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Entry into the League of Nations
1 · Akt(e) · 1924-1926
Teil von Institute for Contemporary History

I. Admission to the League of Nations, September 1924-December 1925, among others:1) Note, minutes (excerpt), telegrams German representation Paris, Rome, London, Tokyo, Montevideo etc.., 25. September-22. November 1924: Requirements for the Entry of Germany into the League of Nations, Statement by Tschitscherin, Mussolini, Benesch, Herriot, MacDonald and Others, 2706-2740, 2744-2749, 2786-2793;2) Chamber of Industry and Commerce Allenstein to Reich Chancellery, 29. September-22. November 1924: The German Federal Chancellery, 29. September-22. November 1924, 29. September-2740, 2744-2749, 2786-2793;2) Chamber of Industry and Commerce Allenstein to Reich Chancellery, 29. September-22. November 1924, 29. September-2740, 29. November 1924, 29. September 1924: Appeal to refrain from unconditional entry into the League of Nations because of the associated recognition of the eastern border and the corridor (with wording of a telegram of the Association of East Prussian Chambers of Industry and Commerce), 2741-2743;3) Correspondence Foreign Office, Reich Chancellery, Reichswehr Ministry 31 January-24 June 1925: Organization Plan of the League of Nations for the Exercise of the Investigation Right under Art. 213 of the Treaty of Versailles; fundamental agreement of the League of Nations Council on the chairmanship of investigative commissions; statement by the Reich Ministry of the Armed Forces, with organisation chart and other, 2754-2770, 2774-2775, 2798-2800, 2895-2961, 2983-2995, 3114-3118;4) Correspondence by Reich Chancellor, Austrian Federal Chancellor, 16. and 29 September 1924: Austrian proposal for Franco-German negotiations through the mediation of the Netherlands concern Germany's entry into the League of Nations; Statement by Marx on the question of war guilt and Herriot's speech on the fulfilment of the peace treaties, 2777-2784;5) Submission, Correspondence by Envoy of Braunschweig and Anhalt in Berlin, Reich Chancellery, 23-27 October 1924, 18. March 1925: Wish of the state governments of Bavaria, Prussia, Anhalt, Braunschweig, Mecklenburg-Strelitz concerning discussion with Reich government before the final decision on entry into the League of Nations, 2794-2796, 2871-2872;6) Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft an Reichskanzlei, 23. January 1925: Concern about the economic consequences of the German-British trade treaty; protection of colonial interests during negotiations on entry into the League of Nations; with Resolution Kölner Kolonialklub über Rückerstattung aller Kolonien, 2801-2803;7) Memos for Reich Chancellery, Federal Foreign Office and British Embassy, 27. February 1925: Concerns about unreserved acceptance of Article 16 of the League of Nations Statute because of relations with the USSR; concerns about interpretation of the right of inquiry by French politicians; protest against attempt to reintroduce disarmament control bodies over Article 213 of the Versailles Treaty, 2804-2814;8) Correspondence Luther, Sahm, Bruxton and Others, 23. February-18 March 1925: Unofficial British exploratory talks on obtaining a German application for admission to the League of Nations; statement by the Foreign Office; British request for Germany to be invited by the Council of the League of Nations to directly discuss German objections to Article 16 of the Statute, 2815-2828, 2838-2841;9) Recording of Reich Chancellor Luther's meeting with Reich Foreign Minister and British Ambassador, 10. March 1925: Exchange of ideas on equal rights for Germany in the League of Nations; border issues especially in the East and Chamberlain telegram concerning Clemenceau's "new facts" with regard to Upper Silesia and pacification of Europe, 2830-2836;10) Minutes of the Meetings of Reich Chancellor, Reich Foreign Minister and Others on 17 March 1925 March 1925: No entry into the League of Nations without guarantee for evacuation of the Cologne zone and protection of the Rhineland from "Sonderobhut"; difficulties towards the USSR and Poland because of a note of the League of Nations; conversation between Secretary of State Schubert and British ambassador; guidelines for conduct in the Reichstag and information of party leaders, 2842-2848;11) Memo Ministerialdirektor Kiep, Kommentar zur außenpolitischen Lage, ohne Verfasser, 11.-12. March 1925: Warning of possible consequences of a guarantee of the Franco-Belgian eastern border; role of the French debt payment to Great Britain and the USA; recommendation of a protest against the Investigation Plan of the League of Nations and Germany's entry into the League of Nations without regard to Article 16 of the Statute, 2849-2855;12) Telegram [Embassy Paris], 13th ed. March 1925: Consultations of the French Senate and Chamber Commission for Foreign Affairs on the security pact, disarmament of Germany and the question of eviction; Herriot's remarks on his goals, 2863-2864;13) Minutes of the meeting of Reich Chancellor, Reich Foreign Minister etc. with DNVP deputies on 2 March 1925. April 1925: Status of negotiations on Rhineland clearance; Stresemann's hope regarding indirect recognition of the rights to revision of the eastern border and comments on the annexation of Austria, colonial question, etc.; willingness to fight in the event of Polish occupation of German territories, 2876-2882;14) Deputy Reich President to Reich Chancellor, 20. April 1925: Failure of the press concerning the delay of the Allied control report and the entry into the League of Nations; proposals for the formation of public opinion; statement on articles 10 and 16 of the League of Nations Statutes and German tasks in the League of Nations, 2883-2888;15) Reich Chancellor to Thuringian Ministry of State, 01.May 1925: Correction of an inquiry of the National Socialist Freedom Party (Thuringian Landtag faction) on the security offer of the Reich government; no renunciation of the evacuation of the Cologne zone and no recognition of the eastern border; protection of the Rhineland against French expansion by possible assignment of Alsace-Lorraine and Eupen-Malmedy, 28892890;16) Representative of the Reich government in Munich to Reich Chancellery, 11. May 1925: Conflicting mood of the assembly of the "Fighting League against the war guilt lie"; wording of the resolution against the guarantee pact policy of the Reich government and entry into the League of Nations, 2891-2892;17) Correspondence of Reich Chancellor, Reich Foreign Minister, Bavarian envoy, 26 May-18 June 1925: Bavaria's position on the German security offer and entry into the League of Nations; No decisive steps of the Reich government without consultation with the Länder, 2962-2967;18) Confidential Memo Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. med. Lutz, Mitteilung und Aufzeichnung Auswärtiges Amt, 06-19 June 1925: Talks with Englishmen on Germany's Entry into the League of Nations; Concerns over Hindenburg's Election; Rejection of an Intervention at Cecil and Grey in Favor of a Declaration on War Debt and German Equality by the Auswärtiges Amt, 2968-2975, 2978-2981;19) Minutes (excerpt) of the Meeting of the Reich Ministers, 02. October 1925: Renunciation of political struggle in the Rhineland; statement by General Seeckt on the Investigation Plan of the League of Nations; discussion of questions of aviation and security police in preparation for the Locarno Conference, 3004-3013;20) Minutes of the meeting of the Reich Chancellor with State and Minister Presidents of the Länder on 25 October 1925. September 1925: Statement of the country leaders on the foreign policy situation and action at the Locarno Conference; statements by Luther and Stresemann on relations with the USSR, 3014-3018;21) Elaboration of Sahm "Germany's position in Geneva", with cover letter to Luther, 20 October 1925: Recommendation concerning treaty and tactics in the League of Nations; efforts to prevent decisive Council meetings before Germany's accession, 3019-3024;22) Additional report on meeting of the Prussian State Ministry, 21. November 1925: Instruction for Prussian Plenipotentiaries in the Reich Council on Voting on Draft Law concerning Locarno Treaties and Entry into the League of Nations, 3028;23) Minutes of Ministerial Meeting and Visit of the Bavarian Envoy to Reich Chancellor, Reich President to Reich Chancellor, 27. November 1925: Hindenburg and Bavarian Prime Ministers advocate a separate legislative treatment of the Locarno Treaty and entry into the League of Nations; Stresemann's and Luther's concerns; decision to introduce the bill in its original form, 3029-2032;24) Record Luther, 04. December 1925: Private talks with Briand, Vandervelde and Sciolojo about the time of entry into the League of Nations; Chamberlain wishes German entry while still in office as President of the Council, 3033;25) Memo [without author], [1925]: "The accession of Germany to the League of Nations, from the military and military-political side, 3036-3069;26) Note to members of the Council of Nations, reply notes of the governments of France, etc.., 29 September-01 December 1924: Application for admission and conditions for entry into the League of Nations; reservations of France, Great Britain and others against German conditions; rejection of a permanent German Council seat by Uruguay, 3121-3156; II. "Memorandum and replies concerning Germany's entry into the League of Nations", September 1924-July 1925, inter alia:1) Correspondence League of Nations Secretary General, Reich Foreign Ministry, 19. March-02 July 1925: Decisions of the Council of the League of Nations on the exercise of the right of investigation; transmission of organisational plans, additions and amendments by Drummond; instructions of Stresemann to the Geneva Consulate (with annex), 3072-3118;2) Note to Council Powers of the League of Nations, decree of the Reich Foreign Ministry to diplomatic representatives of France, Great Britain etc.., 25. September-01. December 1924: Clarification of the German position in the League of Nations after possible entry; reservation against Article 16 of the Statutes; agreement of France and others to the permanent seat of the Council for Germany; no assurance regarding Article 16; instructions for handing over the note and oral explanations; with WTB report of 23. September about cabinet resolution, 3120-3145, 3197-3201;3) Note to League of Nations Secretary General, Memo League of Nations Council, Federal Foreign Office Circular (Bülow), 12 December 1924-25 March 1925: Justification of the objections against Article 16 of the League of Nations Statutes; state of German disarmament in comparison with neighbouring states; exemption of Germany's military contribution to sanctions by League of Nations Council, 3157-3196, 3203-3204;4) Strictly confidential memo [without author], 09. February 1925: Settlement of the security question by temporary war ostracism agreement Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy including arbitration clause and guarantee of the acquis on the Rhine or by similar pact in preparation of a world convention, 3206-3207;III. "Akten betreffend Völkerbund", January-May 1926, among others:1) Submission of Colonial Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft to Reich President, 11 January 1926: No entry into the League of Nations without guarantee regarding return of colonial property; reference to French and British statement on the distribution of mandates, 3220-3222;2) Correspondence Representative of the Reich Government in Munich, Sahm, Reich Chancellery, 12.-16 January 1926: Filling of posts in the League of Nations Secretariat; DNVP Group renews request for candidates to be announced, 3224-3226;3) Minutes (excerpt) of the Ministerial Meeting, 14 January 1926: Approval of the Note to the League of Nations Secretary General concerning Investigation Plans of the League of Nations, 3228;4) Correspondence of Prussian Prime Minister, Reich Chancellery, 16 January and 13 February 1926: Demand by Braun for the Reich Government to come into contact with Prussians on resolutions concerning minority issues; Approval by Luther, 3229-3231;5) Draft WTB Message, [without author], 09 January 1926: (in German) February 1926: Motives for the German application for admission to the League of Nations; Economic and political development since the end of the Ruhr conflict; Advantage of joining the League of Nations because of co-determination regarding the Saar administration, protection of Gdansk, German minorities and colonial mandates, 3233-3238;6) Note Reich Chancellery on discussion with member of the Reichstag Graefe, 04. February 1926: Discussion of the necessity of a two-thirds majority in the Reichstag for entry into the League of Nations; Luther's commitment to the policy of Locarno, 3239-3240;7) Secret Records Chief Army Command to Reich Chancellery, 05 February 1926: Statement of France on armament issues, security treaties and Art. 16 of the League of Nations Statutes; French-British discussion on military protective measures; examples of assistance against attackers, 3241-3249;8) Reich Foreign Ministry to League of Nations Secretary General, 08 February 1926: Application for admission of Germany to the League of Nations, 3251;9) Minutes of discussion with Chancellor of the Reich, Foreign Minister of the Reich, etc. with representatives of the state governments on 6 February 1926: Prussia, Saxony, Hesse and Hamburg agree to join the League of Nations; rejection by Bavaria, Thuringia, Mecklenburg and Brunswick, 3263-3266;10) Telegram from the Embassy in Brussels to the Federal Foreign Office, 18. February 1926: No claim of Belgium to a permanent seat in the Council of the League of Nations; statement by Vandervelde on the increase of the permanent seat of the Council and remarks by Rolin on Polish wishes in this regard; discussion of Envoy Keller with Japanese Ambassador Adatoi, 3270-3273;11) Template for Imperial Chancellor, 16. February 1926: Possibility of preventing an amendment of the League of Nations Statutes concerning unanimity of Council decisions after Germany's entry into the League of Nations, 3274;12) Secret Telegram German Consulate Geneva, 12. February 1926: Secretary General Drummond against extension of the Council of Nations beyond its German seat; In case of inevitable enlargement Drummond advocates the admission of an Asian power; interpretation of the Locarno Treaties in the Far and Middle East as a union of Europe against Asia, 3275;13) Telegram Deutsche Botschaft London, 12. February 1926: Communication from a British cabinet member [Cecil] on the difficulty of the opposition to granting permanent seats in the League of Nations Councils to Poland, Spain and Brazil for lack of a German position; Ambassador Sthamer recommends further restraint, 3276-3277;14) Telegrams from the German Consulate Geneva, 12-13 February 1926; German Consulate Geneva, 12-13 February 1926; German Consulate Geneva, 12-13 February 1926; German Consulate Geneva, 12-13 February 1926; German Consulate Geneva, 12-13 February 1926; German Consulate Geneva, 12-13 February 1926; German Consulate Poland, 12-13 February 1926; German Consulate Poland, 12-1. February 1926: Demarche because of French promises about expansion of the Council of the League of Nations; confirmation of the promises by Berthelot with emphasis on Poland; support of Briand by Chamberlain and demands of Vandervelde for Belgium, 3283-3287;17) Telegram German Embassy Belgrade, 14. February 1926: Warning of the Italian and British envoys against activity for the Anschluss of Austria; Declaration by Mussolini about non-admission of the Anschluss by Italy, 3288;18) Confidential telegram German Embassy The Hague, 23 February 1926: Dutch rejection of an increase of the permanent and non-permanent members of the League of Nations Council except by Germany, USA and possibly USSR; No election of the Netherlands to the Council due to Swedish veto, 3289;19) Telegram German Embassy London, 24 February 1926: No election of the Netherlands to the Council due to Swedish veto, 3289;19) Telegram German Embassy London, 24 February 1926: No election of the Netherlands to the Council due to Swedish veto, 3289;19) Telegram German Embassy London, 24 February 1926: No election of the Netherlands to the Council due to Swedish veto, 3289;19) Telegram German Embassy London, 24 February 1926: No election of the Netherlands to the Council of Nations. February 1926: Views of Chambelain and Turrel on granting a permanent seat in the Council of Nations to a South American state; no protest by the Reich Foreign Ministry in Locarno against the seat of the Council of Poland; ways to solve the corridor question, 3292-3293;20) Telegram German Embassy Belgrade, 24. February 1926: Preparation of the Yugoslavian attitude in the League of Nations by meeting with Mussolini and Briand; Rome trip to Nintschitsch on behalf of King Alexander; reduction of the political reorientation to economic difficulties, 3294;21) Telegrams German Consulate Geneva, Embassy London, 24-25. February 1926: Secretary General Drummond approves the admission of Germany, Spain, Brazil and Poland to the League of Nations; Chinese claims for permanent seat in the Council are registered; Sweden is concerned about possible German approval of the permanent seat for Spain (with excerpt from "Stockholm Tidningen"), 3295-3299;22) Minutes (excerpt) of the ministerial meeting on 24 February 1926 February 1926: Statements by Reich Foreign Minister on Swedish request concerning extension of the League of Nations Council and Gentleman Agreement with Council members to secure the German seat; Statement on the Council seat for Poland and Spain; Decision on withdrawal of the application for admission in the event of failure to conclude the Agreement, 3301-3306;23) "Records [Reich Chancellery] of Germany's admission to the League of Nations", [without author], [22. February 1926]: Basis and form of admission; creation of the permanent seat of the German Council; aspects of the election of non-permanent members of the Council; devaluation of the German position in the event of an increase in the permanent seat of the Council, 3307-3313;24) Report by representatives of the Reich government in Munich, 24. February 1926: Criticism of the Bavarian People's Party (BVP) (Reichstag parliamentary group leadership) of the DNVP's statement against entry into the League of Nations and of the optimism of the Reich Ministry of Finance, 3314;25) Correspondence Reich President, Reich Chancellor, 27 February-04. March 1926: Approval of government decision by Hindenburg on entry into the League of Nations only if Council seats are refused to other powers, especially Poland; concern of the League of Nations circles because of possible change of heart in Germany; no commitment of the Reich government to compromise solutions also for the future, 3315-3317, 3329-3335;26) Memos Reich Chancellery/State Secretary, Rittmeister Plank, 02.-04. March 1926: Inquiry and information concerning states with demands of seats in the Council of the League of Nations; possibilities of German concessions; prevention of a pro-French bloc, 3324-3328;27) Minutes (excerpt) Ministerial meeting on 05. March 1926: Guidelines for action against the League of Nations; tug-of-war France, Sweden and others over new candidacies for Council seats; combating attempts to transform the Military Control Commission into a controlling body of the League of Nations; Mussolini's desire to improve German-Italian relations, 3336-3339;28) Telegram Reich Chancellor to President, 08. March 1926: Result of the discussions with Chamberlain, Briand, Vandervelde and Scioloja; no concrete promise of Germany concerning seats in the League of Nations Council, 3343;29) Minutes (excerpt) of the ministerial meeting on 15 March 1926. March 1926: Differences of opinion on the admission of changes to the League of Nations Council before the entry of Germany; statement by Reich President on the Polish candidacy, 3356-3357;30) Submission by Reich Chancellor on intercession State Secretary Zweigert, 18. March 1926: Urgent request of the Reich Council for information on the foreign policy situation; involvement of Prussian provincial representatives, 3359-3360;31) "Compilation of some concerns expressed in the German press and other public opinion against the position of the German delegation and the connection of the Geneva Conference", [without author], March 18, 1926, 3361-3364;32) Representative of the Reich Government in Munich to Reich Chancellery, 18-30. March 1926: Bavarian press commentaries on the failure of the German application for admission to the League of Nations; statements by Minister Gürtner on presumed backgrounds; no support of foreign policy by DNVP, 3372-3375, 3400-3401, 3403-3404;33) Representative of the Reich Government in Munich to Reich Chancellery, 20. March 1926: New tactics of the NSDAP against the National Socialist Volksbund; NS assembly for a calculation of Hitler with Graefe; telegram of the Volksbund to Reich President concerning prevention of accession to the League of Nations, 3380;34) "Proposal for reconstruction of the Council of Nations according to the model of the Administrative Council of the International Labour Organization", [without author], March 1926, 3381-3383;35) Reichstag President to Reich Chancellery, 23. March 1926: Resolution of the Reichstag concerning government declaration and position of the German delegation in Geneva; expectations regarding guarantees for the effectiveness and continuation of the Locarno policy even before entry into the League of Nations, 3386;36) Secret telegram of the German consulate Geneva, 19th century March 1926: Election of Switzerland and Argentina to the Examination Committee for Council Reforms of the League of Nations; recommendation of an agreement with Argentina in the case of German participation and participation as observer, 3388-3389;37) Memo Brazilian Government, WTB-Meldung, Telegramme Botschaft Rio de Janeiro, 24 February-01. April 1926: Brazil's resistance to Germany's admission to the Council of the League of Nations without consulting the Brazilian candidacy; no influence of Mussolini on Brazilian attitude in the League of Nations; recommendation of measures to improve German-Brazilian relations, [3391a]-3399, 3410-3411;38) Minutes (excerpt) of the ministerial meeting, note Foreign Office and others, 31 March-12. April 1926: Statement by the Reich Foreign Minister on participation in the Examination Commission for Council Reforms of the League of Nations, instructions to German representatives and relationship with Polish Council candidacy; agreement to participation and letter to Secretary General Drummond; proposals for changes by the Reich President; status of negotiations with the USSR, 3405-3409, 3412-3414, 3417-3422, 3424-3427;39) German Embassy Prague to the Foreign Office, 11. April 1926: Statements by Benesch on Germany's admission to the League of Nations, possible compromise on the increase in Council seats and guidelines for Czechoslovak League of Nations policy, 3415-3418;40) Minutes (excerpt) Ministerial Meeting of 15. April 1926: Resolution concerning the statement concerning the increase of the League of Nations Council seats in the press release; Waiting attitude towards suggestions for the separation of League of Nations policy and Locarno policy (with "press orientation in the publication of the German Note to the League of Nations"), 3428-3437;41) Note Reich Chancellery/State Secretary on Report by Reich Foreign Minister and Minister Envoy von Hoesch, 21. May 1926: Decisions of the Examination Commission concerning the creation of new permanent and the increase of temporary Council seats in the League of Nations; Approval by the Reichstag, Foreign Affairs Committee, except for the factions of the KPD and the League of Nations; Significance of the new regulations for Germany, 3442-3444;42) Minutes of the Ministerial Meeting on [08.May 1926: Proposals by the Reich Foreign Minister concerning the attitude to the increase of the League of Nations Council Seats; Statement on candidacies Poland, Spain and Brazil, 3446-3447;43) German Embassy Madrid to the Foreign Office, 07. May 1926: Energetic Spanish striving for a permanent seat in the League of Nations Council; Spain's political ulterior motives in concluding the favorable trade treaty; hope for rejection of the Spanish candidacy by Great Britain in order to avoid a clarification of the German position, 3448-3452. In it also:Supplementary information on the place of discovery:Bazille (see above mentioned classification: I.20, 3014-3018); Baker I.18, 2968-2975, 2078-2981); Balfour (III.10, 3270-3273); Brown (I.20, 3014-3018), (I.22, 3028), (III.9, 3263-3266); Brown (I.23, 3029-3032), (III.38); Brockdorff (I.1); Bülow (I.1), (II.3, 3157-3196, 3203-3204)Chamberlain (I.9, 2830-2836), (I.13, 2876-2882), (IV.3, 4193-4209), (III.13, 3276-3277), (III.10, 3270-3273), (III.21, 3295-3299), (III.19, 3292-3293); Cuno (II.4, 3206-3207); Curtius (III.22, 3301-3306), (III.29, 3356-3357), (III.38), (III.40, 3428-3437)Other provenances: National Archives Washington DC, Guide 0, p.6, T 120, roll 1690.