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ALMW_II._32_50 · Akt(e) · 1911-1963
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 50 1 - o.J. "Voices on the Conference" (ed.; 4 p.) - o.J. Klamroth: "Theses" (concerning Islam; ed.; 1 p.) - o.J. Gleiss: "Summary of Proposals concerning Religious Literature" (ed.; 1 p.) - 1911. Protocol on the Fourth Negotiating Day (typed; 5 p.) - o.O., o.J. Resolutions - Dar es Salaam 1911 "Agenda of the First German East African Missionary Conference" (ed.) - Mamba 1911 Room (Conference Report; handwritten; 15 p.) - Dar es Salaam 1911 "Minutes of the First German East African Missionary Conference" (handwritten; 15 p.) - Dar es Salaam 1936 "General German Evangelical Lutheran Missionary Conference including Augustana Synod". (Agenda, minutes; typed; 2 copies; 7 and 9 p.) - 1936 "Tanganyika Missionary Council" (printed; 10 p.) - Marangu 1936. Rother an Direktor - Bukoba o.J. Scholten: "Memorandum on the mission situation in East Africa" (typed; 11 and 17 p.; 2 copies). FICHE NO. 50 2 - Continued - Leipzig 1936. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother - Marangu 1936 "Minutes of the Meeting of the Commission for the Preparation of the Lutheran Missionary Church Federation for East Africa" (2x) - Marangu 1936. Bethel-Mission (Scholten) to Ihmels - Marangu 1936. Rother to Director - Leipzig 1937. ? to the members of the East Africa Commission (2 letters) - Berlin 1937 "Minutes of the meeting of the East Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day" - Bethel 1937. Bethel Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Augustana Synod - Mlalo 1937. Leistner to Küchler (2 letters) - Marangu 1937. Rother, Hosbach, Tscheuschner to the Lords of the Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day - Marangu 1937. Rother to Director (2 letters) - Leipzig 1937. ? (Küchler?) to Leistner (2 letters) - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Lilje (duplicate) - Berlin 1937. Braun to Küchler - Krummenhennersdorf 1937. ? (Küchler?) an Braun - Dar es Salaam 1937. Minutes of the meeting of the Preparatory Commission of the Missionary Church Federation (4x) - o.O., o.J. Statute of the Missionary Church Federation on Lutheran Basis for East Africa (3x) - Dar es Salaam 1937. Minutes of the meeting of the African Council of the Missionary Church Federation (3x) - Dar es Salaam 1937. Küchler an Kollegium der Leipziger Mission - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa. FICHE NR. 50 3 - Dar es Salaam 1937 Minutes of the meeting of the African Council of the Missionskirchenbund - Marangu, Berliner Missionsstation Pommern, Vudee 1937/38. Rother an Ihmels (9 letters) - Herrnhut 1937 "Minutes of the negotiations of the East Africa Commission of the D.E.M.". (German Evangelical Mission Days) - Leipzig 1937/38. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother (9 letters) - Herrnhut 1937. Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels - Bethel 1937. Ronicke to Ihmels - o.O. 1938. ? Rother "Kwa Wazee wa kuandaa Mkutano wa Kanisa" (Swahili) - Lwandai, Lushoto o.J. Lutheran Theological School: "A Study on the Topic: the training for the ministry in the Lutheran Church, Tanganyika, East Africa." (English; typewritten; 6 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Suggestions regarding the training of pastors for the Lutherian Churches in Tanganyika" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Lutheran Theological School. Curriculum" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Constitution. The Federation of Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika" - Lushoto 1952 "An Outline of the History of the Mission Church Federation" - Gonja 1938. Mdoe an Senior (Swahili) - Shigatini 1938. ? an Rother (Swahili) - Kidugala 1938 "Minutes of the 1st Kirchen-Bundestag" (typewritten; 6 p.) - Kidugala 1938 "Provisional Agenda of the Missionskirchenbundtag" - Neudietendorf 1938. "Minutes of the Meeting of the Home Council of the East African Missionary Church Federation on a Lutheran Basis" (2-fold) - Bethel 1938. Ronicke to Ihmels - Marangu 1938. Rother: "Report of the Covenant Warden of the East African Missionary Church Federation on his visit to the stations of the Bena and Condesynods of the Berlin Mission and the Brethren Church". (Typewritten; 9 p.) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Underhill - Mlalo 1938. Leistner to Küchler - Leipzig 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - o.O. 1940. "Visits to the western stations of the mountain" (typewritten; 5 p.) - Marangu 1940. "Minutes of the meeting of the Kirchentag committee" (typewritten; 3 p.). FICHE NO. 50 4- - continued - Marangu 1940. "Mkutano wa Wazee wa Kuandaa Mkutano Mkuu" (Swahili) - Mamba 1930. "Kawaida za kanisa" (typed; 6 p.) - Leipzig 1929. "Draft of a Church Constitution for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in East Africa" - o.o. 1939 "The Negotiations on the Reorganization of the School System in its Significance for Us" (Maschinegeschrieben; 8 p.) - o.o., o.J., o. Author "Utaratibu wa Kuonya na Kuongoza Wakristo jinsi utakavyotumika katika Ungamano la Makanisa ya Misioni ya Afrika ya Mashariki" (Swahili; typewritten; 4 p.) -o.O., o.J., o.Verf. "Draft of a Church Breeding Code for the Churches of the East African Missionary Church Federation on a Lutheran Basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.) - Berlin 1940 "Minutes of the Meeting of the Home Council of the East African Missionary Church Federation" - o.O. 1940. Gutmann (or without year and author): "Zur Fortentwicklung des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbund auf Lutherischer Basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 11 or 15 p.) - o.o. 1940. Gutmann: "Points of view on a draft of an instruction for the covenant keeper of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - o.o. 1950. Schiotz an "Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika that formerly were served by the Berlin, Bethel and Leipzig Mission Societies" (English) - Leipzig 1952. ? (Ihmels?) to Schiotz - Leipzig 1952. Ihmels: "The Missionskirchenbund auf lutherischer Grundlage für Ostafrika" (2fold) - o.O., o.J. Ihmels: "The East African Mission Church Federation on Lutheran Basis" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Statute of the East African Church Federation on Lutheran Basis" (English) - 1963. Copy from "In all the world".

Leipziger Missionswerk
Authorities, certificates, attestations 1929-1979
ALMW_II._32_NachlassMergner_2 · Objekt · 1929-1979
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Contains: - Moshi 1939. Certificate of Registration. Tanganyika Territory. Mrs. Mergner - Moshi 1937. Tanganyika Territory Driving Licence. Mr. Mergner - Erlangen 1947. Erlanger Central Office of the Leipzig Mission ("Mission Confirmation" for Mr. Mergner) - Erlangen 1948. Erlanger Central Office of the Leipzig Mission ("Official Certificate" for Mr. Mergner) - Munich 1948. Ev.-Landeskirchenrat ("Dauer-Dienstreisebescheinigung" for Mr. Mergner) - Erlangen 1948. Erlangen Central Office of the Leipzig Mission ("Arbeits-Ausweis" for Mr. Mergner) - Leipzig 1938. Contract between the College of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission and Mrs. Mergner - Leipzig 1938. Contract between the College of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission and Mrs. Mergner - Leipzig 1938. Contract between the College of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission and Mrs. Mergner - Leipzig 1938.luth. mission and Mr. Mergner - Würzburg 1929: "Certificate of the examination board in Würzburg about the dental preliminary examination of the student of dentistry" for Zill - Lippstadt 1931. Ev. hospital (certificate for Mr. Mergner; 2-fold) - Ludwigslust 1931. Diakonissenkrankenhaus Stift Bethlehem (certificate for Mr. Mergner) - Leipzig 1932. Ev.luth. mission (service certificate for Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1938. Ev.-luth. mission (service certificate for Mrs and Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1947. Ev.-luth. mission (certificate for Mr Mergner; 4fold) - Hamburg 1948. social security authority. Flüchtlingsfürsorge (Bescheinigung für Herrn Mergner) - Würzburg o.J. Lebenslauf Mr Mergner (3fach) - Braunschweig 1947. Mr Mergner to the Spruchkammer der Ärzte des Staates Braunschweig - Braunschweig 1948. Denazification Committee for Doctors to the Erlanger Zentralstelle der Leipziger Mission - Würzburg 1948. The public plaintiff of Spruchkammer IV to Mr Mergner - Würzburg 1948. The public plaintiff of Spruchkammer IV ("Order"; 2-fold) - Würzburg 1948. Spruchkammer IV (Administrative fee) - Braunschweig 1948. Mr Mergner ("Affidavit" for Günther) - Darmstadt 1947. ? "('Affidavit' for Mr Mergner) - o.O. 1947. Ground staff to the Denazification Commission of the Government (concerning 'request for denazification' by Mr Mergner; with accompanying letter to Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1947. Ihmels (certificate for Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1947. Ihmels (certificate for Mr Mergner; 4 copies) - Fischbeck 1947. Kremz (certificate for Mr Mergner; 2 copies; transcripts) - Göttingen 1947 Weber (certificate for Mr Mergner; 2 copies; transcripts) - Löhne 1948 Winkelmann (declaration for Mr Mergner; 3 copies; transcripts) - Handschriftliche Zeugnisse für Mergner (transcripts?) - Baviaanspoort 1943 Mergner / Hoffmann (certificate for medical instruction for course "B") - o.O., o.J. "Supplement to the Application for Immediate Aid from Dr. Friedrich Mergner" (handwritten and typewritten) - Nürnberg-Katzwang 1979. Mergner: "Wie es zur Minderversicherung meines Alters kam" (How the Underinsurance of my Age came about) (typewritten; 6 p.)

Bacmeister, Walter
ALMW_II._32_38 · Akt(e) · 1920-1921
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE No. 38 also contains: - Fiche No. 38 2 ca. 45 photographs - Fiche No. 38 3 letter by Sakaria Urio from Nkoaranga 1920 (Swahili?); by Friedrich gen. Lieblinger, Nkoaranga 1920 (Swahili?) - Reports, Negotiations with National Lutheran Council, New York

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_54 · Akt(e) · 1934-1941
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 54 1 - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Foreign Office - Machame 1934. Room to German Consulate (2 letters) - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Leipzig Mission (Ihmels, Gutmann, Room) (3 letters, partly 2-fold) - Nairobi 1934. Certificate of the German Consulate (2-fold) - Same 1935. District Office an Leipziger Mission (English; 3 letters) - Machame 1935. Chairman of the conference of the Lutheran Missions in Tanganyika Territory (room) an Director of Education (English; 2 letters) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Education Department an Raum (English; 2 letters) - Shigatini 1935. Schomerus an Senior - Gonja 1935. Guth "Gonja-Schulen, die nicht auf Miss. Land is standing" - Mbaga 1935. Nüssler "List of schools of the station Mbaga not standing on land belonging to the mission" - Vudee 1935. Suppes "List of schools of the station Vudee not standing on land belonging to the mission" - n.d. "List of village schools in Pare" - Machame 1934. Room to Augustana Lutheran Mission - Kinyangiri 1935. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to room (English) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Barclays Bank to room (English) - Machame 1935. Room to Governor of Tanganyika Territory (English) - Masai 1935. District Office to Pätzig (English) - Leipzig 1931. Copy of a statement by Ihmel or the College (English) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Secretariat to Leipzig Mission (English; 2-fold)) - o.O., o.J. "List of the landed properties of the Leipzig Lutheran Mission in the Pare District" - Gonja 1935. Guth (list of mission properties) - Marangu 1935. Rother an Senior - Moshi 1935. Gutmann an Senior - Mbaga 1935. Nüssler an Senior - Shigatini 1935. Schomerus an Senior - Shira 1935. Becker (list of buildings on mission property) - Machame 1935. room to District Officer (English) - Lwandai 1935. Rosarius to room - Mwika 1935. Eisenschmidt to Senior - Mamba 1935. Fritze to room - Moshi 1935. District Officer to Leipzig Mission (English) - Machame 1935/36. room to District Officer (English; 3 letters) - o.O., o.J. "List of the landed property of the Leipzig Lutheran Mission in the Moshi District" - Dar es Salaam 1935. Education Department an Raum (English) - Dar es Salaam 1936. Department of Lands and Mines an Augustana Synode (English; copy) - Kinyangiri 1936. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Magney) an Raum (English; 2 letters) - Machame 1936. Room to Magney (English) - Dar es Salaam 1936. Barclays Bank to Rother (English) - Marangu 1936. Rother to Inspector - Leipzig 1936. Ihmels to Gutmann (3 letters) - 1936. Ihmels: "General Power of Attorney" for Gutmann, Schwär, Rother, Fritze (English; 2 times) - Moshi 1936. ? to Haywood (English) - Moshi 1936. Haywood

Leipziger Missionswerk
Domestic and foreign policy, vol. 1
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 666 · Akt(e) · 1890-1906
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

113 sheets, Contains and others: - Proposals of Baroness Thecla von Felsentorff, née Ekenstam, a relative of the Minister Langerheim in Berlin, for the evening leisure activities during Wilhelm II's next stay in Rome, Handschreiben, Rome, 14 April 1893 - Reflections of Wilhelm II on the development of English and German industry, on the exploitation of the workforce (can die on the dung) and on its needs (security, precautions, etc.)) and participation, the formation of trade unions in England, the far-reaching rejection of this civilizing task in Germany (good examples Krupp, Stinnes), the relationship of the working class to social democracy and then to anarchy, about the demand for and deficit of German industry in perceiving the needs of the working class. Comparison with the troop, the care of the captain for the wishes and thoughts in relation to the surrender to the sergeant and non-commissioned officer (13 points, handwritten, no D.) - Selection of the president of the consort Ernst von Weyrauch in Kassel as the undersecretary of state in the ministry of education and cultural affairs, by Wilhelm II. as President of the Protestant Upper Church Council, April 20, 1890 [with Wilhelms II's marginal remarks: "Right! shows once again that first of all I am not as stupid as the Ministers sometimes hold me, secondly that I always take a good look at my people beforehand"]. - Submission of naval tables by Freiherr von Senden, Jan. 1895 - Schiffbau 1893/1894 nach der Statistik von Lloyds. Comparison Handeschiffe/Kriegsschiffe Deutschland, Russland, Frankreich, Vereinigte Staaten, handwritten Wilhelm II - New construction and requirements for 1895 of battleships, armoured ships, cruisers, torpedo boats in England and France - Names of battleships in England, Russia, France and Italy, 1895. Schiffsbau 1893 - Handzeichnung des Schlachtschiffs Hannibal, 14900 tons. Armor, orders, concern in England about conditions in East Asia. Hand-drawn drawing and explanations by Wilhelm II - Statements by Georg Cardinal von Kopp, Beslau, on the Pope's rejection of a congratulatory telegram to Bismarck (April 1, 1895), March 1895 - Request for support from a wife of Sarlaghy by the Nationalgalerie for the purchase of a painting (large self-portrait with palette) by the Nationalgalerie due to the financial claims of her husband on the occasion of her intended divorce, 7th ed. Nov. 1895 - Statements by Georg Cardinal von Kopp, Beslau, about the forthcoming reoccupation of the archbishop's chair in Freiburg in Baden and the possibility of influence by the emperor, 14th century. April 1897 - Project for a federation to combat social democratic tendencies, proposals of the Prussian envoy in Stuttgart, Theodor von Holleben, 21 April 1897, possible meeting on the occasion of the emperor's trip to Wiesbaden, 29 April 1897. April 1897 - Communications and reporting on the Greek-Turkish war, Larissa, 2 May 1897 - Announcement of the incognito stay of Theodor von Holleben in the Hotel Taunus at Wiesbaden railway station, 14 May 1897 - Statements of the envoy in Stuttgart, Theodor von Holleben, about his diplomatic use. Changes in the Reich offices, replacement of the post in Stuttgart, proposal of the Japanese envoy Shuzo Aoki to establish embassies in Berlin and Tokyo, possible occupation of this post with Theodor von Holleben. Formerly not realized assignment to China in the first Japanese-Chinese war (1894/95), July 6, 1897 - agreement Georg Cardinal von Kopps, Beslau, with the judgement of the emperor, Johannesberg/Jauernig, Austrian Silesia, July 6, 1897 - preparation of water maps and assistance for the Silesian flood area. Capsizing of the torpedo boat S 26 on 22 Sept. 1897 in a storm in the Elbe estuary and death of seven crew members, 25 Sept. 1897 - Regulation of the secret telegram traffic and cipher for the secret correspondence between Wilhelm II. and Sultan Abdülhamid II. (Yildiz Palace / Constantinople [from 1930 officially Istanbul]) via its First Secretary of the Palace, Tashin Bay, [as of 26 November 1898] - Amendment of the Fleet Law. including Handwritten letter by Viceadmiral Alfred (from 1900 by) Tirpitz and newspaper reports, Dec. 1899 - Initiative of Friedrich von Bodelschwingh, Bethel near Bielefeld, for a petition "The German people to their emperor" to end the (second) Boer War, Feb. 1901. In doing so, petition (duplicate) and telegram to the head of the Civil Cabinet Lucanus "Place me tomorrow evening 6 o'clock. bodelschwingh" - Report of the First Lieutenant in the Imperial Protection Force for South West Africa Georg von Stillfried-Rattonitz about his views concerning the question of natives and military conditions in South West Africa in the last two years, December 12, 1904 [with marginal remarks of Wilhelm II] - Letter of the Hand [Axel] Varnbühlers [von und zu Henningen] to Wilhelm II, among other things about his escape from the "Yellow Danger" and statements about the succession of the Württemberg Minister of Culture in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the resignation of the Württemberg Foreign Minister Julius von Soden, 27 June 1906 - Ludwig Quidde, Eine Studie über römischen Caesarenwahnsinn. 3rd Aufl. Leipzig [1894]. Separate print from the "Society". Journal for art, literature and social policy. Anonymous suspicion of majesty insult, no date.

NA Wundt/2/II/4/Db/31 · Akt(e) · 1913/1918
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

Excerpts on the psychology of peoples, especially on the law in antiquity and with different primitive peoples. Excerpted treatises in detail:1.) Malinowski: The family among the Australian aborigines. London, 1913 [p. 1-41];2.) Stuhlmann: With Emin Pasha into the heart of Africa. Berlin: Reimer, 1894 [p. 43-96];3.) several essays by Kohlers in the Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft on Burmese, ancient, Celtic, Togolese and Melanesian law [p. 97-127];4.) Bernhöft: Marriage and inheritance law of the Greek heroic period. An article on the prehistory of European family law, in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 11 (1896), p. 321-364 [p. 128-138].at the end of the notebook [p. 144-145] is a table of contents of the preceding excerpts.parts of the records are processed in later works of Wundts, e.g. possibly in:Wilhelm Wundt: Völkerpsychologie: eine Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte. Volume 9: The Law. Leipzig: Kröner, 1918.

NA Wundt/2/II/4/D/41 · Akt(e) · 1902/1918
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

Records, notes and excerpts on the psychology of peoples, in particular on society and law. Literature lists and short excerpts [p. 1-6], titles mentioned a.o.:a) Lipps: Basic facts of the soul's life. Bonn: Cohen, 1883;b) Lock: Experiment on the Human Mind;c) unnamed treatise by Höffding, presumably Höffding: Psychology in outlines based on experience. 2nd Aufl. Leipzig : Reisland, 1893;d) Beneke: Textbook of Psychology as Natural Science. 3rd Aufl. Berlin [a.o.]: Mittler, 1861;e) unnamed treatise by Volkmann;f) Rehmke: Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Psychologie. 2. edition] Leipzig: Kesselringsche Hofbuchhandlung, [1905];2.) Draft structure/chapter overviews of the 9th volume of "Peoples Psychology" (bibliogr. details see below) [p. 7,11];3.) Demolition of a "legal definition" of the railway [p. 6-8];4.) Notes, short excerpts and literature lists on various topics, including excerpts from Schmidt's treatise on Australian languages [p. 12-15];5.) Excerpts from ethnological-legalistic publications, e.g. by Spieth, Waitz (presumably "Anthropologie der Naturvölker") and Köhler (presumably Köhler: Das Banturecht in Ostafrika, in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 15 (1902), p. 1-83) [p. 17-26];6.) Varia, especially short references to literature.parts of the records are used in later works by Wundts, especially in:Wilhelm Wundt: Völkerpsychologie. A study of the developmental laws of language, myth and custom. 7-9th band. Leipzig: Kröner, 1917-1918.

Higher Appellate Court (Stock)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-3 · Bestand · 1820-1880
Teil von State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: The Oberappellationsgericht (OAG) of the four free German cities was established in Lübeck in 1820 as the joint supreme court of the cities of Frankfurt, Bremen, Hamburg and Lübeck. After the annexation of Frankfurt by Prussia, the court remained the OAG of the free Hanseatic cities from 1867. With the establishment of the Federal Higher Commercial Court in Leipzig, it lost a substantial part of its competences. It was dissolved in 1879 and found its successor in the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg. The OAG was the general court of third instance for the cities involved. It also negotiated matters of exit between princes of the German Confederation. In addition, it was the examination commission for the lawyer candidates from Bremen since 1821, from Lübeck since 1826, from Frankfurt since 1858 and from Hamburg since 1870. Archiving history: The trial files and the examination files for the lawyer candidates were distributed to the four participating cities in 1952, after Lübeck had already received the administrative files in 1936. The retroconversion of the data took place in 2012. The inventory is to be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 211-3 Higher Appeal Court, No. ... . Description of the holdings: The Oberappellationsgericht (OAG) of the four free cities of Germany was established in Lübeck in 1820 as the joint supreme court of the cities of Frankfurt, Bremen, Hamburg and Lübeck. After the annexation of Frankfurt by Prussia, the court remained the OAG of the free Hanseatic cities from 1867. With the establishment of the Federal Higher Commercial Court in Leipzig, it lost a substantial part of its competences. It was dissolved in 1879 and found its successor in the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg. The OAG was the general court of third instance for the cities involved. It also negotiated matters of exit between princes of the German Confederation. Besides it was examination commission for the candidates for the bar from Bremen since 1821, from Lübeck since 1826, from Frankfurt since 1858 and from Hamburg since 1870. The trial files and the examination files for the candidates for the bar were distributed 1952 to the four cities involved, after Lübeck had received the administrative files already 1936. The Hamburg Best. contains 2182 trial files in civil matters and 133 in criminal matters. In civil law, the area of commercial law is dominant. In contrast to the trial files of the Reichskammergericht, the files of the OAG are not very productive, except from a legal point of view, due to the return of the evidence documents.

Investigation trip to the Ugueno Mountains
ALMW_II._MB_1894_17 · Akt(e) · 1894
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: Miss's report. Althaus in Mamba, 26. July 1894. Scope: S. 440-443* 449-453. Includes among others: - (SW: Miss. Althaus and Faßmann travel to the North Pare Mountains; meeting with chief chief Makoko) - (SW: negotiations; selection of a station place; description of the surrounding area; language speculations; return to Mamba)
Leipziger Missionswerk
Jimba Station in the Wakamba Mission
ALMW_II._MB_1895_29 · Akt(e) · 1895
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to a report by Miss Kämpf in Jimba, June 26, 1895. Scope: pp. 420-423. Includes among others: - (SW: Letter from Miss. Wenderlein; describes adultery; lifestyle of the locals; earthquake; mission work)

Leipziger Missionswerk
Kapp, Wolfgang (existing)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Kapp, W. · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1st Biographical Information on Wolfgang Kapp Wolfgang Kapp was born in New York on July 24, 1858, the son of the lawyer Friedrich Kapp, who had played an important role in the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1848 and had to emigrate to the United States because of his participation in the Baden uprising. Wolfgang Kapp's mother was Louise Engels and was the daughter of the Major General and Commander of Cologne Engels. The family was originally called d'Ange and immigrated from France to Germany in 1687 after the Edict of Nantes. In 1870 Friedrich Kapp returned to Germany with his family; he lived in Berlin and was a national liberal, later a liberal member of the Reichstag from 1872-1877 and 1881-1884; he also worked as a renowned historian. Friedrich Kapp died in 1884, his son Wolfgang studied in Tübingen and Göttingen. He completed his studies in 1880 with a doctorate. Probably in 1881 Wolfgang Kapp married Margarete Rosenow, the daughter of a landowner in Dülzen (district Preußisch Eylau). After his marriage Kapp seems to have familiarized himself with the administration of a large agricultural business on his father-in-law's estate, because it was not until 1885 that he began his actual professional career as a trainee with the government in Minden. In 1886 he joined the Ministry of Finance, Department II, Administration of Direct Taxes, as a government assistant. From 1890 to 1899 he was district administrator in Guben. In 1890, at the beginning of his time as district administrator, Kapp bought the Rittergut Pilzen estate near the Rosenov estate and thus entered the circle of the East Prussian Great Agrarians. Out of his interest for the interests of agriculture a work of agricultural policy content arose in Guben, which attracted a great deal of attention in the Ministry of Agriculture, so that an appointment as a government council followed in 1900. Kapp was appointed to the I. Dept. Administration of Agricultural and Stud Affairs, Department of Agricultural Workers' Affairs, but during the era of Reich Chancellor von Bülow as Commissioner of the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture he was primarily active in the preparation of the customs tariff of 1902 and in the initiation of the new trade agreements of 1904-1906. Kapp gained his first foreign policy experience in negotiations with representatives of foreign countries. Kapp soon gained a closer relationship with the then Reich Chancellor von Bülow, with whom he shared similar political views. During his time at the Ministry of Agriculture, Kapp seems to have had ambitious plans for his future professional and political career and at least aspired to the position of district president. That his plans went even further can be seen from the recording of a conversation between Kaiser Wilhelm II and the General Field Marshal von der Goltz, in which the possibility of Kapp's successor in the Reich Chancellery was considered. However, this conversation, whose date lies between 1909 and 1911, took place at a time when Kapp had already left the Prussian civil service. The reason for his resignation from the Ministry of Agriculture seems to have been his annoyance at not taking his person into account when appointing district presidents. On 5 April 1906, the East Prussian countryside elected the owner of the Pilzen manor as general landscape director. It is very characteristic of Kapp's personality under what circumstances he became known in East Prussia through a trial he conducted against the landscape. The landscapes of the Prussian provinces were self-governing bodies and as such primarily representations of landowners. But the landscape also served as a representative body for state fiscal policy. Its real task, of course, lay outside the political sphere in granting credit to cooperatives. However, the credit policy has had a decisive influence on the distribution of property and the social structure of the provinces and has thus had political repercussions. Through the incorporation of agricultural banks and fire societies in the 19th century, the landscapes had become efficient organisations at provincial level. Kapp took on the new tasks with his own vehemence. He continued the landscape in the specified direction, primarily by developing the branch network of the Landschaftsbank, by merging the landscape with the East Prussian Feuersozietät, by granting more loans, particularly for small property, and by increasing the landscape funds. His policy was aimed at freeing agriculture, which was in a serious crisis at the beginning of the 20th century, from its dependence on state aid and enabling it to help itself by means of credit policy measures. In the course of these efforts, Kapp tackled three major tasks. First and foremost the question of agricultural debt relief, which the Prussian state initiated in 1906 with the law on the debt limit. Kapp was the first to try to make this framework law effective from the initiative of the parties themselves without further state aid by showing different ways of debt relief. The inclusion of life insurance as a means of reducing debt proved particularly effective. Instead of debt repayment, the premium payment was made to an agricultural life insurance company. This ensured that a certain amount of capital was available for debt reduction in the event of death. The second task resulted from the former. The desire to combine public-law life insurance with debt relief necessitated the creation of a number of public-law life insurance institutions, which were merged into an association chaired by Kapp. These facilities were especially designed to prevent the outflow of premium money from the countryside to the large cities, where it had been used especially for the construction of tenements. However, the outflow of capital was only one danger, the other was the rural exodus that began in the 19th century. He tried to strengthen small agricultural holdings with a colonization and agricultural workers' bill, which was accepted by the General Landtag in 1908. This measure was based on the recognition of the untenability of the institution of instants and deputants, who were in the closest dependence on the lord of the manor and who emigrated from this situation in masses to the large cities, where they strengthened the ranks of the industrial proletariat. The organ for settlement policy should be a landscaped settlement bank. The third task that Kapp set himself was the creation of a public-law national insurance scheme following the public-law life insurance scheme. This measure was primarily directed against the Volksversicherungsanstalt "Volksfürsorge", created by the Social Democrats, and was intended to secure capital for agricultural workers to buy their own farms by means of abbreviated insurance. These plans did not lead to the hoped-for success, but ended in a bitter feud with the private insurance companies, especially the Deutsche Volksversicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft. In addition to his functions within the East Prussian landscape, Kapp was also active in various other bodies. In December 1906 he was appointed to the Stock Exchange Committee of the Reichsamt des Innern and in 1912 to the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank. The First World War gave Kapp's life and work a whole new direction. Kapp's biography is too little researched to judge how far he had buried his ambitious plans, which apparently pushed him to the top of the Reich government, or postponed them only for a better opportunity. Although Kapp had been a member of the German Conservative Party since at least 1906, he did not take the path of an existing party to make a political career. This path probably did not correspond to his personality, described as authoritarian, ambitious and independent. He made the great leap into high politics through his sensational conflict with Reich Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg. In his memo of 26 May 1916 "Die nationalen Kreise und der Reichs-Kanzler", which he sent to 300 public figures, including Bethmann Hollweg himself, he sharply criticised what he considered to be the weak policy of the Reich Chancellor, to whom he v. a. accused him of his alleged pacting with social democracy, his reluctance to America and his rejection of the unrestricted submarine war demanded by extremely militaristic circles, but also of a false war economic policy. The sharp reaction of Bethmann Hollweg, who spoke in a Reichstag session of "pirates of public opinion", among others, who abused "with the flag of the national parties", Kapp perceived as a personal affront to which he reacted with a demand for a duel. On the contrary, Kapp had to take an official reprimand and his re-election as General Landscape Director, which had taken place in March 1916 on a rotational basis, was refused confirmation by the Prussian State Ministry. Since his friends held on to Kapp in the East Prussian landscape, he was re-elected in 1917. This time - since Bethmann Hollweg had been overthrown in the meantime - he was able to take up his post as general landscape director again. At first, the events of 1916 led him even more into politics. Here he expressed solidarity with a circle of extremely reactionary and aggressive military forces around General Ludendorff and Grand Admiral von Tirpitz, who pursued a ruthless internal perseverance policy that tightened up all the forces of the people and a policy of unrestrained annexation and total warfare towards the outside world. Emperor Wilhelm II, who in principle sympathized with this extreme direction, had to refrain from supporting this group out of various considerations of public opinion and the negative attitude of the party majorities in the Reichstag. Kapp and his comrades-in-arms assumed in their political ambitions the complete certainty of the German final victory. They closed their eyes to the already looming possibility of defeat for Germany, especially after America entered the war. The war and peace goals they represented, especially the annexation plans at the expense of Russia and Poland, which were later only surpassed by Hitler, were marked by uncontrolled wishful thinking that in no way corresponded to objective reality. His extreme attitude drove Kapp into a blind hatred against any social and democratic movement; his fierce opposition against social democracy was mainly based on the legend of the dagger thrust against the imperialist Germany struggling to win. This military and National Socialist sharpening, for which Kapp found moral and financial support in certain circles of military leadership, but also among a number of university professors, writers, local politicians, agriculturalists, industrialists and bankers, culminated in the founding of the German National Party, which took place on 2 September 1917 (the "Sedan Day") in the Yorksaal of the East Prussian landscape. Although Kapp was clearly the spiritus rector of this "collection party", two other persons were pushed into the foreground, intended for the eyes of the public: These were the Grand Admiral von Tirpitz as 1st chairman and Duke Johann Albrecht von Mecklenburg as honorary chairman of this party. The German Fatherland Party did not seek seats in the Reichstag, but saw itself as a pool of national forces to bring about Germany's final victory. The statute provided for the immediate dissolution of the party once its purpose had been achieved. In addition to mobilising all forces to achieve military victory, Kapp's founding of the party also had another purpose that was not made so public. Tirpitz, then 68 years old, was to be launched as a "strong man" to replace the "weak" chancellors Bethmann Hollweg and Michaelis. It was obvious that in this case Kapp would join the leadership of the imperial government as advisor to the politically ultimately inexperienced Grand Admiral. The November Revolution of 1918 and the immediate surrender of Germany put an abrupt end to these lofty plans. But Kapp and his friends did not admit defeat. Although the German Fatherland Party was dissolved in December 1918, it was immediately replaced by a new party, the German National People's Party, which developed into a bourgeois mass party during the Weimar Republic, but no longer under Kapp's leadership. After the fall of the Hohenzollern monarchy, Kapp immediately opposed the revolution and the Weimar Republic. He could not or did not want to accept the social and political conditions that had arisen in the meantime; his goal was clearly the restoration of pre-war conditions. The sources, which were only incomplete at that time, do not show when the idea of a coup d'état was born and how the conspiracy developed in all its branches. A close associate of Kapp's, Reichswehrhauptmann Pabst, had already attempted a failed coup in July 1919. Together with Kapp, Pabst created the "National Unification" as a pool of all counter-revolutionary forces and associations. This Reich organisation was to coordinate the preparations for the coup in Prussia and Bavaria, while Kapp was to develop East Prussia into the decisive base of counterrevolution. From here, with the help of the Freikorps operating in the Baltic States, the Reichswehr and the East Prussian Heimatbund, whose chairman was Kapp, the survey was to be carried to Berlin with the immediate aim of preventing the signing of the Versailles Treaty. The approval of the Versailles Treaty by the parliamentary majority has created a new situation. Now Ludendorff, one of the co-conspirators, proposed to carry out the coup directly in Berlin, whereby the Baltic people, who were disguised as work detachments on the large Eastern Elbe goods, were to take over the military support. Meanwhile, the conspirators, headed by Kapp and Reichswehr General Lüttwitz, tried to gain the mass base absolutely necessary for the execution of the coup d'état through a broad-based nationalist smear campaign. The company was already at risk before it could even begin. Kapp had demanded that his military allies inform him at least 14 days before the strike so that he could make the necessary political preparations. That the coup d'état had just begun on 13 March 1920 depended not so much on carefully considered planning, but on coincidences that were not predictable. One of the reasons for the premature strike was the dissolution of the Freikorps, especially the Ehrhardt Brigade, decided by the Reich government. This revealed the fact that, in the absence of a party of their own, the conspirators were unable to avoid relying on the loose organization of the resident defence forces, which to a certain extent were also influenced by social democracy. The whole weakness of the company was evident in the question on which forces the new government should actually be based. While the military saw an arrangement with the strongest party, social democracy, as unavoidable, Kapp categorically rejected pacting with social democracy. He wanted to put the Social Democrat-led government as a whole into protective custody. But now the government was warned; for its part, it issued protective arrest warrants against the heads of the conspirators and left Berlin on March 12. In the early morning of March 13, the Navy Brigade Ehrhardt marched into Berlin without encountering armed resistance, as would have been the duty of the Reichswehr. Kapp proclaimed himself Chancellor of the Reich and began with the reorganisation of the government. The order of the new rulers to arrest the escaped imperial government and to remove the state government if they did not stand on the side of the putschists was only partially executed by the local commanders. The proclamation of the general strike on 13 March and the reports arriving from the most important cities and industrial centres about joint actions of the working class prompted the indirect supporters of Kapp, the large industrialists and the Reichswehr generals, to adopt a wait-and-see attitude. Kapp had to see the hopelessness of his company. Eyewitnesses reported that Kapp had spent almost 3 days of his time as Chancellor of the Reich "with gossip". On March 15, the "adventure" was over. Kapp apparently stayed hidden with friends near Berlin for some time after the failed coup and then flew to Sweden in a provided plane. Here he initially lived under different false names in different places, at last in a pension in Robäck, but was soon recognized and temporarily taken into custody. The Swedish government granted asylum to the refugee, but he had to commit himself to refrain from all political activities. When the high treason trial against the heads of the March company in Leipzig began, Kapp was moved by the question of his position in court. At first, he justified his non-appearance with the incompetence of the Ebert government and with the constitution, which in his opinion did not exist. Kapp said that there was no high treason in the legal sense against the "high treason" of social democracy. When in December 1921 one of the co-conspirators, the former district president of Jagow, was sentenced to a fortress sentence by the Imperial Court, Kapp changed his mind. Still in Sweden he worked out a justification for the process ahead of him, in which he denied any guilt in both an objective and a subjective sense. On the contrary, he intended to appear before the court with a charge against the then government. It didn't come to that anymore. Kapp had already fallen ill in Sweden. At the beginning of 1922 he returned to Germany and was remanded in custody. On 24 April 1922, he underwent surgery in Leipzig to remove a malignant tumour from the left eye. Kapp died on 12 June 1922; he was buried on 22 June at the village churchyard in Klein Dexen near his estate Pilzen. 2. inventory history The inventory, which had been formed in its essential parts by Kapp himself, was transferred by the family to the Prussian Secret State Archives as a deposit in 1935. Here the archivist Dr. Weise started already in the year of submission with the archival processing, which could not be completed, however. In the course of the repatriation of the holdings of the Secret State Archives, which had been removed during the Second World War, the Kapp estate was transferred to the Central State Archives, Merseburg Office. In 1951, Irmela Weiland, a trainee, classified and listed the stock here. As a result of the processing a find-book was created, which was until the new processing in the year 1984 the kurrente find-auxiliary. 1984 the stock was to be prepared for the backup filming. It turned out that the processing carried out in 1951 did not meet today's archival requirements, so that a general revision was considered necessary. The graduate archivists Renate Endler and Dr. Elisabeth Schwarze rearranged and simply listed the holdings according to the principles of order and indexing for the state archives of the German Democratic Republic, Potsdam 1964. The found file units were essentially retained, in individual cases they were dissolved and new indexing units were formed. In addition, 0.50 m of unprocessed documents were incorporated into the estate. The old regulatory scheme, which was essentially broken down chronologically, was replaced by a new regulatory scheme based on Kapp's areas of activity. In the course of the revision, the portfolio was re-signed. The relationship between the old and the new signatures was established through a concordance. The new find book replaces the previously valid find book from 1951. The stock is to be quoted: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Wolfgang Kapp, No... 3) Some remarks on the content of the holdings The Kapp estate contains 7.50 running metres of archival material from the period from 1885 to 1922, including some earlier and later individual pieces. The holdings mainly contain documents from Kapp's official and political activities, to a lesser extent also correspondence within the family and documents from the administration of the Knights' Manor Pilzen. The density of transmission to the individual sections of Kapp's professional and political development is quite different. While his activities with the Minden government, in the Prussian Ministry of Finance and as district administrator in Guben are relatively poorly documented, there is a rather dense tradition about his activities as director of the general landscape and as chairman of the German Fatherland Party. The documentation on the preparation and implementation of the coup shows gaps which can be explained, among other things, by the fact that important agreements were only reached orally at the stage of preparing the coup. Moreover, Kapp, who had to flee hastily to Sweden after the coup d'état failed, was no longer able to give this part of his estate the same care as the former one. Overall, however, it is a legacy of great political importance and significance. Merseburg, 2. 10.1984 signed Dr. Elisabeth Schwarze Diplomarchivar Compiled and slightly shortened: Berlin, April 1997 (Ute Dietsch) The clean copy of the find book was made by Britta Baumgarten. Note After the reunification of the two German states, the Merseburg office was closed, the archival records and thus also the Kapp estate were returned to the Secret State Archives in Berlin (1993). From the inventory maps, this reference book was created after maps that no longer existed were replaced (post-distortion of files). XIII Bibliography (selection) Bauer, Max : March 13, 1920 Berlin 1920 Bernstein, Richard : Der Kapp-Putsch und seine Lehren. Berlin 1920 Brammer, Karl : Five days of military dictatorship. Berlin 1920 Documents on the Counterrevolution using official material: The same: Constitutional Foundations and High Treason. According to stenographic reports and official documents of the Jagow trial. Berlin 1922 Erger, Johannes : The Kapp-Lüttwitz Putsch. Düsseldorf 1967 Falkenhausen, Fri. from : Wolfgang Kapp. In: Conservative Monthly July/August 1922 Kern, Fritz : Das Kappsche Abenteuer. Impressions and findings. Leipzig/Berlin 1920 Könnemann, Erwin : Residents' Weirs and Time Volunteer Associations. Berlin 1971 Noske, Gustav : From Kiel to Kapp. Berlin 1920 Rothfels, Hans : Article "Wolfgang Kapp" in: Deutsches biogra- phisches Jahrbuch Bd 4 (1922) Berlin/Leipzig 1929, correspondence. 132-143 (Here also a drawing of the works Kapps) Schemann, Ludwig : Wolfgang Kapp and the March company. A word of atonement. Munich/Berlin 1937 Taube, Max : Causes and course of the coup of 13 March 1920 and his teachings for the working class and the middle classes. Munich 1920 Wauer, W. : Behind the scenes of the Kapp government. Berlin 1920 Wortmann, K. Geschichte der Deutschen Vaterlandspartei In: Hallische Forschungen zur neueren Geschichte. Volume 3, Hall 1926 Contents I. Introduction Page II 1 Biographical Information on Wolfgang Kapp Page II 2 History of the Collection Page X 3 Some Remarks on the Content of the Collection Page XI 4 Literature in Selection Page XIII II Structure of the Collection Page XIV III Collection Page XVII (Order Numbers, Title, Duration Page 1-106)) XVII III. holdings (order numbers, file title, duration) Description of holdings: Lebenssdaten: 1858 - 1921 Finds: database; find book, 1 vol.

Letter from Mrs and Mr Mergner 1937-1953
ALMW_II._32_NachlassMergner_4 · Objekt · 1937-1953
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Contains: - Würzburg 1941. Ms Mergner to "Missionary" - Würzburg 1941. Ms Mergner to "Director" - Baviaanspoort 1942. Ms Mergner to Consul for Spain (concerning "repatriation to Germany"; English) - Norton 1946. Mergner an Krems - Baviaanspoort 1940/41. Mergner an Stebut (2 letters) - Katzwang 1953. Mergner an Schieder - Baviaanspoort 1940. Mergner, Gromelski an "Director of Internment Camps" (English; copy) - o.O. (probably Baviaanspoort) 1943. Mergner to Commandant (English) - o.O., o.J. Mergner to "Chief Control Officer" (English) - Würzburg 1937. Mergner to Mühlens - Katzwang 1949. Mr Mergner to Schieder

Bacmeister, Walter
Management Reports No. 81
BArch, R 1507/2018 · Akt(e) · 1. Dez. 1922
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Adler und Falken, page 10, 54-57 Alldeutscher Verband, page 51, 53-57, 166 Allgemeiner deutsch-völkischer Turnverein, page 12 Antikommunistische Weltliga, page 48-50 Antisemitismus, page 11, 12, 142, 153-155, 157, 168-169 Arndt-Hochschule, Page 166 Enlightenment Committee concerning the question of war guilt, page 166 Bavarian Homeland and King's League, page 51 Bavarian Order Book, page 51, 166 Bismarck Order, page 10, 53-57 Braver Heiderich, page 11 Bremen Hansa, Page 166 Brigade Ehrhardt, page 6 Bund Bayern und Reich, page 51 Bund der Aufrechten, page 9, 53-57 Bund der Getreuen, page 9 Bund der Kaistreuen, page 11 Bund Deutschland, page 10 Bund für Freiheit und Ordnung in Berlin und Umgebung, page 104-107, 166 Bund Jungdeutschland, page 166 Bund Oberland, page 9 Bund zur Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft, page 51 Christian-Völkische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, page 166 Deutschbund, page 10, 166, 169 Deutsche Vereinigung, page 166 Deutscher Bund e. V., Page 141 German National Teachers Association, page 166 German National Association for Austria, page 166 German Nordic Society, page 167 German National Working Group, page 51 German National Youth, page 9 German National Protection and Defence Association, Page 6, 9, 51-58, 142, 153-155 Eos, page 11 Fichtegesellschaft, page 167 Flottenbund deutscher Frauen, page 167 Frauenbund zur Wahrung der deutschen Ehre für unsere Kinder, page 167 Friesen-Sachsenbund, page 167 Frontkriegerbund e. V., Page 51 Germanenhort, Page 167 Hermannsbund, Page 10 Hochschulring Deutscher Art, Page 9, 53-57, 167 Interessengemeinschaft deutscher Heeres- und Marineangehöriger, Page 51 Junglehrerbund Baldur, Page 10, 54-57 Jungnationaler Bund, Page 11 Knappenschaft, Page 12, 54-57 Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Page 11, 51, 63, 142, 145, 153-155, 168-170 National Association of German Officers, Page 9, 51, 54-57, 167 National Association of German Soldiers, Page 7-8, 21-22 Niedersachsenring, Page 10, 54-57 Self-Defense Association, Page 10 Organisation Consul, Page 6-7, 9, 18-20, 153-155 Organisation Escherich, Page 11 Organisation Rossbach, Page 11, 170 Prussian Federation, Page 167 Reichsbund deutscher Kriegsteilnehmer deutscher Hochschulen, Page 51 Reichsbund ehemaliger Kadetten, Page 11, 54-57 Reichsbund black-white-red, page 11 Reichsflagge, page 51 Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten, page 9, 53-57 Sturmabteilungen (SA) der NSDAP, page 168-169 Teja-Bund, page 10 Turnverein Theodor Körner, page 11 Verband der bayrischen Offizier-Regimentsvereine, page 51 Verband nationalegesinnter Soldaten, pages 6, 8-9, 21-22, 51 Verein ehemaliger Baltikumer, page 11 Verein Hindenburgehrung, page 167 Verein reichstreuer Männer, page 167 Vereinigte Vaterländische Verbände Deutschlands, page 166 Volksbund gegen Bolschewismus, page 167 Volkskraftbund, page 166 Wandervogel völkischer Art, page 11 Westvorstädtischer Sportverein Leipzig-Lindenau, pages 54-57 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), pages 31-33, 158-159 Aufstand und Aufstandagitation, pages 36-38, 63 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 30, 42-43, 135-136 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), page 31-33, 43, 47-48, 58-159, 163 Communist Party of Germany, page 17, 26-31, 36-41, 75-80, 83-85, 104-111, 115-136, 147-152, 158, 163 Organization Plättner, page 47-48 Political Prisoners, Work of the RHD, page 43-46 Proletarian Tribune, Page 81 Reich Association of the Unemployed, Page 158 Red Front Fighters Association, Page 161-162 Red Young Storm of the RFB, Page 9 Self-Protection Movement, Page 152 Soviet Film Society for Proletarian Culture, Page 81 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), Page 26-29 Disintegration Work of the KPD, Page 108, 132-134, 150-151, 163

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 77 B · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Introduction Welfare care is defined as planned care for the benefit of the general public and not as a profit-making activity for those in need or at risk. It can extend preventively or remedially to the health, moral or economic well-being. Welfare must be distinguished from welfare care (care is "provided", welfare care is "exercised"), since welfare deals with individual welfare measures. The cornerstones of welfare care are (a) health care, (b) occupational welfare with severely disabled care and (c) youth welfare as well as - if not covered by health care - infant care, maternal and young child protection, school child care, care for weak and sick children and vulnerable care. It also includes (d) housing care and (e) popular education, as well as public, general and special care to control and respond to the needs of individuals when other forms of welfare are not effective. The term "welfare police", which refers to the preventive activity of the police, proves the long-standing link between welfare work and public administration. The decisive change towards modern state welfare care took place through the economic, social and political changes brought about by industrialisation, which made new social security systems necessary for the developing class of free wage workers and their families. Since it began work, the Ministry of the Interior, as its field of work, understood the entire internal state administration in the broadest sense of the term "the changed constitution of the supreme state authorities" of 16 December 1808. Apart from finance, military and justice, these included the general police, the industrial police, the section for cult and public education, general legislation, medical matters and matters relating to mining, coins, salt production and porcelain manufacture, from which the departments A - general police, B - trade and industry, C - cultus and public education and D - postal service (since 3 June 1814 as general post office subordinate to the State Chancellor) emerged. Depending on their specificity, welfare work was subordinated to the various departments. When the Ministry of Culture, Education and Medicine was established with the Cabinet Order of 3 November 1817 and the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Public Works was created on 17 April 1848 by the Most High Decree, individual welfare measures also changed in their departments. For example, the "Ministry of Commerce" was supervised over occupational and housing care and the "Ministry of Culture" over health care and primary education. The Ministry of the Interior thus retained the youth welfare with the areas that were not subject to health care, as well as public (special) welfare. Youth Welfare includes all measures to strengthen young people (from birth to majority) physically, psychologically and socially. This includes health care as well as guardianship and protection of the foster children. The occupation with healthy young people is understood as youth care. The activities towards the endangered and neglected youth are carried out by the youth welfare, which is also the main object of the tradition recorded here. Until the I. After the Second World War, only guardianship and welfare education were regulated by law. The Reich Law for Youth Welfare of 9 July 1922 created a uniform basis for public youth welfare institutions. In addition, the newly created youth welfare offices were given the function of both the overall supervision of private activities in this field and a link between private organisations and public welfare. Prior to this, the Ministry of People's Welfare was established on 1 November 1919, reassembling the responsibilities that were divided up among the individual ministries in the course of the 19th century. This in turn changed with the dissolution of this authority on December 1, 1932, whose tasks were taken over by the Prussian Ministry of Economics and Labour. However, prior to the establishment of the Ministry of People's Welfare, matters already within the Ministry of the Interior's area of responsibility fell back to the Ministry. Nevertheless, the tradition discovered here was part of the holdings of the I. HA Rep. 191 Ministry of Public Welfare, which comes from donations to the Prussian Secret State Archives of the years 1931 to 1938, which during the Second World War, along with other archival material, was outsourced and, after its recovery, was transferred to the Central State Archives of the German Democratic Republic - Merseburg branch. In the course of a revision in 1977/78, it was decided to dissolve the holdings there. Apart from the tradition of the Prussian State Commissioner for the Regulation of Welfare, the file material was again transferred to the written tradition of those ministerial authorities which had already been entrusted with these tasks before the Ministry of People's Welfare was founded or after its dissolution. A decade after the 1993/94 holdings were returned to the GStA PK, the still unprocessed materials of the Ministry of People's Welfare, which fell under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior, were now sorted and recorded. However, in contrast to the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Trade and Commerce and the Ministry of Finance, the documents were not integrated directly into individual groups of files. Rather, the partial stock was left as such. In addition to its focus on youth welfare with the provisions of the Reichsjugendwohlfahrtsgesetz, the Fürsorgeerziehung mit Fürsorgepersonal or the Erziehungsanstalten und -vereinen, it also contains documents on welfare offices, which were not only responsible for youth welfare offices, but also, for example, subsidies for small pensioners. The Ministry experienced an extension of its competence with regard to the newly defined borders of the Prussian state through the Versailles Treaty, in which the affected areas of the individual parts of the country were now also supported. The collection contains archival documents from the period 1806 to 1936 and has an extent of approx. 31 running metres. How to order and quote: The archives listed here are stored in the Westhafen external magazine. Therefore, the yellow order forms must be used and waiting times must be accepted for operational reasons. The archives can be ordered as follows: I. HA Rep. 77 B, No. - to quote: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 77 B Ministry of the Interior, Volkswohlfahrt, Nr. Last assigned number: Handling of the finding aid In principle, the finding guide is arranged within the classification groups according to the order numbers. However, in some groups - especially in those under the classification point "Individual educational institutions and associations in Prussia and other regions" - there are jumping numbers, because for reasons of clarity additionally an order according to place names or provinces or also according to the dating was made. Reference to other GStA PK holdings on this subject: 1) I. HA Rep. 76 Ministry of Culture VII new - primary education (each "A" in the individual sections) VIII B - younger medical registration, sparkling wine. 19 - Social training 2) I. HA Rep. 77 Ministry of the Interior Tit. 421 - School and Education Police Tit. 423 - Security Police, Gen. Tit. 491 - Prisoner (penal and reformatory) institutions Tit. 924 - Youth Care Dept. I, Sparkling Wine, Germany 19 - Social Policy and Insurance, Private Companies Section II, Sparkling Wine 27 - Private Companies and Associations Section IV, Sparkling Wine 9 - Charity and reformatories, East-West Division (here: support for border areas) 3) I. HA Rep. 84a Ministry of Justice 6.2.0[D] - Welfare in general ([D]: Dahlem component) 6.2.1[D] - Youth Welfare 9.1.4[D] - Implementation of the Versailles Peace Treaty C 6.4.2[M] - Welfare Education ([M]: Merseburg component) 4) I. HA Rep. 89 Secret Civil Cabinet, younger period 5.6 - Welfare Societies & Institutions, Foundations - Welfare Education 5) I. HA Rep. 151 Ministry of Finance I 4[D] - Volkswohlfahrt (here mainly: 4.1 - Jugendwohlfahrt und Fürsorgeerziehung) I B 38[D] - Jugendpflege I A, 7.2[M] - Auswirkungen des Friedensvertrages von Versailles I C, 7.3[M] - Erziehung (vereinzelt) I C, 8.7.1[M] - Volkswohlfahrt. General 6) I. HA Rep. 169 D Prussian Parliament X e - Child and youth care 7) I. HA Rep. 191 The Prussian State Commissioner for the Regulation of Welfare Literature Selection: - Binder, Thomas: Realization of core archive tasks using the example of the tradition "Ministry of the Interior, People's Welfare" from the GStA PK. Berlin, diploma thesis at the FH Potsdam 2006 - v. Bitter, Rudolf: Handwörterbuch der Preußischen Verwaltung. Berlin, W. de Gruyter 19283. Here: Article "Youth Welfare" and "Welfare". - Blum-Geenen, Sabine: Fürsorgeerziehung in der Rheinprovinz von 1871 bis 1933 Köln, Rheinland-Verlag 1997 - Henne-Am Rhyn, Otto[Red.]: Ritter's geographic-statistical encyclopedia []. Leipzig, Otto Wigand 1874, on which the information on the place names are based. - Marcus, Paul: The Prussian Ministry of People's Welfare (1919 - 1932). Prehistory, business, activity and dissolution as well as his tradition in the Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage. In: Generaldirektion der Staatl. Archive Bayerns[Ed.]: Archivalische Zeitschrift, 83rd vol., p. 93 - 137 Cologne, Weimar, Vienna, Böhlau 2000, Berlin, June 2005 T. Binder M. A. (Archivangestellter) finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.

ALMW_II._32_40 · Akt(e) · 1925-1945
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Nine fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 40 1 - Tanga 1925. room to college (report no. 1) - Machame 1925. room to college (reports no. 2, 3; 2 letters) - Machame 1925. room and Gutmann to college with transcript of room (report no. 4) - o.O., o.J. room "Exposition, read at the committee meeting at Moshi, ... 1925." (English) - Shira 1925. room and Gutmann to college (report No. 5) - Machame 1925. room to college (report No. 6; supplement: "Inventory of movable objects in the Mission House to Shira"; confidential transcript of room) - Machame 1925. room to college (report No. 7) - Masama 1925. Gutmann and room to college (report No. 8) - Machame 1925. Room (Report No. 9; Supplements: Mbaga Lutheran Mission 1925 an Raum - partly German and partly English; Machame 1925. Room and Gutmann an "the Missionaries of the Luth. Mission in Tanganyika") - Arusha 1925. Gutmann, Room an Kollegium (Report No. 10) - Nkoaranga 1925. Reusch, Room, Gutmann an Kollegium (Report No. 11) - Machame 1925. Room an Kollegium (Reports No. 12-15). FICHE NO 40 2 - Continued - Masama 1925 Room, Gutmann to College (Report No 16) - Annexes to Report No 18: Room an "the Missionareis of the Augustana-Synod"; Mamba Mission Station 1925 to Room (English); Marangu 1925. Anderson an Raum (English); "To the Missionareis of our Tanganyikafield" (copy) - Machame 1925. Room to College (Report No. 17-22) - 1925 / 1926. 3 Telegrams - Machame 1926. Room to College (Report No. 23-24, 27-34) - Masama 1926. Room, Gutmann to College (Report No 25) - Machame 1926. Room to College (Report No 26) - Minutes of Missionary Meeting Room, Blumer, Reusch in Arusha 1926 - Machame 1926. Room to Mission Director (4 letters) - Dar es Salaam 1926. Education Office an Raum (English) - Daressalaam 1926. Office of the director of medical and sanitary services an Secretary of the Ev. Luth. Mission Machame - "Medical Practioners and Dentists" No. 7, 1926 (printed). FICHE No. 40 3 - Continued (Report No. 34) - Machame 1926. Room to Mission Director (2 letters) - Machame 1926-1928. Room to College (Reports No. 35-45, 47-50, 52, 53, 55-57) - 1926. 2 telegrams - Attachment Report No. 37: Reusch, Room 1926 (concerning "Steppe Mission") - Supplement Report No. 38: "Approximate cost estimate of the East African Mission for the year 1927" - "Minutes of a meeting of the Merumissionare ... 1926 in Arusha" - Supplement to Report No. 42: Marangu 1927. Rother - Supplement to Report No. 40: "Summary of an interview with Mr. Raum at Machame" 1927. Marangu 1927. Rother an Raum - Supplement to Report No. 40: Shigatini 1926. Fokken (concerning profitability of the industrial school) - Marangu 1927. Discussion Raum, Gutmann, Rother (concerning the industrial school). Purchase of a plot of land; school programme: girls' school, central school and industrial school, teachers' question; furnishing of the station with furniture; "Own acquisition of school land") - Machame 1927. Rißmann to Kollegium (concerning Request for assistance to purchase a mule) - Arusha 1927. Blumer an Raum - Machame 1927-1928. Room to Mission Director (10 letters) - 1928. Telegram - Moshi 1928. Room (Report No. 54) - Machame 1928. Room to College (without numbering). FICHE NR. 40 4 - Machame 1928. room to mission inspector (attached an English letter) - Machame 1928. room to mission director - Machame 1929. room to mission director (4 letters) - Machame 1929. transcript from a letter room - Machame 1929. room to mission inspector (2 letters) - Machame 1929. room to college (2 letters) - Machame 1930. Room to Mission Director (11 letters) - Transcript of an article by Broomfield, Zanzibar from "East African Standard" 1930: "A plea for the Retention of Swahili" (Engl) - Dar es Salaam 1930. Room to Mission Inspector - o.J. Telegram - Machame 1930. room to college ("Report on negotiations of the senior with the Field Director of Africa - Inland - Mission...in Kijabe...1930.") - Machame 1931. room to Mission Director - o.O., o.J. Translation of a friendly agreement between the Afrika Inland Mission and the Leipziger Lutherische Mission - Daressalaam 1931. Land Department to room (English; copy) - Shigatini 1931. Fuchs to Mission Director (7 letters) - Shigatini 1931. Fuchs to College - Shigatini 1931. Fuchs to Mission Council at H. Rother - Shigatini 1931. Fuchs to Mission Council members, copy for Mission Director. FICHE NR. 40 5 - continued - Shigatini 1931. Fuchs to Mission Director - Shigatini 1932. Fuchs to Mission Inspector (2 letters) - Shigatini 1932. Fuchs to Mission Director (5 letters) - Shigatini 1932. Fuchs ("Report on the visits of the stations Nkoaranga, Arusha and Naverera. 1932.") - Shigatini 1933. Fuchs to Mission Director (5 letters) - Shigatini 1933. Fuchs to Mission Inspector (3 letters) - Shigatini 1933. Fuchs to College - Neumoschi 1933. Fuchs to Mission Director - Shigatini 1934. Fuchs to Mission Director (2 letters) - Shigatini 1934. Fuchs to Mission Inspector - Machame 1934. ? to Mission Director - Machame 1934-1935. Room to Mission Director (6 letters) - Machame 1934. Room to "the congregations of the Evangelical Churches" 1934."luth. Mission on Kilimanjaro, Pare on Meru and in the steppe." - Machame 1934. room to "all mission members" - Machame 1934-1935. room to mission inspector (4 letters). FICHE NR. 40 6 - Continued - n.d. Room "A short report on the present situation of the Leipzig Ev. Luth. Mission in Tanganyika Territory" (English) - Machame 1935. Room (Circular No. 3/1935) - Machame 1935. Room to Mission Director (7 letters) - Machame 1935 Room ("Vote on the proposal of the Betheler Brothers for the establishment of a common pastoral school for the Lutheran missions in Tanganyika territory.") - open, o.J. Rorarius ("Thoughts for the establishment of a preacher school for the whole of East Africa") - Mlalo, Lwandai 1935. Personn ("Thoughts for a common preacher [shepherd] school for all Lutheran-style missions working in Tanganyika territory.") - Machame 1936. room to mission inspector - Machame 1936. room to mission director - Machame 1936. Mergner (concerning death of senior room) - Moshi 1936. Gutmann to mission director - Moshi 1936. Gutmann (circular 11/36) - Moshi 1936. Gutmann to college - Moshi 1936. Gutmann to Mission Director (5 letters) - Moshi 1936. Gutmann to "Doctor" (no details - possibly Mission Inspector Weishaupt) (3 letters) - Machame 1936. ? to Mission Inspector - Machame 1936. Gutmann to Mission Director - Machame 1936. Gutmann to Mission Inspector - Moshi 1936. Gutmann to College attn. Mission Inspector (2 letters) - Machame 1936. Expert opinion (concerning use of fulgurite and other cement asbestos products) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to Mission Director (5 letters) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to Mission Inspector Weishaupt (5 letters). FICHE NR. 40 7 - continued - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to Mission Director (11 letters) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to Mission Inspector Weishaupt (7 letters) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann (Circular No.7) "An die Herren Missionare" - o.O., o.J. "Kumpokea tena Mkristo aliyeasi." "Kuungamanisha Wangao" - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to College at H. Mission Inspector (4 letters) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to College at H. Mission Director and Mission Inspector (Land Purchase; Problems Catholic-Evangelical) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to College attn. Mission Director (3 letters) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to College - Moshi 1937. Gutmann (Circular) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to Members of Mission Council - Nkoaranga 1937. Winkler to College (for theft damage) - Nkoaranga 1937. Winkler to Gutmann - Moshi 1938. Gutmann to College for the attention of Mission Inspector (3 letters) Marangu 1938. Rother to Mission Director (transcript) - Moshi 1938. Gutmann to Mission Inspector Weishaupt (2 letters) - Moshi 1938. Gutmann to Mission Director - Moshi 1938. Gutmann to College for the attention of Mission Director and Mission Director - Moshi 1938. Gutmann to College for the attention of Mission Director and Mission Director - Mission Director and Mission Director - Moshi 1938. FICHE NO 40 8 - Moshi 1938. Gutmann to Mission Director (4 letters) - Moshi 1938. Gutmann to Mission Inspector Weishaupt (2 letters) - Marangu 1938. Rother to Mission Director (7 letters) - Marangu 1938. Rother to Mission Director and Mission Inspector Küchler (3 letters) - Dodema 1938. Rother to Mission Director - Marangu 1938. Rother (Supplement to the Minutes of the Mission Council Meeting) - Marangu 1938. Rother to Mission Inspector Küchler (10 letters) - Marangu 1939. Rother to Mission Inspector (11 letters) - Großolbersdorf 1939. Everth to Mission Inspector - Das es Salaam 1939. Rother ("Memorandum of the Meeting of the Centra Education Committee" " A. European Education" " B. Native Education") - Zanzibar 1939. Rother to Mission Director - Marangu 1939. Rother to Director of Education - Altmoschi 1939. Rother to Mission Inspector - Marangu 1939. Rother to Mission Director - Machame 1939. Rother to Mission Director (transcript) - Koffiefontein 1945. Rother to Mission Director (transcript) - Sandhorst Hospital near Aurich 1947. Rother to Mission Inspector - Amsterdam 1905. Room to Mission Director - Antwerp 1925. Gutmann to Mission Director - o.O. 1920. Room to College. FICHE NO 40 9- - Continued - Masama 1925. Gutmann to Mission Director (2 letters) - Machame 1915. Room to Mission Director - Machame 1925. Room to Mission Director (4 letters) - Masama 1925. Gutmann to ? - Supplement to Letter Room 1925 - Mbaga 1925. Luth. Mission to Room.

Leipziger Missionswerk
My journey to Northern Pare
ALMW_II._MB_1900_25 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Althaus in Mamba. Scope: p. 430-435* 454-459. Contains, among other things: - (SW: travel in the interest of the expansion of the mission area; travel and landscape description, property search, Shigatini hill as station place; chieftains Ndoiles and Kita; friendly reception) - (SW: property negotiations; acquisition and surveying of the property; description of the surroundings; meeting of relatives of two Kostschüler; return journey)
Leipziger Missionswerk
PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-22 · Akt(e) · 1919
Teil von Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: among others: The Hungarian Academy of Sciences to all academies of the civilized world - International Geodesy - Academic Accounts - Support for Strasbourg Professors - Promotion of Esperanto - Foundation of the Federation "Academic Union" - Solar Eclipse in Bucaramanga - Declaration of Piety by Africans who studied in Germany.

News from Ikutha
ALMW_II._MB_1899_21 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diary. Hofmann. Scope: p. 370-374. Contains, among other things: - "First Continuation of Drought and Famine." (SW: hiring of hungry people; arrivals - especially from Ndilli) - "2nd caravans to Kitwi." - "Third emergency work in June." (SW: employer; charity recipient; good school attendance due to need) - "4th robberies." (SW: Robbery and crime; miss. and family in good health)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Ikutha
ALMW_II._MB_1897_16 · Akt(e) · 1897
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diaries. Hofmann and Tremel. Scope: pp. 170-175. Contains, among other things: - "First, an ambassador from Dschandula." (SW: three villages of Dschandula) - "2. A military expedition of the English." (SW: Search for protection from English officials; meeting of the elders of Ikutha) - "3rd negotiations with the Wakamba."

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1898_20 · Akt(e) · 1898
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the monthly chronicle of Miss. Miller and room. Scope: pp. 272-275. Contains, among other things: - "Jurisdiction in Madschame." (SW: Description of a trial) - "Chief Shangali." (SW: Sorcery and polygamy; the women of the chief; erection of a flagpole) - "The month of March." (SW: Visit of Liebert; baptisms; completion of construction of the boarding school; attendance of church service)

Leipziger Missionswerk