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ALMW_II._32_57 · Akt(e) · 1933-1950
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Ten fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 57 1 - Lehesten 1938. Küchler an Ihmels - o.O., o.J. "The situation of the Germans in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a under mandate and in British East Africa in the first weeks of the war." (typewritten) - Grossolbersdorf 1940. Everth to Mission Director (4 letters) - 1941. "On the Situation of Lutheran Missions." (Maschinegeschrieben) - 1942: "Questions about the current state of the East African field of work of the Leipzig Evangelical Lutherans. Mission in Tanganyika Territory." (typewritten) - o.K., o.J. "News on the situation of the Leipzig Mission." Maneromango 1943. Tanganyika. A new, daunting task. (From a private letter from Arne Magnusson to Mission Director Bäfwerfeldt.)" - Machame 1943. Magnusson "Towards a new field of work... (From: Svenska Kyrkans Missionstidning. ... 1943. Translated by M. Weishaupt.)" - Berlin 1943. Knak "To the East African Missionaries of the Berlin Mission." - 1943: To the German Mission Council, Department for Foreign Exchange Requests (concerning request for permission to execute 1000 New Testaments in "Kidschaggadialekt" [translation Gutmann]) - 1943: To Knak (2 letters) - "Aus: V. Sicard, Reise durch Tanganyika. 1943/44." (Maschinegeschrieben) - Leipzig 1944. Ihmels to employee - "Copy from a letter from , Würzburg, ... 1944." (omission in original) - "Tanganyika. From Mission Secretary Gunnar Dahlquist. ... From: Svenska Kyrkans Missionsstyrelses Arsbok 1943, Upsala 1942. Translated by M. Weishaupt)." (typed) - o.O., o.J. Sicard (on behalf of the Swedish Church) on Filipo Njau (transcript, typed) - "On the slopes of Kilimanjaro. (From: Harals v. Sicard: Sweden, U.S.A., Africa Page 294 ff. ... <font color="#ffff00">-==- proudly presents Weishaupt)" - Machame 1946. Reusch an Jäschke (with statistical data about churches) - "From: Calendar 1946 (Swahili), Vuga Missionsdruckerei, Tang. Terr." (Anderson) in translation (typewritten) with accompanying letter from Blumer to Ihmels - "Tanganyika. From Mission Secretary Gunnar Dahlquist. ... (From the Yearbook of the Swedish Church Mission 1944, pp. 151-159. Translation: M Weishaupt)." - Leipzig 1946. Ihmels to Reusch - 1946. Ihmels to Bersell, Augustana Synod, Minneapolis, U.S.A. - Camp Norton 1946. Rother to Secretary of the International Missionary Council, London, New York. (2 letters; transcript; English) - Leipzig 1946. transcript of a letter from Stefano Moschi (3 copies) - 1946 "Tanganyika. By Pastor Gustav Bernander." Translated from Swedish by Weishaupt). FICHE NR. 57 2 - Continued - Brumsdorf 1947. Rother to Mission Inspector - Leipzig 1948. Ihmel's "Conference Report from Africa" (double) - "Touring Tanganyika by S.Hjalmar Swanson Rock Island, Illinois 1948 page 134 ff." - Leipzig 1949. Ihmels - Bukoba 1949. Superintendent Evangelical Church an Althaus (transcript) With accompanying letter from Althaus an Ihmels - Machame 1949. "The meeting of the Executive Council of the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika with the Rev. Dr. Fredrik A. Schiotz, representative of the National Lutheran Council of the United States of Americ and Canada. ... Translated from the Swahili Minutes by the Church Secretary" - London 1948. Conversations on Tanganyika 22nd June, 1948" - Leipzig 1948. Ihmels "An unsere Ostafrika - Missionare" - Leipzig 1949. Rother "To some friends and missionary colleages working in Tanganyika Territory." (English) - Machame 1949. Danielson to "Official Brother" - Lushoto 1949. Lutheran Mission Press to ? (English) - 1949 "Draft: To the Christians of the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika" - "Copy from a letter from Senior D. Gutmann dated 14.1.50 to Mr. Missionsinsp. Küchler". - "Growth of a young East African church's willingness to sacrifice in this decade." - "Transcript: Excerpt from a letter Pf. Leistner - Cape Town to Miss Hempel from 18.4.50" - Hamburg 1950. ? - German Evangelical Mission Council to Küchler - Machame 1950. Danielson to Ihmels (English) - Marangu 1950. ? "For the hands of the shepherd D.Dr.Bruno Gutmann" - "Article from the Tanganyika Standard of June 26, 1950. The Lutheran Mission hands over 32,000 acres of land to the government. Berlin mission property in prospect by the government for a hotel." (Typewritten; Translation: Rother). FICHE NR. 57 3 - continued - Leipzig 1950: "Entwurf I" (German) and "Entwurf II" (English) to Danielson (2 letters) - "Aus einem Brief von D. Gutmann vom 12. Juni: (1949 od. 1950)" - Leipzig 1950: Ihmels to Danielson (English) - Machame 1950: Danielson to Ihmels (English) - Kinampanda 1950. Augustana Lutheran Mission to Ihmels (English) - 1950 Danielson ("Report to the Synod of the President of the Church"; handwritten) "RIPOTI YA MKUU WA KANISA KWA MKUTANO MKUU WA 1950 WA KANISA LA KILUTHERI LA TANGANYIKA YA KASKAZINI" (machine-written) - Singida 1950 Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to Rother (English) - "Transcript to the Synod of the President of the Church" - "Singida 1950 Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to Rother (English) - "Transcript to the Synod of the President of the Church" (handwritten) Report of the Superintendent of the North Church of Tanganyika at the Kirchentag 1950. (shortened)" (2-fold) - Daressalaam 1950. Secretariat to Anderson - Singida 1950. National Lutheran Council (Anderson) to Ihmels (2 letters; English) - New York 1950. National Lutheran Council. Commision on younger churches and or-phande Missions (Schiotz) an Brennecke, Knak, Ihmels bzw. nur Ihmels (3 letters; English) - Leipzig 1950. An Schiotz - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson (draft) - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson (English; 2x) - Machame Mission 1950. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika an Anderson - Leipzig 1950. Ihmels an Danielson (draft and English translation) - Machame 1951. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Ihmels (English) - 1951. Schiotz an Danielson (English; copy) - Leipzig 1951. An Moschi (German and English; concerning invitation to the German Protestant Kirchentag in Berlin) - Leipzig 1951. An Moschi (German and English; concerning cancellation of the trip to the Kirchentag) - "Excerpt from the Minutes of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Commission on World Missions Lutheran World Federation in Breklum ... 1951" - Leipzig 1951. An Anderson (English). FICHE NR. 57 4 - continued - Leipzig 1951. An Anderson (draft) - Leipzig 1951. An Anderson (4 letters each in German draft and English translation) - Singida 1951. National Lutheran Council (Anderson) an Ihmels (2 letters; English) - "To the Church of Northern Tanganyika." (draft) - o.O., o.J. "To Kilimanjaro again?" (Typewritten) - "Home meets mission. The story of Dr. Bersell's visit to the Kilimanjaro region, of Kermit E. Joungdale, Missonar in Moschi, T.T." (typewritten) - Leipzig 1951. An Reusch (2 letters) - Nkoaranga 1951. Reusch to Mission Director - Leipzig 1952. An Anderson (2 letters each German draft and English translation) - Leipzig 1952. An Peltola - Arusha 1952. Lutheran Secondary School an The Provincial Education Officer - Daressalaam 1952; The Member for Law and Order, the Secretariat an The General Director, National Lutheran Council - 1952; Anderson an The Member for Law and Order - Leipzig 1952; An Magney - 1952. An Rother - Marangu 1952. Peltola an Ihmels - Singida 1952. Anderson an Ihmels (3 letters; English) - Leipzig 1952. An Danielson (German draft and English translation) - Daressalaam 1951. An Brennecke - Leipzig 1952. An Anderson (2 letters; English) - Machame 1952. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1952. An Peltola - Leipzig 1952. An Danielson (German draft and English translation) - 1952. An OKR Hübner - New York 1952. National Lutherna Council. Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (Schiotz) an Ihmels (English) - Machame 1952. Schiotz an Ihmels (English) - o.O., o.J. "Joint Statement of the Leipzig Mission Society and CYCOM in Response to a Document Submitted by the Lutheran Church in Northern Tangiac". - "MINUTES Tanganyika Sub-Committee Commission on World Missions of the Lutheran World Federation ... Berlin ... 1952". FICHE NR. 57 5 - Continued - Machame 1952. Schiotz to Ihmels - "Joint Statement by the Leipzig Mission Society and CYCOM ...." (see Fiche No 57 4 ) - not applicable, o.J. Danielson "Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika Qualifications of Missionaries for this Church" - Marangu 1952. Pelltola an Ihmels - Machame 1952. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Schiotz (with copy to Ihmels; English) - Leipzig 1952. An Schiotz - Leipzig 1952. An Danielson (English; 2x) - Leipzig 1952. An Peltola - Leipzig 1952. An Reusch - "Excerpt from Schiotz letter to Dr. Danielson of ... 1952" - Leipzig 1953 Ihmels ("Confidential Report" about a Tanganyika-report 1953) - "From the Work of the Leipzig Mission: East Africa" (machine-written) - 1953 An Moshi - New York 1953. The Lutheran World Federation (Schiotz) at Brennecke and Ihmels or only at Ihmels (2 letters; English) - 1953 Schiotz at Rodgers (copy of a copy; English) - New York 1953. National Lutheran Council. Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (Schiotz) an Brennecke, Ihmels, Ronicke, Freytag or only to Ihmels (3 letters; English) - 1953. Schiotz an Anderson and Friberg ("Visit of German Mission Secretaries to Tanganyika"; English; copy) - Leipzig 1953. An Schiotz (3 letters) - Leipzig 1953. An Danielson (English) - 1953. Schiotz an Anderson - "Constitution of the Lutheran Missions Council of Tanganyika" - Kinampanda 1953 Anderson "To the Heads of Lutheran Missions" - 1953 Anderson an "The Principal Immigration Officer" - Kinampanda 1953 Lutheran Mission Council (Anderson) "To All Field Superintendents" - 1953 Tanganyika Sub-Committee. Commission on World Missions, L.W.F. "The Lutheran World Federation and its Spiritual Trusteeship in the Administration of former German Mission Fields in Tanganyika" - Kinampanda 1953. Anderson "To All Members of the Lutheran Missions Council" - 1953. Schiotz an Danielson und Friberg - New York 1953. The Lutheran World Federation, Department on World Missions (Schiotz) an Ihmels (2 letters) - Arusha / Bethel 1953. Ronicke an Ihmels et al. (2 letters; partly in English; translations from the stenogram) - 1953. Schiotz an Ihmels et al. "Participating in the Work of the Tanganyika LM" (English) - Mamba 1953. Moshi an Ihmels (language?) - Machame 1953. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Ihmels (English) - Bethel 1953. Bethel-Mission an Ihmels und Brennecke. FICHE NR. 57 6 - 1953-1954; Schiotz / CYCOM to Ihmels partly a.o. (7 letters; English) - 1953; Schiotz to Hutt (2 letters; English; copy) - Bukoba 1953; Ronicke to Ihmels partly a.o. (2-fold) - Gonja-Hospital 1953; To Mission Director - Erlangen 1953; Ihmels to Danielson - Erlangen 1953. Ihmels an Schiotz - Leipzig 1953. An Schiotz - 1953. Schiotz an Anderson - Daressalaam 1953. The Secretariat (Hutt) an Anderson - "A Joint Statement by the Leipzig Mission Society and CYCOM in reply to a Statement Submitted by the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika." - National Lutheran Council "... how your Account stands at the present" - Kinampanda 1953; Anderson an Schiotz, "All Boards and Societies of the LMC" and others - Singida 1953-1954; National Lutheran Council (Anderson) an "The Honourable The Chief Secretary" - 1953-1954. Anderson to Schiotz (2 letters; English) - New York 1953. National Lutheran Council CYCOM to Brennecke, Ihmels, Ronicke - Nkoaranga 1953. Reusch to Ihmels (concerning Blumer) - 1954. Freytag to Schiotz, New York (English) - Holle 1954. Ihmels to Arnesen - Leipzig 1954. Ev.-luth. mission "Testimonial" (concerning English knowledge of Schliesseit; multiple execution) - Leipzig 1954. an Anderson (3 letters, partly German draft and English translation) - 1954. Lutheran Mission Council of Tanganyika (Anderson) an ? (copy; English) - 1954. Anderson an Ihmels (English) - Geneva 1954. LWF Department of World Missions (Schiotz) an Brennecke, Ihmels, Ronicke (English) - Leipzig 1954. An Anderson (2 letters; partly German draft and English translation) - Machame o.J. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika an "newly-arrived fellow-worker" - Leipzig 1954 "To the churches and institutions associated with us, as well as to the Regional Church Works and Associations for External Mission." (concerning invitation to the General Assembly) - New York 1954. Phelps-Stokes Fund (Ross) to Heinrich (English) - "Outline Agenda" Tanganyika Sub-Committee. Hoekelum, Holland - "Report to Tanganyika Sub-Commitee A Survey of Textbooks needed for the Teaching of Christianity in Lutheran Mission Schools" - "Minutes of the meeting of the Lutheran Mission Council ... Arusha ... 1954" (English). FICHE NR. 57 7 - Continued - "Appendix B Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Literature and Publikations Arusha ... 1954"; "Lutheran Mission Council 1955 Budget" - "Minutes of special meeting of the LMC, Nkoaranga ... 1954" - Leipzig 1954. An Danielson - Leipzig 1954. "An unsere Ostafrika-Missionare in der DDR" - 1954. An die Konsulabteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes (betr. Einreisegenehmigung für Moshi) - 1954. An das Lutherische Kirchenmat (betr. Einreise Moshi) - Leipzig 1954. To our East Africa missionaries and sisters (concerning refusal of entry permit for Moshi) - 1954. To Kellermann - Berlin 1954. Government of the GDR to Leipzig Mission (concerning refusal of entry permit for Moshi) - 1954. To Schatte - 1954. CYCOM "Financial Report ... 1953" with various letters; "Constitution of the Usambara - Tanga Mission of the National Lutheran Council"; "By-Laws of the Usambara - Tanga Mission of the ..."; "Rules for Missionaries of the Usambara - Tanga Mission ..."; "Observations of the future of the Bumbult Medical School" (English). FICHE NR. 57 8 - continued - Leipzig 1954-1956; An Hall (5 letters) - Leipzig 1955; An Danielson (5 letters; German draft and English translation) - Leipzig 1955; An Friberg (2 letters; German draft and English translation) - Ihmels "Zur Information für alle Beteiligten" (concerning Moshi's journey home) - Machame 1955; Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika an Hall (English) - New York 1954; Hall an Ihmels (2 letters; English) - Machame 1955. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika to Ihmels (2 letters; English) - 1955 Hall to Danielson (2 letters; English) - Vuga, Lushoto 1955 Friberg to Ihmels (English) - Hamburg 1955 German Evangelical Mission Council (Freytag) to Ihmels - Vuga 1955. Friberg an Hall (English) - Machame 1955-1956. CYCOM (Hall) an Kellermann (4 letters; English) - New York 1956. Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (CYCOM) an Bethel-Mission (concerning Qualifications of Missionary Medical Staff) - "Votes: That the following resolution be submitted to the Council for ist consideration at ist 1956 Annual Meeting" - New York 1956. National Lutheran Council. Lutheran World Federation Affairs to Ihmels or Ronicke (5 letters; German and English) - "Excerpt from Miss Ohlekopf's letter to the Bethel Mission ... 1956" - Bethel 1956. Ronicke to Ihmels - 1956. An Hall - Leipzig 1956. An Ohlekopf (2 letters) - Bethel 1956. Bethel mission to Hermann - Minneaota 1956. Hall to Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1956. An Hermann - Geneva 1956. LWF to Ihmels and others (concerning "Pooling of Medical and Educational Grants"; English) - o.O., o.J. "A country waiting for the future. What's happening at Kilimanjaro today?" FICHE NR. 57 9 - Geneva 1956-1958 LWF (Birkeli; Sovik) to Ihmels inter alia "Declaration of Policy concerning Lutheran Work in Tanganyika"; "Need of an lady missionary to assist in the Christian Bookshop at Mosh

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