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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XII. HA, I, Nr. 155 · Akt(e) · 1935 - 1944
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Enth. et al: - 1935: LXII/Nr. 263 (among others the historical march to the Feldherrnhalle on 9.11.) - 1939: LXVI/Nr. 292 (among others Germany takes up battle - Ribbentrops general account with Chamberlain) - 1940: LXVII/Nr. 46, 62, 127 (including generous old-age provision - Germany's struggle for its right to life - Hitler's appeal to the Western Front on the occasion of the invasion of Belgium and Holland) - 1941: LXVIII/Nr. 93, 142, 159, 160, 162/278, 342 (among others) Tenno emissary from Rome departed - air landing on Crete - lightning attack of German Stukas on the oil silos of Haifa - large scale economy in the new Europe - Japan will give proof of loyalty - Ribbentrop in Venice - Tymoshenko sacrifices last armies; decision made in the East - Together against the world enemy) - 1942: LXIX/Nr. 147, 267, 270, 275, 309, 311 (et al. Attack in Africa; Stukas in the Kharkov Battle - Roosevelt's troop aid sunk into the sea - Hitler to WHW 42/43 - Space and time on the German side - Roosevelt's gangster raid on France's colonial empire - march through France) - 1943: LXX/Nr. 1, 30, 31, 33, 50, 56, 81/154, 250, 273, 278, 309, 329 (Fight until the clear victory - Göring: heroic Germany is invincible - home is equal to the heroes on the Volga - heroic struggle in Stalingrad - USA defeat in Africa - Japanese offensive in Central China - Wehrmacht becomes fighting nation - strength of the German situation - causes and follow of the Italian betrayal - Spwjet attacks in the south and middle section - Hitler: Standing through to the final victory - Great success of the Japanese Air Force - Goebbels to the German youth) - 1944: LXXI/Nr. 1, 175/176, 178/197, 199, 201/216, 218/237 (among others) usual perseverance slogans of the different ministers and Hitlers - reports of heroic fights around Cherbourg and at the north French invasion front - V 1 a dangerous weapon - total war employment of the German people - new close combat means - the large defense battle with Kowel - Italy's way into the Chos - the allied air attacks on German cities - Soviet offensive between Tarnopol and Luzk; new large-scale attack in Italy - Japan's fleet on its way to victory - the one-man torpedo - assassination attempt on Hitler failed - increased total deployment of all forces - mobile warfare in the East - attack on Florence collapsed - mass flight from London - chaos in occupied Italy - The Vistula barrier is held - Turkey breaks with the Reich - Now only a war of movement in the West - Front retraction to protect Florence - Battle of tanks off East Prussia's border - The German farmer in total use - Icy reception of the Canadians in Florence - Battle of Europe before its climax; Allied landings in southern France - The German press in total war - St. Malo fallen - With Chartres enemy advances - Moscow's fault in the Warsaw Uprising - Total war effort is carried out - Securing the Seine Line - Paris burns in many places - De Gaulle to ensure order - Red mob triumphs in Rome);

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XII. HA, I, Nr. 156a · Akt(e) · 1934 - 1945
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Enth: - 1934: No. 214 (among others Hitler at Hindenburg's hospital camp) No. 215 (among others Hindenburg's death - Hitler calls the people to a vote on August 19) - 1935: No. 142 (including Hitler on Germany's attitude to world politics - duration of military service fixed at one year) - 1937: No. 257 (including Hitler's rousing congress speech against the Jewish-Bolshevik world threat) No. 365 (supplement: Chronicle of the World Political Year 1937) - 1938: No. 52 (Hitler's great speech, his message to the people and the world: gigantic successes in all fields - Party and Wehrmacht filled with fanatical will - recognition of Manchukuo - understanding with German-Austria - etc. ...) No. 72 (including the seizure of power in Vienna), only supplement No. 76 (including Hitler's triumphal entry into Berlin after annexation of Austria) No. 94 (only supplement: Dietrich Eckart celebration in Neumarkt) No. 100 (only supplement: Hitler again in Vienna) No. 124 (only supplement: Die Wehrmacht des italienischen Imperiums ) - Florenz - die Kunststadt am Arno) No. 127 (including Czech State Police continues to beat down Sudeten Germans - Rome under the sign of the fascist Wehrmacht and the Dopolavoro Festival) No. 201 (only supplement: The Beginning of the Spanish War - Hungary's Attachment to the Axis) No. 221 (only supplement: Moscow/Prague, the Threat against Peace) No. 269 (among others Hitler in the Sports Palace / Mussolini in Vicenza - pronunciation Chamerlain/Daladier) - 1939: No. 234 (including Non-Aggression Pact Germany/Soviet Union - Falange and Army in New Spain) No. 235 (only supplement: Danzigs Kampf ein Rechtskampf - Heldenehrung am Yserkreuz - Flüchtlinge aus Oberschlesien) No. 237 (including Poland's Army Ready to Defeat - War Preparations at the Whole German-Polish Border) No. 239 (including All Poland in War Fever - Chaos in Upper Silesia) No. 245 (among other things, fight against Poland recorded) No. 251 (only supplement: Hitler on the Eastern Front) No. 259 (among other things, Chamberlain convicted of conscious lie - Further advance in Poland - Hitler in Galicia) No. 262 (among other things, agreement between Berlin and Moscow over Poland - Polish campaign before the end) No. 271 (including Warsaw capitulated unconditionally - German-Soviet Russian changes) No. 273 (including Europe's Hour of Fate - Western powers bear responsibility for war or peace) No. 276 (only supplement: Unmistakable spoils of war) No. 276 (only supplement: "The Pact of War") 277 (only supplement: Ritterlicher Handelskrieg der deutschen Kriegsmarine) No. 303 (inter alia Swiss Government rejects London's lies because of alleged German plans of attack against Switzerland) No. 305 (inter alia Mussolini "replaces the guard" - Brauchitsch: Germany militarily and economically invincible) No. 306 (only supplement: among other things liberty demonstration in the new Warthegau No. 307 (only supplement: integration of former West Prussian territories into the new Reichsgau Danzig; celebration hour in the Marienburg) No. 306 (only supplement: among other things liberty demonstration in the new Warthegau No. 307; only supplement: integration of former West Prussian territories into the new Reichsgau Danzig; celebration hour in the Marienburg) 308 (e.g. German-Russian resettlement in the border areas - Hertzog's bitter declaration of war on Smuts) No. 311 (e.g. England planned bombing of Germany as early as 1936 - military parade on Red Square) No. 312 (among others German-Russian friendship serves the common interests of both powers) No. 347 (only supplement: The contents of the German White Paper/England's criminal policy destroyed the peace of Europe) No. 365 (only supplement: on the prehistory of the Second World War) - 1940: No. 27 (only supplement: military service plan of the HJ - Romania vigilantly pursues England's intrigues - British intrigues in South America) No. 44 (German-Russian economic agreement signed) No. 47 (only supplement: Thus London putschte the Polish rulers up) No. 53 (only supplement: British brutality against defenceless) No. 54 (only supplement: 10th anniversary of the death of Horst Wessels) No. 89 (among others the French peace plan - Darré to Budapest) No. 94 (among others Reynaud on the French-English war aims - VB discussion with Kennedy) No. 236 (among others Vollste Bewährung der deutsch-Russischen Zusammenarbeit - Wie Deutschland den Krieg finanziert)) No. 236 (among others full probation of the German-Russian cooperation - How Germany finances the war) No. 236 (among others Germany finances the war) 256 (inter alia mad game of the London war criminals - Growing difficulties in burning London) No. 257 (inter alia Göring on the Channel coast - 100 new fires in London) No. 265 (inter alia attack on Heidelberg - New fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 265 (inter alia attack on Heidelberg - New fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 265 (inter alia Göring on the Channel coast - 100 new fires in London) No. 265 (inter alia attack on Heidelberg - New fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 265 (inter alia Göring on the Channel coast - 100 new fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 265 (inter alia Göring on the Channel coast - 100 new fires in London) No. 265 (inter alia attack on Heidelberg - New fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 283 (among others gravedigger Churchill - reunion with Metz) No. 320 (only supplement: German volunteers in Italian East Africa) - 1941: No. 201 (only supplement: Bolshevik women shotguns - Romania celebrates liberation of Bessarabia) No. 253 (among others German flag over Kiev - heaviest Russian losses - paralyzing bewilderment in London) No. 264 (among other things help for Moscow physically limited) No. 283 (among other things campaign in the east decided - the military end of Bolshevism) No. 284 (among other things England's illusions destroyed by the catastrophe of the Soviet armies - southern Italy's new face) No. 286 (among other things in the east further ahead - radio: new tasks in the east) No. 288 (including over 3 million prisoners - England's aid: lies and promises) No. 306 (including Roosevelt's documents - grossest forgeries) No. 61 (only supplement and addendum: Bulgaria, new partner in the Three-Power Pact) - 1944: No. 245/247, 249/250 (only supplementary sheets: Sündermann zur Vorgeschichte des 3.9.1939 "Der erzwungene Krieg", a series, also 253 No. 222 (among others the judgement of the Volksgerichtshof on July 20) No. 259 (among others The American large-scale attack - fights in the run-up to the Western defence - backers in the spotlight) No. 260 (among other things the new measures for the total war operation - backers in the spotlight) No. 311 (among other things the battle in Lorraine continues - Russian freedom movement under General Wlassow) - 1945: No. 42 (among other things Moscow deported German workers) No. 46 (among other things Stalin dictated in Yalta permanent war - between Mosel and Saar) j ;