Showing 38 results

Archival description
RMG 2.147 · File · 1893-1895
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters and reports from New Guinea, 1893-1895; Report of the New Guinea Company about the hunting accident of Barkemeyer, 1895bequest; notebook with personal diary records, 1894-1895, with drawing of the volcano eruption on Dampier, 25.07.1895[ubi? August 2011]; recording of words of the Siar language ; "Waiting", poem by Andreas Bräm (1798-1882) from Neukirchen; letter, probably by Henriette Dielmann, the bride of missionary Albert Hoffmann, 1895

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.140 · File · 1880-1952
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Letters and Reports from Siar, 1900-1904; General Report of the New Guinea Mission for 1900 (1901); Conference Report on the Establishment of a Health Station, c. 1901; Conference Paper "The Importance of Literature among a Literature-less People! 1901; condolence of the imperial governor to Bergmann's death, 1904; correspondence with the German Foreign Office in Berlin for seduction of a Papuan girl by a German official, 1902-1904; correspondence with and for wife Karoline Bergmann, née. Ott, 1931-1950; Ein Brief des Siar-Christen Bel an Frau Bergmann, 1950; Obituary for Karoline Bergmann, with letter of condolence, 1952; Vol. 2; Letters and Reports from Siar (circulars, travel letters etc.), 1888-1896; Vol. 3; Letters and. Reports from Siar, 1896-1898; private letters to inspectors of the RMG, 1887-1900; letter from Missionary Bamler from Tami to Gustav Bergmann, 20.09.1896; vol. 4 Nachlass; Bergmann to his parents and siblings, 1880-1897; program of the memorial service for housemother Busch, 1886; comparison of words of the Siar- and. Bogadjim language, not published; Karoline Bergmann to the Bergmann family, 1887-1893; various correspondence to the Bergmann and Ott families, 1887-1946; Ida Helmich to Karoline Bergmann and son Theo, 1906; report on the first christening ceremony at Siar Ragetta, 1906; letters from Papua school children to son Theo, 1906

Rhenish Missionary Society
BArch, N 1138/74 · File · 1908-1908
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Budget for the accounting year 1909; also contains: budget for the East African protectorate, the protectorate of Cameroon, the protectorate of Togo, the protectorate of New Guinea, the protectorate of Samoa, the administration of the Caroline Islands, Palau, Mariana Islands and Marshall Islands, the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t office

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, N 1138/75 · File · 1909-1909
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Budget for the accounting year 1909; also contains: Budget of the protectorate debt Budget for the Reichs-Kolonialamt, the East African protectorate, the protectorate Cameroon, the protectorate Togo, the protectorate Samoa, the protectorate New Guinea including the island districts of the South Seas

Kastl, Ludwig
Diels estate (title)

Direktionskorrespondenz und weitere Unterlagen 1937-1941: 1 portfolio, loose-leaf collection; copies or handwritten, authors: Diels, Dr. Friedrich Bolle, R. Pilger; Prof. Dr. Hoppe (all Botanischer Garten Berlin), Milos Deyl (botanist, Prague); Wilhelm Engelmann (publishing bookshop Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), Wimmer (priest, editor of the Lobeliaceae for the plant kingdom). contents: air-raid protection measures in the Botanical Museum (removal of alcohol collection etc.)); financial means of the Englerstiftung; whereabouts of lost herbarium loans (Spanish Civil War); reminder to return herbarium loans; printing of various volumes of the Pflanzenreich (Richtlinien zur Korrektur, Korrespondenz mit der Verlagsbuchhandlung Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), editing of the Lobeliaceae für Pflanzenreich scientific manuscripts on the flora of SW Africa, individual letters [see FA1/1] diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript; diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript

Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 2039 · File · 1885-1946
Part of University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Feedback for the prorectorate reports; painting by Alexander Ecker by university painter Hermann (1887); donation by Robert Wiedersheimer of Ethnographica from New Guinea to the Museum für Urgeschichte; psychiatric objects by Mr. Langermann; various books, some with detailed indexes; 2 "Negerschädel" from Togo by Dr. Beck (1894); bust of general physician Beck (1894); photo collection West-Bormeo (1894); lattice micrometer (1898); Otto von Puchstein reports 20 Aegyptica; several Peruvian mummies and skulls (1900); casts and Egyptian fragments (1900); physical instruments (1902); wax model of an embryonic lizard skull to the anatomy (1903);16 lithographs to the Psyciatrische Klinik zur Wanddekoration (1903); collection of stuffed birds (1903); petrifactions (1903), donations of money; special prints by hans Spemann; estate of the pianist Olga Naswanoff (1939); painting Amazonenschlacht by Max Beckmann from the estate of Joachim Kleemann (1937) and renunciation of the Senate; donation Stelzmann; Portheim Foundation (1941),

NA Wundt/2/II/4/Db/31 · File · 1913/1918
Part of University Archive Leipzig

Excerpts on the psychology of peoples, especially on the law in antiquity and with different primitive peoples. Excerpted treatises in detail:1.) Malinowski: The family among the Australian aborigines. London, 1913 [p. 1-41];2.) Stuhlmann: With Emin Pasha into the heart of Africa. Berlin: Reimer, 1894 [p. 43-96];3.) several essays by Kohlers in the Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft on Burmese, ancient, Celtic, Togolese and Melanesian law [p. 97-127];4.) Bernhöft: Marriage and inheritance law of the Greek heroic period. An article on the prehistory of European family law, in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 11 (1896), p. 321-364 [p. 128-138].at the end of the notebook [p. 144-145] is a table of contents of the preceding of the records are processed in later works of Wundts, e.g. possibly in:Wilhelm Wundt: Völkerpsychologie: eine Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte. Volume 9: The Law. Leipzig: Kröner, 1918.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 45 · Fonds
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st About the Aldinger-Ostermayer family: Karl Aldinger and Hertha Ostermayer married on 24 January 1944. The marriage lasted over six decades. Only the death of Karl Aldinger in 2005 brought her to an end. The ancestors of the married couple were widely ramified and can be traced far back through the stored documents of the inventory. Due to the numerous traditional sources and many patient family history researches, they were deeply anchored in the consciousness of Karl and Hertha Aldingers. During the Second World War Karl Aldinger (1917-2005) was a soldier (last lieutenant). He then managed various agricultural estates (Staufeneck estate, Schafhof estate, Alteburg estate). In 1957 he took over the management of the youth hostel in Esslingen, which he continued to run until 1963. He then ran a guesthouse in Saig (Black Forest) until 1990, which came from the inheritance of an aunt of his wife. Hertha Aldinger (1920-2012) had undergone agricultural training and had been a teacher of agricultural household science since January 1944. After 1 July 1944, she no longer worked for the company, but devoted herself to her five children (one had died very early) and supported her husband in his various tasks. The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer documents the ancestors of Karl and Hertha Aldinger in almost all lines back to the end of the 18th century. There are rich documents on the families Aldinger, Trißler, Unrath (ancestors of Karl Aldinger) and Ostermayer, Görger, Baur/Giani, Heldbek/Gaiser, Riedlin and Schinzinger (ancestors of Hertha Aldinger). The documents refer to members of the upper middle class in Württemberg and Baden. Some family members were soldiers in the First and Second World Wars (among others Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), Helmut Ostermayer (1919-1941) and Karl Aldinger) and have left photos, diaries and memories as well as letters from the wartime. The Aldinger family provided agricultural estate managers for several generations. There are numerous physicians from the family circle: Dr. Oskar Görger (1847-1905), who founded his wealth through his practice in Australia, Dr. Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), who was still practicing in his 80s and was thus known in the 50s as Stuttgart's oldest practicing physician, Dr. Karl Schinzinger (1861-1948), also a physician in Australia, and Dr. Albert Schinzinger (1827-1911), who began his career as a surgeon and after his habilitation worked as a professor of medicine at the University of Freiburg (about him Pagel: Biographisches Lexikon outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century. Berlin, Vienna 1901, Sp. 1499-1500). Also worth mentioning are the pastors: Karl Ludwig Heldbek (1756-1829), pastor in Scharenstetten, Christoph Erhardt Heldbek (1803-1877), city pastor in Weilheim, Emil Heldbek (1849-1884), pastor in Auendorf, and Dr. Paul Aldinger (1869-1944), pastor in Kleinbottwar, colonist and pastor in Brazil. The Ostermayers were merchants for several generations, initially locally in Weilheim/Teck and from around 1870 in the Württemberg state capital Stuttgart. Max (1860-1942) and Gottlieb Ostermayer (1871-1910) finally worked as merchants in India. The Heldbek/Gaiser family also knew merchants whose activities later extended as far as Africa (Lagos). The most famous is Gottlieb Leonhard Gaiser (1817-1892). He tried to found a German colony in Mahinland (east of Lagos), but failed because of Bismarck's colonial-political restraint (Ernst Hieke: Gaiser, Gottlieb Leonhard, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie, 6 (1964), p. 39f.). Robert Karl Edmund Schinzinger (1898-1988), university professor and lecturer in Japan, and Ernst Ostermayer (1868-1918), professor and painter are to be emphasized as representatives of science and art. Albert Joseph Fridolin Schinzinger (1856-1926), the Japanese Consul General in Berlin, worked in the field of politics and diplomacy. 2. processing of the stock: The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer was created step by step. In ancient times, outstanding documents were preserved and entrusted to the next generation. Initially, only a few documents were handed down, mostly letters or documents with a special memoir value. This happened with both the Aldinger and Ostermayer ancestors. Only later generations left behind complete estates, i.e. closed traditions. This was the case with Eduard Ostermayer and his son Helmut as well as Karl and Hertha Aldinger. For Oskar Görger and his wife Marie, original documents have been preserved to a considerable extent, but in smaller quantities. Family research on a larger scale had already been carried out in the 1930s in connection with the Aryan evidence by the Aldingers and the Ostermayers. Lore Braitsch, née Aldinger, collected older documents for the Aldinger family, which she also evaluated (e.g. speech in honour of Dr. Paul Aldinger, cf. Bü 360). After their death in 1998 these documents came to Hertha and Karl Aldinger, so that a family archive for the Aldinger and Ostermayer families grew together. Hertha Aldinger edited this. She supplemented the originals with copies and transcriptions. With admirable patience she transcribed the documents in old, no longer generally legible script, first by hand and later by typewriter. Already in 1996 she worked with computers. Even more important are their evaluations of the family records. She put together different material to certain persons as well as whole family branches, so for her husband Karl (Bü 179) and for herself (Bü 118). She also wrote the couple's memoirs under the title "Our 20 Initial Years" (Bü 246). She also wrote down her personal memories of her parents (Bü 181). For the Ostermayer (Bü 284, 304 and 334), Heldbek (Bü 453, 473) and Schinzinger (Bü 226, 237, 296) families she compiled material and wrote elaborations on the history of these families. Probably also the order of the family archive goes back to them. This only considered a separation of the individual family branches and was otherwise little structured. When the materials were handed over to the Main State Archives in January 2013, they were stored in guide files and the subunits were formed in transparent envelopes. There were also other types of packaging. A handwritten fixation of this order was made on the occasion of the transfer of the family archive to the main state archive in a transfer register (Bü 550). Hertha Aldinger's intensive family research and work have left traces in the state of order. The units were inflated by copies, often multiple copies. Original tradition and copy or transcription were not separated. The original letter series were torn, there was the group of already transcribed pieces and the group of still unprocessed letters. The archival order of the documents restored the series of the original letters. The copies have been reduced. There is little point in keeping an original and a copy of it in the same tuft. Multiple copies of the transcriptions could also be collected. However, different processing stages (e.g. concepts, final version) were left unchanged. There was a larger collection of postcards, which had been arranged after picture motives. This collection also contained described and run postcards, i.e. family correspondence. This had to be reassigned to the letters and cards. The collection of postcards was thus reduced to the undescribed pieces (Bü 506, 509), and the archival indexing attached great importance to a detailed characterization of the Büschel contents in the Contained Notes. This was especially necessary when the title recording for the tuft had to remain very general. The collection was structured in such a way that the central importance of Karl and Hertha Aldinger for the documents is emphasized. Karl and Hertha Aldinger are expressly referred to as related family branches. The spelling of the first names was standardized according to today's spelling: Helmut instead of Hellmut, Karl instead of Carl, Jakob instead of Jacob etc.. The index lists the women among the aforementioned families from the related circle of Aldinger-Ostermayer, but also mentions the marriage name. Women who have married into the circle of relatives are classified under their names of marriage, their names of birth are given in an explanatory manner. The stock P 45 "Familienarchiv Aldinger-Ostermayer" was sorted and listed by the undersigned in Spring/Summer 2013. The duration of the documents ranges from approx. 1770 to 2013, the volume of the stock amounts to 553 units in 6.1 m.Stuttgart, in October 2013Dr. Peter Schiffer

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/18 · Fonds · (1792 -) 1806 - 1918 (- 1924)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: This collection comprises documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the general and interdepartmental foreign policy of Württemberg with regard to non-German states in Europe and the rest of the world. This also includes the Empire of Austria (-Hungary), which already owned large non-German territories when it was founded in 1804/06 and which left Germany completely after the war against Prussia in 1866. Documents on the remaining states of the Confederation of the Rhine, the German Confederation and the German Empire from 1871 onwards - including Prussia (as a whole) - were to a large extent assigned to holdings E 40/14, while those on the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine in the period 1871 - 1918 are again to be found in holdings E 40/16. The holdings essentially consist of the following parts:E 36 Verz. 60: Relevant parts of the categories "France" and "Austria "E 41 Verz. 63: Category "Different States" with sub-categories, if they are non-German statesE 46 (Categories by States)E 49 Verz. 21 and 22 (Categories by States)E 49 Supplement 1938A detailed history of the authorities of the Ministry can be found in the preface to fonds E 40/10, to which reference is made here.the country categories correspond to the composition of the world of states in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Numerous Italian small and medium-sized states, for example, are found as predecessors of the Kingdom of Italy for the first half of the 19th century as separate categories. Documents on the colonial possessions of various European states can be found both under the heading of the motherland and under their own headings (Australia, South Africa), but for reasons of content not all documents filed under the "country headings" were classified in the holdings E 40/14 or E 40/18. If the files did not contain any general political or interdepartmental matters, they were classified in the holdings E 40/54 - E 40/78. Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl began the formation and archival cataloguing of the holdings, which was later continued by the undersigned. The newly formed stock now comprises 540 tufts or 6.21 linear metres of shelving. Stuttgart, February 2011Johannes Renz b) nationality mark: A]Austria [AUS]Australia [BG]Bulgaria [BIH]Bosnia-Herzegovina [BR]Brazil [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [DK]Denmark [DZ]Algeria [E]Spain [ET]Egypt [F]France [GB]Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GEO]Georgia [GR]Greece [H]Hungary I]Italy [IND]India [IR]Iran [IRL]Ireland [J]Japan [MA]Morocco [NL]Netherlands [PE]Peru [PL]Poland [PY]Paraguay [RA]Argentina [RO]Romania [RUS]Russia [SYR]Syria [TR]Turkey [UA]Ukraine [USA]United States of America

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/16 · Fonds · (1864 -) 1866 - 1918 (- 1924)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: With the foundation of the German Reich in January 1871 and the establishment of the Foreign Office as an imperial institution, the powers of the Württemberg Ministry of Foreign Affairs were severely restricted and most Württemberg missions abroad were dissolved in the following years. However, through official correspondence with various institutions of the North German Confederation and later of the German Reich, numerous documents were gathered from which the present holdings were formed. This consists of the following parts:E 36 Verz. F (only one file)E 46 "B[andes] A[ngelegenheiten]", formerly Bü 251 - 590 und 1265 - 1266 (m. L.)E 49 Verz. 3 "B[andes] A[ngelegenheiten]"E 49 Verz. 22, rubrics "Bundesr[at]" and "Reich "A detailed history of the ministry can be found in the preface to fonds E 40/10, to which reference is made here.Since the North German Federation, like the Second German Reich, was already dominated by Prussia, the year 1866, in which the German Federation was finally dissolved and Austria's supremacy in Germany ended, appeared as a suitable border year for the General Acts on General Foreign Policy. In the end, the collection reaches back to the time of the early Weimar Republic, since a border year of 1918 became superfluous due to the dissolution of the ministry in 1920. The documents cover all general matters concerning the North German Federation (from 1867) and the German Reich (from 1871). This also includes the files concerning the imperial legations and consulates, which partially replaced the Württemberg missions abroad (cf. holdings E 50/00 - E 50/61 as well as E 65 - E 75). However, the documents concerning relations with the individual German federal states are not included in the inventory. Since here a considerable number of files chronologically exceed the "cut-off year" 1866/67 on both sides, a separation did not seem to make sense here. Questions of territory with the neighbouring states of Württemberg for the period of the early Kingdom of Württemberg are to be found in inventory E 40/11 (acquisitions of territory from 1806 onwards), later smaller border clearings and general foreign policy relations with the other German federal states in inventory E 40/14. The section "German Affairs 1866 - 1871", in which the ministerial tradition of the emergence of the Second German Empire and in particular the wars waged in the run-up to it (German War 1866 and Franco-German War 1870/71) is located, was again completely added to inventory E 40/72 (war matters and military matters), since here the political and military aspects are extremely closely interlinked. Numerous other documents on Württemberg's relations with Prussia, the North German Federation, its position as the federal state of the German Reich and its involvement in federal affairs within the framework of the Bundesrat are kept in inventory E 74 (Württemberg Embassy in Berlin), since the respective Württemberg envoy in Berlin was at the same time also authorized representative to the Bundesrat. In these cases, it is therefore possible to speak in part of a counter tradition to the existing stock, which now comprises 841 tufts or 16.30 linear metres of shelving. Most of the title recordings were made by Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl at the end of the 1990s. The final editorial office was provided by the undersigned. Stuttgart, February 2011Johannes Renz b) nationality mark: [A]Austria [AUS]Australia [B]Belgium [BR]Brazil [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [DZ]Algeria [F]France [GB]Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GR]Greece [I]Italy [IND]India [J]Japan [LT]Lithuania [MD]Moldova [N]Norway [NL]Netherlands [PL]Poland [RA]Argentina [RO]Romania [RUS]Russia [S]Sweden [TN]Tunisia [USA]United States of America [ZA]South Africa

Stadtarchiv Solingen, Na · Fonds · 1889-1978
Part of City Archive Solingen (Archivtektonik)

Carl Richard Müller was born on 2 June 1889 in Knauthain near Leipzig. After finishing school, he learned the profession of gardener from 1903-1906 and then worked in several German and Swiss towns. From the beginning of 1908 until October 1909 he had a job as a gardener at the cemetery on Casinostraße in Solingen. In 1910 and 1911 he did his military service as a naval artillerist in the German colony of Tsingtau in China. At the end of his service he concluded a contract of several years with the company Hernsheim, which traded and planted in the German colonial area of New Guinea/Bismarck Archipelago on the equator north of Australia. In 1912 he worked on the Bismarck Archipelago and the Solomon Islands Bougainville. After an eventful year in which he was able to realize his childhood dream as a planter in the South Seas for the first time, but also lost some illusions about life in the colonies, the employment contract was terminated prematurely (apparently after differences with the company) and Müller returned to Germany via Australia. Severe malaria attacks tortured him on his way home and in Germany, but his homeland could not keep him in the long run. From summer 1913 to spring 1914 he sought his fortune in Argentina, but found no satisfactory job and decided to apply for immigration to Australia. At the end of June 1914 he had the necessary entry papers and boarded the German steamer Roon in Antwerp with the destination Freemantle. When the world war broke out in August 1914 and Great Britain took the side of the German opponents, the ship had to break off the voyage to Australia and seek refuge in Dutch India. From 1914 to 1940 he worked at four different stations, from 1927 on Tandjongdjati in southern Sumatra, where he cultivated coffee and rubber, and in 1939 the Belgian owners appointed him manager. The climax of his career was followed by a sudden end. The invasion of the Netherlands by the Wehrmacht on 10 May 1940 turned German citizens into enemies in the Dutch colonial empire. For Müller and many others the period of internment began - until the end of 1941 in the Dutch camp Alasvallei in northern Sumatra, then under British control in the camp Premnagar near Dehra Dun in northern India at the foot of Hima-laya. Only in autumn 1946 the prisoner Carl Richard Müller number 56134 was released and arrived in Solingen in December 1946. Here he found work in the nursery Diederich in Wald, to which he also remained faithful as a pensioner with casual work. In 1966 he had to give up his independent life because of bad health and moved to the Eugen-Maurer-Heim in Gräfrath. There he died on 21 March 1973. The estate has preserved some of Müller's adventurous life. Müller and other prisoners used the enforced inactivity during the long internment years for writing and for lectures in their own circle. Of these works, pieces have been preserved which are of particular interest for research into German colonial rule and European planting in the South Seas. Müller's autobiographical manuscripts about the years 1912-1940, which he thought he could summarize as the "ro-man of a fortune-seeker" (documents 11 and 12 with the addition of the photographs in documents 6 and 7 and cards in documents 17 and 26), are to be mentioned first and foremost. In addition there are numerous essays by Müller on plant cultures, economic and technical problems on the plantations and abstracts on the nature and fauna of Indonesia, mainly Sumatra (documents 13 to 16). Work done by fellow prisoners on their experiences in Indonesia and Australia can be found in file 23, including a report on detention in Sumatra with a shorter annex on time in India. Relatively little is known about camp life in Dehra Dun; Müller, however, kept a booklet titled "Männerworte" (Aktenstück 5), in which 22 fellow prisoners registered themselves with words of remembrance. The photographs of Müller's life in Solingen after 1946 are primarily preserved, of which the works for Diederich may be of local historical interest (file 8). Furthermore, the collection contains a file of the Social Welfare Office of the City of Solingen. The stock was handed over to the City Archive by the Social Welfare Office in a suitcase, which was separated from the above documents at the time of recording. The stock was recorded for the first time in September 1998 by Anika Schulze, developed by Hartmut Roehr in 2007.

Pritzel Estate (Title)
/E. Pritz. · Fonds
Part of Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin

notebooks, 1 box with 20 notebooks, 1902-1935, handwritten location lists, fieldbooks, determination lists [from the estate of Werdermann]* 2 albums with original photos (by Pritzel) from his Capland-Australia-New Zealand-New Guinea-Java trip with Pritzel 1900-1902 with captions probably by Pritzel [(1) c. 30 photographs from Australia published in "Die Pflanzengeographie in 200 Lichtbildern" (Leipzig: Seemann, 1914; 30 p. 200 photographs), catalogue attached 2nd edition by S Pritzel; (2) ; s.a. Diels

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Karton 2 · File · o.D.
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Carton 2: - 1 stone tool with wooden handle - 1 stone tool, longer, damaged handle - 1 stone tool, broken wooden handle - 2 stone tools without wooden handle - 1 stone tool with short broken handle - 1 axe, Stone Age, New Guinea - 1/2 coconut in bast stand (drinking vessel) - 1 wooden vessel, Edge decorated (cup) - 1 animal head-like painted piece of wood, end broken off - 1 brown ribbon with beads - 1 ribbon turquoise/brown - 1 ribbon with light, flat jewellery parts - 1 bast jewellery part with straps and fringes - 1 part of bone/horn? beige with a smaller hole at the end - 1 stick with a fibrous frond - 1 fly swatter from Samoa - 1 fly swatter with feathers - 1 bast mini hat - 1 bone-drawn hard strand (stalk-like) - 2 light-coloured worked stones - 2 light-coloured stones with a hole in the middle

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Karton 1 · File · o.D.
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Box 1: - 2 pieces of ebony wood (1 of which with "East Africa" labels) - 1 comb, Guinea - 1 "clock" (round part with hands, necklace?) - 2 pieces of wood, wall decoration (1 x "Mulca", 1 x with flower motif) - 1 dried fruit or nut - 1 fish spear, New Guinea - 1 "Tetrapleura", ... Victoria, Cameroon, Dr. Schnee 28.04.1904 - 1 "Cassia Fistuea L", East Garden Victoria, Cameroon, Dr. Schnee 28.04.1904 - 1 knife in wooden case - 4 horns / teeth? (2 separated in the middle)

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Karton 3 · File · o.D.
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Box 3: - 1 water creator, wood, New Guinea - 1 bast bag black/beige (by Mr. Magi Magi... in East Africa), New Guinea - 2 shorter tusks - 1 drum, East Africa - 2 small tusks - 4 tusks of different sizes - 1 black polishing stone - 1 large shell of 2 parts - 1 piece of lava stone - 2 petrified decorated sponges

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Umzugskiste 3 · File · o.D.
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Moving box 2: - 1 turtle shell with chain, 1 part loose, 60 cm long - 1 turtle shell with chain, 1 part missing, 80 cm long - 1 wooden tube, inside open, decorated, 70 cm long - 1 fish spear, decorated, New Guinea - 1 ivory tooth, 95 cm long

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Karton 7 · File · o.D.
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Box 7: - 1 dagger with wooden part in wooden case, handle strongly decorated - 1 war horn for the "Maisa-Maisa uprising" in East Africa, dyed ivory - 1 wooden hatchet, New Guinea - 1 bast fan with decorated handle, end broken off (broken off part is there) - 1 tortoise shell as water creator, wooden handle on back - 1 tortoise shell with chain

BArch, R 1505 · Fonds · 1902-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1902-1918 Central Information Office for Emigrants, 1918-1919 Reichsamt für deutsche Rückwanderung und Auswanderung, 1919-1924 Reichsamt für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung, 1924-1945 Reichsamt für das Auswanderungswesen. Essential tasks: Informing the public about the prospects for German Auswan‧derer, promoting welfare efforts, regulating migration movements: Teil‧aufgaben was transferred to the Reichsstelle für Nachlasssse und Nachforschungen im Ausland in 1924 Long text: From 1924 to 1943, the "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" acted as the central German advisory and observation office for the emigration movement. It largely took over the field of work and tasks as it had developed at the "Zentralauskunftsstelle für Auswanderer" (1902-1919), continued by the "Reichsstelle für deutsche Rück- und Auswanderung" (1918-1919) and expanded by the "Reichsamt für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung" (1919-1924). The Foreign Office and the missions abroad of the German Reich were entrusted by the Reich Chancellor with providing information to those interested in emigrating. The processing of fundamental questions of emigration fell within the competence of the Foreign Office as well as that of the Reich Chancellery and the later Reich Office or Reich Ministry of the Interior. Until 1897, federal emigration legislation applied. Until then, the Reich had regulated only a few individual questions which were in a certain connection with emigration (e.g. §§ 1 and 3 of the Passgesetz of 12 October 1867, Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz of 1 June 1870). It was not until the Emigration Act of 9 June 1897 (see Reichsgesetzblatt 1897, p. 463) that a uniform emigration law was created. The Emigration Act confirmed the Reich Chancellor as the highest supervisory authority in the field of emigration. According to § 38 of the Emigration Act, an "Advisory Council for Emigration" (1898-1924) was attached to the Reich Chancellor (Auswärtiges Amt). The work and duties of the Advisory Council were governed by the regulations of 17 February 1898 issued by the Federal Council (cf. Announcement of the Reich Chancellor of 17 February 1878, in: Central-Blatt für das Deutsche Reich 1898, p. 98; BArch, R 1501/101567). The Chairman of the Advisory Council was appointed by the Emperor, the members were selected by the Federal Council for a period of two years. The ongoing business work of the Advisory Board was carried out by the Foreign Office's office staff. The Advisory Council for Emigration had only an advisory function in the licensing of settlement societies and emigration enterprises. The circular instruction of the Reich Chancellor of 10 June 1898 on the implementation of the Emigration Act obliged the German consular authorities to provide the Auswärtiges Amt constantly with information and documents for the provision of information in the field of emigration (cf. BArch, R 1501/101574). Soon after the Emigration Act came into force, efforts to establish a central information centre for emigrants did not lead to the constitution of an independent Reich authority. Rather, one of the already existing private information associations, the "Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft", was commissioned to provide the information. It was placed under state supervision and supported financially by the state. Before 1902 the following private associations were active in the field of emigration counselling in the German Reich: Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Berlin, Verein für Auswandererwohlfahrt, Hanover, Zentralverein für Handelsgeografie und Förderung deutscher Interessen im Ausland, Berlin, Leipzig, Jena, Stuttgart, Evangelischer Hauptverein für deutsche Ansiedler und Auswanderer, Witzenhausen, St. Gallen, Berlin, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen, St. Gallen Raphaelsverein, Limburg (Lahn), Central Office for the Provision of Information to Emigrants and for German Enterprises Abroad, Berlin, Public Information Office for Emigrants, Dresden, German Emigration Association of Seyffert, Berlin, German-Brazilian Association, Berlin, Overseas Association, Munich, All-German Association, Berlin, German School Association, Nightingale Society, Evangelical African Association, Catholic African Association. On 1 April 1902, the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft opened the "Zentralauskunftsstelle für Auswanderer" (1902-1919) as the administrative department of the Kolonialgesellschaft based in Berlin (cf. BArch, R 1501/101573). The Central Information Office was under the supervision of the President of the "Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft", who appointed the head of the Central Information Office with the permission of the Reich Chancellor. The head of the central enquiry unit was responsible for the management and publications of the unit. The Reich Chancellor exercised the right of supervision over the Central Information Office. The organisation of the Central Enquiry Office was governed by the provisions laid down in the "Guidelines for the provision of information to persons wishing to emigrate" and in the "Rules of Procedure of the Central Enquiry Office for Emigrants". The provision of information extended to all non-German territories as well as to the German colonies. It was carried out free of charge, either directly through the Central Information Office or through branches of the Central Information Office. Branch offices were departments of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s e l s c h a f t , as well as private emigrant associations and organizations. The Central Information Office for Emigrants had a network of more than 50 voluntary branches. The main task of the Central Information Office was to exert propagandistic influence on the flow of emigrants flowing out of the German Reich. The German emigration movement should be contained and brought under control as effectively as possible. Until 1914, the focus was on providing information on possibilities of emigration to the German colonies, to the United States of America and to South America. This advisory and information activity was accompanied by a corresponding collection, inspection and processing of the news and documents submitted by the diplomatic and consular representations of the German Reich via the Foreign Office to the Central Information Office. Similar information on the situation and prospects of emigrants abroad was also sent to the Central Information Office by public bodies, non-profit associations and registered associations at home and abroad. The Central Information Office cooperated closely with the emigrant associations that operated independently in the German Reich. The Central Information Office published information booklets on immigration regulations, economic conditions and career prospects in various countries, e.g. Paraguay, Mexico, Chile, Argentina or the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. On 9 May 1902, the "Advisory Council of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l l s c h a f t for the Central Information Office" - Information Advisory Council - was constituted (cf. Barch, R 1501/101573). The Information Advisory Board assisted the President of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t or his representative in the supervision of the Central Information Office. One third of the members of the Advisory Board were representatives of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t , and two thirds were the chairman of the information associations and organizations that had joined the Central Information Office. The ordinary meetings of the Advisory Board, convened once a year in Berlin by the President of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t , took place in camera. The head of the Central Information Office submitted the annual report of the Central Information Office to the Information Advisory Board for confirmation after obtaining the consent of the Reich Chancellor. The Imperial Chancellor could be represented by commissioners at the meetings of the Advisory Council and veto the decisions taken there. With the outbreak of the First World War, the "Central Information Office for Emigrants" stopped providing information to those interested in emigrating. After the Prussian War Ministry had established a "Central Office of Evidence for War Losses and War Graves" at the beginning of the war, the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t assigned similar tasks to the Central Information Office, especially for the circle of Reich citizens interned in civilian affairs. On the basis of the announcement made by the Reich Chancellor on the creation of a "Central Office for the Provision of Information on Germans in Hostile Foreign Countries" on 1 September 1914, the Central Information Office assumed responsibility for the provision of information, the transfer of money, the transmission of information, the processing of applications for release, and the investigation of German citizens of the Reich both in the Entente states and in the neutral states (cf. German Reich Gazette No. 205 of 1 September 1914). By decree of the Reich Chancellor of 30 September 1914, the "Zentralauskunftsstelle für Auswanderer" (Central Information Office for Emigrants) was annexed to the Foreign Office as a "Reich Commission for the Affairs of German Civilians in Enemy Land" with official character (cf. BArch, R 1501/118320). Even before the beginning of the First World War, a "Reichsstelle für deutsche Rückwanderung und Auswanderung" (Reich Migration Office) was issued by the Reich Chancellor on 29 May 1918 at the Reich Office of the Interior to regulate the return migration and emigration of Reich Germans and Volks Germans (Announcement by the Reich Chancellor on 29 May 1918, in: Deutscher Reichsanzeiger on 30 May 1918 and Königlich Preußischer Staatsanzeiger No. 125). The Reich Migration Office commenced its activities on 1 June 1918, which until the end of 1918 extended almost exclusively to return emigrant affairs. This was essentially a matter of central influence on the return migration from the occupied Polish, Romanian and Russian parts of the territory. Special attention was also paid to the return migration from the western Entente countries and the German colonies. In this context, the Reich Migration Office dealt with the collection, inspection and processing of incoming documents, the provision of information, the promotion of care for returnees, the organisation of returnees, the securing of admission, care, secondment and temporary accommodation of returnees. The chairman, his deputy and the members of the advisory board of the Reich Migration Office were appointed by the Reich Chancellor. The "Advisory Council of the Reich Migration Office", under the direction of the Chairman of the Reich Migration Office, advised the plenum and the committees on fundamental questions of return and emigration (cf. BArch, R 1501/118318). The Reich Migration Office was initially divided into an administrative and an advisory department. The advisory department consisted of members of the administrative department and of the advisory board members who discussed policy issues of return and emigration in a joint meeting. The Reich Migration Office subsequently consisted of five working groups: an administrative group, an information group, a welfare group, a legal group and a scientific group. In the occupied eastern territories, the Reich Migration Office maintained two branch offices, which had to be dismantled at the beginning of the armistice negotiations. The area to the south of the Polozk-Lida railway line and the Warsaw General Government were the responsibility of the "Deutsche Rückwandererfürsorstelle Ostgebiet Bezirk Süd" with its head office in Kowel. The area north of the railway line Pskow-Wilna-Grodnow belonged to the "Sprengel der Deutschen Rückwandererfürsorgestelle Ostgebiet Bezirk Nord" with its head office in Vilnius. Both main offices were subject to several border transit and return migration collection camps (cf. BArch, R 1501/118318). In central Russia and the Ukraine "representatives of the Reich Migration Office" were appointed (cf. BArch, R 1501/118318). They had the task of contacting the German population living there, informing them about settlement and accommodation possibilities in Germany and advising them on legal, supply and property matters. The commissioners remained active only until the withdrawal of German troops or the severance of diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia. On 1 April 1919, the work and tasks of the "Central Information Office for Emigrants" were transferred to the Reich Migration Office (cf. BArch, R 1501/118318). Since then, the Reich Migration Office has been responsible not only for dealing with the affairs of returnees but also for keeping lists and records of the Reich German civilians interned abroad. At that time, the organisation and powers of the Reichswanderungsstelle no longer met the requirements for dealing with questions of return, immigration and emigration. By decree of the Reich President of 7 May 1919, the Reich Migration Office was renamed "Reichsamt für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung" (Reich Migration Office) (Reichsgesetzblatt 1919, p. 451), while the business area was expanded (see Reichsgesetzblatt 1919, p. 451). In addition, the "Reichskommissar zur Erörterung von Gewalttätigkeiten gegen deutsche Zivilpersonen in Feindesland" (Reich Commissioner for the Discussion of Violence against German Civilians in Enemy Land) remained responsible for the settlement of war damages and the "Reichszentrale für Kriegs- und Zivilgefangene" (Reich Central Office for War and Civil Prisoners) remained responsible for the care of German returnees from war captivity and civil internment. The Reich Migration Office, as an independently operating Reich Resources Authority, was simultaneously subordinate to the Reich Ministry of the Interior and the Foreign Office. The Ministry of the Interior was responsible, among other things, for combating unreliable emigration agents, monitoring private information activities and promoting the welfare of migrants in Germany. The Federal Foreign Office was responsible for communicating with the German missions abroad and promoting migration assistance abroad. The Central Office of the Reich Migration Office in Berlin was initially divided into eight, later fourteen working groups, which were grouped into three departments. According to the business distribution plan of 1 April 1923, valid until the dissolution of the Reich Migration Office, the central office was structured as follows (cf. BArch, R 1501/118321): Department A I. Administrative Affairs a) Personnel Affairs b) Administrative and Economic Affairs c) General Affairs of the Emigration Service d) Welfare Affairs II. Country Affairs 1. Europe 2. Asia Section B I. General Affairs II. Country Affairs 1. Africa 2. Asia 3. Australia 4. America C. The Reich Migration Office maintained official branch offices administered by employees of the Reich Migration Office, municipal branch offices whose administration was left to municipal bodies, and private branch offices. On the basis of the "Richtlinien für die Anerkennung gemeinnütziger Auskunftsstellen für deutsche Aus-, Rück- und Einwanderer durch das Reichswanderungsamt" (Guidelines for the Recognition of Non-Profit Information Centres for German Immigrants, Returnees and Immigrants by the Reich Migration Office) of 1 January 2006, the following information is available In June 1920, the Reichswanderungsamt assigned tasks from branches of the Reichswanderungsamt to institutions and associations such as the "Deutsche Auslandsinstitut" in Stuttgart, the "Evangelische Hauptverein für deutsche Ansiedler und Auswanderer" in Witzenhausen and the "Raphaelverein zum Schutze deutscher katholischer Auswanderer" in Freiburg im Breisgau (cf. BArch, R 1501/118320). Outside the German Reich there were no information facilities under the control of the Reich Migration Office. In Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, "experts in emigration matters" worked to support the Reich Migration Office by providing information and promoting emigration assistance. The experts had been assigned to the German missions abroad and were subordinate to them in official and disciplinary respects (cf. BArch, R 1501/118320). According to the constitution of the Reichswanderungsamt of 24 May 1919 (cf. BArch, R 1501/118320), an "Advisory Council of the Reichswanderungsamt" was constituted for the purpose of an expert opinion on fundamental migration matters. The Advisory Council consisted of 54 members appointed by the Reich Ministry of the Interior and the Foreign Office for a period of two years. Advisory councils were also set up in the branches of the Reich Migration Office. These advisory councils brought together all the local organisations active in the area of activity of the branch offices, which, like the branch associations of the "Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland", the "Red Cross", dealt, among other things, with questions of migration. The Reich Migration Office operated an extensive intelligence, reconnaissance and information service. Those interested in emigrating should be made aware of the employment and settlement opportunities available in Germany and held back from emigrating. The information and documents forwarded to the Reichswanderungsamt were processed by the Reichswanderungsamt into information leaflets on countries considered as German emigration destinations and into leaflets on emigration problems of general interest. The Reichswanderungsamt published twice a month since 1919 the "Nachrichtenblatt des Reichsamtes für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung (Reichswanderungsamt)", since 1921 under the title "Nachrichtenblatt des Reichswanderungsamtes (Reichsamt für deutsche Einwanderung, Rückwanderung und Auswanderung)". After the dissolution of the Reichswanderungsamt, the newsletter was published until 1944 under the title "Nachrichtenblatt der Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen". The business area of the Reichswanderungsamt expanded continuously until 1924. At the beginning of 1920, the Reich Migration Office took over from the Passport Office of the Foreign Office the processing of all written and oral applications for travel opportunities for Germans abroad, emigrants and returnees from Germany to other countries and vice versa. With effect from 1 October 1923, the tasks of the probate office and the civil status department were largely transferred from the legal department of the Foreign Office to the Reich Migration Office (cf. the news bulletin of the Reich Migration Office 1923, p. 210). In this way the migration, investigation, inheritance and civil status matters were essentially united at the Reich Migration Office. The scope of duties of the Reich Migration Office was limited only by the responsibilities of the Reich Commissioners for Emigration and the Reich Ministry of the Interior for dealing with emigration ship matters, for dealing with emigrant and refugee welfare associations and associations, and for deciding on applications for entry by returnees. This demarcation, however, did not have such a strong effect as the head of the Reich Migration Office was at the same time expert for return migration matters and personnel officer for the office in the Reich Ministry of the Interior. The efforts of the Administrative Removal Commission to dismantle the Reich Migration Office led to the decision of the Administrative Removal Commission of 24 January 1924, according to which the Reich Migration Office was to be dissolved with effect from 1 October 1924. Under the pressure of the financial situation of the German Reich, a cabinet decision of 12 February 1924 and the ordinance of 28 March 1924 set the dissolution date for 1 April 1924 (see BArch, R 1501/118321). By decree of 29 March 1924, the newly formed "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" (Reich Office for Emigration) continued from 1 April 1924 only to deal with the central tasks connected with the emigration movement (cf. Reichsgesetzblatt 1924 I, p. 395). The Reich Office for Emigration processed information and documents for emigration counselling, forwarded relevant materials to the counselling offices, and supervised the emigration counselling offices permitted in the German Reich. The Reich Office carried out its activities with the assistance of an advisory council in the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, with a significantly limited circle of employees compared to the Reich Migration Office. With effect from 1 April 1924, the legal ownership of the official branches of the Reich Migration Office was transferred from the German Reich to public corporations, non-profit associations and registered associations. According to the business distribution plan of 1 April 1924 (cf. BArch, R 1501/118322), the Reich Office began its work with the following subject areas grouped into groups: 1. general administrative matters; general matters of the information centres and recognised information centres; dealings with associations, societies and the press; observation of the emigration movement; prevention and combating of grievances in the emigration movement; legal cases; annual reports; matters of the Advisory Council 2. personnel matters 3. treasury and accounting matters 4. Emigration and information statistics 5. collection and transmission of information material to advice centres and cooperation in the news bulletin for North and Central America and Asia (excluding Siberia) 6. the same for South America 7. the same for Western and Northern Europe 8. the same for Western and Northern Europe the same for Southern Europe 9. the same for Eastern Europe and Siberia 10. the same for Africa, Australia and the South Seas 11. Editing and publication of the newsletters, leaflets and information leaflets 12. Internal ministry 13. Library and archive 14. Registry 15. Chancellery. The investigation, estate and civil status matters processed to date by the Reich Migration Office were transferred to the newly founded "Reichsstelle für Nachlässe" by ordinance of 1 April 1924 (cf. Reichsgesetzblatt 1924 I, p. 402). This Reich Office was an authority subordinate to the Federal Foreign Office with a central area of responsibility. The Reichsnachlassstelle was dissolved by decree of 30 December 1927 (see Reichsgesetzblatt 1927 I, p. 4). It handed over the subjects it dealt with to the Federal Foreign Office, the German missions abroad and the responsible state authorities. The Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen lost considerable importance during the Nazi era. The fundamental questions of emigration were concentrated to a greater extent at the Reich Ministry of the Interior, the Foreign Office and, in the following years, especially at NSDAP offices and, since 1938/39, at the "Reichsführer SS und Chefs der Deutschen Polizei", such as the "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle" and the "Deutsche Umsiedlungs- und Treuhandgesellschaft mbH". From 1924 to 1936, the Reich Office for Emigration was subject to Department II (Public Health, Welfare, German Studies) and from 1936 to 1943 to Department VI (German Studies, Surveying) of the Reich Ministry of the Interior. After the dissolution of Division VI of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, the "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" (Reich Office for Emigration) with the subjects "Flüchtlings- und Rückwandererfürsorge" (Refugee and Return Migration Welfare), "Wanderungswesen" (Migration), "Auswanderungsschifffahrt" (Emigration Shipping), previously dealt with by Division VI of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, merged in December 1943 into the "Hauptamt Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Amt VI. Reichswanderungsstelle" (cf. BArch, R 4901/185). Inventory description: Inventory history On November 30, 1951, the Deutsche Zentralarchiv Potsdam took over files of the "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" (Reich Office for Emigration) from the cellar of the registry office I, Berlin C 2, Stralauer Straße 42/43, amounting to about 1,400 files. According to information provided by the former main archives department at the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR, these files had been found in the building of the former Reichsarchiv in Troppau and had been handed over to Berlin by the CSSR at an unknown time. According to investigations carried out after 1945, the files of the Reich Office for Emigration (most recently "Amt VI Reichswanderungsstelle" of the Hauptamt Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle) were moved in 1944/45 to the Posterholungsheim Templin and to the Reichsarchiv in Troppau. The files that were transferred to Templin included state and administrative files from 1918 to 1945, German origin files from 1920 to 1945, files from Department VI of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, which was dissolved in 1943, and personnel files from the personnel registry. These files had not been found in 1946. Of the files moved to Troppau - more than 12,000 files are said to have been sent to more than 170,000 German civilian internees all over the world from the time of the First World War - the aforementioned 1,400 files were transferred to the German Central Archive in Potsdam. The files were in an extraordinarily poor state of preservation, disordered and unrecorded. These were very fragmentary documents on individual cases from the activities of the "Central Information Office for Emigrants", the "Reichswanderstelle", the "Reichswanderungsamt" and the "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen". Archival evaluation and processing At the beginning of the 1960s, around 1,360 file units were collected due to a lack of archival value. 44 file units remained as inventory 15.05 "Reichsstelle für das Auswanderungswesen" for permanent storage. They provide an insight into the subject and method of work of the emigration authorities. The first indexing of the files took place in 1960. In view of the fragmentary tradition at hand, the organizing work was limited to a classification according to factual aspects. The following classification groups were formed: Group I Provision of information to those interested in emigrating Group II Investigation of German citizens interned in civilian life Group III Organization and business operations Wolfgang Merker provided the initial development in 1960/63. The finding aid he has compiled forms the basis for the present finding aid. During the revision in 2009, a previously unlisted fragment was integrated into the collection (R 1505/45). The classification of the stock has been retained. Subsequently, series and band sequences were created. The listing information as well as the introduction to the history of the authorities and the inventory have been editorially revised. Characterisation of content: Characteristics of content: The files handed over to the German Central Archive in Potsdam in 1951 essentially contained inquiries from individuals, associations under private law and authorities about the whereabouts of emigrants, prisoners of war and civilian internees of the First World War, processes concerning the settlement of property and inheritance matters, correspondence about search forms and communications with foreign missions, German and foreign authorities as well as applications for the release and extradition of prisoners of war and civilian internees. There are no procedures on fundamental issues of emigration, the organisation and the remit of the emigration authorities. The 45 AE (1.3 running meter) of the stock remaining after the archival processing are assigned to three classification groups: Provision of information to prospective emigrants 1902-1928 (18), searches for civilian internees of the German Reich 1914-1923 (17), business operations and personnel files 1920-1945 (10). ‧‧ State of development: Online-Findbuch (2009) Citation method: BArch, R 1505/...

BArch, N 224/67 · File · Mai 1915 - Dez. 1917
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Principle: Repurchase of all colonies; Colonial Territory Exchange Preservation of South Seas Property The German Flag in the Pacific Ocean Association of South Seas Companies: The high value of the German South Seas for our national economy

Truppel, Oskar von