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Station handovers, protocols, inventory records.
ALMW_II._32_56 · Akt(e) · 1937-1940
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Two fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 56 1 - Masama 1937. Protocol of the transfer of Shira - 1938. Report on the takeover of the sister station Mamba by Mergner and Fritze - 1938. Protocol of the transfer of the station Gonja - 1938. Station transfer of Masama - 1938. Receipt of the handover of the cash register of the girls' school in Moshi - 1939. Inventory list of the Shigatini station - 1939. Inventory list of the Usangi station - 1939. Protocol of the handover of the hospital in Mbaga to Weber - 1938. Inventory of the Moshi hospital at the time of the takeover - 1939. Inventory of the sisters' house in Moshi - 1939. Inventory of the girls' school in Moshi - 1939. Record of the handover of the cash book by Nüssler - 1940. Record of the handover of the station Machame - n.d. Inventory list of Hentschel - n.d. Book list of Hentschel - 1939. Inventory list of the nurses station Gonja - n.a. Inventory list about the pupil houses and school buildings of the seminary Marangu - 1939. Inventory list of the station Machame - Marangu 1940. Property distribution in the house "Reusch-... - Moshi 1940. listing property and library of Paessler - 1940. handwritten list and protocol - Moshi 1939. inventory list of Jentzsch - Moshi 1940. list of property of Fleck - Moshi 1940. list of property of Gemeinholzer. FICHE NR. 56 2- - continued - 1940: "Oradha ya vitu vinavyotumika hapa Seminari Marangu ambavyo ni mali ya Misioni" and "Orodha ya vitabu" (Swahili) - Mamba 1940: Fritze (German and Swahili) - Mamba 1940: Rother's property and books - 1940: Protocol of handover of the Fund of the Mamba Mission.

Leipziger Missionswerk