Affichage de 9 résultats

Description archivistique
Coronet, John George (1826-1892)
RMG 1.307 a-e · Dossier · 1873-1877
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Bible translation into Nama (Old Testament), manuscript e. Bible translation in Nama, started 28 May 1873, revised to Bethany 9-12 July 1877, 5 leather volumes; Genesis and Deuteronomy; Joshua to 2. Kings; chronicle to Song of Songs (without psalms); Isaiah to Daniel; Hosea to Maleachi;[The manuscript was given to the archives in 1969 by the British Bible Society, London, for permanent residence, see correspondence RMG 1.084];

Société des missions du Rhin
Education in Southwest Africa
RMG 2.645 a-b · Dossier · 1906-1926
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Plans for e. Industrial School in Bethanien by Tobias Fenchel, 1906; School regulations for mission schools in the area of the Herero Conference; a) by Johannes Olpp, pag. 263, 1908; b) Manuscript by Karl Friedrich Wandres, Heinrich Vedder, Kurt Nowack, 1910; c) Dr., 54 p.., 1910; Proposals for boy handicraft lessons in mission schools, by August Elger, 1910; Establishment and operation of a secondary school in Windhoek, by Kurt Nowack, 1911; Das Windhoeker Missionsschulwesen, Abtlg. Volksschulen, by Kurt Nowack, 1912; Verhandlungen wegen staatlicher Unterstützung d. Missionsschulen, 1913-1914; Schulgesetz betr. d. Schulen für Nicht-Europäer, 1921; "Das Schulwesen d. Südafrikanischen Union u. d. Missionsschulen in Südwestafrika", by Heinrich Vedder, 24 p.., ms. 1921; Schulgesetz für Südwestafrika (Dr. in Amtsblatt No. 207), 1926; 120 weekly sentences for use in schools (in Herero), by Heinrich Vedder?, issue, 30 p., ms., not published

Société des missions du Rhin
Gorth, Matthew (1823-1853)
RMG 1.586 · Dossier · 1848-1853, 1918
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1852-1853 in Bethanien, Otjikango; letters and diaries from missionary holidays, 1848-1850; letters and diaries from Africa, also from Emmy Haupt (1854 married to Georg Zimmer), Gorth's bride, d. did not find him alive anymore, 1851-1853; transcript from "Hessische Biographien": "Gorth, Matthäus, Missionar, 1823-1853", edited by Hermann Haupt, Darmstadt, 1918; photocopy of the obituary for Matthäus Gorth in the reports of the RMG;

Société des missions du Rhin
Grootfontein (with Otavi)
RMG 2.503 a · Dossier · 1910-1946
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Outstation: Guichab-Asis; Outstation of Bethanien s. RMG 2.498 a-c; Farm Grootfontein s. RMG 2.548; RMG to South-West-Africa-Company, London, because of permission to build e. Missionsstation u. e. Brunnens, 1910; annual and conference reports, by missionary Heinrich Wilhelm Friedrich Pardey and Karl Schmitz, 1910-1945; map sketches of trips to the surrounding farms, by Heinrich Wilhelm Friedrich Pardey, 1911; visitation report, 1912; annual reports on sisters' work, by Christa Hilmer and Luise (Liesel) Hohl, 1925-1946

Société des missions du Rhin
Henrys, Frederick (1863-1949)
RMG 1.629 a-d · Dossier · 1891-1949
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1892-1907 in Bethanien, resignation, pastor in Brazil from 1908 in Riopardinho, Forromecco, P. Sao Vendelino, Rio Grande do Sul; letters, travel, station and annual reports, 1891-1906; report on school and church visitation in Bethany by Carl Ludwig Hermann Hegner, 1893; letter by Cornelius Frederiks, 1895; Die spezielle Seelsorge, Referat, 28 pp. hs, 1896; Report on the laying of the foundation stone of the church in Bethanien, Dutch, 1897; sketch of Bethanien (vol. 1, p. 133); Report on the birthday celebration for Emperor Wilhelm II. in Bethanien, 1898; Letters d. Assistant Benade von Grootfontein, 1898 and 1900; report on the consecration of the church in Bethanien, 1899; application for acquisition of garden land for agricultural school in Bethanien, 1906; proposals by Emil Tempel for the establishment of e. Handwerkerschule, 1907; medical certificates for Friedrich Heinrichs and his wife Elisabeth Heinrichs, nee. Göbel, 1907 and 1909; visit lists of the travel preacher Friedrich Heinrichs in Wiehl, 1908 and 1909; personal sheet Friedrich Heinrichs, 1908; letters from Rio Pardinko, Brazil, 1911-1913; obituary for Elisabeth Heinrichs, née Göbel, 1940; obituary for Friedrich Heinrichs, 1949;

Société des missions du Rhin
Melting, Johann Heinrich (1777-1848)
RMG 1.572 · Dossier · 1831, 1838
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

emerged from Jänicke's missionary seminar, 1811 in the service of the London Missionary Society to South Africa, initiated 1839 d. Aufnahme d. Mission in Südwestafrika seitens d. RMG, 1808-1848 in Bethanien u. Kommagas, single letters s.a. RMG 2.598; letter to deputation in German translation and by d. Hand Theobald von Wurmbs, 1831; letter to deputation in German language by Johann Heinrich Schmelens eigener Hand, 1838; transmissions of both letters, ms;

Société des missions du Rhin