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BArch, R 2105 · Bestand · 1919-1945 (1950-1952)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: The Reichsarchiv already had an inventory of "Reichsmonopolamt für Branntwein" (Reich Monopoly Office for Spirits), which, however, was completely destroyed by the air raid on Potsdam in April 1945. As is usual with many holdings of the Federal Archives, the Reichsmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein also had its own holdings in the Central State Archives (under number 21.05) and in the Federal Archives in Koblenz (under the old inventory signature R 81) from 1945 onwards. The part of the collection stored in Potsdam consisted almost exclusively of collections of newsletters from individual departments of the collecting agency (e.g. Adlershof, Guben, Krakow am See, Mecklenburg and Stettin), which were handed over to the Historical Department I of the Central State Archive in Potsdam in 1963 and 1964 in the course of file transfers from the VEB Spiritus Adlershof and the VEB Spiritus Adlershof, Auslieferungslager Krakow am See. Since these were mainly documents from the former departments of Krakow am See in Mecklenburg, Berlin-Adlershof and Guben, they were transferred to the state archives of Potsdam and Schwerin as well as to the city archives (today: Landesarchiv) of Berlin in the course of inventory adjustments. The files kept in the Koblenz inventory were still stored in Berlin until the beginning of the 1970s at the processing office of the monopoly administration for spirits. The first file deliveries with balance sheets and annual reports (approx. 6 running metres) reached Koblenz in 1972 by air freight. The second levy (12 shelf units), of which 150 cartons had remained unprocessed until 2012, took place in 1986. The third and last levy of individual case files of the distilleries, which had remained with the monopoly administration, was taken over by the Federal Archives in Berlin in 1998. Content characterisation: Collection of newsletters 1932-1944, balance sheets 1919-1941, circulars 1919-1945, 1950-1952. Individual case files of distilleries (unlisted). State of development: Findbuch (1967) für Teilüberlieferung 21.05 Preliminary index for Teilüberlieferung R 81 Citation method: BArch, R 2105/...