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Military policy reports - ships: vol. 16
BArch, RM 3/3030 · Akt(e) · 1911
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Freya": Tenerife, Southampton S. M. S. "Bremen": Valparaiso,Coronel, Punta Arenas, Panama, Bahia, Blanca, Pernambuco, St. Lucia, St. Lucia, St. Lucia Thomas, Montreal, Halifax, Charlottetown, Rio de Janeiro, Baltimore, Newport News S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Colombo, Bombay, Aden, Durban, Port Victoria S. M. S. "Gneisenau": Bombay, Cochin, Colombo, Diamond Harbour S. M. S. "Jaguar": Hankau (riots) S. M. S. "Loreley": Trieste, Constantinople, Eastern Mediterranean S. M. S. "Condor": Auckland, Brisbane, Samoa Cruise Wing: China, Japan S. M. S. "Von der Tann": St. M. S. "Loreley": Trieste, Constantinople, Eastern Mediterranean S. M. S. "Condor": Auckland, Brisbane, Samoa Cruise Wing: China, Japan S. M. S. "Von der Tann": St. M. S. "Von der Tann": St. M. S. "St. Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia Blanca, Itajahy, Blumenau, Buenos Aires S. M. S. "Panther": Southwest Africa, Cape Town, Monrovia S. M. S. "Nuremberg": Truk S. M. S. "Sperber": Dar es Salaam, Alexandria, Palermo, Cadiz, Torquay S. M. S. "Emden": Ponape S. M. S. "Eber": Freetown, Bathurst, Las Palmas, Santa Cruz, Cadiz, Casablanca, Dakar, Conakry S. M. S. "Iltis": Canton (riots), Shanghai S. M. S. "Geier": Cadiz, Palermo, Port Said, Aden, Port Victoria S. M. S. "Cormoran": Matupi, Brisbane, Sydney S. M. S. "Planet": Brisbane, Samarai S. M. S. "Seagull": Ferrol, Cadiz S. M. S. "Hansa": Edinburh, Norway S. M. S. "Hertha": Stockholm, Norway S. M. S. "Vineta": Norway S.M.S. "Lynx": Hong Kong S.M.S. "Scharnhost": Hong Kong, Saigon, Singapore, Batavia Brochures about school in Hampton

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/3016 · Akt(e) · 1904
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Stone": Vigo, Havana, Charleston, Dartmouth, Plymouth, Las Palmas, Balearic Islands, Madeira, Gibraltar, Cartagena S. M. S. "Loreley": Piraeus, Syria, Egypt, Black Sea, Constantinople Cruising Division: Canada, Mexico, Haiti, West Indies, Newport News, Norfolk S. M. S. "Wolf": Loanda, Southwest Africa, Cape Town S. M. S. "Condor": Bismarck Archipelago, New Guinea, Samoa, Jahuit, Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Admiralty Islands (Riots), Tonga, Pago-Pago S.M.S. "Falcon": Jamoel, Aux, Cayes, Carriacon, Bequia, Montserat, Nevis, Barbuda, Tortola, Guadeloupe, Sam Luis de Maranhao, Maceia, Rio de Janeiro S.M.S. "Goshawk": South West Africa, Cape Town, Mossamedes, Loanda, Duala S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Shanghai S. M. S. "Lynx": Hong Kong S. M. S. "Tsingtau": Canton S. M. S. "Moltke": Karlskrona, Portmouth, Madeira S. M. S. "Panther": Port-au-Prince/tense situation S. M. S. "Stosch": Stockholm, Bergen, Dartmouth, Centa, Almeria, Malta, Corfu S. M. S. "Vineta": Neuport News S. M. S. "Bremen": Rio de Janeiro, Ilha Grande, Barbados S. M. S. "Fatherland": Lake Poyang

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 24
BArch, RM 3/3038 · Akt(e) · 1913
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Cruiser squadron: (S.M.S. "Tsingtau", "Fatherland", "Tiger"): Reports about riots in China, among others about: Canton, Nanking, Shanghai, Yangtze River; various maps S.M.S. "Leipzig": Events in China S.M.S. "Otter": Events in China S.M.S. "Iltis": Events in China (Hong Kong, Canton) S.M.S. "Emden": Yaß - Rabaul, Events in China S.M.S. "Nuremberg": Events in China S.M.S. "Condor": Japan (test of a telephone), Marianen S.M.S. "Bremen": Port of Spain, Para, Cameroon, Togo, St. Helena, Rio de Janeiro S.M.S. "Dresden": Rodosto (situation in Turkey) S.M.S. "Boars": Madeira, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Monrovia, Freetown, Lome Mediterranean Division: Piraeus, Phaleron Bay, Constantinople, visit to the Chataldja Line, Syracus S.M.S. "Vultures": Bojana Estuary, Castelnuovo S.M.S. "Gneisenau": New Pomerania, Kuta S.M.S. "Wroclaw": Bojana, Constantinople, Therapia S.M.S. "Seagull": German East Africa (Riots) S.M.S. "Panther": Cape Town, Southwest Africa S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Ferrol, Valencia, Palma S.M.S. "Vineta": Ferrol, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Porto Grande, Pernambuco, Santos S.M.S. "Loreley": Batum, Sinope, Sebastopol, Yalta, Gagri, Thessaloniki, Therapia, Constantinople (sale of antiquities) S.M.S. "Hertha": Dartmouth, Villagarcia, Horta S.M.S. "Hansa": Bilbao, Palma S.M.S. "Cormoran": Sydney, Norfolk, Iceland, Suva, Samoa Islands S.M.S. "Sea Eagle: Seychelles, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam Cruise Wing: South Seas (partial unrest) I. Half Flotilla: Stockholm, Wisby S.M.S. "Strasbourg": Mersina, Alexandrette, Alexandria

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 27
BArch, RM 3/3041 · Akt(e) · 1914
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Nuremberg": West Coast Mexico (political unrest) Panama S.M.S. "Dresden": Tampico, Vera Cruz, Pto. Mexico (political unrest) S.M.S. "Geier": German East Africa Detached Division: Punta Arenas, Bahia, Blanca, Vigo, Kiel, Santos, Blumenau, Joinville, Florianopolis, Chile, Rio de Janeiro, report on condition of vessels and crew Mediterranean Division: Constantinople, Almeria, Caligari, San Remo, Naples, Santorini, Athens, Troy, Cyprus, Crete, Fathers, Corfu, Durazzo, Pola, ports of the Baghdad Railway S., Pola, ports of the Baghdad Railway S.M.S. "Cormoran": South Bongainville, Solomon Islands (punitive expedition), Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, Rabaul, Tsingtau S.M.S. "Tsingtau": Piracy on the western river S.M.S. "Vineta": Stockholm, Wisby, Gotenburg S.M.S. "Hansa": Malmö S.M.S "Staßburg": Port-au-Prince - Puerto Plata, San Pedro de Macoris, St. Thomas - Horta - Wilhelmshaven S.M.S. "Fatherland": Han-Fluss S.M.S. "Eber": Cameroon, Duala, Lome, Lagos, Coviscobucht (survey) S.M.S. "Karlsruhe": Ponta-Delgada (Azores), St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince S.M.S. "Augsburg": Dundee S.M.S. "Breslau": Durazzo (political unrest) S.M.S. "Leipzig": Tsingtau - Mazatlan

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/3017 · Akt(e) · 1905
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Falcon: Santos, Paranagua, San Francisco do Sul, Florianopolis, Rosario, Bahia Blanca, Puerto Begrano, Argentina, Coronel, Talcahuano, Punta Arenas, Valpareiso, Coquimbo, Taltal, Antofagasta, Tocopilla, Iquique, Arica, Panama, Puerzo Montt, Corral S. M.S. 'Hertha': German East Africa, Calcutta S.M.S. 'Bremen': Port of Spain, San Domingo, Port-au-Prince, Kingston, Pensacola, Tampa, Havana, Savannah S. M. S. "Hawk": Libreville, Cap Lopez, San Thomé, Cameroon, Sandwich Harbour, Loanda, Southwest Africa, Cape Town S. M. S. "Panther": San Domingo, Haiti S. M. S. "Stosch": Venice, Paraeus, Constantinople, Smyrna, Thessaloniki, Alexandria, Naples, Syracus, Messina, Ferrol Cruiser Squadron: China (Unrest), Effects of the Russian-Japanese War, Philippines S. M.S. 'Wolf': Cape Town, South West Africa, Mossamedes, Loanda, Cap Lopez S.M.S. 'Whey': Dominica, St, Thomas, Kingston, Key West, Santaigo de Cuba, Habana, Las Palmas, Port of Spain, Vigo, Dartmouth, Horta, Charleston, Bermuda S. M.S. 'Stein': Livorno, Gaeta, Messina, Beirut, Valencia, Barcelona, Algiers, Tangier, Palermo, Nieuwediep Cruiser Division: St. Petersburg, Spain Helena, Cape Town, Simonstown, Congo, St. Thome, Libreville, Kribi, Fernando Poo, Southwest Africa, Angola, Cameroon, Guinea Coast, Monrovia, Freetown S. M. S. "Condor": Marshall Islands, East Caroline S. M. S. "Loreley": Athens, Alexandria, Port Said, Jaffa, Haifa, Smyrna, Thessaloniki, Constantinople

Military policy reports - ships: vol. 8
BArch, RM 3/3022 · Akt(e) · 1907-1908
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Planet": Palau Islands, Ululssi Islands S. M. S. "Stone": Mountains, Balholmen, Queenstown, Madeira, Corfu, Genoa, Valencia, Barcelona, Alexandria, Funchal, Corfu Cruise Wing: Dutch India, Manila, Zamboanga, Japan, Yangtze (Riots), Riots in Southern China S. M.S. "Charlotte": Edinburgh, Cadiz, Madeira, Wartmouth, Tangier S. M.S. 'Sperber': Cape Town, Angola, Congo, Cap Lopez, Libreville, St Thomé, Principé, French Congo (civil unrest) S.M.S. 'Moltke': Lisbon, Madeira, Las Palmas, Falmouth, Porto Grande, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, San Juan de Puertorico, Martinique, Port of Spain S. M.S. "Condor": Apia, Tahiti S.M.S. "Arcona": Cadiz S.M.S. "Panther": St. Kitts, Barbados, Demerara, Paramaribo, Porto Grande, Las Palmas, Victoria, Bata, Calabar S. "Panther": Las Palmas, Victoria, Bata. M.S. "Freya": Christiana, Bergen, Reykjavik, Queenstown, Madeira, Las Palmas, Genoa, Venice, Corfu, Smyrna, Alexandria, Beirut S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Pierre, St. Johns, Labrador Coast, Halifax, Montreal, Quebec, St. Thomas, Bahia S. M. S. "Loreley": Therapia, Black Sea S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Durban, Reira, Port Amelia, Ibo, Dar es Salaam

Military policy reports - ships: Volume 20
BArch, RM 3/3034 · Akt(e) · 1912
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, German East Africa S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Thomas, Christainsted, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, San Francisco do Sul S. M. S. "Jaguar": Hankau S. M. S. "Polecat": Hankau S. M. S. "Hansa": Queenstown, Bilbao, Horta, Philadelphia S. M. S. "Seagull": Cape Town S.M.S. "Vineta": Tangier, Malta, Gravoso, Corfu, Constantinople S.M.S. "Otter": Nanking, Shanghai S.M.S. "Cormoran": Tsingtau, Kobe, Saipan, Palau, Eitape, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Peterhafen, Matupi S.M.S. "Tiger": Hankau, Futschau (riots), Canton S.M.S. "Otter": Nanking, Shanghai S.M.S. "Cormoran": Tsingtau, Kobe, Saipan, Palau, Eitape, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Peterhafen, Matupi S.M.S. "Tiger": Hankau, Futschau (riots), Canton S.M.S. "Panther": Duala, Loanda, Swakopmund, Lüderitz Bay, Cape Town, Port Alexander, Benguella, Sao Tomé, Kribi, Fernando Poo Squadron of Cruisers: Wladiwostock, East Asia, Japan S. M. S. "Hertha": Plymouth, Pembroke, Dock, Milford, Haven, Madeira, Valencia, Barcelona, Mersina, Adana S. M. S. "Condor": Nauru, Jaluit, Panape, Bismarck Archipelago, Kaiser Wilhelm Land (unrest) S. M. S. "Vultures": Trieste S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Azores, Halifax, Newport, Vera Cruz S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinople (mobilization/war against Bulgaria) Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war) S. M. S. "Wroclaw": Malta, Alexandrette S. M. S. 'Eber': Cameroon, Fernando Poo, Old Calabar, Principé, St. Thomé, Anno Bon, Loanda, Congo, Calinda, Kribi, Boma, Kobe, Yokohama, Nagasaki, Yokohama

Military policy reports - ships: Volume 25
BArch, RM 3/3039 · Akt(e) · 1913-1914
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Hansa": Palma, Naples S.M.S. "Hertha": Halifax, Vera Cruz (political unrest), Havana, Port-au-Prince, St. Thomas, Jamaica, Trinidad, St. Lucia S.M.S. "Eber": Duala, Boma, Matadi, Loanda S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Gibraltar S.M.S. "Panther": Southwest Africa, Duala (report of unrest in Cameroon) S.M.S. "Condor": Japan, Maron, Kaiser Wilhelm Land, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands, Rabaul, Käwieng, Suva, Samoa, Ponape S.M.S. "Goeben": Pola S.M.S. "Nuremberg": Honolulu, West Coast Mexico (political unrest) Cruiser squadrons: East Asia, Nanking (uprising in South China, plan of Nanking) S.M.S. "Otter": Upper Yangtse S.M.S "Bremen": Vera Cruz, Pampico, Tampico (political unrest, report on the situation in Mexico) S.M.S. "Tiger": Futschau S.M.S. "Fatherland": Nanking S.M.S. "Seagull": Zanzibar Mediterranean Division: Egypt, Corfu, Shutari, Venice, Trieste, Athens S.M.S. "Cormoran": Sydney, Rabaul, Käwieng, New Guinea (unrest) S.M.S. "Strasbourg": Freetown Detached Division: Las Palmas, Santa Cruz, Lome S.M.S. "Sea Eagle": German East Africa, Aden S.M.S. "Dresden": Madeira, St. Thomas. Vera Cruz

Military policy reports from S. M. ships: vol. 1
BArch, RM 3/3015 · Akt(e) · 1903-1904
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Thomas, Bermuda, Santa Cruz, San Domingo, Kingston, Port-au-Prince, S.M.S. "Moltke": Livorno, Abbazia, Fiume, S.M.S. "Loreley": Piraeus, Constantinople, S.M.S. "Loreley": Piraeus, Constantinople, S.M.S. "Livorno, Abbazia, Fiume, S.M.S.": Piraeus, Constantinople, S.M.S. "Loreley": Piraeus, Constantinople, S.M.S. "L.": Piraeus, Constantinople, S.M.S. "Loreley". "Cormoran": Jaluit, Ponape, Ruck-Atoll, Jap, Guam, Saipan, Sydney, Jervis-Bey, Thursday-Island, Bismarck-Archipelago, Herbertshöhe, Matupi, New-Mecklenburg, Solomon Islands S. M. S. "Charlotte": Horta, Port of Spain. Trinidad S. M. S. "Wolf": Cameroon, Loanda, Cape Town, Duala, Southwest Africa, Cape Lopez S. M. S. "Stosch": Zibau, Madeira S. M. S. "Gazelle": Newport News, Charleston, Kingston S. M. S. "Sparrowhawk": Zansibar, Dar es Salam S. M. S. "Panther: Annapolis S. M. S. "Vineta": Halifax S. "Vineta": Halifax S. "Zansibar", Dar es Salam S. M. S. "Panther: Annapolis S. M. S. "Halifax S. M.S. "Falcon": Port Antonio, Port-au-Prince, Santiago de Cuba S.M.S. "Condor": Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Jervis-Bay, Freemantle, Brisbane, Fidji, Apia, Samoa

BArch, R 1001/709 · Akt(e) · (1842) Nov. 1888
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Blockade der ostafrikanischen Küste. - Vereinbarung zwischen Deutschland und England vom 3./5. Dez. 1888 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia and Russia for the suppression of the African Slave Trade, signed at London, December 20, 1841. London, 1842

News from Jimba
ALMW_II._MB_1896_18 · Akt(e) · 1896
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From letters from Miss. Fight in Jimba. Scope: p. 297-301. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Riots; Sickness of Miss. Kämpf; examination and baptism of 9 catechumens; Miss. as conciliator; rainy season; study of the Kikamba) Darin: Illustration "Neues Missionshaus in Jimba.

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1900_33 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diaries. Fox and miller. Scope: p. 526-530. Contains, among other things: - "First heathen baptisms and all sorts of other events." (SW: Baptists and baptism; Shangali - school building; riots in Shira) - "2. The war riots." (SW: dispute over successor of chief Makungu; hut tax; raids of the Waaruscha) - "3. mission work." (SW: boarding school; sermons)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1900_34 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: According to Miss's monthly chronicle. Althaus and Krause. Scope: p. 531-534* 543-548. Contains, among other things: - "One. A new little church." (SW: completion and inauguration of the building) - "2nd new students of the boarding school." "3. An instructional course for more mature students." (SW: Course for baptized costume students) - "Fourth death of two former chieftains." (SW: Death of Mlawi and Mbararia's father) - "5. The Cabin Tax." (SW: introduction of metallurgical tax) - "6. extension of the boundaries of the station land." - "Seventh Continuation of Unrest on the Mountains." (SW: tensions caused by Waaruscha; missionary work disturbed; sewing art; stone stable) Darin: pictures "The new assembly house in Mamba", "worker of the missionary station Mamba sawing boards".
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Moschi
ALMW_II._MB_1900_12 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Quarterly report by Miss. Cooper. Scope: pp. 196-199. Includes, inter alia: - "First, a new comrade at work." (SW: arrival of siblings room; lessons; boarding school) - "2. All sorts of nasty things." (SW: Fire in the work shed; start of construction of a new building; lightning conductor system; printed booklet in progress; fever attacks; riots caused by Waaruscha; Christmas)

Leipziger Missionswerk

Vol. 1-12 with the title: Riots and uprisings of Arabs and natives against the DOAG in the East African coastal areas leased by the DOAG from the Sultan of Zanzibar and their fight with partial support of Great Britain and Italy Vol. 12-18 with the title: The situation in the different parts of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, expansion of the German administration, individual uprisings, punitive expeditions