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BArch, N 42/38 · Akt(e) · 1924-1932
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Award of the Iron Cross to the Swedish commercial attaché in Berlin Löwengoord, 1924; Award of the Medal of Honor of the German Red Cross to the American journalists William Hearst and Karl von Wiegand as well as to the Austrian Army Minister Vaugoin 1929, 1931; Visit of a Finnish lieutenant colonel to the Reich Ministry of Defence, o. Dat. State Secretary Otto Meissner concerning the training of a Chinese officer as an officer and in flying, 12.05.1930; speech of the Chief of Army Command General of the Infantry Kurt Freiherr von Hammerstein at the farewell breakfast for the French military attaché in Berlin General Tournès, 10.11.1930; antiques dealer Dr. Paul Drey to Lieutenant Colonel Friedrich-Wilhelm v. Willisen concerning the training of a Chinese officer as an officer and in flying, 12.05.1930. the economic situation in the United States of America and the views there on Germany, in particular its internal political situation and its ability to pay reparations, 15.01.1931; Correspondence with State Secretary Otto Meissner concerning the rescheduling of a German property in the former province of Posen, March 1931; Plan of a visit of the British admiral Viscount John Jellicoe of Scapa to Germany, operated by General of the Cavalry Friedrich Graf von der Schulenburg, March/April 1931; Alleged commercial espionage of the Japanese Dr. Job Tamaki, March 1932; from Hagen, Betschuanaland, to Major L. Müldner von Mülnheim concerning colonial questions, 12.04.1932; Planned reception by Sir Stafford Cripps, June 1932