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On the history of the sea - library material
BArch, N 255/35 · Akt(e) · 1885-1916
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: The battle between the gunboat "Meteor" and the French. Aviso "Bouvet" before Havana on 9 Nov. 1870 (cpl. VI, 11); memorandum concerning the development of the Kiautschou area in the period from Oct. 1901 to Oct. 1902 (cpl. V, 1); v. Mantey: The two "Meteore" of the German Navy (cpl. VI, 12); "The Times" The battle of Jutland Bank, May 31 - June 1 1916/The end of the "Shark" (cpl. VI, 4)

Diederichs, Otto von
Picture albums: 1843-1890
BArch, N 255/44 · Akt(e) · 1843-1890
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Pictures of S. M. S. "Niobe", "Gefion", "Musquito", "Arcona", "Grille", "Friedrich Carl", "Vineta", "Renown", "Zieten", "Friedrich the Great", "Hertha", "Wolf", "Cyclop", "Stosch", "Mücke", "Falke", "Sachsen"; group pictures of the crew, 1866; naval student class 1881; "The funny revolver gun - newspaper "Die lustige Revolverkanone - Zeitung"; "The funny revolver gun - newspaper". M. S. 'Friedrich Carl'", Sept. 7, 1883; group picture of the Offz.-Corps "Saxony", 1889

Diederichs, Otto von
Picture albums: 1890-1897
BArch, N 255/45 · Akt(e) · 1890-1897
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Pictures of S. M. S. "König Wilhelm" and "Kaiser"; newspaper report about the contribution of K. z. S. Pustau as Kdt. S. M. S. "Kaiser" to the occupation of the Kiautschou area from "Tägliche Rundschau", Berlin 13. Jan. 1904; reports and pictures of the occupation of the Kiautschou area by the Kaiserl. German troops, 1897 (1897-1904)

Diederichs, Otto von
Picture albums: 1898-1918
BArch, N 255/47 · Akt(e) · 1898-1918
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Pictures of S. M. S. gunboat "Iltis" and its wreck; S. M. S. "Kaiser" and S. M. S. "Hertha" off Hong Kong, emperor yacht "Hohenzollern"; Emperor Wilhelm II, Tsar Nicholas II on S. M. S. "Kaiser Wilhelm", 1899; group photo of the delegates to the Triple Alliance Agreement on the Sea, Berlin, 1900; letter by O. v. Diederich to his father concerning his settlement in Baden-Baden, 6 Nov. 1881; obituary and obituary for Vice Admiral O. v. Diederichs, 1918; photos and curriculum vitae of VAdm. August Thiele

Diederichs, Otto von
Plans to establish a base in East Asia: Vol. 2
BArch, RM 38/29 · Akt(e) · 1. Okt. 1896 - 1. Juni 1898
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Memorandum of the consul in Nagasaki about acquisition of a base in China, Oct. 1896 Telegram to the commanding admiral Eduard von Knorr about murder of two German missionaries in Süd-Shantung, Nov. 5, 1897 Report by S.M.S. "Cormoran" to the chief of the cruising division Otto von Diederichs about unrest by landing of German officers in Wuhan on Nov. 30, 1897 Oct. 1897, Nov. 8, 1897 "Announcement of the Deputy Magistrate of Chianghsia Hsien (Wuchang), Subprefects Wang" (copy), Jan. 6, 1898 Report of the German Consulate Manila on the situation in the Philippines, April 20, 1898 Contains also: Kiautschou Bay (map)

BArch, N 255/9 · Akt(e) · 1898
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Adm. Alex Buller; Dr. Knappe at the Consulate in Canton; Dr. Lenz at the Vice Consulate in Tschifu; Graf Koenigsmarck at the Legation in Tokyo; Adm. Gustav Frhr. v. Senden-Bibran; Minister Frhr. v. Heyking; VAdm. Guido Karcher; Consul Ivo Streich; VAdm. Ernst v. Reiche; Butterweeck at the Consulate in Nagasaki; F. C. Rieloff at the Consulate in Hong Kong; C. C. P. Fitzgerald; Ida v. Falkenhayn; Adm. Felix v. Bendemann

Diederichs, Otto von
The cast of Tsingtau (photos): Vol. 1
BArch, N 255/37 · Akt(e) · 1897/1898
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Panorama from the height hard east of the German-Chinese College; panorama from hard southwest of the Mar. Offz. casinos; panorama from the slope close east of the road junction high camp Tai-hsi-tschen

Diederichs, Otto von
The cast of Tsingtau (photos): Vol. 2
BArch, N 255/38 · Akt(e) · 1897/1898
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: "Arkona" at the surveying of Irene Bay, 1898; "Cormoran" and landing bridge; "Cormoran", "Arkona", "Princess Wilhelm", commercial steamer "Kaiser" with coal steamer alongside, behind "Kaiserin Augusta"; Offz.-Corps "Kaiser" (after arrival at Stubenrauch), 1898; landing bridge, Arkona Island, "Cormoran" and "Arkona", early 1898; view from Tsingtau from the roadstead (Arkona Island), 1897; road north of the eastern camp (Ostpass), where the telegraph line was cut during the occupation; eastern camp, on which the flag was placed at the time of the occupation on 14. century; the flag was placed on the eastern camp, on which the flag was placed. Yamen with yamen camp and ghost wall with flag stick, end of 1897; First large parade on the Chinese drill ground on 27 Jan. 1898; The sea battalion arrived on 26 Jan. at the parade on 27 Jan. 1898 (sandstorm)

Diederichs, Otto von