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BArch, N 2345/6 · Dossier · Juli 1885 - Aug. 1897; 1903; 1908; 1909
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Blondel, M. Georges (Professor at the Société d' Économie Sociale in Paris) Boeder, Gustav (Customs Director in Togo) Bojanowski, Viktor von (German Consul General in Budapest)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, E 170 · Fonds · 1848-1920 (Va ab 1818, Na bis 1950)
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

The file delivery of the Central Office for Trade and Commerce in Stuttgart. Von Walter Grube: The Königlich Württembergische Zentralstelle für Gewerbe und Handel (Royal Württemberg Central Office for Trade and Commerce) has assumed a particularly prestigious position among the authorities that the German states created for their economic administration in the 19th century. It originated as a state college under the Ministry of the Interior in the same revolutionary year of 1848, in which Prussia, Austria and Bavaria established special trade ministries; the notoriously thrifty Württemberg did not know its own ministry for economic affairs until the end of the monarchy, as Baden had in its trade ministry in 1860-1881. Nevertheless, the "Central Office", above all under the leadership of the great Ferdinand von Steinbeis (1856-1880), was successful in economic policy, which, in addition to the achievements of the ministries of trade and commerce of other countries, was quite impressive. It was thanks to the work of the Central Office that Württemberg, which was poor in raw materials, technically still lagging behind, and had unfavorable transport connections, soon became the actual state of state trade promotion, from which people for a long time tried eagerly to learn, not only in Germany. The Central Office played a decisive role in the restructuring of the Württemberg economic structure in the age of the Industrial Revolution. The historian of her first heyday in 1875 has divided her versatile field of activity into the following groups: 1. "Consultative services" in legislative and administrative matters: trade, customs, trade, banking and building legislation, coinage, measure and weight, commercial security police, iron and salt extraction, transport, taxation and more.a.; 2. teaching activities: trade schools, travelling teachers, trade training workshops, model and teaching material collection, trade model store, library, journalistic work, associations; 3. "Direct influence on commercial activity": markets, trade fairs, stock exchanges, exports, foreign commercial agencies; 4. direct influence on commercial activity": support with capital and technical suggestions for all branches of industry; 5. regimental activity" mainly as a state patent office, state exhibition commission, central authority for chambers of commerce and industry, state calibration authority and in the administration of commercial foundations. Among these activities, in the country conscious of its school tradition, "instructive work" has always rightly been regarded as a special glorious page of the Central Office; the Protestant Prelate Merz once called it a "jewel of Württemberg". Not least due to the educational work of the central office and the commission for the commercial further training schools founded in 1853, a down-to-earth tribe of recognised skilled workers grew from day labourers, small farmers' and vineyard gardeners' sons, from guilt-bound master craftsmen and a poorly developed trading class of that highly qualified entrepreneurship which, in addition to the broad stratum of vital small and medium-sized enterprises characteristic of Württemberg, has created many a company of world renown. The far-sighted way in which the Central Office, overcoming some resistance, drove trade promotion and economic policy in general at that time was still noticeable in its effects up to the crisis resistance of the Württemberg economy, which was widespread and much envied in the thirties of our century.After the state revolution of 1918 had also given Württemberg its own ministries for the economy (Labour Ministry and Food Ministry, 1926 united to form the Economics Ministry), the Central Office for Trade and Commerce was reorganised by decree of the State Ministry of 30 November 1920 under new distribution of responsibilities to the State Trade Office. For the organization of the state economic administration, this was not as revolutionary as the founding of the Central Office, with which a completely new epoch of Württemberg industrial history had begun. But the reorganization was more far-reaching than the repeated renewal of the "Basic Provisions" of 1848, through which the Central Office had repeatedly adapted itself to the changes in economic life and in the relationship between the state and the economy in the course of its seventy-year history. The Central Office, the creation of the revolution of 1848, thus underwent its strongest transformation to date through the revolution of 1918. As one can easily understand, the precipitation of files from the Central Office represents a unique source in the state sector for the economic history of Württemberg in the years 1848-1920. In addition, the Central Office had taken over not inconsiderable files of older semi-private institutions founded or sponsored by the state, such as the "Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Gewerbe" (Society for the Promotion of Trade) founded in 1830 and the "Handels- und Gewerbsverein" (Trade and Trade Association) founded in 1819, and later partly also the "Zentralstelle des landwirtschaftlichen Vereins" (Central Office of the Agricultural Association) established in 1817. The registry of the Stuttgart Central Office for Trade and Commerce in 1920, when it was transformed into the State Trade Office, contained the relevant records of a full century. The Central Office, like the majority of the 19th century ministries and state resource authorities, has not exercised little care in its registry. The first registry plan of the newly founded authority, which was first provisionally housed in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was drafted in 1850 by Reinhardt's secretary, a booklet of only 37 pages; it remained in force throughout the Steinbeis era until the early eighties. The files taken over immediately in 1848 by the Gewerbeförderungsgesellschaft and the Handels- und Gewerbeverein were incorporated into the individual departments of the registry in 1850. The same procedure was followed when, in 1882, on the occasion of the reorganization of the registry of the Central Office for Agriculture, the previous files of the Central Office of the Agricultural Association had been handed over to the association, as well as again in 1888, when papers from the estate of the well-known national economist Moriz Mohl were handed over to the association. In 1869 a separate room had to be set up for the registry, which until then had been housed in the only chancellery room, and the three "full-grafted" file shelves had to be increased by two new ones. In 1883, not long after the Director (and later President) Robert von Gupp took office, a fundamental reorganization of the further swollen registry overflowing into the corridors and attic had become indispensable. The work was transferred by the Ministry of the Interior to the civil servant Heberle of the Oberamt Schwäbisch Hall, since it could not be handled by the few civil servants of the central office, and was only completed after three years. The new registry plan drawn up by Heberle, now already a volume of 200 pages, has been preserved, while his repertory, four times as extensive, unfortunately did not come to us. For the first time, Heberle systematically separated the current registry (then 1109 fascicles) from the old registry (then 1242 fascicles). On the occasion of these works also the first file cassations of considerable size took place (about 180 fascicles and volumes). The surviving elimination lists show that this was done conscientiously and that there was probably very little collected, which would be of interest to the economic historian today. The order created in 1883-85 has survived the relocation of the central office to the new magnificent building of the Stuttgart State Trade Museum in 1896; even today, a large part of the files can be found in the fascicles formed and inscribed by Heberle. In the new building, in 1901-1902, the old registry, which had already grown into a proper official archive, could be separated and appropriately furnished in the attic. In 1905-1908, Obersekretär Hauser produced a new file plan of 800 pages for old and current registries, using but also improving the Heberleschen order, which was in use until the reorganization of the Central Office in 1920 and has fortunately been preserved. The fact that substantial parts of it then fell victim to the bombs of the Second World War is one of the most sensitive source losses for research. All files of the Central Office, which had been sent to the Ministry of Economy by the State Trade Office in the wake of the organisational changes of 1920, were burnt with the Ministry of Economy, including valuable files on chambers of commerce, trade contracts and customs 1819-1870 as well as on railways 1857-1913. Apart from the ruinous remains, all files of the Central Office that were still in the possession of the Stuttgart State Trade Office during the Second World War have also been destroyed, including not only extensive material from the first two decades of the 20th century, which was still curious at the time, but also some departments dating back a long way, some of which still had files from the "Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Gewerbe" (1830-1848) and its predecessors. These were once two larger deliveries by the Stuttgart State Trade Office from 1930 and 1939, a total of about 40 m (today inventory E 170), and the files of the Patent Commission of the Central Office, which were handed over by the Reich Patent Office in 1939 and which, according to the German Patent Law of 25 January 1877, were not available for inspection. The first volume was sent to Berlin in May 1877 (Reichsgesetzblatt pp. 501ff.) (11 m, today stock E 170a), and finally 60 volumes of invoices from the Zentralstelle (1848/49-1908/09, 2 m), which the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg had taken over in 1921 with the invoice section of the former Finanzarchiv (today stock E 224a). The existing registry aids, administrative repertories, handover and elimination directories no longer allow even a rough percentage to be given today of how the volume of this rescued document (a total of 53 linear metres) relates to that of the lost document. But on the basis of Hauser's file plan of the Central Office from 1905-1908 at least the larger and for research most perceptible gaps in the inventory handed down to us can be determined. For example, most of the minutes of the meetings are missing, the files on the well-known Stuttgart State Trade Museum (the second oldest in Europe) and those on the Information Centre for the Construction Industry; in addition to the diaries, the once demonstrably existing files on the large library of the Central Office - the most important of Germany's trade libraries -, on social insurance, industrial legal protection, building legislation, traffic with foodstuffs, luxury foods and utensils have been completely lost. Despite these and other gaps, the preserved files of the Central Office and its predecessors still represent an invaluable source for the economic history of the Württemberg royal period. It is well known that the records of the commercial enterprises, most of which grew out of small businesses, are often extremely incomplete and not easily accessible for general use; the valuable archives of the Stuttgart and Ulm Chambers of Commerce were almost completely destroyed by the Second World War. The central tradition of state industrial promotion thus offers not only the only opportunity to explore the great transformation process of the 19th century as a whole; it is also widely the only source both of the history of hundreds of individual enterprises and of the emergence of economic self-government. This source was already not completely unused. But for a long time, the partially quite inadequate degree of their development prohibited the real exploitation of them. Only the annual accounts of the Central Office (in inventory E 224a) did not require any special expenditure for archival finding aids. In chronological order, you will find detailed evidence of all measures for industrial education and support for trade, of each "sending experts abroad and appointing tradesmen from the same field" (as one of the invoice headings reads), of the purchase of models, drawings, samples, sample tools, machines and inventions, of exhibitions and prize distributions, of the introduction of new branches of industry and the upgrading of existing ones, of the promotion of the sale of goods, of trade associations and craftsmen, and finally of expenditure on fundamental studies of industrial development. Anyone looking for individual companies or persons in the accounts must of course, in order to reach their goal quickly, already be aware of the vintages in question, and must also be content with the fact that 19th century accounts, less informative than some from earlier times, essentially give facts and only rarely motives.In 1949, the State Archives Ludwigsburg was able to complete a hand-written archive repertory for the patent files of the Central Office (fonds E 170a), which had been taken over in 1939 without any index, during the executive board of the then Oberarchivrat Dr. Max Miller. In two volumes (with together more than 1000 pages) it lists the protocols of the patent commission and some general files as well as the chronologically arranged special files on all Württemberg patents examined by the central office in the years 1848-1877 (with name index). In addition, for the years 1841 to 1848, it makes accessible the relevant preparatory files of the Central Office of the Agricultural Association, which was responsible for the patent system at that time, characteristic of the Biedermeier view of commercial economy. The collection, easily accessible since 1949 (a total of 2373 tufts), contains patent files of Swabian inventors (e.g. Daimler, Max Eyth, Magirus, Gebrüder Mauser and Friedrich Voith) as well as numerous patent applications of non-Württembergians (from the rest of Germany, from other European countries and from America), all in all quite considerable documents for the history of technology. It proved to be more difficult for the archive administration to catalog the even more important and far more extensive file deliveries of the Landesgewerbeamt of 1930 and 1939, the first of which is already listed in K.O. Müller's printed "Gesamübersicht" of 1937 (fonds E 170). In the research service of the State Archives, especially since the Second World War, there have been repeated attempts to use these files for surveys of company histories and anniversaries. But the scarcity of the summary handover lists made this an always time-consuming and often unsuccessful effort. Even the question of individual facts and data could embarrass the archivist; there was absolutely no question of a systematic evaluation of the holdings for the economic and social history, which is becoming more and more important from year to year. Paul Gehring's important essays on Württemberg economic history in the 19th century had to be written without the use of these files, especially under the difficult working conditions of the war and post-war years. Under these circumstances, the production of a scientifically useful repertory became an urgent desideratum of both administration and research. Fortunately, in 1958, the efforts of State Archives Director Dr. Max Miller to obtain funds from the State Trade Office of Baden-Württemberg for the temporary employment of a legally and economically trained processor of these trade and commercial files were successful. The typewritten repertory E 170 comprises three state folio volumes of almost 1000 pages and, restored according to the Hauser file plan from 1905-1908, makes the holdings usable right down to their finest ramifications. Some of it certainly is of predominantly regional or even only local historical interest. But much of it shows in surprisingly rich detail how systematically the Central Office used the experiences and models of the then technically and socially advanced German and non-German states (above all Belgium and England) to raise the Württemberg economy. There are numerous files on the secondment of entrepreneurs, technicians and craftsmen abroad for technical and artistic training, on experiments with foreign machines and production processes, on the appointment of foreign specialists, on participation in major international exhibitions from Paris and London to Philadelphia and Melbourne. Thus, the collection of files shows the way in which a 19th-century German middle-class state developed its craft with comparatively modest but skilfully invested financial expenditures and helped its industry to become internationally competitive. At the goal of this way stood, that was the specifically Württemberg of a gemeindeutschen procedure per se, a quality industry of large variety and healthy decentralization. The typewritten finding aid was provided by Rudolf Denk, Walter Grube and Wolfgang Schmierer (completion 1969). Note: This finding aid book is a repertory which has been available only in typewritten form up to now and which has been converted into a database-supported and thus online-capable format according to a procedure developed by the "Working Group on Retroconversion in the State Archives Ludwigsburg". This can lead to a certain discrepancy between the modern external appearance and the today partly outdated design and wording of the title records, in particular:- corrections, deletions and supplements were checked and incorporated.- The title records of archive units found to be missing were taken over and provided with a corresponding note ("Missing since ...." or similar).- If the allocation of new order numbers was unavoidable, the old signature was verified in the respective title record and in a separate overall concordance.

Correspondence with different people
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Radowitz, J. M. v., d. J., B III Nr. 9 Bd. 2 · Dossier · 1898 - 1908
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Adam, F., Pensioner in Braunschweig (pp. 241, 154) - Arco-Valley, E. Graf von und zu, German Minister in Brazil (pp. 217, 239) - Bartsch, D. Dr. von, Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture (pp. 152) - Below-Schlatau, Paul von, First Legation Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris (pp. 168) - Bender, G. H., German Vice Consul for the Province of Gerona (Spain) (p. 238) - Berndt, Freiherr von, Stift Neuburg (p. 184, 201) - (Bersel, von), Berlin (p. 248) - Blenck, C., Berlin (p. 145) - Castell-Rüdenhausen, Hereditary Count zu, 1st Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 155, 205) - Deville, Susanne (p. 266) - Drummond-Wolff, Sir H., English Ambassador at the Gate (p. 213) - Eckardt, von, Legation Secretary at the German Embassy in Tehran (p. 246) - Gies, Dr.., Dragoman at the German Embassy in Constantinople (p. 143) - Hecht, Dr. Felix (p. 151) - Hertel, Prof. Albert, Landscape Painter (p. 172) - Hoppe, Carlos, German Consul in Santander (p. 221) - Izzet Pasha, Turkish Ambassador in Madrid (p. 262, 269) - Keppler, Prof., Freiburg (p. 186) - Kleinschmidt, J., Painter (p. 149) - Krosigk, von, Kiel (p. 197) - Kusserow, von (p. 225) - Limburg-Stirum, Count zu, Minister (p. 215, 219, 264) - Marcko, E., Hamburg (p. 282) - Meiningen, Bernhard Erbprinz von (p. 140) - Meißner, Dr. phil Rudolf, Privatdozent at the University of Göttingen (p. 202) - Mentzingen, Freiherr von, 1st Legation Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 211) - Mumm, von Schwarzenstein, Dr. A.., German envoy in Luxembourg (pp. 226, 250) - Mutzenbecher, von, Berlin (pp. 229) - Nedscheb-Pascha, Turkish envoy in Spain (pp. 188) - Perl, Dr.., German consul in Madrid (p. 234) - Prussia, William II of Prussia (p. 281) - Puttkammer, Jesco of, Governor of Cameroon (p. 203) - Samosch, Siegfried, editor of the "National-Zeitung" (p. 165, 190) - Shevich, D., Russian envoy in Madrid (p. 260) - Schilling, G. (p. 276) - Schmidt, Gustl und Hugo, Berlin (p. 231) - Schweinitz, Graf, Prussian envoy in Vienna (p. 147) - Seefried auf Buttenheim, E. Freiherr von, 1st Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 192) - Silvela, Franzisco, President of the Spanish Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs (p. 222) - Storch, A., Chancellery Secretary of the Austrian Embassy in Madrid (p. 228) - Suhle, P., Pastor in Constantinople (p. 157) - Thiel, Dr. H., Director, Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of State and State Secretary, Reichsmarineamt (p. 257) - Versmann, Hamburg (p. 163) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz (p. 175) - Wedel, B. (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of State and State Secretary, Reichsmarineamt (p. 257) - Wedel, B. (p. 173) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz (p. 175) - B. (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (p. 173) - Versmann, Hamburg (p. 163) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz, Wedel, B. (p. 174) 159, 166, 170, 199) - Werckmeister, Wilhelm, Kunstverlag der Photographischen Gesellschaft in Berlin (p. 182) - Werthauer, Dr. Paul, lawyer in Leipzig (p. 237) - Wertheimer, Emanuel, writer (p. 196) - Wilhelm, Paul, bishop (p. 255) - Zedlitz (p. 277) - Zimmermann, Dr. F. W. R., Finanzrat, Head of the Brunswick Statistical Office (p. 154) - Zimmern, Dr. Sigm. Jos., cathedral vicar and seminar professor in Speyer (p. 141) - Zumpe, Hermann, Schwerin (p. 242).

HZAN La 142 · Fonds · (1845-) 1868-1951 (1959)
Fait partie de State Archive Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe Central Archive Neuenstein (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Prince Ernst II of Hohenlohe-Langenburg: Hereditary Prince Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Karl Maximilian of Hohenlohe-Langenburg - hereinafter called "Ernst II" in distinction to his grandfather Ernst - was born on 13 September 1863 in Langenburg as the son of Princess Leopoldine, born Princess of Baden, and Prince Hermann of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. He spent his school time in Karlsruhe, his mother's home town, at the Grand Ducal Gymnasium, which he left after graduating from high school in 1881. He then studied law as part of a contemporary university tour which took him to Paris, Bonn, Tübingen and Leipzig between 1881 and 1884. In 1885 Ernst II took his first legal exam at the Higher Regional Court in Naumburg a. d. Saale and during his military officer training at the 2nd Garde-Dragonerregiment in Berlin-Lichterfelde in the years 1886-1889 he also used the available time for extensive social activities at the courts of Emperor Wilhelm I and his son Friedrich. After completing his training, Ernst II advanced in the military hierarchy to lieutenant-colonel á la suite of the army (1914). The hereditary prince then aspired to a career in the Foreign Office, for which he first used one of his frequent stays in London in 1889 as a kind of private 'apprenticeship' at the German embassy. Queen Victoria was a great-aunt of Ernst II, so that he could always move at the highest social level. In 1890-1891 he passed his diplomatic exam and then took up a position as 3rd secretary in the embassy in St. Petersburg. Already in 1892 Ernst II achieved his transfer to London with the help of his father, who had enough influence as governor of Alsace-Lorraine, where he served as 3rd embassy secretary until 1894. In this year the hereditary prince Prince Hermann followed to Strasbourg to work as legation secretary of the ministry for the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine. In 1896 Ernst II married his cousin of the 3rd degree Alexandra (1878-1942), a princess from the British royal family, whose father Duke Alfred of Edinburgh had taken over the Thuringian Duchy of Saxony-Coburg and Gotha three years earlier. Together with his wife and the offspring who soon followed - Gottfried, Marie Melita, Alexandra, Irma and Alfred, who died shortly after his birth - Gottfried, Marie Melita, Alexandra and Irma moved his centre of life to Langenburg and finally left the diplomatic corps in 1897. He had begun to establish himself in his role as heir when, after the unexpected death of Alexandra's brother Alfred (1899), the open question of succession in Saxony-Coburg and Gotha required a settlement. Ernst II was assigned as regent and guardian for the new, still youthful Duke Carl Eduard, a task he took over in 1900 after the death of his father-in-law, so that he now stood for 5 years at the head of a German principality. After the end of the regency, during which he had acquired the goodwill of his Thuringian subjects through a liberal attitude, Emperor Wilhelm II, his 3rd cousin, gave him the prospect of a position as State Secretary and appointed him in 1905 provisional head of the Colonial Department in the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t , which was to be upgraded to his own R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . But because of internal quarrels and the resistance in the Reichstag against the financing of the new authority, the hereditary prince had to take his hat off again in 1906. The following year Ernst II returned to the political stage as a member of the Reichstag for the constituency of Gotha, in which he had run as a representative of the bourgeois parties against the SPD. As a guest student of the parliamentary group of the German Reich Party, he sometimes appeared with speeches in the plenum, but everyday parliamentary work remained largely alien to him. As a result of a special political constellation in the Reichstag, Ernst II nevertheless managed to be elected vice-president of parliament in 1909 as a compromise candidate for the right-wing conservative camp. But he was not able to carry out this task for long either, because he did not want to come to terms with the conventions of parliamentary debates. As early as 1910 he used the anti-Protestant "Borromeo encyclical" of Pope Pius X to resign from his office in protest, albeit at the price of no longer being able to play a political role at the national level in the future. In 1913 Prince Hermann zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg died and his son took over the noble inheritance, which also included the county of Gleichen in Thuringia. Ernst II successfully compensated for the loss of leading political offices through his increased commitment to social forces, which rather worked in the background: first and foremost the Protestant Church, the Order of St John and the Red Cross. Within these institutions he held important and influential positions at local and state level, through which - in conjunction with his memberships in numerous associations and federations - he was able to cultivate a broad network of correspondents from noble, political, scientific, ecclesiastical and cultural circles.As commentator of the Württembergisch-Badenschen Genossenschaft des Johanniterordens and honorary president of the Württembergischer Landesverbandes vom Roten Kreuz it was obvious for Ernst II not to strive for a position with the fighting troops, but in the organization of voluntary nursing at the outbreak of the First World War. After a short period as a delegate for each stage in Berlin and on the western front, he was appointed at the end of 1914 as the general delegate for voluntary nursing care for the eastern theater of war, so that he spent the longest period of the war in the eastern headquarters - among others in the vicinity of Field Marshal von Hindenburg. In 1918 he was finally promoted to the highest representative of his organization, the Imperial Commissioner and Military Inspector, and in this function he led, among other things, the German delegation to prisoner of war exchange negotiations with the USA in Bern. Here he benefited from his diplomatic experience, which the emperor had already drawn on in 1915, when he sent the prince to Constantinople and the Balkans as a special ambassador. After the end of the war, Ernst II resigned his high office in nursing and devoted himself again to his church and association activities. He paid special attention to the Protestant Commission for Württemberg, for which he acted as chairman of the Gerabronn district and the Langenburg local group as well as delegate in the regional committee. While the unification of the Protestant regional churches in the German Reich had already been of great concern to him as a Thuringian regent, in the 1920s and 30s he continued to campaign for the Protestant cause at church congresses and church assemblies in Württemberg and at Reich level. In 1926 the Langenburg prince was also appointed senior citizen of the Hohenlohe House, and in the same year he was elected governor of the Balley Brandenburg, i.e. the second man of the Order of St John in the Empire. During National Socialism, Ernst II, as in republican times, stayed away from political offices, especially as he was of an advanced age. From 1936 he invested a large part of his energy in the endeavour to have the Langenburg ancestral estate recognised as an inheritance court and also took care of the publication of his correspondence with the widow composer Cosima Wagner. 11 December 1950 Prince Ernst II died very old in Langenburg, where he was also buried. 2. inventory history, inventory structure and distortion: Before distortion, the estate was in a relatively heterogeneous state, which was due to an inconsistent way of transmission and multiple processing approaches. During the fire at Langenburg Castle in 1963 and the associated temporary relocation of documents within the building complex, the original order probably suffered its first damage, which was intensified in the subsequent period in the course of the transfer of Langenburg archives to Neuenstein. Probably the estate was torn apart and transferred to the central archive in several parts that could no longer be reconstructed in detail. At the latest during the administrative work carried out there in the 1960s under Karl Schumm, the written remains of Ernst II were mixed with other files from Langenburg. Further parts of the estate may also have arrived in Neuenstein in the following decade. Building on the gradually implemented provenance delimitation of the Langenburg archival records, a rough pre-drawing of the estate could be tackled in the early 1980s, but this was not completed. A last addition from the family archives was made to the now formed holdings in 1992 by the delivery of Ernst-related files, most of which had originated in the Langenburg authorities, in particular the domain chancellery.Ernst II regulated his correspondence with the help of registrar-like notes, which he usually affixed directly to the incoming documents. It contained information on the date, recipients and content of the replies and other written reactions. He also noted instructions to his administration and often complete drafts of letters on the incoming mail. In addition, the testator himself already arranged and sorted his documents further by forming units oriented to factual topics and correspondence partners and providing them with notes in the sense of a file title along with its running time. In general, he attached the notes to envelopes of different sizes, most of them used, which served as packaging or were enclosed with the files. Over the decades, Ernst seems to have repeatedly tackled such disciplinary measures, which had a long tradition in the family, without, however, being able to recognize a stringently maintained pattern. Only the rough distinction between factual and correspondence files formed a perceptible red thread, which was also observed in the current distortion. However, it must be taken into account that even in the fascicles formed according to subject criteria, parts of correspondence are often found, only compiled on a specific topic. Although this leads to overlaps with the correspondence series, the fact files were largely left as such and only slightly thinned out with regard to the correspondence partners, since they are mostly units that are comprehensible in terms of content and partly rich in content. While the 'file titles' created by Ernst II normally largely corresponded with the content of the fascicles, it must be noted for the following indexing approaches, also and especially for the preliminary indexing in the 1980s, that the names, dates and subjects noted on archive covers often deviated from the actual content and could hardly be used for the current indexing. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the mixing with files of foreign provenance - including the estates of Ernst's father Hermann and his wife Alexandra as well as the domain chancellery and court administration - could never be completely eliminated and therefore numerous individual files had to be sorted out in the course of the current processing. However, this separation of provenances was not implemented consistently in every respect, but in particular files from the Langenburg and Coburg-Gotha administration, which refer directly to Ernst II, were left in existence; the official records usually differ from the actual estate in the outward appearance in the form of differently coloured folders with file titles, running times and file numbers. Furthermore 2 fascicles on the death of Ernst II and at the end of his reign in Saxony-Coburg and Gotha come from the estates of Ernst's children Gottfried and Alexandra. A special case is Ernst's correspondence with Cosima Wagner, which is kept entirely in Neuenstein, so that not only the letters received from the deceased, but also the letters to the composer's wife (Ernst, his mother Leopoldine and his cousin Max von Baden), stored in bound folders, were recorded as part of the princely estate (see 4.).Thus, the newly registered estate represents an inventory enriched with personal material. In addition, it is to be expected that there will still be isolated files from the estates of relatives whose origin could no longer be clearly clarified (e.g. loose individual pages or fascicles which refer to festive events without naming an addressee or previous owner), apart from the principle of retaining the original separation of factual and correspondence files, massive interventions had to be made in the formation and titling of the fascicles. In many cases, due to later order work, mixing within the fascicles and unclear new file formations had occurred, otherwise about a quarter of the holdings proved to be largely unordered. Even the rather ad hoc sorting carried out by Ernst II himself did not follow any kind of 'file plan', so that content overlaps and repetitions were the order of the day. Therefore, in the course of the current distortion, fascicles were repeatedly reshaped or newly formed under consideration of either thematic or corresponding criteria. The extraction of individual documents for assignment to other fascicles was generally documented by enclosed notes. Individual photographs and photo series with illustrations of Ernst II. were separated and formed into a separate 'photo collection' (see 5.), and in order to provide a better orientation for the user, the find book of most of Ernst II.'s relatives shows the degree of kinship to the deceased in square brackets in the appropriate places.The collection La 142, Nachlass Fürst Ernst II., was arranged and recorded from June to December 2004 by archivist Thomas Kreutzer within the framework of a project sponsored by the Kulturstiftung Baden-Württemberg. It covers 19.4 running meters. Files and volumes in 927 units with a running time of (1845-) 1868-1951 (1959).Neuenstein, in April 2005Thomas Kreutzer 3. Note for use:: During the distortion, cross-references were made in the files that refer to the former bundle number - not to today's order number. To find the corresponding fascicles, the concordance has to be used.Concordance earlier - today's tuft number: 4. Literature:: Heinz Gollwitzer, The Lords of Stand. Die politische und gesellschaftliche Stellung der Mediatisierten 1815-1918. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Sozialgeschichte, Göttingen 1964, bes. S. 244-253.Maria Keipert/Peter Grupp (Ed.), Biographisches Handbuch des deutschen Auswärtigen Dienstes 1871-1945, Vol. 2, Paderborn et al. 2005, S. 344f.Thomas Kreutzer, Protestantische Adligkeit nach dem Kollbruch - Die kirchliche, karitative und politische Verbandstätigkeit von Ernst II. Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg between 1918 and 1945, in: Nobility and National Socialism in the German Southwest. Edited by Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg in conjunction with the State Capital Stuttgart (Stuttgart Symposium, Series 11), Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2007, pp. 42-82 Thomas Nicklas, Ernst II. Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. Standesherr, Regent, Diplomat im Kaiserreich (1863-1950), in: Gerhard Taddey (ed.), Lebensbilder aus Baden-Württemberg, Vol. 21, Stuttgart 2005, pp. 362-383.Frank Raberg (ed.), Biographisches Handbuch der württembergischen Landtagsabgeordneten 1815-1933 (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg), Stuttgart 2001, pp. 381f.Karina Urbach, Diplomat, Höfling, Verbandsfunktionär. Süddeutsche Standesherren 1880-1945, in: Günther Schulz/ Markus A. Denzel (ed.), German nobility in the 19th and 20th centuries, St. Katharinen 2004, pp. 354-375 Karina Urbach, Zwischen Aktion und Reaktion. The Southern German Class Lords and the First World War, in: Eckart Conze/ Monika Wienfort (ed.), Adel und Moderne. Germany in European Comparison in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Cologne 2004, pp. 323-351.Freie Deutsche Presse Coburg, 30.12.1950 (obituary).Hohenloher Zeitung, [after 11.12.]1950 (obituary).further materials:La 95 Domänenkanzlei LangenburgLa 102 Fürstliche HofverwaltungLa 143 Nachlass Fürstin Alexandra zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg

Stadtarchiv Worms, 159 · Fonds
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 159 Herrnsheimer Dalberg-Archiv (files, official books) Size: 1943 units of description (= 27 lfm = 201 archive cartons, 2 large cartons, 2 lfm oversized formats - own inventory: 1878 VE, remainder in Heylshof = 64 VE, with sub-VE in total) 2015) Duration: 1445 - 1866 Zur Familie und Herrschaft Dalberg (Note 1) The family of the chamberlains of Worms, later called 'von Dalberg', belonged as an influential family association to the episcopal ministry of Worms. Since 1239 she held the hereditary office of the chamberlain of Worms; this was later associated with economic-financial privileges in Worms, court rights and the Jewish Court in Worms. Since the 14th century, the family has succeeded in expanding various ownership complexes between Niederelsass and Hunsrück, with a focus on Wormsgau. This also includes the expansion of power in the towns of Herrnsheim and Abenheim, which began in the 14th century, through the acquisition of feudal rights and property (2). The dominion complex with Herrnsheim and Abenheim was predominantly surrounded by Electoral Palatinate territory. Around 1460 a castle was erected in Herrnsheim (castle) and a surrounding wall was built around the village; between 1470 and 1492 a chapel of the local parish church of St. Peter was converted into a burial place, which has led to the development of the situation of a small residential town in Herrnsheim, which can still be seen today from the buildings and the townscape. Today's Herrnsheim Castle, owned by the town of Worms since 1958, was built together with the important English landscape garden in two construction phases from 1808 to 1814 and from 1820 to 1824. The dominion of Dalberg is a typical middle imperial knighthood territory. Since the late Middle Ages, the Dalberg dynasty had provided the fiefdoms of the Electorate of Mainz and Palatinate and held important ecclesiastical offices, including the bishop of Worms, Johann von Dalberg (1445-1503). The family split into different lines and branches. Outstanding persons for whom the collection contains material are Carl Theodor von Dalberg (1744-1817, Elector of Mainz, Grand Duke of Frankfurt); Wolfgang Heribert von Dalberg (1750-1806, Minister of State in Mannheim, Director of the National Theatre); Johann Friedrich Hugo von Dalberg (1760-1812, bishop and humanist); Emmerich Joseph Duc de Dalberg (1773-1833, diplomat and politician). In 1883 John Dalberg-Acton sold Herrnsheim Castle with all its interior and the park from his family's estate to Cornelius Wilhelm Heyl (Cornelius Wilhelm Freiherr von Heyl zu Herrnsheim), a leather industrialist from Worms, due to financial shortages (3). Thus also the library stored there and the documents and files of the Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive of the previous owners were transferred to the buyer. After the death of his father in 1923, D. Dr. jur. Cornelius Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim took over the castle, which he officially moved into in April 1929 (4). In the years of the Second World War the documents were relocated several times for safety reasons and probably suffered incomprehensible, but rather smaller losses (5). Until it was converted into an apartment, the Dalberg Archive was housed in a special archive room locked with an iron door in the castle, then in the library in the tower room on the first floor. When Siegfried Freiherr von Heyl zu Herrnsheim, son of D. Dr. jur. Cornelius Frhr. Heyl zu Herrnsheim, sold the castle to the city of Worms in July 1958 (6), the documents, files and official books of the Dalberg archive kept in boxes and bundles were not part of the sale. However, it was to be left on loan to the town on the basis of an agreement with the community of heirs (in autumn 1959) and an inventory was to be taken before a corresponding contract was concluded (7). This work was done by Carl J. H. Villinger (8), who handed over his summary list with the disaggregation to Dr. Georg Illert on 3.7.1964 (9). The draft of the loan contract was completed to the satisfaction of both parties at the end of 1965, so that there was nothing to prevent it from being concluded the following year. On 19 July 1966, lawyer H. Ramge, in his capacity as joint executor of the will, surprisingly approached the city with the offer that it could purchase the Dalberg Archive and the library holdings of Herrnsheim Palace from the estate of D. Dr. jur. Cornelius Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim (10). With the support of the Landesarchivverwaltung Koblenz, which prepared an expert opinion on the basis of Villinger's list, the value was determined and one year later - in July 1967 - the documents were sold to the city. Thus, the Dalberg Archive, which according to the decree of the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate of 13.7.1961 had been entered into the state register of nationally valuable archives, could remain in Worms as a closed collection (11). A more detailed inventory should then be made, which was completed before the archive was moved to the city archive for security reasons. Villinger had compiled a detailed list of the contents of the 39 archive boxes, the qualitative condition of which was indicated from good to partly very poor, and of the remaining archive documents (12). On the basis of this list of Villingers, the lack of various documents and files as well as individual letters from correspondence series and gaps in official book series could be ascertained (13). In 1980 Siegfried Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim handed over 14 sealed parchment documents and in 1985 his daughter, Mrs. Cornelia von Bodenhausen, another 72, partly decorative documents from the former possession of the treasurers of Worms Freiherr von Dalberg to the Foundation Kunsthaus Heylshof (14). The documents kept there were examined with the consent of the then Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Frhr. Ludwig von Heyl, as part of the project for the Dalberg Regestensammlung under the auspices of Hess. Staatsarchivs Darmstadt microfilmed in Darmstadt in 1985 and included in the Regestenwerk (15). The further written material lying in the Heylshof such as files, correspondence etc. could be taken into account in the preparation of the present repertory (16). Some files, which were offered at an auction in Heidelberg in 1984, could be bought with the support of the Altertumsverein Worms (17). Also in 1994, with the financial support of the Kulturfonds der Wormser Wirtschaft, the city was able to acquire 23 official and accounting books from private sources, which were added to the collection. With the help of this material, gaps in existing series could be closed again. Among these acquisitions was also the inventory "Verzeichnis der Urkunden, Schriftstücke etc. des Kämmerer-Dalbergarchivs Schloß Herrnsheim...", compiled in 1919 by Heyl's librarian and archivist Wilhelm Graf, in which he [until then] had only recorded the documents (18). For the use and recording of the Dept. 159 This inventory, Dept. 159, comprises the Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive (files and official books), which, together with the other inventories, Dept. 159-U Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive (documents) and Dept. 159-P Dalberg Plan Collection, comprises the entire collection of the archive of the chamberlains of Worms Freiherr von Dalberg, formerly kept in the Herrnsheimer Palace. As a complex aristocratic archive within the holdings of the Worms City Archive, it is of supra-regional importance. It reflects the work of a knightly aristocratic family with its lordly function and family ties. After the takeover of the material by the city of Worms in 1967, the directory prepared by C. J. H. Villinger served as a finding aid for years. In the archive, the bundles and official books of No. 1 - No. 428 were numbered consecutively and recorded in a corresponding list. While the documents (No. 1 - No. 323, plus sub-numbers (19)) already registered in 1919 by the Heyl's librarian and archivist Wilhelm Graf in document folders with numbers and title entries were initially easy to use, the files and folders with short titles and box numbers contained in the remaining archive boxes were relatively reliably findable, but only vaguely citable due to missing individual signatures. After in the 1980s the processing of the Dalbergian document holdings in Darmstadt, Worms (Stadtarchiv, Heylshof, Pfarrarchiv Herrnsheim) and in other archives had been implemented under the auspices of the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, a more precise indexing of the files was started as a further project (20). Dr. Jürgen Rainer Wolf of the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt processed the documents kept in the other archive boxes of the Worms Dalberg Archive, which were brought to Darmstadt for this purpose. However, only a part of the boxes (21) was opened, and each box was given a number with sub-numbers separated by slashes for the individual pieces contained therein. However, the work did not come to a conclusion. With immediate effect Wolf's finding aid, which also included official book series, had to be used in addition to the directory compiled by Villinger (22). From then on, the use of the holdings was regarded as a particular challenge, especially since there was also a link between the holdings of documents and files. This was because, at the time of the document project, the comprehensive record of documents also included the documents lying dormant in the files, the location of which was then not reliable or only difficult to secure (23). At the beginning of 2011, due to the unsatisfactory usability of the inventory on the one hand and due to the discontinuous and inconsistent depth of distortion on the other hand, the complete new distortion of the file inventory was decided and completed in October 2012. The signatures should not be changed completely, but as many as possible should be preserved and the link with existing old signatures by means of concordance should of course be guaranteed. The titles were recorded directly in the Augias archive program, at the same time the documents were embedded in acid-free archive folders and boxes. "The numbering of the convolutes was retained as signatures and, if necessary, sub-numbers separated by slashes were assigned as soon as the mostly extensive fascicles contained various individual folders. "The official records retained their signatures. "The Wolf's units of description with their signatures (no. 430/1ff - no. 440/1ff) were taken over, sifted through and the existing title recordings were deepened and supplemented on the basis of the newly recorded pieces. "Documents (24) possibly in the files, which were considered in the Dalberger Regesten volumes, were seized with the title admission both over the old signature, and usually with reference to the sequential number in the second volume of the Dalberger Regesten (25). "The further archive boxes not yet taken up by Wolf were continued and listed according to the given pattern, i.e. each further archive box received a new number (No. 442ff (26)) and the individual files, folders etc. preserved therein were provided with sub-numbers, separated by a slash. "The unlisted material found at the end of the inventory was then added with consecutive signatures. "The Dalberg letters purchased on various occasions in the 1970s, mainly letters from Carl Theodor von Dalberg, which had been integrated into the collection at the time, also remained with the new indexing in Dept. 159. " The documents kept at Kunsthaus Heylshof were recorded and selected pieces digitized (27). The digital copies were integrated in the Worms Municipal Archives into the collection of Dept. 159, since the pieces of their provenance can be attributed to the former Herrnsheim Dalberg Archive. In the case of the originals, the signatures of the city archives were noted, while the numbering used in the Heylshof (28) was recorded as an "old signature" in the title recording. This enables targeted access to the originals at Heylshof if required. "Within the scope of the registration work also the files of Dept. 159 N were dissolved (29) and inserted into Dept. 159 (now Dept. 159 No. 852 - No. 884). These are files, correspondence and family papers (mainly on the Petersau donation and the Tascher affair), which obviously also belonged to the Dalberg Archive in the past. These once formed the inventory of Dept. 158 of Dalberg, which must have existed before 1967, about its origin, i.e. (pre-)provenance before transfer into the archive, but no information is available. During the title recording it became apparent that the inventory did not have a coherent structure and that the development of a system would only make sense after completion of the work. The classification was finally drawn up on the basis of the main points of content. The assignment of each individual unit of description to the corresponding classification group then took place in a final work step, after the completion of which a real overview of the contents of the present tradition and its meaning in its entirety could be obtained. Contents The documents that were last kept in the library tower of Herrnsheim Castle before being transferred to the Worms City Archives essentially comprise archival documents relating to the Herrnsheim Dalberg Line. By the marriage (oo 12.1.1771) Wolfgang Heribert von Dalbergs with Elisabetha Augusta nee Ulner von Dieburg (30) as well as by connections of the Dalberger with other families further document and file material was added. The collection of Dept. 159 as part of the Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive comprises the file and official book tradition, the temporal focus of which clearly lies in the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. The early material (from 1249) is mostly copies of documents. A copy in which a large number of documents were recorded between 1249 and 1469 (31) deserves special mention here. Temporal "runaways" in the 20th century came about through subsequent additions to the holdings. On the one hand, various correspondences and records had been added sporadically at the time of the von Heyl family (32) and on the other hand, in connection with the purchase of Dalberg letters, the corresponding correspondence had been left with the letters (33). The most closed collection within the Dept. 159 is the archive material dating back to Emmerich Joseph von Dalberg (1773-1833). Due to the fact that with him the Herrnsheimer Dalberg line died out in the male tribe, after the death of his father Wolfgang Heribert all administrative matters of the Herrnsheimer line and after the death of his uncle Carl Theodor von Dalberg as his universal heir were incumbent upon him the order and administration of his inheritance including the Regensburg endowment. Furthermore and especially in Dept. 159 there is the diplomatic estate of the Duc de Dalberg with numerous memoirs, correspondence and rich material (targeted collection, own records etc.) on the (foreign) policy of France and other European countries. In addition, its business activities are richly reflected, not least in the activities of the Paravey Bank.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 49 · Fonds · 1774-1933 (1944)
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

History of the Baden embassies: Until 1871 Baden had maintained its own missions to the German Confederation, in Bavaria, Belgium, France, Hanover (until 1866), Hesse (Grand Duchy of Hesse), Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Prussia, Saxony, Switzerland and Württemberg, as well as numerous overseas consulates (8 in the USA alone). The same states were also represented in Baden. With Baden's entry into the German Reich, his foreign powers were transferred to it and all Baden embassies were dissolved; only the embassy in Berlin remained in existence until 1918 or 1945. The legations in Stuttgart and Munich were re-established in Munich in 1894 in personal union and functioned until 1919. Conversely, in Karlsruhe after 1871, there were still legations from Bavaria, Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain (chargés d'affaires), Prussia, Russia and Spain, albeit with smaller personnel and fewer competences. Furthermore, numerous consulates remained as before, most of which were based in Mannheim. Tradition: The files of the legations dissolved in 1871 were handed over by the State Ministry to the General State Archives in 1887 with the condition that they be kept as a whole, i.e. not to be torn apart. Friedrich von Weech therefore established a "Gesandtschaftsarchiv" at the Haus- und Staatsarchiv as its abbot IV in accordance with the provenance. In 1934, the files of the Baden legations in Berlin were submitted from 1884 and Munich from 1894 onwards, others followed until 1951. Development: In 1907-1909, the legation files submitted until then were recorded, renumbered after 1950 and copied by typewriter in 1966; in 2010, Ms Sigrun Gees produced an online version of them. Parallel holdings: holdings 48, here: Diplomatic correspondence (counter tradition of the Baden government), embassies, consulates, fonds 233, here: Legations, especially no. 34795-34836 (reports of the Baden legation in Berlin 1874-1933) and no. 34863-34871 (reports of the Baden legation in Munich and Stuttgart 1894-1919). Literature: Günther Haselier, Die Badenische Gesandtschaft in München, in: Archivalische Zeitschrift 73 (1977), p. 99-111; Hansmartin Schwarzmaier/Hiltburg Köckert, Die Bestände des Generallandesarchivs Karlsruhe, Teil 3, Haus- und Staatsarchiv sowie Hofbehörden (46-60), Stuttgart 1991, p. 51-56; Jürgen Schuhladen-Krämer, accredited in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Darmstadt ... Baden envoy between 1771 and 1945, Karlsruhe 2000.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 120 · Dossier · 1915-1921
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from R.C. Ade, Rotterdam, concerning food allowances for interned Germans, handschr., 25.11.1918 - Letter from Alfred Buddeberg concerning work at the military building authority, handschr.., 5.4.1918 - Correspondence with Dr. Baracs Deltour about the subscription of the work "Unsere Zeitgenossen", April/May 1917 - Letter of Haussmann to legal agent Deschler in the matter of Glöckler against Berger, mechanical, 11.4.1917 - Letter of Haussmann to the import and export office because of brewery machines, mechanical, 28.12.1920 - Correspondence because of overnight vacation for district superiors, mechanical, 11.

Haußmann, Conrad

The chamber was erected on 13.4.1863 for the area of the former district of Dortmund. The original district did not change its external borders until 1913. The district of Dortmund was divided into the city district of Dortmund (enlarged by incorporation) and the districts of Hörde and Dortmund. In 1913 the chamber district was extended to the district of Hamm (from 1930 the district of Unna). In 1917 the independent town of Hamm was added. With the territorial reform of the years 1926-1929 the offices Sodingen (today town Herne) and Annen (town Witten) left the chamber district. From 1.1.1930, the chamber district comprised the city districts of Dortmund, Castrop-Rauxel, Lünen and Hamm, the district of Unna as well as the city of Schwerte and the Westhofen office from the district of Iserlohn. This district was valid until 31.12.1974 with one exception: in 1944/45 Schwerte was briefly assigned to the district of the Iserlohn office at the Chamber of Hagen. Since the municipal reorganization in 1975, the chamber district comprises the city districts of Dortmund and Hamm as well as the district of Unna. Castrop-Rauxel retired, the municipalities Werne, Selm and the new districts of the cities Hamm and Schwerte were added. In 1935 the IHK Dortmund became the seat of the Chamber of Commerce for Westphalia and Lippe in the course of the development of the commercial economy. Although the Chamber of Commerce was theoretically assigned numerous tasks as a subdivision of the Reich Chamber of Commerce, the independence of the individual Chambers of Industry and Commerce and the Chambers of Crafts was de facto preserved. In 1937 the Chamber of Commerce for Westphalia and Lippe was subdivided into the departments IHKn, Chambers of Crafts, Industrial Department, Trade Department, District Compensation Office for Public Contracts, Honorary Courts of Commerce and Industry. Each of the departments had its own advisory boards. In the course of the war preparations and during the war, the Economic Chamber (and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry) were given tasks within the framework of management. In 1942, chambers of commerce were created analogous to the party organization of the NSDAP. The IHKs finally lost their self-administration tasks. Dortmund became the seat of the Gauwirtschaftskammer Westfalen-Süd [Westphalia South Chamber of Commerce] [for the government district of Arnsberg]. In addition to the chambers of industry and commerce, the regional trade associations were also included. Due to the effects of the war, the organisational structure of the Gauwirtschaftskammer remained a torso. 190 m The collection is divided into several layers, which were created by changes in the registry. There are losses in the older strata. Before 1914 there were already large gaps, and contemporary cassations could be found in the so-called war economy registry. The tradition of the file layer 1918-1930 is largely complete. From the file layer from 1931 to 1945 whole groups of files were destroyed in bomb attacks, furthermore unknown quantities of special registries of the Gauwirtschaftskammerregistratur(en) were lost. The documents from the first period after the end of the war were not included in a systematic file plan until later; individual clerk registries for the period up to 1950 (beginning of a new file layer) are missing, e.g. files on the currency reform of 1948. 1. 1863-1914/1918 President Eduard Kleine 1900-1914 (1); elections 1863-1918 with voter lists (8); annual reports 1889-1913 (1); 50th anniversary 1913 (1); Syndici 1872-1914 (3); budget 1877-1900 (4); chamber building 1898-1913 (1); Chamber organisation 1894-1918 (2); Vereinigung der Sekretäre der Handels- und Gewerbekammern Deutschlands 1875-1899 (1); Vereinigung der Handelskammern des rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiets 1903-1918 (2). Local court Aplerbeck 1908 (1); commercial judge elections 1879-1918 (2); articles of association 1884-1918 (4); auditors 1899-1919 (3); commercial chemist 1899-1918 (3); commercial customs 1903-1919 (4). Correspondence with the Chief President of Münster and the government of Arnsberg 1893-1918 (2) and with the Minister of Commerce of Berlin 1882-1914 (6); universal suffrage 1906-1917 (1); coal mining 1886-1918 (2); iron industry 1894-1918 (1); grain and animal feed industry 1917-1918 (1); money transfer 1916-1918 (1). District Railway Council Cologne 1883-1918 (6); railway project Dortmund-Schwerte-Letmathe-Frankfurt 1890-1914 (3); waterway advisory boards for the Dortmund-Ems Canal, including canals 1907-1914 (1); port Dortmund 1886-1918 (1); Dortmund-Ems Canal (4). Customs tariffs 1905-1918 (1); German colonies 1909-1917 (3). Maschinenbauschule Dortmund 1893-1918 (2); Technische Hochschule Dortmund (planned) 1905-1909; Städtische Schifferschule Dortmund 1912-1915 (1); Städtische Fortbildungsschule Dortmund 1881-1918 (5), desgl. Unna 1911-1917 (1); stenographic examination office 1912-1916 (1). Chambers of Commerce 1884 (1); Chambers of Labour 1908-1918 (1); Chambers of Experts 1910-1915 (1); RWWA Cologne 1904-1918 (1); Bismarck Monument 1911-(1927) (1); German Economic Association 1904-1918 (1). 2. War and post-war files 1914-(1930) Certificates for army deliveries 1914-1918 (6); imports, export and transit bans in the First World War 1914-1918 (7); state forced organization (general) 1914-1919 (5); Kriegsausschuß der deutschen Wirtschaft 1914-1918 (1); Economic General Staff 1916 (1); War Bonds 1915-1921 (1); War Gains Tax 1915-1920 (1); War Aid Cashiers 1914-1920 (1); Advice Centres for Trade and Crafts 1914-1916 (1); Emergency Money 1914-1919 (1); Closures 1917 (1); Enemy Assets 1915-1918 (1). Foreign receivables 1914-1921 (5); occupied territories 1915-1918 (3); war and peace goals 1915-1918 (1); demobilisation 1918-1922 (3); civilian food supply 1915-1921 (2); purchasing companies 1915-1921 (5); prices, price testing agencies 1914-1919 (3); Generalkommando Münster 1914-1919 (2); war offices Düsseldorf u. Kriegsamt Düsseldorf (3); war and peace goals 1915-1918 (1); war and peace objectives 1915-1922 (3); shopping companies 1915-1921 (5); prices, price testing agencies 1914-1919 (3); Generalkommando Münster 1914-1919 (2); war offices Düsseldorf u. Münster 1917-1919 (2); demand for demobilisation 1918-1919 (2); cultivation of raw materials 1915-1919 (12). War welfare, war damaged, war survivors 1914-1918 (3); prisoners of war 1915-1917 (1); military service 1914-1918 (8); relief service 1916-1918 (2); armistice, peace treaty 1918-1930 (5); vote in Upper Silesia 1919-1929 (1); Saar region 1919-1931 (1); confiscation of German foreign assets 1919-1931 (3); German foreign receivables 1919-1930 (2); reparations 1924-1930 (8); reconstruction in Belgium and northern France 1919-1921 (1). Ruhr occupation 1923-1930 (3); Ruhrabwehrkampf 1925-1930 (1); economic administration in the occupied territory 1923-1926 (1); railway control 1923-1927 (1); food supply of the Ruhr area 1923-1924 (2); Rhein-Ruhr-Hilfe 1923 (1); customs regulations of the occupation authorities 1923-1925 (2); occupation damages 1923-1928 (20). 3. 1918-1930 Elections to the General Assembly 1919-1930 (6); General Assemblies 1918-1930 (9); Committees (general) 1919-1930 (2); Retail Committee 1919-1932 (2); Transport Committee 1921-1924 (1); Committee on Mining and Iron Industry 1921 (1); Tax Committee 1919-1922 (1); Committee on Motor Vehicles 1925-1929 (1); Deaths, Anniversaries 1921-1930 (5); Press Releases 1922-1930 (3); Lectures in the Chamber 1925-1929 (3); Administration 1920-1932 (2); Budget 1919-1934 (2); Chamber Building 1927-1942 (24); Obituaries Victor Weidtman and Richard Stegemann 1924-1927 (1). Chamber of Commerce Acts 1919-1929 (3); Association of the Managing Directors of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce 1919-1930 (3); Association of middle officials of the German official industry and trade representations 1919-1930 (1); Pensions Compensation Fund 1924-1932 (1); individual Chambers 1919-1930 (30); DIHT 1918-1930 (3); Committees of the DIHT 1918-1930 (16); State Committee of the Prussian Chambers of Commerce 1919-1931 (4); Foreign Chambers 1918-1930 (4). Association of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of the Lower Rhine-Westphalian Industrial Area 1918-1930 (7); Association of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Krefeld and Münster 1920-1929 with annual reports (13); Association of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of the South Westphalian Industrial District 1919-1921 (1); Merger of Chambers 1923-1930 (4); Joint Statistical Office of the Ruhr Chambers with quarterly reports 1921-1929 (3). Law (general) 1919-1931 (5); Imperial Administrative Court 1926-1931 (1); Commercial Courts 1919-1929 (3); Bankruptcy Act, Law 1924-1930 (28); Industrial Code 1921-1930 (1); Intellectual Property 1919-1930 (6); Auctions 1920-1930 (2); Commercial law 1919-1930 (4); unfair competition 1910-1930 (4); sales 1919-1930 (24); gifts, discount savings associations 1924-1930 (2); experts 1919-1930 (17); auditors 1919-1936 (2); information, expert opinions 1918-1933 (32). Correspondence with the Ministry of Commerce 1919-1930 (1) and the government of Arnsberg 1919-1929 (1); Reichszentrale für den Heimatdienst 1919-1930 (3); Reichsverfassung 1918-1930 (3); Bürgerräte 1919-1921 (1); Sozialisierung 1918-1926 (4); tax burden on the economy 1919-1925 (3); Enquête Committee 1926-1928 (2); Economic Democracy 1929-1930 (1); City Regulations 1922-1930 (1); RM Revaluation 1924-1930 (2); plant closures 1919-1930 (4), including Südrandzechen; exhibitions and Trade fairs 1919-1931 (21); dimensions and weights 1924-1930 (1); Siedlungsverband Ruhrkohlenbezirk 1920-1930 (2); Westf. Heimstätte GmbH, Münster 1925-1930 (1); settlement and housing 1919-1931 (4); incorporation 1922-1930 (5); economic situation reports 1920-1930 (12); price statistics 1919-1930 (3); labour market reports of the Landesarbeitsamts Westfalen-Lippe 1919-1931 (10). Hard coal mining 1920-1930 (6); iron and steel industry 1919-1928 (1); metal and others Industries 1919-1931 (2); Mechanical engineering 1919-1926 (1); Gas and gas supply 1926-1930 (6); Electricity supply 1919-1930 (3); Water management 1919-1930 (2); Food and beverage industry 1918-1930 (2); Breweries and distilleries 1918-1930 (1); Clay, stone and earth 1919-1930 (2); Construction 1919-1930 (2); Printing 1919-1929 (1); Restaurants and hotels 1917-1930 (3); Laundries 1920-1928 (1); Currency and emergency money 1918-1930 (4); Money and credit crunch 1922-1930 (4); Cheques and other cheques Bills of exchange 1919-1931 (3); balance of gold and payments 1922-1931 (1); securities 1919-1930 (2); banks and stock exchanges (general) 1919-1930 (3); savings banks and municipal banks 1921-1930 (1); stock exchanges in Dortmund 1921-1930 (2). Trade (general) 1911-1931 (2); wholesale prices 1928-1931 (1); advertising 1921-1930 (1); monopolies 1917-1930 (5); pharmacies 1919-1930 (1); wood, coal, oil, etc. Branches of trade 1917-1930 (19); metal thefts 1920-1930 (1); meat and livestock trade 1917-1930 (4); grain trade 1910-1930 (6); potato trade 1919-1930 (3); food trade 1919-1930 (6); tobacco and wine trade 1917-1930 (3). Retail trade (general) 1918-1931 (4); retail prices 1921-1930 (6); retail outlets 1919-1930 (2); consumer financing 1926-1927 (1); Edeka Association 1922-1930 (1); employee trade 1919-1931 (1); commercial agents 1919-1930 (4); crafts 1920-1930 (3); agriculture 1920-1930 (3); 33rd travelling exhibition of the German Agricultural Society in Dortmund 1927 (6). Transport 1917-1930 (2); railway (general) 1919-1931 (8); railway councils 1919-1930 (4); railway construction projects 1903-1930 (10), etc. Rheinisch-Westfälische Schnellbahn 1922-1927, Dortmund-Münster 1903-1927 (2); railway passenger and baggage traffic 1921-1931 (6); timetables 1925-1931 (3); freight traffic 1918-1931 (6); Private siding connections 1919-1932 (5); railway tariffs 1918-1931 (15); preferential tariffs in the Ruhr area 1927-1930 (4); trams 1921-1930 (1); Ruhr-Lippe-Kleinbahn 1928-1932 (1). Inland navigation (general) 1918-1930 (4); towing monopoly 1919-1930 (1); waterway advisory boards 1919-1930 (4); Hansa canal 1922-1930 (1); Dortmund-Ems canal 1919-1930 (5); Mittellandkanal 1919-1930 (1); canals and canal projects 1919-1930 (5); Lippe side canal 1918-1926 (1); port of Dortmund 1919-1930 (1). Road construction 1920-1930 (6); motor traffic 1920-1931 (5); bus routes 1924-1930 (1); transport companies 1924-1928 (3); air traffic 1919-1930 (2); Dortmund Airport 1921-1931 (5); Luftverkehrs-AG Westfalen (WELU) 1925-1930 (1). Post (general) 1919-1931 (9); telephony and telegraphy 1918-1930 (8); postage 1920-1931 (4); postal cheque office, traffic 1909-1930 (2); radio 1924-1930 (2); tourism 1919-1930 (2). Foreign trade (general) 1919-1930 (7); foreign law 1925-1930 (1); export reports 1925-1930 (1); trade espionage 1919-1930 (6); foreign trade fairs 1927-1930 (2); immigration and emigration, foreign Germans 1919-1930 (2); League of Nations 1926-1928 (2); trade treaties 1920-1930 (2); trade with individual countries 1912-1930 (37), above all with the USSR 1920-1930 (1920-1930); export reports 1925-1930 (1); trade espionage 1919-1930 (6); foreign trade fairs 1927-1930 (2); trade with individual countries 1912-1930 (37), above all with the USSR 1920-1930 (1920-1930); Foreign intelligence services 1919-1930 (11); import and export regulations 1914-1930 (17); foreign exchange trading 1921-1927 (1); consulates 1919-1930 (4); foreign travel 1924-1930 (2); customs (general) 1919-1930 (5); processing traffic 1921-1931 (7); German and foreign customs 1920-1930 (4). Taxes (general) 1919-1930 (3); Reich taxes 1919-1930 (3); financial and tax law 1924-1930 (5); financial equalization 1923-1930 (5); real taxes 1927-1929 (3); financial committees and offices 1921-1930 (8); property taxes 1919-1930 (5); Property tax 1919-1930 (5); turnover and luxury tax 1919-1930 (4); excise taxes 1924-1930 (4); municipal taxes 1921-1930 (7); business taxes 1921-1930 (11); business tax reform 1925-1927 (3); business taxes in individual municipalities: Annen 1920-1929 (3), Aplerbeck 1920-1929 (3), Barop 1922-1929 (3), Brackel 1921-1927 (2), Brambauer 1921-1927 (2), Castrop 1910-1930 (5), Derne 1922-1927 (2), Dortmund 1920-1932 (2), Fröndenberg 1924-1930 (1), Hamm 1906-1930 (4), Hörde 1924-1927 (2), Kamen 1919-1930 (3), Kirchhörde 1920-1929 (3), Lünen 1921-1930 (3), Lütgendortmund 1921-1927 (2), Marten 1921-1927 (2), Mengede 1921-1927 (2), Pelkum 1921-1930 (4), Rauxel 1904-1925 (2), Rhynern 1922-1930 (1), Schwerte 1921-1930 (4), Sodingen 1920-1923 (1), Unna 1924-1930 (1), Wellinghofen 1921-1930 (1), Westhofen 1921-1930 (1). Employees and workers (general) 1918-1930 (3); Labour courts 1921-1930 (1); Works Constitution, Councils 1918-1928 (2); Tariffs and wages 1919-1930 (7); Working time, protection 1919-1930 (5); Strikes 1919-1930 (2); Unemployment of employees 1925-1931 (2), Reich Insurance Ordinance 1919-1930 (3); Accident Insurance 1923-1930 (2); Disability Insurance 1921-1930 (1); Miners' Social Insurance 1925-1929 (1); Unemployment Insurance 1920-1930 (2); Unemployment Welfare 1918-1930 (5); Housing Construction 1926-1930 (1). Education (general) 1923-1930 (4); Vocational training 1919-1930 (9); Shorthand 1920-1930 (4); Mechanical engineering schools 1920-1930 (1); Vocational schools 1918-1930 (6); Vocational school fees in the municipalities of the chamber district 1921-1930 (18); Commercial schools in Dortmund and Unna 1905-1930 (5); Apprenticeship 1924-1929 (3). Chamber of Crafts Dortmund 1900-1930 (1); Chamber of Agriculture 1926-1930 (1); Chamber of Experts 1922-1931 (1); Chamber of Architects 1926-1928 (1); Chamber of Consumers 1920-1922 (1). Associations and federations (general) 1911-1930 (5); industrial associations 1919-1930 (1); CDI 1918-1919 (1), RDI 1919-1930 (3); Langnamverein 1920-1930 (2); Bergbau-Verein 1927-1930 (1); Association of German Iron and Steel Workers 1919-1930 (1); VDMA 1919-1926 (1); Hansabund 1919-1930 (1); Westfälischer Industrieklub 1921-1928 (1); Bund für Nationalwirtschaft und Werksgemeinschaft 1924-1930 (1); Transport associations, mainly VV Industriebezirk 1920-1930 (4); Verkehrsverein Dortmund 1919-1930 (3); Binnenschiffahrtsverbände 1917-1930 (7); Außenhandelsverbände 1920-1925 (1); Russlandausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft und ähnlichen Ausschüsse 1919-1930 (56); kaufmännische Verbände und Vereine 1922-1930 (1); Central-Gewerbe-Vereine 1919-1927 (1); Westfälische Kaufmannsgilde, Dortmund 1924-1930 (1); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kaufmanns-Erholungsheime 1918-1930 (1); Hauptgemeinschaft des Deutschen Einzelhandels 1929-1930 (1); employers' associations 1919-1930 (1); Institut für Konjunkturforschung 1924-1930 (1); RWWA Köln 1919-1929 (1); Volkswirtschaftliche Vereinigung des rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiets 1920-1930 (1); Reichsverband der deutschen Volkswirte 1919-1929 (1); Westfälische Verwaltungsakademie, Bochum 1925-1931 (1); Associations for Commercial Education 1912-1930 (2); RKW 1925-1930 (1); Verband der Vereine Creditreform 1919-1929 (1); Deutscher See-Verein 1918-1930 (1); Kolonialvereine 1919-1930 (1); Tannenberg- u.a. Monuments 1927-1930 (2). 4. 1931-1945 Statutes 1932-1939 (1); Executive Board/Committee 1931-1942 (6); Members of the General Assembly 1932-1941 (3); General Assemblies 1930-1934 (1); Committees 1931-1941 (2); Retail Representation of the Chamber 1934-1941 (4); Anniversaries 1931-1941 (22); Lectures 1932-1940 (1); Journal "Westfälische Wirtschaft" 1932-1937 (3). Chamber organization (general) 1931-1941 (8); staff of the chambers 1932-1942 (6); IHK special-purpose associations 1929-1937, especially for the chambers Bochum, Dortmund, Essen, Münster (5); Vereinigung der IHKn des niederrheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiets 1931-1935 (1); Arbeitsgemeinschaft der westf. Chambers of Industry, Commerce and Crafts 1933-1935 (1); Chambers of Foreign Trade 1931-1944 (5); International Chamber of Commerce, Paris 1931-1944 with German Group (2); DIHT with committees 1930-1934 (4). Imperial, state and municipal law 1927-1942 (4); citizenship 1931-1939 (2); arbitration courts and courts of honour 1931-1943 (8); settlements and bankruptcies 1929-1940 (27); debt settlement 1939-1943 (5); industrial property law 1927-1943 (39); unfair competition 1930-1942 (4); Unification Offices for Competition Disputes 1932-1940 (6); Out and Final Sales 1927-1939 (2); Prohibitions on Allowances 1931-1943 (3); Cartels and Syndicates 1931-1938 (1); Auctioneers 1931-1942 (2); Commercial Law 1932-1943 (1); Joint Stock Companies 1931-1939 (2); Stock Corporation Law 1931-1939 (2); GmbH Law 1937-1940 (1); Terms of Delivery and Payment 1931-1938 (3); Experts, Experts, Auditors 1931-1944 (36); Information 1931-1937 (8); Baumeister Titles 1931-1936 (4); Economy 1931-1939 (3); Eastern Aid 1930-1933 (1); Consequences of the Versailles Treaty 1931-1940 (2); NSDAP 1933-1944 (1); DAF 1933-1944 (2); organization of the economy / development of the commercial economy 1932-1944 (5); Reichsnährstand 1933-1938 (1); Reichskulturkammer 1933-1939 (1); technical division of the commercial economy 1934-1940 (5) and of industry 1934-1939 (2); delimitation of trade, crafts and industry 1934-1943 (5); urban development 1931-1937 (3). Reichswirtschaftskammer 1934-1939 (2); Gauwirtschaftskammern (general) 1938-1940 (1); Reichswirtschaftsgruppen 1934-1940 (3); Jewish businesses 1938-1939 (3); Ernährungsamt beim Oberpräsidenten Münster 1939-1944 (16); economic situation reports (general) 1931-1939 (2); Situation reports of the IHKs Dortmund 1931-1939 (11), Essen 1931-1937 (3), Düsseldorf 1931-1939 (2), Bielefeld 1936-1939 (2), Hagen 1936-1939 (2), Duisburg 1936-1939 (2), the joint statistical office of the IHKs Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Krefeld, Münster 1931-1937 (2); economic situation reports for mining 1936-1939 (2); RKW 1931-1938 (4). Imperial agencies (monitoring agencies) for wool 1934-1941 (2), silk 1936-1941 (1), cotton 1934-1942 (2), bast fibres 1934-1942 (1), rubber and asbestos 1934-1940 (1); leather management 1934-1942 (6), textile management 1934-1941 (3); iron and steel industry 1934-1941 (2), silk 1936-1941 (1), cotton 1934-1942 (2), bast fibres 1934-1942 (1), rubber and asbestos 1934-1940 (1); leather management 1934-1942 (6), textile management 1934-1941 (3); iron and steel industry 1934-1941 (3) Steel management 1934-1941 (6); Metal management 1934-1941 (7); Coal management 1939-1941 (4); Price formation and monitoring 1931-1942 (13); Monthly price reports 1937-1940 (4); Trade fairs at home and abroad 1930-1939 (7); Settlement association Ruhr coal district 1931-1939 (2). Insurance 1931-1941 (1); Money, coins and currency 1931-1936 (1); Banking 1931-1939 (1); Gas, electricity, water 1931-1937 (2). Retail trade (general) 1931-1938 (2); trade in milk products 1927-1939 (2), margarine 1933-1939 (3), potatoes 1931-1937 (1), furniture 1937-1938 (1); pharmacies, drugstores 1930-1932 (8); sales representatives 1931-1939 (2). Wholesale (general) 1933-1941 (2); grain trade 1931-1939 (3), trade in base metals 1931-1936 (1); Committee on Agricultural Market and Sales Issues in the Rhine-Westphalian Industrial Area 1930-1932 (1); agricultural debt settlement 1932-1937 (1); press, printing industry 1931-1939 (6). Oberhausen freight base 1930-1936 (2); traffic (general) 1930-1939 (1); overall traffic plan Ruhr area 1937 (1); postal services (general) 1931-1941 (6); telegraph and telephone services 1931-1941 (2); railway traffic (general) 1927-1939 (3); Railway and motor vehicles 1931-1939 (3); rail freight transport 1930-1939 (4); private sidings 1931-1939 (2); rail passenger transport, tariffs 1931-1941 (12); timetables 1931-1943 (3); sea and inland waterway transport (general) 1930-1944 (1); Canals (general) 1931-1944 (2); Dortmund-Ems Canal 1931-1942 (3); Inland navigation statistics 1931-1939 (1); Port of Dortmund 1930-1944 (1); Air traffic 1931-1940 (1); Air protection 1931-1942 (1); WELU 1930-1938 (1); Dortmund airport 1930-1942 (1); Local public transport in Dortmund 1931-1943 (1); small trams and streetcars 1931-1944 (1); motor vehicles (general) 1931-1940 (5); petrol stations 1934-1942 (1); long-distance goods transport 1931-1939 (5); motorways 1933-1937 (2). Foreign Germans, emigration 1931-1940 (1); "Propaganda" abroad 1931-1940 (2); Foreign trade (general) 1931-1939 (5); Trade with foreign states 1930-1944 (6); Russian Committee of the German Economy 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1940 (2); Foreign Trade (general) 1931-1939 (5); Foreign Trade with Foreign States 1930-1944 (6); Russia Committee of the German Economy 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1940 (6); Foreign Trade (general) 1931-1939 (5); Foreign Trade with Foreign States 1930-1944 (6); Russia Committee of the German Economy 1931-1941 (4) the Ruhr district, Hagen 1931-1943 (13), their special reports 1939-1942 (3); import restrictions 1931-1935 (3); foreign exchange control 1931-1941 (44); export promotion 1931-1939 (3); clearing with foreign states 1932-1936 (6); compensation 1934-1936 (1); German customs duties 1931-1941 (2); processing traffic 1931-1934 (2). Public finance 1930-1942 (7); tax offices 1931-1934 (2); taxes (general) 1931-1941 (3); tax consultants 1931-1939 (1); Reich taxes 1931-1937 (2); Motor vehicle taxes 1930-1942 (1); income tax 1931-1941 (3); turnover tax 1931-1939 (4); municipal taxes 1931-1939 (1); business taxes 1931-1937 (1), in Dortmund 1931-1936 (1) and 1931-1936 (1). in the district of Unna 1931-1938 (1). Work assignment 1931-1940 (8); wages and tariffs in individual Westphalian branches 1931-1938 (3); payments under the collective bargaining agreement 1933-1938 (3); labour market situation, unemployment in Westphalia-Lippe 1931-1939 (7); granting of leave 1931-1939 (2); remuneration in the public service 1931-1940 (2); performance competition of German companies 1937-1940 (3); unemployment 1930-1939 (3); Emergency situation of older employees 1932-1938 (3); job creation 1932-1936 (1); social security (general) 1931-1939 (1); welfare 1931-1939 (2); collection and support 1931-1939 (1); Adolf Hitler Donation of the German Economy 1933-1939 (3); Winter Relief 1931-1937 (3); Settlement and Housing 1931-1940 (3); Barracks for Foreign Workers 1942-1945 (1949) (1). Bochum Administrative Academy 1931-1943 (1); Haus der Technik, Essen 1931-1941 (2); scientific institutes 1930-1943 (3); vocational training 1931-1943 (9); shorthand 1931-1942 (3); Vocational and technical schools in the chamber district 1931-1943 (4); vocational school contributions 1929-1942 (3); apprenticeship 1931-1939 (8); young skilled workers 1936-1937 (1); apprenticeship 1935-1941 (3); examinations 1936-1943(58). Chambers of Trade and Agriculture 1931-1944 (1); associations and federations (general) 1931-1943 (7); Hansabund 1931-1933 (1); intergovernmental trade associations 1931-1940 (2); RDI 1931-1933 (1); Langnamverein 1931-1935 (4); Haus- und Grundbesitzervereine 1931-1937 (1); political associations 1931-1938 (1); Raiffeisen-Genossenschaften 1930-1933 (1); congresses, conferences, events (especially in Dortmund) 1932-1944 (4). 5. 1945 to June 1950 Presidium 1945-1950 (1); General Assembly, Elections 1947-1950 (8); Joint Economic Policy Committee 1946-1949 (1); Retail Representation 1948-1950 (1); Committees 1946-1949 (5); Administration 1945-1950 (2); Budget (1942) 1945-1950 (2); Reconstruction of the Chamber building 1946-1951 (2); Personnel 1929-1951 (3); Anniversaries 1945-1950 (4); Lectures in the Chamber 1946-1950 (1); Newsletter of the Chamber 1946-1950 (1); Activity reports 1946-1950 (5);0 former Gauwirtschaftskammer 1945-1954 (1). Chamber organisation, law 1945-1950 (9); staff of the chambers (1937)-1950 (1); individual chambers 1945-1950 (5); regional and supraregional chamber organisation (1943) 1945-1949 (7); DIHT 1949-1950 (3); chamber association NRW 1946-1950 (6); joint statistical office of the NRW chambers 1946-1955 (1). Constitution and Administration (general) 1946-1950 (3); War Damage Law 1943-1949 (5); Burden Compensation 1948-1950 (2); Industrial Law (general) 1946-1950 (1); Auctions 1948-1950 (1); Competition Law 1946-1950 (6); Industrial Property Law 1946-1950 (6); Honorary Commercial Courts 1944-1950 (1); Bankruptcy law 1948-1950 (1); settlement of debts 1945-1950 (1); commercial law 1945-1950 (1), register 1945-1950 (3); stock corporation law 1943-1949 (1); cartels 1946-1950 (1); deliveries and payments 1945-1950 (2); expert opinions, information 1945-1950 (3); experts (1937) 1944-1950 (3); trade customs 1948-1950 (1). Economic Council of the United Economic Area, Frankfurt 1947-1948 (2); District Economic Office Dortmund 1946-1949 (2); Arnsberg Government 1945-1949 (1); Military Government 1945-1950 (3); War Economy (1933) 1945-1947 (1); Reparations, Dismantling 1947-1950 (6); Claims on the State, Wehrmacht, NSDAP 1945-1949 (6); requisitions by the occupying forces 1945-1948 (5); war equipment 1945-1948 (5); denazification 1945-1950 (5); appointment of trustees 1945-1950 (2); restitution 1947-1950 (2). Economic policy (general) 1945-1950 (4); Ruhr problems 1945-1950 (2); food industry 1945-1950 (1); permits 1945-1947 (12); reconstruction (general) 1945-1950 (1); situation reports (general) 1945-1950 (1), of companies 1945-1950 (5); Economic statistics (general) 1943-1950 (6); statistics of retail trade 1945-1946 (1), iron and steel industry 1930-1954 (3), textile industry 1948-1950 (2), rolling mills 1945-1946 (1), coal mining 1936-1949 (1); Rheinisch-Westfälisches Firmenjahrbuch 1947-1951 (3). Management of goods (general) 1945-1950 (5), iron and steel 1945-1950 (1), non-ferrous metals 1945-1950 (1), paper 1945-1949 (1); petroleum 1945-1948 (1), explosives 1945-1948 (1), textiles 1946-1949 (1), coal 1945-1946 (1); Prices, price monitoring 1945-1950 (7); trade fairs and exhibitions 1945-1950 (8); new settlement of industrial enterprises 1945-1950 (1); machine tool inventory in the chamber district 1945-1949 (3). Iron and steel industry 1945-1950 (1); breweries 1945-1950 (1); electricity and gas 1945-1950 (6); mining 1945-1950 (1); light industry 1945-1950 (9); construction 1945-1950 (5); Service industries 1945-1950 (1); hotels and restaurants 1945-1950 (1); crafts 1945-1950 (1); architects 1945-1949 (1); commerce (general) 1945-1950 (3); retail trade (general) 1945-1950 (5); wholesale trade (general) 1945-1950 (2); Factory trading 1946-1950 (1); interzone trading 1945-1948 (5); shop closing 1945-1950 (1); individual branches 1945-1950 (4); mail order 1945-1950 (2); spirits trading 1948-1950 (2); cooperatives 1944-1950 (1); Insurance industry 1945-1950 (2); monetary affairs, banks, savings banks 1944-1950 (4); agency services, exchange offices 1945-1950 (2); press 1945-1950 (2); newspapers, magazines 1945-1950 (4). Transport (general) 1945-1950 (1); Transport statistics (1936)-1948 (1); Transport losses 1945-1952 (1); Transport industry 1945-1949 (2); Rail transport (general) 1945-1950 (5); Timetables 1945-1950 (3), Rail tariffs 1945-1950 (1); Aviation 1948-1950 (1); Dortmund-Ems canal, Dortmund port 1945-1950 (2); sea and inland waterway transport and statistics 1945-1950 (4); motor vehicles (general) 1945-1950 (2); trams and light rail vehicles 1945-1950 (1); buses 1945-1950 (2); fuels, petrol stations 1945-1950 (1); tourism, travel agencies 1945-1950 (1). Foreign trade (general) 1945-1950 (9); Foreign trade information service 1947-1950 (3); Foreign trade meetings of the chambers 1946-1950 (5); Foreign trade statistics 1946-1949 (1); Foreign trade with individual countries 1947-1950 (4); Imports (general) 1946-1950 (2); Export markets 1945-1950 (2); Customs 1946-1950 (1); German foreign assets 1948-1950 (1). Public finances and taxes 1945-1950 (1); income tax 1944-1950 (2). Labour market statistics 1939-1950 (5); housing statistics 1933-1949 (1); social policy, labour law 1945-1950 (2); employment offices 1945-1950 (1); working time, wages, salaries 1945-1950 (6); company social policy 1945-1950 (1); trade unions 1945-1950 (1); Co-determination 1945-1950 (1); labour force deployment 1945-1950 (3); refugees 1945-1950 (2); rationalisation 1945-1950 (3); war-damaged, survivors 1946-1950 (1); accident insurance 1945-1950 (1); housing 1944-1950 (1). Vocational guidance 1946-1950 (1); Vocational training 1946-1950 (2); Vocational training officers of the chambers 1945-1950 (1); Centre for industrial vocational education of the [German] Chamber of Industry and Commerce, SitzDortmund 1946-1950 (1); Vocational and technical schools 1945-1950 (3); Apprenticeship 1945-1950 (2); Apprenticeships 1941-1950 (4); Books, libraries 1945-1950 (4). Associations and associations (general) 1945-1950 (3); employers' associations 1945-1950 (1); industry associations 1945-1950 (2); working group of small and medium-sized enterprises 1948-1950 (1); trade associations 1945-1950 (3); transport associations 1946-1950 (1); educational associations 1945-1950 (1); events in Dortmund 1946-1948 (3); art exhibitions, including correspondence with sculptor Benno Elkan 1950-1970 (1). 6. from 1950 debtor lists 1948-1965 (3); company identification and signets 1954 (3); reparations and dismantling 1950-1960 (1); weekly markets 1948-1951 (1); water management 1950-1952 (1); electricity management 1950-1960 (2); energy management general 1950-1961 (1); industry and situation reports of individual companies 1950-1967 (44); map collection approx. 1930-1970 (1); Statistical Service of the Chambers 1951-1953 (7); Workplace census in the chamber district 1950 (1); Air pollution control and noise abatement 1950-1965 (2); Insurance industry 1950-1955 (1); Registration of craftsmen in the commercial register 1950-1960 (1); Alweg-Hochbahn 1950-1957 (1); trams 1945-1956 (1); Dortmund-Ems-Kanal 1948-1953 (1); ports in Dortmund, Hamm and Lünen 1948-1973 (3); Dortmund airport 1948-1969 (1); Export financing 1950-1957 (1); foreign representation of chamber firms 1950-1952 (1); housing construction 1950-1952 (2); housing construction for refugees in Dortmund 1950-1954 (3); subsistence aid, emergency aid and refugee loans 1950-1952 (1); Vocational training departments of the chambers 1953 (1); statistics of vocational schools and students in the chamber district 1951-1959 (9); file regulations of the chambers 1951-1954 (1); working group of German commercial airports 1950-1951 (1); art exhibitions of the chambers 1953 (1); statistics of the vocational schools and students in the chamber district 1951-1959 (9); file regulations of the chambers 1951-1954 (1); working group of German commercial airports 1950-1951 (1); art exhibitions of the chambers 1953 (1); statistics of the vocational schools and students in the chamber district 1951-1959 (9); file regulations of the chambers 1951-1954 (1); working group of German commercial airports 1950-1951 (1); art exhibitions of the chambers (1)

BArch, N 2345/36 · Dossier · 1897 - 1904 ; 1910 ; 1916
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Metternich zur Gracht, Paul Graf Wolff (German ambassador in London and Constantinople) Morel, Edmund Dene (journalist and editor of the magazine "West African Mail") Müller, by (embassy secretary in Paris and German consul general for Egypt) Contains also: Essay by Zimmermann on Morel in a special edition of the "Kolonialen Rundschau" (Colonial Review)

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-106 · Dossier · 1885 – 1888
Fait partie de Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Accompanying letters and notices on submitted papers etc., including Haardt, V. v. (Vienna): General map of the ethnographic conditions of Asia (1886); Conze: Verzeichnis der Abklatsche von Inschriften (1886); Fraya, Zeitung für Volks-Aufklärung, No. 38, 1886 with article Die Verwerflichkeit der Zehn und die Vorzüglichkeit der Vier im Teil-Verkehr der Menschheit; Hoetsch, L. (Weil) on physiological artificial tone formation (1887); Mende, A. (Frankfurt/O.): Universelle Forschungen zur Geschichte des Weltalls (1887); Borch, L. v. (Innsbruck): Ein Beitrag zum gerichtlichen Verfahren des Mittelalters (1887); Paret, K. L. (Stuttgart): Protestation against science, the theologians and the state of the art in the calculation of the world era (1888) - Reports to the Academy, including: Chief of the Army General Staff on the location of the Varus Battle (1886); Meyer, A. B. (Dresden) about the old streets in the Obergailtal (1886); Königlich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften München about the 27th plenary assembly of the Historische Kommission (1886); Kultusministerium about the discovery of a collection of laws of Alarich II by Beer in Leon (1888) and sending the report of the Kaiserlich-Deutschen Konsulat in Tunis about the opening of the Museum Alaoui (1888) - offers, information and notices to the academy, among others: Plan of the Philological Society in Constantinople for the publication of a catalogue of Greek manuscripts (1886); 100th anniversary of the Regia Academia Litterarum Historiae Antiquitatis Holmiensis S. D. P. (1886); information sheet on the 7th anniversary of the foundation of the Society. International Congress of Orientalists (1886); Wachtel (Cospoli): sale of Turkish word essays (1886); invitation to the 500th anniversary of the Ruperto Carola University Heidelberg (1886); Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands: programme of a poetic competition (1886); Rangabe (Berlin): Programme of the 25th anniversary of the Greek Philological Society of Constantinople (1886); information about the Imperial University of Japan (1886); Royal Museums: catalogue and tickets to the exhibition of the Finsch Collection of objects from New Guinea (1886); K. u. K. Consulate General: Statutes and Regulations of the Schwestern-Fröhlich-Stiftung (1887); Verein Berliner Presse: Tickets for the Uhland celebration (1887); batistie, N. (Zara): sale of a work in the old Croatian language (1888); invitation to the inauguration ceremony of the monument to Adalbert von Chamisso (1888); accompanying letter and information on applications to the academy, including..: Freier Deutscher Hochstift (Frankfurt/M.): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887); Blass, F. (Kiel): financial support for a research trip to Constantinople to study Greek manuscripts (1886); call for financial support for a monument to Adalbert von Chamisso in Berlin (1887); Wernicke, K. (1886): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887). (Paris): financial support for a trip to Italy to research the depictions of Greek heroic sagas (1887); Haupt, K. (New York): printing of his treatise on the problem of causality in the Academy's reports (1888): Blass, F. (Kiel): Mediation of the permission of the Turkish government to use the manuscripts of the Serail Library (1886); Pauli, C. (Leipzig): Permission to examine the epigraphic estate of Corssen (1886); Kopecky, I. (Athens): Examination of his treatise on the rowing equipment of the Attischen Trieren (1888); Lühmann (Greifswald): Printing of his treatise The Old Languages at the Prussian Grammar Schools in the reports or journals of the Academy (1888).- Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Baist, G. (Erlangen): research trip to London to study older Romanesque literature (1886); Meyer, P. (Smyrna): trip to the libraries of the Athos monasteries (1887); Herzsohn, P. (Bonn): publication of the work Der Überfall Alexandriens durch Peter I. (The Attack of Alexandria by Peter I.), King of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1888); Fügner (Nienburg): Publication of a Lexicon Livianum (1888) - Expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on applications for the same for financial support, including: Corssen, P. (Jever): Publication of the Vulgate of the New Testament (1886); Wenker, G.: Sprachatlas des deutschen Reiches (1886); Büttner, C. G. (Wormditt): Foundation of a journal for African languages (1886); Königliche Bibliothek: Acquisition of the Bibliotheca Meermanniana (1887); 38. Meeting of German philologists and teachers: publication of the Monumenta Germaniae Paedagogica (1887); Royal Museums: purchase of Faijûm-Papyri (1887); expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on a procedure of F. F. Mendonça Cortez for the production of geographical maps (1886); communication to Purgold (Gotha) on measures to protect his person on a research trip to Algeria (1886).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T., Nr. 23 · Dossier · 1906 - 1920, ohne Datum
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Société d' Histoire Diplomatique / Paris, 1914 - Deutsches Hochstift / Berlin, 1919 - Volksbund zur Schutze der deutschen Kriegs- und Zivilgefangenen Berlin, 1919 - Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Berlin, 1920 - Protokoll einer nicht nähereichneten Organisation Berlin, o. D. - Organization of European Colonial Interests Paris, 1906.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Radowitz, J. M. v., d. J. · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

This reference book is a slightly modified and, if necessary, corrected transcript of the distortion (including preliminary remarks) made by Dr. Renate Endler in 1957. The estate of the envoy Joseph Maria von Radowitz came to the Prussian Secret State Archives through two accessions (acc. 112/1933 and 339/1936). According to the deposit agreement, it was not allowed to be arranged and listed. It is therefore not possible to determine exactly what losses have been incurred as a result of the outsourcing and relocation caused by the war. There are certainly gaps in diaries and personal records. The stock, whose signatures were completely new, is structured as follows: It began with Radowitz's diaries and personal notes. The diaries begin with the year 1853 and are available with interruptions until 1909. Two copies of the memoirs are available. One is the concept of Radowitz's hand, the other one is a re-examined clean copy from another hand. Next comes correspondence, divided into correspondence with the family, alphabetical and chronological correspondence. The large number of available newspapers and newspaper clippings have also been sorted chronologically. These were mainly newspaper reports on the Algeciras Conference, which was held from January to April 1906. The estate of the father Joseph Maria von Radowitz (the Elder), which is kept here, may also be used for research. The estate was used by Hajo Holborn to publish the "Notes and Memories from the Life of Ambassador Joseph Maria von Radowitz", 1925. In the course of the current database entry by Ms. Pistiolis, the register entries for the chronologically ordered exchange of letters (B III No. 1-10) and the newspaper volumes (C No. 1 Vol. 1-3 and C No. 2 Vol. 1-3) were adopted as notes in the corresponding archive units. Box 44 also contains unordered items. Duration: 1839 - 1912 and without date Volume: 2.2 running metres To order: HA VI, Nl Joseph Maria of Radowitz (the year), No..... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Joseph Maria von Radowitz (the year) (Dep.), No.... Berlin, November 2013 (Chief Inspector Sylvia Rose) Biographical data: Joseph Maria von Radowitz was born on 19.5.1839 in Frankfurt/Main, where his father worked as Prussian military representative for the German Confederation. His mother, Maria von Radowitz, was a born Countess von Voß. Radowitz attended grammar schools in Berlin and Erfurt, where the family took up permanent residence after his father retired. After studying at the universities of Berlin and Bonn and completing his military service, Radowitz became an auscultator at the Court of Appeal on 25 April 1860. He was first employed at the City Court in Berlin in the Department of Investigative Matters and later at the District Court in Erfurt. In 1861 Radowitz, supported by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baron of Schleinitz, and other friends of the family, entered the diplomatic career. He became attaché to the Prussian legation in Constantinople. In 1862, when he returned to Berlin, Radowitz passed the Legation Secretary Examination. After a mission led by Count Eulenburg concluded contracts with China, Japan and Siam in 1859, a Prussian Consulate General was to be established in China in 1862. Radowitz applied to be employed as a delegation secretary at this consulate and was accepted because the other candidates for the position of delegation secretary refused the mission to China. He served in Shanghai until November 1864, and in May 1865 Radowitz was appointed 2nd Legation Secretary in Paris, a post he held until 1867, with an interruption due to his participation in the war of 1866. The next stations in Radowitz's career were Munich and Bucharest, where he served as Consul General. In Munich he married Nadine von Ozerow, the daughter of the Russian envoy to Bavaria (1868). From 1872 to 1880, Radowitz was employed in the Federal Foreign Office, with appointments as ambassador in Athens (25 June 1874), the mission to Petersburg (1875), the Berlin Congress (1878) and the mission to Paris (1880). After his stay in Athens, Radowitz was appointed ambassador of the German Reich in Constantinople in 1882 (until 1892) and subsequently in Madrid, where he remained until 1908, when he retired from diplomatic service. In 1906, together with Count von Tattenbach, he was the German representative at the Algeciras Conference, which was held from January to April 1906. Joseph Maria von Radowitz died in Berlin on January 16, 1912. Literature: " H. Holborn (ed.), notes and memories from the life of Ambassador Joseph Maria von Radowitz. 2 Bde, Stuttgart, Berlin and Leipzig 1925 " H. Philippi, The Ambassadors of the European Powers at the Berlin Court 1871-1914 In: Lectures and Studies on Prussian-German History... Edited by O. Hauser. Cologne and Vienna 1983, pp. 159-250 (New Research on Brandenburg-Prussian History, vol. 2) " D. M. Krethlow-Benziger, Glanz und Elend der Diplomie. Continuity and change in the everyday life of the German diplomat at his posts abroad as reflected in the Memoirs 1871-1914. 2001, Bern, Berlin et al., pp. 554-555 (European Hochschulschriften: Reihe 3, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, vol. 899) " J. C. Struckmann in collaboration with E. Henning, Preußische Diplomaten im 19. Jahrhundert. Biographies and appointments of foreign posts 1815-1870. Berlin 2003, p. 193 u. ö. " H. Spenkuch, Radowitz, Joseph Maria. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 21, Duncker

Reich Security Main Office (inventory)
BArch, R 58 · Fonds · Ca. 17. Jh. - 1945 (1946, 1957-1960)
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: On October 1, 1939, summary of the (Prussian) Secret State Police Office (Ge‧stapa), the office of the Political Police Commander of the (non-Prussian) Länder, the Reich Criminal Police Office, the Security Police Main Office, and the Sicherheits‧haupt‧amtes (SD Main Office) of the SS in the newly erected Security Police Main Office, which was established by the Chief of Security Police and SD, Reinhard Heydrich (since October 30, 1939). January 1943 Ernst Kaltenbrunner) Reichssi‧cher‧heits‧hauptamt (RSHA); in October 1943 the RSHA was established as follows: Amt I Per‧sonal, Training and Organisation of the Security Police and the SD, Amt II Haushalt und Wirtschaft, Amt III Deutsche Lebensgebiete, Amt IV Gegner-Erforschung und -Be‧kämp‧fung (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt), Amt V Verbrechensbekämpfung (Reichskriminal‧poli‧zei‧amt), Amt VI Auslandsnachrichtendienst, Amt VII Weltanschauliche Forschung und Aus‧wer‧tung Content characterisation: Part 1 (formerly: ZStA, 17.03): 1917-1945 (138): Personnel, organisation, business administration of various SS and SD offices 1917-1919, 1933-1945 (12), political situation (with reports), labour movement, communist and social democratic actions, church affairs (both domestic and foreign) 1921-1945 (22), training activity (also church political training) 1936-1944 (13), Literaturnach‧weise (historical and contemporary documents) 1927-1943 (9), lecture directories, Seme‧ster and seminar papers, various records 1923-1945 (15), Hexenwesen, Zauberei (with references) 1932-1942 (36), Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt, Berlin 1933-1943 (14), Geheime Staatspolizei Bremen 1934 (1), Staatspolizei(leit)stellen - mit verschiedenen Außen(dienst)stellen und Grenz(polizei)kommissariaten - Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Königsberg (Prussia), Munich, Saarbrücken, Prague 1933-1944 (15), Commander of the Security Police and the SD in the Be‧reich of the Military Commander in France, Paris 1944 (1) Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 58): 1920-1945 (1.670): Administration: Central authorities of the Security Police and SD 1933-1945 (21), Central and Unterbehör‧den 1933-1945 (6), Reichsstiftung für Länderkunde 1943-1944 (5), Correspondence and administration of written records 1933-1945 (20), Procurement, in particular Weapons and equipment 1933-1945 (15), vehicles 1936-1944 (10), literature 1941-1944 (9), budget, cash and accounting 1933-1945 (13), personnel affairs in general 1933-1945 (10), affairs of individual departments and persons 1936-1945 (97), Involvement of university teachers by the Orient Research Centre 1944-1945 (3), Ein‧stellung, education and training 1930-1945 (22), disciplinary measures 1934-1944 (4) Monitoring and prosecution of political opponents: Principles and guidelines 1933-1945 (6), status reports and overviews from the gesam‧ten Reichsgebiet 1931-1944 (34), status reports, v.a. individual state police officers 1933-1939 (68), imposition of protective custody and "special treatment" 1933-1945 (5), Über‧wachung and persecution of the labor movement in general 1928-1944 (27), popular front, united front 1925-1940 (15), German united party 1937-1940 (3), Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and socialist splinter groups 1931-1943 (23), Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and communist splinter groups 1932-1942 (41), individual social democratic, socialist or communist political organizations 1926-1942 (17), socialist and communist youth and sports organizations 1931-1941 (26), "Red Aid" 1930-1939 (16), cultural political organizations, free thinkers 1927-1941 (12), socio-political, professional and other organizations 1920-1941 (7), Ge‧werkschaftsbewegung 1922-1944 (20), anarcho-syndicalist movement 1930-1940 (5), Catholic and Protestant churches 1933-1945 (16), sects and freemasons 1933-1943 (10), Jews in the "Old Empire" 1933-1944 (16), Jews in integrated and occupied territories 1937-1944 (4), Zionist movement 1933-1944 (5), anti-Semitic propaganda 1936-1941 (6), national, liberal, conservative and monarchist opponents 1931-1945 (11) Surveillance of the NSDAP, its branches and the Wehrmacht: NSDAP and Wehrmacht in General 1933-1943 (1), Ribbentrop Office 1937 (1), German Labour Front 1933-1940 (2), Foreign National Socialist and Fascist Groups and Foreign Emigrants in Germany 1934-1942 (1), 20. July 1944, 1944 (1) Supervision of non-political organizations and economic enterprises: non-political organizations 1929-1941 (3), sports, youth and social associations 1930-1942 (2), consumer cooperatives 1934-1941 (6), artificial language organizations (Esperanto and others) 1933-1943 (10), economic enterprises, v.a. Insurances 1933-1942 (13) Defense against and fight against espionage and sabotage: Defense against espionage, treason and sabotage in general 1933-1945 (22), Lan‧desverrat and espionage 1933-1945 (9), sabotage and assassinations 1933-1945 (13) Measures against foreigners and in the integrated, affiliated and occupied Gebie‧ten: Treatment of foreigners in general 1933-1944 (3), foreign workers 1934-1944 (3), prisoners of war 1938-1945 (4), national minorities in Reich territory and in incorporated, affiliated and occupied territories 1934-1944 (1), state police measures in Austria 1938-1943 (7), daily reports of the state police headquarters Vienna 1938-1940 (11), mood and situation reports from Austria 1939-1944 (6), Sudetenland, Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1938-1945 (4), incorporated eastern territories and Generalgou‧vernement for the occupied Polish territories 1939-1945 (3), Denmark and Norway 1940-1945 (14), Eupen-Malmedy, associated western territories (Alsace, Lorraine, Luxem‧burg) 1940-1943, occupied western territories (Netherlands, Belgium, France) 1940-1944 (8), Occupied Eastern Territories (Baltic States, USSR) 1941-1945 (24), Yugoslavia, Hungary, Siebenbür‧gen, Macedonia, Operation Zone Adriatic Coastal Country 1941-1945 (6) Persecution and fight against non-political crime: Remainders of the criminal police 1935-1944 (3) Surveillance of public opinion and mood of the people: Principles of reporting by the SS Security Service (SD) 1937-1945 (2), Be‧richte on the 1939 domestic political situation (2), reports from the Reich: General, opponents, cultural areas, folklore and public health, administration and law, economics, Luft‧krieg 1939-1943 (39), SD reports on domestic issues 1943-1944 (10), regional Stimmungs‧berichte 1943-1945 (2), propaganda against foreign reports and "anti-state" influencing of public opinion 1933-1944 (3), combating antinationalsozialisti‧schen Literature 1933-1944 (11), Review and prohibition of books and brochures 1933-1943 (66), monitoring of the press 1933-1945 (55), broadcasting 1933-1945 (20), music, theatre, film, art 1935-1943 (2), science, education and popular education 1939-1945 (1), folklore 1939-1944 (1), situation of the general administration 1939-1945 (4), administration of justice 1939-1942 (1), economy 1939-1943 (1) procurement and evaluation of news from abroad: Foreign news in general 1938-1945 (16), monitoring of trips abroad 1936-1939 (10), German citizens and emigrants abroad 1933-1943 (6), German minorities abroad 1933-1943, news about individual countries: Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Albania, Algeria, Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Bel‧gien, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Morocco, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nie‧derlande, Norway, Austria, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Rhodesia, Romania, Schwe‧den, Switzerland, Soviet Union, Spain, South Africa, Syria, Transjordan, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Hungary, Uruguay, Venezuela, United States of America, Cyprus 1931-1945 (188) Individual cases of persecution and surveillance: Lists, files and collective files, v.a. about political opponents from the Weimar Republic 1934-1944 (7), card index about clergy retired from church service, Or‧densangehörige and civil servants 1940-1944 (5), card index of the SD to files about individual Perso‧nen also outside of Germany with personal data and information about the reason of the file keeping, a.o. Emigrants, diplomats, foreign legionnaires, lodge membership, political activity, Spionage‧verdacht, loss of service card 1936-1938 (157), SD file on persons in individual places, especially in northern Germany with a focus on Lower Saxony, including information on profession, organization (including KPD, Freemasons, denominational associations, companies, Be‧hörden), with additional stamp "Jude" o.Dat. if necessary. (223), SD card indexes on Germans and foreigners, especially Ireland, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Tsche‧chen and Hungary 1933-1943 (22) Annex: Personal documents 1883-1945, 1957-1960 (73) Part 3a (formerly: ZPA, PSt 3): 1913-1946 (616): Amt IV Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Office IV): political surveillance in the area of various state police (leading) positions 1929-1942 (135), Lage‧berichte 1938-1941 (4), KPD, SPD 1920-1944 (115), political emigration, directories of fugitive political opponents 1931-1944 (34), Distribution of illegal pamphlets 1927-1940 (43), jurisdiction against political opponents and interrogation practice 1933-1943 (21), various areas of surveillance 1913-1946 (27), internals, supplements 1933-1944 (16) Main Security Office of the RFSS: Monthly and situation reports, daily reports 1933-1939 (34), KPD, SPD, Red Massen‧selbstschutz, Red Frontkämpferbund 1924-1940 (50), Rheinischer Separatismus 1919-1940 (7), distribution of illegal pamphlets 1931-1941 (23), jurisdiction against politi‧sche opponents 1931-1938 (9), various areas of surveillance 1931-1939 (23), Perso‧nalangelegenheit Professor Dr. Scheidt 1936-1944 (1) Various offices of the RSHA, including state police (leit)stellen Berlin, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Stettin, Vienna 1920-1945 (73) Supplement: Structure of the main offices and offices of the Reichsführer of the SS o.Dat. (1) Part 3b (formerly: ZStA, 17.01 St 3): 1919-1946 (1.344): Office IV Secret State Police Office: printed reports of the Secret State Police and memorandums 1923-1942 (29), situation reports of the Secret State Police Office 1933-1942 (63), statistical reports of the State Police Offices 1938-1942 (30), reports of the State Police Offices in Germany and the occupied territories 1941-1943 (23), Anwei‧sungen, ordinances, orders and search lists of the Secret State Police, etc. Personal data and reports on doctors and guards in concentration camps 1928-1946 (42), materials of the Secret State Police Office on the dissemination of illegal writings, arrests, investigations, trials and the Tätig‧keit of the party organizations of the KPD 1928-1945 (81), various materials 1930-1945 (33), German, foreign and international organizations, parties and projects vor‧nehmlich of the labor movement 1919-1945 (291); various departments (RSHA and others) 1929-1945 (58); reports and notifications of the state police departments 1921-1945 (417); font collection: Illegal writings with reports and reports of the Secret State Police on their distribution and registration 1926-1945 (203); Supplements: various offices (RSHA and others) 1930-1946 (74) Part 4 (taken over by the Polish archive administration): approx. 17th century - 1945 (771): various agencies (RSHA and others; focus: RSHA Office VII Weltanschauli‧che Research and evaluation, with illegal and confiscated materials), approx. 17th century - approx. 1945 (771) Part 5 (Boberach/Muregger project): approx. 1782 - approx. 1946 (approx. 3,902): SD-Hauptamt and agencies III, VI and VII - Control and prosecution of ideological opponents: Jews, members of Christian denominations, Freemason lodges (with illegal and confiscated materials), ca. 1782 - ca. 1946 (ca. 3,902) State of development: Part 1 (former: ZStA, 17th century)03): Database/Find Index Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 58): Database/Publication Findbuch: Boberach, Heinz: Reichssicherheitshauptamt (fonds R 58) (Findbücher zu Bestände des Bundesarchivs, Bd. 22), Koblenz 1982, reprint 1992 u. 2000 Annex - Personnel documents: database Part 3a (formerly: ZPA, PSt 3): database/findbuch (1967) Part 3b (formerly: ZStA, 17.01 St 3): database/findbuch, vol. 1-3 (1968) Part 4 (taken over by the Polish archive administration): Provisional directory Part 5 (Boberach/Muregger project): Database/Preliminary Findbuch Reichssicherheitshauptamt R 58 Part I: SD-Hauptamt und Ämter III, VI und VII, edited by Heinz Boberach and Dietrich Muregger Subsequent developments in database citation style: BArch, R 58/...

BArch, R 2/11492 · Dossier · 1938-1942
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Supplementary Budget to the Austrian Federal Budget for 1939 Plan of an Art History Institute in Paris, 1940 Estate of the Austrian Vinzenz Kramer, Teheran - Payment of a compensation sum to the surviving dependants via the Austrian Consulate, 1942 Also includes: Budget and general personnel matters with lists of names according to grade

Trade and industrial affairs, Vol. 6
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Z 109, Nr. 1539 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Dossier · 1897 - 1898
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Trade reports - Compilation of the most common goods in trade with German East Africa - Report on trade and industrial relations in the southern Russian cities. Contains: Import of French colonial sugar into Holland p. 5 - Proposals on transport companies in the Near East p. 8 - Warning of the company "Societa Generale di Commissione Esportazione ed Importazione" in Napoli (=Naples) p. 12, p. 20 - Fabrication of tulle curtains in Russia p. 14 - Bogus companies "Bankvereinigung Grün

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 119 · Fonds · 1811, (1816), 1835-1974 und o. J.
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st biographies: The GU 119 holdings essentially comprise documents from the estate of the Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria, Duchess of Urach. The collection also includes partial estates and fragments of estates of relatives of Princess Wiltrud, especially from the House of Bavaria (Wittelsbach). Specifically, these are the estate documents of the parents of Princess Wiltrud, King Ludwig III and Queen Marie Therese of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess Modena), Aunt Wiltrud, Princess Therese of Bavaria, and the grandparents of Wiltrud, Luitpold Prinzregent and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany). In the following, the biographies of the personalities represented in the GU 119 inventory, of whom there are partial estates, are briefly discussed. 1.1 Wiltrud Duchess of Urach (née Princess of Bavaria)Wiltrud Marie Alix Princess of Bavaria was born on 10 November 1884 in Munich as the tenth of thirteen children of Ludwig Prince of Bavaria, later Prince Regent and King Ludwig III of Bavaria, and Marie Therese Princess of Bavaria. Only a few documents on the childhood and youth of Princess Wiltrud can be found in the present inventory (subcategory 1.1.1), so that only little information can be given about this period. Accordingly, Princess Wiltrud and her siblings were taught by house teachers. The mother Princess Marie Therese also took care of the upbringing of the children and until Prince Ludwig took office she had hardly any representative duties to fulfil. Prince Ludwig's family lived mainly in Schloss Leutstetten near Lake Starnberg. A large estate belonged to Leutstetten Castle, which belonged to Prince Ludwig's private estate and which he developed into an agricultural model estate. When Prince Ludwig succeeded Prince Regent Luitpold after the death of his father Prince Regent Luitpold in 1912, his wife Princess Marie Therese and his daughter Princess Wiltrud also had to take on more and more representative tasks, about which the information in the present holdings in the category 1.During the First World War Princess Wiltrud supported her mother in her extensive charitable activities. Together with her mother, her sisters and their court ladies she packed gift packages (so-called "Liebesgaben") for the Bavarian soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers at the front, in which ham, chocolate, canned goods and partly also laundry were packed (cf. subcategories 1.9.1 and 1.9.2). Friends of the royal family from Sárvár (Hungary), where Queen Marie Therese owned a large estate, and from Sulden (South Tyrol), where the royal family often went on mountain tours, also benefited from these gift packages. The recipients of these coveted "gifts of love" often thanked Princess Wiltrud with field letters, sometimes extensive reports on war events and photographs of the front and the occupied territories. These partly quite descriptive materials have been preserved in subcategories 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 of the present inventory. In addition, Princess Wiltrud and her mother visited hospitals and hospitals and gave comfort to the soldiers and officers of the Bavarian army who were lying there. Finally, Princess Wiltrud also worked temporarily in the "war sewing room" set up by her mother in the Nibelungensälen of the Munich Residenz, where 600 to 800 seamstresses and knitters worked. The "Kriegsnähstube" provided the Bavarian troops moving into the field with laundry quickly and unbureaucratically. When in November 1918 the social democratic politician Kurt Eisner proclaimed the republic in Munich, the royal family left Munich and initially withdrew to Schloss Wildenwart. The end of the monarchy in Bavaria was a decisive turning point for Princess Wiltrud and the other members of the House of Bavaria. Princess Wiltrud, like all representatives of the German princely houses, lost her privileges. Princess Wiltrud first lived at Wildenwart Castle until her marriage and on 25 November 1924 Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria married Wilhelm (II) Duke of Urach in Munich. On the following day the church wedding took place, also in Munich. The marriage remained childless. After her marriage, Duchess Wiltrud lived alternately at Schloss Lichtenstein and Palais Urach in Stuttgart. When her husband died in 1928, Duchess Wiltrud also took over the care of the youngest children of Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach from his marriage to Amalie Herzogin von Urach (née Duchess of Bavaria). In the 1930s, Duchess Wiltrud moved to the former royal hunting lodge in Oberstdorf, which she had inherited from her father's estate and which she had renovated especially for this purpose. At times Duchess Wiltrud also visited Schloss Lichtenstein and Schloss Wildenwart. Duchess Wiltrud showed an interest in music, fine arts, history and botany, which can be seen in the printed matter and materials preserved in this collection. In addition, she undertook several voyages, including a longer voyage by ship on the "Monte Rosa" in 1935 to Brazil, Senegal and Morocco. From 1901 to 1903 she travelled the Balkans with her mother and younger sisters. During this time she also made a boat trip on the Adriatic with her mother, her younger sisters and Karl Stephan Archduke of Austria, about which she also wrote a travel diary, which was published in excerpts in a magazine. A copy of this journal can be found in Bü 719. She also wrote articles about a trip to the Arlberg (Austria) in magazines (Bü 719). In addition, she frequently travelled to visit her stepchildren, her siblings and their families, and the other relatives, which is not least reflected in the extensive correspondence preserved in this collection. In addition to the aforementioned travel descriptions, Duchess Wiltrud also published poems in magazines and calendars under her name (Bü 842). Like many members of the House of Bavaria, Duchess Wiltrud was deeply religious and had received a strictly Catholic education. The Duchess also maintained close contact with Catholic clergy and nuns, as can be seen from her correspondence with them (especially Bü 249 and 250). Not least the memberships of Duchess Wiltrud in religious associations, brotherhoods and congregations, which are documented in Bü 731, and the multitude of religious publications and the collection of material in the sub-categories 1.11.1 and 1.18.3 bear witness to the religiousness of the Duchess.Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria died on 28 March 1975 in Oberstdorf. She was buried in the cemetery of Großengstingen near Reutlingen. 1.2 Therese Princess of BavariaTherese Charlotte Marianne Auguste Princess of Bavaria was born on 12 November 1850 as the third of four children and sole daughter of Luitpold Prince of Bavaria, later to become Prince Regent of Bavaria, and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany).Together with her brothers Ludwig, who was later to rule Bavaria as Prince Regent and King Ludwig III, Leopold and Arnulf, she was taught by her mother and not by house teachers, as was customary in princely houses at the time. As an adult, she spoke twelve languages. In addition to her talent for languages, the princess developed a keen interest in the natural sciences and the geography and culture of foreign countries at an early age. Since she was denied university studies as a woman, Princess Therese acquired her extensive scientific knowledge through self-study. The princess acquired considerable expertise in geography, ethnology, botany and zoology - especially ornithology (ornithology) - and Princess Therese began her extensive travels as a young woman. Together with her brother Prince Leopold and his wife Gisela Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria) she travelled North Africa, Spain, Portugal and France. Princess Therese almost always travelled incognito, often under the name of a "Countess Elpen", and with a small entourage. In 1898 she undertook an expedition of several months to South America, from which she brought a rich collection of zoological, botanical and ethnological material, including over 200 species of fish. These collections were later bequeathed to the Zoologische Staatssammlung München and the Münchner Völkerkundemuseum. Unfortunately, the collections were almost completely destroyed during the Second World War. Princess Therese discovered on her travels also previously unknown animal species, such as the catfish in Colombia, a longhorn beetle in Ecuador and a singing chirp in Trinidad. On her travels to South America, she also explored several Indian tribes in the Amazon region that were unknown to date in European scientific circles. In 1893 Princess Therese travelled North America, where she was particularly interested in the Plains Indians. In addition to ethnological and zoological studies, the princess also conducted botanical studies on her travels. The plants discovered by her in the process found their way into botanical literature with the addition of the name "theresiae". Princess Therese published scientific treatises and travelogues about her numerous journeys: In 1880 the article "A trip to Tunis" about her trip to North Africa was published. The experiences of her trip to Russia were included in the treatise "Travel Impressions and Sketches from Russia", which was published in 1895. The impressions of Princess Therese's travels to Central and South America were processed in the publications "On Mexican Lakes", "My Trip to the Brazilian Tropics", "On the Purpose and Editions of My Trip to South America in 1898", "Writings on a Trip to South America", "On a Trip to the West Indies and South America", "Some Words on Cultural Development in Pre-Spanish Peru" and "Travel Studies from Western South America", published between 1895 and 1908. About the Pueblo Indians she wrote in 1902 the essay "Einiges über die Pueblo-Indianer". Princess Therese published her first essays on her travels under the pseudonym "Th of Bavaria" in order to prevent her a priori being denied recognition as a woman by male experts. In addition to these publications, Princess Therese also documented her travels with the help of the then newly invented roll-film camera, of which only the most important were given to Princess Therese in the course of her life: On December 9, 1897, the princess was the first woman to receive an honorary doctorate from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Munich "for her excellent knowledge of the natural sciences, proven by excellent books" ("propter insignem rerum naturalium scientiam praeclaris libris comprobatam"). In 1892 she became an honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Geographic Society in Munich. In 1897 Princess Therese became a corresponding member of the Geographic Society in Lisbon and in 1898 an honorary member of the Geographic Society in Vienna. In 1908 Princess Therese received the Austro-Hungarian Medal of Honor for Science and Art. One year later she was awarded the title of "Officier de l'Instruction publique" by the French Ministry of Education. At the same time, Princess Therese became an honorary member of the Société des Américanistes de Paris, and after the death of her father, Prince Regent Luitpold, the Princess gave up her long journeys and dedicated herself to charitable and social projects and institutions for which she took over the protectorate. At the beginning of the First World War, she set up a hospital for the wounded in her "Villa Amsee" in Lindau. Pictures of this military hospital are available in Bü 986 and 1166 of this collection. Princess Therese, who was abbess of the Damenstift St. Anna in Munich, remained unmarried throughout her life. According to the relevant specialist literature, the princess fell in love at a young age with her cousin Prince Otto, who later became Otto König von Bayern, but who suffered from a mental illness and was therefore out of the question for marriage. Still in later years Princess Therese was interested in the state of health of her cousin King Otto, as the correspondence with Philipp Freiherr von Redwitz and Georg Freiherr von Stengel, the court marshals of King Otto, which is preserved in this collection, proves about the state of health of the king (subcategory, Bü 1105, 1107 and 1149). Princess Therese died on 19 September 1925 in Munich. She was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. Princess Therese is remembered in Bavaria today by the "Therese-von-Bayern-Stiftung", founded in 1997 to promote women in science. The foundation supports habilitations and scientific projects of young academics and regularly awards the "Therese-von-Bayern-Preis". In 1997 a television documentary entitled "Princess Therese of Bavaria - Researcher, Collector, World Traveler" about the Princess was produced. Furthermore, in the same year H. Bußmann and E. Neukum-Fichtner the publication ""Ich bleiben ein Wesen eigener Art" - Princess Therese of Bavaria. Ludwig III, King of Bavaria-Ludwig Prince of Bavaria, the later King Ludwig III, was born in Munich on 7 January 1845 as the son of Luitpold Prince of Bavaria, the later Prince Regent, and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany), who was educated by house teachers, including the clergyman Karl Rinecker. From 1864 to 1865, the Prince studied philosophy, history, law, economics and art history at the University of Munich, without however obtaining a degree in the individual subjects. In the war of 1866 Ludwig served as lieutenant and orderly officer of his father Prince Luitpold. As the son of a subsequent prince, Prince Ludwig initially had no prospect of the Bavarian royal crown, since it passed to King Ludwig II and King Otto, the sons of Ludwig's uncle King Maximilian II and thus cousins of Prince Ludwig. Instead, however, Ludwig was entitled to the Greek royal throne because Ludwig's uncle Otto had no descendants. However, when King Otto had to leave Greece in 1862 due to a military revolt, Ludwig lost his prospects for the Greek royal throne, and on 20 February 1868 Prince Louis of Bavaria Marie Therese married Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena in Vienna. Prince Ludwig showed great interest in agriculture, veterinary medicine and technology. In 1868 he became Honorary President of the Central Committee of the Agricultural Association of Bavaria. The Leutstetten estate on Lake Starnberg, which he acquired in 1875, was converted by Ludwig into a model agricultural estate, which earned him the nickname "Millibauer" among the population. Finally, Prince Ludwig supported the expansion of the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal and the Bavarian Canal Association. Prince Ludwig was politically active in the Catholic Conservative Patriotic Party, the later Centre Party, for which he ran unsuccessfully in the 1871 Reichstag elections. In addition, the Prince was a member of the Reich Council, where he stood up for Bavarian interests and emphasized the interests of the individual states vis-à-vis the Reich. In the Imperial Council, Prince Ludwig also spoke out in favour of direct relative majority voting, which earned him great praise from August Bebel. Bebel said that if in Germany the Emperor were elected by the people from one of the ruling princely houses, then Prince Ludwig would have the best prospects of becoming German Emperor. In the years after 1900 Ludwig also frequently performed representational duties for his father Prinzregent Luitpold. When Prince Regent Luitpold died in 1912, Prince Ludwig succeeded him as Prince Regent of Bavaria in December. Right at the beginning of Prince Ludwig's reign, there were discussions in Bavaria about the royal question. The Centre Party and the Bavarian Prime Minister Georg von Hertling spoke out in favour of transforming the regency into a royalty and thus in favour of deposing Otto, who was a minor due to mental illness. After hard political conflicts and a constitutional amendment, Otto König von Bayern was finally declared deposed, and Prince Regent Ludwig was able to ascend the Bavarian throne as King Ludwig III on 5 November 1913. During the First World War, Ludwig III was commander-in-chief of the Bavarian troops and from 1915 also Prussian Field Marshal, the latter function being limited exclusively to representative tasks. At the beginning of the war Ludwig hoped to be able to extend the Bavarian Palatinate by parts of Alsace. On November 2, 1918, Ludwig announced the establishment of a parliamentary system of government in Bavaria. However, Ludwig could no longer install a new state government with the participation of the majority Social Democrats (MSPD), as he had already been dismissed by the Social Democratic politician Kurt Eisner on November 7, 1918. From Wildenwart Castle he went to Anif Castle near Salzburg, where he issued a declaration on 13 November exempting the officials, officers and soldiers in Bavaria from the oath of allegiance. King Ludwig III continued to refuse to abdicate formally and to renounce his claims to the throne, living temporarily in Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Wildenwart Castle after the introduction of the republic in Bavaria. The king also stayed in Sárvár (Hungary), where he died on 18 October 1921. Ludwig III and his wife Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria, who had already died on February 3, 1919, found their final resting place in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Munich. The eulogy at the funeral ceremony on November 5, 1921, was given by Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber, Archbishop of Munich-Freising. A printed version of the speech can be found in Bü 839 of this collection; illustrations of the funeral are available in Bü 934 and 1170. Ludwig's heart was buried in the Chapel of Grace in Altötting, in accordance with the tradition of the Bavarian royal house (cf. the illustrations in Bü 1087). 1.4 Marie Therese Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena)Marie (Maria) Therese Henriette Dorothea Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena was born on the 2nd of January in Modena. Born in July 1849 in Brno as the only child of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria-Este Prince of Modena and Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena (née Archduchess of Austria), her father died of typhoid fever in Brno on 15 December 1849, just a few months after Marie Therese's birth. Marie Therese's mother married Karl Ferdinand Archduke of Austria in 1854. This marriage produced six children, four of whom reached adulthood. In detail these are: Friedrich Erzherzog von Österreich Herzog von Teschen (1856-1936), Karl Stephan Erzherzog von Österreich (1860-1933), Imperial and Royal Admiral, Eugen Erzherzog von Österreich (1863-1954), High and German Master of the Teutonic Order and Imperial and Royal Field Marshal, and the daughter Maria Christina Erzherzogin von Österreich (1858-1929). The latter married Alfonso XII in 1879. Archduchess Marie Therese was descended from the House of Austria-Este, a line of the House of Austria that ruled the duchies of Modena and Guastalla in Upper Italy until their incorporation into the Kingdom of Italy in 1859. Marie Therese had inherited on her father's side the throne claims of the Stuarts to the English throne through the houses of Savoy and Orléans, which is why she was the legitimate queen of Scotland for the Stuart followers and legitimists as Mary III and the legitimate queen of England, France and Ireland as Mary IV. Of course Marie Therese's claims to the throne on the English, French, Scottish and Irish royal dignity were never claimed by her. Archduchess Marie Therese was educated strictly Catholic and received instruction from house teachers. At the funeral ceremonies for the late Mathilde Archduchess of Austria in 1867, she met Ludwig Prinz of Bavaria, with whom she immediately fell in love. The Archduchess succeeded in marrying Prince Ludwig against the resistance of her family and, above all, her uncle Franz V. Duke of Modena Archduke of Austria-Este. Marie Therese originally wanted to marry Ferdinand (IV), titular Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria-Tuscany, who was the son of Grand Duke Leopold II of Tuscany, who went into exile in 1859 and lived in exile in Austria and Bohemia. The wedding of Archduchess Marie Therese and Ludwig Prince of Bavaria took place on 20 February 1868 in Vienna. The marriage produced a total of thirteen children, ten of whom reached adulthood. Princess Marie Therese took care of the education of her children. Since she hardly had to fulfil any representation duties in the first years of her marriage, there was enough time for her to do so. Princess Marie Therese devoted herself to social charitable tasks. Since 1889 she headed the Bavarian Red Cross. In this function she also visited Henri Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross (see Bü 584). During the First World War she set up - as already mentioned - a so-called "war sewing room" in the Nibelungensälen of the Munich Residenz, which quickly and unbureaucratically provided the soldiers at the front with laundry. In Leutstetten she set up a so-called Alpinum, in which she almost completely assembled the alpine flora. Princess Marie Therese was also an enthusiastic hobby artist and Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria died at Wildenwart Castle on 3 February 1919. She was first buried in the castle chapel at Schloss Wildenwart. After the death of her husband, her remains were buried together with those of her husband on 5 November 1921 in the Cathedral of Our Lady in Munich. 1.5 Luitpold Prinzregent von BayernLuitpold Prinz von Bayern, the later Prinzregent von Bayern, was born in Würzburg on 12 March 1821 as the son of Ludwig Prinz von Bayern, the later King Ludwig I of Bavaria, and Therese Prinzessin von Bayern (née Prinzessin von Sachsen-Hildburghausen), the later Queen of Bavaria, who was taught by renowned personalities and tutors. The most notable are the theologian Georg von Oettl, who was a pupil of Johann Michael Sailer and later became Bishop of Eichstätt, the painter Domenico Quaglio, the natural philosopher Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert, the philosopher George Philipps and the national economist Friedrich Benedikt von Hermann. The prince had a military career since 1835. Already in 1848 he was promoted to lieutenant general. In 1856 he was appointed commander of the 1st division. From 1861 Luitpold was field witness for the army inspection. He took part in the 1866 war as commander of the 3rd division. In the years after 1866 he was entrusted with the reorganization of the Bavarian military on the model of Prussia. In the war of 1870/71 the prince was detached as a representative of Bavaria to the Great Headquarters. In 1876 Prince Luitpold was appointed Fieldmaster General in the rank of Field Marshal General. Politically Luitpold was in the years before 1866 on the side of the Greater Germans and for a rapprochement to Austria. 10 June 1886 took over Prince Luitpold first the regency for his nephew Ludwig II King of Bavaria, who had been declared mentally ill and unable to govern. After the death of King Ludwig, Luitpold took over the regency for his mentally ill nephew Otto König von Bayern, the brother of King Ludwig II. Although the population was initially reserved towards Luitpold, the Prince Regent soon won the affection of large parts of the Bavarian people. Prince Regent Luitpold ruled strictly constitutionally. Luitpold's reign was retrospectively glorified by his contemporaries as the "Prinzregenten period", which was characterized by economic upswing, an improvement in living conditions and, above all, cultural prosperity. The latter in particular is inseparably linked with the Prinzregenten period. Under Luitpolds regency, Munich developed into a cultural centre in Germany. "Luitpold Prinzregent von Bayern died on 12 December 1912 in Munich. He was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. 1.6 Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany)Auguste Ferdinande Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany was born on 1 April 1825 in Florence as the daughter of Leopold II. Grand Duke of Tuscany and Maria Anna Grand Duchess of Tuscany (née Princess of Saxony), she married Luitpold Prince of Bavaria on 15 April 1844 in Florence. The marriage produced the sons Ludwig, the later King Ludwig III, Leopold, later Field Marshal, and Arnulf, later Colonel General, and the explorer Princess Therese, the deeply religious Princess Auguste Ferdinande who, together with the house teachers, took care of the strict Catholic education of her children. Princess Auguste Ferdinande showed great interest in the arts - she had a talent for drawing - and in history. Princess Auguste Ferdinande died on 26 April 1864 in Munich. She was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. 2. on the content, order and distortion of the holdings: As mentioned above, the GU 119 holdings include several partial estates of members of the House of Bavaria. By far the largest and most extensive partial legacy is that of the Wiltrud Duchess of Urach, née Princess of Bavaria (category 1). In the following, the contents of the estate of the Duchess Wiltrud will be discussed in more detail.2.1 Estate of Wiltrud Duchess von Urach (née Prinzessin von Bayern)The most extensive part of the estate of the Duchess Wiltrud in the inventory GU 119, apart from the photographs, is the correspondence of the Duchess Wiltrud (section 1.2). Within the correspondence, the letters of relatives of Wiltrud and her husband represent an important and large group. Section 1.2 begins with letters from members of the House of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) to Princess Wiltrud (sub-section 1.2.1). Above all, the letters of her parents Ludwig III King and Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria are to be mentioned here (subcategory The correspondence with Wiltrud's siblings and their families must also be mentioned here: in detail, these are letters from Rupprecht Crown Prince of Bavaria, from the princes Karl, Franz and Wolfgang of Bavaria and from the princesses Adelgunde (verh. Princess of Hohenzollern), Maria (Duchess of Calabria, Princess of Bourbon-Sicily), Mathilde (Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), Hildegard, Helmtrud and Gundelinde (Countess of Preysing-Lichtenegg-Moos) of Bavaria (subcategory Letters from the spouses and children of the siblings can also be found in subcategory In addition, letters from the other representatives of the royal line (subcategory and the ducal line of the House of Bavaria (subcategory as well as from the House of Leuchtenberg (subcategory, which is related to the House of Bavaria, can also be expected in the estate of Princess Wiltrud. Finally, subheading 1.2.1 also includes letters from members of the Bavarian court (subheading and servants of the royal family in Bavaria and Sárvár (Hungary) (subheading Among the letters from members of the court, the letters of Bertha Freiin von Wulffen, the educator and later court lady of Princess Wiltrud, are particularly noteworthy (Bü 440-447). The close relatives of Princess Wiltrud also include the members of the House of Austria (Habsburg), with whom Wiltrud's mother Marie Therese was Queen of Bavaria, who was a born Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena, and Wiltrud's grandmother Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria, who was a born Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany. Last but not least, the House of Bavaria with the House of Austria in the 19th century was also the marriage of the Elisabeth Duchess in Bavaria with Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria and the marriage of her daughter Gisela Archduchess of Austria with Leopold Prince of Bavaria as well as the marriage of the Adelgunde Princess of Bavaria with Franz V. Duke of Modena Archduke of Austria-Este related. The letters of representatives of the House of Austria can be found in subcategory 1.2.2 of this inventory. This includes letters from members of the Austria-Hungary line (subheadings and, Austria-Este (Ducal Family of Modena) (subheading and Austria-Tuscany (subheading as well as from members of the Court of the House of Austria (subheading In addition to two letters from the Zita Empress of Austria Queen of Hungary (née Princess of Bourbon-Parma) (Bü 368), the letters of the High and German Master Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Karl Albrecht Archduke of Austria (Bü 400), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Karl Albrecht Archduke of Austria (Bü 400), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180) and of the German and Royal Colonel Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180) are also included. Field marshal Friedrich Archduke of Austria (Bü 390) and the aristocrat Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 346 and 347).) Duke of Urach can be found mainly in subcategory 1.2.3. In addition to letters from her brother-in-law Karl Fürst von Urach (subcategory, letters from the children of Duke Wilhelm (II.) from his marriage to Amalie Herzogin von Urach (née Duchess of Bavaria) (subcategory can be expected in the estate of Princess Wiltrud. The letters of the spouses of the children and the grandchildren of Duke Wilhelm (II.) are also included in subheading On the other hand, there are no letters from the husband Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach to his wife Wiltrud in this collection. Duchess Wiltrud also had an extensive correspondence with the Altieri, Enzenberg, Thun-Hohenstein, Vetter von der Lilie, Forni and Bayer von Ehrenberg families (subcategory, who were related to the House of Urach. The family relations with these families came about through the marriages of the Auguste Eugenie Countess of Württemberg (Countess of Enzenberg, Countess of Thun-Hohenstein) and Mathilde Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg (Countess of Württemberg). Principessa Altieri), who were half-sisters of Duke Wilhelm (II.), as well as the marriage of the Marie Countess of Württemberg, who was a daughter of Wilhelm Duke of Württemberg and Wilhelmine Princess of Württemberg (née Freiin von Tunderfeld-Rhodis), with the Count of Taubenheim. Subheading contains letters from Urach staff. The relatives of Duke Wilhelm (II.) also include the representatives of the House of Württemberg (subcategory 1.2.4), including Charlotte Queen of Württemberg (née Princess zu Schaumburg-Lippe) (subcategory, Albrecht Duke of Württemberg and Philipp Albrecht Duke of Württemberg (subcategory, Louis II Prince of Monaco (subcategory 1.2.5) and Elisabeth Princess of and to Liechtenstein (née Princess of Urach) and her husband Karl Prince of and to Liechtenstein (subcategory 1.2.6), from whom letters are available in each case. In addition to the members of the aforementioned princely houses, Princess Wiltrud also corresponded with the members of the other princely houses in Germany and Europe (subcategories 1.2.7 and 1.2.8). The most notable are Elisabeth Queen of Belgians (née Duchess of Bavaria) (Bü 122), the Grand Duchesses Maria Anna (née Infanta of Portugal) and Charlotte of Luxembourg (Bü 247 and 124), Maria Christina Queen of Spain (née Archduchess of Austria) (Bü 243) and Alfonso XIII King of Spain (Bü 504). Among the representatives of the German ruling or former ruling princely houses, Friedrich II Grand Duke of Baden (Bü 359), Max Prince of Saxony (Bü 366), Professor of the Catholic Liturgy and the Languages of the Christian East in Fribourg/Üechtland, and Hermione Princess of Prussia (widowed Princess of Schönaich-Carolath, née Princess Reuß) (Bü 106), the second wife of Emperor Wilhelm II, should be mentioned. A telegram is available from Emperor Wilhelm II, who was visited by Duchess Wiltrud in Haus Doorn/Netherlands (Bü 319). correspondence with the members of the princely houses is followed by letters from members of the nobility (Unterrubrik, the barons (Unterrubrik and the nobility (Unterrubrik in Germany and Austria. Letters from aristocrats can also be found in the correspondence series "aristocratic acquaintances from Bavaria" (subcategory and "aristocratic and bourgeois acquaintances from Württemberg" (subcategory 1.2.11). The letters of aristocrats existing in the two correspondence series were explicitly left in the respective series and not classified in subcategories to in order to retain the formation made by Duchess Wiltrud.Among the letters of personalities of public life (subcategory 1.2.13) are especially in Bü 250 the letters of the clergy Michael von Faulhaber, archbishop of Munich-Freising, Giovanni Battista Montini, papal undersecretary of state and later Pope Paul VI, Carl Joseph Leiprecht, bishop of Rottenburg, Sigismund Felix Freiherr von Ow-Felldorf, bishop of Passau, and Prelate Konrad Kümmel (Bü 27), editor of the "Katholisches Sonntagsblatt". Correspondence by Johann Baptista Sproll, bishop of Rottenburg, can be found in Bü 38. Among the letters of writers, the letters of the writers Emmy Giehrl (née Aschenbrenner, pseudonym "Tante Emmy") (Bü 246) and Gertrud Freiin von Le Fort (Bü 68) are particularly noteworthy. Duchess Wiltrud also maintained personal contact with the latter, since Gertrud Freiin von Le Fort had also lived in Oberstdorf since 1939. almost all the correspondence in this collection is so-called unilateral correspondence, which means that only the incoming letters from the correspondence partners in GU 119 are to be expected. Only occasionally can one find letter concepts or drafts by Duchess Wiltrud among these partners, including those from letters that were not sent later. Only some of the letters of Princess Wiltrud to her parents Ludwig III Königin and Marie Therese Königin von Bayern as well as to her aunt Therese Prinzessin von Bayern are included in the inventory of GU 119 in the partial estates of King Ludwig III. (heading 3), Queen Marie Therese (heading 4) and Princess Therese (heading 2) (Bü 1098, 1099, 1101-1103 and 1112). The letters of the parents and the aunt Princess Therese to Princess Wiltrud, on the other hand, are listed in the sub-categories and in the estate of Princess Wiltrud (Bü 344, 345, 350 and 352-354). If one looks at the running time of Wiltrud's correspondence in the present collection, it is noticeable that, apart from a few exceptions, hardly any letters to Wiltrud are contained from the period after 1960. An interesting insight into the way of thinking of the German nobility in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century is provided by the extensive correspondence of Duchess Wiltrud kept in GU 119 (category 1).2) as well as the correspondence of the Therese Princess of Bavaria (section 2.1), the Ludwig III King of Bavaria (section 3.1), the Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria (section 4.1) and the Luitpold Prince Regent of Bavaria (section 5.2). In addition, the correspondence for prosopographical and biographical research, especially on the nobility in Germany and Austria, as well as on the history of individual German princely and noble houses, is of particular importance.Duchess Wiltrud's interest in the genealogy of the House of Grimaldi, the Princely Family of Monaco, is reflected in the extensive materials on the history of the House of Monaco and in the correspondence of the Duchess with Louis II, Prince of Monaco and the members of the houses Chabrillan and Lévis-Mirepoix (Bü 520 and 1244). Documents on court life, court society and protocol, especially at the Bavarian royal court, which give an insight into the court and the representative duties of the Prince Regent and later King Ludwig III of Bavaria and his family, can be found in Section 1.5. These include in particular the materials on Ludwig's official visits to Bavarian cities and on state visits, including those of Kaiser Wilhelm II to Bavaria. Individual documents also deal with the Württemberg royal court and the House of Urach. Here the memories of the Emilie von Sonntag of Florestine Herzogin von Urach (née Prinzessin von Monaco) (Bü 144) and of Wilhelm (I.) Herzog von Urach (Bü 356) are to be mentioned, for example. Documents on weddings, birthdays, funerals and other family celebrations and family events in the houses of Bavaria and Urach as well as in other princely houses are to be found in category 1.As already mentioned, the illustrations, photographs and photographs form the most extensive category (1.16) of the GU 119 collection in addition to correspondence. The largest subcategory are the illustrations of persons and group photographs (subcategory 1.16.1). This subheading contains pictures of Princess Wiltrud, her parents, her siblings and other members of the House of Bavaria (subheading as well as members of the Houses of Austria (subheading, Hohenberg (subheading, Urach and Württemberg (subheading There are also illustrations of representatives of the ruling or former ruling princely houses in Europe (subcategory and in Germany (subcategory, of the other aristocrats in Germany, Austria and the rest of Europe (subcategories and and of citizens (subcategory and of public figures (subcategory The structure of the illustrations essentially follows the structure of the correspondence, with the illustrations of persons, the group shots and the shots of events, the persons depicted on the shots are usually listed in the Containment note. Often the information on the back of the photographs, most of which were taken by Duchess Wiltrud, was adopted. It was not possible to verify this information in view of the amount of work and time involved. In addition, the identification of persons on photographs which do not show any information on the reverse side often had to be omitted for the same reasons.subheading 1.16.2 includes illustrations of events. This subheading mainly includes recordings of official events, representation commitments (subheading and family celebrations as well as family events (subheading The illustrations of these sub-categories thus represent partial additions to the written documents on court life, court society, representation obligations of the House of Bavaria kept in sub-categories 1.5 and 1.7, as well as family celebrations and family events. 1.16 also includes illustrations of the Duchess Wiltrud's travels, places, buildings and landscapes, works of art, animals, ships, zeppelins, etc. The extensive picture collections listed in section 1.16 supplement the illustrations and picture collections kept in the GU 99 holdings (photo collections and albums of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Counts of Württemberg), some of which also come from the Duchess Wiltrud's possession or were created by her. The illustrations in the holdings GU 99 and GU 119, together with the materials on court life, on the representation obligations of the House of Bavaria and on family celebrations and family events in the houses of Bavaria, Austria and Urach kept in the aforementioned sections 1.5 and 1.7, represent an interesting source for the history of the houses mentioned. In addition, the above image holdings and the materials in sections 1.5 and 1.7 are of significance for the history of culture and mentality and the everyday history of the nobility.2 As already indicated, documents on Duchess Wiltrud are to be expected in the holdings of photo albums and collections of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Counts of Württemberg (holdings GU 99) as well as in the holdings GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach) and GU 120 (Karl Prince of Urach).2.2 Partial estate of Princess Therese of BavariaIn addition to documents from the estate of the Wiltrud Duchess of Urach (née Princess of Bavaria), GU 119 also contains partial estates and fragments of estates of other members of the House of Bavaria. The most extensive part of the collection is the one of the explorer Therese Princess of Bavaria (1850-1925), which is listed in category 2. These are documents from the estate of Princess Therese, which have been transferred to her niece Duchess Wiltrud. As can be seen from Bü 297, the materials kept in the inventory of GU 119 were handed over to Duchess Wiltrud by Oberarchivrat Franz Xaver Deybeck of the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich, since they were out of the question for safekeeping in the Department of the Bavarian Main State Archives' Secret House Archives, in which the greater part of the written estate of Princess Therese is kept. Deybeck regarded some of the documents from the princess's estate as "wastepaper", only of "personal value and significance" and thus for the "Hausarchiv ohne Wert", as some of Deybeck's inscriptions on the corresponding envelopes reveal. The structure of the partial estate of Princess Therese is essentially based on the structure of the estate of Duchess Wiltrud. Subcategory 2.1 Correspondence mainly contains letters from relatives in Bavaria (subcategory 2.1.1), Austria, Austria-Este and Austria-Tuscany (subcategory 2.1.2). Among them are letters from Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena) (Bü 1110, 1112, 1120-1122), Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena) (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena). Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 1131), Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed Archduchess of Austria-Este) (Bü 1123 and 1124) as well as Eugen Archduke of Austria, High and German Master of the Teutonic Order and Field Marshal, Karl Stephan Archduke of Austria, Stephanie Crown Princess of Austria (née Princess of Belgium and later married Princess Lónyay of Nagy-Lónya) (all Bü 1135). Princess Therese also corresponded with members of the Houses of Württemberg and Urach. The queens Pauline, Olga (born Grand Duchess of Russia) and Charlotte (born Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe) of Württemberg (all Bü 1113), Florestine Duchess of Urach (born Princess of Württemberg), Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach and Eugenie Countess of Württemberg (all Bü 1114) as well as Auguste Eugenie Countess of Thun-Hohenstein (widowed Countess of Enzenberg) of Thun-Hohenstein (widowed Countess of Enzenberg) of Württemberg (all Bü 1113) are to be mentioned here. Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1116) and Donna Mathilde Principessa Altieri (née Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1115). of the correspondents among the representatives of the other ruling and formerly ruling princely houses in Germany and Europe, Carola Queen of Saxony (née Princess of Saxony) (Bü 1116) and Donna Mathilde Principessa Altieri (née Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1115) are here. Princess Wasa) (Bü 1104), Maria Christina Queen of Spain (née Archduchess of Austria) (Bü 1125) as well as Elisabeth Queen of Belgium (née Duchess of Bavaria) and Josephine Queen of Sweden and Norway (née Princess of Leuchtenberg) (both Bü 1136).In addition, two letters of the writer, pacifist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Bertha Freifrau von Suttner (née Countess Kinsky von Chinic und Tettau) (Bü 1152) are included in the partial estate of Princess Therese, the most extensive category after the correspondence in the partial estate of Therese Princess of Bavaria. Particularly worth mentioning are the illustrations of Therese Princess of Bavaria (subcategory and of other members of the House of Bavaria (subcategory Other partial estates and fragments of estates, especially of representatives of the House of BavariaRubric 3 unites documents from the estate of Ludwig III, King of Bavaria. It contains letters from the princesses Wiltrud and Hildegard to their father King Ludwig III. (Bü 1099, 1103 and 1237) and a notepad of Prince Ludwig, later King Ludwig III, with entries for his military service in 1863 (Bü 1092). In addition, the partial estate of Ludwig III contains telegrams from Johanna Freiin von Malsen to King Ludwig III and to "Countess Elpen" (incognito of Therese Princess of Bavaria), both of whom were in exile in Lucerne, about the illness and death of Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria in 1919 (Bü 1178). There are also ten audiance books of Prince Ludwig from the years 1902 to 1913 which contain information about the names of the persons received in audiences by Prince Ludwig and about the topics discussed in the audiences (Bü 1091). These audience booklets served Princess Wiltrud and her sisters as a reminder for conversations with the court lords, diplomats, ministers and generals. The audience booklets are an interesting source of information about court life at the Bavarian royal court. The partial estate of the Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria kept in category 4 contains only letters and postcards to the Queen. Among them are the letters of Princess Wiltrud (Bü 1098, 1101 and 1102) and Therese Princess of Bavaria (Bü 1126-1128). the documents from the partial estate of the Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, which form category 5, include the correspondence of the Prince Regent with his sister Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (born Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 1155), the printed speech of Bishop Johann Michael Sailer on the occasion of the marriage of Prince Luitpold to Auguste Ferdinande Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany (Bü 1095) and poems of Prince Luitpold with dedications and a. to Olga Grand Duchess of Russia (proclaimed Queen of Württemberg), Marie Princess of Saxony-Altenburg (proclaimed Queen of Hanover) and Alexandra Princess of Saxony-Altenburg (proclaimed Queen of Saxony-Altenburg). The partial estate of Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany) (rubric 6) contains, among other things, a letter from her father, Grand Duke Leopold II. from Tuscany (Bü 1194) to Auguste Ferdinande and letters from Auguste Ferdinand to her court lady Natalie Gräfin von Rotenhan (Bü 1148) the fragment of a diary in Italian (Bü 1188), copies of literary texts (subcategory 6.3) and printed matter of a religious nature (subcategory 6.5); Section 7 unites the estate splinters of Hildegard Princess of Bavaria (subcategory 7.1), Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed) and Elisabeth of the Holy Roman Empire (widowed). Archduchess of Austria-Este (subcategory 7.2), Mathilde Archduchess of Austria (subcategory 7.3), Therese Freifrau von Giese (subcategory 7.4) and Gustav Freiherr von Perfall (subcategory 7.5). Letters from the Therese Princess of Bavaria to Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed Archduchess of Austria-Este (Bü 1108), as well as letters from the Alexandra Princess of Bavaria and the Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née. With the exception of Princess Wiltrud, the Department of Secret Archives of the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich keeps the main estates of the members of the House of Bavaria represented in this collection. 2.4 The order and indexing of the holdingsThe holdings of GU 119, together with the Archives of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Grafen von Württemberg, were deposited in 1987 in the Main State Archives. There, the archives of the House of Urach form the GU series of inventories within the tectonics (inventory classification). During the reorganization of the archives by Wolfgang Schmierer, director of the archives, the documents of Wiltrud Herzogin von Urach were given the signature GU 119. Where it seemed appropriate, the units found were retained, for example in the correspondence series. In the course of the development work, numerous documents were separated from the GU 119 holdings and above all added to the GU 96 (Miscellaneous and Unclear), GU 117 (Wilhelm II.) Duke of Urach), GU 118 (Amalie Duchess of Urach née Duchess of Bavaria), GU 120 (Karl Prince of Urach), GU 123 (Carola Hilda Princess of Urach), GU 128 (Margarethe Princess of Urach) and GU 134 (Mechthilde Princess of Urach). As a rule, the married ladies listed in the present inventory, especially those of the high nobility, are always listed under the married name, i.e. the surname of the husband, whereby the maiden name is mentioned in brackets in the title entry. In exceptional cases the married ladies are also mentioned under the maiden name, and the married name is then in brackets. In the person index married ladies are listed under both names, with the addition of the respective girl's name or married name after the marriage. For example, Adelgunde Fürstin von Hohenzollern (née Prinzessin von Bayern) is mentioned in the person index under "Hohenzollern, Adelgunde Fürstin von, née Prinzessin von Bayern" and under "Bayern, Adelgunde Prinzessin von, verh. Fürstin von Hohenzollern". In the case of the married members of the count's, baronial and aristocratic houses, the maiden name or married name was determined - insofar as this was possible with justifiable effort and with the help of the Genealogical Manual of the nobility. If the maiden name or married name is already mentioned in a note of the Duchess Wiltrud, this was taken over without examination of the same on the basis of the relevant literature. Since there was no comparable possibility of research for bourgeois wives, only in those cases in which identification was possible on the basis of notes and inscriptions of Duchess Wiltrud, the respective maiden name or married surnames were taken over without checking the information of Duchess Wiltrud. The archives of the inventory of GU 119 may only be inspected with the prior permission of the chief of the House of Urach. The finding aid book of the inventory GU 119 was completed in winter 2007. Before packing, the stock comprises approx. 13 linear metres with 1247 numbers.Stuttgart, November 2007Eberhard Merk

Urach, Wiltrud Gräfin von Württemberg
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 70 a · Fonds · 1801-1870
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The Württemberg legation in Paris was established during the final phase of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation in 1801, following the rapprochement of Württemberg to Napoleon, and existed until the outbreak of the Franco-German war of 1870/71. In the 1950s and 1960s, additional Württemberg consulates were established in Marseille, Lyon, Paris, Nice, Algiers (then French West Africa) and Mulhouse in Alsace. The records of the consulate Mühlhausen are in stock E 70 v.The records were recorded by Robert Uhland in 1949 and 1950 in a typewritten repertory, whereby already a separation from the legation files developed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took place concerning the legation in Paris (today stock E 50/12). In connection with a packaging measure, the large fascicles formed by Uhland were re-divided and the numerous slash numbers were replaced in favour of renumbering, which dispensed with the separation of tufts and (diary) volumes. in the course of work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the finding aid was transferred from the undersigned to the new finding aid system Midosa21 with the aid of OCR technology and the Scope Acceptance Assistant, and some of the title recordings were revised. The previously non-existent Index.Stuttgart was completely recreated in October 2006Johannes Renz