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Archival description
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 3-R.1.g. · Fonds · 1886 - 1955
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Colonial Policy - Colonial Legislation - Protectorate Act - Reichskolonialamt - Colonial Service - Colonial Procurement - Schutztruppe - Togo, Cameroon, D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a, D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Herero Uprising - Railway Construction - Colonial and Settlement Societies - Kiautschou/Tsingtau - Caroline Islands, Palau Islands and Mariana Islands - Colonial Policy and Research under National Socialist Rule - Position of Bremen in the Colonial Movement, especially Institute of Colonial Research

Dr. Carl Peters (inventory)

The part in the district archives from the estate of the German colonial pioneer Carl Peters, who acquired the core area of the later "D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a", was mainly compiled by his wife Thea née Herbers and enriched by copies and transcripts from the Federal Archives Koblenz and the then Central State Archives Potsdam as well as by materials from the Berninghaus family - Asta Berninghaus was a sister of Thea Peters. At the beginning of the 1950s the collection came into the possession of the archives of Altena Castle. In eight boxes, the estate contains documents, correspondence and newspaper clippings, most of which relate to the disciplinary proceedings and insults brought by the colonial politician. In addition to these documents there are photos and personal belongings. In addition, the collection was supplemented by books and essays on colonial topics, in particular by and about Carl Peters. The indexing was done in 1990 by the trainee Elke Röscher. Biography: - 27.11.1856 born as son of a pastor in Neuhaus a. d. Elbe - studies in Göttingen, Tübingen and Berlin - 1879 doctorate in history - 1880 Oberlehrerexamen in history and geography - since 1881 stay in London, occupation with the English colonial politics and administration - 1883 return to Berlin - 28.03.1884 Carl Peters founds the "Society for German Colonization" - September 1884 departure for East Africa, in the same year conclusion of colonial contracts with the chiefs of Useguna, Uguru, Usagara and Ukami - 12.02.1885 foundation of the DOAG ("Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft") - 27.02.1885 signing of the first colonial letter of protection by Wilhelm I. for the area acquired by Peters - March 1889 to August 1890 expedition to liberate Emin Pasha, conclusion of further contracts in Africa - 01.07.1890 Helgoland-Sansibar-contract - 1891 dispatch as Imperial Imperial Commissioner at the disposal of East Africa - 1992 cooperation in the German-English border regulation in East Africa - 03.05.1894 Appointment to the statutory "commissioner" - 13. to 16.03.1896 colonial debate of the Reichstag, attack Bebels against Peters, soon afterwards move to London, journalistic activity, foundation of a business enterprise - 24.04./15.11.1897 disciplinary judgements against Carl Peters for misconduct towards natives: Dismissal from the Reichsdienst (legal consequences of the verdict were reversed in 1937 by Hitler in favor of Peters' widow) - 1899-1911 Trips to South Africa: Managing Director of the Carl Peters Estates Company - 1905 pardon from Kaiser Wilhelm II.Peters gets back the title "Reichskommissar" - 1907-1909 various insult suits especially against editors of social democratic newspapers - 1909 marriage with Thea Herbers - 1914 Carl Peters is granted his pension by grace - 10.09.1918 died in Waltorf near Peine

Peters, Carl
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 45 · Fonds
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st About the Aldinger-Ostermayer family: Karl Aldinger and Hertha Ostermayer married on 24 January 1944. The marriage lasted over six decades. Only the death of Karl Aldinger in 2005 brought her to an end. The ancestors of the married couple were widely ramified and can be traced far back through the stored documents of the inventory. Due to the numerous traditional sources and many patient family history researches, they were deeply anchored in the consciousness of Karl and Hertha Aldingers. During the Second World War Karl Aldinger (1917-2005) was a soldier (last lieutenant). He then managed various agricultural estates (Staufeneck estate, Schafhof estate, Alteburg estate). In 1957 he took over the management of the youth hostel in Esslingen, which he continued to run until 1963. He then ran a guesthouse in Saig (Black Forest) until 1990, which came from the inheritance of an aunt of his wife. Hertha Aldinger (1920-2012) had undergone agricultural training and had been a teacher of agricultural household science since January 1944. After 1 July 1944, she no longer worked for the company, but devoted herself to her five children (one had died very early) and supported her husband in his various tasks. The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer documents the ancestors of Karl and Hertha Aldinger in almost all lines back to the end of the 18th century. There are rich documents on the families Aldinger, Trißler, Unrath (ancestors of Karl Aldinger) and Ostermayer, Görger, Baur/Giani, Heldbek/Gaiser, Riedlin and Schinzinger (ancestors of Hertha Aldinger). The documents refer to members of the upper middle class in Württemberg and Baden. Some family members were soldiers in the First and Second World Wars (among others Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), Helmut Ostermayer (1919-1941) and Karl Aldinger) and have left photos, diaries and memories as well as letters from the wartime. The Aldinger family provided agricultural estate managers for several generations. There are numerous physicians from the family circle: Dr. Oskar Görger (1847-1905), who founded his wealth through his practice in Australia, Dr. Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), who was still practicing in his 80s and was thus known in the 50s as Stuttgart's oldest practicing physician, Dr. Karl Schinzinger (1861-1948), also a physician in Australia, and Dr. Albert Schinzinger (1827-1911), who began his career as a surgeon and after his habilitation worked as a professor of medicine at the University of Freiburg (about him Pagel: Biographisches Lexikon outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century. Berlin, Vienna 1901, Sp. 1499-1500). Also worth mentioning are the pastors: Karl Ludwig Heldbek (1756-1829), pastor in Scharenstetten, Christoph Erhardt Heldbek (1803-1877), city pastor in Weilheim, Emil Heldbek (1849-1884), pastor in Auendorf, and Dr. Paul Aldinger (1869-1944), pastor in Kleinbottwar, colonist and pastor in Brazil. The Ostermayers were merchants for several generations, initially locally in Weilheim/Teck and from around 1870 in the Württemberg state capital Stuttgart. Max (1860-1942) and Gottlieb Ostermayer (1871-1910) finally worked as merchants in India. The Heldbek/Gaiser family also knew merchants whose activities later extended as far as Africa (Lagos). The most famous is Gottlieb Leonhard Gaiser (1817-1892). He tried to found a German colony in Mahinland (east of Lagos), but failed because of Bismarck's colonial-political restraint (Ernst Hieke: Gaiser, Gottlieb Leonhard, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie, 6 (1964), p. 39f.). Robert Karl Edmund Schinzinger (1898-1988), university professor and lecturer in Japan, and Ernst Ostermayer (1868-1918), professor and painter are to be emphasized as representatives of science and art. Albert Joseph Fridolin Schinzinger (1856-1926), the Japanese Consul General in Berlin, worked in the field of politics and diplomacy. 2. processing of the stock: The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer was created step by step. In ancient times, outstanding documents were preserved and entrusted to the next generation. Initially, only a few documents were handed down, mostly letters or documents with a special memoir value. This happened with both the Aldinger and Ostermayer ancestors. Only later generations left behind complete estates, i.e. closed traditions. This was the case with Eduard Ostermayer and his son Helmut as well as Karl and Hertha Aldinger. For Oskar Görger and his wife Marie, original documents have been preserved to a considerable extent, but in smaller quantities. Family research on a larger scale had already been carried out in the 1930s in connection with the Aryan evidence by the Aldingers and the Ostermayers. Lore Braitsch, née Aldinger, collected older documents for the Aldinger family, which she also evaluated (e.g. speech in honour of Dr. Paul Aldinger, cf. Bü 360). After their death in 1998 these documents came to Hertha and Karl Aldinger, so that a family archive for the Aldinger and Ostermayer families grew together. Hertha Aldinger edited this. She supplemented the originals with copies and transcriptions. With admirable patience she transcribed the documents in old, no longer generally legible script, first by hand and later by typewriter. Already in 1996 she worked with computers. Even more important are their evaluations of the family records. She put together different material to certain persons as well as whole family branches, so for her husband Karl (Bü 179) and for herself (Bü 118). She also wrote the couple's memoirs under the title "Our 20 Initial Years" (Bü 246). She also wrote down her personal memories of her parents (Bü 181). For the Ostermayer (Bü 284, 304 and 334), Heldbek (Bü 453, 473) and Schinzinger (Bü 226, 237, 296) families she compiled material and wrote elaborations on the history of these families. Probably also the order of the family archive goes back to them. This only considered a separation of the individual family branches and was otherwise little structured. When the materials were handed over to the Main State Archives in January 2013, they were stored in guide files and the subunits were formed in transparent envelopes. There were also other types of packaging. A handwritten fixation of this order was made on the occasion of the transfer of the family archive to the main state archive in a transfer register (Bü 550). Hertha Aldinger's intensive family research and work have left traces in the state of order. The units were inflated by copies, often multiple copies. Original tradition and copy or transcription were not separated. The original letter series were torn, there was the group of already transcribed pieces and the group of still unprocessed letters. The archival order of the documents restored the series of the original letters. The copies have been reduced. There is little point in keeping an original and a copy of it in the same tuft. Multiple copies of the transcriptions could also be collected. However, different processing stages (e.g. concepts, final version) were left unchanged. There was a larger collection of postcards, which had been arranged after picture motives. This collection also contained described and run postcards, i.e. family correspondence. This had to be reassigned to the letters and cards. The collection of postcards was thus reduced to the undescribed pieces (Bü 506, 509), and the archival indexing attached great importance to a detailed characterization of the Büschel contents in the Contained Notes. This was especially necessary when the title recording for the tuft had to remain very general. The collection was structured in such a way that the central importance of Karl and Hertha Aldinger for the documents is emphasized. Karl and Hertha Aldinger are expressly referred to as related family branches. The spelling of the first names was standardized according to today's spelling: Helmut instead of Hellmut, Karl instead of Carl, Jakob instead of Jacob etc.. The index lists the women among the aforementioned families from the related circle of Aldinger-Ostermayer, but also mentions the marriage name. Women who have married into the circle of relatives are classified under their names of marriage, their names of birth are given in an explanatory manner. The stock P 45 "Familienarchiv Aldinger-Ostermayer" was sorted and listed by the undersigned in Spring/Summer 2013. The duration of the documents ranges from approx. 1770 to 2013, the volume of the stock amounts to 553 units in 6.1 m.Stuttgart, in October 2013Dr. Peter Schiffer

BArch, RW 51 · Fonds · 1891-1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: After the German Reich had abandoned an active colonial policy in the first years of its existence due to foreign policy considerations, this changed in 1884. The colonies Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Togo, Cameroon, Deutsch-Neuguinea, Deutsch-Ostafrika and Samoa, formally referred to as "protectorates", emerged. The governorates of these protectorates established in the following period were first under the control of the Colonial Department in the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t and finally of the resulting R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . The Kiautschou leasehold in China, acquired in 1898, was subject to the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . From the very beginning it was necessary to be able to assert and protect the interests of the empire in the colonies by military force. In the initial phase, this task was performed by ships and landing commands of the Imperial Navy. In the German South Sea colonies this remained so until the end. In the African colonies there was a development of their own. In 1889, a troupe of German volunteers with a contract under an active officer (Captain Curt von François) was formed in D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a , which was initially only to perform police duties. In 1889, in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, the Reich Commissioner Captain Herrmann Wissmann set up a troop of recruited Africans to suppress the "Arab Uprising" that broke out in 1888. With the law of 22 March 1891 the "Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika" was finally formed from volunteers of the army and navy as well as recruited volunteers, followed by the "Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika" and the "Schutztruppe für Kamerun" with the law of 9 June 1895. A protection force for Togo was planned at times, but was not formed, just as there were no protection forces for German New Guinea or Samoa. Only police troops were formed there. In the respective protectorates the governor held the highest military power, the commander of the protection troop was subordinated to him. The protection troops were responsible for maintaining security and public order. At times the individual protection troops were exclusively occupied with the suppression of insurrections of the indigenous population. To this end, some considerable personnel reinforcements were recruited from Germany. The Schutztruppen were first led by the Reichsmarineamt. With the "Gesetz betreffend die Kaiserlichen Schutztruppen in den Afrikanischen Schutzgebieten und die Wehrpflicht daselbst" of 18 July 1896, the Schutztruppen were subordinated to the Reich Chancellor, administered by the Colonial Department in the Foreign Office. In the Colonial Department, the Department M - Military Administration (Command or High Command of the Protection Forces) was responsible. The Prussian War Ministry (Army Department) took over the organizational support. Command affairs were handled by the Director of the Colonial Department, with Division M as his military staff. With the establishment of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t by the Most High Decree of 17 May 1907, the command of the Schutztruppen was placed under its control, now as a military command staff with responsible command power. Like the Navy, the Schutztruppen were under the supreme command of the Emperor. Its members were volunteers of the army (or armies of Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg) and the navy, who retired from the respective army or navy for the time of their service in the Schutztruppen and then returned there again. The male German population in the protectorates was subject to compulsory military service. The conscripts in the Schutztruppen were able to meet these demands. In 1913 the Schutztruppe included the following personnel: - Command of the Schutztruppe in Berlin: 80 men - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika: 2758 men (266 Germans, 2492 natives) - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika: 1970 Mann (German) - Schutztruppe für Kamerun: 1471 Mann (171 German, 1300 indigenous) During the Herero Uprising, the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika's personnel strength in 1907 was approx. 15,000 men. The outbreak of the First World War hit the German colonies unprepared. Defensive measures against other colonial powers had never been seriously considered, the Imperial Government had assumed that in the event of a European conflict the colonies could be kept out of the fighting according to the agreements in the Congo Act of 1885, despite warning voices from the colonies themselves. On 1 August 1914, therefore, only a state of emergency was declared in the protectorates. It was not until mid-August 1914 that mobilization began in the protectorates, but the armed units there (Schutztruppen, police troops, naval units present) were ultimately without a chance compared with the opponents who were far superior in terms of numbers and materials. The following were lost, partly after fierce fighting, partly without a fight: - on 27 August 1914 Togo - on 7 September 1914 Samoa - on 17 September 1914 Deutsch-Neuguinea - on 9 July 1915 Deutsch-Südwestafrika - in February 1916 Cameroon The Kiautschou leasehold area under the control of the Navy had capitulated after heavy fighting on 7 November 1914. It was only in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a that the Schutztruppe was able to hold its ground to the end and thus bind considerable enemy forces. Their commander, Major General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, only laid down his weapons on 25 November 1918 on order from Berlin. Processing note: The stock RW 51 was originally created as stock for the "imperial protection troops and other German land forces overseas" and comprised 29 units. In 2010, the documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps were extracted and, together with the corresponding new additions, formed the newly created holdings RW 61. Since then, the holdings of RW 51 have consisted exclusively of documents of the Imperial Protection Forces and were subsequently fundamentally revised and developed further. Some new additions were added. Description of the holdings: The collection contains the documents of the Imperial Schutztruppen for D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a , D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and Cameroon, as well as the command of the Schutztruppen, as far as they are available in the military archives. Characterization of content: The inventory contains only a few real fact files. It consists above all of a compilation of commandos of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika from 1907 to 1914, as well as a file of the same commandos with reports of subordinated units and offices from 1916. In addition there are documents on organization and supply in Deutsch-Ostafrika and Deutsch-Südwestafrika and in particular some hand-drawn maps. Only two documents have survived on Cameroon. State of development: The inventory RW 51 was originally created as an inventory for the "imperial protection troops and other German land forces overseas" and comprised 29 units. In 2010, the documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps were extracted and, together with the corresponding new additions, formed the newly created holdings RW 61. Since then, the holdings of RW 51 have consisted exclusively of documents of the Imperial Protection Forces and were subsequently fundamentally revised and developed further. Some new additions were added. Pre-archival order: The tradition of the Schutztruppen In the Bundearchiv military archive is purely fragmentary. The Schutztruppen archive in the Heeresarchiv was destroyed during the air raid on Potsdam in April 1945. This applies to the personnel files of the Schutztruppen and to the records in the archives of the Schutztruppen in the colonies themselves. The tradition of the command of the Schutztruppen is essentially in the R 1001 R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . The documents of the protection troops remaining in Africa after the First World War are now in the national archives of Tanzania (Dar es Salaam), Namibia (Windhoek) and Cameroon (Duala). In addition, the Belgian Imperial Archives in Brussels contain documents of the Rwandan Schutztruppen. Films on the documents in Windhoek and Dar es Salaam can be found in the Federal Archives in Berlin. Replacement records of the Schutztruppen and their deployments can be found above all in the documents of the Imperial Navy, which as a rule acted in a supportive capacity or, during uprisings, also issued landing commands. In addition, reference should be made to the tradition of the contingents of protection troops in the respective state archives provided by Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg. Scope, explanation: 30 AU Citation method: BArch, RW 51/...

BArch, N 103 · Fonds · 1881-1954
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck Life data 20.03.1870 born in Saarlouis 09.03.1964 died in Hamburg Career 1881 Cadet 1884 Main Cadet Institute Groß-Lichterfelde 07.02.1888 Portepee-Fähnrich at the 4.Garderegiment on foot 1889 Sekondeleutnant 1895 Premierleutnant 1900/01 Participation in the Boxer Movement China; Promotion to Captain 1904-1906 Deutsch-Südwestafrika; First Adjutant in the staff of the commander of the Schutztruppe "Lothar von Trotha" and as Company Chief at the suppression of the uprising of the Herero 1906 Kommandierung to the Großer Generalstab 1907 Promotion to Major; Adjutant of the Generalkommando des 11. Army Corps 1909 Commander II Sea Battalions in Wilhelmshaven 1913 Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel 18.10.1903 Commander of the Imperial Protection Corps for Cameroon 13.04.1914 Commander Protection Corps D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a 1918 Promotion to Major General Apr. 1919 Command of the Guard Cavalry Shooting Corps under the Marine Division Oct. 1919 Leadership of the Reichswehr Brigade 9 of the "Transitional Army" in Schwerin 1920 Characterisation as Lieutenant General and dismissal from the Reichswehr 1923 Wholesale merchant 1928-1930 Member of Parliament of the conservative German National People's Party in the Reichstag 1930 Change to the People's Conservative Union 1933 State Council in Bremen 27.08.1939 (so called Tannenbergtag) Character of a general of the infantry 1956 Honorary citizen of his birth town Saarlouis Awards 04.11.1916 Pour le Merite 10.10.1917 Eichenlaub zum Pour le Merite 30.01.1920 Ritterkreutz der sächsischen Militär-St.-The estate contains personal papers, documents on military and public honours, private and private correspondence, diary notes and memoirs as well as elaborations on various topics and photographs from the life of General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck (20.3.1870-9.3.1964). The collection documents the personal and military career of Lettow-Vorbecks, including his participation in the Boxer War in China (1901-1904) as an adjutant of the 1st East Asian Infantry Brigade, his deployment in the command of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika (1905-1906) and as commander of the Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika (1914-1918). In addition, Lettow-Vorbeck's activities as a war veteran and member of the Reichstag of the DNVP in the Weimar Republic and the reactions to his death in 1964 will be highlighted, as will his work on colonial history and documentations on political topics from the time of the Weimar Republic, in particular the Reichswehr and the Kapp-Lüttwitz Putsch. References to other holdings, in particular RM 5 - Navy Admiral Staff; RW 51 - Imperial Protection Forces and other Overseas Forces; R 1001 - Reichskolonialamt; R 1002 - Authorities of the former protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika; digital photos of Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck from the Federal Archives' image holdings can be found in the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia Content Characterization: Because of its great importance and the intensive demand for it from researchers, the estate was processed and recorded in the archives soon after it was handed over to the Federal Archives at the end of the 1960s. In 2008, the indexing of the holdings was fundamentally revised while retaining the older archival order. Pre-archival order: The estate of Paul von Lettow-Vorbecks was transferred to the Federal Archives in August 1964 by the daughter of Countess Heloise von Rantzau-Pronstorf, who died in the same year. It had initially been deposited there as a deposit, on 31 December 1999 the documents became the property of the Federal Archives. The holdings contain self-testimonies and autobiographical records at various stages of their development; the classification features of the archival indexing could not always be clearly assigned due to the specific character of the documents. Citation style: BArch, N 103/...

Vorbeck, Paul Emil von Lettow
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 143 · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The present file contains files of three different Prussian commissions which were responsible for the processing of compensation claims against the French state. Due to overlapping personnel and similar tasks, however, a relatively homogeneous file transmission results, the focus of which is on the activities of the main liquidation commission. On 3 June 1814 the Privy Councillor Johann Christian Magnus Freiherr von Oelssen (1775-1848) was appointed Commissioner for the Settlement of Compensation Claims of Prussian Nationals. He was supported by the Protestant General Consistorial President Johann Friedrich von Jacobi for a time. Wilhelm von Humboldt was in charge of the compensation matters. After the capture of Paris on 3 July 1815, Field Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher commissioned Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Ribbentrop (1768-1841), General Director of the Army, to negotiate the return of the works of art and cultural assets confiscated by the French troops in Prussia. To support him, war commissioner Jacoby and Prof. de Groote were assigned. In the further course, the Minister of State Karl vom Stein zum Altenstein (1770-1840) took over the negotiations and was supported by Johann Albrecht Friedrich Eichhorn (1779-1856), a member of the Court of Appeal, and Crull, a governor of Düsseldorf. After the Second Peace of Paris on 20 November 1815, the Prussian Liquidation Commission was finally formed. As liquidation commissions were also established in the Prussian provinces in the course of this period, the name of the main liquidation commission was established for the commission that initially met in Paris. The main task of this Commission was to negotiate with the French authorities on the approval of compensation figures for compensation claims submitted by Prussian nationals, authorities and municipalities during the French occupation. One territorial focus was on the areas that fell to Prussia after the peace agreement (including the Rhine Province). A large part of the files handed down contain the claims for compensation submitted and the Commission's decision on the legality of these claims. Wilhelm von Humboldt was appointed as the first Commissioner and Crull as the second Commissioner of the Governorate. Commissioner Crull also set up an Arbitration Commission based in Paris to rule on disputed claims for compensation. The main liquidation commission was later transferred to Berlin and dissolved in 1823. At a time that could no longer be determined, the Commission's files entered the holdings of the PK Secret State Archives and were recorded by the archivist Karl Sattler at the end of the 19th century. The stock was not outsourced during the Second World War. Therefore, the files remained in Berlin-Dahlem during the period of German division. However, since the find book was lost, the stock was again recorded by archivist Gerhard Kutzsch in 1953. This find book was retroconverted in 2013 by archives clerk Guido Behnke. The classification has been recreated. In addition, the existing file titles were reviewed and revised. In some cases, individual files had to be redrawn. The files of the stock were partially affected by water damage. Due to the resulting mould infestation, some of the files listed in this Reference Guide cannot currently be submitted for use. In addition, the collection includes approximately 50 official books (mainly cash books, directories, journals), which could not yet be recorded due to mould infestation. The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 143 Hauptliquidationskommission der Privatforderungen an Frankreich, Nr. () Berlin, April 2013 Guido Behnke Findmittel: Datenbank; Sammelfindbuch, 1 vol. (for I HA. Rep. 143 and 143 A); not listed

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/56 · Fonds · 1806-1920
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The documents in this inventory include the trade, commercial and customs matters directly concerning Württemberg as well as documents on the role of Württemberg in the German Customs Union. These include the individual sectors of the manufacturing industry, but also the banking sector. The inventory E 40/56 consists of the following registry headings: "Internal" for trade and industry from E 41 Verz. 63 and E 46 "Salt works" from E 46 and "Salt and salt industry" from E 41 Verz. 63 "Applications" for trade and industry" from E 41 Verz. 63 and E 49 Supplement 1938 "Zoll / Handel" from E 36 Verz. F In addition, there are some documents from E 36 Verz. 60 and E 41 Verz. 63, which were filed according to the country headings. In particular, further holdings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may be relevant for the areas listed below: Economic Policy, Trade and Commerce in the German Reich: E 40/16 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Allgemeine Außenpolitik, Norddeutscher Bund, Deutsches Reich, Bundesrat und Bundesangelegenheiten 1866-1918Prints on trade and industry: E 40/37 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Press matters, submission of printed works, copyrightState banking and finance: E 40/52 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Public finances, real estate, statistics and topographyCommercial police: E 40/54 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Police mattersWarfare economy: E 40/72 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Kriegssachen und Militärangelegenheiten und E 74 Württembergische Gesandtschaft in BerlinHandelsschulen: E 40/74 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Science, Culture, Church and School AffairsCommercial Legislation: E 40/76 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: JusticeThe majority of the title recordings were made by Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl at the end of the 1990s. Since the allocation of categories in the old lists was very inconsistent, so that further growth was always to be expected, the inventory was left for a longer period of time as a temporary solution and the completion of the finding aid book was waited until the completion of all title entries and their final allocation. The stock now comprises 531 tufts (4.4 m).Stuttgart, in February 2011Johannes Renz c) nationality mark: A]Austria [B]Belgium [BR]Brazil [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [DK]Denmark [E]Spain [EAT]Tanzania [F]France [UK]Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GR]Greece [H]Hungary [I]Italy [IRL]Ireland [J]Japan [JA]Jamaica [MEX]Mexico [NL]Netherlands [NL]Netherlands [PE]Peru [PL]Poland [RI]Indonesia [RUS]Russia [TR]Turkey [USA]United States of America

BArch, R 1001 · Fonds · 1832-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1907 Formation of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t from the Colonial Department of the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t ; 1919 Transformation into a R e i c h s k o l o n i a l ministry and assumption of the liquidation business for the former German colonial territories; after its dissolution in 1920, assumption of the tasks by the R e i c h s m a r i n a m i n g for reconstruction (Colonial Central Administration) until its dissolution in 1924; thereafter, processing of colonial affairs again by the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t . Inventory description: Inventory history The files of the central colonial administration of the German Reich have been subject to organisational changes from the subject area or department at kaiserli‧chen Auswärtiges Amt to the Imperial Reichsamt and Ministry of the Wei‧marer Republic and back to the department or department at the Auswärtiges Amt. Many volumes of files or subject series were easily continued organically beyond the verschie‧denen changes; for the period after 1920 this often means that they slowly ebbed away. Real breaks in the Aktenfüh‧rung can usually not be determined. The registry of Reichskolonialmi‧niste‧riums therefore formed a closed one in 1919 and after the extensive loss of colonial political tasks in the eyes of many even closed Kör‧per. The files were distributed according to the former secret registries of the Reichsko‧lonialamts as follows: Secret registry KA I East Africa Secret registry KA II Southwest Africa Secret registry KA III South Sea Secret registry KA IV Cameroon and Togo Secret registry KA V Legal cases Secret registry KA VI Scientific and medical cases Secret registry KA VII General secret registry KA VIII Agriculture Secret registry KA I-VII Foreign Countries and Possessions Secret Registry KB I Budget and Accounting Secret Registry KB II Technical Matters Secret Registry KB III Railway Matters Already in the Cabinet Meeting on 1. In 1919, the Reich Minister of the Interior, Matthias Erzberger, had spoken about the files of the then still existing Kolonialministeri‧ums and had suggested that "the archives of the Reichs‧kolonialamts and the Reich Marine Office should be merged with the corresponding facilities of the Großer Generalstab and an independent Reich archive should be created in a city yet to be determined, which would be directly subordinated to the Reich Ministry [cabinet]". Ministerialdirigent Meyer-Gerhard had contradicted this in his memorandum of 30 Sept. 1919 and demanded that both the files and the extensive library of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l ministry be handed over to the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t , where he also wanted to see the permanently preserved Orga‧nisati‧onseinheiten of the Colonial Ministry located. Only the files that were no longer needed were to be destroyed or handed over to the Reich Archives. In fact, the files were initially handed over to the R e i c h s m i n g e r a m i n g for reconstruction and were inspected in 1924 when the Colonial Department was transferred to the Foreign Office. An inventory shows which files were transferred directly to the Reichsarchiv, transferred to the Auswärtiges Amt, or immediately became ver‧nichtet . While only very few files were immediately destroyed and by far the largest part of the files were immediately handed over to the archive, bean‧spruchte the Federal Foreign Office, in addition to some documents of fundamental Be‧deutung, even from long chronological volume sequences, mostly only those volumes which were important for the ak‧tuellen business and left the older volumes in each case to the archive. However, a large part of the Ak‧ten taken over from the Federal Foreign Office was also handed over to the Reichsarchiv during the course of the continuous reduction process to which the kolonialpoliti‧sche subdivision or the "Colonial Department" was exposed. Remnants of these documents were handed over to the Federal Archives by the Auswärti‧gen Office in February 2000. In 1945 the Reichsarchiv was probably home to a largely complete record of the central colonial administration of the German Reich. The orga‧nische character of the tradition forbid a breakdown of the documents, so that the entire tradition was stored in one inventory at the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t zusammenge‧faßt . The R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t's destruction of the R e i c h s c h s a f t on 14 April 1945 severely affected the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t's Ak‧ten . Approximately 30 of the holdings were burnt, including the registries KB I (budget and Rech‧nungswesen), II (technical matters) and III (railway matters). Also the files of the Schutztruppen and the files of the administrations that have reached the Reichsarchiv ein‧zelner Schutzgebiete have completely fallen victim to the flames. Archivische Bewertung und Bearbeitung In the Central State Archives of the GDR in Potsdam, the original registry order was discarded as Klassifika‧tion for the holdings during the processing of the Be‧stands 10.01 R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . The mixed order, which combined registration, systematic and territorial criteria of order, was replaced by a structure, which arranged the files according to territorial aspects as far as possible. In the course of the revision of the finding aids for the present finding aid, which were compiled in the Central State Archives, the original order of the holdings was restored with the help of the registry aids that had been transferred to Bundesar‧chiv in 2000. The contexts of the original Regi‧straturordnung, according to An‧sicht, provide the author with a better and more systematic overview of the overall tradition than the systematic aspects of ver‧schleiernde "regionalisation" of the holdings. The former "Koblenz" inventory R 101 Reichskolonialamt consisted mainly of copies which the colonial writer Georg Thielmann-Groeg made, mainly in Reichsar‧chiv, from the files of the Reichskolonialamt. The indexing of this collection die‧sem Findbuch, which goes down to the individual file piece, is attached in an appendix because it compiles important documents on German colonial history in compressed form - with a focus on GermanSüd‧west‧afrika. For reasons of conservation, the oversized investment cards were taken from the volumes in inventory R 1001 and replaced by reference sheets. The maps were recorded on color macrofiches and organized in a mapNeben‧bestand under the designation R 1001 Kart. Content characterisation: Colonies and colonial policy, general; military and navy; colonial law, police matters; slaves and slave trade; research, surveying, demarcation; immigration, settlement, support, civil status; economy, trade, customs, taxes; agriculture and forestry; post and transport; missions and schools; health care. Non-German colonies and Liberia: British colonies; French colonies; Portuguese and Spanish colonies; Italian, Dutch, North American colonies. D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a: Colonisation, general management and administration, political development; military and police, inspection and information tours; colonial law, criminal cases, inheritance and real estate; slavery and slave trade; research, surveying, demarcation; immigration, settlement, support, civil status; economy, trade, customs, taxes; agriculture, forestry, fishing; postal services and transport; missions and schools; health care. Cameroon: German-West African Trading Company, South and North-West Cameroon Society; colonisation, central and regional administration; political development; military and police, inspection and information tours; colonial law; research, surveying, demarcation; immigration, settlement, support, civil status; economy, trade, customs, taxes, banks, agriculture and forestry, fisheries; postal and transport services; health care; missions and schools. Togo: central and regional administration, political development; military and police, inspection and information missions; colonial law; research, surveying, demarcation; immigration, settlement, support, civil status; economy, trade, customs, taxes, banks; agriculture, forestry, fisheries; postal services and transport; missions, schools, health care. Congo: General; Berlin Conference. New Guinea: New Guinea company; colonization, central and regional administration, political development; military and police; colonial law; research, surveying, demarcation; immigration, settlement, support, civil status; economy, trade, taxes, customs, banks; agriculture, forestry, fishing; post and transport; health care, schools. Caroline, Mariana and Palau Islands: colonisation, general, management and administration, political development; colonial law; research, surveying, demarcation; immigration, settlement, support, civil status; economy, trade, customs, taxes; post and transport; missions, schools, health care. Samoa: colonisation, central and regional administration, political development; military; colonial law, police matters; research, surveying, demarcation; immigration, resettlement, civil status; economy, trade, customs, taxes, banks; agriculture and forestry; post, transport, shipping; missions, schools, health care. Marshall Islands: colonization, general management and administration, political development; research, surveying, settlement, employment; trade, customs, taxes, post, transport; missions, school, health care. Solomon Islands: Kiautschou/China R 1001 Annex: photocopies of documents on the acquisition of German colonial territories; photocopies of documents on Deutsch-Südwestafrika; copies of files of the Reichskolonialamt on Deutsch-Südwestafrika; diary of the Hottentot leader Hendrik Witbooi in Deutsch-Südwestafrika; horse breeding in North Cameroon. Erinnerungen von Kurt Freiherr von Crailsheim; "Kriegsnachrichten" newspaper from Deutsch-Südwestafrika, vol. 1915 no. 3; reproductions of portraits of various persons in Deutsch-Südwestafrika; curriculum vitae of Reichskommissar Dr. jur. Heinrich Goering. State of development: Publication Findbuch (2002); Online Findbuch (2003) Citation method: BArch, R 1001/...

Imperial Colonial Office
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 · Fonds · (1897 -) 1811 - 1930
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st history of the Württemberg legation in Berlin: There was a Württemberg legation in Berlin from the 18th century until 1933. Until 1870/71, she was responsible for Württemberg's relations with the Kingdom of Prussia, then also with the German Empire, and the Württemberg envoys in Berlin were, among other things: Johannes Nathanael Freiherr von Schunckum 1720Friedrich Graf von Seckendorfum 1730 - 1733Johann Eberhard Georgii1741 - 1744Christoph Dietrich von Keller1744 - 1749Gottfried von Hochstetterum 1751 - 1757Tobias Faudel (Resident)about 1793/94Reckert (Resident)about 1795Christoph von Seckendorfum 1799Ferdinand Friedrich Freiherr von Nicolaium 1800/01August Friedrich Batz1801 - 1803Gustav Heinrich Freiherr von Mylius 1803 - October 1806Hermann Freiherr von Wimpffen July 1807- ?Carl Philipp von Kaufmann, Legation Councillor January 1811 - February 1813Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Freiherr von Scheeler July 1814 - May 1815Franz Joseph Freiherr von Linden, Legation Secretary May - November 1815August von Neuffer December 1815 - May 1816Franz Joseph Freiherr von Linden, Legation Secretary May - July 1816Gottfried Jonathan von Harttmann, Legation Secretary October 1816 - January 1817Friedrich Freiherr von Phull, Lieutenant General January 1817 - 1820Ulrich Leberecht Graf von Mandelsloh (interim) July - September 1820Karl Friedrich Wagner, Legation Councillor 1821, 1823 - 1824Georg Ernst Levin Graf von Wintzingerode 1820 - 1825Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Bismark 1825 - 1844August von Blomberg, Legation Councillor 1826 - 1829Franz à Paula Freiherr von Linden, Legation Council 1830 - 1844Julius Baron von Maucler 1844 - 1845Ludwig von Reinhardt 1846 - 1850Carl Eugen Baron von Hügel 1850 - 1852Franz à Paula Baron von Linden 1852 - 1866Friedrich Heinrich Karl Baron Hugo von Spitzemberg 1866 - 1880Fidel von Baur-Breitenfeld 1881 - 1886Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin 1887 - 1889Rudolf Friedrich Karl von Moser 1890 - 1893Theodor Axel Freiherr von Varnbüler 1894 - 1918Karl Hildenbrand 1918 - 1924Otto Bosler1924 - 1933 (1934) : Since the foundation of the Reich in 1871, the Württemberg envoys in Berlin have also acted as plenipotentiaries to the Bundesrat. Since the end of the 19th century, the legation was located at Voßstraße 10. The legation building was erected by government councillor Georg Wilhelm von Mörner. After the end of the legation in 1933, the building was bought up by the Reich in 1937 and demolished one year later, as the new Reich Chancellery was planned at this location. the ministerial counterpart to stock E 74 until the end of the monarchy in Germany in 1918 is in stock E 50/03, further documents concerning the Württemberg legation in Berlin for the time before 1806 in the stocks A 16 a, A 74 c and the time after 1918 in the stocks of the Württemberg State Ministry (E 130 a-c). 2nd inventory history and processing report: The documents of the present inventory were handed over to the former Württemberg State Archive Stuttgart in 1932. Another delivery received in 1937 was burnt during the Second World War. The largest part of the documents contains federal affairs of the German Reich, in which the Württemberg envoy was involved as an authorized representative of the Bundesrat. Particularly noteworthy are documents on the regulation of tax legislation between the German Reich and the federal states, on the war economy during the First World War, but also on economic supply in the post-war period. Particularly in the field of food supply, there is a substitute tradition for the documents of the Württemberg Ministry of Food destroyed in the Second World War. Many of the more recent documents contain large amounts of Reichstag and Bundesrat printed matter, but due to correspondence with Württemberg authorities they are not to be regarded as a double tradition of the files of the institutions of the German Reich kept in the Federal Archives.In the years 2008 - 2009 the documents were made accessible by the archive officers René Hanke, Mathias Kunz and Andreas Neuburger, the archive inspectors Wolfram Berner, Sylvia Güntheroth, Antje Hauschild and Stephanie Kurrle as well as the interns Christa Ackermann and Fabian Fechner under the guidance of the undersigned, some parts were also made accessible by the undersigned himself. Rudolf Bezold was responsible for the subsequent archiving of the documents. The total volume of the stock comprises 40 volumes and 958 tufts in the volume of 34.3 linear metres of shelving.Stuttgart, in October 2011Johannes Renz b) nationality mark: A]Austria [BY]Belarus [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [E]Spain [EAT]Tanzania [F]France [I]Italy [NAM]Namibia [P]Portugal [PL]Poland [RT]Togo [RUS]Russia [TR]Turkey [UA]Ukraine