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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 14 Bü 215 · Dossier · 1887-1888
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Adam, A. E., Stuttgart: "Joh. Jakob Moser as Württemberg Landscape Consultant", 9/10 June 1887 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct. 1888 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct. 1888 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct, 24/26 Oct. 1887 - Berg, Oberst, Passau: "History of the 4th Bavarian Hunter Battalion", 27 Apr., 5 May, 1888 - Bertouch, Ernst von, Wiesbaden: "History of the Spiritual Cooperatives", 8/13 Feb. - Beßler, J. G., Reallehrer, Ludwigsburg: "Illustrated Textbook of Beekeeping", 27 Oct. 1887 - Beyer, Dr. Prof.., Stuttgart, "Das literarische Deutschland", Nov. 9, 1887 - Dithfurt, Max von, Freiherr, Hanover: "Die Schlacht von Borodino", Jan. 5, 1887 - Dorsch, Paul, Vikar, Oberurbach: "Schwäbische Bauern in Kriegszeiten", Sept. 19/21, 1887 - "Dürer's Painting" by Sigmund Soldan, Bookstore, Nuremberg, July 11-13, 1888 - Ebers, Georg Dr. Prof.., Leipzig/Munich: "Die Gred", Roman, Nov. 28, Dec. 2, 1888 - Fischer, Karl, Hauptmann a. D., Stuttgart: "History of the Stuttgart Stadtgarde on Horseback", March 10/15, 1887 - Friese, Eugen, Hauptmann a. D., Dresden: "Braucht Deutschland eine Kolonialarmee", Aug. 23-31, 1887 - Georgii-Georgenau, Emil von, Stuttgart: "Interesting Pieces of Files from the Years 1789-1795", Sept. 16-18, 1887 - "The German Army in Need of a Colonial Army", August 23-31, 1887 1887 - Gerik, Karl von, Court Preacher, Stuttgart: "Brosamen", 18/19 Nov. 1887 - Günthert, J. E. von, Colonel, Stuttgart: "Agnes", Novella, 12/16/24/25 Oct. 1887 - Hahn, Otto Dr.., Reutlingen: "Perpetua", Trauerspiel, 10th/14th Nov. 1887 - Hinrichsen, Adolf, Charlottenburg: "Literary Germany", "German Thinkers", 30th Jan. 1888 - Hölder, by Dr. med, Stuttgart: "On the construction of a new insane asylum in Weissenau", 12-17 May 1887; "The physical and mental peculiarities of criminals", 6-15 May 1888 - Keller, Otto Dr. Prof., Freiburg/Br./Prague: "Animals of classical antiquity", 25 Aug 1887 - Keppler, P. Dr. Prof., Tübingen: "Württemberg's Church Art Antiquities", 23-30 Nov. 1888 - Lachenmaier, G., Stuttgart: "Duke Eugen von Württemberg", 6th/12th Febr. 1888 - Lang, Paul, city priest, Ludwigsburg: "Maulbronner Geschichtenbuch", 21st/26th Sept. 1887 - Manskopf, Gustav, Frankfurt a. M.: "Der Justitia-Brunnen auf dem Römerberg in Frankfurt", 12th/20th May 1887 - Miller, Konrad. Dr. Prof, geography historian, Stuttgart: "Peutinger'sche Tafel", 28/31 Dec. 1887 - Paulus, Eduard Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Das Kloster Bebenhausen", 8/9 June 1887 - Perthes, Emil, bookstore, Gotha: "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Pfleiderer, Eugen, Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug. 1887 - "The German Emperors' Guide to the German Empire", Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug. 1887 - "The German Empire", Munich: "The German Emperors' Guide to the German Empire", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Pfleiderer, Eugen, Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug., 2 Sept. 1888 - Pochhammer, M. von Dr., Gernsbach, "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Preßel, Wilhelm, Pfarrer, Lustenau/Tübingen: "The People of Israel in Dispersion", 2 Dec. 1887 - Ranke, E. Dr. Prof., Marburg: "Festschrift der Universität Marburg", 13th/14th June 1888 - Reuß, Heinrich Fürst von, younger line: "Lebensbild der Fürstin Agnes Reuß, born Duchess of Württemberg", 29th Oct., 3rd Nov. 1887 - Riecke, by Dr.., Staatsrat, Stuttgart: "Constitution, Administration and State Budget of the Kingdom of Württemberg", 15-16 May 1887 - "Riemenschneider, Tilmann and his School", 30 Sept., 2 Oct., 1887, 6-8 July 1888 - Roß, Albert, Magdeburg: "Allgemeines deutsches Eisenbahn-Liederbuch", 24-27 Sept. 1887 - Sanden, A. von, Oberstleutnant, Berlin: "König Wilhelm und Kaiser Napoleon III. (1870)", June 17-20, 1887 - Schanzenbach, Otto Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Mömpelgards schöne Tage", May 8-11, 1887 - Schneider, Eugen Dr., Archive Secretary, Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof. Dr., Stuttgart: "Mömpelgards schöne Tage", May 8-11, 1887 - Schneider, Eugen Dr., Archive Secretary, Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof, Gotha: "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Schott, Theodor Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Württemberg and the French in 1688", 25 Nov. 1887 - Soldan, Sigmund, bookshop, Nuremberg: "Dürer's Painting", 11/13 July 1888 - Stälin, by Dr.., Oberstudienrat, Archivrat, Stuttgart: "History of Württemberg", continued, January 13-18, 1887; "History of the City of Calw", Dec 18-25, 1887 - Stein, Sigismund Theodor Dr., Frankfurt: "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Aug. 27, Sept. 5, 1888 - Streeter, Edwin, London: "Precious Stones and Gems", Feb. 8/14, 1887 - Streit, Carl, Bad Kissingen: "Tilmann Riemenschneider and his School", Sept. 30, 1888 - "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Aug. 5, 1888 - "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Sept. 8/14, 1887 - Streit, Carl, Bad Kissingen: "Tilmann Riemenschneider and his School", Sept. 30, 1888 2 Oct. 1887, 6 / 8 July 1888 - Trost, Ludwig Dr., Munich: "From the scientific and artistic life of Bavaria", "Jerusalem and the Crucifixion of Christ", 10 / 13 Nov. 1887 - Walcher, Karl, Stuttgart: "Sculptures of the Stuttgart pleasure house at Lichtenstein Castle", 28 July, 3 Aug. 1887

Carl Peters
76948 · Dossier · 1900-01-01 - 1909-12-31
Fait partie de Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

Carl Peters (1856-1918), German Africa researcher and colonial politician. He was Reichskommissar for the Kilimanjaro area from 1891-1893 / Photographer: Scherl

Carl Peters
76946 · Dossier · 1900-01-01 - 1909-12-31
Fait partie de Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

Carl Peters (1856-1918), German Africa researcher and colonial politician, poses with a rifle together with a native. Peters was Reichskommissar for the Kilimanjaro area from 1891-1893 / Photographer: Scherl

Carl Peters
76947 · Dossier · 1900-01-01 - 1909-12-31
Fait partie de Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

Carl Peters (1856-1918), German African explorer and colonial politician. He was Reichskommissar for the Kilimanjaro region from 1891-1893 / Photographer: Scherl

Carl Peters crosses the Wami
77207 · Dossier · 1884-01-01 - 1889-12-31
Fait partie de Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

During an expedition in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a the colonial politician and Africa researcher Carl Peters crosses the river Wami with local porters / Photographer: Scherl

BArch, NS 38/3732 · Dossier · 1935-1936
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: DSt, Reichsführer, Adjutant, Chief of Staff, Central Office for Treasury and Administration, Central Office III, Central Office for Press and Propaganda, Central Office for Science, Central Office for University Press, Central Office for Women Students, Personnel Office, Personnel Office, Foreign Office, Foreign Office, Border Office, East Trade Mark Office, Exchange Office, Camps and Trips, East Department, Organization Office, Office for Press and Propaganda, Office for University Press, Amt für Fachschaften, Amt Landdienst, Amt für Leibesübungen, Amt Reichsleistungskampf, Amt für Frauendienst, Referat Frauenarbeitsdienst, Referat für Lehrerbildung, Reichsfachgruppe Medizin, Reichsfachgruppe Naturwissenschaften, Reichsfachgruppe Rechtswissenschaft, Reichsfachgruppe Technik, Reichsfachabteilung Biologie, Reichsfachabteilung Physik, Reichsfachabteilung Vorgeschichte, 1935-1936; DF, Main Office for Organisation, Organisation Department, Nov. 1935, May 1936; RdS, Department Reichsleistungskampf, 1935-1936; RMdI concerning the duty of Catholic theology students to work, Febr. 1936; Reichsarbeitsdienstführer, Febr. 1936; Akademischer Kolonialbund, Bundesführer, May 1936

A.11-392, 393, 394 · Dossier · 1890 – 1912
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

(original manuscript by Vieter) No. 392: vol. 1, chapters 1-15, title page unpaginated, pages with pagination stamp paginated, pp. 1-192, hardback, inside cover French-language table of contents No. 393: vol. 2, chapters 16-28, title page unpaginated, pages with pagination stamp paginated, p. 1-192, last page with statistics unbinding, bound (binding damaged), in the inside cover French-language table of contents with error in the count of the last two chapters No. 394: Earlier version of vol. 2, chapters 16 - 26, not all executed, dated, Dec. 31, 1908, 42 described pages, 40 of which with ms. Pagination, loose leaves with leaf cover; Contains Incipit: "The whole area on the west coast of Africa ...".

Circulars of DSt, RdS and RSF
BArch, NS 38/2503 · Dossier · 1936
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: DSt, Reichsführer, Hauptamt für Kasse und Verwaltung, Hauptamt für Presse und Propaganda, Hauptamt für Hochschulpresse, Hauptamt für Wissenschaft, Hauptamt III, Hauptamt für Studentinnen, Außenamt, Auslandsamt, Austauschamt, Lager und Fahrten, Kreis Ausland Ost, Amt für Presse und Propaganda, Amt für Landdienst, Amt für Leibesübungen, Amt für Frauendienst, Ostreferat, Reichsfachgruppe Medizin, Reichsfachgruppe Naturwissenschaften, Reichsfachgruppe Technik, Kath. Theol. Reichsfachschaft, Reichsfachabteilung Biologie, Reichsfachabteilung Physik, Reichsfachabteilung Vorgeschichte, Berufswettkampf deutscher Studenten; RSF, Hauptabteilung für Außenarbeit; RdS, Reichsführer und Abteilung Reichsleistungskampf; Dissolution of the Academic Colonial League