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Description archivistique
BArch, N 38/29 · Dossier · 13. Juni 1900 - 16. Okt. 1906
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Schlesw. Holstein Pi. Bulletin No. 9: Proposal for the route at Cuxhaven from 9 to 15 July 1900; difficulties in unloading ship consignments, memorandum; Lequis report to the Gen. Insp. of the Ing. and Pi. Corps and the Fortresses, Berlin, on his participation in the China Expedition

Lequis, Arnold
BArch, R 1001/4229 · Dossier · Mai 1906 - Febr. 1908
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Political situation in the French Wadei region Map of Cameroon, south-western part of Yola with entries on agriculture and livestock M.: 1:360 000 (April 1907) Sketch of the insurrection area of the survey in the Malum - Wadei region, M.: 1:400 000 (July/Aug. 1907)

BArch, R 1507/2053 · Dossier · 6. Juni - 21. Okt. 1921
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 125 General Workers' Union (AAU), pages 46-47, 93 Insurrection and agitation, pages 3-5, 52 Foreign countries, Communist policy in Germany, pages 18-20 German Seamen's League, pages 93, 97-116 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 65-67, 132-140 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), page 122 International Port Offices, page 60 International Seamen's Club (ISC), page 60 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), page 153-159 Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Work in the German Reich, pages 28-39, 55-59 Communist Party of Germany, pages 2-8 Teachers' Movement, pages 141, 143-145 KPD Ordnerdienst, pages 146-152 Red Trade Union International, pages 89-90 Red Front Fighters Association, pages 9-14, 146-153

BArch, R 1507/2050 · Dossier · 23. - 24. Jan. 1925
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Brigade Ehrhardt, page 175 Bund Oberland, page 165, 174 Deutscher Schützen- und Wanderbund, page 165 German National Freedom Party, page 156 Frontbann, page 156-157, 161-163 Front Youth, page 157 Frontkämpferbund "Ostpreußen", page 161 Frontkriegerbund e. V., Page 157 Frontring, page 156 Großdeutsche Volksgemeinschaft, page 156 National Socialist German Workers' Party, page 156, 165-168 Organisation Aulock, page 174 Organisation Heydebreck, page 174 Organisation Hubertus, page 174 Organisation Rossbach, page 160, 174 Reichsadler, page 161 Reichsflagge, page 161 Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten, page 161, 169 Sturmabteilungen (SA) der NSDAP, Page 149-155 Verein ehemaliger Baltikumer, Page 161 Vereinigte Vaterländische Verbände Deutschlands, Page 170-173 Wehrwolf, Page 161 Wiking-Bund, Page 175 Aufstand und Aufstandsagitation, Page 29-76 Ausland, kommunistische Politik im, Page 80-82, 121-138 Büro Bint (Büro für ausländische Wissenschaft und Technik der KPdSU), Page 110-113 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 77-139 Society of Friends of the New Russia, pages 101-106 International Workers' Aid (IAH), pages 83, 91-102 Communist Youth International, pages 83 Communist Party of Germany, pages 29-76 Cultural Policy Work, pages 83-86 KPD Intelligence Service, pages 43-47 KPD Folder Service, Page 30-36, 37, 44-49, 64 Red Women's International, Page 83 Red Trade Union International, Page 83 Red Aid of Germany, Page 83 Red Sport International, Page 83 Red Front Fighters' Union, Page 37-42, 64-73 Cheka (GPU) of the CPSU, Page 114-121, 136 Cheka of the CPS, Page 31-34 Decomposition Work of the CPS, Page 31, 42, 60-63

BArch, N 103/75 · Dossier · 1904-1905
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Memorandum of the Großer Generalstabs for the Reichstag, Reichstag printed matter no. 559 and no. 734 annual report of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t Dept. Berlin, 1904 division of troops into Southwest Africa Map of Southwest Africa

Vorbeck, Paul von Lettow
BArch, RM 2/1867 · Dossier · 1904-1910
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Staffing of the Naval Expeditionary Corps to be sent to South West Africa, 18 Jan 1904 Declaration of the state of war for the gunboat "Habicht" (AKO, transcript), 18 July 1904 Formation and arrangement of the Naval Expeditionary Corps to be used in South West Africa (draft of an AKO, transcript), 18 Jan 1904 Jan. 1904 appointment of Colonel Dürr as leader of the Naval Expeditionary Corps (AKO, transcript), Jan. 20, 1904 removal of Colonel Dürr from the position of leader of the Naval Expeditionary Corps and appointment of Major v. Glasenapp in its place (draft of an AKO), 3 May 1904 Abolition of the state of war for the gunboat "Habicht" (AKO, transcript), 6 Aug 1904 Provisions for the duration of the state of war in the protectorate Southwest Africa (AKO, transcript), 28 Aug 1904. July 1904 Replacement of the landing corps of the gunboat "Habicht" by protection troops (AKO, copy), 3 Dec 1904 Dissolution of the naval expedition corps for southwest Africa (AKO, copy), 31 May 1905 Award of the flag band of the southwest Africa commemorative coin to the II Lake Battalion (AKO, copy), 6 Sep 1907

BArch, RM 3/10263 · Dossier · Jan. 1904 - Nov. 1906
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The activities of the Landungskorps S.M.S. "Habicht" during the Herero Uprising in Southwest Africa Jan/Feb 1904" (supplement to the Marinerundschau 1905), 1905 The Marine-Expeditionskorps in Southwest Africa during the Herero Uprising (II. supplement to the Marinerundschau 1905), 1905 Militärwochenblatt Nr. 126 (print), 11 Oct 1906

Office du Reich à la Marine
BArch, RM 3/6855 · Dossier · 1908-1920
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Overview of the experience of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a m t gained during the deployment of reinforcements for the Schutztruppe in South West Africa Experiences of the uprising in South West Africa Notes on the whereabouts of documents

Office du Reich à la Marine