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13691 Personal estate Karl Süpfle (holdings)
Sächsisches Staatsarchiv, 13691 · Bestand · 1880 - 1942
Teil von Saxon State Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • 1880 - 1942, Sächsisches Staatsarchiv, 13691* description: History: Prof. Dr. med. Karl Süpfle was born on 09.12.1880 in Metz. After his studies and doctorate at the University of Heidelberg and his habilitation at the University of Freiburg in 1908, Süpfle became a private lecturer under Max von Gruber at the Institute of Hygiene at the University of Munich and, from 1911, an unscheduled professor. He participated in the First World War as a consultant hygienist in the Bavarian army. In 1927, Süpfle became director of the Institute of Hygiene at the Technical University of Dresden, and in 1937 he moved to the University of Hamburg in the same function. On 01.08.1939 he was called up as a senior war doctor for the Wehrmacht. He fell off Stalingrad on 26.09.1942. Süpfles' main areas of research were bacteriology and immunology, disinfection and vaccination. Content: Family affairs - military time 1914 - 1918 - scientific cooperation, among others with Max von Pettenkofer and Max von Gruber - expert activities and research - lecture manuscripts - field post letters 1. and 2. world war. Detailed introduction: Short biography Karl Süpfle was born on 9 December 1880 in Metz. He studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg from 1899 to 1904 and received his doctorate in 1905. Since 1904 he has held assistant positions at the hygiene institutes in Heidelberg (until 1907) and Freiburg im Breisgau (1908-1911). In Freiburg he habilitated in hygiene and bacteriology. The start of another assistant position at the University of Munich played an important role in his academic career. There he became a pupil of the hygienist Max von Gruber (1853-1927), who had been trained by Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901) among others. Süpfle dealt extensively with questions of disinfection, immunology and bacteriology and presented research results on smallpox protection both in his dissertation and in his habilitation thesis. In Munich he first taught as a private lecturer and from 1911 as a professor. Since the winter semester 1914/1915 he held a teaching position at the newly integrated veterinary faculty. His research and teaching activities were interrupted by the First World War, when he was active as a consultant hygienist. According to Süpfles plans, the Animal Hygiene Institute of the University of Munich opened on 2 June 1923, where he was responsible for the training of numerous veterinarians in hygiene. In 1927 Karl Süpfle followed an appointment at the Dresden Technical University (TH Dresden) to succeed Philalethes Kuhn (1879-1937) as director of the Institute of Hygiene. The TH Dresden was the only one of its kind in the German Reich that had a hygiene institute. It was founded around 1895 under the ordinariate of Friedrich Renk (1850-1928) to teach prospective architects, technicians, engineers, etc. in hygiene studies. In Dresden, Süpfle succeeded in combining scientific hygiene with technical sciences. His main areas of research at that time were housing, urban and industrial hygiene. As director of the Hygiene Institute in Dresden, he was also director of the Saxon State Office for Public Health Care, to which the State School of Disinfectors was affiliated. At the same time he was a member of the Saxon State Health Office, a member of the board of trustees of the Hygiene Academy at the German Hygiene Museum, a full member of the Academy for Continuing Medical Education in Dresden and from around 1932 engaged in the German Academy for Urban Development. He was also Chairman of the Academic Committee for Physical Education in University Sport. From 1928 to 1935, Karl Süpfle was a member of the board of the German Hygiene Museum Association. In the course of the preparation and realization of the second International Hygiene Exhibition he became a presidential member and held the overall scientific leadership. Süpfle was a member of the steel helmet, the federation for front soldiers of the First World War, as well as in the NS teacher federation and signed the
27025 Theodor Rehbock estate (existing)
KIT-Archiv, 27025 · Bestand · 1889-1950
Teil von KIT Archive (Archive Tectonics)

Contents: An overview of the contents can be found in the classification. History of origins: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Christoph Heinrich Rehbock (*12.04.1864 in Amsterdam, 17.08.1950 in Baden-Baden) studied civil engineering in Munich and Berlin from 1884 to 1890. After the diploma examination and the government building leader examination he worked from 1890 to 1892 in Berlin at the Reichstag building administration, then from 1893 to 1894 in the Bremen building administration. After passing the government building master examination in 1894, he worked in Berlin as a consulting engineer for hydraulic engineering and undertook journeys through Europe, to Canada and the USA as well as to South America and 1896/97 to southern Africa. In 1899 he was appointed full professor at the Technical University of Karlsruhe, where he established the river engineering laboratory and served as rector in the academic years 1907/08, 1917/18 and 1925/26. In 1934 Rehbock was emeritus. Pre-archival inventory history: Foreword by Klaus-Peters Hoepke in the provisional find book: "The inventory changed location several times between its creation and its transfer to the university archive. In 1943 Rehbock obtained permission from the rector to bring his papers from the river engineering laboratory to his house in Baden-Baden to arrange them. When Baden-Baden became a military restricted area in the autumn of 1944, Rehbock moved it to his alternative quarters in Ried b. Benediktbeuren/Obb. At the end of the war he took her back to Baden-Baden. Since his house was confiscated by the French military administration, he had to move again - taking his papers with him. During Rehbock's lifetime, but at the latest after his death, individual pieces of furniture, parts of his library, these papers - probably supplemented by parts of the written private estate - reached the Technical University of Karlsruhe. In September 1992 Prof. Dr. techn. Peter Larsen and PD Dr.-Ing. Hans Helmut Bernhart of the Theodor Rebock Institute arranged for the fundus to be transferred to the university archive. Furthermore Dr.-Ing. Andreas Richter from the Institute of Hydromechanics handed over a bundle of Rehbock manuscripts of the lecture on weirs to the archive in January 1995; it was added to the collection under the serial number 63a. The inventory listed below is made up of parts of the service room estate and private papers. In view of the distances travelled, experience has shown that it is hardly probable that the fundus that existed around 1943 is still completely preserved. After the war, for example, there must have been two folders with the correspondence that Rehbock had kept with the nestor of German hydraulic engineering, Hubert Engels from Dresden, a colleague he held in high esteem. In any case, the effects of war had destroyed not only countless measurement records, plans, etc. but also the historically valuable and extensive collection of site plans of the Rhine models: According to Rehbock, the already print-ready collection documented "the best I could achieve in the experimental world". (So to Anton Grzywienski, 15.12.1946, no. 162) [...] In Baden-Baden Rehbock actually dealt with arranging his papers. He probably used the registration plan as a basis, according to which he had correspondence, sketches, plans, etc. filed during his active time in the river engineering laboratory. (This registry plan no longer exists, so that the presumed losses can no longer be determined). Above all, Rehbock added explanatory remarks for posterity to individual folders or documents. Many documents then contain underscores, paint strokes or margin notes made with coloured pencils (red, purple or green). Unfortunately, it is not always clear whether these are traces of processing from the course of business or later highlights, which it seemed advisable to place roebuck in view of posterity." Archive history: Most of the documents were transferred from the Theodor Rehbock Institute to the university archive in September 1992. A small levy was made in January 1995 from the Institute of Hydromechanics (No 63a). The Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Cultural Engineering, which emerged from the Theodor Rehbock Institute, submitted further documents in 1996, which Hoepke classified partly in "Signatures" he had created and partly under No. 351-381. Numbers 370-381 included 1,345 photographic glass plates. These were included in a provisional list in late 2003 and filmed and digitised at the turn of the year 2003/04. On 02.06.2008 the addition 29/? was added to the inventory as signature number 406. Explanation of the order: The order of the inventory was established in its basic features according to the order carried out by Theodor Rehbock. Changes took place in the initial stock formation in the university archive (see Archivische Bestandgeschichte) and in the digitisation of the finding aid in 2005. Indexing information: In the second quarter of 2005, the finding aid available in electronic form was easily edited and imported into the finding aid database. The existing classification was adopted largely unchanged. During the digitization of the finding aid, signatures with alphanumeric additions were changed to purely numeric signatures. Classification overview: 1. personalia 2. colonial matters 3. university matters 4. memberships 5. manuscripts 6. divining rod 7. structural engineering 8. technical contacts in the USA 9. tooth sleeper patent and its exploitation 9.0 general 9.1 German projects 9.2 Company Dyckerhoff 9.3 Company Philips

302 NL Bach, C.
Universitätsarchiv Chemnitz, 302 · Bestand · 1838-2007
Teil von Chemnitz University of Technology

1st administrative history/biography: Carl Bach was born on 08.03.1847 in Stollberg in the Erzgebirge mountains as the son of the saddler master and carriage builder Heinrich Julius Bach. After attending primary school and private school in Stollberg, he completed an apprenticeship as a locksmith. In the years 1863 and 1864 he worked in the steam engine construction of the company R. Hartmann in Chemnitz. During this time he learned English in addition to his work. Then he was first a pupil of the Gewerbschule, later of the Werkmeisterschule, where he graduated at Easter 1866 with the overall grade 1 and the silver medal, which was only awarded in one copy. This year he took part in planning work for the Chemnitz water pipeline under the direction of Prof. Kankelwitz. After the following studies at the Polytechnikum Dresden he followed Prof. Kankelwitz as assistant for the years 1868 to 1872 to Stuttgart. After this time Bach studied again, this time with Grashof at the TH Karlsruhe, where he earned his diploma in 1873. In the following five years he worked as an engineer in Wollwich, London and Vienna, finally becoming director of Lausitzer Maschinenfabrik AG in Bautzen. He was elected to the Zittau Chamber of Commerce in 1877 and married in the same year. On 01 October 1878, Bach was appointed full professor of mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart, where he established the Materials Testing Institute in 1884 and the Engineering Laboratory eleven years later. From 1885 to 1888 he was rector of the TH Stuttgart. One year later, on 20 June 1889, Bach was awarded the silver commemorative medal by the King of Württemberg on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the government. In February 1892 he received the Knight's Cross and on 25 November 1895 the Honorary Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown, connected with the nobility of persons. He was also awarded the title of "Construction Director". Already in 1883 Carl Bach was appointed to the Federal Polytechnic in Zurich, in 1895 to the Technical University in Berlin and in 1902 unofficially to the Technical University in Vienna. However, he did not follow any of these calls. On 22 March 1911 he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the 2nd Class of the Albrecht Order by King Friedrich August of Saxony, in 1914 the title "Staatsrat", in February 1916 he was awarded the Wilhelmskreuz by the King of Württemberg, in February 1918 the Commander's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown. Also this year Bach was the first technician in Württemberg to receive the title "Excellence". From 1912 to 1918 Carl von Bach was a member of the 1st Chamber of the Württemberg State Parliament for the TH Stuttgart. On his 70th birthday, 1917, he became an honorary citizen of his hometown Stollberg and on his 80th birthday an honorary citizen of Stuttgart. In 1920 the senate of the TH Stuttgart had him paint for the senate hall. Two years later Bach was emeritus. In 1926 Bach was painted again, this time for the conference hall of the VDI in Berlin. Carl von Bach died in Stuttgart on 10 October 1931. He holds honorary doctorates from the TH Berlin (1903), the University of Tübingen (1927), the TH Vienna (1927), and the TH Stuttgart (1927). In close cooperation and lively exchange of ideas with renowned entrepreneurs and inventors such as Robert Bosch, Paul Daimler, Rudolf Diesel, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin and many others, Bach succeeded in bridging the gap in mechanical engineering between practitioners such as Redtenbacher (Karlsruhe) and theorists such as Reuleaux (Berlin) by purposefully combining theory and practice through experimental research in mechanical engineering and civil engineering. In order to secure the scientific basis, Bach successfully established two research institutes, the Materials Testing Institute 1884, of which he was director until 1922, and the Engineering Laboratory 1895. On his initiative, the first chair for aeronautics and automotive engineering was established in Germany in 1925, together with the associated laboratory. Based on his work, Bach is regarded as the founder of static elasticity and strength theory. Both from his own experience and from his work in business circles and technical associations, Bach was aware that the rapid development of German industry required a fundamental reform of engineering education. He demanded a "workshop practice" of at least one year. Bach considered solid practical experience supplemented by thorough, comprehensive training in natural science and technical subjects, but also the teaching of humanities disciplines, the "humanisation of technical universities", to be absolutely essential for the engineer of the future. His educational policy intentions, which he realized in his more than 40 years of work at the Technical University of Stuttgart, he achieved above all through the Association of German Engineers. The appreciation of Bach as a teacher and scholar is expressed not only by his appointments to other universities, but also by the orders and honours of crowned heads and associations of a technical, scientific and socio-political nature, as well as the magnificent letter of thanks from the students of the TH Stuttgart. 2nd inventory description: Carl von Bach (1847-1931) was one of the most important German technical scientists of his time. In the field of mechanical engineering and material testing he did pioneering work, which is the basis for today's problems and solutions. The estate of Carl von Bach comprises a total of about 40 running metres. Archive material. However, this material does not only contain the scientific legacy of Bach, but much more: in addition to the scientific works - almost all manuscripts of his major works are available in various editions - an extensive part of his private legacy is also preserved. In addition, the University Archives also contain the estate of his son Julius Bach. He was bequeathed in his will the entire legacy of his father's writings, which he finally bequeathed to the then Technical University of Karl-Marx-Stadt alongside his own. Particularly valuable in the estate of Carl von Bach, if one can even pick out a subgroup, is the traditional business correspondence. On approx. 50,000 sheets, both the correspondence received and the correspondence sent out over the period from 1876 to 1931 are almost completely handed down. Because of Bach's focus on work and research, the theory of strength and elasticity, of which he was a co-founder, he came into contact with various representatives from science and industry. Moreover, Bach was a very socially committed person, which is also reflected in this correspondence. However, the preservation of the tradition is endangered. In particular, the copial books with the outgoing correspondence will only be released for use in exceptional cases. The degree of preservation of the writing material is particularly problematic here. As a rule, the deceased did not use commercially available ink, but mixed it himself in varying compositions, some of which faded very strongly. In addition, the transparent paper of the books is only of little stability. For this reason, the business correspondence in the Bach estate was completely filmed and digitized. Selected documents are recorded on colour film and are available as negatives and positives. The Subdivision of the Estate Carl von Bach's estate is divided into six sections in its provisionally final stage of indexing: I. Biographical material This group includes personal documents, testimonies of his educational and professional career, documents about his military service, honours, vocations, anniversaries and autobiographical records. II. private correspondence This is arranged chronologically according to the members of the family and within them. Of these, the correspondence with his son Julius is the most extensive and certainly also the most interesting, since it contains the discussions of various technical problems that were conducted between the two scientists. III. business correspondence This cannot claim to be complete, but the extent of the overdelivery is impressive. Particularly remarkable is the tradition of the outgoing mail, which is recorded in a total of 35 copial books on approx. 35000 sheets. They cover the period from 1876 to 1903 and from 1909 to his death in 1931. Within these copies the letters are arranged chronologically and for almost each of these books there is a register of names of the addressees, which has been made by the deceased. However, the Kopialbücher also contain copies of incoming letters and various concepts, orders, etc., which Bach probably regarded as particularly important. Also the mail archived in this group is quite remarkable with 18 000 sheets. In total, there are about 2500 correspondents in the group of business correspondence. With regard to the two sections on private and business correspondence, it should be noted that correspondence can also be found outside these sections, in the fact files. IV. Business papers Here you will find the manuscripts of his countless publications, statements and expert opinions on the fields of science covered by Bach, as well as extensive material collections on these questions. His work on material testing, the durability of steam boilers and riveted joints, etc. can be particularly well understood here. Bach himself created firm portfolios in which he collected all possible processes into one subject and then labeled them accordingly. This state of order and distortion was largely adopted during the earlier processing of the estate, without verifying the content in detail. This situation was resolved in 2007. The order by subject has been maintained, but the folders have been repackaged and the file titles have been supplemented with extensive "Contains" notes to facilitate access to this material. In addition, papers from the estate of Julius Bach were added to this section, but these clearly have their origin in Carl Bach. V. Material Collections Various types of material have been summarized here. This concerns e.g. his membership cards, orders, promotional gifts, material samples or also different photos. Sections 4 and 5 have not been rearranged, but have been taken over from the original legator. VI. Non-provenance material Here is the material about the legator that was later added to the estate, such as obituaries or copies of and about Bach from other archives. In the revision of the estate, further material on Carl Bach was added. Of particular note here are the numerous photos of the Carl Bach family, which were made available in digital form for the collection. The inventory signature is the number 302, followed by an indication in Roman numerals and the individually numbered file units (in Arabic numerals). The Roman numerals indicate the six different groups. Example: 302 / III / 0123 Carl von Bach estate estate / business correspondence / foreign correspondence America: Argentina, Chile, Canada, USA Inventory processing The Carl von Bach estate has not yet been finally catalogued. At the beginning of the processing in the 80s a file was created, which was the basis for the input into the database at the end of the 90s. The data was transferred unchanged. A new classification was developed for the estate, according to which the entered units of registration are arranged. New file titles have been created in the Biographical Material, Private and Business Correspondence sections. In 2007, sections IV to VI were finally developed in greater depth. Although most of the titles of the files in the business papers and material collections were originally taken over by the testator, they were supplemented with extensive remarks. The present finding aid book thus represents the most recent state of processing for the time being. Digitisation The correspondence in the estate has been completely filmed and digitised from the film. Due to the state of preservation, the originals are no longer released for use. A high quality silver halide film has been used to secure the existence of the company. As a rule, this part of the estate is used via the electronic data on the PC. The designation of the CD-ROM corresponds to that of the file unit. During scanning, the individual sheets were numbered consecutively. The first part of the file name, however, reflects the file unit. However, the file numbers do not match the page number. 3. state of indexing/scope: indexed; find book, database, digitised material; scope: 40.75 running metres.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 172 · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  1. Behördengeschichte In der Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig (16. - 19. Oktober 1813) fügten die alliierten Truppen, zu denen auch preußische Verbände gehörten, Napoleon eine verheerende Niederlage zu. König Friedrich August I. von Sachsen, ein Verbündeter Napoleons, geriet bei der Erstürmung der Stadt Leipzig in Gefangenschaft und wurde zunächst ins Berliner Stadtschloss, später dann ins Schloss Friedrichsfelde überführt. Die französische Armee, die Dresden nach dem Sieg bei Lützen am 2. Mai 1813 besetzt hatte, kapitulierte am 11. November 1813. Die Verwaltung des Königreich Sachsen sowie des Herzogtums Sachsen-Altenburg und der reußischen und schwarzburgischen Fürstentümer wurde dem Zentralverwaltungsdepartement übertragen. Dessen Leiter, Freiherr Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein, richtete zum 21. Oktober 1813 das Generalgouvernement der verbündeten Mächte im Königreich Sachsen ein. Als Leitungsgremium wurde ein Gouvernementsrat unter dem Vorsitz des am 9. Dezember 1813 ernannten russischen Generals Nikolai Grigorjewitsch Repnin-Wolkonski eingerichtet. Ihm gehörten russische, preußische und sächsische Beamte an, wobei letztere auf die neue Obrigkeit vereidigt wurde. Repnin-Wolkonski stieß eine Reihe von Verwaltungsreformen an. Auch wurde in Dresden eine Industrieschule eingerichtet, in Leipzig eine Chirurgisch-Medizinische Akademie. Die königlichen Kunstsammlungen, die Brühl’schen Terrassen und der Große Garten in Dresden wurden für die Öffentlichkeit geöffnet. Die Frauenkirche wurde restauriert. Zur Fortführung des Kriegs wurden Landwehr und Landsturm errichtet und ein Banner der freiwilligen Sachsen als Freikorps aufgestellt. Dennoch erlebte der partikulare Patriotismus einen Aufschwung, der auch von den fremden Besatzungsmächten nicht übergangen werden konnte. Um Befürchtungen, das Königreich werde aufgelöst, zu begegnen, versprach Repnin noch in seiner gedruckt erschienenen Abschiedsrede: "Sachsen bleibt Sachsen, und seine Gränzen unangetastet. Eine liberale Verfassung wird die Selbständigkeit des Staates und die Wohlfahrt jedes Einzelnen sichern." (I. HA Rep. 172, Nr. 7, Bl. 3 VS). Nach dem Beginn des Wiener Kongresses übergab Repnin-Wolkonski die Leitung des Generalgouvernements am 8. November 1814 dem preußischen Staatsminister Freiherrn Eberhard Friedrich Christoph Ludwig von der Recke und dem Generalmajor Freiherrn Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold von Gaudy (auch Gaudi). Sie führten beide die Amtsbezeichnung des Generalgouverneurs. Aus der Zeit nach dem Übergang von Russland an Preußen stammt die Geschäftsordnung des Generalgouvernements vom 12. Dezember 1814. Sie basiert auf älteren Instruktionen (Leipzig, 25. Okt. 1813; Leipzig 1. Nov. 1813; 8. Nov. 1813; Wien, 25. Okt. 1814), die in der betreffenden Akte jedoch nicht enthalten sind (I. HA Rep. 172, Nr. 15). Die Grundzüge der Geschäftsordnung des Generalgouvernements dürften jedoch in den Jahren 1813 und 1814 unverändert geblieben sein. Das Generalgouvernement umfasste das Generalsekretariat, vier Sektionen bzw. Verwaltungsabteilungen sowie die Zentralsteuerkommission. Daneben bestand noch der Gouvernementsrat als "Vortrags-Versammlung sämtlicher Herren Gouvernements-Räthe". Das Generalsekretariat war die schriftgutführende Stelle innerhalb des Generalgouvernements. Es führte die Journale und beaufsichtige den Geschäftsgang. Darüber hinaus erledigte das Generalsekretariat alle übergeordneten Materien ("Generalia"), die nicht bei den einzelnen Sektionen ressortierten, sowie die Leitung der Höhere Polizei. Die Angelegenheiten der Höheren Polizei waren vom Vortrag im Gouvernementsrat befreit, wurden allein von den Generalgouverneuren entschieden. Bis zum Übergang an Preußen wurde das Generalsekretariat von Staatsrat Freiherrn Andreas von Merian geleitet, danach von Staatsrat Friedrich Wilhelm August Werner von Bülow. Bülow leitete neben Oberst Dietrich von Miltitz und einem Kriegsrat Krüger auch die 1. Sektion des Generalgouvernements. Dieser Sektion oblagen Angelegenheiten der Justiz, der allgemeinen Polizei, des Medizinal- und Armenwesens, der Gemeinden, Körperschaften und öffentlichen Institute sowie der Kirchen und Schulen. Die 2. Sektion kümmerte sich dagegen um die Finanzen, soweit diese nicht in den Bereich der Zentralsteuerkommission fielen. Zuständig waren hier Karl Ferdinand Friese und der Finanzrat Julius Wilhelm von Oppel. In der 3. Sektion regelte Kriegsrat Krüger die Angelegenheit der Militärverpflegung, während die 4. Sektion mit den restlichen Militärangelegenheiten betraut war, sofern diese nicht in den Geschäftsbereich des Generalmilitärkommandos fielen. Generalmajor Carl Adolf von Carlowitz und Major von Brockhusen waren die zuständigen Beamten. Mitglieder der Zentralsteuerkommission waren Kriegsrat Krüger, Rat und Präsident Moritz Haubold von Schönberg und Hofrat Ferber. Die Sektionschefs hatten jeweils zum Monatsende einen Geschäftsbericht zu verfassen, der über die Generalgouverneure an Staatskanzler Fürst von Hardenberg weitergereicht wurde. Was Entscheidungen anging, so hatten die Sektionschefs der 1., 2. und 4. Sektion über alle Angelegenheiten gemeinschaftlich zu befinden. Bei Differenzen entschieden die Generalgouverneure nach Vortrag im Gouvernementsrat. Eine ganze Reihe wichtiger Angelegenheiten konnte generell nur unter Beteiligung der Generalgouverneure entschieden werden. Die Plenarversammlungen fanden montags, mittwochs und sonnabends ab 10 Uhr vormittags statt. Ansonsten waren die Geschäftszeichen zwischen 9 und 13 bzw. 16 und 19 Uhr. Sofern sie nicht im Zuge der Verwaltungsreform umgebildet wurden, bestanden die königlich-sächsischen Zentralbehörden neben dem Generalgouvernement fort. Das Generalgouvernement übte jedoch die Dienstaufsicht über sie aus. Da das Generalgouvernement bis 1814 dem Zentralverwaltungsdepartement, danach dem Preußischen Staatskanzler nachgeordnet, es selbst aber den sächsischen Behörden übergeordnet war, stellte es eine Art Mittelbehörde dar. Die königlich-sächsischen Behörden sanken dagegen zu Provinzialbehörden herab. Mit den Gouvernementskommissaren und den Polizeibüros verfügte das Generalgouvernement darüber hinaus über neu gebildete, nachgeordnete Dienststellen. Nach dem Abschluss des Friedensvertrags zwischen Preußen und Sachsen am 18. Mai 1815 räumte Preußen das Königreich Sachsen, behielt jedoch das gleichnamige Herzogtum. Das Generalgouvernement wurde als Generalgouvernement des Herzogtums Sachsen von Dresden nach Merseburg verlegt. Der sächsische König, der aus der Gefangenschaft nach Dresden zurückkehrte, entließ seine Untertanen im herzoglichen Teil Sachsens mit salbungsvollen Worten aus ihren Verpflichtungen ihm gegenüber: "Ich soll von euch scheiden, und das Band muß getrennt werden, das durch eure treue Anhänglichkeit Mir und Meinem Hause so theuer war, und auf welches seit Jahrhunderten das Glück Meines Hauses und eurer Vor-Eltern sich gründete. Zufolge der den verbündeten Mächten ertheilten Zusage entlasse Ich euch, ihr Unterthanen und Soldaten der von Mir abgetretenen Provinzen eures Eide und eurer Pflichten gegen Mich und Mein Haus, und Ich empfehle euch, treu und gehorsam zu seyn euerm neuen Landesherrn." (I. HA Rep. 172, Bl 84 VS) König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preußen hieß sie mit ebenso salbungsvollen Worten willkommen: "Durch die Schicksale der Völker nunmehr von einem Fürstenhause getrennet, dem Ihr Jahrhunderte lang mit treuer Ergebenheit angehangen, geht Ihr jetzt zu einem andern über, dem Ihr durch die befreundenden Bande der Nachbarschaft, der Sprache, der Sitten, der Religion verwandt seyd. Wenn Ihr Euch mit Schmerz von frühern, Euch werthen Verhältnissen lossagt, so ehre Ich diesen Schmerz, als dem Ernste des deutschen Gemüths geziemend, und als eine Bürgschaft, daß Ihr und Eure Kinder auch Mir und Meinem Hause mit eben solcher Treue fernerhin angehören werdet. [ ] Nur Deutschland hat gewonnen, was Preußen erworben." (I. HA Rep. 172, Nr. 286, Bl. 89 VS) Das Generalgouvernement wurde mit Inkrafttreten der Provinzialverfassung im März 1816 aufgelöst. 2. Bestandsgeschichte Von welcher Behörde die Überlieferung des Generalgouvernements übernommen wurde, ist nicht bekannt, genauso wenig der Zeitpunkt der Übernahme. Noch eine sich unter den Jahresberichten des GStA PK befindende Übersicht über "den Zustand der Reposituren" aus dem Jahre 1872 vermerkt für den Bestand des Generalgouvernements "völlig ungekannt" (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 Nr. 1900, Bl. 160). Der Bestand befand sich zwar im GStA PK, die Vergabe der Repositurnummer und die Bearbeitung des Bestandes war aber noch nicht erfolgt. Erst 1923 wurden die Akten durch Staatsarchivrat Dr. Meyer als Repositur 172 aufgestellt (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 Nr. 1930, Bl. 57’). Nach kriegsbedingter Auslagerung wurde der Bestand im Deutschen Zentralarchiv, Abt. Merseburg auf Karteikarten erschlossen. Ein Findbuch wurde nicht erstellt. 2012 erfolgte die Übertragung der Erschließungsinformationen in die Archivdatenbank. Im Zuge der Retrokonversion wurden einzelne Verzeichnungseinheiten überprüft bzw. neu verzeichnet. 3. Literatur Roman Töppel, Die Sachsen und Napoleon. Ein Stimmungsbild 1806-1813, Köln u.a. 2008. 4. Verweis auf andere Bestände und Archive Im GStA PK: siehe die restlichen Bestände der Tektonikgruppe "Sonderverwaltungen der Übergangszeit 1806-1815", insbesondere: - GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 114 Zentralverwaltungsrat der verbündeten Mächte, (1812) 1813-1815. Im Sächsischen Staatsarchiv - Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden: siehe Tektonikgruppen "1.3 Hofbehörden 1485-1831" und "1.5 Behörden und Einrichtungen der Erblande", insbesondere: - HStA DD, 10030 Hilfs- und Wiederherstellungskommission für Sachsen, 1813-1821 - HStA DD, 10031 Friedensvollziehungs- und Auseinandersetzungekommission, 1815-1821 5. Anmerkungen, Bestellungen, Zitierweise Die Akten sind zu zitieren: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 172 Alliiertes und Preußisches Gouvernement für das Königreich bzw. Herzogtum Sachsen Nr. ( ) Dr. Leibetseder 09.08.2012 Findmittel: Datenbank; Findbuch, 3 Bde.
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 114 · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1 History of the authorities In the course of the wars of liberation, the Wroclaw Convention of 19 March 1813 formed a Board of Directors consisting of two German and two Russian members. This committee was headed by the baron from and to the stone, who is in Russian service. He was to take over the administration of the areas to be conquered in northern Germany, but his activities were effectively limited to Mecklenburg, Saxony and for a short time to some small Thuringian states. Since the Allied Powers had defined the tasks only without obligation and hardly supported his activities, he was unable to meet the expectations placed in him. For this reason, renewed negotiations took place between the Allies, which resulted in a new agreement. On 21.10.1813 the Leipzig Convention was concluded by the allied powers Austria, Russia, Prussia, Great Britain and Sweden. This agreement created the Central Administrative Department and dissolved the Central Administrative Council. Stein was again appointed head of the Central Department. The headquarters of the administration was located at the headquarters of the Allied Powers, first in Frankfurt am Main and later in Paris. The Central Administrative Department was responsible for the administration of the Kingdom of Saxony and the territories of the conquered Napoleonic satellite states (Kingdom of Westphalia, Grand Duchy of Berg, Grand Duchy of Frankfurt). Other Rhine Confederation states remained outside the authority's sphere of influence, as the princes concerned moved to the Allied camp in good time. The main tasks of the Central Administrative Department included: - Ensuring the supply of the troops of the Allied Powers in the administered territories - Contributions to the war costs of the Allied Powers through cash payments and supplies from the administered territories - Implementation of the national armament and installation of the land storm - Supervision of the national administration by the authorities of the administered territories during the transitional period. To carry out these tasks at regional level, several Generalgouvernements have been set up in the administered areas. The Generalgouvernements were subordinate to the Central Administrative Department and bound by Stein's instructions. To support the governors-general, councils were set up in the individual provinces to which nationals of the areas concerned, as well as some non-national civil servants, belonged. Existing administrations and authorities were largely used to carry out the administrative tasks. The following Generalgouvernements were formed: - Generalgouvernement Sachsen o Headquarters: Dresden o Governor General: initially Nikolai Grigorjewitsch Repnin-Wolkonski (1778-1845), Russian General - Generalgouvernement Berg o Headquarters: Düsseldorf o Governor General: first Justus von Gruner (1770-1820), then Prince Alexander von Solms-Lich - Generalgouvernement Frankfurt o Administrative seat: Frankfurt/Main - Generalgouvernement between Weser and Rhine o Administrative seat: Münster o Governor General: Ludwig von Vincke (1774-1844) - Generalgouvernement Mittelrhein (from 1814) o Administrative seat: Trier (later Koblenz, respectively. Mainz) o Governor General: Justus von Gruner - Generalgouvernement Niederrhein (from 1814) o Headquarters: Aachen o Governor General: Johann August Sack (1764-1831). In a position as head of the Central Department, Stein tried to work towards the political transformation of Germany. A number of draft constitutions and correspondence on various constitutional and constitutional issues bear witness to these efforts, which, however, did not lead to any tangible results due to the Allies' incipient restoration policy. After the conclusion of the First Paris Peace on 30.05.1814 the tasks of the Central Administrative Department were fulfilled and its dissolution followed. The managed areas have been handed over to the civilian administrative authorities. As late as 1814, one of Stein's closest associates, Johann Albrecht Friedrich von Eichhorn, wrote a publication that can be regarded as an account of the activities of the Central Administrative Department. 2 History of the holdings Unfortunately it is not possible to provide more detailed information on the history of the holdings, e.g. the time when the documents were taken over by the Secret State Archives of the PK. The original find book was recorded and compiled by the archivist Robert Arnold, who worked in the Secret State Archives from 1884-1891 and 1901-1910. After the Second World War, the holdings returned to the German Central Archive in Merseburg as a result of outsourcing and German division and, after reunification, to the Secret State Archive PK. The holdings search book was retroconverted in 2011 and 2012 by the archive employee Guido Behnke. The classification has been recreated. In addition, the existing file titles were reviewed and revised. In some cases, individual files had to be redrawn. As part of the distortion, the inventory was re-signed (conversion of the signature schema to Numerus currens). In order to make it easier to use the old signatures, which are no longer in use, a concordance was added to the search book. 3 References to other holdings and literature references 3.1 Holdings in the Secret State Archive PK 3.1.1 Generalgouvernement Sachsen - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 172 Allied or Prussian Gouvernement for the Kingdom or Duchy of Saxony 3.1.2 Estates of Stein and his employees in the Central Department - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Squirrel - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Gruner I (M) - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Gruner - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Johann August Sack - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Karl vom Stein 3.2 Collections in other archives - Archive Schloss Cappenberg, Cap.C.I, Freiherr vom Stein's estate (cf. Der Freiherrn vom Stein im Archiv des Grafen von Kanitz auf Schloss Cappenberg / ed. by Norbert Reimann, edited by Annekatrin Schaller and Norbert Reimann. - 2 volumes. - Münster, 2009 - 1324 p.) 3.3 Literature (selection) - Botzenhart, Erich; Hubatsch, Walther (ed.): Freiherr vom Stein - Briefe und amtliche Schriften, Vol. 4: Preußens Erhebung - Stein als Chef der Zentralverwaltung - Napoleons Sturz (January 1813 - June 1814), Stuttgart 1963, 893 p. - Botzenhart, Erich; Hubatsch, Walther (ed.): Freiherr vom Stein - Briefe und amtliche Schriften, Vol. 5: Der Wiener Kongress - Rücktritt ins Privatleben - Stein und die ständischen Strstreben des westfälischen Adels (June 1814 - December 1818), Stuttgart 1964, 895 pp. - [Eichhorn, Johann Albrecht Friedrich:] The Central Administration of the Allies under the Baron of Stein, Berlin 1814, 140 p. - Hubatsch, Walther: The Stein-Hardenberg Reforms, Darmstadt 1977, 242 p. - Huber, Ernst Rudolf: German Constitutional History since 1789, Vol. 1, Stuttgart 1957, pp. 499-510 - Just, Wilhelm: Administration and Armament in Western Germany after the Battle of Leipzig in 1813 and 1814, Göttingen 1911, 118 pp. - Kielmansegg, Peter Earl of: Stein and the Central Administration 1813/14, Stuttgart 1964, 203 p. - Neigebaur, Johann Daniel Ferdinand: Presentation of the Provisional Administrations on the Rhine from 1813 to 1819, Cologne 1821, 345 p. - Vollheim, Fritz: The provisional administration on the Lower and Middle Rhine during the years 1814 - 1816, Bonn 1912, 256 p. - Wetzel, Paul: The Genesis of the Central Administrative Board appointed on 4 April 1813 and its effectiveness until the autumn of this year, Greifswald 1907, 110 p. 4 Notes, order signature and method of citation Scope of holdings: 149 SU (2.0 running metres) Duration: 1812 - 1815 Last issued signature: The files must be ordered: I. HA, Rep. 114, No. () The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 114 Central Administrative Council of the Allied Powers, No. () Berlin, December 2012 (Guido Behnke) finding aids: database; finding guide, 1 vol.

Estate of Georg and Barbara Freed (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 170/02 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 170/2 estate Georg and Barbara Freed Scope: 819 units of description (= 23 linear metres of archive cartons and 9 linear metres of rolled plans) = add. 32 m Running time: 1792 - 1941 Family and foundation In the course of establishing a foundation to the City of Worms, which was decreed in the will, the Worms architect Georg Ludwig Freed (1858-1936) and his sister Barbara (Babette 1855-1941) bequeathed documents to the then museum and the municipal cultural institutes, which were taken over by Dr. Illert in 1942 (cf. Der Wormsgau 2, p. 99). Members of the Freed family had been resident in Worms since the beginning of the 19th century as master painters and whitewashers. They already held important positions in bourgeois associations in the pre-March period, including the Schützengesellschaft, the gymnastics community of 1846 Worms and the fire brigade. Both siblings remained unmarried throughout their lives, their sister Anna Maria (1854) was the wife of the museum director and since 1898 city archivist August Weckerling. The material of the 'Stiftung Freed' includes personal letters, postcards and papers, diaries, documents as well as artisan, artistic and family history documents in a large variety (especially about 1850 to 1935), without any documents obviously being collected after the death of the siblings. A large part of the estate is occupied by the actual architect Freed (numerous sketches, drawings, maps, plans, newspapers, etc.), whose temporal focus lies in his Mannheim years between 1889/93 and 1914. In addition, there are association documents from the entire Protestant-national-liberal milieu, including militaria and national teams or academic associations of the TH Darmstadt. In addition to the documents of his father Georg Fr. Freed from the time since approx. 1840, the closed file tradition of the house Wollstr. 28, which has been inhabited since 1800 and bequeathed to the city of Worms in 1941/42 and later sold privately by the latter (house preserved, part of a monument zone) is also relevant. Family grandfather of G. Freed: Johann Ph. Freed 1794-1845 married with Johanna Friederika Uswald 1798-1823 (daughter of:) Carl Ernst Ußwald from Oelsnitz/Vogtland 1754, from 1796 in Worms, 1818 (= great-grandfather of G. Freed), married Anna Katharina Köhler née. Völcker (1776-1846), was a painter and master draughtsman (family book: no. 87, description Reuter 1968, p. 204 no. 3), three other family books described on p. 212. Elisabeth Margareta Freed, Stiefenkelin of C.E. U.., born 1826 sister: Katharina Anna, 1825-1912 disproportionate stepbrother: Georg Friedrich F., born 1823 Worms (= grandson of C. E. Uswald) learned the painting and whitewashing trade, journeyman years Wiesbaden 1843/44, Dresden 1844, Vienna 1845; in Worms marriage 1851 with Elisabeth Müller (1825-1899), ev, City councillor 1874-1892; 1837-1851 pedigree book (description Reuter 1968 p. 212); died 1896 = father of Georg, Babette and Anna Maria Freed (Anna M. Freed (*1854) married with August Weckerling, who was thus the brother-in-law of the two Freeds, this certainly justified the willingness to donate the collection to the museum run by Weckerling, whose successor Illert acted as executor of the will after Barbara's death in 1941), Son of the pensioner, master whitewasher and town councillor Georg Friedrich Freed (1823-1896, married to Elisabeth Freed née. Müller), 1865-1869 attends preschool, 1869-1875 secondary school in Worms; takes private lessons in higher mathematics and languages in 1875, passed entrance examination, eight semesters as a regular student of the building school enrolled at the TH Darmstadt; also occupies the subjects prescribed for civil service, final examination in autumn 1879 together with the civil service aspirants, participation in study trips and excursions, etc.a. 1878 World Exhibition Paris, 1.4.1880 One-year volunteer reg. 118 Worms, from summer 1881 to summer 1885 for further mainly artistic education in Munich in the studio of Prof. Hauberrisser, there collaboration on large building projects, 1885-1887 active in Berlin in studios of architect Kayser u. v. Großheim, Erdmann

Legation Dresden after 1807 (existing)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 81 Dresden · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

In the course of the modernization push, which was set in motion by Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein and Karl August von Hardenberg's reform officials after Prussia's defeat against Napoleonic France, the decision was made with an audience of 16 December 1808 to abolish the traditional cabinet system in favour of independent specialist ministries and thus also to establish a Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The latter should be responsible for the commercial management of all international law transactions, i.e. the representation of the rights and interests of the Prussian state vis-à-vis other states. The ministry was responsible for embassies and consulates abroad, including the Prussian diplomatic representation in the Kingdom of Saxony in Dresden. Like all diplomatic representations, the legation of Dresden had the task of regulating diplomatic trade between Prussia and the states of the legation, which not only included the Kingdom of Saxony alone, but also included the Thuringian-Saxon and Anhalt states at times. Furthermore, the legation had to take care of the concerns and problems as well as the concerns and wishes of individuals and private institutions in interstate legal relations. The war against France in 1806/07 marked a considerable turning point in relations between Prussia and Saxony. Tensions were insurmountable, and neither state was interested in intensive diplomatic relations, since Saxony, which Napoleon elevated to kingdom status, remained loyal to France until the end of French foreign rule in 1813. During the years 1806 to 1815 diplomatic contacts between the two states were maintained, but due to the political events there was no continuous diplomatic traffic between Prussia and Saxony. In 1813 the envoy in Dresden was called back to Berlin. Only in February 1816, Baron Johann Christian Magnus von Oelssen, a Prussian envoy in Dresden, was again accredited. With the resumption of diplomatic relations after the Congress of Vienna in 1815 and the peace treaty between Saxony and Prussia in May 1815, the following Prussian extraordinary envoys and authorised ministers were active: Oelssen, Baron Johann Christian Magnus of: 1816 - 1819 Jordan, Johann Ludwig of: 1819 - 1848 Canitz and Dallwitz, Julius of: 1848 - 1850 Galen, Count Ferdinand of: 1850 - 1852 Schulenburg, Count of: 1852 Redern, Count Heinrich Alexander of: 1853 - 1859 Solms - Sonnewalde, Count of: 1859 Savigny, Carl Friedrich of: 1859 -1863 Gundlach, of: 1863 Rantzau, Count Otto Karl Josias zu: 1863 - 1864 Buddenbruck, Baron of: 1864 Schulenburg-Priemern, Count Gustav of: 1864 - 1866 Landsberg-Steinfurt, Baron of: 1866 - 1867 Eichmann, Friedrich of: 1867 - 1873 Solms-Sonnewalde-Altpouch, Clemens Eberhard Theodor Graf zu: 1873 - 1878 Dönhoff, Count Otto von: 1878 - 1879 Dönhoff, Count Carl von: 1879 - 1906 Hohenlohe-Oehringen, Prince Hans zu: 1906 - 1911 (not occupied 1911/12) Bülow, Dr. Alfred von: 1912 - 1914 Schwerin, Count Ulrich Karl Wilhelm von: 1914 - 1919 (not occupied 1919) Berger, Herbert Ritter and Edler von: 1920 - 1922 Schellen, Dr. : 1922 - 1924 During the Prussian-Austrian War of 1866, in which Saxony fought on Austria's side, diplomatic relations broke off again. In June of this year, the Prussian envoy returned to Berlin, the files of the legation archive were taken to Berlin. After the peace agreement between Prussia and Saxony in October 1866, another envoy was appointed in Dresden. After 1918, the Prussian envoy in Dresden was responsible for the whole of northern Germany, to the extent that there were still diplomatic relations within Germany. On March 31, 1924, the legation was dissolved as part of general cost-cutting measures. History of the collection In addition to political correspondence with reports of the legation to the Prussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its decrees on all international and national events, the collection also includes files on a wide variety of interstate issues in Prussia's political, police-legal, military, cultural-social and economic relations with Saxony, in particular on the economic and political unification of Germany and on relations with other states. The files were transferred from the Prussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Secret State Archives in several deliveries between 1814 and 1939. For distortion, the file titles were checked, corrected if necessary and deepened with "Contains - Notes". The file group "Political Correspondence" is an exception. Here the concise title of the file - analogous to the depth of indexing of these archival documents in the other legacy documents - was left and not further intensively indexed on the basis of the diverse information in the individual correspondence. The correspondence files were sorted by place and in chronological order. In the case of collective files, the files were sorted by the first place listed. Indexing was based on the information given in the volume. In 2005, the decision was made to increase the total holdings I. HA Rep. 81 embassies (resident offices) and (general) consulates after 1807 as individual holdings of the various embassies etc. in conformity with Provenance, so that the existing archival documents can now be placed under the heading I. HA Rep. 81 Legation Dresden after 1807. References and references: - Paul Marcus: The Prussian legation Dresden in the 19th and 20th century and its tradition in the Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage in: Archivalische Zeitschrift, edited by the Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayern, 81st volume, Böhlau Verlag Köln, Weimar Wien, 1998 - Grundriss zur deutschen Verwaltungsgeschichte 1815-1945, Series A: Prussia, edited by Walther Hubatsch, Vol. 12 Part A: Preußische Zentralbehörden, Marburg/Lahn 1978 p. 101 Scope of holdings: 776 registry units Last number assigned: 774 The files must be ordered: I. HA Rep. 81 Legation Dresden after 1807, No. # The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 81 Geslegtschaft Dresden nach 1807, Nr. # Berlin, 7. Januar 2008 S. Reinhardt, Archivamtfrau Description of the collection: Duration: 1809 - 1924 Findmittel: Datenbank; Findbuch, 1 vol.

Newspapers (stock)
Stadtarchiv Hof, Z · Bestand
Teil von Hof City Archive (Archivtektonik)

According to the inventory delimitation in the Hof City Archives, newspapers are continuous collections that appear at least every fortnight. In the case of periodicals that appear less frequently than every fortnight, they are assigned to inventory Z if a periodical has a newspaper-like character in terms of its appearance (newsprint) or content (topicality). In cases of doubt, the finding aids of the reference library series (4° F, 8° F; see OPAC of the Hof University of Applied Sciences) should be used to determine whether a periodical is available in the Hof City Archives. The official gazettes of the StadtHof, the districts Hof, Rehau and Münchberg are in stock BA. Many newspapers have been filmed, also newspapers that are not originally available in the Hof City Archive; in these cases the microfilms should always be used (see holdings MIK-D and MIK-S). The assignment to one of the chapters 1.-4. of the index of the holdings Z has been carried out according to the main content of a newspaper. The Hofer Anzeiger since 1968 is listed in chapter 1.2 (Frankenpost) (except special editions). 1. newspapers from Hof (with additional issues) 1.1. Hofer-Anzeiger and forerunners (1783-1967, 1976) 1.2. Frankenpost (from 1945) 1.3. Oberfränkische Volkszeitung and forerunners (1893-1971) 1.4. Der Streiter für völkische Politik und Gerechtigkeit(1923) 1.5. Völkische Presse. Battle Gazette of the Frankens Peoples Movement (1924, 1925) 1.6. Nationale Volkszeitung. First and only illustrated evening newspaper of Upper Franconia (1929) 1.7.Fränkisches Volk, Bayerische Ostmark, Hofer Tageblatt, Hofer NS-Zeitung (1933-1945) 1.8.Blickpunkt (since 1984) 1.9. Hofer Neueste Nachrichten (1871-1876) 1.10. Hofer Extrablatt -Extrablatt für Hof und Umgebung, Rehau, Regnitzlosau und Umgebung (1980-1990) 1.11. Hofer Fränkische Presse. Independent local newspaper for the town and district of Hof, Münchberg, Naila, Rehau (1949-1950) 1.12. Hofer Tageblatt and its predecessor (1878-1906) 1.13. Sonntagsblatt for the Protestant-Lutheran Church in Bavaria. Edition Upper Franconia and forerunners (from 1926 - 2003) 1.14. Hofer evening newspaper (1895) 1.15. Hofer newspaper. Organ for all popular interests (organ for the Oberfränkischer Webergauverband) (1873) 2. newspapers from other places 2.1.Bavarian day. Publisher: Die 12. Amerikanische Heeresgruppe für die deutsche Zivilbevölkerung (1945) 2.2. Bayreuther Zeitung (1803, 1813) 2.3. Deutsche Rundschau in Polen (1939) 2.4. Dorfzeitung (Hildburghausen) (1872) 2.5. Frankfurter Presse (1945) 2.6. Hessische Post (1945) 2.7. Kulmbacher Tagblatt. Messenger from the Upper Main (1929-1930) 2.8. Munich Latest News. Business newspaper, Alpine and sports newspaper. Theater- und Kunstchronik (1862, 1871, 1944) 2.9. Die Neue Zeitung. An American newspaper for the German population (1946) 2.10. Nordbayerische Zeitung. Fürther Anzeiger (1944) 2.11. The Reich. German weekly newspaper (1943) 2.12. Vogtlandblick. Weekly paper for Plauen, Auerbach, Hof, Oelsnitz, Reichenbach, Klingenthal and surroundings (1994-2010) - Sonntagsblick. Vogtland 2.13. Die Woche (1900-1944) 2.14. Leipziger Zeitung (1826) 2.15. Berlinische Zeitung (1847) 2.16. Augsburger Abendzeitung (1868) 2.17. Neue freie Volkszeitung (Munich) (1885) 2.18th Munich Messenger (1886) 2.19. Hirschberger Nachrichten (1923) 2.20. Liller Kriegszeitung (Lille)(1914-1917) 2.21. The Champagne Comrade (1915-1917) 2.22. Champagne Kriegs-Zeitung (1916) 2.23. Neue Ordnung (Zagreb) (1943) 2.24. Geroldsgrüner Blättla (Geroldsgrün) (from 1993) 2.25. Tagblatt/Bayerische Ostmark Selb/Fichtelgebirgs-Warte (Selb) (1925-1926, 1934-1944) 2.26. Bamberger Tagblatt (Bamberg) (1928) 2.27. Leipziger Zeitung (Leipzig)(1752) 2.28. Dresdener Anzeiger or Nachricht (Dresden) (1730) 2.29. Der Bote vom Waldstein (Zell) (1936-1938) 2.30. Adorfer Wochenblatt (Adorf) (1840) 2.31. Anzeiger für dieStadt Oelsnitz und für allemmtliche Ortsen des Amtes Voigtsberg (Oelsnitz) (1840) 2.32. Voigtländischer Anzeiger (Plauen) (1840) 2.33. Bavarian Diaspora Sheets (Rothenburg o.d. Tauber) (1902) 2.34. Economic reports from the Gau Bayerische Ostmark (Bayreuth) (1942) 2.35th Fränkischer Merkur (Bamberg) (1847) 2.36. Oberkotzauer Zeitung (Oberkotzau) (1934) 2.37. Selbitzer Bürgerblatt (Selbitz) (from 2002) 2.38. Nailaer Stadtnachrichten (Naila) (from 2002) 2.39. Münchberg-Helmbrechtser Zeitung (Münchberg) (1937) 2.40. Mitteilungsblatt der Gemeinde Konradsreuth (from 1985) 2.41. Der Stebener. Official Gazette of the market Bad Steben (from 2002) 2.42. Information sheet of the municipality Weißdorf. Official announcements of the municipality Weißdorf (from2002) 2.43. Information sheet of the market Sparneck. Official announcements of the market Sparneck (from 2002) 2.44. Newsletter Municipality of Köditz (from 2002) 2.45. Stadt-Rundschau-Schwarzenbach a. Wald (from 2002) 2.46. Official Gazette of the City of Rehau (from 2002) 2.47. Helmbrechtser Anzeiger. Selbitzer Zeitung (1936, 1940-1941) 2.48. Showcase. Newsletter of the municipality Döhlau - Tauperlitz - Kautendorf (2005) 2.49. Bayerische Ostmark. Rehauer Tagblatt (1936-1939)/Rehauer Tagblatt (1960-2009) 2.50. Marktredwitzer Tagblatt/Bayerische OstmarkMarktredwitz (1936-1937) 2.51. Kirchenlamitzer Anzeiger. Marktleuthener Nachrichten (1935) 2.52. Allgemeine Zeitung (Munich) (1885-1887) 2.53. Weißenstadter Zeitung (1953-1967) 2.54. My community. Information from the municipality of Döhlau (2009) 2.55. Wochen-Blatt for the market Redwitz and Umgegend/Anzeige-Blatt for the market Redwitz (1845-1850) 2.56. Der Bote ausden sechs Aemtern (1851-1858) 2.57. Ascher Wochenblatt (1850-1853) 2.58. Münchberger Wochen-Blatt (1842-1861) 2.59th Nailaer Wochen-Blatt (1846-1861) 2.60. Zentralarchiv für Politik und Wirtschaft (Munich) (1926 - 1931) 2.61. Oberkotzauer Heimatbote (Oberkotzau) (1997-2004) 3. Amtsblätter, Intelligenzblätter 3.1. Amts- und Mitteilungsblatt für denevang.-luth. church district Hof (1945) 3.2. Bavarian government gazette. Völkischer Beobachter - Amtlicher Teil (1935-1944) 3.3. Bayreuther Intelligenzzeitung/Bayreuther Anzeiger derLandesverwaltungen und Gerichte (1801-1811) 3.4. Bayerisches Intelligenzblatt (1813-1818) 3.5. Kreisamtsblatt von Oberfranken und Vorläufer (1812-1922) 3.6. Mitteilungsblatt desReichskommissars für die Preisbildung (1938-1945) 3.7. Verordnungsblatt der NSDAP. Gau Bayerische Ostmark (1941-1942) 4. magazines, trade journals and other 4.1. DasAusland. Weekly for geography and ethnology (1877-1892) 4.2. The bazaar. Illustrierte Damenzeitung (1889-1894) 4.3. The book for all. Illustrated family newspaper (1898) 4.4.Concordia. Zeitschrift für die Arbeiterfrage (1871-1875) 4.5. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung. Organ of the German Colonial Society (1888-1894) 4.6. Deutsche Wacht (1925) 4.7. FliegendeBlätter (1884-1905) 4.8. Die Gartenlaube. Illustrated family paper (1868-1906) 4.9. The border messengers. Zeitschrift für Politik, Literatur und Kunst (1864-1906) 4.10. Illustrirte Zeitung(1883-1941) 4.11. Illustrated Observer (1943) 4.12. Youth. Munich Illustrated Weekly for Art and Life (1900-1906) 4.13. Motorist practice. Monthly communications for motorists and motorcyclists (1936-1938) 4.14. The criticism. Newsreel of Public Life (1894-1897) 4.15. The Body. Half-monthly publication for all former bodies (1921-1933) 4.16. After work (1915) 4.17. Reichszeitung der deutschen Erzieher. National Socialist teachers' newspaper (1935) 4.18. Over land and sea. Allgemeine Illustrierte Zeitung(1879-1906) 4.19. The survey. Overview of progress and movements in the entire field of science, technology, literature and art (1905) 4.20. Our Army (1943) 4.21.The Wehrmacht (1943) 4.22. World and House. The German Family Gazette (1909) 4.23. Werkmeisterzeitung. Organ of the German Association of Master Craftsmen (1892-1916) 4.24. The Future (1895-1916) 4.25. The Week (1929) 4.26. The Salon for Literature, Art and Society (1870-1879) 4.27. Deutsche Warte. Survey of the life and work of the present (1871-1872) 4.28. Neue Militärische Blätter (1875-1876) 4.29. In the new Reich. Weekly for the Life of the German People in State, Science and Art (1871-1881) 4.30. The Present. Weekly for literature, art and public life (1872-1886) 4.31. Seasons. Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und gesellschaftliche Unterhaltung (1867) 4.32. amusements. A house library of entertainment and instruction (1867) 4.33. From rock to sea. Spemann's Illustrirte Zeitschrift für das Deutsche Haus (1887-1891) 4.34. Europa(1864-1867) 4.35. Deutsche Rundschau (1879-1888) 4.36. Westermanns Illustrirte Deutsche Monatshefte (1868-1890) 4.37. Fliegende Blätter (1849-1887) 4.38. Kladderadatsch(1883-1886) 4.39. Das Neue Blatt. An illustrated family journal (1871) 4.40. Blitz regional (2008) 4.41. German gymnastics newspaper. Leaves for the Affairs of the Whole Gymnastics System (Leipzig) (1861-1895)

NL Bornhak - Bornhak, Conrad

Administrative history/biographical information: Conrad Bornhak (* 21 March 1861 in Nordhausen; † 9 February 1944 in Berlin) was a German legal and constitutional historian. After obtaining his doctorate in law in Göttingen in 1885, Bornhak habilitated at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin in 1887. From 1893 to 1900 he held the office of judge, first in Prenzlau. From 1897 he was a university lecturer at the Berlin University as an associate professor in the field of constitutional and international law at the Prussian Academy of War in Berlin. Despite his emeritus status in 1924, he was only suspended from teaching in 1926 because of antipublics. Bornhak then continued her studies at the University of Cairo from 1928 to 1931. After his return to Germany, he taught again until the winter semester of 1939/40, when the dean, on ministerial instruction, ordered the end of his teaching activities. Order and classification: Manuscripts and typoscripts are combined in one unit of description. 3, 110 combined under 31 10, 54, 93 combined under 10 19, 76, 103 combined under 19 2, 36, 48 combined under 48 8, 29 combined under 29 9, 4, 14 combined under ... summarized 34, 11 under 34 Foreword: Conrad Bornhak, born 1861 in Nordhausen, died 1944 in Berlin. 1885 doctorate in law in Göttingen, 1887 habilitation in Berlin. 1897 Associate Professor of Constitutional and International Law at the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin, lecturer at the Prussian Academy of War. 1924 emeritus, 1926 suspension from teaching due to republican remarks. Afterwards lecturer at the University of Cairo. Information on the estate Scope: 104 AU; 0.4 m Running time: 1898-1932 Signature: HUB, UA, NL Bornhak Content: Handwritten legal opinions on various professions, special editions, newspaper clippings State of development: developed Use: after registration Inventory history: These documents from the estate of Prof. Bornhak (21.03.1861 Nordhausen - 09.02.1944 Berlin; Pd 1887, a.o.Prof.11.06.1898 for constitutional and administrative law and criminal proceedings, released 1926) were handed over by Prof. Albert Predeek (1883-1956 - then director of the TH Berlin) shortly before the end of the Second World War to Prof. Heinrich Wienhaus (Tharandt) and by his son Prof. Otto Wienhaus in 2014 to the University Archive of the TU Dresden for safekeeping. The head of the university archive of the TU Dresden, Dr. Matthias Lienert, handed over these documents to the head of the university archive of the HUB, Dr. Winfried Schultze, on 05 December 2014.

Schiemann, Theodor (partly Dep.) (existing)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T. · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Life data of Heinrich Christian Karl Theodor Schiemann 5/17.7.1847 geb. in Grobin (Kurland) Father: Theodor, City Secretary in Mitau Mother: Nadeda (Nadine) Rodde 1858-1867 Gouvernementsgymnasium Mitau 1867-1872 History studies at the University of Dorpat 1871-1872 House teacher in Jensel/Livonia 1872-1873 Work at the Ducal Archives in Mitau and at the City Archive of Gdansk 1873/74 History studies at the University of Göttingen 1874 Doctorate 1874 PhD thesis "Salomon Hennings Livonian-Curonian Chronicle" 1874-1875 worked at the Main State Archives Dresden and at the House, Court and State Archives Vienna 1875-1883 head teacher for history at the State Grammar School in Fellin 1883-1887 city archivist in Reval; thereafter moved to Berlin 1887-1892 Privatdozent für nord. History and teacher at the War Academy 1889-1892 archivist at the Hanover State Archives: Deputation to the Secret State Archive in Berlin 1892-1902 Associate Professor at the Philosophical Faculty of Humboldt University 1902 Director and Ordinarius of the Seminar for Eastern European History and Regional Studies 1906 Full Honorary Professor at Humboldt University Full Professor at Humboldt University (until 1920) 1910 Appointment as Privy Government Councillor 1918 Curator of the German University Dorpat 1919 Retirement 26.1.1921 died in Berlin Theodor Schiemann was married since 29.6.1875 to Caroline née v. Mulert (1849-1937). They had five children: Edith (born 1876), Agnes (1878-1922, piano player), Theodor (born 1880, major, landowner), Elisabeth (1881-1972, plant geneticist) and Gertrud (born 1883, musician). The details of the curriculum vitae were taken from the publications listed under Literature. Preliminary note: The majority of the estate was deposited in 1959 (exc. 41/1959 > no. 1-245) by a daughter of Schiemann, Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann, representing her siblings in the Secret State Archives. The estate was already in the Secret State Archives before the Second World War, but was incompletely returned to the family after the outsourcing due to the war, which then deposited the estate again in the Secret State Archives in 1959. According to the Depositalvertrag, after the death of the siblings, the property passed to the Secret State Archives PK. The following additions to the estate were subsequently acquired: 1967 Submission from the Federal Archives from the estate of Prof. Frauendienst (exc. 40/1967 > in No. 79 pp. 15-21) 1969 Depositum of Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann (exc. 56/1969 > No. 246-251) 1977 Depositum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V. (Acc. 71/1977 > Appendix No. 261 - 268) 1982 Delivery of Dr. Gert v. Pistohlkors (Acc. 61/1982 > No. 255-259) 2006 Gift from Prof. Klaus Meyer: Papers were found in the estate of Prof. Torke and were handed over in 1967 by Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann to the Seminar for Eastern European History in Berlin (Acc. 51/2006 > incorporated in No. 42, 50, 54, 172, 250 and 258 and formed new No. 252-254). In the current processing of the estate, the former Appendix No. 9-13 has been re-signed to the serial numbers No. 255-259. The deposit of the Max Planck Society, initially referred to as Appendix (Depositum) No. 1 - 8, was subsequently re-signed with sequential numbering No. 261 - 268. (Change Jan. 2011 Wiss. Ang. Rita Klauschenz) The original find book probably came from the years 1959/60 and was created by Johannes Krüger. The old distortion was partly revised during the incorporation of this year's accession, specified in case of ambiguities and entered into the distortion database. In addition, the classification was modified, the appendix listed in more detail and an index of persons was compiled. The index of persons contains all the names of persons appearing in the reference book: mainly correspondence partners ejected, but also author names and persons treated in titles of publications. When searching for specific correspondence partners, the index should be checked, since the same correspondence partner can be found in different archives due to the different acquisitions. There are also numerous correspondence folders under the classification point 01.03, which should still be included in searches for safety reasons. The estate consists mainly of numerous correspondence and publications with predominantly political content, reflecting the political views and commitment of Theodor Schiemann and his contemporaries (colleagues, friends and acquaintances). The individual letters under item 01.03 are either individual letters or only a few letters from one sender. The content of these letters is often similar, as it is always a matter of political issues and current affairs. As item 06, the estate was further enriched with documents from a daughter of Schiemann, Prof. Elisabeth Schiemann, which relate to the estate. Due to the late maturities, numbers 180, 258, 148 and Annex No. 3 probably also belong to this group, but have been left under points 03 and 04.02 in favour of the old order. There is a concordance at the search booker, with the help of which one can find a certain order number in the search book under the jumping numbers. With the introduction of the new tectonics in the Secret State Archives in January 2001, the estate of Schiemann, formerly known as I. HA Rep. 92 Schiemann, was incorporated into the newly founded VI. Family archives and estates department. Duration: 1825/26, 1835, 1862 - 1972 Volume: 2.4 running metres To order: VI HA, Nl Schiemann, T., No... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Theodor Schiemann, No... Berlin, May 2006 (AOInsp.in Sylvia Rose) Literature on Theodor Schiemann: o Erich Seuberlich, Stammtafel deutsch-baltischer Geschlechter, II. Reihe, Leipzig 1927 (see Appendix No. 3) o K. Meyer, Theodor Schiemann as political publicist, Frankfurt/Main 1956 o W. Leesch, Die deutschen Archivare 1500-1945, Vol. 2, Munich, New York et al. 1992 o G. Voigt, Russia in German historiography 1843-1945, Berlin 1994 o Th. Bohn, Theodor Schiemann. Historian and publicist. In: Ostdeutsche Gedenktage 1997, Personalities and Historical Events, Bonn 1996, pp. 141-146 o K. Meyer, Russia, Theodor Schiemann and Victor Hehn. In: Baltic Sea Provinces, Baltic States and the National. Studies in honour of Gert von Pistohlkors on his 70th birthday. Edited by Norbert Angermann, Michael Garleff, Wilhelm Lenz, Münster 2005, pp. 251-277 (Schriften der Baltischen Historischen Kommission, vol. 14) o New German Biography, published by the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, vol. 22, Berlin 2005. inventory description: Biographical data: 1847 - 1921 finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.