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Südsee Akt(e) Waffen Englisch

Trade in arms, ammunition and spirits in the South Seas: Vol. 4

Enthält u.a.: No. 1 of 1895. Queen’s regulation to restrain the sale and use of arms and ammunition in Samoa No. 2 of 1895. Queen’s regulation to amend Queen’s regulation 1 of 1895, intituled "Queen’s regulation to restrain the sale and use o...

In: Trade in arms, ammunition and spirits in the South Seas

Trade in arms, ammunition and spirits in the South Seas: Volume 2

Enthält u.a.: Correspondence relating to proposals for an international agreement regulating the supply of arms, ammunition, alcohol, and dynamite to Natives of the Western Pacific. London 1887 Australian (No. 150). Draft international declaration...

In: Trade in arms, ammunition and spirits in the South Seas

Trade in weapons, ammunition and spirits in the South Seas: Vol. 5

Enthält u.a.: No. 4 of 1897. Queen’s regulation to restrict the sale and use of firearms and explosives in the British Salomon Islands No.8 of 1897. Queen’s regulation. To provide for the issue of liquor prohibition orders in the Gilbert and Ellic...

In: Trade in arms, ammunition and spirits in the South Seas