Affichage de 17 résultats

Description archivistique
BArch, NS 8/238 · Dossier · 1936-1941
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Working group for German folklore. - Competence problems with the Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Popular Education, 1938 Colonial Ethnology. - Preparation of a new German indigenous policy, 1940 Amt Weltanschauliche Information. - Report for the year 1940, 1941 Adolf Hitler Schools. - Meeting of the staff, 1937 Reports of foreign newspapers, 1936-1941 "The practical political solution of the religious question in the Third Reich" by Reich Minister for Church Affairs, Kerrl, (manuscript), 1939 "Roman Catholicism in Hungary". - Report on the 34th International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, 1938

Catholic Church: Vol. 4
BArch, R 43-I/2200 · Dossier · Jan. 1928 - Jan. 1931
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Visit of Cardinal Hlond from Polish Upper Silesia, travel program 1928 Ownership conditions at the former cadet institute Schloss Bensberg 1928 Claims for equipment of the parishes from the secularization against the Prussian state, legal actions 1928 Insufficient support for the borderland diocese Meissen by the borderland fund 1927, 1928 Missions-Verkehrs- Arbeitsgemeinschaft, expedition to southwest Africa 1930, activity report March - Dec. 1928, visit to the former cadet institute Schloß Bensberg 1928. 1927 1928, 1930 Reichstagung of the Friedensbund German Peace Association Katholiken, Munich; Report of the Representation of the Reich Government, Munich 1928 Nuntius Pacelli, denigration by the magazine "Die Front"; Initiation of a press release 1928 Spiritual care of Polish seasonal workers, Applications of the German Caritas Association for subsidies 1928 - 1930 Visit of Cardinal Faulhaber in Poznan, Report of the German Caritas Association, Report of the German Caritas Association, 1928 - 1930 Visit of Cardinal Faulhaber in Poznan, Report of the German Caritas Association, 1928 Consulate General in Posen 1929 Use of aircraft hangars to be demolished in French occupied territory as emergency churches; project 1930 Establishment of two tax offices on the grounds of the St. Pantaleons Abbey in Cologne 1930 Establishment of the Poor School Sisters in Bielitz/Polish Upper Silesia; intended polonization 1930 Church buildings, requests for subsidies: Châteauneuf-du-Rhône, Inden, Frankfurt/M., Heraclion, Kappelrodeck/Baden, Liebenthal/Lower Silesia, Maria Laach, Landau, Mainz, Marienburg, Kassel, Reinsbach/Saar, Zobten-Gorkau/Breslau 1928 - 1931

BArch, R 58/6142 · Dossier · 1934-1936
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Deutscher Fichtebund.reports of the SD-Oberabschnitt Nord, 1935 Esperanto-Bewegung.reports of the SD-Oberabschnitt Ost, 1934 -1935 Deutscher Offiziersbund und Ehmke-Kreis.reports of the SD-Oberabschnitt Süd, 1935 Deutsche Turnerschaft und Dresdener Ruderklub.reports of the SD-Oberabschnitt Süd, 1935 Deutsche Turnerschaft und Dresdener Ruderklub.reports of the SD-Oberabschnitt Nord, 1935 Esperanto-Bewegung.reports of the SD-Oberabschnitt Ost, 1934 -1935 Deutscher Offiziersbund und Ehmke-Kreis.reports of the SD-Oberabschnitt Süd, 1935 Deutsche Turnerschaft und Dresdener Ruderklub.reports of the SD-Oberabschnitt 1935 Reports of the SD upper section Mitte, 1934-1935 Deutscher Kolonialfrauenbund - Report of the SD upper section Nordwest, 15 Dec. 1934 Erzgebirgsverein in Schneeberg, 1935 Friedrich-Wilhelm Gesellschaft - Reports of the SD upper section West, 1935-1936

BArch, NS 5-VI/17748 · Dossier · 1908, 1922-1944
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Ungnad, W. zur, author: "Deutsche Freibauern, Kölner und Kolonisten", 1935 Vagela, Paul, specialist for colonial soil science, 1942 Vahlen, Theodor, professor, president of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, 143 Vaihinger, Hans, German philosopher, 1934 Vajs, Josef, university professor, 1940 Valentin, Dr. Veit, German historian, 1934 Valentinian, Max, captain and submarine commander, Knight of the Order Pour le Merite, 1940 Velentini, Rudolf v. Olden, Chief of the Secret Civil Cabinet, 1931 Valien, Max, German private instructor, inventor of the rocket car, 1928 Vallette, Dr. Armand, German diplomat, 1935 Varain, Dr, District President in Trier, 1937 Varenhorn, Dr., Member of Parliament, 1908 Vares, Dr. Kurt, Author: "Gegenwart des Lebens", 1939 Vasel, Georg, SA-Mann, 1935 Vaugoin, Carl, Austrian statesman, 1943 Vaupel, Anton, City Councillor, Gauamtsleiter für Technik im Gau Düsseldorf, 1942 Varecka, Hugo, Czech civil servant, 1938 Veddeler, pg, Bentheim district administrator, 1937 Veesenmeyer, Dr. Edmund, German diplomat, 1944 Vegesack, Siegfried, Baltic poet, 1937 Veidl, Theodor, sudetendt. Tondichter, 1937 Veit, Dr. Friedrich, former president of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, 1933 Veidt, Carl, pastor in Frankfurt, 1934 Vaidt, Conrad, German film actor, 1930 Veller, brigade leader, 1933 Velsen, Fritz v., Civil servant, 1933 Velsen, Otto v. General Director d. Hibernia and d. Berwerks-AG Recklinghausen, 1939 Ventzki, August, a pioneer d. Landmaschinentechnik, 1940 Ventzki, Werner, Lord Mayor of Litzmannstadt, 1942 Ventzki, Martin, 1933 Verlohr, Ministerialdirigenten in the Reich Ministry of Transport, 1939 Verlohr, Wilhelm, General Director, 1937 Vermehren, Erich, Deputy German Military Attacké in Istanbul, 1944 Vermehrern, Isa, poetess, 1935 Verschaeves, Dyriel, niederdt. Kaufmann, 1944 Verschuer, Otmar, Professor and Director of the University, Institute for Hereditary Biology and Breed Hygiene, 1937 Versen, Lonny Hertha, Front Nurse Vershofen, Wilhelm, Professor of Economics and Writer, o.Dat. Versl, Josef, artist, 1933 Vervoort, Bernhard, operator and owner of the Guronit Society, 1491 Vesely, Dr. Franz, Czech politician, 1935 Vesper, Will, German poet, 1942 Vespermanns, actor family, 1940 Vetter, president of the Reichsverband d. German small animal breeder, 1936 Vetter, August, 1935 Vetter, Heinrich, deputy cousin, 1935 Vespermanns, 1935 Vespermanns, 1936 Vetter, 1936 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, Vetter, 1935 Vetter, 1935 Vetter, Vetter, 1935 Vetter, Vetter, 1935 Vetter, Vetter, V. Gauleiter Westfalen-Süd, Lord Mayor of Hagen, Westphalia, 1941 Vetter, Karl, Head of Department IV, 1933 Vetsera, Marie, 1929 Veverka, Dr. Ferdinand, Czechoslovak diplomat, 1938 Vezenshky, Dr. Franz, Member of the Government Commission of the Saar Region, 1932 Vick, Pg.., Gaufachgruppenwalter, 1937 Victor, Walter, editor of the Saxon People's Gazette, 1932 Viebahn, Max v., Lieutenant General in the High Command of the Wehrmacht, 1938 Viebig, Klara, German writer, 1935 Vielhaber, Heinrich, board member of Friedrich Krupp AG, 1940 Viereck, George S., German-American writer, 1941 Viereck, Hans v., German general, 1929 Viering, Hilde, Westphalian artist, 1936 Vierkandt, Alfred, professor, 1942 Vierkötter, Ernst, German swimming master, 1926 Vierling, Dr., Inventor, 1936 Vierordt, Dr. Heinrich, Baden poet, 1940 Vietinghoff, Heinrich gottfrired v., German colonel general, 1944 Vihrog, Jessie, German film actress, 1935 Vilbig, Josef, ministerial director, 1938 Vincke, Ludwig v., Lord president, 1944 Virchow, Dr. Hans, old master of German anatomy, 1940 Vierchow, Rudolf, scholar and nestor of pathological anatomy, 1941 Vischer, Robert, German art historian, 1927 Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, poet, 1927 Vischer, Friedrich, professor, 1934 Viskovosky, Dr. Karl, Czech politician, 1930 Visotzki, K., painter, 1938 Vitus, member Vitus-Heller-movement, 1932 Vitzthum von Eckstädt, Christoph Graf, royal Saxon civil servant, 1929 Vitzthum von Eckstädt, Woldemar, former president of the Saxon state synod, 1936 Vlasak, Dr. Bohumil, Czechoslovak politician, 1929 Vleugels, Dr. Wilhelm, professor, 1942

Deutsche Arbeitsfront
BArch, R 58/5730 · Dossier · 1934-1938
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Application of the RKA to the Reich Ministry of the Interior for the approval of collections, 1937 Appointment of Dr. Scherer as Chairman of the Führer Council of the RKA by the Bishop of Osnabrück, Berning, to the Oberregierungsrat (Senior Government Council) (ret.) Dr. Morsbach, 10 March 1934 Cooperation of the RKA with the VDA - Report of the SD Northeast Section, 17 Dec. 1935 Observation of the Catholic German Mission Abroad Programme and participants of the annual conference from 28 to 30 Aug. 1936 in Frankfurt (Main) - Report of the SD Oberabschnitts Rhein, 7 Sept. 1936 Dr. Richard Mai: "Katholische Kolonialmission", published by the RKA, Berlin 1936 General Assembly of the RKA on 7 May 1935 in the Wohlfahrtshaus Berlin. Report of the SD-Section South and Protocol, Feb. 4, 1938 Supervision of the Annual Conference of the Catholic Foreign German Mission from Aug. 26 to 29, 1937 in Dortmund, Aug. 1937 Registration of the associations, orders and cooperatives affiliated to the RKA. Report of the State Police Berlin and Directory, 19 May 1934 Annual Conference of the Catholic Mission of Germany Abroad, 25-28 Aug. 1938 in Passau - Programme and Participants - Report of the SD-Section South, 9 Sept. 1938 Also includes: Appointment of the Titular Bishop Xaver Geyer, Banz Monastery (Upper Franconia), to the Advisory Board of the Reichsfachschaft der katholischen Presse - The report of the SD-Section South, 9 Sept. 1938 also includes: Appointment of the Titular Bishop Xaver Geyer, Banz Monastery (Upper Franconia), to the Advisory Board of the Reichsfachschaft der katholischen Presse Report of the SD-Section South and Evaluation, 1936 Support of the German Catholic Parishes Abroad by the St. Josef-Missionsverein - Letter of the Archbishop of Cologne to the Ordinaries of Germany and Annual Report, 26 July 1938 Annual Conference of the Association of German Catholics in Poland Report of the SD-Super Section Southeast, July 1, 1937 Bonifazius-Werk in Österreich - Report of the SD-Sonderkommando II 133, April 4, 1938 Kreis deutscher Mädchen in New York - Report of the SD-Super Section Southwest, Oct 21, 1938 Priester-Unterstützungsverein St. Martinus, Diocese Rottenburg - Report of the SD-Super Section Southwest, Rottenburg - Report of the SD-Sonderkommando II 133, April 4, 1938 Kreis deutscher Mädchen in New York - Report of the SD-Super Section Southwest, October 21, 1938 Priester-Unterstützungsverein St. Martinus, Diocese Rottenburg - Report of the SD-Sonderkommando II 133, April 4, 1938 Kreis deutscher Mädchen in New York - Report of the SD-Super Section Southwest, October 21, 1938 Priester-Unterstützungsverein St. Martinus, Diocese Rottenburg - Report of the SD-Second Section Southwest and Statistical Statement of the Annual Payments by the Catholic Ministers of Württemberg, June 10, 1939 Dissolution of the Catholic Church Building Association St. Anna, Gerolstein, Aug 25, 1938 Export of Foreign Exchange for Father Georg Goebel, Czernowitz (Romania), by Josef Walter, Albendorf near Breslau. Report of the SD upper section southeast and investigation documents of the main customs office Waldenburg, July 5, 1935 Catholic University in Beijing - Report of the SD upper section Austria, April 20, 1938