were destroyed for reasons of space according to a note by Mähler: - old diaries up to 1914- old budget files up to 1915- old files on pensions, widow's benefits etc. up to 1920- old files on support payments up to 1920 until 1920- old files on support for clergy and parish widows- old files on the awarding of commemorative marriage coins- old files on the house collection delivery fund until 1910- old files on 'Miscellaneous'- old files on the publication of the church gazette until 1920- old files on the assignment of teaching vicars up to 1925- old collections on collection proceeds up to 1920- old files on church taxes up to 1905- old annual reports of the superintendents up to 1932The files of the Cologne Consistory, which was dissolved in 1825, were also transferred to the Düsseldorf State Archives in 1934 and survived the war. In today's Main State Archives, this collection with a total of 512 volumes (duration 1786-1838, mainly 1815-1826) is assigned to Department 2 (Rheinisches Behördenarchiv). (4) A parallel transfer of 525 files from the period 1816-1827 was made to the Koblenz State Archives, where they formed fonds 551. Unfortunately, this was completely burnt during the air raids on Koblenz in 1944. The same fate befell fonds 443 (Fürstlich Wiedische Regierung in Neuwied), into which some consistorial files were integrated under nos. 143-161. Only the finding aids of these two fonds are still available in the Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz. Further consistorial files were assigned to the following fonds:Fonds 309, 1 (French General Consistory Mainz) No. 1-17Fonds 381 (St. Wendel State Commission) No. 17-33Fonds 382 (St. Wendel Government) No. 420-502Fonds 387 (Landgravial Hessian Government Homburg) No. 187-295The fonds 309, 1 and 387 are still in the LHA Koblenz, the other two are now on permanent loan to the Landesarchiv Saarbrücken.III) In 1936-1937, after lengthy negotiations with the Staatsarchiv Koblenz, the consistorial files in the narrower sense, which began in 1826ff. and had initially also been handed over, were returned to the Provinzialkirchenarchiv. The latter had been located in Bonn since 1928 and had had its own premises at Hofgarten 13 since 1936. There is a 46-page compilation of these extensive holdings by Lic. Rodewald from 1938. (5) These are predominantly the older files from the 19th century, but also, for example, the documents from the 1914-1918 war period; in any case, these were files that were still considered to be of purely historical value and were deemed to be dispensable for business operations.IV) On 14 November 1939, the consistory issued a circular to the superintendents about the possibility of handing over the examination papers of deceased pastors to family members. The background to this was a request from the now provincial church archivist Lic. Rosenkranz, who sought to alleviate the acute shortage of space in the Hofgarten. It initially lists 31 pastors whose documents had already been sought out by Rosenkranz. (6) The examination papers that had not been requested were then to be destroyed in February 1940. The action was continued eight more times until February 1943, when it fell victim to the war-related restrictions in the consistory's operations. (7) The only condition for requesting files was to send in 50 pfennigs return postage. A total of 908 pastors were listed. It is not possible to ascertain which documents were actually requested back by the families and thus saved from later destruction.V) On 12 November 1943, the Koblenz State Archive Director Dr Hirschfeld, in his capacity as air raid warden, asked the Consistory to remove the files stored in Düsseldorf (8). This was rejected on the grounds that the (current) personnel files were already located in an air-raid shelter recognised as bomb-proof; structural safety measures would now be carried out immediately for the remaining files. These are documented in a cost estimate from architect Otto Schönhagen, the head of the provincial church building office, dated 10 December 1943: The registry facing Freiligrathstraße is to be fitted with protective walls for a modest 720 Reichsmarks. It can be assumed that these alterations were realised at the beginning of 1944. In any case, the files remaining at the consistory itself survived the war without any recognisable losses.VI) On the other hand, the building at Hofgarten 13 was completely destroyed in the air raid on Bonn on 18 October 1944. The fire had reached the cellar so quickly that both the older personnel files of the pastors and the consistorial files brought back from Koblenz in 1937 were completely lost. In contrast to the old pertinent holdings of the provincial church archives and the church records, these holdings were not removed from storage. This is by far the greatest loss that the original consistorial records have suffered, especially in the 19th century. It can be quantified as around 400-600 volumes of subject files (generalia and specialia) and an even higher number of personal files. In this repertory, the previous volumes that were burnt are listed under the heading 'Remarks'; the frequently occurring skip numbers in the inventory signatures indicate the complete loss of a file. A detailed reconstruction of the holdings destroyed in Bonn - which is entirely possible - would require a comparison of Rodewald's list with the available handwritten indexes of files. Fortunately, to a certain extent there is a replacement in the form of the files of the Oberpräsidium der Rheinprovinz in the LHA Koblenz. (9) Important material that is otherwise not available in Düsseldorf is also contained in the Rhine Province section of fonds 7 (Evangelischer Oberkirchenrat) in the EZA Berlin. (10)VI) On 24 February 1972, the regional church office decided to transfer the files of the former consistory to the regional church archives, which was long overdue. (11) Until then, they had been regarded as registry property - despite the fact that some of them dated back to 1826 - and were also administered by the registry. As a general pruning of the registry also took place in 1971 in connection with the move to the new LKA office building in Hans-Böckler-Straße, the special files of the church districts and parishes were subsequently removed from the consistorial files and combined into separate holdings (31 church districts and 41 local files). Unfortunately, the separation was not complete, so that a considerable number of files still remained in the consistorial holdings. In this repertory it is always noted when the subsequent volumes are in fonds 31 or 41. Conversely, in the typewritten finding aids for these two fonds, it is noted which previous volumes can be found in the consistorial files.Usage informationThe following printed file plan of the Consistorial Chancellery dates back to the 19th century and was updated until the 1940s. The indication 'n.a.' (no files available) for individual subgroups may indicate complete loss due to the effects of war. As a rule, however, the files in question have been removed as outlined above and added to newly formed fonds. This also applies to all personnel files. In addition to the indexing units listed here, there are also the 90 surviving business diaries for the period 1928-1948, for which no archival cataloguing aids have existed to date. A typewritten alphabetical subject index of the existing files, compiled in 1931 by the registrar's office at the time, was available, albeit without any duration information. Two further large handwritten indexes of files were initially written in one hand around 1850 and then updated over a period of almost 100 years. (12) Many of the files listed there have since been lost. Nevertheless, the two indexes continue to be of great significance, as they indicate the file transfers and resignations within the consistorial registry and only with them is it possible to reconstruct the lost holdings. The undersigned has compared the contents of these records. It was not possible to completely standardise their extremely different levels of indexing intensity. The present repertory is therefore not 'from a single mould'. The index of this printed version only includes the names of places and persons as well as a few selected subject headings. A complete keyword search is possible via the database of the EKiR archive. the files of the consistory cover almost all facets of church life in the Rhine Province. The records for the period of the Weimar Republic and the Nazi regime up to 1945 are almost completely preserved. In contrast, the files from the First World War, for example, are largely lost, not to mention the often rudimentary records from the 19th century. From the scholarly use to date, one cannot help but get the impression that the latent mistrust of wide ecclesiastical circles in the Rhineland towards this authority has been reflected in research since its foundation. In addition, there may have been an understandable aversion towards individual consistory employees who were involved in the church struggle. In many recent works, at any rate, reference is still made to contemporary historical collections and quite relevant bequests without taking the original official records into consideration, and it is to be hoped that a relaxed - and of course never uncritical - approach to this highly informative material will enrich our knowledge of the Protestant church history of the Rhineland. Düsseldorf, 31 October 2001(Dr. Stefan Flesch)1 Cf. on the following Max Bär: Die Behördenverfassung der Rheinprovinz seit 1815 (Publikationen der Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde 35), Bonn 1919 (ND Meisenheim 1965), pp. 153-164; Werner Heun: Art. Konsistorium, in: TRE vol. XIX, pp. 483-488; on the general ecclesiastical law and ecclesiastical politics, see Die Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche der Union, ed. by J.F.Gerhard Goeters and Joachim Rogge, Leipzig 1992-1999, passim2. On this Bär, op. cit. p. 162: 'The governments were left only with the supervision of the church registers, the care for the establishment and maintenance of the churchyards, the ordering and enforcement of the police regulations necessary for the maintenance of external church order, the supervision of the administration of assets and the appointment or confirmation of the secular church servants to be employed for the administration of church assets and the supervision of them and, together with the consistory, the modification of existing and introduction of new stolgebührentaxes and the modification of existing and formation of new parish districts. '3 Today's address: Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 12 Cf. history of the city of Koblenz vol. 2, Stuttgart 1993, p. 426f.4 The holdings of the North Rhine-Westphalian Main State Archives. Brief overview, Düsseldorf 1994, p. 98. A 30-page compilation of the files handed over can be found in A II 1 a 9 vol. I.5. B I a 29 vol. IV6. Circular no. 11073 in B I a 29 vol. IV, in alphabetical order: Heinrich Wilhelm Achelis; Hugo Achenbach (+1908); Julius Achenbach (+1893); August Bergfried (+1922); Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolf Böhm (+1867); Emil Döring (+1925); Georg Doermer (+1888); Heinrich Doermer (+1839); August Ludwig Euler (+1911); Karl Furck (+1911); Gustav Adolf Haasen (+1841); Julius Haastert; Philipp Jakob Heep (+1899); Gustav Höfer; Paul Kind; Karl Margraf (+1919); Daniel Gottlieb Müller (+1892); Andreas Natrop (+1923); Christian Friedrich Nelson (+1891); August Penserot (+1866); Reinhard Potz (+1920); Eduard Schneegans (b. 1810); Philipp Jakob Stierle (+1887); Eduard Vieten (+1869); Josef August Voigt (+1869); Johann Gustav Volkmann (+1842); Reinhard Vowinkel (+1898); Friedrich Weinmann (+1860); Friedrich Wenzel (+1909); Gustav Wienands (+1929)7 Ibid. March 1940 (48 names), November 1940 (33 names), September 1941 (47 names), February 1942 (123 names), July 1942 (118 names), October 1942 (128 names), November 1942 (176 names), February 1943 (204 names)8 A II 1 a 9 vol. I (vol. no. 28). Cf. on the overall problem the article by Petra Weiß: Die Bergung von Kulturgütern auf der Festung Ehrenbreitstein, in: Jahrbuch für Westdeutsche Landesgeschichte 26 (2000), pp. 421-4529. Cf. Inventar des Bestandes Oberpräsidium der Rheinprovinz, Teil 1 (Veröffentlichungen der Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz Bd. 71), Koblenz 1996, pp. 42-45 and 396-40910. Christa Stache: Das Evangelische Zentralarchiv in Berlin und seine Bestände, Berlin 1992, pp. 61-64 as well as a handwritten repertory especially of the Rhineland department (copy available in the AEKR Düsseldorf). The fonds comprise approx. 25 linear metres.11 LKA-Sachakten 23-2-3 Bd. 3 (Beschluss); cf. also the letter from Archivrat Schmidt dated 9 September 1971 in 22-28 Bd. 212. All the finding aids mentioned are kept in the repertory collection of the Landeskirchliches Archiv.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/037 · Fonds · 1914-1979
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Karl Ludwig Eugen Schall (born on 25 November 1885), died on 30 January 1980) joined the Grenadier Regiment of Queen Olga (1st Württembergische) No. 119 in 1904 as a junior flag officer, reached the rank of lieutenant general there until World War I, after the outbreak of the war took part as company officer in the battles of the regiment on the West and East Front and was wounded twice. From 1915 Schall worked as a captain and general staff officer, often occupying changing general staff positions at General Command XIII Army Corps, at the 26th Infantry Division, the 14th Infantry Division, General Command V, and at the General Command of the German Armed Forces. Army Corps, 18th Reserve Division, General Command IV Reserve Corps and 10th Reserve Corps. He participated in the fights in Flanders, in the Somme, in the Champagne, in the Ardennes and Argonne, in the Meuse and near Verdun until his demobilisation in 1918. He was mainly concerned with strength and loss reports, interrogation of prisoners, evaluation of aerial photographs, mapping, position building and pioneer questions. From 1933 he again held several changing positions in the General Staff of the V. Army Corps as a Major, in 1939 was Commander of the Stuttgart II Military District as Lieutenant Colonel, from 1940 as Lieutenant Colonel, later as Colonel General Staff Officer in the 554th Army Corps. Infantry Division, with the Army Group A, with the Commander-in-Chief in Serbia, then Chief of the Field Commandantur 747 in Nîmes and was last transferred in 1944 against his own wishes as a war history teacher to the Kriegsakademie. As a pensioner Schall still studied archaeology in Tübingen until his doctorate. Further information on Karl Schall's life can be found in a handwritten curriculum vitae in Bü. 182, in the diaries in Bü. 181 and in the personal file in stock M 430/2, Bü. 1804 with information on his military career until 1919.Parts of the estate of Karl Schall, above all written material from his military service and extensive collections, were offered to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart by his son Brigadegeneral a.D. Wolfgang Schall in March 1980 and, after an initial inspection at the estate's premises in April 1980, were handed over to the library of the Hauptstaatsarchiv and the archival records in Department IV (Military Archives) have since formed the M 660 estate of Karl Schall. Since the estate of Karl Schall got into complete disarray and no pre-archival classification scheme was recognizable, it was necessary to develop a classification scheme after the indexing, which should do justice to the multi-layered structures and most different documentation forms, particularly since in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart no uniform classification scheme for estates finds application. The documents from the officers' activities, correspondence and personal papers, which besides their general historical significance have a close personal connection to the deceased, were clearly separated from the multi-layered collections. The structure of the documents from the officer's activity reflects the military career of Schall. These are mostly personal copies of official documents in the form of hectographies, prints and other copies, as well as drafts and private documents. A document, which had been taken from the business transactions of the office, was reintegrated into the relevant holdings of the military unit in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. There is a reference in this repertory. The private correspondence was sorted according to correspondent groups and correspondents. Posters and wall attacks, military maps and non-military maps were incorporated into the corresponding collections of the Main State Archives J 151, M 640 and M 650 mainly for conservation reasons. Nevertheless, these pieces have also been incorporated into the present repertory in the form of references, whereby the ordering scheme of the map holdings M 640 for military maps and M 65 0 for non-military maps has been adopted. Maps which have a recognisable connection to documents in Part A have been left there or reunited and have also been incorporated into the collections of the estate as references. For the collection of newspaper clippings, individual newspapers, printed publications and manuscripts from the fields of history, contemporary history, politics, religion, language, literature, science and technology, it seemed necessary to develop as finely structured a classification scheme as possible, since this collection, with approx. 500 numbers, represents the largest part of the collection and was previously only divided into the categories1. Military, 2nd Politics and Contemporary History, 3rd Science and within these categories only chronologically ordered, which made the chronological classification of the frequently undated newspaper clippings possible. It seemed appropriate to make the very multi-layered estate accessible by means of as comprehensive a list of subjects, places and persons as possible. Only a few small map sections from maps that are already available, sketches and notes that seemed to be no longer comprehensible individually and were not in any recognizable connection to other documents, file folders and packaging material were collected. The estate of Karl Schall contains above all informative material about the type of warfare in the First World War. Of particular importance is also the material on non-Württemberg units, most of whose records were destroyed in a bombing raid on Potsdam in April 1945. The drawings on the maps from World War I provide extensive information on the course of the front, combat directions, troop movements, position building and destruction in the front areas and thus complement the M 640 map holdings well. Also noteworthy is the extensive written material on the trials before the military tribunal in Nuremberg against the generals Curt Ritter von Geitner, Hubert Lanz, Karl von Roques and Eugen Wössner, which contains excerpts from the indictments and defence material. In the collections the history of the 20th century up to the 70s is reflected in an astonishingly comprehensive and descriptive way. The collection is not subject to any restrictions of use. In January and February 1984, the M 660 estate of Karl Schall was listed and arranged by Markus Baudisch, a candidate archive inspector, as a rehearsal work in the context of the state examination for the upper archive service and comprises 697 books in 1.55 metres.