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General conditions on the Samoa Islands. - Administration, social, economic and political development, local population, expeditions: Volume 12

Enthält u.a.: Auffassung über die Samoa-Angelegenheit in Wirtschaftskreisen Nordamerikas und Australiens Message from the President of the United States. To affairs in the Samoan Islands. House of Representatives, 50th Congress, 2nd Session. Ex. D...

In: General conditions on the Samoa Islands. - administration, social, economic and political development, local population, expeditions

General conditions on the Samoa Islands. - Administration, social, economic and political development, local population, expeditions: vol. 13

Contains among other things: Wagner, What's going on on the Samoa Islands. Edited by the Graudenz Department of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Graudenz 1889 Opinion on the Samoa affair in business circles in North America and Australia

In: General conditions on the Samoa Islands. - administration, social, economic and political development, local population, expeditions