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BArch, RM 5 · Bestand · 1890-1919
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: By cabinet order of 14.3.1899 the Admiral Staff Department of the High Command of the Navy was made independent and directly subordinated to the Emperor as the Admiral Staff of the Navy. In terms of peace, the actual tasks of the admiral's staff included the operative planning of warfare at sea, the collection and processing of news about foreign navies as well as the economy and military policy of foreign states. Furthermore, the Admiral Staff worked on all tactical matters of the fleet, the training and further education of Admiral Staff officers as well as the travel plans for all naval forces abroad. During the war, military-political affairs and censorship tasks were added. To steer the entire naval warfare, the naval warfare command was set up on 28.8.1918 as a mobile part of the Admiral Staff. From 15.11.1918 the authority was subordinated to the Reichsmarineamt and was dissolved on 15.7.1919. Inventory description: By cabinet order of 14 March 1899, the Admiral Staff Department of the Navy High Command was made independent and directly subordinated to the Emperor as the Navy Admiral Staff. In terms of peace, the tasks of the admiral's staff included the operative planning of warfare at sea, mobilization, naval war games, naval war history, the collection and processing of news about foreign navies as well as the economy and military policy of foreign states. The Admiral Staff dealt with all tactical matters of the fleet, the training and further education of Admiral Staff officers and the travel plans for all naval forces abroad. During the war, military-political affairs and censorship tasks were added. On 28 August 1918, the naval warfare command was set up as a mobile part of the admiral's staff to control the entire naval warfare. From 15 November 1918 the authority was subordinated to the Reichsmarineamt and was dissolved on 15 July 1919. Content characterization: Considerable losses of files occurred during the Revolution days of 1918 and in the months thereafter. Documents on intelligence gathering, espionage and counter-espionage were extensively destroyed as early as 1919. On the other hand, files in the following subject areas have been handed down well: Organisation, cipher service, mobilization work, theatres of war in the Baltic and North Seas, foreign warfare, news about European and non-European countries and weapons-related matters. Archival records on the trade war with submarines and the related military-political questions are to be emphasized. From the 1st World War also the files of the representatives of the Admiral Staff at the Supreme Army Command and at Army Commands are to be mentioned. State of development: Invenio Scope, Explanation: Inventory without increment 350 m 6710 AE Citation method: BArch, RM 5/...

BArch, RM 33 · Bestand · 1867 - 1923
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The staff of the station command of the naval station of the North Sea was formed in 1870/71. From 1873 to 1904, the station chief was also the fortress commander of Wilhelmshaven. The Station Command was first subordinated to the Admiralty, then to the High Command of the Navy, and from 1899 as Immediatbehörde directly subordinated to the Emperor. After the First World War, the station command was subordinated to the Reichsmarineamt, the head of the Admiralty and the head of the naval command and was transferred to the Reichsmarine. The commandant's office of the fortifications of the Weser estuary in Geestemünde, the commandant's office of the fortifications of the Elbe estuary in Cuxhaven and the commandant's office of the fortifications of Helgoland were directly under the command of the naval station of the North Sea. Processing note: The RM 33 holdings were divided and the files from the period after 1920 were transferred to the new RM 133 holdings. The file RM 3/10883 was transferred to the inventory under the signature RM 33/3189. The file RM 33/309 was renumbered RM 31/4598. Inventory description: In the inventory RM 33 the archives of the naval station of the North Sea are listed as territorial command and basic authority of the Imperial Navy for personnel replacement, personnel control, basic training, material supply of the fleet, coastal defence and surveillance of the coastal waters in the area of the North Sea. The stock is intended for splitting. The documents of the naval station of the North Sea of the Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine will form the new stock RM 133. RM 33 will then only contain the documents of the naval station of the North Sea of the Imperial Navy. Content characterisation: The inventory mainly contains documents on the material provision and readiness for war of ships and auxiliary ships, on Admiralstabsreisen, on closure plans for the estuaries of the North Sea coast including mines and on the reinforcement of the fortifications Wilhelmshaven, Helgoland, Weser and Elbe estuaries. The files of the defensive unit of the station command are of particular importance. State of development: Findbuch Scope, Explanation: Stock without increase 20 lfm 472 AE Citation method: BArch, RM 33/...