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Hohenlohe-Zentralarchiv Neuenstein Deutschland Akt(e) Eisenbahn Englisch

Applications to Ernst II. as a member of the Reichstag.

Contains: Letter from the Marineintendantursekretärs in Wilhelmshaven Ernst Voigt and the Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz concerning Voigt's application for a post in the governorate of Kiautschou; letter from the Mayor of the municipality o...

In: Estate of Prince Ernst II. (*1863, 1950) (holdings) >> 1. fact files >> 1.6 Political and military activity. >> 1.6.5 Membership in the Reichstag, Vice-Presidency

General correspondence during the governor's term.

Contains: 1st Eduard Elben, Stuttgart: Honorary membership of the prince in the Landesverein des Evangelischen Bundes, 1894; 2nd Minister of State Sarwey, Stuttgart: Württembergische Landessynode, 1894; 3rd Minister of Culture Bosse, Berlin: Domhe...

In: Estate of Prince Hermann zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg (*1832, 1913) (holdings) >> 5 Prince Hermann as governor of Alsace-Lorraine. >> 5.6 Individual events during governor time.