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Edith estate Huch
Bestand · 1930-1932
Teil von Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin

Habari gani? two-year foot safari through southern East Africa, now Tanzania, in 1930-1932, to explore the vegetation. 138 p., 1 card, 4 sw. Photos; Typoscript 1988: Experience report of the research trip with her brother, the botanist Hans-Joachim Schlieben (1902-1975), correspondence with the management of the BGBM.

Landbauamt Bad Kissingen files (inventory)
Staatsarchiv Würzburg , Landbauamt Bad Kissingen Akten · Bestand · 1872-1954
Teil von State Archives Würzburg (Archivtektonik)

Foreword Landbauamt Bad Kissingen Files: History of the authorities of the agricultural office Bad Kissingen: The Landbauamt Bad Kissingen was established on 23 January 1872 as one of 24 offices with identical names in Bavaria to carry out building construction projects (source: Government Gazette for the Kingdom of Bavaria No 10 of 31 January 1872). The activities in the field of civil engineering, which had been carried out from 1857 to 1872 by the so-called building authorities, were transferred to the road and river construction offices newly established at the same time. The background to this reorganisation was the delayed adaptation of the state building administration to the restructuring of the internal administration at the lower level through the spin-off from the regional courts (of an older order) and the establishment of the district offices. The regional authority Bad Kissingen was assigned the spatial responsibility for the sprinkles of the district offices Bad Brückenau, Bad Kissingen, Ebern, Haßfurt, Bad Königshofen, Hofheim, Mellrichstadt, Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale and Schweinfurt as well as the independent towns Bad Kissingen and Schweinfurt. On April 1, 1954, the headquarters of the Agricultural Office was relocated to Schweinfurt. A branch office remained in Bad Kissingen, which was exclusively responsible for looking after the state spas Bad Kissingen, Bad Bocklet and Bad Brückenau. Würzburg, September 1997