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Archival description
FO 633/58 · Item · 1888
Part of The National Archives

Free navigation in Suez Canal; the Sudan and Upper Egypt: general unrest and fighting at Suakin; trade with the Sudan; prisons and police administration; the Nile: flooding and danger, irrigation; financial conditions; settlement of claims of Ex-Khedive Ismail Pasha; condition of agricultural population; slave trade on East Coast of Africa; expedition for relief of Emin Pasha.

RGS/CB7/ · Item · 1882-91
Part of Royal Geographical Society

GRANT, Colonel J.A. Letters 1882-91, including: July 8 1884, comments on Thomson's journey; Nairn, Sept. 26, 1884, introducing Mr. Kerry Nicholls; Apr. 15 1890, on the disagreement between RGS and Emin Pasha Relief Committee; all letters Aug. 1890 - July 1891 refer to news from his son and Joseph Thomson and comments on their disappointments during the course of their expedition.

RGS/CB8/50 · Item · 1870-1927
Part of Royal Geographical Society

KELTIE, (Sir) J. Scott Letters to Sir J.S.Keltie includes a few letters addressed to son-in-law Gilmour: 3 letters Ami, Henry M 1926; 2 letters Australasian Assn. for Advancement of Science (HSW Crummer) 1897; 1 letter Australasian RGS of Queensland (JP Thomson) 1905 1 letter Baker, Samuel W. 1890 1 letter Balliol E.H. nd. 1 letter Barclay W.S. 1917 4 letters Bartlett (?) 1910 1 letter Bates, Henry Walter 1884-85 1 letter Battye, Aubyn T 1916 1 letter Beadnell HJL 1916 1 letter Beck, Lily Adams 1 letter Belgian Geographical Society 1913 1 letter Bertrand,Alfred 1898 8 letters Bigelow, Poulteney 1894-1927 1 letter Bigge, Sir Arthur 1897 1 letter Biggs HJ 1917 (also some related correspondence) 2 letters Black CED 1897, 1916 3 letters Bowman, Isaiah 1920 2 letters Buckle GE 1894 1 letter Bruce, Agnes 1890 3 letters Capper JB 1924 1 letter Carstensen AN 1898 4 letters Chambers WR (Publishers) 1923 1 letter Chauncey J (of The Times) 1883 1 letter Chisholm, Hugh (Encyclopaedia Britannica) 1905; 1 letter Cleridge W 1886 1 letter Cobden-Sanderson J 1895 1 letter Colles JM (Authors Syndicate) 1916 1 letter Cooke CW 1922 1 letter Cooke Robert 1887 2 letters Cornish, Vaughan 1923 1 letter Cumberbatch HA 1917 3 letters Curzon Lord 1911 2 letters Czaplicka MA 1916-17 1 letter Darbishire,Bernard V 1898 1 letter , Charles (Copy of a letter 5 June 1879) 6 letters Darwin, Leonard 1911-20 2 letters Davis HWC 1915 and 1919 1 letter Davis,Richard H nd. 1 letter Dowie, N Muriel 1890 1 letter Du Chailly PB (brief note sent to Mr Gilmour) 1888 1 letter Dufferin and Ava, Lord 1895 1 letter Dulau and Co 1898 1 letter Dyason,John 1898 4 letters Dykes, Robert 1916 1 letter Elliott LE 1916 1 letter Emin Pasha 2 Oct 1886 to Dr Junker 1 letter Eyre, George Junior 1917 75 letters Fawcett, Percy H and Nina 1917-25 (includes letters from G Lynch, Hamilton Rice etc.) 1 letter Forbes HO 1927 1 letter Foster W 1926 22 letters Freshfield Douglas W 1885-1926 3 letters Galton, Francis 1885 1 letter Geddes, P 1908 29 letters Goldie, Sir George T 1893-1922 1 letter Gollan,Alex 1897 1 letter Gordon, Maria 1898 1 letter Gosse, Edmund 1890 1 letter Gray, (?Mont.) 1887 3 letters Greely AW 1908 and 1918 1 letter Gregory JW 1915 1 letter Green William S 1915 1 letter Griffith F 1895 1 letter Hardinge of Penshurst 1919 3 letters Harmsworth, Alfred 1894, 1898 1 letter Herbertson AJ 1913 1 letter Hinks AR 1919 6 letters Hogarth DG 1921, 1926 3 letters Holdich, Thomas H 1917, 1926 1 letter Hosie, Dorothea 1925 1 letter Hough, Professor (?) 1905 5 letters Ireland, Alleyne 1901-1922 1 letter Italian Geographical Society 1899 3 letters Jackson FG 1898 1 letter Johnston, Duncan 1913 12 letters Johnston, Sir Henry H 1896-1923 1 letter Kaye JL 1917 1 letter Keith A 1920 letters Keltie,John Scott 1 letter Keltie, William 1893 2 letters Kerckhove GVD 1916 2 letters Kilroy SH 1916 2 letters Kirk, John 1887, 1917 1 letter Kirk JWC 1926 75 letters Kropotkin, Peter 1880-1917 1 letter Lamington, Lord 1915 3 letters Landor H Savage 1897-1898 1 letter Leclerq,Jules 1893 1 letter Lecointe G 1915 1 letter Lepworth,Charles 1920 1 letter Lindsay, James 1917 1 letter Loch, Lord 1898 1 letter London University Senate 1915 1 letter Longhurst,Cyril (for National Antarctic Expedition) 1901 1 letter Longstaff TG 1918 5 letters Lugard FD 1884, 1895, 1898 and 1923 1 letter Lyttleton GWS (on behalf of WE Gladstone) 1884 4 letters Macdonald, Claude M 1891, 1896 2 letters Macgregor, William 1899, 1907 1 letter Mackay, John S 1893 3 letters Mackenzie,George S 1888, 1893, 1900 1 letter Mackinder, Halford J 1926 1 letter Macmillan, George A 1915 1 letter Macmillan, Maurice 1887 letters Macmillan (publishers) 1870-1897 1 letter Mansfield, Charlotte 1917 4 letters Markham, Albert H 1916 3 letters Markham Clements R 1901, 1914, 1915 2 letters Masson, David 1871 1 letter Mathers E 1897 1 letter Mawson, Douglas 1918 3 letters Melland FH 1919 1 letter Mill, Mrs Harriet G 190 6 letters Mill, HR 1898-1926 1 letter Milne, John nd. 1 letter Mumford WM 1895 2 letters Myres, John S 1921, 1926 2 letters Nansen, Fridtjof 1888, 1890 1 letter Nordenskiold, AE 1887 2 letters Nordenskiold, Otto 1 letter Nubar, Pasha 1920 4 letters Ogilvie FG 1916 1 letter Paris, Comte Philippe de 1893 1 letter Parker, Gilbert 1907 3 letters Parry,Captain JF 1916 17 3 letters Peck, II Stanley 1916-17 2 letters Pernull HJ 1916-17 1 letter Philby, H St J 1924 6 letters Philip and Son (George S Philip) 1916-21 1 letter Poole D Lewis 1898 1 letter Prichard, Hesket nd. 10 letters Rabot, Charles 1915-19 (also letters from JF Parry and Frank Evans 4 letters Reclus, Elisee 1 letter Rein, Professor JJ 1885 1 letter Repington CC 1917 5 letters Rice, Hamilton 1916-26 2 letters Richards, J Brinsley 1883, 1885 1 letter Ronaldshay, Lord 1923 2 letters Rosebery, Lord 1 letter Royds, Charles nd. 1 letter St. Andrews University 1 letter Sampson Low, Marston Co. 1878 5 letters Scarborough, Lord 1922-26 1 letter Sclater WL 1915 4 letters Scott, Kathleen ?1914 10 letters Selous, FC 1894-1913 (many undated) 9 letters Semple, Ellen C 1905-21 7 letters Shackleton, Emily 1916-17 3 letters Shackleton,Ernest H 1917, 1921 7 letters Shokalsky, Yu. M. 1915-18 1 letter Sharpe, Alfred 1915 5 letters Shaw WG 1870-71 1 letter Sibree, James 1916 1 letter Silver SW 1885 1 letter Stanford, Edward 1892 1 letter Stanley, Henry M 1882 6 letters Stein, Aurel 1916-17, 1924 2 letters Stefansson V 1918 (also a telegram of 1907) 5 letters Stoddard L 1920-22 1 letter Strain JL 1916 (with an enclosure) 1 letter Stuhlmann F 1894 1 letter Sulivan HN 1915 2 letters Survey of Egypt 1916 (also letters from DG Hogarth and John Bartholomew) 1 letter Sykes, Evelyn nd. 5 letters Sykes, PM 1917 4 letters Talbot, Mr and Mrs P Amaury 1912-17 2 letters Temple, Lady (?1915) 1 letter Thomson, Joseph - letter to Gilmour, nd. 1 letter Tilho F 1918 letters The Times (editor and others) 1877-98 3 letters Tomlinson EJF 1915-16 1 letter Tyrell JB 1918 1 letter United States Embassy in London 1915 1 letter Vidal de la Blache 1881 2 letters Waller, Rev. Horace 1882 1 letter Ward, F Kingdon 1916 1 letter Watson, Genevieve 1916 1 letter Weaver JRH 1919 3 letters White, A Silva 1926 7 letters Wide World Magazine 1898, 1921 (includes associated correspondence re de Rougemont) 1 letter Wilson CW 1890 1 letter Wilson, Edward A 1910 1 letter Wingate FR 1891 2 letters Wingate RW 1918, 1923 1 letter Woods, H Charles 1917 1 letter Young, EA 1916 1916

RGS/CB8/51 · Item · 1885-1913
Part of Royal Geographical Society

KELTIE,(Sir) John Scott, LETTERS FILED WITH JOHN SCOTT KELTIE COLLECTION RECEIVED OCT 1975 FROM GILMOUR FAMILY. The letters were donated by Messrs J S L Gilmour and M H B Gilmour and Miss M G Gilmour, October 1975. They are the grandchildren of John Scott Keltie. Baker, Samuel W 27 July 1890; Bismarck, Count H 25 May 1894 Bruce, Agnes 4 July 1890 Bryce, James n.d. Davis, Richard Harding 30 Sept ? Du Chaillu, P B 22 March 1888 to Gilmour Dufferin and Ava, Lord 27 May 1895 Emin Bey (i. e. Emin Pasha) 29 Oct 1886 to Dr Junker Fawcett, Colonel P H 21 Jan 1913 Hawkshaw, John 7 Feb 1891 Johnston, Sir Harry H 22 Nov 1888 and an undated letter Kirk, John 5 Dec 1887 Kropotkin, Peter 19 Jan 1886 Leclercq, Jules 21 March 1893 Lugard, F D 1 Jan 1894 to Gilmour; 27 May 1895 to Mrs Gilmour; (postmark) 4 March 1898 to Keltie. Nansen, Fridtjof 21 May 1888; 12 Feb 1890 Neumayer, G 19 July 1895 Nordenskiold, A E 2 June 1887 Parker, Gilbert 19 April(?1897) to Gilmour Philippe, Comte de Paris 8 March 1893 Prichard, Hesketh n.d. Reclus, Elisee 31 March 1894 Selous, F C 21 Dec 1899 to Gilmour; 30 Dec 1894 and 2 May ? to Keltie Stanley, Henry M 27 Oct 1882 Stuhlmann, F 30 Dec 1897 Thomson, Joseph 'Thursday', to Gilmour Vidal de la Blache 16 April 1881 Wilson C W 9 Sept 1890 to Playfair Wingate, F R 19 Feb 1891

The collection comprises correspondence and personal, estate and business papers accumulated by Sir William Mackinnon, predominantly during the latter half of the nineteenth century. The material covers a wide range of commercial, imperial and humanitarian topics, and includes correspondence and papers relating to the British India Steam Navigation Company, City of Glasgow Bank, Emin Pasha Relief Expedition and the Imperial British East Africa Company.

HMS/5/1 · Item · 1889-90
Part of Royal Geographical Society

Miscellaneous documents relating to Emin Pasha Relief exped. Copy of translation of letters from the Administrator General Capt. Haneuse and C. Janssen, dated Brussels, 1889. Telegram from Emin to RGS dated Zanzibar May 27 1890 Letter from T. Stevens to Mrs. French Sheldon dated Zanzibar Oct 21 1889. Typewritten comment T.Stevens meeting with Stanley n.d. Ms. copy of Herbert Ward's report on the Emin Pasha Relief Exped Printed map of route of Emin Pasha Relief expedition (Edward Stanford), printed for RGS Stanley Reception Meeting, 1890

The Rose-Troup Collection.
JRT · Item · 1889-1919
Part of Royal Geographical Society

Collection of news cuttings from American and English newspapers on African subjects, and especially the Emin Pasha Expedition, made by Mrs Rose-Troup 1889-96.

The Spiro Collection.
SPI · Item · 1855-1892
Part of Royal Geographical Society

Photocopies of letters to C. Geigler, Chief of Sudan Telegraphs at Khartoum, and to others, 1855-92, from S. W. Baker, R. F. Burton, Romolo Gessi, J. A. Grant, David Livingstone, C. Chaille Long, E. Schnitzer (Emin Pasha) and H. M. Stanley. Photocopies of 17 letters 1873-84 from Colonel C. G. Gordon to S. W. Baker and others.

RGS/CB7/ · Item · 1882-92
Part of Royal Geographical Society

THOMSON, Joseph Letters 1882-92, including: five letters of 1882 giving detailed recommendations and information on costs for proposed expedition to Kilimanjaro and Lake Victoria; Zanzibar, Jan. 29 and Feb. 26 1883 reports on arrival in Africa and plans for proceeding; Taveta, July 5 1883, report on progress; eight letters of 1884 from Scotland chiefly concerning preparation of observations and narrative for publication and with comments from Greenock, 'Sunday' (?Dec.) on H.M. Stanley's reception in Scotland; Paris, Dec. 1 1886, on the proposed Emin Pasha Relief expedition. Accompanied by other documents; printed copies of letters of March and November 1882 and February 1883; letters from the Foreign Office to the RGS about Thomson's 1883 expedition; telegrams from E. Africa concerning Thomson's movements in 1883 and two telegrams from Paris 1886 concerning Emin Pasha relief expedition; letters from brother, 1895-96, and from nephew, 1901